September 2015
In 2008, DaC drivers questioned
Boris Johnson on his plans for
the following 8 years should he
become Mayor. So how many of
his ‘promises’ became fact???
Call Sign September 2015
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
Eurostar timetable, valid until 12 December 2015. Only of use for drivers without a smartphone!
Call Sign September 2015
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
Uber, corruption and Mr Yew…
circuit in addition to Mountview that might ben-
I must tell you, I had a real shock last month. The
efit from an amalgamation. Whichever company
August Call Sign had just come out and I was
it is, we can’t hang around forever because out-
glancing through an Australian taxi mag where
side forces are gathering...
the name Uber was mentioned at least once on
every page, while our own Transport for
London was given several honorary mentions for
If you have been using the internet for some time,
licensing more private hire cars in a month than
you will recognise the scams and dodgy websites
there were sheep in New Zealand!
that seem to regularly arrive along with your
I was also glancing at Bloomberg’s excellent
emails. I have been online since 1988 when Dick
on-line facility where the story was of Uber
Kawadler, a friend in Las Vegas who edited their
Technologies facing a lawsuit from the GMB
Trip Sheet magazine, got me an email address.
union, who claimed the app service didn’t ensure
Even at my tender years with a young and fresh
minimum wages or paid holidays for its drivers.
brain, I could never remember it because it con-
The suit could include allegations of health and
sisted of nine numbers followed by
safety violations, according to law firm Leigh Day Unfortunately, the only other peo-
who are scheduled to represent the GMB union.
ple I knew with email - still called electronic mail
I followed that by looking at some UK daily
27 years ago - were Dick Kawadler and Board
newspapers where the word ‘corruption’ was
Member of the time, Steve Sanders. After a while
sitting in the page one headlines. Those sto-
Seven of the eight cyclist fatalities this year
we ran out of things to say and a phone call
ries turned out to be UK Prime Minister David
have involved a lorry, which is probably dispro-
became quicker!
Cameron speaking at the Lee Kuan Yew
portionate in representing cycling accidents in
In 2004, I became
School of Public Policy in Singapore and giv-
London. The question is whether all London’s
when personalised addresses finally came along.
ing details of how he planned to address cor-
road users should be the ones who suffer or
A few more drivers had joined the revolution,
ruption in the UK.
should concerned cyclists go on a free course,
although not many. Soon after, AOL took over
He spoke of Singapore’s first PM, Lee Kuan
because there is no doubt that thousands of the
Compuserve but wasn’t avail-
Yew and how he had successfully tackled corrup-
two-wheel users do not have a clue about cycling
able, so ever since then we have been callsign-
tion over there and how it was important that the
proficiency, just as I have no doubt that at least
UK made sure corruption over here did not
once a day - and probably many times more -
Now in 2015, a majority use email, Twitter,
become endemic. We apparently have some
taxis, lorries and buses have a cyclist trying to
Instagram et al but with the progress has come a
£48billion laundered each year - much of it via
pass them on the inside even though they have a
new danger - financial scams. We’ve all had emails
property deals. Mr Cameron said that most
left indicator flashing.
that you know don’t really come from the person
important elements of a rules-based world order
Had I not been away, I wouldn’t have bothered
they purport to be from because they just consist
were “...a commitment to transparency and to
going out that day, but not everyone has the
of a website and a signature that isn’t how the
tackling corruption.”
choice. As one of many drivers with similar stories,
‘sender’ would normally sign themselves. Some
So why did I have a shock? Well for one brief
told me:
“The RideLondon route was from
just take you to a site that sells drugs, while others
moment I had mixed the two up and for that sec-
Olympic Park to Surrey and back. Once they set off
tell you that your internet access has run out and
ond or three thought that TfL had been found to
from Stratford, you couldn’t cross the route. I was
that clicking the given link will help - it won’t but
have been involved in a corruption deal with
at the Gloucester Road junction with Cornwall
it will help the sender get details from you that
Uber! Perish the thought! The human mind eh?
Gardens and needed to get to Pimlico. The cycle
you wouldn’t want them to know. Some even tell
Who’d have one!
marshal told me my options were to go over
you about a large sum of money that could come
Hammersmith Bridge and come back around or to
your way... just tell them your bank details and
go to Stratford and come around the Olympic
they’ll put the money in for you! And some do tell
I was sunning myself away from London on the
Village! Although no bikes were in sight, he refused
them! Or you may have won a lottery that you
weekend of August 2/3 and so missed the rather
to let me quickly nip across Cromwell Road even
never actually went in for. A miracle no less!
inaptly named RideLondon. According to the
though there were few cars around either.”
But recently - and for the first time - a scammer
multitude of Dial-a-Cab drivers that phoned me
So that begs the question: Why are motorists
actually phoned my mobile to ask whether I had
during my break, riding around may have satisfied
treated as second class citizens compared to
received an email that informed me about a pur-
the 70,000 or so cyclists that took advantage of the
cyclists? Why do cyclists need lanes that are caus-
chase I had supposedly made to an online com-
‘no motor vehicles’ weekend, but for taxi and
ing so much disruption to motorists, who then in
puter gaming company. The email had all the
lorry drivers who needed to work - well sorry
turn increase air pollution, which motorists -
markings of a scam (click the link for details etc),
pals, but you couldn’t because TfL - in the shape
especially taxi drivers - are then blamed for? Only
but when a phone call follows claiming to come
of the soon-to-be ex-Mayor, Boris Johnson - once
TfL knows…
from a fraud detection company, for one brief sec-
again gave priority to cyclists. This follows onto
ond I thought my bank account had been com-
the four consecutive Sundays where all motorised
promised. I told the caller to call me back when I
vehicles were banned from Regent Street, there-
Although many drivers I speak to seem to assume
got home. I checked my bank account immedi-
by saying that while London’s taxis have to be
that I know what is happening re any mergers,
ately. Nothing had been taken and my scam sus-
wheelchair accessible, those actually in said
the answer is that I don’t, other than seeing the
picions were true.
wheelchairs can’t use their day off to visit one of
mag several days before anyone else does! So
The caller’s number had come up on my
London’s two main shopping streets in a taxi.
although I’ve read the article inside this issue
phone, so I put it into Google to see what type of
However, all isn’t lost because TfL and the
from Jon Tremlett and Brian Rice, that is all I
company it was, only to discover that it was
Met celebrated what they called a “road safe-
know. But that doesn’t mean I do not have my
indeed a scam with many others also having
ty milestone” as the 20,000th person took
own views.
received the call. I informed the real internet
part in the joint-funded Exchanging Places
When my son Reed died, I had amazing support
fraud squad
(Action Fraud) and blocked the
initiative. The milestone was reached during
from the drivers and Board Members of DaC. I also
caller’s number (0207 523 0121). Not long after,
the Prudential RideLondon cycling festival
had a lovely message from RTG CEO, Geoffrey
I received another call, this time it came up as a
where 1,200 were given tips for staying safe
Riesel, who without me asking offered the services
Freephone number, but there was no mistaking
on the road.
of Mountview’s terminals to pass along any mes-
the similarity (0800 072 5230). I blocked that
Exchanging Places is a road safety educational
sages etc. Mr Riesel was also one of the huge num-
number too and haven’t heard since.
event run by the MPS Roads and Transport
ber at Reed’s funeral. All that meant a lot to me and
Modern technology is incredible, but it brings
Policing Command’s Cycle Safety team that
is something I will always remember.
real risks with it. Just be careful and remember
allows members of the public to sit in the driver's
However, I have a sneaking suspicion that his
that very little in this world is for nothing and if
seat of a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) to gain a
organisation are playing for time for whatever
it’s offered to you, it’s probably a scam.
better understanding of what the driver can and
reason, so that personal view I mentioned earli-
can't see. Drivers are also invited to sit on a bike
er is that while I agree with Brian Rice in this
Alan Fisher
alongside an HGV to understand the cyclist’s view
issue that there are too many circuits, I think we
of the road.
should bear in mind that there is also another
Call Sign September 2015
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
the Mayor, TfL or LTPH have the power to do
anything else.
I have written in the past of the number of
However, there is a solution to the problem,
Consultation documents Transport for
one I have written of before. That is that TfL
London produce online and of course any-
should invoke the part of the 1998 Act which
one can participate in any particular
states that a Private Hire driver should undergo
Consultation, while stating their view of the
a topographical Knowledge. That clause was
proposal that is put before them. It can be an
not part of the original act, but some of us in
organisation or indeed an individual and of
this trade lobbied really hard to get the clause
course all views are taken into account.
inserted. We were successful and succeeded
Unfortunately, the taxi industry is sadly
with our proposal, however, TfL have never
notorious regarding apathy and we never
tested PH drivers on their KoL. We never envis-
seem to do too much - except moan amongst
aged that a PH driver should attain the same
ourselves! We tend to leave it to others to fight
standard as a London Taxi driver, but should be
our corner and just hope that those “others”
aware of some hospitals and stations etc.
will put their head above the parapet to save
The thinking behind it was to ensure the
us having to do it ourselves. Is it because we
Private Hire licences
applicant could read and write English, an
don’t care or that we just can’t be bothered?
I recently saw some figures for part of
ingredient which should be paramount when
I recently received an email from TfL
July/August regarding the number of Private
transporting members of the public and also
regarding a Consultation document they put
Hire licences that have been issued. The fig-
to stop PH licences being issued like confetti,
out earlier in the year; it referred to the pro-
ures are quite staggering and they just cannot
as indeed they are at the present time. Any
posed East/West Cycle Superhighway and
be allowed to continue or our trade will be
topographical knowledge requirement is cur-
concerned the route it will take through
swamped. Bear in mind there are 83,000 mini-
rently administered by the Operator, who the
Hyde Park.
cabs out there and TfL are issuing licences at
Private Hire driver takes his work from. We
I assumed that TfL had emailed me their
the rate of approximately 600 per week, yes
can but wonder how many do not reach the
findings because I responded to the original
600 per week! For the week ending 13 July,
required standard in the Operator’s eyes -
Consultation document, not just on behalf of
640 were issued, 20 July saw 596 issued, 27
not many... if any!
July another 607 issued, whilst 3 August saw
What is blatantly obvious is that LTPH cannot
Dial-a-Cab but also as an individual, a sce-
another 652 minicab licenses issued.
keep issuing 2,500 licences during the course
nario that is of course open to anyone.
Even the Mayor has admitted there are too
of a month; they must take steps to bring the
I found the results of the Consultation
many minicabs in London causing unaccept-
quite staggering, but not particularly surpris-
Topographical testing of Private Hire drivers in-
able congestion on the roads and of course,
house if they wish to retain the London Taxi
ing. By their own admission, TfL had contact-
extra pollution. He’s now said there should
trade as we know it - and they need to act now
ed 45,000 individuals and organisations
be a cap on licences issued. I think the
before it’s too late.
known to have an interest in the project, but
phrase is locking the stable door after the
We are being inundated with Private Hire
of course anyone can participate by just visit-
horse has bolted; however, I don’t believe the
and TfL need to stem the tide; they must
ing the TfL website.
Mayor has the power to actually achieve it
invoke the Topographical knowledge for
From the 45,000 contacted, our licens-
anyway. I believe that once a minicab driver
Private Hire now - not only will it stop us
ing authority received 670 responses - I’ll
possesses all the criteria required, then LTPH
being overrun, it will also produce a far bet-
repeat that just in case anyone thinks it’s
do not have any alternative other than to
ter Private Hire driver.
a typo. For this vitally important
issue a licence. There is a very similar situa-
Consultation that has, and will further
tion in our trade and that is when a KoL stu-
Brian Rice
affect this trade so greatly, just
dent reaches the required standard, a badge
responded out of a total contacted by TfL
has to be issued. As I’ve said, I don’t believe
of around 45,000!
Can I also say that of those 670, my guess
is that the majority will have come from the
cycling fraternity because out of those 670
responses, 79% were either in favour or par-
tially in favour of the recommendations. TfL
did take into account suggestions made by
the respondents, one of which was that
Unit 10, Ford View Industrial Estate, 83 New Rd Rainham, RM13 8ET
cyclists will be provided with their own dedi-
cated signal phase to travel southbound out
Tel: 01708 553037
of Hyde Park through the junction of West
Carriage Drive and South Carriage Drive.
You have to, of course, assume that sugges-
tion came from the cycling lobby.
TX1 servicing from £48
TX1s, TX2s, TX4s and Vitos
Whether you agree or not with the Cycle
TX2 servicing from £70
Rentals from £165 per week
Superhighway, I think you have to agree that
TX4 servicing from £90
670 responses from all parties is pretty deriso-
All Work Undertaken
ry when you consider there are 25,000 taxi dri-
vers alone. But I suppose we will now go back
Servicing - Running Repairs - Overhauls - Small Fleets Welcome - Discounts Available
All TX1, TX2, TX4
to what we do best and that is leave it to oth-
ers... and then complain about the outcome.
Starters - Batteries - Alternators - All with 2 year Warranty
However, for those who are interested,
work on West Carriage Drive should have
Fax: 01708 551443
begun by the time you read this
Call Sign September 2015
Page 5
VJ Day and London taxi drivers
Saturday 15 August was a
strange day. It was the 70th
anniversary of VJ Day - the day
in 1945 when Emperor Hirohito
made a recorded radio address
announcing the surrender of
Japan to the Allies. This followed
the detonation of the two atom-
ic bombs by the Americans - the
first on Hiroshima with a second
three days later on Nagasaki. It
was estimated that around
250,000 people died in both
Japanese foreign minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signs the surrender document 70
years ago
blasts with many more over the
following years from sicknesses
describing the experience of picking up
came from Jim Thomas, known by many as
caused by radiation. As a result,
the Vets as “humbling.”
Thomas the Taxi. He wrote:
Passengers such as 90 year old Gordon
“Emotional day today watching the VJ
the day was more of commemo-
Spong and fellow Vet George Palmer were all
service. Thinking about Uncle Fred and
ration than celebration.
full of praise for the black cab drivers, some
his brother-in-law Ted whose war carried
Hundreds of taxi drivers made them-
adding that without them they wouldn’t have
on a long 4 months till August 1945, while
selves available at railway stations, taking
managed to get to the Parade ground.
brothers Ronnie, Lesley, George, Bobby
the Veterans and their families to
It made a change to see this trade given
and brother-in-law Ernie were safely get-
Horseguards free of any charge and for
some credit for something it does through-
ting on with their lives after their war fin-
once - although no drivers did it for pub-
out the year anyway with so very little pub-
ished in the May. But by the grace of God,
licity - both BBC and ITV made the driver’s
licity, and to those many drivers that took
all were returned to the bosom of their
efforts as their headlines. Drivers were
part and indeed to organisers the London
interviewed, with one, David Hempstead -
Taxi Benevolent Association for War
I was so proud of my Taxi colleagues
vice Chairman of organisers The London
Disabled, well done.
who today stepped up to the mark. Many
Taxi Benevolent Association for War
Many drivers had their own personal memo-
drivers answered the call, gave up working
Disabled - hitting the mark exactly when
ries. One touching message regarding the day
and generously gave a free service, picking
up and taking home the Veterans of the
forgotten Army. God bless you all.”
