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Call Sign December 2011
Either write to Call Sign at
Dial-a-Cab House
or email us at
I am not on Dial-a-Cab but was passed a
Bike crashes and house-
is insulting all our intelligences by even
copy of your excellent magazine by a friend
putting the subject out for discussion!
hold insurance...
on your circuit. Your editorial on cyclists
And while we're at it, let's think about
Hi Al
was excellent and I congratulate you on
this. We need to cut costs so let's convince
Re  the  incident  Stuart  Waterman
gauging the mood of the trade against those
the government to do away with the show-
(C36) had involving a bike crashing into
on two wheels who are nothing short of out-
room tax on new taxis. Let's get Boris to not
and breaking his front grille (Grilled,
right menaces.
charge us for cab licence plates for the next
November Call Sign). Around three years
I just wish my radio circuit produced a
12 months. Let's cut the Board of
ago whilst stationary, a cyclist came along
magazine as good as yours that gave drivers
Management down to five. Let's ask for
my nearside, lost her balance and scratched
a say instead of just having board members
three percent and if it all goes belly up, we
the side of my cab. Fortunately for me, she
talking about themselves.
can all nip round to the Chairman's place for
stopped and apologised and I asked if she
Tony Derek
a warm up! After all, don't you get the win-
was prepared to pay for the damage? She
Licensed taxi driver
ter fuel allowance? Then if we are really
offered me £20 but I told her it would cost
Thanks Tony. It's nice to know that Call
clever and hold onto Mr T, our fifty bob tai-
considerable more and asked if she had
Sign is appreciated. You can read every
lor / cook, in the shake-up then we can all
insurance. She replied that she only had
issue at our library on www.dac-call-
go round to his house for a bit of telly and
household insurance, which she believed ...Ed
a cooked lunch in the afternoons. He must
would cover the insurance for the bike. We
get a free TV licence by now? Then if we can
exchanged addresses; she produced proof
get Tom a caravan to live in at Canvey -
Fares increase?
of address and said she would contact me.
bingo, we can all have a free weeks holiday
At a time when there are a lot of redundan-
True to her word, she did contact me and
every five years!
cies and seeing how slow it is out there at
sent me details of her insurance company.
PS Don't you just love me, Mr Chairman?
the moment, don't you think it would do the
They required two estimates and said they
Gary Cox (046)
trade a lot of good to keep the meter the
would pay for the repair, but not for any hir-
`Mr Chairman' replies: Thanks Gary, we
way it is until things improve? Let's face it,
ing of a replacement cab or loss of earnings.
could also have an occasional trip every
the meter is good. The ranks are long, do
I accepted their offer. Whether I would have
few weeks out to visit your home in
you not you think that if we get a rise, the
got any more for loss of earnings going
papers and the public will slate us again?
through the courts, I don't know. I was just
Would it not help the BoM selling our ser-
fortunate that this young lady turned out to
PH and licensed taxi
honest and helpful.
vice if fares were kept the same? Do you
We are fortunate in this trade for the fact
think TfL cares whether customers use us or
that we can choose our working days, so I
not? We don't have the same hold over the
worked the weekend to make up for the cab
public as the train service does, so if we
Your last paragraph in From the Editors Desk
being off the road for a couple of days and
make ourselves too expensive, the public
(November Call Sign) isn't quite right. Whilst
nothing was lost.
will just stop using us and you'll see more
it is true that we did not seek to introduce
Most home insurances do cover cycles, so
and more minicabs dropping customers off
any further restrictions on what could be
if involved, it's worth pursuing.
at the stations. We should not give private
licensed as a taxi and PH in the consultation,
David Freeman (A46)
hire even more ammunition to discredit us.
we certainly haven't changed our view with
Thanks Dave, useful info than many
I fear if we go ahead with a price increase,
regards to vehicles that have been licensed
won't have known about ...Ed
it will just be another nail in our coffin.
as taxis being licensed as PH. As such, any
Keith Hancock (R47)
Concise article on
PH operator presenting an LTC vehicle
Brian Rice replies: Hi Keith, TfL are talk-
would not be licensed as PH and there are
ing about a 5.2% increase in April and
no LTC taxis, Metrocabs etc licensed as a
another 22% increase whilst the Games
PHV and they never will be.
Hi Alan
are on. I believe there should be an
I hope this clears it up.
I have just seen the latest copy of Call Sign
increase annually, however, I also
John Mason
Online (Nov 2011) and had to drop a line.
believe the above is a little high and I
Director LTPH
What you say about the menace of cyclists is
have told them that. I also believe the
I'm relieved to hear that and thank you
what I and most sensible drivers have been
majority of members will think as we
for clearing it up John. However, the
thinking for some time. A most erudite and
consultation document does not specify
concise article (as always). Congratulations...
that fact and gives the impression that
Sam Stuart (Ex-G05)
Costs and the
PH will be able to use any vehicle they
Now domiciled in Espagne
wish, so I would like to know what
Cycling down to the beach tomorrow,
would happen if John Griffin said he
Sam!! ...Ed
wanted to licence 1000 Euro V TX4s?
Dear Mr Chairman
Surely a court would say that there is no
Re the proposed 22 percent fare increase for
And more...
longer a ban on PH using any vehicle
the Olympics (Reflections of the Chairman ­
resembling a taxi? And even if you are
Dear Sir
November Call Sign), someone at LTPH
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