Page 34
Call Sign December 2011
continued from page 33
stuck inside the station. Eventually someone
there is a happy ending to this saga I will
Green or yellow?
arrives to let cabs out, but the passengers
write further to keep readers updated.
Hi Alan
Michael Lewis (Y37)
are far from happy by then. I think that if we
Having read about the furore concerning the
Call Sign has dealt with Power Pill for
pulled up on the west side of Midland Road
green and yellow stickers for all-London and
several years and never had any prob-
opposite the exit after 10.30 pm, our pas-
suburban drivers in Call Sign and with
lems until now. We tried phoning and
sengers could easily find us as we would be
Christmas approaching, I wonder if you
received no response and as a result
fully visible from bay 6. The west side of
could tell me when these stickers are
have removed their advert. My apologies
Midland Road at this point is currently
planned to go on board? They would surely
to Michael ...Ed
marked out for loading, but I don't think
remove any temptation that suburban dri-
anyone from Camden Council would object
vers may have to stray out of their area as
Westfield Stratford
at that time of night ­ it's not as though
there currently seem to be a larger than
we're talking about hundreds of cabs...
Hi Al
usual number of suspect taxis about...
Eddie Lambert (V37)
I love the mag! Is it possible that we could
David Ballard (N28)
Problem is, Eddie, that it's taken so long
have a more detailed map on the new
I still haven't heard and if it doesn't hap-
to get passengers to learn where the
Westfield at Stratford? I understand there are
pen soon, then Christmas certainly
Coach Park is ­ never mind moving it to
won't see the stickers ...Ed
three ins and outs, whereas the last map in
the outside. As I write this, Allan Evans
the trade papers wasn't very clear. Any assis-
DaC, LTPH and apps
has told me that he has finally managed
tance would be appreciated...
to contact the right person and an
Steve Denison (W65)
Hi Alan
answer should appear in this issue or
Always happy to help, Steve. See Nash's
I was wondering what LTPH would think
the next. In the meantime, see Allan's
Numbers ...Ed
about taxis displaying a radio circuit logo
report in this issue for the latest update
also having an app logo elsewhere on the
Eurostar exit
cab? Would it not confuse passengers who
Dear Alan
saw a taxi with a logo that they hadn't
New terminals...
I see from the November Call Sign that Allan
phoned, because I have already seen a DaC
Hi Alan
Evans is trying to sort out the problem of
cab with an app logo as well as the DaC
I am very much looking forward to receiv-
delays in opening the exit barrier at
ing the new computer terminal (Reflections
Eurostar. The major problem I have found is
Jon Robinson (E88)
of the Chairman, November Call Sign). I
I can't speak for LTPH, Jon, but while
when the official at the entrance barrier has
hope it will be a much easier instillation
there is uncertainty about being on DaC
gone off duty at about 22.00 and I am
with fewer wires and drilling. And when the
and also having an app, there is
locked in. I have found the solution is to
sun is shining, I won't have to use a news-
absolutely no uncertainty in the fact that
phone the security office on 020 7843 7604
paper to make a shadow, which I've found
you cannot display another logo on a
and very soon an obliging person comes
to be much worse in the Vito, having to take
DaC cab ...Ed
along  to  release  the  exit  gate.
care not to shred the wires when moving
Laurence Kelvin (W88)
Thanks Call Sign
seat. Going by what I can do on my smart-
Thanks for the phone number Laurence,
phone, it shouldn't need to be much bigger.
it could come in useful. Allan has been
Hi Al
Speaking to drivers who have teenage
trying to sort the problem out but it has
Just a note to say cheers for the moral and
children, the way they book a cab / taxi is
been far more difficult than anyone
monetary (£50) support Call Sign spon-
always via their smartphone, so I think we
thought possible! After all, I would have
sored me for in competing my 1000 push-
must catch up with the latest ways cabs are
assumed that a buzzer on the gate to a
ups and sit-ups at the Grosvenor Gardens
now being booked.
security guard with a remote control
Shelter in aid of my friend and former Dial-
A few years back, a friend who belonged
a-Cab driver `Yorkshire' Geoff Foster. Geoff
switch would not have been that diffi-
to a taxi union lent me his membership card
has had a kidney removed in a cancer oper-
cult to undertake. But just getting hold of
to get a 30% discount on my O2 tariff. It was
ation and I'm sure he will be very grateful to
someone who knows the situation has
all above board and he could share this dis-
all those who donated.
been a nightmare ...Ed
count with friends and family for up to six
Jon Trevor (W94)
times. We all need a mobile phone and with
The story of Jon's monumental task is
Eurostar late night
elsewhere inside this issue. Our best
2000 of us, there could be some dealing to
wished go our to Yorkshire Geoff ...Ed
be done. I think it would be worth paying
someone who is experienced at this sort of
Hi Alan
negotiating. The possibilities are endless.
The problem with our Eurostar waiting area
Steven Bryant (Y41)
is that usually when you get there, someone
Hi Al
No doubt you will let us know what you
is in the entry box but by the time we get
In the November Call Sign article `sitting
think when the new terminals are
PoB - around 10-15 minutes later - that per-
comfortably then we'll begin', there was
released Steven ...Ed
son has clocked off and left the waiting cabs
mention of taxi breakers in Forest Road,
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