David Lammy brings taxis
In the meantime, the Daily Mail on the
Monday following the commemoration lam-
basted South West Trains because on the day
into Mayoral debate
when so many Veterans wanted to travel to
The four leading contenders to be Labour's candidate
London to pay their respects, the train com-
for next May’s Mayoral election, when Boris Johnson
pany suspended their usual cheap ticket
will step down and concentrate on his other job as
option that offered £20 return trips to the
Conservative MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, took
capital and forced those going by train to pay
part in an LBC debate recently chaired by Iain Dale.
the full fare - which cost many substantially
The four were Tessa Jowell, Diane Abbott, Sadiq
more. The train company weakly claimed it
was for “safety reasons,” while the Chief
Khan and David Lammy.
Executive of the Veterans Association UK,
The one-hour debate, led by listener’s ques-
Tony Hayes, called the decision “mean” and
tions, covered several topics and gave one of
pointed to London Taxi drivers who ferried
the four, David Lammy, the chance to bring up
the Vets free of charge...
the subject of London taxis, private hire, Uber
and TfL.
He began by saying that Sir Peter Hendy, who recently moved from TfL to the
Call Sign
railways, had a lot to answer for over the way he had treated black cabs and for the
September 2015
licensing of private hire, which he said had gone from 53,000 up to 77,000. He cited the
Editor: Alan Fisher
increased congestion and added that anyone could now go and become an Uber driver.
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
Mr Lammy then went on to criticise Uber for “not paying any taxes” and spoke of
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
“real issues” he had with the app over their poor safety record and “horrible issues
around homophobia.” He said that every major city licenses those that can run private
hire vehicles properly, but that London had failed in that.
Printers: Premier Print Group
He said that had he been London Mayor at the time, he would have called for a Judicial
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
Design: Aldan Publications
Review to challenge Uber in the same way that the Mayor of Paris had done. He went on
Tel: 07958 300 428
to call it an outrage that we needed to protect “the institution that is the black cab.”
Mr Lammy said that he had visited a Knowledge of London school and referred to
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
that as a fantastic experience, one that inspired him to want to bring back more night
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
schools to London so that people could get more skills, enabling them to earn a better
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
either manually or electronically without the express
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign September 2015
Page 6
Jery’s World
“I don’t care what Boris says pal; his emissions policy doesn’t hold a candle to my gas masks idea!”
Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers
Following their unveiling of a new orchard at the Royal Docks Community School in
Newham (July Call Sign), the WCHCD in the form of current Master Malcolm Paice along
with Past Master and school Governor Andrew Overton, attended the school’s Year 11
Achievement Awards ceremony. This marks the end of the Year 11 pupil’s time at the school
before they move onto sixth form colleges or into apprenticeships or work.
A range of awards marking academic achievements as well as scholarships and bursaries
were presented. A number of musical interludes in the ceremony showed off the remarkable
musical talent the school fosters.
Each year the WCHCD makes a financial contribution to the school and this year the
donation went towards a permanent trophy, which will be engraved each year with the
names of the winners of the outstanding academic achievement award. The school has a
growing collection of trophies and the WCHCD trophy will form part of this impressive tally
in the school’s main lobby. In addition, the five winners of the outstanding academic
achievement award each receive a smaller replica of the main trophy as well as their
achievement certificate.
The Royal Docks Community School is proud of its highly diverse student population and
the school has worked hard to create a facility that also teaches a large number of pupils
with physical and sensory impairments, some of whom have profound learning difficulties.
The WCHCD outstanding academic achievement award recognised this, with two of the
five recipients coming from a special educational needs and profound learning difficulties
WCHCD Master, Malcolm Paice, gave an address at the ceremony and told the
assembled students, parents and tutors that the school was incredibly exciting and full of
confident, talented individuals.
“You should be proud of the talent being nurtured here and the opportunities created. The WCHCD is very proud to
support the school and this award for outstanding academic achievement marks our long term commitment to supporting
the school and those who study here.”
Call Sign September 2015
Page 7
Matthew Rye (B99) admitted to
Call Sign that he had never done
it himself, but quickly went on to
Keeping It Dry!
explain what he actually meant!
“In an attempt to reduce my taxi operat-
ing costs and the inevitable ‘down time’
involved when dealing with third parties, I
decided I would try to put my one year old
TX4 through its annual re-licencing proce-
dure myself. But I wasn’t really sure about
the wisdom of steam-cleaning the engine
bay given the electronics in close proximi-
ty, which is why I put out a fleet message
hoping to glean some advice. That advice
was that the electronics could be at risk of
damage due to water penetration, so
The arrows show where water can get
although I was trying to reduce expenses, I
into an alternator - that could then cost
became concerned that I could end up with
you £350 to replace!
a hefty bill for electronic component
repairs. That would have been rather iron-
tronic components should be protected from
option was the method chosen by Matthew.
ic,” Matthew said with a grin.
the ingress of water by covering them with
“I wiped the engine bay with an old shirt
He recalled a previous cab where water had
plastic sheeting such as a carrier bag or other
and then washed the cab before taking it to
got into the electronic circuits, causing numer-
waterproof material, and any water / steam
NSL Crayford, where it passed first time. I
ous dash lights to flash on and off. He said it
jet spray should be used with caution, avoid-
was out in 90 minutes, plates on cab and
reminded him of a pin-ball machine but lucki-
ing directly aiming the water flow towards the
back at work. Total bill was £105 including
ly for him, it all dried out and worked ok. But
taxi’s components.
£7 for the cab wash, so I’m well pleased as
it gave him a scare, he admitted.
Proprietary chemicals such as Gunk or other
I’ve paid £1500.00 in past years! I’m not
“With this cab, I had the brakes checked
similar products can be applied to specific
sure about next year, as the cab will be that
out by my service agent a few days before
areas with the aid of a paintbrush or aerosol
much older of course! I accept that doing it
my NSL appointment and was looking to
can and then gently washed away, but the
yourself is not everyone’s cup of tea, but
clean the cab up myself and make it pre-
watchword is always to use it with extreme care.
I’m delighted that I did it,” a happy Matthew
sentable before actually presenting it in
Alternatively, you can use a piece of cloth
soaked in your chosen product to wipe surfaces
As with anything involving electricity or
by hand, thereby avoiding the possibility of dam-
Alan Green (E53)
electronics, keeping moisture at bay is the key
aging delicate electronic components through
to success. Where vehicles are involved, elec-
water being splashed indiscriminately. That last
Call Sign Online
Call Sign September 2015
Page 8
Adam meets a hero...
Dial-a-Cab driver Adam McGann
you had the Burma Star or Pacific Star and
obviously he didn't have one of these as he
(J09) didn’t mince his words
had been in Germany. The staff organising the
when talking about his taxi pas-
ceremony were very good and explained to
senger, Tommy Coupe.
him that unfortunately he couldn't have a pass
“In Tommy, I met a true hero. I had been sit-
to get onto Horseguards, but he would be
ting on the rank at Euston when I was called
more than welcome to go and watch from St
over by the station staff to help a gentleman
James Park or Whitehall. Tommy then asked
who needed mobility assistance. His name
me to take him back to Euston as he had a
was Tommy Coupe, he had been a private in
meeting in Glasgow later that day before mak-
the East Lancashire Regiment and had
ing his way home that night to Blackpool!
taken part in the D Day landings in 1945
On getting back to Euston, I contacted the
when just 19 years of age. He had been told
station staff and arranged for them to collect
before the landing that he would have a life
him with their mobility buggy, but while wait-
expectancy of just 3 weeks and had only been
ing with Tommy we had a very enjoyable chat
in France for 30 minutes when he was pro-
until they station staff collected him from my
moted to corporal due to all the fatalities.
Taxi. Tommy tried to give me some money,
There had been 120 men in his platoon; just
but I politely refused and thanked him for
18 survived.
allowing me the honour of running him
Just four weeks after landing in
round London for an hour and for him shar-
Tommy Coupe
Normandy, he was captured and sent to
ing his stories with me. What a great, great
Belsen concentration camp in Germany,
ed VJ day pass for last month’s ceremony at
where he witnessed the most appalling
Horseguards, but on getting Tommy to
Adam McGann (J09)
atrocities imaginable.
Horseguards and checking with security, it
He had come to London to get an accredit-
turned out that you could only get a pass if
Call Sign Online
Taxi Driver Of The Year Dinner and Dance
‘ Remembering those less fortunate than ourselves’
The Taxi Driver of the Year Charity Fund presents their Annual Dinner and Dance on Saturday 7th November 2015
It will be held at the: The Holiday Inn Regents Park, Carburton Street, London W1W 5EE
Reception 6.15pm for 6.45pm dinner. The cost of tickets has been held at last year’s prices: £65.00 per head. As
usual, tickets will include an excellent four course meal with half a bottle of wine per person and of course the
evening is complemented with dancing to an excellent live band.
With your support, The Taxi Driver of the Year Charity Fund is able to make
substantial donations to the taxi trade charities that support them. Don’t be the
one to miss this great night out; come along to the Holiday Inn Regents Park
and enjoy the good food and great company
This event will prove to be an enjoyable and memorable occasion for all.
Please complete and return the form together with your cheque made out to TDYCF
to: Russell Poluck MBE (Hon Chairman)
5 St Brides Avenue, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 6BT
RSVP by 12th October 2015. Please print and make cheque out to TDYCF
Brian and Brenda Rice at last year's event
Company (if applicable):
Number of tickets:
Dietary requirements:
□ Fish
□ Meat
Dress smart
For further information, contact Russell Poluck: 07850 056 765 • Tel/fax 020 8952 1357
Email: • Website:
Registered with the Charities Commission No: 1000761
Call Sign September 2015
Page 9
Ronnie Welch (M42) has been on
Dial-a-Cab for eight years and
Moral support from a
appreciates the link it gives with
other drivers.
DaC driver…
“I suppose it’s a bit like a club,” he told Call
Sign when explaining to this magazine
the English language was less than fluent so I
about a rather unpleasant run-in with an
couldn’t really understand all he said. But I
Uber driver.
got the gist of it from his attitude and body
“I could write what I think of Uber drivers
language! He really looked threatening.
on the back of a postage stamp and still
“But just then, like the cavalry charging to
have room over, but perhaps not in a fami-
the rescue, another Dial-a-Cab driver who
ly magazine!” Ronnie smiled briefly, but
had been on the hotel rank came to my aid
that soon vanished as he thought back to the
with some welcome moral support. He had
day in question.
witnessed the scene, heard the Uber driver
“I was close by the Thistle Hotel in
shouting and remonstrated with this idiot
Bryanston Street, Marble Arch and trying
who was still blocking the road that he should
to get to Portman Street. The road is both
move his car to allow everyone to pass. By this
narrow and often busy with traffic, but this
time a crowd had gathered, yet it was only my
Uber driver was parked in the middle of the
DaC colleague who was prepared to offer
roadway and fiddling with his SatNav, self-
support and defuse the situation!”
ishly blocking the street completely. I asked
Ronnie ended by telling us that he didn’t
him politely to move so as to let me and other
really get a chance to say a proper ‘thank
traffic get past, but instead of moving he just
you’ at the time as it was all over in seconds,
hurled abuse at me. I asked him again to just
but he did ask for a fleet message to go out
move over because he was obstructing the
which offered his thanks.
traffic, but all I got in return was more abuse
“But hopefully that driver will see this in
and no movement of the car.
Call Sign and understand my gratitude
“Then he actually got out of the car and
during a fairly harassing moment,” Ronnie
came towards me; he was mumbling in an
Ronnie was grateful for the moral sup-
aggressive manner although his command of
port of another DaC driver
Call Sign Says
Stories like the above are becoming
Barrie Segal’s Quick Guide to
more and more common. So is it not
about time that Transport for London
Fight Your Parking Ticket!
got off their high horse and stipulated
that all PH drivers must at least have a
mastery of the English language so that
Chartered Accountant, parking
when their SatNavs lose the signal, they
ticket expert, founder of parking
can at least ask someone where they are
rather than threaten violence. Mind you,
ticket websites
this Uber driver sounds like a charmer
compared to many others from an oper-
Barrie Segal has published a
ation that TfL is obviously happy to
licence ...Ed
new Kindle book: Barrie Segal’s
quick guide to fight your
parking ticket.
Immaculate White
If you have ever received an unfair
parking ticket, penalty charge notice or
Cab Available for
had your vehicle clamped or towed away,
you will know how frustrating it is and how hard it is to fight back.
Fighting your parking ticket was an uphill battle... until now!
Barrie Segal, the UK's leading parking ticket expert brings his years of knowledge
and expertise to show you how to fight your parking ticket and win. Sir Bob Geldof,
Richard Hammond and Richard and Judy are just some of the people who have
praised Barrie's expertise.
This Kindle book shows you all the pitfalls to avoid and explains in easy to
understand language what to do at every stage of a parking appeal - from
what to do when you first get a parking ticket all the way through to the final
appeal stage - an appeal to the Parking Adjudicator. It also explains what to do
and how to appeal if your vehicle has been clamped or towed away.
The detailed index makes it easy to quickly find any subject you want with just one
click. Most importantly, the book contains detailed appeal templates based on review-
ing more than 60,000 parking tickets and 7,000 Parking Adjudicator cases. So if you
want to fight your parking ticket, this is the only e-book you will ever need. Don't wait
- buy this book and fight back now!
Female driver
Former Call Sign writer and DaC parking expert Barrie says: “The parking ticket
10% reduction for Dial-a-Cab drivers
appeal process is not only a minefield, but is weighted against the motorist. My book
Contact Debbie (W18) on
shows members of the public how to fight their unfair parking tickets and level the
playing field...
07956 317040
Call Sign September 2015
Page 10
With Tom Quigley (Y33)
KoL written exam (All London)
Another nail in the
KoL - One-off Appearance £400.00
Issue of Licence fee £192.00
After Call Sign exclusively revealed that
DSA Hackney Carriage Test £100.00
proposals were being reviewed to make
Wheelchair test £50.00
motorbikes and scooters pay the conges-
These costs don’t take into account the
tion charge therefore increasing the cost
costs of buying a vehicle, fuel, etc or the
for Knowledge students, a further devel-
time and loss of potential earnings, mem-
opment has occurred and again Call
bership to a school, the costs of Bluebook
Sign can exclusively report that if you
runs, cross sections, apps, point sheets,
have a relative on, or even thinking of
pens and paper etc. We’ve all been there.
going on the Knowledge, tell them to act
To join a local dedicated school will cost
quickly as the cost of the Compulsory
circa £50 a month for probably around 18
Basic Training (CBT) test on a motor-
months, without any financial help from
bike is going up.
government agencies.
As of December this year the test will
The whole of Britain was up in arms
be made harder as well as more expen-
students or a subsidy at least from TfL, as
about student loans at universities, yet
sive. There will be mandatory theory tests
at the moment the costs is spiralling for
Knowledge students will pay more in
as well as practical tests, fewer learning
this group of people.
financial and family terms, but they are
sites able to do the test in as they will
a silent few. No wonder when we get
have to be approved by the DSA under
our Badge, we are rarely silent!
Knowledge costs
the new legislation. You will also have to
We’re all aware of the ease of other PHVs
demonstrate knowledge regarding road
and apps to get into our trade with very
And for those going
legislation and maintenance, in addition
few costs and even fewer standards, so
on the KoL...
to knowing about the upkeep of the bike
maybe it’s time to give an insight into pre-
or scooter. Prices are expected to be in
The Knowledge school I run is doing well.
sent day costs that Knowledge students
excess of £250.
