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Call Sign December 2011
continued from page 32
serious about PH not using our vehicles
amazed that I wasn't just charged for having
Call Sign has sent an interviewer out to
(which I'm sure you are), what about
it towed away!
speak to DaC drivers whose cabs are
when you move on and a successor is
I now drive a TX4 and would have con-
approaching the 15-year mark to see
approached on the subject? My views on
sidered a Vito if it didn't just look like a
whether a gas conversion in exchange
what would happen if we began using a
minicab. Perhaps I'm just old fashioned!
for an extra 5 years is something that
vehicle previously used as a minicab
Ata Kasap (A57)
would interest them. The responses are
(Vito) have come to pass even quicker
Thanks for the views Jim and Ata.
in this issue. Meanwhile, anyone inter-
than I imagined ...Ed
Hopefully the conversion process has
ested in a conversion should contact
improved over the past ten years and I
believe it is now done on your own ...Ed
Converting 15-year
diesel engine, which should save a huge
amount. If there are any of the other 13
old taxis to gas
Where are my
drivers who converted via Camden
Dear Alan
Council still out there, please let Call
Re The MAQS Exemptions (November Call
Sign know how your cab got on ...Ed
Sign) and the possibility of gaining an extra
Dear Editor
Earlier this year I downloaded a fuel usage
5 years on top of the previous 15-year limit
And while we're on
application for my smartphone and was hor-
decreed by our Mayor, I was one of the 15
rified to discover my Metrocab 3 was aver-
drivers who in 2001 took up the offer in Call
the subject...
aging only 18MPG, so I set out to try and
Sign from Camden Council to convert my
Giving gas converted taxis an extra 5 years
improve it by giving Powerpill a try.
TX1 to Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG),
is certainly good and sensible news for
However, I had recycled my issue of Call
whilst they would pick up the cost leaving
those who have them. My old gas Metro is
Sign with their contact details, so I Googled
me to just pay the VAT. While the offer
still around. I gave it to Steve Sharpe (F34)
them and found Great!
sounded fair, the conversion was the worst
to use privately when I drive his cab to go
I set up an account with them on 1st August
day's work I have ever done.
to work. It is not licensed and unfortunately
and ordered £16 worth of Powerpills. Once
The newly converted gas cab gave me
is already 18 years old. Steve just passed his
I entered the payment part of their site, I
nothing but grief, whereas my TX1 had
was transferred to Paypal to finalise pay-
`S' reg two months ago and it still has 2 years
given me very few problems. Once convert-
ment, but all my details were way out of
left, but should anything expensive happen
ed, I kept breaking down and eventually
date and my card details needed updating
to Steve's cab (engine blows or a write off)
had to replace the head no less than three
before the purchase could be confirmed.
we could now revert back to the gas cab for
times as the makers (ECO, who are no
This is where my woes begin, because I
the remaining few years.
longer trading) claimed it was not covered
never got around to updating my cards until
I am a bit reluctant to write on a subject
by insurance because of having used the
9th August. Once completed, I clicked on
that I now know very little about. I don't
original engine block. I was lucky that M&O
the Paypal link to finish the purchase, which
even know if or who is doing any gas con-
agreed to take it in part exchange at the
was successful. I was given a unique confir-
versions on taxis. I had my conversion done
time, because its value had become totally
mation code, my credit card was duly
in 2000 and received a subsidy (although
decimated. I now have a TX4, which is total-
charged and I then waited, but no
not through Call Sign) and it still cost me
ly brilliant! Gas cabs? I wouldn't touch them
Powerpills arrived. So I emailed Powerpill
over £4500. That was without getting a spare
again with a bargepole...
and was informed that the order had been
wheel fitted onto the rear of the cab (an
Jim Smith (D09)
cancelled. On close inspection of their terms
extra £500). Without any subsidy I believe
and conditions, I read that orders automati-
that the cost would have been nearer
And another...
cally self-cancel if payment is not received
£12,000 for the conversion and a new petrol
within a short period. So again I emailed
Hi Alan
engine and accessories. I understand that
Powerpill informing them that payment was
I had one of the 15 converted gas cabs
the diesel engine will now be converted to
sent after this self-cancellation period and
organised through Call Sign in 2001 and it
gas. This would be considerably cheaper but
could they please either credit my account
was a bit of a nightmare with the engine cut-
I haven't got the foggiest idea about cost so
or send my original order. I waited and had
ting out as you went round corners. It kept
cannot comment regarding the economics of
no reply or action. Over the following
going back but was always returned with
weeks and months I tried twice more via
the same fault. It was also much more
I was extremely pleased with my conver-
email and lastly via Royal Mail, but again
expensive on fuel than I thought it would be
sion for economy, response and quietness.
with no result. I can only conclude that at
and absolutely drunk petrol (it had to have
On the negative side there was an inher-
best, their customer service department is
a new petrol engine for the conversion to
ent stalling problem, which was never
useless and at worst this site is run as a
work). There were times when it was nice to
addressed due to the poor design of the gas
scam. Therefore I would urge our drivers to
drive, but this stalling as you went round
apparatus. To this day, the stalling still exists
avoid this website.
corners totally spoiled it. I spoke to other
and the reliability is still in question - but
Of course, if you are reading this article in
drivers who'd had the conversion at the time
probably nothing that spending another
Call Sign, then maybe
and they all had the same fault. I persevered
£700 wouldn't cure!
may also read it and sort out my order. If
until 2008 when I sold it for £500 ­ I was
Steve Shaller (F34J)
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