May 2015
Can Shanghai show London how
to defeat the cab app problem?
What are these two DaC
drivers afraid of losing???
Call Sign May 2015
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
I still get confused with the plethora of hotel chain names with owner changes and new sites. This article may look the same
as previous articles, but believe me there are many changes and this is now up to date - until the next time!
Hotel Chains
Call Sign May 2015
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
Suspicious drivers
easy process that you can look up online. You
Well, well, well, what a suspicious lot you are!
might save yourself some money - in the case of
the DaC driver I spoke of, around £3000…!
Perhaps it was the long Easter weekend that
gave drivers more free time than they would
normally have had, so they thought they’d
Bike tragedies
phone me instead. Of course I never mind hav-
How tragic it was to hear of the death of Moira
ing a chat, but when I got numerous calls on
Gemmill who was killed in a collision with a
Easter Saturday all asking the same question, I
lorry at Millbank Circus in April, just a few
found myself almost ready to pretend I couldn’t
months after Francis Golding was struck and
hear the phone. But my love of a good chat,
killed by a coach in Holborn. The deaths of Mr
over the glass of Merlot at my side, put that idea
Golding and Ms Gemmill made five cyclists that
to bed.
have died on London’s roads this year.
The deaths make it much harder to argue
So what was it that got those drivers so
wound up? Well apparently they all believed
against bike superhighways, but make it even
that the letter from the former ComCab
more difficult to argue, as Cycling
General Manager who is now with Addison
Commissioner Andrew Gilligan did in the last
Lee, Mike Galvin, was a subtle ploy by the
issue of Call Sign, to allow cyclists to use the
Dial-a-Cab Board to sound out Mike about
main highway when there is a cycling super-
ring to his Uber TAXI and then asking me how
coming to work with this Society.
highway in force. Yet that is exactly what Mr
much I would charge him… well sorry mate.
Coincidentally, on the same Mailshot page in
Gilligan told this magazine. He didn’t think it
You just carry on waiting!
the April Call Sign was a letter from another
was necessary to impose that restriction
“I’m going to report you,” he said, “what’s the
former ComCab GM, Malcolm Paice, who is
“because taxis aren’t forced to stay in bus
phone number of your company!”
lanes.” His statement was madness then and it is
now the Master of the Worshipful Company of
That sounded to me very much like someone
Hackney Carriage Drivers. Strangely, no one
even more imperative now that no cyclist be
who has tried to complain to Uber - not, appar-
asked me the same question of Malcolm.
allowed to travel outside of a cycling superhigh-
ently, the easiest of experiences. By now the dri-
So let me tell all those that didn’t phone me
way lane when there is one in place.
vers of the second and third cabs had come
the same thing I told those that did; the fact that
He told this magazine last month: “We're not
over, believing that I was trying to broom a job
Mike Galvin and Malcolm Paice were in the last
going to ban cyclists from using the road,
and making sure it didn’t get swept their way.
issue was purely down to me. No one on the
but our experience on the existing segregat-
But they soon saw what was happening and one
DaC Board knew about it until they read it -
ed track we've installed on Stratford High
of them told the prospective passenger where
albeit one day before you thanks to their copies
Street is that the vast majority (97 percent
to go in language that I hadn’t heard since 1959,
coming straight from the printers rather than
+) use the track. The tracks we're installing
when I managed to buy a copy of the unexpur-
will be 4m wide (mostly) - enough for fast
via the postal system. Their inclusion was not a
gated version of Lady Chatterley’s Lover and
devious plot to test driver’s reactions to them
cyclists to pass and overtake slower ones
thought about taking up gardening when I left
being offered jobs, because unless we have rep-
within the track itself. I don't think 3 per-
school after reading about Mellors’ exploits!
resentatives from both MI5 and MI6 here, then
cent makes much difference either way, to
He walked off still looking at his phone and
I would have heard something by now! And I
be honest. We're talking maybe 15 cyclists
the first passenger, of what was by now a small
haven’t. So there! Now where did I put that
an hour, tops.”
queue, came over.
glass of Merlot - and remind me not to publish
Well I’m sorry Mr Gilligan, I disagree totally
“UCH Hospital please driver,” came the
anything from Geoffrey Riesel…!!!
and if a cyclist dies in tragic circumstances after
request, “I know it’s fairly close but I can’t walk
being involved with another vehicle and they
so well nowadays.”
are cycling outside of a superhighway, we will
Kings Cross and Uber
“Not a problem,” I said lying through my
remind you of your statement.
I was rather naughty recently and knowing that
teeth, “which entrance would you like?”
this magazine is widely read with sections
And a message for TfL; the last we heard, the
appearing online almost before even I’ve fin-
It was at the top of Gower Street as we turned
yellow stickers sported by some taxis on their
ished reading it, telling Call Sign readers about
left. I nipped out, held the door open for her
rear nearside windows advising cyclists not to
it now could pose me some nasty problems. But
and lent an arm for her to lean on. She pressed
undertake on that side because of the danger,
hey, early retirement could mean more Spurs
a £5 note into my hand with a “keep the change,
had been banned. I sincerely hope that ban has
matches and even retaking my old Surrey CCC
driver, and thank you so much.”
been lifted…
seat at The Oval, especially now that KP has
And do you know something. Given the
returned to liven it up!
unlikely choice of taking Mr Uber to
Alf Townsend
It was a few weeks back and I’d been at the
Marylebone for double fare or taking this lady
I read in TAXI that Alf Townsend is now 80.
end of a long queue of cabs, but one that moved
to the UCH for nowt, I’d have taken the latter
Firstly, I’d like to wish the most famous writer in
fairly quickly and within 10 or so minutes I was
every time - not because he used Uber, but just
our trade a very happy birthday, but I’m just not
second and watching a tall man on his mobile
because of his sheer ignorance.
sure whether his telling the world that we have
phone, holding a briefcase that looked as though
My belated thanks to the two cabs behind me
80-year old drivers taking passengers around in
it had been owned by a previous Chancellor of
on the KX rank for backing me up and I’m now
taxis was the wisest move…?
the Exchequer - probably Dennis Healey!
ready to be carted away by Sir Peter and co…
I knew exactly what he was doing by the way
Holiday time…
he was looking at his phone and looking around.
Credit checks
Yep, as usual there is no June issue of Call Sign
He was waiting for an Uber cab. Then the first
At a time when second hand taxis are like gold
and we’ll be back on 1st July. However, please
cab took a passenger and I was on the point.
dust, I have just been told by a DaC driver who
don’t let that stop you sending in anything inter-
Then over he came to me.
bought a second hand cab off a non-DaC driver,
esting because my laptop never stops! But please
“You will have to take me to Marylebone
that he has since discovered there was still an
don’t send in details of events that take place in
Station; I think my Uber taxi has got lost. How
outstanding HP debt on the cab and that the
June that you want publicised - unless it’s a
much will you charge me? I bet it’s ridiculously
seller hadn’t paid it off with the funds obtained
report of one that you were involved in. Telling
from selling the cab.
drivers to go somewhere on June 14th in the 1st
A pretty standard job and while not the ‘road-
So there is an obvious answer. It may not
July issue won’t help to swell crowds by even one!
er’ we all think is coming our way any minute,
make you too popular with the seller because
Have a great holiday and hopefully things will
it was a job - but just not for him. Had he come
we all want to be thought of as honest - includ-
begin looking up when you get back…
over and asked for Marylebone, even though I
ing most sellers - but before laying out your
knew what he was trying to do, I’d have had no
hard-earned loot you should have the taxi you
Alan Fisher
choice and would have swallowed it. But refer-
are thinking of buying, credit checked. It’s an
Call Sign May 2015
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
Merger with Radio Taxis
consideration, will improve the trade’s
Not a great deal of progress to report on
any merger with Radio Taxis aka
During this particularly lean spell, your IT
Mountview; we are still talking to them
department has continued with the devel-
but as you can imagine, their view on
opment of our new despatching system and
events is a little different from our view.