We have good students, very good banter
are paying and therefore I expect and
The planning is to bring legislation into
and they are getting good averages on
hope to be supported and protected by
practice due to the number of 16 to 26
their Appearances. If any Dial-a-Cab dri-
legislation from TfL.
year olds having accidents whilst on ‘L’
ver knows someone looking at going on
This is a small breakdown of costs for
plates. The best advice I can give is to get
the KoL or for a KoL school and they are
students, just to keep you updated...
a CBT booked before December, even if
in the Chingford or local Essex area, feel
Initial application £80.00
it’s not due! Hopefully, that will then last
free to give me a call on 07984 444 590.
DBS application £56 .85
till the end of their Knowledge days.
Post Office Check/Send £7.15
Tom Quigley
My own opinion is that although we
Medical Payable to GP (variable) ????
Call Sign Online
obviously want fewer accidents for all
road users, the reality is that if something
becomes too expensive and harder to
pass, many will be tempted to not even
bother doing the test and start using
someone else’s bike! With a depleted
police force already under severe pres-
376 Strand, WC2
sure, it will be very difficult to recognise
a non-qualified rider with a helmet and
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
balaclava on as it’s the bike that will be
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
on Number Plate Recognition (NPR) and
not the rider. Also, the policy is not to
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
pursue riders on bikes due to fear of acci-
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
On another note for the powers-to-be
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
who hope to decrease congestion, have
they realised that if they do make the CBT
so expensive and difficult, the majority of
We are certain that you will be delighted
law abiding commuters who use motor-
bikes - and now Knowledge students -
will look for an alternative and opt to buy
a Smart car, fully licensed, congestion
charge free, safer and less expensive to
run. The only thing is that Smart Cars
take up more road space, increasing con-
gestion and delays and increasing emis-
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
It would seem once again that the hon-
Salieri Restaurant
est motorist and in particular this time
the Knowledge student and the future of
376 Strand, WC2
this trade, will be penalised the most. I’ve
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
been in touch with my trade organisation
to lobby for an amnesty for Knowledge
Call Sign September 2015
Page 12
• B O O K R E V I E W
• B O O K R E V I E W
• B O O K R E V I E W
here was a time long ago when
just one book on the London taxi
trade saw the light of day; that was
Anthony Armstrong’s light heart-
ed look at our business with TAXI! But he
Where to Guv?
wrote that in
1929 with Hodder and
The complete history of the British Taxi service (Danny Roth)
Stoughton putting it out one year later.
Happily, there have been quite a num-
a taxi service! He doesn’t mention if they
ber of fascinating books added in later
went south of the Nile, before quickly
years thanks to authors such as Bill
moving on to the 1600s and the genuine
Monroe and the late Phil Warren who
beginnings of the London taxi trade. I
was on ODRTS for many years as A08.
have to take it that Danny’s facts are
Between the two of them, they have put
indeed factual, but they most certainly are
out a complete history and of course Bill
written in an easy to understand and
is still doing so.
indeed entertaining way rather than as a
But what we’ve only had once was a
set of figures.
book on taxis by a non-taxi driver. That
That’s the vein throughout the book as
was Nick Georgano who penned The
he covers the Victorian era, moving
History of the London Taxicab 43 years
through the early 1900s, two wars and
ago, before putting out a sort of follow-up
onto minicabs and the present day.
to the
1972 book in 2000 with The
Having said that, there are a number of
London Taxi before then returning to his
pages at the end of the book detailing
first love of motor cars.
everything from cab driver’s lingo to
So the time is probably ripe for
where our watering holes are!
another non-taxi driver to write a his-
But the bulk of Danny Roth’s book con-
tory of taxis - and you’d have to say
sists of interesting and often entertaining
that for something many still rather
father-in-law, Lawrence Grant, who died
text and technical details about taxis and
strangely consider to be a secret soci-
in 2005. He was almost universally known
taxi drivers and it is well worth a read...
ety, Danny Roth’s Where to Guv: The
in the trade as Pebbles. The book is dedi-
Where to Guv, The complete history
Complete History of the British Taxi
cated to his memory.
of the British Taxi service (The History
Service makes a pretty good job of it.
As for the book itself, unlike most others
Danny’s only real link to taxis - other
on the subject, Danny briefly goes back to
Kindle Edition £18.99
than being a passenger - was his late
ancient Egypt when boats were providing
Hardcover £19.99
Save Our Black Taxis
Peaceful Demo
I would be
grateful if you
would please
publicise the
details of our
next demo
for cabbies, their
families and
trade supporters
to attend on
Saturday 5
Downing Street.
Artemis Mercer
Call Sign September 2015
Page 13
Joe Brazil asks a
simple question.
Plying for hire; when
did it all begin?
Court to Prosecutor: “Are you sure that is
the man that you delivered to the watch-
There seems to be an inordinate amount of con-
fusion regarding the term plying for hire; this
“I am and I can positively swear that every
confusion seems to begin and end in the law
word the coachman has uttered is false; he says he
courts, but as any cab driver will tell you it’s not
stopped and called to the post chaise boy, when I
a confusing concept, but one that seems to have
jumped out of the post chaise; when I ran back, I
defeated the brilliant minds that guide our
met the coach a dozen yards or more behind my
industry! I was always curious as to why this
post chaise and the coachman had never uttered
term defied legal definition - as we are told it
a word; I ran for the space of a dozen yards
now does. So with various sources stating when
rather than where the coach was at the time; the
it began and its later amendments, I decided to
coach was going on at the same time; I ran back
look a little closer at early references relating to
and opened the coach door; at the same time my
the law and to cab drivers in particular…
chaise was a hundred yards off side the china
The RMT in a document used the oft
shop on the corner of Watling Street, which was as
reported text below…
near as I can guess directly opposite to where the
Legislation containing the term 'Plying for
things in the indictment; I have had the trunk
fire was at Mr Brown's; his coach was behind me,
Hire' was first introduced in the London Hackney
three or four years; I can swear it to be mine. I
I fancy, a dozen or fifteen yards; it was not near
Carriage Act 1831 under section 4: Definition of a
first examined the property the next morning at
Watling Street in the manner he describes by fif-
Hackney Carriage: “And be it enacted that every
my own house; I had a list of the articles that were
teen yards; it was four or five yards behind my
carriage with two or more wheels which shall be
in it and they exactly corresponded; there were
chaise at the time; I opened the coach door and
used for the purpose of standing or plying for hire
one hundred and twenty two guineas in gold and
after I had opened the coach door and ran to the
in any public street or road at any place within
bills of exchange and a deal of linen; I saw the
horses heads, the coachman stopped and not till
the distance of 5 miles of the General Post Office
prisoner afterwards at the watch house and
then; the coachman further says he delivered him
in the City of London.”
swore to him.”
to the watchman; I positively swear I had him in
Elsewhere in England and Wales, the term ply-
Robert Moore sworn: “I am a coachman; I
my arms for the space of a minute or two before
ing for hire can be found in The Town and Police
was in Oxford Road at past eleven o'clock on 20th
anybody came near me; and it was with difficul-
Clauses Act 1847. This is the usual terminology
of August last, plying for hire. Two gentlemen
ty that I could get anybody to come near me. At
(with later amendments) taken as a starting
called me; I put them into the coach and they
first I had him by the collar with one hand, bring-
point. But when you use sources such as Old
ordered me to go to the Templegate opposite
ing my trunk, begging somebody to help me; then
Bailey Online, earlier references appear to be
Chancery Lane; one gentleman ordered me to go
I called out for help and Mr Hoppy threw up the
in force already. I show the piece below merely
to Tower Street and as I was going round St. Paul's
window at the time; then the watchman came
as an example…
Churchyard, it was half past eleven and a man
after that, hearing the rattle.”
(NB: Chaise and Post Chaise were forms
about twenty yards from the end of Watling Street
Newell: “I can swear I received the prison-
of horse-drawn carriages while a Post boy
meets me and says stop coachman, damn you,
er out of Mr Spode's hands and not the
was supposed to ride on the left horse
why do you not stop coachman? he said so two or
pulling the carriage...)
three times; at last I pulled my horses in; the man
Prisoner's Defence: “I have my master here,
ROBERT JONES: Theft > grand larceny, 9th
came from Watling Street way; he chucks the
John Patchell; going round St Paul's Churchyard I
September 1789.
trunk up before me on the top of a shutdown boot
saw this man going along and a post chaise
616: Robert Jones alias Samuel Say, indicted
and jumped on the box himself; I went on and
before it; and this man was saying post boy, post
for feloniously stealing on 20th of August
there stood the chaise; and I called halloo post
boy, what have you lost; here is a trunk; and the
last, one wooden trunk covered with skin,
chaise boy, here is your trunk and the man that
gentleman ran up and caught hold of me; and
value 10s, six linen shirts, value 3 l, proper-
has it. When he stopped me, I saw no post chaise;
the trunk was pulled out of the coachman's boot;
ty of Josiah Spode.
the post chaise was just at the turning at the end
I know nothing of it; I think other people lies more
Josiah Spode sworn: “I live in Fore Street; I
of Watling Street going into Cheapside when I
liable to be answerable for the box than I was.”
lost the things in the indictment on Thursday
came up; I was going along Watling Street; the
Verdict: Guilty. Sentence: Transported for
evening, 20th of August, near eleven, near St.
chaise was in the churchyard and I stopped my
seven years. Tried by the London Jury before
Paul's Churchyard; there was this trunk and
horses as soon as I came up to him; I told him
Mr Recorder.
another strapped on before the chaise; I was in
there was his trunk, and the man that had it.”
Now I don't suggest that anyone who finds
the chaise at the time and while I was coming to
“Is the prisoner the man that was on the
himself in possession of theft derived property
town, there had been a fire at Mr Brown's, which
box with you?”
should end up in New South Wales, although I
took my attention; I saw it about twenty yards
“I cannot tell; it was a dark night and the hors-
would imagine the chances of anything being
before; I jumped out of the window; I could not
es would not stand still; I delivered the man to the
returned from any form of transport would
open the door; I ran and met a hackney coach
watchman when he came up; I had no opportu-
decrease markedly if it meant your penance
following my chaise with a gentleman in it, half
nity to take any notice of the man; I believe the
would be paid for in Australia! I could be wrong,
asleep; when I came up to the horses heads, the
gentleman himself came up and took the trunk.”
but just to round the circle, “plying for hire” was
coachman called out, this is your thief! Your pris-
Joseph Newell sworn: “I am a watchman of
understood well before the 1841 act and we may
oner! he has just thrown in this trunk and
Castle Baynard ward; I did not see the trunk
have to dig a little deeper to find its definition. It
jumped up to the seat with me; the prisoner was
taken but I took the man in charge from Mr
surely exists, and maybe this time we’ll keep the
in hearing, but made no answer; after that I saw
Spode, who had taken the trunk; the prisoner was
miscreants in the northern hemisphere, although
the portmanteau and I seized the prisoner by the
the man that was charged with taking the trunk;
I think there would be rarely a shortage of cabs
collar and dragged him down to the pavement;
I can swear to him; I lodged him safe in the
plying for hire that wouldn’t run them to the
we had a violent struggle; after many attempts I
watchhouse and conducted him to the Compter
nearest airport or docks so they could join our
held him fast; no watchman came. At last, Mr
(prison) afterwards.”
antipodean friends for a short while.
Hoppy, who keeps a shoe warehouse, threw up the
James Stevens sworn: “I heard a rattle and
sash and let off a rattle; then the watchmen came
ran after it; when I came to it, this brother watch-
Case quotes are provided courtesy of
and I delivered him up into their hands; there
man had the prisoner fast by the collar; that was
was property in the trunk to the amount of six or
the gentleman at the bar and the gentleman was
seven pounds; I saw it carried to a neighbour's
bringing the portmanteau (large suitcase)
house for security; I sent for it next morning by
away from the coach to the house; we took the
Joe Brazil
one of my servants; it was all safe including the
prisoner to the watchhouse.”
DaC Board Member
Call Sign September 2015
Page 14
It was a tube strike day and Dial-a-Cab dri-
ver Roy Davis (D99) was hoping for a good
one. It had certainly started out well; he had
been booked into the Ascott Cab Co’s
Blackhorse Road garage for a cab check at
8.30am, not realising at the time of booking
that there would be a tube strike that day. But
he was delighted when just 30 minutes later,
But not all that glitters turns to gold...!
the Ascott mechanics gave his cab the thumbs
up and he went out to see what fortunes Lady
Luck would bring his way on what was bound
to be a very busy day.
Roy told Call Sign what happened next...
“Sure enough I trapped a job from the
Hilton Hotel in Tooley Street going to the
ExCel Centre. The journey wasn’t too bad
going as all the traffic was going into town
from the opposite direction. I do remember
that the fare was £15 and thinking that Canary
Wharf would probably be busy, so I made for
there and put on at one of the ranks behind a
few other drivers, all obviously hoping to get
back into the City. But it looked like a ghost
town there with the whole place taking on a
really desolate feel and after quite a long dwell
on the rank, I decided that enough was
enough and left.
Did they all walk???
“By that time, the traffic going west was even
“Eventually, I decided that I’d had more
start with the £15 I got for the ExCel job, then
heavier than when I saw it as I was heading
than enough traffic for one day and that home
take off the £2.50 Dartford toll and the cost of
eastwards to Excel, so I decided to try an alter-
near Croydon was becoming an ever enticing
the diesel used, it’s fair to say that the next
native route. But everywhere was just solid
sight. So I turned around and made for the
time there is a tube strike, I’ll be at home
and my attempts to get into town had the
QE2 Bridge at Dartford, took the M20 and
watching This Morning!!!”
reverse effect, with me ending up further and
made my way towards home in Shirley!”
further away from the City! I tried every route
Alan Green (E52)
Looking back, Roy summed it all up: “If we
I knew, but all to no avail.
Call Sign Online
An occasional review from a struggling 14
handicapper at some of the marque golf courses
I've had the privilege to play in my golf days
away from the taxi…
Summer’s here and what could be more enjoyable than a short
golfing break to some not-too-distant places along with some
golfing pals. So over the next three issues of Call Sign I will be
recommending a trip that I've done on numerous occasions.
With the drive-on, drive-off Eurotunnel shuttle service, this trip
is a very easy drive…
The short par 3 on the front 9. Make a 3 here and smile!
Day 1: Hardelot Les Pins:
Hardelot is just 35 minutes from the Tunnel and there is a course that could quite easily match many of the top courses along the Surrey sand
belt. Ranked as one of the top 100 golf courses in Europe, its fairways are lined with magnificent pines that were once part of the ancient forest
in which France and England signed the famous peace treaty 450 years ago. The course consists of strategically placed bunkers and well-guarded
greens which require accurate stroke play.
Those pines, the springy turf and large undu-
lating greens all make this course to be a
great first day opener to your 3-day golfing
trip. The last few holes in particular are very
good; the 17th par 3 with a huge fall away to
the left and the long par 4 downhill 18th with
the green in front of the quaint clubhouse, all
help make it a superb course to play.
I recommend you stay in Le Touquet as your
base. The Bristol Hotel or Le Nouveau
Caddy Motel are right in the centre. A good
high class meal at Le Paris is a must and not
extortionate - although you should book early
as it is often full.
Day 2 next month.
