Call Sign December 2011
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event elsewhere in this edition of Call Sign, I
concerned with the long period of time it can
would still like to thank the members who
take to leave the pick-up bay at the Eurostar
supported our Marshal (Steve) on a night
coach park, St Pancras Station. It appears that
when a number of young guys, who were
the barriers are unmanned after 11pm each
more than a little worse for wear, decided to
I initially found it difficult to contact their
cause trouble. I hasten to add they had noth-
Operation Department but eventually was
ing whatsoever to do with this high profile
given the name of the Operations Manager. I
event, but they outnumbered Steve. But with
have contacted him and await his reply. In
his professionalism and the support of you,
the meantime, I have been informed that
his fellow drivers, a situation that could have
when the barriers are down and the lights are
turned nasty was in the main prevented. Well
red, you must ring the appropriate number
done to all who helped, it was appreciated.
affixed to the barrier and you will be con-
nected to the security office who will in turn
arrange for a security guard to raise the exit
You will have seen on your terminal screens
Hello Ladies & Gents,
that due to client feedback, run-ins are being
I can understand that this takes considerable
strictly monitored. Please ensure that no more
Trouble at mill ... or
amounts of time, increasing the meter fares
than the allowed run in of £4.20 is showing on
and causing embarrassment with the client
your meter at the time of arrival and just as
the Poppy Ball!
travelling in the back of taxi. I believe Eurostar
important, at the actual booked time on pre-
are already aware of this situation and I would
The festive season is now fast approaching and
booked journeys. In this economic environ-
hope they will take time out to monitor and
the demand for our services should be at its high-
ment, it is imperative that we not only offer
furthermore reach a worthwhile solution. I
est. As with most years, there will be a number
clients high levels of service but arrive and PoB
will of course keep you updated.
of Marshalled events over this period at which
with the correct amounts showing on the meter.
we will need your usual high level of support.
All that remains is for me to wish you and
Many of you will remember helping out at
Eurostar ­ Bay 6
your loved ones a very Happy Christmas. Be
one such an event a few weeks ago ­ The
A number of drivers have contacted the Editor,
very Lucky!
Poppy Ball. Although there is mention of this
Former Dial-a-Cab driver, Bob Woodford, writes a regular column for Call Sign from his home in
Languedoc, France and his taxi somewhere in London...
My opinion, for what it's worth is to put a shift in
Personally I think there is double-danger here: If
we increase the tariff for the duration of the
- having the Games is a once in a lifetime opportuni-
Games, we will get a hiding in the media as well as
ty for London and we should really be there and
from our ordinary 'bread and butter' punters, one
available. Forget all the nonsense of complaining
of whom has already called a mate of mine an 'op-
about not being allowed to use the Olympic Route
portunist bastard'.
Network, it ain't gonna happen, it never has.
If we don't bother to work, we shall be handing
Whichever City hosts the Games has to allow a free
over the streets to private hire. There is previous by
run for the 'Olympic family'.
the way - when the entire cab trade came out on
And that is my lot on the Games!
strike in 1853. The police broke the strike by allow-
Joyeux Noel
ing unlicensed vehicles to ply for hire. It couldn't
Bob Woodford (Ex-P49)
possibly happen again... could it? Could it?
Saint Genies de Fontedit, Languedoc, France
The Olympics and the taxi trade...
This uproar generated by the Daily Mail recently
regarding the LTDA's appeal for Rate 3 fares dur-
ing the Olympics, is certainly getting tongues
On the one hand we have the disadvantage that
other businesses do not have, whereby our incomes
Preparation of wills and codicils
Advice for
are strictly limited by Parliament. Furthermore -
Elderly Client Advisers
unintentionally or not - particularly in 1973 with
Inheritance Tax/advice about trust
Lifetime tax planning
VAT and the compulsory fitting of a wheelchair
Lasting Power of Attorney
Family & Matrimonial matters
access facility in 1989, it has added to the very high
Conveyancing and all property issues
additional costs on our trade before any tax can be
reclaimed back. As individuals, we run private enter-
We rely on you to get us from A to B so you can rely on us to
prises - but under statutory control!
protect you with our legal expertise
Although the Government did allow an 11%
Contact Anna Coakes or Julian Hay on 0207 637 0661
increase in fares in 1989 to compensate for the
Or email or
additional cost, it was only 4% above the increase
To discuss Wills, Inheritance Tax planning or any of the above range of legal issues.
applied for and inflation soon eroded that
increase and the taxi trade never really caught up.
Oh yes, we've had the introduction of Rates 2
Moon Beever Solicitors
and 3 to persuade us to get out more, but that
24-25 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2PL
usually involves a combination of more drunks
Website · email:
available, coupled with unnecessary route and / or
fare disputes!
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