I’m led to believe that assuming they don’t
However, everything is very amicable and
come up against any unforeseen circum-
we are hopeful that we can come to some
stances, the development is still on track to
agreement, because what we do both agree
be delivered by the end of the second quar-
is that a merger of the two organisations
ter of 2015.
would certainly lead to economies of scale,
which again would definitely aid both
New logo
Following my article in the last Call Sign
As I have explained in the past, I’ve had
re the new logos, this is an image of the
to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
new design…
which obviously has an effect on the type
I must admit to having been somewhat
of information I can divulge. However, dur-
curious as to why Gabi wanted to see me
ing our ongoing discussions some informa-
and explain the working of his App,
tion has been relayed to their staff and dri-
because at the end of the day both organi-
vers that consequently puts it into the pub-
sations wish to transport members of the
lic domain. As such, I do not have any
public - albeit under slightly different cir-
problems about repeating it in Call Sign.
It would appear that Mountview have
Anyway, we got there in the end and Gabi
signed to sell their premises and I under-
said that he wanted me to explain to your
stand they will have to vacate Lennox
Account Customers how by sharing taxis
Road by the end of August. I also believe
and using the Maaxi App, corporates could
Hooray… a month off!
they will be renting new premises in
save a considerable amount of money
As many of you know, the Editor does not
Southgate. I really do wish them well with
annually; I don’t think I need say more on
produce a magazine during the month of
their move because we did just that eight
that subject…!
June; so that means I have nearly two
years ago and I must confess that moving
whole months where I do not have his con-
all the infrastructure to different premises
Despatching System
stant nagging for me to produce an article
does lead to a stressful experience for all
You don’t need me to tell you what a par-
for Call Sign. I will happily admit that
concerned. However, in the meantime, dis-
ticularly bad Kipper season we have expe-
those two months of the year do seem to
cussions between the two organisations
rienced this year, it was probably as bad - if
pass quicker than any other two and I real-
will continue.
not worse - than any in recent memory.
ly can’t think why!
However, it’s now getting close to the
Let’s just hope we all have a good sum-
Maaxi Taxi
Chelsea Flower Show, which was always
mer with lots of visitors from the Middle
You are probably aware that a new taxi App
considered to be the start of the season. So
East and the rest of Europe and that none
has been launched with the intention that
let’s hope that comes to fruition this year
of them worry too much about the strength
members of the public can share the taxi
as the licensed taxi trade could certainly do
of the pound against the Euro.
with others travelling in the same direc-
with some good news.
And of course, all of you drivers and staff
tion, with of course the fare being divided
Also, the General Election is on May 7th
who are going away for a deserved summer
by all parties that are travelling.
and once again the trade will hopefully
holiday, have a really great time…
I believe the App is primarily aimed at
improve once that is out of the way and
current bus users in the hope they will
everyone has a clearer idea what may lie
switch their allegiance from London
ahead for the next five years. Let’s hope
Brian Rice
Transport to Maaxi and I understand this is
that both these topics, when taken into
Chairman, Dial-a-Cab
leading to some consternation within TfL,
as they contemplate some erosion from
bus passenger numbers.
I am also led to believe that several
obstacles have been placed by TfL in the
path of Maaxi Taxi. It is a great shame
that the same diligence was not applied
to Uber when they applied for a Private
Unit 10, Ford View Industrial Estate, 83 New Rd Rainham, RM13 8ET
Hire Operators licence.
It remains to be seen whether or not the
new App is successful, but you don’t need
Tel: 01708 553037
me to tell you of the possible pitfalls that
could well be experienced by some pas-
sengers and drivers; however, if new busi-
TX1 servicing from £48
TX1s, TX2s, TX4s and Vitos
ness can be attracted into our trade, then
that must be a good thing. But we will have
TX2 servicing from £70
Rentals from £165 per week
to wait and see.
TX4 servicing from £90
On the same topic, I had a visit from
Maaxi Taxi CEO Gabi Campos, who
All Work Undertaken
together with Nat Rothschild initially sup-
Servicing - Running Repairs - Overhauls - Small Fleets Welcome - Discounts Available
plied the funding for Maaxi. He went into
All TX1, TX2, TX4
considerable detail explaining how the
Starters - Batteries - Alternators - All with 2 year Warranty
App works and how he believes it will
breathe new life into the taxi industry, but
Fax: 01708 551443
as I stated earlier, only time will tell if it is
Call Sign May 2015
Page 5
The woman
But you’ll never guess why!
tells him that
she has heard
ark Tiller (K90) recently rang Call
The passenger went on to explain to the
a traffic report
Sign to tell us about a passenger he
Dial-a-Cab driver of hearing that several dri-
on the radio
had picked up that day along
vers had issued complaints about him
claiming that a
Victoria Park Road and the aston-
expressing annoyance at incorrect routes
car was being
ishing conversation that occurred as they made
often being taken by the Uber drivers. But
driven on the
their way towards Bishopsgate.
his final complaint somewhat took the
wrong side of a
Mark’s customer asked him if he knew of any
proverbial biscuit!
dual carriage-
taxi apps because he had previously been using
It had happened when he was on his way
way and to be
Uber but had now been banned from them!
home and just about to join the North Circular
careful. The
He explained about the app’s rating system
Road. He was sitting quietly in the back seat
h u s b a n d
where passengers can give Uber drivers a mark
reading the Evening Standard and glanced up
replies that it
on how good or bad they are (ie didn’t know
for no particular reason other than to see if they
wasn’t one car,
the way etc), whilst drivers can give marks to
had reached the NCR yet and to make sure that
it was hun-
they weren’t lost - even with the satnav on.
passengers (ie they were drunk etc). Several bad
Mark listened to his
reports and drivers can be sacked, whilst pas-
There is an old joke where an elderly
And that’s
passenger with aston-
sengers can be blocked from using the app if
woman phones her equally elderly husband
what happened
too many drivers complain about them.
who is driving home along a dual carriageway.
to Mark’s pas-
senger. As he looked up, he screamed at the dri-
ver to pull over as he had somehow got onto the
wrong side of the North Circular and huge num-
bers of cars with headlights blazing were heading
E&C: 12 months
straight towards them!
The passenger got out and stayed out calling
the driver a silly billy (approx)! But the next time
he used his smartphone to get an Uber car (yes,
of chaos begins
we agree that some people never learn), he
As part of TfL’s continuing
learned that he had been banned for shouting at
the driver and for previously being given poor rat-
£4bn Road Modernisation
ings for telling drivers with a rather forceful voice
Plan, construction of the
that they were lost and were silly billies (again)!
major transformation of the
In future, he told Mark, he would use either
Elephant & Castle northern
the DaC or Hailo apps - by which time they had
roundabout has now begun.
reached Bishopsgate without Mark having to
The scheme, which was sup-
look up the route even once - but the passen-
ported by more than 80 per
ger didn’t comment on that because he knew
cent of respondents to a
that we were the professionals. And Mark was
public consultation in
too worn out from hearing the story to tell him
February 2014, supports
about Hailo. Besides, he didn’t want to risk hav-
Southwark Council's regen-
ing the passenger shouting at him!!!
eration of the wider area.
E&C is one of TfL’s prior-
Ron Yarborough
ity locations to deliver
Call Sign Online
improved safety for all road
users. The £25m overhaul of the northern round-
about has been designed to significantly upgrade facilities for pedestrians, cyclists
Immaculate White
and drivers by converting it into a peninsular, creating a new, more open and accessible
public space, with the road around it converted to two-way traffic.