Happy golfing…
Simon Wallis (M11)
Call Sign Online
Call Sign September 2015
Page 15
Call Sign’s Richard Potter looks at a subject that has probably
affected every Dial-a-Cab taxi driver at some time or another...
to the passenger wiper and arm. Still not s
isfied, he climbed the steps of the passeng
door, leant out and grabbed the nearside m
hen I passed out on The
ror before then jumping off the step and ta
Knowledge and was given my
ing the mirror with him - leaving it dangli
badge, myself and the other
by two wires.
nine drivers that day were given
Well, I didn't know whether to clap or s
a word of advice from Mr Chilcott.
bravo! But I was really speechless. I don
“You have worked hard for your badges,
think I have ever seen anything like tha
so don't give me any reason to take them
before or since. And the lorry driver? He jus
back from you. And remember that when
drove on…!
Major Jones is prodding you in the back
There is also an article in the
with his walking stick and complaining
November 2013 issue of Call Sign that
about your route and what’s on the meter,
demonstrates how taxis and bikes can
he will be getting out shortly and you will
fall out big time! It was called ‘He’s
probably never see him again.”
Looking For You’ and featured Dial-a-
That was good advice and something I
Cab driver Melvyn Harvey (E87) and a
have often thought about when dealing with
who called
that overly difficult passenger. But that was
‘sonofthewind’ and whose speciality is
it… no other training, no PowerPoint presen-
putting clips of vehicles that he con-
tation and considering that we have to hit the
siders drive to close to him on
ground running, I hope LTPH do more for
YouTube. His ridiculous cameras are
the new drivers.
worth showing again…
Road rage is always an issue and espe-
Richard Potter (T51)
cially with cyclists, but being a driver and
a cyclist I tend to have a neutral point of
Call Sign Online
view. However, I was a shown a YouTube
clip of a confrontation between a driver
and a cyclist. I really deplore cyclists who
have a front and rear camera and who in
Bill Monroe retires
my opinion seek out confrontation.
Go to YouTube and watch this video.
Bill Monroe has never been
Please be aware that there is swearing
on Dial-a-Cab, but was a
staunch radio man with
watch?v=2PFRdEUN240. If LTPH wanted a
ComCab. However, as one
training video called ‘How not to let yourself
of the most knowledgeable
get provoked by a cyclist’ then this should be
members of this trade, Call
it. The clip starts out with a close shave and a
Sign had to give him the
bit of blue banter, but the end could have
send-off that we usually
been much more serious had the man hit his
reserve for members of
head or even had a heart attack. I am not con-
this Society after hearing
doning the actions of the driver, but my point
that Tuesday 1
is that you sometimes never know where
September would be the
these arguments will end up and you should
first day of his retirement
never get out of your vehicle over a dis-
as a taxi driver.
Bill is a third generation taxi driver, following his father who did the Knowledge in
After watching this incident, it remind-
1933 and grandfather, who actually drove a horse cab in Brighton before moving
ed me of how regular exercise helps keep
down south and driving a motorised cab in London.
stress levels down. When I go out cycling,
Now Bill has completed 42 years in the trade and says that is enough. However, he
the next day nothing bothers me at all.
is also a prolific writer for various motoring magazines and is the author of several
But I saw a taxi driver one afternoon, who
important reference books on this trade; books such as London Taxis: A Full History
really needed a bike ride…
to Carbodies: The Complete Story to Taxi Jubilee: Fifty Years of the Austin FX4
I was headed west along Knightsbridge
London Taxi and probably some others that we haven’t got in Call Sign’s library. But
from Hyde Park Corner; in my mirror I saw
with Bill’s retirement and having his own publishing company in Earlswood Press,
a lorry and a taxi getting a bit too close. When
that number will surely be added to.
the taxi pulled up behind me in the bus lane,
for some reason the lorry came past in the
Already in line for later his year is a second edition of London Taxis in Camera,
middle lane and before stopping next to
which is a full colour history of our trade plus a change of direction - literally - when
me, took the taxi driver’s mirror clean off.
Earlswood publish a book on the American icon, The Checker Cab.
The taxi driver jumped out and to my amaze-
Happy taxi retirement Bill - that, of course, is in the loosest sense as his name will
ment stood on the bumper of the lorry and
still be very much involved with taxis!
Alan Fisher
ripped the driver’s windscreen wiper and
arm clean off! Not happy with that, he then
Call Sign Online
stood on the bumper again and did the same
Call Sign September 2015
Page 16
Laura “Trotts” off in a DaC taxi!
he Prudential’s RideLondon may not
have been too popular with those dri-
ving around London trying to provide
a taxi service - not to mention their
valiant attempts at trying to earn a living - but
for the estimated 70,000 cyclists that took to
London’s streets, it was like an early
Christmas present with streets totally devoid
of anything containing a motor and doors!
One of those taking part was Team GB’s
double Olympic champion, Laura Trott,
who was in both the Saturday
RideLondon event where she finished in
eighth place behind Italian super-cyclist
Barbara Guarischi, and also the 100 mile
Sportive to Surrey and back the following
Laura, now 23 years o
and Prudential’s RideLondo
Ambassador, is currently i
training to defend he
Omnium and Team Pursu
track titles at next year’s Ri
de Janeiro Olympi
aura saving her strength for Rio! Inset: Laura and her two
Games where we’ll all be
ondon 2012 Gold medals
cheering her on.
eekend may have
decided to take a Dial-a-Cab home rather
But it looks as though the
roved too much and
than cycle! We’re always pleased to help...
heat on the RideLondon
the end of it, Laura
TfL Press Release
Break in... to steal a
DaC terminal!
“I didn’t hear a sound,” was how Alan Hall
(B48) described his cab being broken-in to
On Line Application Forms…
when telling Call Sign about the crime.
As part of the ongoing modernisation of
“Having had the cab attacked by
Transport for London's taxi licensing ser-
thieves on several occasions previously, I
vice, taxi drivers and applicants can now
tend to leave it unlocked while parked
apply online, using our new online web
and unattended,” he told this magazine.
portal at
“On this particular occasion, I arrived
The new online process makes its quicker and easier to
home at around 2am on the Thursday
apply for both new and renewal driver licences. The system
night / Friday morning and went
has been tested with a small number of customers in recent
straight to bed. When I came back to
months and so far 50 applications have been received by
the cab the following afternoon to go
this method.
Customers who would like help in any aspect of the
to work, I instinctively reached out to
online process can also book an appointment to visit
‘sign-on’ to the Dial-a-Cab terminal
our counter service at Chancel Street. Appointments
and lo and behold, it wasn’t there!”
can be made by ringing our contact centre on 0343
Continuing his story, Alan said that
222 4444.
there had been no finesse about the
Applications can still be submitted using the Post Office
terminal’s removal as it had just been
Check and Send service or directly by post.
ripped off the supporting pedestal.
The thieves had used so much force
Taxi drivers’ application forms
that it actually broke the retaining
Since October 2013, new pre-printed application forms
bracket from the adjusting knuckle, so it must have severely damaged
have been issued to applicants and licensees which contain
the back of the MDT as well - probably causing internal damage to the delicate
personalised information relevant to the new or renewal
electronics inside too.
applicant. This allows us to speed up the application
“Anyway, I would not have thought the unit would be of use to a third party,
process, as we scan the forms to our system and automati-
even though to the un-initiated eye it looks a bit like an iPad or mini laptop.”
cally upload the content to the correct record.
Alan smiled at the suggestion.
However, a number of paper forms printed prior to the
“Some time before, my cab was again broken into and personal items were
introduction of the new forms remain in circulation. From 1
September 2015 all new and renewal driver and PH opera-
stolen, including my PCO Green Badge, which, no doubt like many other drivers
tor application forms received will need to be in the new,
meant a lot to me with the personal memories it brings back. But I was lucky on
pre-printed format. Any old style applications received from
that occasion because I found the Badge in my neighbour’s front garden, it having
that date will be returned to the applicant and they will be
been callously discarded by the thieves. So nowadays, I save myself the grief of bro-
asked to request a new pack.
ken glassware and damaged bodywork by leaving the cab unlocked deliberately.
To request a new form, please visit our website at
“Sadly, like many others before me, I learned that there are some nasty people or call us on 0343 222 4444.
out there and one needs to take care not to leave anything of value in the taxi...”
Helen Chapman
© Call Sign Magazine MMXV
General Manager
Call Sign August 2015
Page 17
As Save Taxi exceeded 10,000
signatures for their online peti-
tion, they called for a friendly,
family day demo outside
The “Happy” Demo!
Transport for London’s Victoria
Street HQ at Windsor House.
Held during the school holidays
on July 31, the demonstrators
included taxi drivers, their fami-
lies, friends and children.
To a cacophony of noise consisting of taxis,
cars and even bus drivers hooting, with
demonstrators - both young and old - shout-
ing out anti-TfL slogans, this demo led by
Save Taxi’s Artemis Mercer undoubtedly
struck a chord with those passing by. TV and
radio companies were out in force - even the
UK Russian service RT gave a favourable
report. Everyone interviewed criticised TfL
rather than Uber, who Artemis referred to as
a symptom rather than the cause of taxi dri-
ver’s current problems.
Garrett Emmerson, TfL’s COO of Surface
Transport, answered in a statement: “As the
regulator of London’s taxi and private
hire trades, we apply legislation fairly and
equally. We have not and do not treat
Perhaps to rub some salt into the face of Sir
chair was Adam’s Aunty Wendy with his
Uber any differently to any other London
Peter Hendy, former TfL taxi supremo and the
Godson Ethan on her lap and his wife
operator and we are satisfied that Uber
man known as Mr Bus who left to move to the
Samantha with her Godson Michael hold-
currently complies with private hire
railways a few months back, the demonstrators
ing the flag poles.
licensing requirements.”
used a London bus to provide snacks and
This was probably the trade’s best demo,
Sadly, few on this side of the trade believe
refreshments to supporters - of whom there
gaining an incredible amount of public sympa-
that. With literally thousands upon thousands
were many! It does seem that the Save Taxi
thy without causing the frustration of horren-
of minicab drivers coming onto the scene and
ladies have taken over so far as demos are con-
dous traffic jams. There is another on
all paying a licence fee, TfL has become
September at Downing Street.
almost a financial giant who seem to care lit-
While the Editor was away on holiday,
Dennis Latchett
tle about the taxi side, with many believing
Dial-a-Cab driver Adam McGann (J09) -
that it is unloved by TfL and branded as trou-
one of a number of DaC drivers there -
Call Sign Online
took photos for us. The lady in the wheel-
David Kupler’s
It was back in November 2013 that a small shadow was dis-
covered on David Kupler’s lung that within just three short
months had grown so quickly, there was no treatment avail-
able that could help him.
For many years, the long-serving Dial-a-Cab driver had written
poetry for Call Sign - very often loaded with controversy and con-
taining criticism of something or more often, someone. If I ever
told him that he would get me into trouble, he’d just laugh and
ask if I wanted the truth put out there!
Bravely, just before he died, David signed a form that would
donate his body to medical science. He told us at the time: “How
Keith Reading
do we eradicate these types of illnesses if they have no bodies to
look at? What good do a grave and headstone do for the world?
Professional Toastmaster
Those who want to remember me need just look into their hearts
Master of Ceremonies
and I’ll be there, not to visit a cold cemetery to read nice words on
a piece of stone.” He then asked Call Sign to post it.
Tele: 01279 465 938
A memorial service was held at Southwark Cathedral in
Mobile: 07774 860 374
May to celebrate the lives of David and several others that
had also donated their bodies in order to help doctors find
more cures. But the time has now come to lay David to rest
and his funeral will take place at 9.15 on Wednesday 23rd
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
September 2015 at Streatham Vale Cemetery.
Fellow of the Guild of
Alan Fisher
Professional Toastmasters
Call Sign Online
Call Sign September 2015
Page 18
Looking back to May 2008…
Boris: How has he done?
well as during the day. He asked if that was
hose Dial-a-Cab drivers that have
something Boris would look at if elected.
been around since before
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel
Boris responded that roadworks were
something they had to sort out and
Johnson - who we all call Boris for
asked how many times we drove past a
short - became London Mayor on 2nd May
giant hole in the road that had been left
2008, may remember how he courted the
taxi trade’s vote by paying visits to our
unattended? He added that they did
roadworks at night in other major cities
watering holes, drinking tea out of old mugs
and that if elected he would certainly
and constantly referring to us as the best taxi
look at that suggestion.
service in the world. We now know that he
Please let this magazine know if you think
was elected.
So, with his second and final term in
he kept his word on that…
office now coming to an end, Call Sign
And in answering a question from Bernie
thought it would look back to that year of 2008 to see how what he said
Silver (G08) about traffic congestion, the soon-to-be Mayor responded
at the time matched up to what he actually achieved.
in the 2008 article by claiming that TfL had deliberately installed more
It was early 2008 when Call Sign asked Dial-a-Cab drivers if
traffic light schemes, which they had admitted was reducing road space
they would like to ask Boris any questions and in an exclusive
and slowing down traffic. He said that if elected he would focus on get-
interview, these were his answers at the time…
ting London moving and would also re-phase the traffic lights.
Three months after Boris Johnson answered Bernie’s question,
Poppy was a regular Call Sign writer at the time and she asked Boris
he was installed as Mayor. Then five months into his term of
about the possibility of increasing the number of public toilets on the
office he contacted Call Sign and told us he was going ahead
streets and the transport system. She described the numbers as “woe-
with his re-phasing of the traffic lights plan to get the City mov-
fully inadequate.”
ing again, had ordered TfL to look at the light sequences and to
The-then Mayoral candidate responded by saying the one thing
improve the traffic flow that at some junctions such as The Mall
that lets London down was not only the lack of provision for pub-
/ Trafalgar Square, Strand westbound by Charing Cross Station
lic toilets, but also the grotty state of most of them! He said we
and Gloucester Place where it crosses Marylebone Road. These
needed to work with local councils to upgrade them and provide
traffic signals often caused traffic to come to a standstill.
more of them where they were needed, adding that was particu-
Please let this magazine know if you think he kept his word on that…
larly important for people like cab drivers who spent long hours
out on the road.
Alan Fisher
Please let this magazine know if you think he kept his word on that…
Call Sign Online
John Dixon (B67) asked Boris whether, if elected, he would give pri-
ority entry to the Olympic Village for London Taxi drivers for picking
up and setting down passengers during the 2012 London Olympics.
Boris said that he hadn’t been aware of any plans to exclude
black cabs from the Olympic Village and supported our right to
have access.
Please let this magazine know if you think he kept his word on that…
Former DaC driver Divyesh Ruparelia asked Mr Johnson if it was
too many buses that caused much of London’s traffic problems, adding
that although a good transport system was important, previous Mayor
• Austones for the TX
Ken’s bus policy seemed to have been a case of overkill.
In his answer, Boris said that Oxford Street was a good example
• Barums for the Vito
of that with 40% of all London bus routes going down there, turn-
ing London’s premier shopping street into “a giant bus park and
that it was certainly quicker to walk.” He said we needed to keep
• Michelin and Continental
a balance but to take a fresh approach.
also supplied
Please let this magazine know if you think he kept his word on that…
Then there was John Riley who asked whether Boris, as Mayor,
would be happy to see pedicabs working the streets of London as they
4-wheel laser tracking
were currently doing (in 2008).
for the Mercedes Vito
Boris replied that Pedicabs should be subject to the same rules
as everyone else and that it was important to make sure they were
safe and the fares to be honest. He added that he didn’t have a
• Puncture repairs
serious problem with them, so long as they were confined to a
small area.
