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Call Sign December 2011
that DVTel 9840 was merely an abbreviation
Dial-a-Cab's amazing Penalty Charge
of DVTel9840A to be `weak and unconvinc-
Notice warrior, Barrie Segal, made yet
ing'. He said he could find no reason why
another visit to the Adjudicator's "court" at
the full camera details could not appear on
the Angel recently, this time arguing against
the certification and as a result was not sat-
the validity of Westminster's CCTV cameras.
isfied that there was a VCA Approved
He went representing three DaC drivers and
Device Certificate for that particular camera.
came away with three victories!
As a result, three DaC drivers had broad
Last month's Call Sign told how on just
grins on their faces because even though
one Saturday, Barrie went with 46 DaC
DaC  would  have  paid  their  fines,
PCNs and won 43 of them ­ having decid-
Westminster's CCTV victimisation of taxis
ed that the other three were too risky and
has put that council on top of the unpopu-
should he have lost them, they could set
larity list.
precedents. With his record, that would
Barrie told Call Sign: "The fact that these
have appeared to have been unlikely any-
3 DaC cases show that Westminster Council
way, but Barrie knows every single thing
all three DaC drivers was that no VCA
does not have a valid certification for their
there is to know about appealing PCNs.
Approved Device Certificate for the particu-
cameras means that they cannot lawfully
The latest batch also took place on a
lar camera had been produced.
issue parking tickets using these cameras.
Saturday and because all three cases were
The bottom line was that Westminster's
The Council must stop using those cameras
similar, Call Sign is reporting on just one of
certificate stated "camera DVTel 9840" as
immediately and cancel all parking tickets
them. This one involved Paul Shakeshaft
the device in question whereas Mr Segal
issued as a result of their use. They should
pointed out to the Adjudicator that the cor-
also refund all parking tickets paid by
Paul has been in the magazine several
rect code was not 9840 but 9840A. A previ-
motorists who were caught believing the
times following his ongoing battles with
cameras were legal."
ous appeal had set a precedent where
Westminster parking tickets. In fact the only
Westminster Council had conceded that
If you are on a DaC trip when getting
time he has appeared when PCNs were not
without a copy of the Approved Device
a PCN (provided it isn't for parking on
mentioned was in 2004 when he completed
Certificate, there was a missing evidential
the kerb or stopping on zigzag lines),
the London Marathon!
link and that case was then withdrawn ­
then your ticket cost will be refunded,
This latest PCN went back to last
another reason why Barrie is careful not to
but if not or you are in your own car,
December. It was 08:47 at Crawford Place
then Barrie's website could well assist
set precedents!
you win your appeal. He is the
W1 and Paul received a PCN for £120 after
As a result, Adjudicator Carl Teper
founder of - the
a CCTV operator spotted Paul's cab parked
allowed the appeal put forward by Barrie
only website in the world where you
in a restricted street. We all know what
Segal and cancelled the Penalty Charge
can appeal your parking ticket online
Westminster mean by parked, but that is
Notice and the Notice to Owner. He added
in 41/2 minutes.
irrelevant in this case. Barrie Segal's case for
that he found Westminster's explanation
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