The subways will also be replaced with new pedestrian crossings that allow people to cross
Cab Available for
directly, easily and safely between tube, bus and local amenities at all times of the day. New
dedicated cycle routes will also be created through and around the junction to improve safe-
ty for cyclists.
The E&C is a residential area and while some necessary work will be carried out at night
and during weekends, the majority of work will take place on weekdays between 08:00 and
18:00. The main highway work is scheduled to be fully completed by summer 2016, with
work on the public space within the new peninsula to be carried out after an upgrade to
the Northern line station is completed in the early 2020s.
Ahead of the start of construction, TfL’s skilled traffic engineers have been developing
traffic management plans to ensure that the impacts on all road users are kept to a mini-
mum. Sophisticated traffic signal technology, which allows better management of traffic
depending on differing conditions at any given time, will be used to ensure that key routes
and junctions are controlled in real-time to help keep traffic moving.
Reducing the speed limit to 20mph is also being explored as part of this work,
which would improve overall safety conditions for all users.
The construction of the redesigned Elephant & Castle northern roundabout forms part of
the wider work being carried out across London as part of TfL’s Road Modernisation Plan.
With a budget of more than £4 billion from now until 2021/22, this overeaching plan repre-
Female driver
sents the biggest investment in London’s roads in a generation, including hundreds of trans-
10% reduction for Dial-a-Cab drivers
formational projects within the existing road network. Using radical ideas and innovative
Contact Debbie (W18) on
designs, the plan will make London’s roads greener, safer and more attractive for the benefit
of all Londoners.
07956 317040
Call Sign May 2015
Page 6
Jery’s World
“Listen chaps, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that recharging your electric taxis will be provided
by the Mayor’s office at no charge! The bad news is that the 15 year time limit on taxis is being reduced to 15 months. But as
I like you all so much, I’m trying to get that increased to two years!!!”
At the DaC Credit Union AGM held on 25 March 2015, President Terry Dodd on behalf of the “hard work-
ing Board and Committees” gave a wide ranging and dynamic report stating amongst other things “that
despite the cab trade facing competition and trading depression, our credit union (owner members own
it and no-one else) continues to flourish and grow as we do our utmost to serve the savings and loans
needs of our owner-members at all reasonable times.”
Audited Accounts presented to owner-members and approved, revealed from the Balance Sheet:
1. An increase on loans granted of 29.05% from last year.
2. “Cash in Bank” was far too high, earning little for the Credit Union in interest and it should be out on loan
to our owner-members. Would a bank help you with anything? Your credit union can (subject to underwriting).
3. Net asset increase (mainly the value of the Loan Book); an increase of 25.05% from last year.
4. A slight reduction in reserves from last year “as the repayment of new loans gained had not produced a full
interest yield (profit) at the accounting date.”
From the Profit & Loss Account:
1. Interest paid on owner-members investment, an increase of 24.25% over last year. Terry Dodd explained that “the Dial-a-Cab 7% gross offering on
fixed interest term shares is the best around and owner-members should wait for the next offering to open.”
The Report of Treasurer Brian Flanagan was most comprehensive and greeted with great applause; as usual the ever youthful John Riley retained the
perks of his office, the ‘Vice’ of Vice President.
A key point from the Auditors Report of Appleby & Wood to owner-members was to point out to the meeting that “the hands on control exercised
daily by the Board showed up in the audited figures, especially the control over bad and doubtful debts (non or slow payers) and that some smaller credit
unions have a percentage figure 30 times as great!”
Some significant Board and Committee changes occurred as a result of the democratic process and the need for the Credit Union to grow its leadership
team. Derek Griggs and Roger Kensit (W31) have been elected to the Board of Directors and Paul Smyth (R11) to the Supervisory Committee.
All the owner-members agreed unanimously with the recommendation to the Board of Directors to reject declaring a dividend on shares held, allocating
the trading surplus to the reserves to strengthen further the very strong financial position of the DaC Credit Union.
Under “Any Other Business” outside the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting, owner-members conducted a general discuss on the future develop-
ment of “our” Credit Union - you own it!
Lastly, whilst Julia Roberts did not attend the meeting as she is not member of our Credit Union, all who were there were in total awe of the sartorial
elegance of Roger Kensit who was “pretty in pink!” What will he wear next year? Attend and find out!
DACCU Reporter, For Call Sign Online
Call Sign May 2015
Page 7
So it's the march of the most important
Call Sign’s Gary Cox, in his own way, is…
British General Election in years so far as
European issues are concerned. Yes, even
more important that the recent Dial-a-Cab
elections! But when all the ranting stops,
already knew, but his remarks were well
many will look back and begin to wonder if
timed and balanced to give us a nudge before
the last UK election on Thursday 6th May 2010
the election truly kicked off - even though the
was probably even more important than the
phoney war has been playing out for a year or
impending one - exactly 5 years on when you
realise that tradition dictates it should be on a
Everyone is entitled to their vote and their
option to vote for the bloke in the big pink hat
Why was it more important? Probably due to
and Safari suit from the Monster Raving
an economic freefall of a descending spiral of
Looney party should they so desire. But me
despair, which left most holding their breath
personally, I’m a bit like Gary Cohn, an ex-
as bankers teetered on the edge of a moun-
London metal exchange member of the Board
tain, knowing the drop on the other side was
of Directors. I’m for changing the European
sheer with nothing between their skull and
malarkey from the inside and not the outside -
the deck below. Not to mention the possibility
even if I like the way Nigel Farage leans on
of a council school education for their kids…
the bar with a fag and a pint while enjoying
and the dole queue for them! That in turn
the benefits of a good looking German wife
would have found you, me and Uncle Tom
and the trimmings of a European Parliament
Cobley alongside them in a dole queue near
job. Yes, I want change, but not the same
you. And what chance would we have stood
change as Mr Putin and what’s left of his
up against such talent as Oxbridge and
empire, wants.
Harvard for a job working with Tower
Let me give you a tip; know who you're
Hamlets Council and/or Transport for
of a button will have found out who the per-
talking to, understand their background
London - the only ones in need of staff.
son is in the back of their cab - not that many
and which stables they have worked out of.
As for now, we must focus our minds on the
cabbies wouldn’t already know who Gary
And look at the medals on the table! Then
coming election because what has happened
Cohn - President and Chief Operating Officer
make your mind up about the options on
in the past has to be cast aside, with much
of Goldman Sachs was before or after his
the table.
regret from a card carrying Tory and Lib-Dem
appearance on BBC Radio Four telling all and
But if you're lucky enough to come across
supporter’s point of view. The bogie man
sundry that pulling out of Europe would be a
Mr Cohn, tell him: “Bad move that Uber one.
standing in the corner is the debate about
disaster for the UK, with I suspect, an under-
Mate!” I'll lay you a pound to a penny that he’ll
current of:
laugh and with a wink of his eye say that you're
A debate? That’s a laugh! Have you ever
“God, stay in! We at Goldman Sachs feel
right, because he knows you interview
heard of any taxi driver - let alone one on
safe in Europe dealing with the way your
through the rear mirror for any tips on where
DaC - not having an opinion on any subject,
government services, schools, restaurants
to move your money. After all, he's a business
let alone how to run the country. And with the
and cabs work!”
man - albeit bigger than you. But only if the
advent of the Internet, most drivers at the tap
We didn’t need him to tell us what we
tape's not running…
Call Sign May 2015
Page 8
aC driver Sean Farrell (B39) looks at trade history from a different angle
Brethren of the Whip
son and they were fined. The passenger was
clerk thought the distance was under five miles
never fined for underpaying, they were just
“but I declined to have it measured.”
charged costs.