• Also free tyre checks
Please let this magazine know if you think he kept his word on that…
David Marks (R22) asked the Mayoral candidate if he would allow
PH to ply for hire on London’s streets.
Find us downstairs the
Boris said that he thought London’s cab trade has taken a bit of
a bruising under Ken Livingstone and that if elected he would re-
DaC Credit Union at
energise it; adding that black cabs had to retain their right to sole-
The Peterley Business Centre,
ly ply for hire.
Please let this magazine know if you think he kept his word on that…
472 Hackney Road, E2
Bill Kibble (K86) asked the man who would become known as Bojo
after being elected about road works and the congestion that was all
0207 729 5237
over town with the renewal of water mains. Bill thought they could be
completed in a third of the time if the work was carried out at night as
Call Sign September 2015
Page 19
With drivers constantly asking Call Sign about the possibility - or
not - of mergers, we’re publishing this letter from Jon Tremlett
(Y32) and its reply from Brian Rice...
Mergers and Cynics!
The cynics (there are a few), think that
Chairman... but then again I might work
any money return will wait until a certain
until I’m as old as you!
influential Board member decides to
Whatever happens, I believe that
retire himself... Really, some drivers have
London cannot now support three radio
no faith!
circuits together with the Apps and of
Since most of the Board do not drive
course the rogue Apps. Something will
cabs or even have to own a cab, are they
have to ‘give’ in the not too distant future
fully aware of the problems caused by the
as there is not one organisation within the
15-year rule and its implications to
London Taxi industry that is actually mak-
Members of a certain age who, having
ing money at this present time. However,
been on the circuit for years now, face hav-
if two of the three circuits were to merge
ing their cabs taken off the road
then I believe you would have a viable
and becoming journeymen on Dial-a-
profitable business. What you can’t do,
From Jon Tremlett (Y32)
Cab, which then bars them from a share of
Jon, is to accuse me of having a vested
Dear Editor
the monies they have contributed to for
interest or endeavouring to create a posi-
I love an old joke; did you hear the one
many years. They and the rest of us with a
tion purely for the reason I have alluded
about the man who went to the Board of
few more years of life left in our cabs
to earlier.
Directors and told them that everybody in
deserve an answer that would help for-
Regarding the 15-year rule, you know
the company says they don't know what's
ward planning.
the rules as well as I do and you would be
going on and they answered: “Really, we
Yours truly in the sense of constructive crit-
one of the first people to reprimand the
hadn't heard that!”
Board should they not follow the Rule
So here are some collected thoughts
Jon Tremlett (Y32)
Book, unless of course it suited you, then
Board Members might not have heard
who knows?
because having signed a non-disclosure
But I can sympathise with your view
letter, it follows that not being able or will-
regarding the
15-year rule and the
ing to talk to the 'troops', they cannot get
answer is that in order to accommo-
any feedback from them.
date your wishes, we need a rule
Hardly anyone actually driving a cab
change. I’m afraid it cannot be done
thinks that a merger is going through,
any other way.
most of the drivers I have spoken to do
It’s always nice to hear from you Jon and
not want it or can see a direct benefit for
I’m sure you know that my remark about
them. Many others have concerns that the
your age was just tongue in cheek
makeup of a combined Board of
although we do only seem to meet at
Management must include people from
funerals these days, which probably says
their BoM - one that we haven't voted for
something about both of us!
or probably not able to get rid of democ-
Brian Rice, DaC Chairman
Other reasoning is that if the other side
are willing at this stage to spend serious
Brian Rice replies:
money on a new office etc, then they are
not serious about a merger into our much
Hi Jon
better placed building. That the protract-
And there was me thinking that ‘Jon the
ed delays are due to holidays etc also
Mush’ had mellowed in his old age!
doesn't ring true or show any real intent.
The Board are aware of everything you
Add to this the fact that any new Board
allude to Jon, and with regard to showing
would have to be quite small and that
‘any real intent’, as I have explained previ-
some current members would have to go,
ously the ball is in Mountview’s court and
well, do turkeys look forward to
we are still waiting for them to get back to
Christmas? So the major thoughts of the
us, although they are in the process of
moving having sold their building and
'Troops' are that a merger is not a good
idea and has no direct benefits for anyone.
renting new premises in Southgate, with
The other part of the merger proposal
August 22nd as the probable date.
As you probably know, the only way
that does interest us very much - name-
we can distribute funds to Members is
ly demutualisation which entails giving
to demutualise; whether we then
back to drivers some of the excessive
'dead' money sitting in our bank account -
merge is another matter, but if we were
to demutualise it is fair to say that
is very much on our minds. Since this can-
Members would have little influence as
not be part of the non-disclosure deal or
they would trade their voice for
have anything at all to do with whether a
merger takes place or not, we are all won-
Knowing you as I do, Jon, when you
dering what actually have the Board done
refer to the cynics that believe any money
about this whilst playing for time, and
return to Members will have to wait until
what is the time scale for this return. The
a certain influential Board Member retires,
collective thoughts are that having pro-
posed this, there is no going back to the
I assume that can only be directed to
status quo.
me! This will probably be my last term as
Call Sign September 2015
Page 20
Call Sign’s ‘One Direction’ com-
petition had by far the large
number of entries that an
trade paper has ever had for
competition! We offered tw
lucky winners one pair each of
the prized ground floor VIP
seats for the O2 concert on
September 29th featuring the
biggest band on the planet
If you didn’t win, here is
and received a huge
a special reader’s offer!
entries. These boys must be
quite popular!
The two winners of the London TAXI!
Some of the accompanying letters
board game competition in the
to those entries from what appeared
August Call Sign were DaC driver Paul
to be driver’s young daughters and wiv
Churchill (A04) and Curls Villiers, who
virtually begging for the seats almost bought tears to our eyes! Some had
is the senior night shift controller in
queued for hours only to be told there were none left, whilst others sat by their laptops for the
the Call Centre.
9am window to open only to find that everything at eye level had gone! And anyone who has sat
The answer to the question from the
upstairs at the O2 knows how far up that is!
‘Guess who I had in my cab’ section of
Although every letter was read, including a heart wrenching one from the Editor’s granddaughter
the game: Who was the World Dart’s
Shelby who desperately ‘needed’ the tickets, another from a young lady who had apparently dedi-
Champion known as the crafty cockney,
cated her life to the group and would love them forever, to one lady - a driver’s wife no less - who
was Eric Bristow.
offered to clean the Editor’s office for a year in exchange for just one ticket! Several claimed they
The London TAXI! board game is
wanted to marry Harry although none actually said if Mr Styles actually knew. But in the end it had
based on the life of a London taxi dri-
to be just the actual entries that went into the bag. The draw was made by Chairman Brian Rice.
ver. There are over 600 questions on
There was nothing to stop members of the same family entering and many did, but the Editor’s
London and it will be available to buy
rules were that whilst that was allowed, if by some chance both winning names came from the
from local retailers shortly, well in
same family, then one would go back in the bag and another ticket would be drawn - although
time for Christmas. It is currently
that didn’t happen anyway.
available to buy directly from
Amazon. Just link on to:
The other rule is that whilst the winners can do what they want with the tickets - val-
ued at over £100 each - under no circumstances must they be sold.
The winners were Paul Pavlou (W11) and Dave Ballard (N28). While Paul was delighted, Dave
told us that his wife and daughter had already claimed them! We hope they all have a great
Ideal present
With Christmas getting closer, this could
be a good time to get some of those hard
to find gifts out of the way with a special
Call Sign reader’s offer. You can buy
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
TAXI! board game on Amazon where it
normally costs you the correct price of
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about
£29.95 plus £4.73 postage/packing, mak-
ing a total of £34.68.
variable bank interest rates?
But you can save £7 with this Call
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or
Sign readers offer!
member of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the
At Call Sign we have arranged a special
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union. Any member of your family residing
deal for our readers and if you would like
at your address also qualifies for membership!
to buy the game, then we have arranged
a special £7 reader discount. Simply buy
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
the game online via Amazon at
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow
up to 3 times your total savings…
POGY and when you get to the CON-
The cost?
FIRM PURCHASE stage of the process,
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.7%).
simply input the code CCYF7K4P. This
Loans can be paid back early AND there can be an annual dividend on your shares.
will secure you the £7 additional discount.
Thus you will get the game delivered to
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
your home, for an all-inclusive cost of
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
Members of the Financial Ombudsman Service
This Call Sign reader’s discount is only
Member’s funds protected up to limit set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
available up to and including 30th
DaC Credit Union Ltd, Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney Rd E2 9EQ
September 2015.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Registration number 213263
Call Sign September 2015
Page 21
Hi Ladies & Gents
Taking back the work...
From Garry White...
With corporate work at an all-time low, app
users are trying the alternative option - the U
Windsor House demo! The carnival atmos-
co' - to see what they offer! As a night driver, it
phere created by all who attended was great!
has been challenging; however there is still a
You can follow these guys on Facebook (Save
demand for our services but it has meant
our Black
and Twitter
changing the way I and other night drivers
@Supportblktaxis. You can also see a piece
work. We have started taking back work from
on the demo inside this issue.
venues previously lost to touts ie Novikov in
Berkeley Street and Hakkasan in Bruton
World Taxi protest
Street where we have a rank situated right
There has been a call for a world taxi protest
outside the front entrances which are very
on the 16th September 2015 against the digi-
busy. There is also Forge at Cornhill in the
tal disrupter that's affecting the licensed trade
City; messages get sent out to drivers via
worldwide. It will be interesting to see how
@UCGup to inform drivers when
this goes...
there are spaces on these ranks or there is
work coming out.
Rugby World Cup
The tournament starts on the 18th September
and runs to 31st October 2015. There will be
I've recently met licensed taxi drivers that live
We have had a good response from our MP,
road closures in the Twickenham area; how-
in the constituency of Thurrock in Essex to
Jackie Doyle-Price and are in the process of
ever, I'm hoping the home nations do well
form a lobby group on how we see Transport
arranging a meeting with her in the very near
with one or even two making it to the final,
for London failing our trade. If you live in
bringing some added trade our way.
Thurrock or know of any licensed taxi drivers
Be lucky...
that reside in the area and would like to add
Family day protest at Windsor House
yours or their names to our group or perhaps
It was good to see the media give the friends
Garry White
join our meetings, please forward your details
and families of the taxi trade some good press
to me at or
on how they see TfL failing the trade at the
DaC Board Member
At the Coningsby Gallery, 5-10 October 2015
Floating in oceans, lakes and pools - escapist underwater images by Patsy McArthur
Not to be confused with Dial-a-Cab driver Patsy McCarthy (C01), Otherworld is
a new exhibition by an artist whose work attempts to capture the weightlessness
of being underwater. Otherworld is devoted to a new collection of paintings by
Scottish figurative artist Patsy McArthur, the result of time spent in the deep and
shallow waters of Australia earlier this year. It runs from 5-10 October at The
Coningsby Gallery in Holborn.
Patsy McArthur’s work explores the graceful and powerful movement of peo-
ple. Following periods of painting freerunners, acrobats and trampolinists, she
has progressed underwater to swimming pools, lakes and the open sea to cap-
ture ways in which people move when submerged and the effects caused by the
relationship between light, colour and water.
While the works may transmit a feeling of immersion, serenity and grace, the
process of making each painting is labour intensive and scrupulously planned.
The new work, from very small ink studies to large oil paintings, is based on
images shot in ten locations around Sydney, from algae-filled filthy private
swimming pools to the ocean waters of Balmoral Beach on the North Shore.
Once Patsy has selected the models for her work, crucially, all strong swimmers, she will consider the particular conditions of each body of
water, including the translucency or opacity of the water and various effects caused by such elements as coloured swimming pool tiles, float-
ing algae or coral.
Unsurprisingly, conditions found in man-made pools and deep oceans differ wildly. In a clean pool, light is able to bounce off the walls,
revealing vivid colour, intense detail and a clear sense of the size and shape of the figure at the centre of the image. In the ocean, horizontal
light can be travelling for miles before it meets the subject of the painting, leading to blurred figures and dampened colours. Weather condi-
tions have a great effect too, with storms churning up sand in the water, hampering visibility but creating interesting effects.
While there is no overt fashion element to the work, most of the models are fully clothed, with dresses and shirts chosen for the weight and
colour of the fabric, the ways in which it reacts with light and how it moves with the powerful push and pull of the water. Once these choices
are made, Patsy will descend with her models, as well as pieces of furniture and other props, spending up to two hours at a time taking hun-
dreds of photographs and shooting video. Back in her Brighton studio, she uses these reference shots to make drawings and studies before
moving on to the paintings. The resulting work conveys a palpable sense of strength, freedom and suspension.
Patsy told Call Sign: “I like my work to have an emotional element and I think my underwater imagery has a kind of escapism about it; the
viewer can feel the temperature of the water, the sensory experience that comes with being in water, that otherworldliness. When it comes to
painting the figure underwater, I'm dealing with differing transparencies of water and their effects on the figure, which is challenging and
keeps it interesting for me. For that reason, it's not a subject I feel I will tire of any time soon!”
The Coningsby Gallery is at 30 Tottenham Street, London W1. The exhibition runs from 5 to 10 October and is open from 9am to
6pm; there is a private viewing by appointment only together with a talk from Patsy on Tuesday 6 October
Call Sign September 2015
Page 22
aC driver Sean Farrell (B39) looks at trade history from a different angle
Brethren of the Whip
As an example; in
1845, John
had badge number 1366 and passed
Sistren of
Hopkins, described as a squalid look-
the knowledge
“at her eighth
ing cabman, was charged with theft
attempt.” The problem these women
the Whip!
following elopement with his land-
had was finding a garage that would
In last month’s edi-
lord’s wife. It was not the fact that he
allow them to take a cab out without
tion of Call Sign,
“stole” a wife, but the fact that she
raising the ire of the other drivers!
there was an arti-
took all her clothes and a sideboard
Miss Ryder summed it up by stating
cle entitled The
to put them into that prompted the
she was willing to put up with a bit of
charges! Hopkins was sentenced to
animosity but it would be worth it if a
Mystery, which
twelve months hard labour.
“man was released for war work.”
was provoked by
There was nothing to stop any of these
The Shell Book of Firsts lists Shirley
our man in the
women from driving a coach; in fact a
Preston as the first female to drive a
colonies, Norman Beattie. Norman had
proprietor could allow anyone to drive a
London Taxi in 1967, although it was
supplied our erstwhile editor, Alan
cab for
24 hours in an emergency,
more than likely she was licensed by the
Fisher, with a couple of articles from the
whether or not they were licensed as a
local council and when Greater London
American press dated 1887 and which
driver and presumably whether or not
was created, her licence was converted
proclaimed the demise of Mary
they were female.
to a yellow badge.
Hanniwell - the “first female Jehu.”
