Page 35
Call Sign December 2011
continued from page 34
Chairman John Freeston. Hopefully Jack
Hainault. Do you have the actual address
wasn't allowed, while Addison Lee seems to
will now find his meter ...Ed
now be advertising on the car roof while
Gerry Dunn MBE (S84)
also increasing their logo size on the back
DaC Credit Union
Yep! It's Elite Taxi Garage, Unit AX,
windows. Is it now just a free-for-all?
11/17 Fowler Road, Hainault Business
Colin Jenkins (Y22)
Hi Alan
Park, IG6 3UJ. Telephone 0208 498 1910
LTPH told me that they have no restric-
Unfortunately my TX4 engine seized at
tions on taxi or PH font sizes on rear
111,000 miles so I hope if through Call Sign
windows, it's about the material used
you can please pass on my grateful thanks
and it must be translucent etc. As for
to everyone at the DaC Credit Union. Their
roof ads, there is no policy on that and
boundless energy in assisting me turned my
as such, no restrictions. If DaC wanted
stress into calm. Anybody who is not a
to advertise on the taxi roof, then they
Dear Alan
member should reconsider. On the other
could. However, as just a handful of dri-
Thanks for including my letter (Thank you
side, the total indifference shown by the
vers volunteered to fit the cash phone
for Maxine) in the November Call Sign and
LCDC was amazing. I am considering can-
number onto their door, I assume there
thanks also for your kind words. I had quite
celling my membership. There are two types
would be little interest.
forgotten that you and some others drivers
of people... those of action and those of the
Lastly, door ads on Climate Cars (and
had given so much of your time to St.
mouth. Our DaC Credit Union guys are of
Green Tomato). LTPH say they allow low
Joseph's hospice. I can remember an article
the action type.
emission PH vehicles to have such sig-
or two way back about those efforts. As for
Stephen Field (F68)
nage if they deem it appropriate. So
St. Joseph's staff being kind of founders of
Sorry to hear about the cab Stephen, but
when car companies like the above two
the MacMillan service, I was completely
your views on our credit union are
use vehicles that are said to reduce the
unaware of that.
shared by many members. I too can't
impact on the environment, limited
I could now say that I will be ferrying
understand why every single DaC driver
company specific branding is allowed.
people around local hospices myself, but
isn't in it. After all, even if you don't
LTPH do not call that advertising and
that wouldn't be true, but people's small
need a loan you have some useful sav-
they say that each request is judged on
kindnesses and consideration towards my
ings for whenever you want them. As for
its own merits. And Colin, don't forget
wife and I in recent months have made me
the LCDC, I've just seen the Chairman's
that I'm just the messenger! ...Ed
more aware of people around me and I will
Report and I think they are too busy
in future take a bit more time and trouble
chasing him to worry about you! ...Ed
Hi Alan
over neighbours and friends. So thanks
And there it
I totally disagree with higher fares during
again for your kindness.
the games. However, a fairer incentive
Incidentally, I think you are an excellent
would be a £5 surcharge to pick up
editor of the mag, fair-minded and sensible.
from official Olympic Venue ranks. This
Keep it up.
would give the Marshals a steady supply of
George Carter (T22)
Was it ever thus that we all make mistakes.
cabs without them being hailed on nearby
Thanks for the letter George. I hope you
The London Taxi Company (M&O) took a
streets and our regular customers would not
don't mind, but in remembering your
brand new TX4 for plating to SGS in
be ripped off.
daughter Maxine, I'd also like to take
Tottenham and as per procedure left the
Dave Ballard N28)
this opportunity to remember the other
vehicle parked on the forecourt with the
Anyone else have any suggestions? Call
three DaC drivers who helped both Ken
keys in the ignition for the examiner.
Sign is your mag ...Ed
Freeborn and myself for those 6 years at
A hoodie strode in and drove off with the
St Joseph's hospice but who are sadly no
cab! The insurance company have absolved
For a great deal in taxi tyres
longer with us. They were Ian Cameron,
themselves of liability and the unfortunate
Tony Jack and John Cox ...Ed
M&O driver has been relieved of his posi-
So if you see an unplated TX4 going
Austin FX4 taximeter?
cheap, think twice because it may be an
Arthur Daley special!
I am looking for an old taxi meter for my
Joseph Batty (W90)
1967 Austin FX4 here in Southern California.
Whoops! Well it had 7 miles on the
Any suggestions?
clock, so at least it wasn't new! ...Ed
Jack W. Carroll
Irvine, California
Advertising on the
I passed Jack's request over to London
Tiger Tyres
Vintage Taxi Association Chairman Doug
472 Hackney Road, E2
Cheshire and following a few quick
0207 729 5237
Hi Al
emails, Jack joined the LVTA via Call Sign
I recently noticed that Climate Cars have
reader and LVTA US Secretary/Vice
advertising on their doors, which I thought
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