According to passenger Ward, cabman
What was the abusive language uttered by
Andrews’ “turbulence” in court drew a
On July 31st 1856,
Andrews: “Two shillings is not enough for a
threat from magistrate Corrie that he
cabman George
three shilling ride.” That’s all it was and for
would have his licence suspended for a
Mather Andrews
this he was fined the 2 shillings that he paid
month if he persisted; hardly the cabman
picked up Mr
straight away before exclaiming: “This is not
who gave his evidence in a “fair and impar-
Ward from his res-
tial manner.”
If a publican, grocer or draper did not
Andrews never got the right to reply, but if
Hamilton Terrace,
receive enough for their services, they’d be
Corrie had felt that the distance was under five
St John’s Wood
miles, there is little doubt he would have con-
and drove him to
within their rights to ask for the correct
vinced Ward to have the ground measured and
amount. Anyone would do the same. But if
Andrews could have been fined for overcharg-
Place. When they arrived, Frederick Ward
a cab driver was not paid the correct
ing. He didn’t. It wasn’t…
got out the cab and proffered 2s (10p) to
amount for his services and he happened to
Andrews. The cabman looked at what was
mention this to the passenger, he was liable
Sean Farrell (B39)
being offered and said: “Two shillings is not
to be fined;
19th century justice on a
enough for a three shilling ride.” Ward
plate - or was it?
Call Sign Online
was having none of it and refused to pay what
The Examiner newspaper described the pun-
he saw as an exaction by the driver. Andrews
ishment of Andrews as “preposterous.” In
Alterations to the A11
took the 2s, gave him his ticket - a form of
fact, so inflamed was Ward by his portrayal in
TfL have banned turns at Mile End Road at
receipt that the cabman had to give to every
the press following the court case, that he
its junctions with Stepney Green and Burdett
passenger who hired him - and politely drove
returned to Court to seek advice from magis-
Road. They will also modify the banned turn
trate Corrie on what could be done about it.
and prescribed route at Bow Road’s junction
It was not a lost fare so far as Andrews was
Corrie was non-committal. The fact, as he saw
with Fairfield Road.
concerned, he knew where Ward lived and had
it, was that Andrews had said “two shillings
Side roads affected in addition to mains of
actually picked him up several times before;
was not enough for four miles,” but the act
Whitechapel Road, Mile End Road and Bow
but this was the first time there had been a dis-
of parliament said it was and that’s why the
Road will be Bancroft Road, Goulston Street,
pute over the fare. The fare at the time was 6d
cabman was fined.
Fairfield Road, Tyne Street and Old Castle
(2.5p) a mile, so Ward obviously thought it was
One week later, The Standard newspaper
Street. The good news is that any driver with
under four miles, whilst the cabman believed it
printed a correction to its account of the case.
objections / representations can send them to
to be between five and six miles.
According to Frederick Ward, Andrews did not
TfL at Palestra, quoting reference
Twice Andrews went back to Hamilton
know the actual distance he travelled and Ward
RSM/PI/STOT/TRO, GLA/2015/0114-0117.
Terrace to get his money, but each time he
said he was taken “a way I’ve never been
The bad news is that they will take no
came away empty handed. He then felt com-
before.” After leaving him at Highbury,
notice as they had to arrive before 29th
pelled to take out a summons so the matter
Andrews went to Hamilton Terrace to get his
January 2015. But sadly, no one told us any-
could be settled by a magistrate.
shilling, “knowing that I was not there.”
thing about it!
In court, Andrews was described as “a cab-
According to Ward, both Corrie and the chief
man, who was very respectably attired
and who gave his evidence in a very fair
and impartial manner.” He related his ver-
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
sion of events, with which Ward did not dis-
agree and the cabman said he’d be willing to
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about
have the ground measured. In cases such as
variable bank interest rates?
this, the cabman and the passenger would each
deposit 5 shillings (25p) with the court. An offi-
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or
cer of the court would then measure the short-
member of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the
est route using a surveyor’s wheel. Whoever
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union. Any member of your family residing
was correct got their 5s back, the loser paid for
at your address also qualifies for membership!
the measurement.
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
Andrews was willing to have the ground
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow
measured, but his passenger was not. There
up to 3 times your total savings…
was no need. The magistrate, Corrie, look-
ing at a map felt the cabman was clearly in
The cost?
the right and ordered Ward to pay the 1
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.7%).
shilling that was outstanding, 2 shillings for
Loans can be paid back early AND there can be an annual dividend on your shares.
the cost of the summons and 3 shillings for
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
Andrews’ loss of earnings in attending
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
Ward paid up and then asked for a summons
against Andrews for abusive language towards
Members of the Financial Ombudsman Service
Member’s funds protected up to limit set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
him. This was the bain of the cabman’s life.
DaC Credit Union Ltd, Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney Rd E2 9EQ
They were forced to go to the trouble of taking
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
a passenger to court for underpaying, then the
Registration number 213263
counter-summons was issued for whatever rea-
Call Sign May 2015
Page 9
Hello Ladies & Gents,
From Allan Evans
the accounts of these new procedures and
The Easter period was particularly quiet this
our reasons for doing it and so far it seems to
year and with the Chelsea Flower Show
be working. Again, I am asking you to assist
soon to be upon us, we would hope that the
with coverage, because without your help and
work will pick up in the normal manner.
support it will not have the intended impact
You’ll have read in last month’s Chairman’s
and will fail.
report that in addition to my present role, I
have been asked once again to oversee the
Signals explained
Compliance side of the Society. Working
Over the past three months, I have received a
closely with Shelagh Adkins, we will endeav-
small number of calls complaining of bad sig-
our to get things back on track and again
nals, which causes frustration and annoyance
make it fair and equal for every member. I
out on the road. Our IT department have
firmly believe that the vast majority are still
done everything in their power to help allevi-
playing by the rules, but it is now our job to
ate this problem, but in almost all cases it is
eradicate any blatant misdemeanours that in
the network that is letting us down.
the last year or so may have arisen.
There are around 90 million mobile
When I originally took the position over
reply there was no decision made as to how
phones in the UK and London has 30 per-
from Tom Whitbread, I explained in my arti-
the complaint would progress. This, in my
cent of them. In the early days, we had a
cle at the time how I perceived Complaints
opinion, was an admittance of guilt and a
series of base stations located in different
should be dealt with and this will not change
quite cowardly course of action by the mem-
parts of the capital; now we rely on
second time around. As the title indicates, my
ber in question who did not want to face his
almost five thousand masts for the sig-
role is to ensure that all our members operate
fellow colleagues. The motto of ‘don’t do the
within the Society’s rules and I can categori-
crime if you can’t do the time’ comes to mind.
In the London area they are close together,
cally reassure you that each complaint will be
Incidentally, the trip he was booking in for
further out they are more widely spread.
dealt with on its merit and without prejudice.
and hanging up to exclusively get has now
When a mast is out of action and unless you
As the Compliance Officer, you are not the
been evenly spread out amongst many of the
are within range of a functioning mast, the sig-
prosecutor but merely the processor of the
members. Dispatchers will be monitoring the
nal in all probability will be lost and you will
complaint - someone who is trusted to make
system more closely and I would politely ask
be unable to book in or sign off. In layman’s
the best judgement on how a complaint is
you all to book in within the rules, then the
terms, it will eventually pick a signal up when
dealt with. There are 21 Procedure Rules
work will be allocated fair and equally for
you are within range, but if you live near or by
that are in place to safeguard members and
everyone - which is how it should be.
a mast that is out of action, then again signing
clients alike and I have included them below
During certain times of the day, you may be
off will be somewhat impossible until the mast
as a gentle reminder to you all. It is purely
offered fixed price trips that are based on
is up and running. We frequently check O2’s
the decision of the Committee to decide what
mileage and the time it takes to complete the
website and report any ongoing problems, but
action (if any) should be taken, based on the
journey(s). As I mentioned in my address at
unfortunately they are network issues beyond
answer to the complaint and any additional
this year’s AGM, we must endeavour to offer a
our control. In actual fact, O2 now inform us
information that is discussed in the meeting.
workable fare for all sides in an effort to win
of serious problems such as the fire at
A Complaints hearing was held on April
back some of the longer, more lucrative work.