The 1881 Census turns up six women
Three years later Mrs Sheila Anker, a
The story of Mary Hanniwell was cov-
who were classed as cab drivers. Most of
mother of four, passed the Knowledge -
ered by this column back in July 2013.
these, including the delightfully named
a local one at least - and despite news-
According to newspaper reports of the
Fanny Virgin of Elnathan Mews W9 can
papers proclaiming her as the first
time, one Billy Seymour, a cabman in
be dismissed like the others as an error
London cabby, her badge was definitely
Liverpool was arrested for stealing 30lbs
of the enumerator. But more problemat-
of meat. He was taken to Walton Gaol
ic is Jessie Burrows of Waterford Road
That brings us up to Dial-a-Cab’s
and there, prompted by a medical exami-
SW6. Her husband is listed as a cab pro-
Marie White; she was not the first
nation, it was found that Billy Seymour
prietor but she is listed as a “cabman and
woman to drive a cab, nor was she the
was actually a woman! Mary Hanniwell
china dealer.”
first woman to do the Knowledge of
had been masquerading as a male cab dri-
Last month in this column, I
London examinations. She was, how-
ver for at least 6 years in Liverpool and
touched upon the clamour of allow-
ever, the first woman to have complet-
previous to that had been driving a cab
ing women to drive a cab during the
ed the Knowledge in the green badge
round London for 3 years!
Great War. According to Phil Warren,
era - and that’s not a bad record!
This would place Mary as driving a cab
four women actually passed the
in London during the mid-1860s, some-
examinations and were given badges.
Sean Farrell (B39)
thing she could not have done legally.
The Daily Express names Miss Ryder
Cabmen were questioned on their topo-
as the first female London cabby; she
Call Sign Online
graphical knowledge of London from
about 1864 and even with her implied
speech defect, it’s doubtful if she could
have fooled the police given that her face
was “unmistakably feminine.”
If she did ply for hire on the streets of
London, then it was as an unlicensed dri-
t was so nice to be invite
- possibly using another driver’s
to attend the wedding o
licence. Whilst there is little doubt she
Dial-a-Cab Call Centre
worked as a cabman undetected in
Team Leader Abdul
Liverpool for several years, there is actual-
ly no evidence that she ever worked as a
Wadud and his lovely wife
cabman in London.
Sufia. I attended the
There have, however, always been
wedding with my wife Gill
women associated with the trade; in the
and a number of work
list of the 400 Master Hackney Coachmen
(proprietors) in
1662, 20 of them are
It was a really joyous and
women. These women are the widows of
colourful occasion and on
proprietors that had held a licence and
thanks to one of the few concessions
behalf of everyone at
given at the time - and still enforced
DaC, I would like to wish
today - the widow of a proprietor, or an
them both every
owner driver, could take over the propri-
happiness and the very
etor’s licence. Even at a time when a
best for the future...
woman’s possessions automatically
became the property of her husband, if a
Allan Evans
widowed proprietress remarried, she
DaC Operations /
could retain the proprietorship of the
Call Centre Manager
cabs under her control and they would
not become her new husband’s property.
Call Sign September 2015
Page 23
fter seeing Brian Rice’s shock fig-
Call Sign Says…
ures on page
4 concerning
Transport for London’s licensing
policy, we took a closer look and
here they are in black and white. According to
our licensing authority, they have no choice
other than to licence anyone who fulfils the
necessary requirements - which apparently
can include just a reference from anyone that
knew the person requiring a PH licence in
their home country, rather than the
Disclosure and Barring Service that taxi
drivers and hopefully most of the legitimate
private hire drivers need (not to mention up
to four years of doing the Knowledge as well
for taxi drivers)!
Last month’s Call Sign contained a Tweet
from an Uber passenger who complained
that her driver had his five-year old son in the
front of the car with him to both translate and
work the satnav. Judging by complaints on
the internet, that seems to be the general
standard of many PH drivers - especially on
Uber where there is no such thing as a ceiling
on numbers.
According to the figures shown; for the
three weeks between 22 June and 6 July
the number of PHV licensed active drivers
went up from 82,390 to 83,300 - an
increase of 910 drivers. The number of
newly licensed PH drivers in just those
licence cost. But he committed the cardinal
was a joke! But some jokes are more perti-
three weeks came to a staggering 1864
sin of forgetting about it and some months
nent than others and you have to wonder
with the number of newly licensed vehi-
later was pulled up at Canary Wharf. He
whether any of the newly licensed 1864 PH
cles coming to the no-less astonishing
couldn’t show his licence as he hadn’t had it
drivers in that three week period will ever
number of 2176. Active PH vehicle licence
back yet. He showed the police officer his
have the same problem? If they did, then no
numbers went up from 66,255 to 67,041 -
receipt from the PO and they allowed him to
doubt a letter from a friend saying how nice
an increase of 786.
go on his way. A few weeks later and this time
they are would probably suffice without
Then there are the figures for taxis during
several gun-toting officers from the constabu-
incurring the driver any loss of income. The
that same three week period…
lary actually arrested him for not having the
family of the taxi driver are obviously irrele-
The number of active taxi drivers (com-
licence. This group refused to accept his PO
vant and can go to a food bank.
pared to the PH 910 increase) showed a
confirmation and he was locked in a cell and
After 350 years, this trade is ironically fac-
decrease of 29, down from 25,096 to
charged with fraud.
ing far more problems from its own licensing
25,067. The number of newly licensed
Someone later decided that he didn’t look
authority than it ever has from private hire.
taxi drivers went up by 62, meaning that
or sound like a criminal and as he had gen-
As Artemis Mercer said at the Save Taxi
91 drivers had either retired, passed away
uinely paid for his 3 year licence, he wasn’t
demo outside TfL HQ in Victoria Street on
or had their licenses stopped. Active taxi
really defrauding anyone and that no reason-
July 31, Uber was a symptom rather than the
vehicle numbers licensed by TfL in the
ably-minded judge would find him guilty of
cause of this trade’s problems. If only we
period went down by 8, which increased
any offence other than stupidity for not
could bring back Oliver Cromwell…!!!
the differential between PHV and taxi
remembering about his licence non-arrival.
numbers by a further 794 vehicles.
When he asked Call Sign for advice as to
Alan Fisher
We don’t actually know how many PHV fail
what he should do, we suggested he go to
due to incorrect paperwork being presented
Call Sign Editor
Uber - although we did quickly add that it
because we often hear of that happening to
taxis. Neither do we know whether that Uber
driver had to take his 5 year old son with to
translate the obvious words of: “Yes, your
vehicle has passed its inspection. See if you
can find some spare road space out there to
In the early hours of 30th July, long time Dial-a-Cab
drive on. Incidentally, we drive on the left!
driver Roy Manix (ex-K98) passed away after a short
Have a nice day.”
battle with cancer.
In the meantime, Call Sign has heard
He joined DaC in July 1992 and left the circuit in
from a driver whose licence was taken
March 2009 due to failing health. He continued writ-
away by TfL. At the time of writing he’d
ing to Call Sign regularly until just a few months
had no source of income for almost a
before his death. Even after leaving the trade, he was
month and had been threatened by the
constantly concerned as to how things were going
police - who arrested him at with guns at
and always signed his emails as Roy the Boy.
the ready - with a charge of intent to
Roy died at home with his wife and children at his
side. His funeral was on 12th August at Hendon
This apparently terrible excuse for a
licensed taxi driver had asked the Post Office
Our sincere condolences to Roy’s family.
to renew his three year licence and was
And to Roy the Boy…Rest in peace mate.
happy to pay their reasonable charge for
doing so in addition to the actual 3-year
Call Sign September 2015
Page 24
…and it has to be an Arsenal one!
The ‘Special Events’ department within Dial-a-Cab is used to
handling rather unusual requests from clients who have partic-
ular needs as to their taxi requirements, but every so often the
really unusual turns up at the other end of the telephone line!
Such was the case recently when what started out as a
standard ‘wedding’ transportation request, was raised
another level at the last minute.
A spokesperson for DaC explained: “W
are frequently asked for a tradition
London taxi to take the Bride to the cer
mony or sometimes both the Bride an
Groom to the reception. This particula
event started out that way and, as always
we were happy to oblige.
“At the hirers’ request, we can supply
taxis decorated with white ribbons at th
front, with bows attached to the door mirrors as an added spec-
tacle. However, on this occasion and literally just an hour or so
before the actual event was to take place, we were made aware
Outside were red and white ribbons, while these cushions were inside!
that both the Groom and his Father were ardent Arsenal foot-
Inset: Ivan Sobell
ball fans and that they suddenly requested the cab should be
Events’ department was maintained!”
decked out with red ribbons in addition to the regular white ones.
When Call Sign spoke to Ivan, he explained that his son was also an
“Our first thought was W-H-A-T!” said the spokesperson, “but we soon
Arsenal fan and that he had ‘borrowed’ two cushions from him to deco-
got down to turning the request into reality. We immediately called Ivan
rate the inside of the cab as an additional feature.
Sobell (P69), who was covering the event for us and he was able to pro-
“Yes, I do believe the clients were surprised and amused,” Ivan said.
vide not only the said red ribbons via a relative, who was also kind enough
“They expressed their thanks for the ‘extra mile’ we went to, making their
to make up a large white-ribbon bow that adorned the radiator grille of the
day even more special than usual.”
taxi. By all accounts the clients were delighted; our specially decorated cab
In a statement, Call Sign Editor Alan Fisher pointed out that the
attracted a great deal of attention and the reputation of the DaC ‘Special
reason most people want plain white ribbons is probably because
they are obviously Spurs fans!!!
Alan Green (E52)
Call Sign Online
DaC Appeal Result
A Complaints meeting was held on 21 July 2015
with an Appeals meeting on 31 July. The result
is below. Non-appealed results were published
last month…
Name/call sign:
Michael Appleby (L73)
Nature of complaint:
Driver regularly accepted ODRTS staff trip from Woodford
(E50N) to East Road N1 when not physically in the zone.
Then clears trip before arrival at East Road and accepts
another staff trip from the DaC office, therefore gaining
an advantage over his fellow drivers. Warnings have been
given in Call Sign regarding the correct booking-in proce-
Original result:
Rule 2: 2 week suspension
Rule 3: 2 week suspension
Rule 11: expelled
Appeal meeting result:
Rule 2: 1 week suspension
Rule 3: 1 week suspension
Rule 11: 2 weeks suspension
Sentenced reduced on appeal by BoM from expulsion to 4
weeks suspension
Call Sign September 2015
Page 25
In this series, Cab Guide, City of London Guide and City of
Westminster Guide Bob Woodford looks at infamous peace
time London explosions…
Scotland Yard following the 1883 Fenian bombing
Most Call Sign readers will either have vivid memories, or least will
the Carlton Club and Scotland Yard where the Rising Sun pub
be aware of the many IRA bombings carried out in London during
was severely damaged. It was one of the first modern terror cam-
our more recent history. It started on 8th March 1973 with the plant-
paigns in mainland Britain; it resulted in the establishment in 1883 of
ing of 4 car bombs in London, 2 of which exploded. One was near
the first Police unit set up to combat terrorism - the Metropolitan
the Old Bailey and the other outside the Minister of Agriculture in
Police Special Irish Branch - which was trained in counter-terrorism
Whitehall. It was a day that fortunately saw the 2 other bombs
techniques to combat the Irish Republican Brotherhood.
defused - one outside the Post Office in Broadway SW1 and anoth-
On my Study Walk, I mention the bomb which exploded in
er at the BBC's Armed Forces Radio Studio in Dean Stanley Street.
Westminster Bridge tube station on a fateful night of 30th October
The wave of sporadic attacks continued for many years, even after
1883 when a coordinated attack also saw an explosion at Praed
the Good Friday Agreement of 10th April 1994, with the final
Street tube station (now Paddington) just 3 minutes later.
outrage coming on 3rd August 2001 when a car bomb containing
45 kilos of explosives went off in Ealing Broadway, injuring 7
Fortunately, no deaths occurred in either Blast! But over 60 passen-
bystanders and ruptured a water main that flooded the shopping
gers received appalling injuries as a result of being cut by flying glass
and 6 train carriages were severely damaged as a result of the attack.
In this series of Blast! I have previously featured others of those
Many readers will be aware of the existence of the Black
many bombings caused by the IRA - the December 1975 explosion at
Museum, a macabre collection of artefacts from London’s crimi-
Scott’s Restaurant in Mayfair (see February 2015 Call Sign), which led
nal history, which includes a box of shrapnel from an unex-
ultimately to the Balcombe Street Siege (March 2015 issue).
ploded Fenian bomb found in Paddington in 1884. The
But there have been other bombings by Irish Republicans well
Museum has always been closed to the general public because
before the 1970’s (the period often referred to as ‘The Troubles’ and
it is a real chamber of horrors, representing London’s bleakest
when the mainland was attacked by the Provisional Irish Republican
moments of times past - but the renamed ‘Crime Museum
Army) and in this series I wrote about the Clerkenwell Prison explo-
Uncovered’ runs from this October to April 2016 and is curated
sion (Call Sign April 2015), which was caused by the Fenian
by the Museum of London in the City. It has to be worth a
Brotherhood in December 1867.
When Alan Fisher reminded me that it was time to prepare my
Next month it’s back to the East End for a Blast! This one hap-
next Blast! I was preparing the Sunday Study Walks for new stu-
dents on the forthcoming *Cab Guide Course - and I always include
pened during World War One - but was not a result of enemy action.
Whitehall, the street that shaped our nation and the various explo-
*Any Call Sign readers interested in going on the Cab Guide
sions that have taken place in this world famous locality.
Course should ring WCHCD Clerk, Mary Whitworth, on 01494
One of the topics that inevitably crops up is the Fenian Dynamite
765922. The next course begins on 7 September...
Campaign of the 1880’s when Victorian London was rocked by a
series of Blasts! Between the years 1881 to 1885, some of the many
Bob Woodford
explosions included venues as prestigious as the Mansion House,
Call Sign Online
A Simple Journey…
“It looked to be a simple enough ride when it flashed up on my Dial-a-Cab terminal,”
Alan Drew (L33) told Call Sign.
“Pick up from Claridges Hotel going to Baker Street on account, were the details.
They wanted Waitrose on Baker Street and then to whizz them back to Claridges.
“So off we went. After a few minutes waiting at Waitrose, the passengers came out of
the store looking a little glum and with a curt “they’ve not got what we want,” then
asking me to take them on to the Waitrose on Motcomb Street in Belgravia; so that’s
what I did!”
Alan was starting to smile at a recollection of the trip.
“I waited there several minutes for them before they came out… looking even more
despondent than before and asking me to take them back to Claridges.
“During that return journey, they were making numerous phone calls while sounding
ever more exasperated with each succeeding call. En-route to dropping them off, they
requested I pick up a colleague who was still in the hotel and take him down to ASDA
in the Old Kent Road, wait for him and then return him back to Claridges!
I never found out just what it was that ASDA stocked that Waitrose didn’t, but what-
ever it was took around three hours to purchase and gave me my best job in ages!”
With that, Alan smiled and headed of in the direction of Claridges.
“Well you never know,” he called out…!
Alan Green (E52), Call Sign Online
Call Sign September 2015
Page 26
he publicity has gone before it - a
At the London Taxi Company’s new home to build ultra-low
new UK built ultra-low emission vehi-
emissions taxis…
cle. Now the London Taxi Company
and its main contractor, Winvic, have
started the construction process at the
Coventry suburb of Ansty Park which makes
Construction begins!
the project the first greenfield car produc-
tion facility built in the UK for almost 15
years. It will be LTC parent company Geely’s
UK base for the ultra-low emission vehicle
research and development.
Winvic is a multidisciplinary main contractor
that excels in the delivery of construction pro-
jects on a national platform. Formed in 2001,
they are privately owned and this year will turn
over in excess of £300 million for a growing list
of blue chip clients.
