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Call Sign December 2011
Hydrogen cabs ready to go?
Views on life as seen through the
eyes of David Kupler (Y74) at...
Call Sign has been told that 15 zero emission
hydrogen TX4 taxis are ready to take to
London's streets, coinciding with the UK's
first network of hydrogen fuelling stations
as they prepare to open.
The cabs, along with five hydrogen-powered
Suzuki Bergmann scooters, form part of the
Hydrogen Transport for European Cities
(HyTEC) scheme.
London Mayor, Boris Johnson told us: "I want London to
become a zero-emission city in order to deliver cleaner air and improve quality of life. It is
important that this city champions innovative new technologies to get us to this point, which is
why I am delighted that we are set to get even more hydrogen vehicles onto our streets in time
for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond. This supports my drive to promote the
uptake of cleaner vehicles such as electric cars and the new fleet of hydrogen buses running in
London, which already set industry standards."
Part-funded by the Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCHJU), this latest project will
also see the installation of an air products hydrogen fuelling station in London. This will con-
nect London's two existing fuelling stations that support its hydrogen bus fleet. It is hoped that
the project will show how hydrogen fuel can benefit London's zero emission ambition.
Diana Raine, the HyTEC European business manager added: "This new project shows
London is leading the way in establishing hydrogen transport infrastructure compared to other
environmental world cities. Creating a network of hydrogen fuelling stations will make it possi-
There's protection for the Cornish Pasty,
ble for fleets of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to run in the capital, cutting carbon emissions and
`Cos you cannot use the name,
air pollution."
But not for the London Taxi...
The vehicles and refuelling site forms part of London Mayor Boris Johnson's aim to promote
The rules just ain't the same!
zero and low emission technologies in the capital and tackle air pollution. It is anticipated the
new project will help London to develop a vital infrastructure network of hydrogen fuel cell
The French protect their Champagne,
vehicles, with many in time for the 2012 London Olympic Games.
Their Vin Blanc and Bordeaux,
The Italians their Salami...
St George cab flag
Yet the London Taxi is a no-no!
Just open Yellow Pages,
Elsewhere in this issue of Call Sign you will see an ad for
For Taxi or Taxicab,
Saint George flagnets. These magnetic flags will stick nice-
Scan that page for ages...
ly onto the back of your cab for times when you want to
It's all just minicab ads!
show your support of England ­ the Euro football champi-
onships, test matches, Wimbledon or any event where
The law says it's unlawful,
England has a team. Even perhaps for the English athletes
TfL says it too,
in the UK Olympics team! Whatever the event, a flagnet
This abuse it terms is awful...
will show who you support. And if at any time, there's
nothing happening, then you can just take it off and store
It affects me and you!
it until the next time you need it!
It's time to save our Taxi,
They cost £3.50 for a twin pack (including postage and packing) and for every pack sold, 50p will be
donated to the WCHCD to help them on next year's children's trip to the Disneyland Resort in Paris.
In name if not in deed,
Email your order to Payment is via a secure Paypal
The icon of our City...
Dies... a victim of their greed!
Both the papers and the media,
Boris reverses outsourcing plans!
cannot differentiate,
between a `pirate' and a Taxi...
London Mayor Boris Johnson has had a last minute change of mind
"They're all the same thing mate!"
on plans to transfer staff from TfL's Victoria Street headquarters up to
Coventry. The SW1 staff involved are those that licence and check
A Taxi is a Taxi,
London's taxi and private hire vehicles.
It ain't no minicab,
The decision came late on Tuesday 22 November ­ the day before
Protect your London Taxi...
a planned demo outside the offices at Windsor House Victoria Street
With all the strength you have!
by those staff facing redundancy - represented by the Transport
Salaried Staff Association (TSSA) and supported by taxi drivers in the RMT Union.
We must start an "e" petition,
Around 100 TfL staff were facing the sack if they didn't agree to transfer to a private
To preserve the TAXI name,
company in Coventry with the official reason being to save money. Boris's decision
Underline our position...
now means the jobs are safe.
TSSA leader Manuel Cortes told a Call Sign reporter: "This is very good news for all
Put the rest to shame!
our members at TfL who were facing the real prospect of losing their jobs if they refused
Ban false imitation,
to move to the Midlands. London's black cabs are famous throughout the world for the
Separate us from the rest,
service and security they provide. Staff based in Coventry would never have been able
to provide a better service."
Ensure there's limitation...
A spokesperson at Palestra, home to TfL's taxi and private car hire directorate, con-
Let's have a legal test.
firmed the plan to privatise the service had been withdrawn and added that a new
Kopyright Kupkake 2011
plan would be proposed in the New Year with the emphasis being on how the ser-
vice could be delivered in house...
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