Kingsway that instantly wiped out fifteen
22nd, but due to some Appeals, the results
I have spoken to many of you recently and I
masts in the WC2 and surrounding areas, caus-
will be held over until the next issue.
don’t believe you will be adverse to covering
ing a major dropout in calls and lost signals.
Interestingly, one member immediately
trips that are competitive and which may in
arranged to leave the Society rather than
many cases lead to the account using us more
Allan Evans
answer his complaint, even though without a
frequently in the future. Of course we notify
DaC Operations and Compliance
Dial-a-Cab Procedure Rules 2015
TfL move!
1. Rudeness abuse or violence, threatened or actual,
position of which they have prior knowledge to
towards clients, other members or staff of ODRTS.
gain an unfair advantage.
Drivers can again personally take
2. Conducting him or herself in a manner likely to
12. Accepting and then failing to complete or trying
in licence applications…
bring the Society into disrepute.
to have recovered an ‘As Directed’ trip.
Anyone remembering the old PCO system
3. Conduct liable to prejudice the Society.
13. Trying to reject a non-rejectable trip by engaging
will know that most things could be done
the meter or timing out.
4. Arriving at the pickup point with more than the
at the Penton Street office. But since the
authorised amount showing on the meter.
14. Failing to accept a Company Charge Card or
office moved to Palestra in Blackfriars
Westminster Taxi-Card trip (Hail & Ride).
5. Taking a job allocated to another member or
Road, drivers have been unable to do any-
pulling off a job without the consent of the Call
15. Failing to keep his
/ her taxi in a good
thing in person. One Dial-a-Cab driver was
mechanical, clean and presentable condition.
even once famously told to take the licence
16. Not adhering to a Rule as specified in The
6. Making a journey which is the property of the
application that he had wanted to drop
Company Rule Book.
Society his / her own.
into Palestra, over the road to the Post
17. Not producing his / her Motor Cab Licence
Office so that he could then have it posted
7. Clearing more or adding to the correct meter fare
within the time limit set by ODRTS.
back to where he was standing trying to
at the end of a trip.
18. Not displaying the company logo.
hand it in!
8. Misuse, non-accidental damage or tampering
But now a new over-the-counter scheme
with the ODRTS equipment.
19. Failing to use the ‘delay advise’ facility when
anticipating being late for a pickup.
has been re-introduced, albeit a bit further
9. Failing to complete a journey, as per trip details.
down the road at number 230 Blackfriars
20. Not transporting the passenger by the shortest
10. Using a badge number other than their own or
Road. Knowledge examinations will also
route without authorisation from the Call Centre.
allowing another to use their badge number.
take place there - as exclusively revealed
21. Accepting a credit card trip booked through the
11. Booking into a zone contrary to the Society’s
last month by Tom Quigley in his Call
DaC system and clearing it through a third party
procedure or placing him / herself in a favourable
Sign column. But you’d expect that…!
causing financial loss to the Society.
Call Sign May 2015
Page 10
To DaC driver David Burnetts and his lovely wife Maureen…
The couple were married at the
Norrice Lea Synagogue on March 6th
1975, followed by a reception at the
Grosvenor Rooms in Willesden. But of
course that was well-planned and the
Theatre Tickets
soon-to-be happy couple were behind
most of those intricate plans. Forty
ince Tom Whitbread left the Dial-a-Cab
years on and it was to be a quiet meal
Board at the last AGM, there has been a
in Palmers Green with their children.
notable decrease in the availability of
But in a clandestine ruse that
freebie theatre tickets.
ould do credit to MI5 and
Now Tom has told Call Sign that any driver
rganised by those same chil-
who would like to be informed when compli-
ren, the unsuspecting duo
mentary theatre tickets are available should
were lured to Baskervilles
send him their email address and he will start
David and Maureen
Restaurant to be met by their
a database to allow those drivers to be noti-
40 years ago
closest friends and grandchil-
fied via email when and where freebie theatre
Inset: David now!
dren for a big celebratory tea.
tickets are available.
Memories from long ago
Just as when Tom advertised availability on
flowed together with the
driver’s terminals, it will always be first come
It’s always nice to
brew, as the ‘Groom’ still regaining his
first served until they are gone.
Send Tom your email address; put DaC the-
include happy events in Call Sign
composure from the unexpected sur-
atre tickets on the subject line and your name
prise and speaking for Maureen and
and so we’d like to congratulate
and call sign in the main part. Then whenever
himself, gave thanks to those attend-
Tom’s many theatre contacts give him details,
Maureen and David Burnetts
ing in addition to their daughters
he will pass them straight over to drivers
(S43) who recently commemorat-
Alexis and Ilona, along with their
email addresses. If you don’t send Tom your
respective husbands Matt and Tom,
ed their ruby - 40th - wedding
email address with those details as above,
for hosting the event.
then you can be certain that you won’t be
anniversary by being tricked into
Afterwards, David told Call Sign:
turning up at a restaurant by
“It was a lovely surprise - although
Emails to
you have to be careful with shocks at
their friends.
our age!!!”
An occasional review from a struggling 14 handicapper at some of the marque golf courses
I've had the privilege to play in my golf days away from the taxi…
Woodhall Spa Golf Club
It is often debated as to which is England’s
finest inland golf course and the one that
usually comes out ahead of all the others is
the home of the English Golf Union, the
Woodhall Spa Golf Club’s Hotchkin course.
It's a devil of place to get to in Lincolnshire. I'd
suggest staying overnight and playing its sister
course, The Bracken, as well. Most golfers that
have played the Hotchkin course will have one
abiding memory - the bunkers! Deep cavernous pits of despair for the
average golfer - and that's not just the green side bunkers either!
Most of them actually have steps to enter and exit - always hoping that
will be after just a single swipe with the trusty sand wedge! But the
course contains so much more than just that memory.
It's a large layout of sandy soil; in the summer you have to plot your way round. There may be some peculiar bounces
that send the ball towards the fairway traps, but that's the 'fun' of golf.
Special mention; the par 3 12th, a 165 plus yarder to a green surrounded by the deepest bunkers on the course - up
to 12 feet deep! The best advice I can give is not to go in them!
Woodhall Spa might be a course for the seasoned golfer rather than beginners. But either way, it’s well worth the trip…
Happy golfing…
Simon Wallis (M11), Call Sign Online
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Finance is subject to status. Only available to UK residents. Business users only.
Finance example only based on 11/02/2015 price list.
Call Sign May 2015
Page 12
To the Licensed Hackney
Carriage Trade
Peter Johansen’s open
Last month, our parent company Geely
announced that it was investing £250 million
to build a new factory at Ansty, near Coventry,
letter to the trade: 2015
to put into production the next generation of
the iconic London Black Cab. The new TX5
resulted in the government more than dou-
will be a plug-in, range extended electric
bling the funding available to drivers who want
hybrid vehicle and will be available before 1st
to invest in a ZEC taxis when they become
January 2018 in order to meet the require-
available in 2017, with an additional £25 mil-
ments set by The Mayor of London for all new
lion specifically earmarked for London drivers.
taxis to be Zero-Emissions Capable (ZEC) by
Unfortunately, until TfL announce their final
that date.
decision later this year over taxi age limits and
Geely would not have had the confidence to
ULEZ, there will continue to be unhelpful
make this investment had it not been for the
uncertainty over these important changes.
strong support that we have received from the
However, there is already a way for taxi owners
Licensed Hackney Carriage Trade. Last year we
to protect their investment now, ahead of any
sold more TX4s in London than in any year
pronouncement on age limits or changes to
since its launch in 2007. The Chairman of
emissions rules.