The milestone comes soon after the compa-
ny’s £250 million investment project announce-
ment in the presence of the Prime Minister
David Cameron and London Mayor Boris
Johnson earlier this year.
A breaking ground ceremony attended by
Rugby MP Mark Pawsey, Coventry North West
MP Geoffrey Robinson and Coventry South
MP Jim Cunningham, took place on 3 August
well across all its brands. The London Taxi
London Taxi Company to build their new
at Ansty Park. The company also welcomed
Company and its new products are central to
home here at Ansty. By applying the very
officials from the local authorities, press and
that approach and our investment here
highest sustainability and construction stan-
London Taxi Company board members to
demonstrates continued commitment to the
dards, the building will be befitting to the
officially commence the building work.
UK automotive sector and helps to underpin
products that will be produced here. This is a
The new facility is the first greenfield develop-
the world class engineering capabilities
really exciting time for the London Taxi
ment of any Chinese automotive manufacturer in
which can be accessed in this country.”
Company and for manufacturing in the
the UK, demonstrating parent company Geely’s
LTC Chief Executive, Peter Johansen, added:
region and we’re pleased to be playing a part
ongoing commitment to the country and West
“Today marks another important step for-
in its development.”
Midlands region. The investment will create up
ward for the company and our employees as
The London Taxi Company’s investment rein-
to 1000 direct jobs and support a further 500
we prepare to produce the next generation of
forces the strength of the UK automotive sector
roles in the local supply chain.
ultra-low emission vehicles here in Ansty. We
and the importance of the West Midlands as an
The 37,000m2 building will be constructed by
would like to thank the local authorities for
engine for that growth. More than a quarter of
main contractors Winvic and comprises a
their hard work and support during the plan-
the UK’s 30 largest automotive manufacturing
31,000m2 production facility, which will make
ning process and everyone who has been
sites are based in the West Midlands, with glob-
the next generation of the iconic London Taxi
associated with the building project to get us
al vehicle makers announcing
£850 million
from 2017 and other forthcoming models, as
to this point today. We'd also like to thank
investment in the area so far this year. The auto-
well as 6000m2 office space. Ansty will be Geely’s
our main contractor, Winvic, whose work so
motive industry supports around 770,000 jobs
UK base for ultra-low emission vehicle R&D and
far has been impeccable.”
in the UK and added £12.4 billion to the coun-
the London Taxi Company’s global headquarters.
Mark Pawsey, MP for Rugby, said:
try’s economy.
Reflecting the London Taxi Company’s values
“Investment of this nature in advanced man-
Call Sign hopes to organise another trip
of sustainability, the Ansty site will have an
ufacturing and ultra-low emission vehicle
for drivers once building work is further
‘Excellent’ BREEAM rating and be ‘A’ rated for
technology is exactly the type of activity we
energy performance. The building will include
need to encourage and support. This is a fan-
Photo: LTC Chairman Carl Peter Forster,
850m2photovoltaic solar panels and 20 electric
tastic addition to our already booming auto-
Deputy Lord Mayor of Coventry Lindsley
vehicle charging points. It will also harvest waste
motive industry and further demonstrates
Harvard, Coventry City Council leader Ann
heat from compressed air systems to warm the
the London Taxi Company’s ongoing contri-
Lucas, LTC CEO Peter Johansen, Coventry NW
air and provide hot water, while rainwater will be
bution to the local economy, which will only
MP Geoffrey Robinson, Rugby MP Mark Pawsey,
collected for use in all of the facility’s toilets.
grow with the creation of many hundreds of
Coventry South MP Jim Cunningham and
LTC Chairman, Carl-Peter Forster, told Call
high quality jobs for local people.”
Winvic Business Director Danny Nelson at the
Sign: “The Geely group strategy to invest in
Winvic’s MD, David Ward, said: “We are
official launch…
ultra-low emission technology is progressing
thrilled to have been appointed by the
O2: Shouldn’t they remember who their clients are???
A recent O2 advert was brought to the attention of Dial-a-Cab Chairman Brian Rice by John Woodgates (T43). The ad said that anyone
signing up to Uber could not only travel in style, but also claim £20 off their first journey. This offer, it added, came exclusively with O2 Priority.
John told Call Sign that he found it difficult to believe the ad was actually genuine and that was why he forwarded it on to Brian.
As all three licensed radio taxi organisations operate their data transmissions via the O2 network, the ad appeared to be something of a kick in
the teeth for ComCab, RTG and DaC.
So Brian Rice wrote to a contact he had at O2...
“My members are in revolt due to the fact that O2 are promoting Uber with a £20 voucher off the first ride the O2 customer takes with Uber.
As you are aware, all three licensed taxi circuits use the O2 network, together with many of the 25,000 licensed taxi drivers in
London, so I can only assume your Marketing Department has been a little naïve or even worse, negligent by alienating the
London Taxi Trade!
Whilst I understand this has not been your personal decision, I would urge you to take this matter up with the relevant department, because at
the moment O2 are doing themselves irreparable damage within the Licensed Taxi Trade.”
Kind regards, Brian Rice
Responding to the DaC Chairman, an O2 spokesperson thanked Brian for making them aware of the Uber promotion and said it
wasn’t something they were aware of at O2 Enterprise business. However, they passed Brian’s message on in order to highlight
the dissatisfaction it was creating. He ended by saying that although Uber were aggressively marketing themselves through any
number of channels, they would rather that promotion in particular had not been run due to the importance of the Licensed Taxi
Trade to O2’s business.
Call Sign September 2015
Page 27
Another true story from Geoff Levene...
“There, that wasn't too difficult was it,” he
I could have called her bluff and suggested
said with a smirk on his face.
taking her there myself, but instead I merely
I was starting to boil. “Why don’t you go
said no! The point to remember is that if you're
away and leave me alone?”
going to claim that you're coughing up blood,
“It would be a pleasure,” he replied as he
it’s best not to wear the cleanest whitest track-
stalked off.
suit in the world!
Just Who is Who
But not Cricklewood!
And Regents Park!
Years ago there was a knock on my mum’s
So on a Bank Holiday, the good lady wife and
front door in Cricklewood. There stood an
It must have been around 1960 when my late
I are spending a pleasant day in Regents Park.
Irish chap wearing a beret, an old pin-striped
brother David and I were strolling along
As we sat enjoying some lunch, a man accom-
suit and pushing a bike.
Brighton prom. As a middle-aged man rushed
panied by a young girl thrusted a hand-written
“G'mornin’ Missus. Would you like me to
past us, a woman's voice cried out: “Stop him,
note at me. It was all in capitals and read as
prune that tree over there?”
he's got my bag.”
“Well, I suppose it needs doing,” said Mum.
David chased him, ordered him to stop and
“How much?”
demanded the bag. The pathetic thief did as he
the wife. She shook her head. I looked at the
“A fiver,” said the Irishman, “I can do it in the
was told - no violent mugger obviously - and
man. His eyes were pleading. I looked at the
stood awaiting his fate. A crowd gathered and
girl. Her lip trembled. I gave him £1.The wife
Mum said she was going out in the morning,
someone shouted to get the police! Then
sighed. The man’s eyes lit up. The girl's lips
so the Irishman suggested she pay him and he
David’s allegiance switched from the victim to
formed a brave smile. Half an hour later I saw
wouldn’t let her down. But the next day there
the perpetrator, saying that we had the bag
them again. They were in a crowd of about a
back and perhaps we should just let him go?
was no sign of the ‘tree feller’ and mum was
dozen men and girls - all laughing and joking.
convinced she'd been stitched up. But as she
He wasn't a mug; he just wanted to help some-
It was one giant scam of course.
one in trouble. I don't know what he'd do these
walked up the road there he was up next
You're not even safe in your own home.
days. There are so many beggars, con artists,
door’s tree merrily sawing away!
These days we live on the second floor with a
scammers and genuinely needy on the streets,
“Are you coming to me next,” she asked him?
video entryphone so that we don't get both-
that it's difficult to work out just who is who...
He looked at her, at the house and at the tree.
ered by nuisance callers. But when we had a
At the traffic lights in Goods Way a little old
“This isn't your place then,” he said before
house it was different. Take that time I opened
lady approached the cab. A job? No such luck!
almost falling out of the tree! He slammed a
the door to a pretty young girl in a dazzling
She just asked if I could spare some change so
fiver into mum’s hand and pedalled away as
white tracksuit.
she could get a hot breakfast. But I wonder
fast as he could.
“Oh hello,” she said nodding vaguely down
why they always target cab drivers? I coughed
As for the bloke who wanted to go to
the road. “You don't know me but you proba-
up 50p but she didn't seem too impressed.
Archway... I should have taken him. It took me
bly know my sister. The thing is I'm coughing
Perhaps she was hoping for the full English...
an hour to find another job!
up blood. Could you let me have a pound so I
Two minutes later and I was stopped at
Geoff Levene (W32)
can get to Northwick Park Hospital.”
Crowndale Road. Up came a man - suntanned,
Call Sign Online
wearing a tracksuit and carrying a sports bag
with his hand held out. In a cultured English
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
accent he asked if I could spare any change!
“Sorry mate,” I replied, “you're two minutes
late. I already gave.”
“Can I get to Archway for £10 then,” he asked.
“Look sir,” I said to him, “you're either a beg-
gar or a cab rider. You can't be both.”
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
He said he just happened to have a £10 note!
I just happened to drive on...
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
Transponders / chipped keys
A hot day in Pimlico
On site key cutting services including taxis
It was a steaming hot day in Pimlico and I
decided to take refuge in the air-conditioning
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
of Starbucks. I got a sandwich, a drink and
Burglary repairs / boarding up
began reading my paper as I began cooling off.
Additional security / security upgrades
I became aware of a man murmuring if I could
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
buy him some food or let him have some
money. Not again! He was quite well-dressed,
Grilles and security gates
nice haircut, clean shaven and wearing brand
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
new trainers. I said nothing and went back to
Free estimates / no call out charge
my paper. He persisted and asked if I could at
24hr service
least acknowledge his presence? I put the
paper down.
You can find us at:
“The answer to your first question is no,” I
said and went back to my newspaper. But I
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
was starting to lose the benefit of the air-con-
Tel: 01708 371115
ditioning. He wouldn't go away.
Call Sign September 2015
Page 28
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the pages
of the magazines of the time with a Flashback…
This issue harks back to the March 1997 Call Sign and looks at the mag’s gossip columnist
of the time...
Señor Al: The snitches pal
Sorry, who are you?
We've all picked up passengers whose face we couldn't quite place. I did it recently.
“Odeon, Leicester Square, please driver,” the beautifully dressed lady asked sweetly. Before I
could explain that there was a premiere on and that meant that I'd have to drop her as close as
I could, she said that she had a pass to go through the police cordons.
As we arrived at the gates to Panton Street, cars and cabs were setting down their dinner-
suited passengers. A policewoman pointed at me and with a wave tried to get me to park on
the side as all the big Rollers and Bentleys were going through. I flashed my pass. Mine was the
only one that she double-checked, whereas all the swanky cars were waved through and given
a little salute.
“Ok, go through,” she said gruffly.
We drove through and pulled up by the red carpet where a huge crowd were waiting for
celebrities. I was careful not drive onto it as I’d recently had an oil change and some had
dripped onto the tyres!
“God, this is so embarrassing,” my passenger remarked as she opened the cab door to flash a wide smile at the hordes as though she had
swallowed a banana! I wasn't sure who she was, but as the cab door opened, the press flashbulbs went off. I was momentarily dazzled.
“Aren't you going to take some of my passenger as well as me,” I jokingly shouted to the masses. It brought a polite smile and my
passenger made her way along the red carpet towards the entrance.
“Excuse me,” I shouted to her as she walked away. A huge cheer went up. She didn't hear but a uniformed police officer tapped her
on the shoulder and pointed at me.
“Haven't you forgotten something,” I called out, pointing at my money bag and shaking it violently. “Like the fare for example!”
She walked back slowly, her face colour now a perfect match to the carpet.
“I'm sorry, driver,” she said in that same sweet voice, “I don't know what to say.”
The spectators were in convulsions laughing at my passenger’s misfortune. After all, there isn't much to smile at when you’re gawping
at celebrities who don't say anything in case anyone should think they are associating with the lower classes!
“Don't worry,” sez I, “just look on the bright side. Now at least you have something worth getting embarrassed about! You've also
livened up their evening.”
Meanwhile the hecklers were having a field day at her expense.
“Don't forget his tip,” several shouted in unison. Everyone else laughed!
Meanwhile, the photographers were snapping away like mad at this poor misfortunate woman who was doing her best to maintain a
smile. She paid and gave me my biggest tip of the night. As she walked off towards the theatre to a huge cheer, I gave her a wink and
she gave me and the spectators a lovely smile as she managed to smile at her own misfortune. In fact she received a standing ovation...
even though they were all standing anyway! As she left, I called one of photographers over.
“Who was she,” I shouted above the noise. “I couldn't quite recognise her.”
“Ain't got a clue,” he laughed. “Never seen her before in my life! My job's to take pictures of everyone...!”
That is the question...
Monday 5th October has been set
aside for the declaratory relief hear-
ing to be held at the High Court in
The LTDA claim, along with most of
the trade except our licensing authority
Transport for London, that Uber’s use
of a smart phone type of device that they
use to calculate their fares is in breach of
the 1998 PH Act. The minicab company,
along with TfL, maintain that it isn’t.
Even the LTDA admit that the result
could go either way, but the trade’s
largest organisation has engaged the
services of a top QC to put forward
our case.
Call Sign September 2015
Page 29
Either write to Call Sign at
Dial-a-Cab House
or email us at
ers were being interrogated as he spoke flu-
The curious case of
PHV insurance and
ent German.
the cab in the night-
There are also stories of his dealings with
German Blaupunkt (Blue Spot) radios where
Hi Alan
he often flew to Germany to their headquar-
I was reading issue 231 of The Badge news-
Well Mr Editor…
ters and was collected from the tarmac by
paper on pages 8 and 9 about the contents
I think the time has come for someone to
one of their cars or his days of owning Radio
of a meeting re PHV/Uber. When the topic
say it as it is… Regarding your Curious
Electronics Ltd and his run ins with Alan
of PHV/Uber having hire and reward insur-
Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, I
Sugar! Of course there were then his won-
ance was raised, a person named Gary
think the time has come to say it as it must
derful days as a taxi driver on ODRTS and
Emerson said - and I had to read this twice
be said. We may well ask ourselves just
Dial-a-Cab and his many amazing stories. He
because I could not believe what I was
where DaC goes from here. I think the
really was an amazing man and a true gentle-
actually reading. He said that TfL were
words of the famous Andalusian bullfight-
man with a heart bigger than himself. My
looking at ways to instantly check insur-
er, Manuel Benitez, springs to mind; I will
Mum used to scream at him when he got
ance validity but then made the ridiculous
buy you a house or dress you in mourning.
home from working on the cab asking how
claim that the task was made harder by the
In plain language, the members must
come he was the ONLY cab driver to come
fact that PHV's were also used as private
decide to accept each job going As Directed
home covered in dirt and oil because he
vehicles and so would have to turn the hire
and if we have to run a long way, we must
would spend so much time helping to fix
and reward insurance on and off at differ-
pay ourselves out of reserve profits made to
other cabbie’s broken down taxis! She’d
ent times!
cover it.
point out that they then carried on working
Hands up anybody who knows of any
One thing in the last few years that has
but Dad just went home filthy, but to no
insurance company that would do such a
been lacking at DaC is loyalty. Have you ever
thing? Making such a statement, how did
thought why so few talented drivers stand
He never charged nurses the fare when
that man get the job? I know in these days
for the Board? So who's got the balls at the
picking one up and if they were from Bart's,
of Political Correctness with ethnic origins,
next AGM to propose that no drivers be
he’d ask them if they knew me as I was train-
sex, sexuality, transgender and disabilities
allowed to wear T-shirts without collars on.
ing there and then tell them to let me know
etc, but I didn’t know that there was a cat-
If anyone is interested in knowing why I
he had been their cab driver!
egory of being as ignorant as dog excre-
would not stand for the BoM, the dog in
There are so many stories, Alan. He really
ment! This is a new one to me. Gary
the night is just not curious enough to look
was a one off…
Emerson should resign. If not, somebody
over the wall, let alone trust anyone else to
Larry Gold
in TfL with any balls should give him his
look over the wall for them. I will leave you
Kissimmee, Florida
P45. Alas, in the civil service, the way they
with the words of Senor Benitez… we
Don’t forgot the time he was held up at
get rid of a Wally is give them promotion!
decided to hold the fight in an open field!
gunpoint at the age of eighty something
God help us…
Gary Cox (O46)
when he refused to hand over his wallet!