Geely, Li Shufu, has asked me to send you his
There is currently a shortage of second
personal thanks for the confidence and loyalty
Transport for London. If any of these three ele-
hand taxis in London and consequently the
that you have shown in the iconic London
ments were missing, the crown would swiftly
value of these vehicles is at an all-time high.
Black Cab.
slip from London’s head.
This means that there has never been a bet-
In recognition of this loyalty, he has
We live in a rapidly changing world and one
ter time to trade in your vehicle, cash in on
decided that everyone who has purchased a
thing is for certain, the world will continue to
the equity that you have in it and enter into
new TX4 since Geely acquired The London
change and we must all adapt to the new chal-
£145 per week Personal Contract
Taxi Company (LTC) in February 2013
lenges that this will bring. We must protect and
Purchase (PCP) to buy a cleaner, greener
should receive a voucher which will entitle
expand the loyal and passionate base of cus-
new TX4. This PCP deal will give you a guar-
them to £1000 off the price of a new TX5.
tomers that our trade relies upon by continu-
anteed future value for your new TX4 that
Furthermore, this offer will extend to any-
ing to move with customer tastes and adapting
protects your investment regardless of any
one who buys a new TX4 between now and
to their changing demands.
change to the age limits. What’s more, you
the TX5 launch date in 2017. This is our
The private hire trade continues to
will also receive a voucher worth £1000 off
way of saying a big thank you for support-
expand unchecked both in London and the
the price of a new TX5. Don’t delay, visit
ing us.
Regions and the Licensed Hackney
Brewery Road today!
Two years ago, I set out the priorities for
Carriage Trade needs to unite and find a
We are already getting enquiries from taxi
LTC to put customers first in everything we
way to respond by using technology to
drivers who want to put their name down for
do, focus on improving the quality of our
attract more business; a dedicated national
the new TX5. In order to be fair to everyone,
goods and services and, if we achieve these
Black Cab only App for smartphones might
we are launching our ‘Get to the Front of the
objectives, then we will have created a sus-
be the way forward.
Rank Campaign’. We anticipate that there will
tainable, profitable business. This strategy has
As an industry, the Licensed Hackney
be an unprecedented demand for the new TX5
proved successful and customers realise that
Carriage Trade faces many threats to its liveli-
when it becomes available in late 2017 so those
we are treating them as the most important
hood, but there are also opportunities that
drivers who have bought a new TX4 since
aspect of our business. I am delighted to
should not be missed and we must face up to
February 2013 will have the first opportunity to
announce that LTC has made significant
these challenges together and speak with one
buy a new TX5. We are creating a ‘virtual taxi
progress in 2014 towards its aim of becoming
voice to government and the public. This is the
rank’ based on when you have bought your
a sustainable, profitable business. In 2014 we
only way to ensure that the licensed taxi trade
new TX4; those that bought one in February
made a £1.2m trading profit before tax and
is shaping its own future, rather than having it
2013 will be served first with others ranked by
other deductions and the UK group has a net
shaped for us. In the coming year, I intend to
the date of delivery.
worth in excess of £25 million.
work closely with the LTDA, LCDC, Unite and
So don’t be the last cabbie in the rank;
The build quality of our current TX4 is
RMT unions, The Worshipful Company of
buy a new TX4 today to reserve your space
the best it has even been with improved
Hackney Carriage Drivers and other similar
in the TX5 virtual taxi rank.
handling, electronic stability control,
groups to formulate a cohesive consensus of
greater ride comfort and lower noise levels.
opinion to drive forward those issues that
Thank you once again for your continued
If you don’t believe me, pop in for a test
directly affect our industry both in London and
loyalty and support.
Peter Johansen
drive and see for yourself; I promise you
in the Regions.
Executive Vice-President
that you will not be disappointed. In recog-
The uncertainty over taxi age limits and how
The London Taxi Company
nition of this improvement in quality, we
the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) will
have increased the comprehensive manu-
operate in London is adversely affecting confi-
facturer’s standard three year warranty
dence in the future. In our submissions to the
Call Sign
from 100,000 to 120,000 miles to give you
ULEZ consultation, and in subsequent repre-
May 2015
more peace of mind; another example of
sentations to TfL, we have strongly opposed a
Editor: Alan Fisher
putting our customers first.
ten year age limit under any circumstances and
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
The mission of The London Taxi Company
said that we would not accept any changes to
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
is to support the provision of safe, accessible,
the age limit without meaningful compensa-
durable and professional taxi services through-
tion for every owner affected. We put forward
out the world and our vision is to see the icon-
an alternative proposal of a 15 year age limit for
Printers: Premier Print Group
ic London Black Cab on the streets of major
Euro 6 taxis and a 12 year limit for older vehi-
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
Design: Aldan Publications
cities in the world. London should be rightly
cles, but we do not know if this proposal will
Tel: 07958 300 428
proud that it is recognised as having the best
be acceptable to TfL. It is our view that the
taxi service in the world. This accolade is
debate on age limits misses the key point,
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
derived from a combination of the quality of
because the best way to improve air quality is
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
the London Cabbies with their famous
to encourage drivers into new ZEC vehicles.
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
Knowledge, the iconic London Black Cab itself
That’s why I’m pleased to say that LTC has led
either manually or electronically without the express
permission of the Editor.
and stringent consistent regulation from
a successful campaign on taxi grants which has
Call Sign May 2015
Page 13
Our enemy’s enemy?
tests - as though they were going to fail anyone
recruitment may well no longer apply, as I
and turn down £100pw in circuit fees etc. These
believe the leadership of the London
included a spoken English and written basic
Professional Drivers branch has changed with
maths test.
Terry Flanagan, an old style trade unionist, hav-
In addition, they wanted all drivers who rent-
ing gone from the GMB altogether and there is
ed cars either directly from their circuit or
a new Branch Secretary. A possible consequence
through a company-owned subsidiary, to be on
of this is that GMB sponsored MPs will be
brought into any debate.
The GMB also wanted a legal minimum
Whilst I was talking to Steve, I received a
fare, better reporting and registering of
phone call from the man we all knew as the
crimes against both sets of drivers and a vast
Pope, the late John Paul Pace. I invited him to
n the April issue of Call Sign and at the
improvement of enforcement against tout-
join us for a cuppa as he wasn't far away and this
end of a letter from Addison Lee’s Mike
ing. This was costing them jobs with their
he did. Sometime later, I heard he had told peo-
Galvin where he berated Uber, this mag-
drivers turning up to discover their passen-
ple of “discovering” us having secret talks with
azine asked whether AL - having a similar
gers had been taken by touts. The only thing
the GMB. I never did agree with JPP that sitting
beef to the licensed taxi trade - meant that
the GMB wanted that I told him we would
at a pavement table outside the Pinner café
our enemy’s enemy could possibly be our
fight him through hell and high water over
opposite RMT headquarters in Chalton Street
friend? Eddie Lambert has been with Dial-a-
was our access to bus lanes - something
was a place for secret talks! Sometimes your
Cab for almost twenty years and for the
which was obviously a big issue. However,
enemies may be closer than you think and not
whole of that period, he has been involved
he did agree that they would not join any
necessarily who you think they are.
politically either with the former T&G Cab
campaign to get taxis out of bus lanes.
Section or more latterly, the RMT. So if any-
It would seem to me that what we, the
I also met Steve McKenzie, who was the
one should have an anti-Addison Lee feel-
Hackney trade and the vast majority of the
Branch Secretary of the GMB Professional
ing, it’s him. This is what he told Call Sign…
established Private Hire companies, want is for
Drivers London branch at the time. He agreed
the law of the land as we understand it to be
“Yes you are right about that, Alan. Working
to not recruit taxi drivers in London (although
with Addison Lee, whatever next? When I was
they do represent PH and Hack drivers outside
enforced and if a third party comes along and
Chair with the RMT Taxi Branch, London, I can
London) because of potential conflicts of inter-
tries to steamroller changes, for TfL to then
remember the stick I got for talking to GMB
est. Quite why that doesn't apply outside of
stand up to them and force them to follow a
Regional Organiser Terry Flanagan because
London I don't know, but I guess it’s just a mat-
legal path to achieve their aims.
they represented PH drivers in London.
ter of getting and keeping members.
The Status Quo should be supported until -
No notice had been taken of the fact that they
We also discussed other points above and
or if - any changes are judged, following due
wanted a numerical control of PH numbers in
apart from the bus lane issue and there was no
consideration, to be legal and any possible chal-
London, an outside independent body to carry
real difference of opinion, just a slightly differ-
lenges also to be considered.
out the map test for potential PH drivers instead
ent approach due to their start position.
of the PH companies carrying out their own
However, I should add that the position on
Eddie Lambert (V37)
BA (Hons), Dipl in Transactional Analysis
• Do you feel as though things are getting on top of you?
• Do you find yourself becoming increasingly more angry ?
• Do some of your thoughts burden you and get in the way of day to day activities?
• Do you find yourself asking “why does this always happen to me’?
• Are you noticing your behaviours changing, maybe using alcohol, food or drugs to make you feel better?
• Are there any of your relationships ie with your husband, wife, partner, boss, manager, son, daughter,
mum or dad that make you unhappy and question yourself too often?
Any of these and many more could be an indication that your well being needs some attention.
It maybe a surprise to hear that there needn’t be anything wrong with you for you to see a counsellor.
Counselling could simply enable you to become happier, healthier and a more fulfilled human being.
I am a fully qualified counsellor with 12 years experience
and a member of the British Association of Counselllors and Psychotherapists
I offer private counselling to individuals and couples in a confidential, safe and comfortable setting.
I have a private practice in Bexley and Sidcup (SE London).
I offer sessions Monday- Saturday and Thursday evenings.
I will be happy to arrange a free 15 minute telephone consultation to assess your needs.
Session fees are £50.00
Telephone : 07551 975 503 • Email:
Call Sign May 2015
Page 14
Making a splosh… in Kings Cross!
ow life changes! Not too long ago, the thought of building an
open sploshetorium - ie a bathing facility other than a regula-
tion swimming pool - anywhere other than Hampstead would
have been unthinkable. But no longer…
The developers behind bringing Kings Cross into the 21st century have
applied to Camden Council for permission to create Europe’s first man-made
natural pond where swimmers will be allowed to relax, right in the middle of
the KX regeneration site. If successful, it’s hoped the new sploshetorium will be
ready to use by mid-summer.
‘Big Show’ cab smash inside O2!
Call Sign was sent several
reports from Dial-a-Cab dri-
vers - and in two cases from
their children - of an extra-
ordinary RTA that occurred
on the stage INSIDE the O2
It happened on Monday 11 May dur-
ing an episode of WWE Raw. Most
episodes of the American Wrestling
program come from the USA and are
so popular in the UK that Sky Sports
show them live, beginning at 1am
every Tuesday morning and lasting for
an astonishing 3 hours and 10 minutes!
But twice a year, the show comes from
London and is shown in the US with a
tape delay because the UK show kicks
Big Show stands on the roof of a TX4 while Roman Reigns lays there after being
off at 7.30 - mid-afternoon US Eastern
choke-slammed onto it!
Standard Time.
As with most WWE shows, there are
into the roof of the cab. The sound of his limp body crashing into the steel roof
lots of lighting effects and fireworks
sounded horrific and Reigns hand could just about be seen poking out from the
etc, but with the London shows they
huge dent on the roof.
always have a real TX4 on stage along-
For a sport that is famously fake, they should have asked the London Taxi
side a large Union Jack.
Company if they could make them a taxi made out of marshmallow!
Inside the ring, wrestler Roman
Reigns was later carried to an ambulance but refused to get into it, got up off the
Reigns was being interviewed and said
stretcher and walked away. His only comment afterwards was that being smashed
some rather unkind things about a
into a London steel taxi hurts like hell!
seven foot giant who wrestles under
Thanks to all the drivers that sent us the info…
the name of the Big Show. As he left
the stage to walk back to the dressing
rooms, Big Show came out and
attacked Reigns, before then throwing
him into the side of the TX4. The thud
was described as “sickening” and as he
bounced off the cab, two huge dents
could clearly be seen. All the reports
Call Sign received suggested that this
was a real cab with the same bodywork
that we get in our cabs.
But Big Show wasn’t satisfied with
that; he then lifted Reigns up by his
throat and laid him on top of the cab.
Then he climbed onto the taxi roof via
the bonnet, picked up Roman Reigns
by his neck and choke-slammed him
Call Sign May 2015
Page 15
A different format, but at last it’s back…
The Taxi Driver of the Year Competition has
not been held for around ten years, with
Commenting on the Award announcement,
many often asking the Committee when it
the Honourable Chairman of the Fund and
will be coming back. Sadly, the cost of
long-time Dial-a-Cab driver, Russell Poluck
putting the show on spiralled out of control
MBE, said: “Let’s not forget that the focus of
and eventually prohibited the reintroduc-
this initiative is to raise money for those less
tion of a competition that Dial-a-Cab dri-
fortunate than ourselves. We are really thrilled
vers always did so well in. But now it’s back
that with the help of Ubiquitous, we are able to
and looking for entrants.
reinstate the TDYCF Award and hope that the
In conjunction with leading taxi advertising
increased profile of the event will help to pro-
operator, Ubiquitous, the organisers of the Taxi
vide extra support for our charities. We urge
Driver of the Year Charity Fund have created a
the trade to get behind this initiative so we can
new approach which, with the input of the
successfully reinstate the great tradition of the
trade, will help get the competition back on
driver competition and raise more money!”
The TDOYCF was founded in 1972 and
the road.
since then has distributed more that £2.6mil-
TDYCF are inviting nominations from the
lion to charities, hospitals and private homes
trade for the Taxi Driver of the Year 2015,
Back in the 2004 competition and DaC's
in addition to the five trade charities.
which will not only raise the profile of black
Andy Daniels was laughing after getting
Of the three radio circuits, DaC had the high-
cabs and its drivers, but also raise money for
est number of winners, but it was someone
the five charities the Fund supports - Albany,
someone you consider upholds the values that
that didn’t win who made us smile the most! It
LTFUC, Southend Fund for Underprivileged
London’s taxi drivers are renowned for, then
was in the
2004 competition and Andy
Children, ELCO and War Disabled.
don’t hang around.
Daniels (A02) was competing in the ‘drive’
The finale of the 2015 Award will take
It costs just £200 to enter a driver, but this
section of the competition where competitors
place at the annual TDYCF dinner dance,
will include two tickets for the dinner and
had to make a trip with the meter on ‘stop’
which this year will take place on Saturday
dance - one for the driver and one for the per-
with the most points going to the driver with
November 7th in central London.
son nominating them. Additional drivers can
the lowest amount showing on the meter. Andy
If you want to nominate a driver as Taxi
be entered for £100 and this will also include
was really well placed and arrived back at the
Driver of the Year, firstly seek the permission of
the cost of their ticket to the dinner dance. The
show with possibly the lowest amount of any
the driver beforehand and make sure that he or
Taxi Driver of the Year Charity Fund would love
entrant. He told Call Sign at the time:
she is available to attend the finale at the
to see a great turnout for the Award at this
“I was doing really well, but I couldn’t find
November 7th dinner and dance, when the
years’ annual dinner dance. Tickets for the
the entrance to get back into the Show and
shortlisted drivers will be asked to take part in
function are just £65 per person and tables of
added an extra £2 onto the fare!”
a written knowledge test and meet the judges.