Brian Marcantonio (R73)
Gary is referring to the trouble Linda
The article in The Badge Brian is refer-
and I had in getting an account cab
ring to was about the 8 July meeting at
from Shaftesbury Avenue back to Dial-a-
City Hall. In an excellent report, it
Cab at 10.30pm after we had watched
Sid Gold
Hi Alan,
showed the TfL side - in the shape of
the Curious Incident of the Dog in the
Leon Daniels and Garrett Emerson (I
Night-time. It wasn’t a case of no cabs
I've just seen the August 2015 Call Sign and
was happy to see the article about my dad. As
don’t know him as Gary) failing to
available because the trip had 27 rejects
answer questions put to them by the
and in the end we caught a passing cab
people have said - he was a legend and they
don't make them like him anymore. Our
GLA and in the specific case of PHV
insurance, by Victoria Borwick. The
house is very quiet without him. We miss him
very much.
article was headlined:
‘Flabby and
Sid Gold book…
cosy’... TfL mauled by GLA over Uber
I want to thank you for coming to my dad's
Dear Alan
funeral - he thought a lot of you and often
Thank you again for your touching article
Ms Borwick had claimed that links
spoke about you. His stone setting will be on
on my dad, Sid Gold. For some time now I
17 July next year and I will remind you near-
between PH drivers and specific PHVs
have been thinking of writing a book about
and vehicle insurance were nowhere
er the time. Perhaps you would put a notice
Dad's life... from his upbringing in the East
in your magazine.
near as strong as in the taxi trade,
End to his days in the war and how his
whereupon Mr Emerson said that TfL
Roberta Gold
Mum died when he came home on leave
were looking at immediately getting
unexpectedly. She then went to queue for
access to check PHV insurance validity.
extra rations to feed him, but suddenly
Mapping upgrades
He then made the statement that Brian
fainted in the queue and hit her head. She
Hi Alan
is referring to about PHV switching
died on the way to hospital.
When do our terminal maps get updated?
from one policy to the other - one that
Then there’s the story of how he was one
John Gilbert (W72)
The Badge’s reporter called
of the first to enter one of the death camps
Every time cabs are called in for an
lous,” when explaining what we all
after they were liberated, or after the war
upgrade, the latest mapping is added
know ie that taxis are also fully insured
when he became a Translator while prison-
for both hire and reward and domestic
Call Sign September 2015
Page 30
use and that there was surely no need to
We should also drop a line to our MPs with
look at every one of those trips and con-
switch one off and the other on for PH
your concerns regarding the licencing
sult with our GPS system to see where
either. So far as Call Sign knows, there
of Uber; don’t sit back and let the parasites
the Member actually did their POB. In
is no such policy as the on/off described
go untroubled.
many cases it is when the passenger has
by Garrett Emerson …Ed
Gary Tyler (L79)
been on board for a few minutes and
Brian Rice replies: I know Gary, it’s a dan-
departed from the pickup point. With
In the Twilight Zone
gerous state of affairs that has evolved due
every FP, the Member is shown pickup
Dear Ed
to the incompetence of TfL, both to the
and destination and price, he can then
TfL have licensed
82,000 of uninsured
public and the taxi trade. Uber should
reject the trip if he so desires. However,
“taxis.” Apparently it is not illegal to charge
never have been licensed back in 2012,
what we are now doing on the longer FP
£200 per mile in a rickshaw while our
because so far as I'm concerned they are
trips is to give the customer 5 minutes
Mayor believes it is legal to transport his
available for immediate hire and on that
free waiting time, but when the five
Mrs to work on his saddle! The Oompa
premise alone, their licence application
minutes has expired we will not take
Loompas have taken over TfL. I must have
should have been declined. If the manage-
the FP out and revert to the metered
been asleep and woken up in the twilight
ment at TfL were unsure of the legislation
fare, but will add on 45p per minute or
- as their past employment record involved
£27 per hour to the FP.
David Hughes (A73)
buses only - they should have consulted
So basically Gary, I agree with every-
You said it Dave! …Ed
with the taxi trade as there are several peo-
thing you say; but there is just one last
ple that could have advised them. But it
point I’ve thought of. When the original
appears TfL only sought internal advice,
legislation regarding Private Hire was
TfL, Uber… and Dial-
introduced in
1998, we fought very
which I believe was incorrect.
The licence application should have
hard to have a clause inserted that
been refused, then Uber would have
required the minicab driver to have a
Hi Alan
taken TfL to court. But in the meantime
topographical knowledge (not to our
Uber… useless! I was driving westbound
they would not have been able to oper-
standard); we hired Lobbyists, consult-
down John Islip Street early one morning
ate. However, when the case does eventu-
ed with MPs and were successful in hav-
when a Toyota Prius travelling east decided
ally get to court I'm really not convinced
ing the clause inserted. There is no
to u-turn in front of me. Now it was west-
the Judge will advise in our favour regard-
doubt in my mind that by having a topo-
bound and at the lights at Vauxhall Bridge
ing 'immediate' hiring; even I could put a
graphical knowledge, the applicant
Road. It turned left and stopped half inside
convincing case for Uber and I can assure
would have to speak and write English
the yellow box. Then the door opened and
you they will hire people a lot brighter
and have a reasonable idea as to where
a young lady got out, opened the boot, got
than me to support their case. Uber have
he was going and all three should be an
her suitcase out and walked to my cab. She
had some absolutely terrible press, yet
essential requirement. But that clause
asked me to take her to Heathrow and got
they continue to thrive and the public
has been totally ignored by TfL! The
in. She said she had tried Uber for the
first… and last time!
continue to use them. If our highly regu-
Mayor states he is going to 'cap' PH
lated industry is not supported by TfL,
licences, but unless there is a change in
“He didn’t know which direction to
take,” she complained! I informed her that
then we will have a real problem. A high-
legislation he does not have the power
he possibly had no experience of driving in
ly regulated industry with all the costs
to do that, the same as with a taxi
London. “Unbelievable,” she exclaimed.
involved, will never be able to compete
licence; if you meet all the criteria
Anyway, she was thankful when I dropped
with a Rag, Tag and Bobtail outfit!
required then a licence must be issued.
her at Terminal 5. How much was he going
I must admit I’m not a fan of Fixed
If the Mayor wants to cap numbers,
to charge her you may ask? Well it’s irrele-
Prices in town, as we might as well be
the solution is easy - introduce the
vant as she would have undoubtedly
a minicab outfit. Also, very often the
Topographical Knowledge part of the
missed her flight!
metered fare is more expensive on Tariff
legislation that is already in place for
TfL are responsible for licencing these
1 than it is on Tariff 3 due to traffic con-
any new applicants seeking a PH
jokers and I don’t think we should try to
ditions. Consequently, submitting a fair
licence, that will reduce numbers
compete on price, but as Dial-a-Cab is now
FP for all parties can prove to be diffi-
overnight… and that advice to the hier-
putting fixed priced jobs out for longer
cult. However, on longer journeys I agree
archy at TfL and the Mayor comes free
trips, I think we can compete with other
with you Gary, we can compete with the
of charge!
PHV circuits. I think the meter for postcode
opposition. On Tariff 4 (yes, there is one)
jobs is right, but for jobs going out into the
the meter registers at £3.64 per mile, so if
Uber and sexual
‘sticks’ it can be fixed at a sensible rate
you travel at 70mph on a motorway your
below the meter, which can be worthwhile
meter will register £254.80p per hour! I
harassment towards
for the driver. If it means getting longer
know you have to come back, but you
jobs back in our cabs, then I am for it.
must decide if that is a little on the expen-
Having the right to reject must apply of
sive side!
Hi Alan
Consequently, we are offering a FP for
Bloke in my cab this morning told me his
People will always try elsewhere, but I
these longer journeys; unfortunately
company had closed their Uber account
think our service is excellent. However, in
some Members are delaying their POB
because of two cases of sexual harassment
these times price seems to dictate… so let’s
until the
10 minute threshold has
towards female employees! It had been
give it a go.
elapsed, so the FP comes out. We now
reported via email to TfL but as of yet there
Call Sign September 2015
Page 31
had been no reply! They have now started
way to gently point out to DaC drivers (even
As for renting out the building; yes,
using Gett but I told him that we were
the non-smokers) that inhaling toxic fumes
the Board did take note of your sugges-
more accommodating for longer trips and
for hours on end could possibly damage
tion and have offered parts of the build-
more professional. I have passed their con-
their health.
ing out for rent and would still consider
tact details over to Keith Cain…
Please consider the above and wear a mask…
offers. In fact when I showed him your
Jon Robinson (E88)
Jan Kupler
letter, the Chairman told me that we
You have to wonder why people still use
Chigwell, Essex
actually offered part of the building to
Uber with all the negative publicity they
David Kupler died in April 2014 at the age
Mountview instead of them renting
receive from around the world. If my
of 66. In addition to being on DaC for
premises in Southgate. Also, the
daughter or two granddaughters ever
many years, he was also Call Sign’s resi-
builders next door were offered the
called an Uber cab, I’d go mad and
dent poet …Ed
opportunity to put a raised floor in our
physically try to stop them. But if either
car park and to erect portacabins to
of my two grandsons did it, I’d call
Looking backwards?
house their project team. However,
them mad. Does that tell you anything
Dear Alan
both were to no avail ...Ed
about Uber? Perhaps TfL could elucidate
First, may I start on a positive note! There is
as to what it is about Uber that they like
a feeling that business is at last improving. In
Fixed prices and subs
as compared to the awful publicity they
the last 2 weeks I have been offered five
Dear Alan,
accumulate …Ed
account jobs! It is regrettable that so much of
I have been fortunate to cover a couple of
the taxi trade press - and even the wonderful
fixed price account rides recently and
No such cab!
Call Sign - spends such a long time moaning
whilst I bemoan the fact that some have
about the competition and recalling our glo-
been considerably under-priced, on a time
Just read the July Call Sign Online and par-
rious history. With habitual looking back,
basis they represent reasonable value.
ticularly enjoyed the article on page 26 about
emphasis on tradition, tales of drivers who
However, I regard it as most unfair that not
Alan Lewis (DaC A44) and his FX3 - despite
were "characters" and anecdotes from others
only do I then lose 7.5%, I have to pay VAT
the typo in your photo caption that named
who keep remembering better times, togeth-
on top, making a 9 percent deduction.
the vehicle as a TX3! My own taxi is a 1955
er with gripes about how minicabs have
Would the BoM consider removing the vari-
Austin, so I am sensitive to these matters!
taken "our" work, it is not surprising that we
able subscription on fixed price rides?
John Freeston
have been overtaken by business people who
David S. Lessman (D19)
Vice Chairman, London Vintage Taxi
look forward and make quick use of technol-
Company Sec Howard Pears will bring
ogy as it becomes available. In any other area,
your suggestion up at the next Board
Windham, New Hampshire, USA
it is impossible to imagine such a blinkered
meeting ...Ed
Bet you’d like a TX3 though John! For
approach by an industry faced with new
those unaware of why there was a TX1,
rivals. When Pepsi-Cola first arrived, Coca-
Cola did not spend ages whining "not fair"
One fine day...
TX2 and then TX4 - but no TX3 - it was
because at the time the engine was Euro
but tried harder, modified, diversified and
One fine winter afternoon, I was working
advertised effectively. When manufacturer of
happily and at around 3.30pm, home beck-
4 compliant and TX3 gave out the
wrong image. It was also said that the
typewriters, Olivetti, saw new technology
oned as usual. It was dry and very cold, but
arriving, they did not dwell on past process-
no snow was forecast. Suddenly the voice
company (LTI at that time) “wanted a
connection with its world famous FX4.”
es but moved into computers, tablets, smart-
radio burst into life: First call Manchester
phones and printers.
Square going to N20 delivery... 2nd call and
After the severe downturn in 2008 and
it was mine! Great job to within 200 yards
large reduction in our staffing levels, I made
of home, how lucky was that! Off I went
Air quality and taxi
the suggestion at our AGM in 2013 (possibly
and immediately it started to snow very
2012) that one or even 2 floors of our offices
heavily. I slipped and slided to Swiss
Hi Alan
in East Road be sublet. This would have
Cottage, slid down to the Golders Green
It's only my opinion - I’ve not checked any
raised substantial rental income. However,
lights before deciding that I just couldn’t
figures - but my husband David Kupler’s
Brian Rice said that there were security issues
get any further. So I parked on the rank,
lung cancer was very aggressive. I believe
involved in sharing premises so this idea was
took the tube to Totteridge and walked to
that years of smoking JPS cigarettes AND
not acted on. Perhaps the time has come to
deliver the parcel at about 5.30pm before
driving round a heavily polluted city every
then walking home... job done! I went back
day caused the cancer. So I really think that
Laurence Kelvin (W88)
to the rank the following day to collect my
Dial-a-Cab drivers should consider wearing
Nice to hear from you Laurence. Sorry
cab as by then the roads had been gritted.
those white face masks. When David was
you don’t like parts of the magazine that
Oh and while I think of it, what about
forced to give up his air conditioning sys-
look back but it is, after all, a magazine
those amazing BBC jobs such as picking up
tem in order to make space for the catalyt-
and with the greatest will in the world
an order from Television Centre to go to
ic converter, he naturally had to keep his
there just isn’t enough news to fill it up
Crystal Palace, pick up a tin of paint and
windows open to keep cool. As a result, he
with just that - unless you want me to
then return back to TVC! Happy days!
was breathing in a huge amount of toxins
turn it into something similar to papers
Retirement is great down here in Bognor
day in, day out. So it’s really not that sur-
that fill their pages with press releases
Regis; we even see DaC cabs down here as
prising that he should die of lung cancer.
and end up all looking the same. Actually,
some other drivers also live here. Best
Don't worry Al, I'm not about to start a riot
some of Coca-Cola’s most popular ads
wishes to all...
or anything, but I wondered if there was a
were those that looked back!
Martin Freeborn Ex (C67)