10 are available too.
Yes, 2015 will be a very different format, but
The winner will be decided on the night and
Driver nomination forms and dinner
with support from the trade and the kind
become the 2015 taxi driver of the year, col-
dance ticket booking forms are available by
sponsorship from Ubiquitous, it will still be
lecting a prize as well as the glory!
emailing Barbara Poluck at:
fun. But more importantly, it will help raise
So if you feel you know a driver who would or they can be
the profile of the trade…
be deserving of the title Taxi Driver of the Year,
downloaded by visiting the News section at
Harry Hizer
card stickers
Mum and
There are now
dad with
new parti-
Harry and
tion stickers
his younger
available at
brother Alfie
House, which in addition to
previous passenger information
(ie 10% charge with a mini-
mum of £2 for credit cards etc)
also add debit cards to that.
Some passengers have appar-
ently pointed out that the old
The eldest son of long-time Dial-a-Cab driver Martin Hizer (M47), Harrison - better
notice mentions just credit
known to his friends and anyone connected to Tottenham Hotspur FC as Harry - recently
cards, believing that debit
became Barmitzvah’d at the Perrymans Farm Road Synagogue in Newbury Park.
cards carried no charge.
Martin and his wife Amanda made a huge party for their son the following day at the
Royal Majestic Rooms in Willesden Lane. Martin’s planned retirement will now have
Please pick up one when you
been delayed by several years!
pass the office and replace the
Our congratulations go to the Hizer family and of course, to Harry the traditional
old one.
Jewish congatulation of mazeltov…
Call Sign May 2015
Page 16
Anthea Turner:
My Uber account
was hacked!
Once bought, these active Uber accounts
tually becoming inaccessible after getting
allow you to order rides on someone else’s
swamped with complaints from customers.
account using the payment information pro-
Uber denied the claims and said that cus-
vided on the file - at least until it is discov-
tomers should avoid using the same login
- and not everyone checks their
credentials across multiple online sites.
accounts that frequently. One such woman
But the question must be why, with all the
must have been Kate Simon who discovered
problems Uber has had including security,
a shortfall of £5000 in her account that she
drivers getting lost and passengers dislike of
Anthea Turner was one of an alleged
blamed on Uber. Or perhaps record produc-
the surge pricing policy during busy periods
many Uber clients whose accounts
er Mick Crossley who recently told how he
when fares can become as high as quadruple,
were hacked
was presented with a £3,000 minicab bill for
people such as Anthea Turner still use them?
142 journeys that he hadn’t made. His Uber
And perhaps even more relevant, how it is
Something of a stink recently
account had allegedly also been hacked. He
that only TfL accept Uber without any prob-
surfaced when the New York
hadn’t checked his account for a few weeks -
lem, especially now that the licensing author-
Times revealed that Uber’s cus-
ity for London have said that refugee or asy-
bearing in mind that many only check their
tomer data base was hacked
lum seekers coming to the UK from abroad
statements monthly. Mr Crossley then discov-
into last year and that the com-
ered that an average of 10 rides each day had
and who drive minicabs over here, do not
need any background checks, just a letter
pany never revealed it until this
been made using his account, yet he says he
from a previous employer saying what nice
never received any warnings from Uber to ask
March - a period of almost five
people they are! Some probably are, but
if he knew his usage was going up dramati-
would you want your child to take the chance
cally and that his contact details had sudden-
Although the hacking was first reported in
of getting into the cab of someone who could
ly been changed.
the US, more and more Uber UK customers
be a rapist or murderer in their own country,
If revealed, the hacked account details also
came forward and claimed that their accounts
when even the rules state that asylum seekers
contain other sensitive information such as
had been broken into. Perhaps even more dis-
are banned from working until their asylum
the last four digits of the registered credit
turbing, two separate vendors on a ‘dark web’
claim has been approved? TfL obviously see
card, together with the expiration date, trip
marketplace were said to be selling active
no problem with that scenario, so they are
history, email addresses, phone numbers and
Uber accounts complete with worldwide user-
hardly likely to worry about Uber…
information of users' home and work
names and passwords, one for just $1 each
addresses - all useful details for anyone com-
with the other asking for $5 and offering a
Jamie Corum
mitting fraud.
guaranteed period that the accounts would
The internet and Twitter soon filled with
Call Sign Online
remain active!
similar stories - Uber’s Twitter helpline even-
With Tom Quigley (Y33)
Lumbago cured?
bles’, ‘bleeding nutter’ or ‘got a screw loose’ as I
Do the advancement of medical science and the change of the English go
will have the mental health authorities on me -
hand in hand? There was a time when the Small Faces sang Gor’ Blimey
not to mention the Editor!
Hello Mrs Jones, how’s old Bert’s Lumbago!
There is no doubt that as we now know more
We would have all known what they were talking about, literally saying:
about our health conditions, we are also more
God Blind me, how’s old Bert’s bad back. The term ‘God blimey’ was first
aware of the causes. But sometimes it is reassur-
linked to James Joyce in Ulysses - the Irish always there being an in-joke to
ing to hear someone of the older generation say:
Trevor Knapman (K32) as he suffered seeing me cheering Ireland on in
“No wonder he’s put on weight, the lazy git, he
the 6 Nations!
doesn’t do a ‘stroke’ - sometimes a bit of non-
Back to the point; Bert’s Lumbago would no longer be recognised as
PC just tells the truth!
such, now he would probably be diagnosed as having Sciatica or some sort
Santander or Barclays… Labour or Tory
of degenerative disc disease borne out of overwork or sitting the same posi-
Well, we finally know that the new sponsor to the Boris Bikes are no longer
tion for long periods - an occupational hazard for taxi driver and not at all
Barclays with their bluish Tory colour, but the red (not Red Ken who had the
brought about by over indulgent meals, too many beers at lunchtime follow-
original idea for the scheme ) of Santander. It’s quite ironic really on many
ing a round of golf in the freezing and driving wind or rain while walking
around with a stomach the size of a medicine ball! Call Sign forbids the use
Firstly, as I’ve mentioned previously, will the roads now be repainted back
of adjectives such as beer belly or fat gut!
to the new sponsor’s colour - meaning the original red routes painted blue
Got a dodgy knee with swelling? It’s no longer a carpet layer’s problem;
will now be repainted red?
today we have an aka Paul Gascoigne cruciate ligament injury with dam-
Secondly, how ironic that a bank that started in a country now flounder-
aged meniscus aligned to the fact that the problems with our feet are no
ing with financial depression, are sponsoring a scheme in one the major
longer ill-fitting cheap shoes from Curtess, but we suffer like David
financial cities of the world!
Beckham from Metatarsal problems.
Thirdly for me, is the great irony that they are being launched during the
Of course we no longer get headaches, but bouts of dehydration which
time of an election to see if Tory blue and Labour red are going to win. I’m
trigger off our recurring migraine. Growing pains are no longer acceptable,
not on Twitter, so by the time you read this it may be old news, but I’m con-
now it Osgood-Schlatter syndrome or disease.
ducting my own poll on how the country is going to vote. I just observe
We don’t put on weight or associate with the non-PC terms that come
which choice of bike the hirer chooses from the dual colour ranks, to see
with it, that’s all down to the trouble we have with our thyroids. Got a ‘frog
which way the election will go…
in your throat’? Most certainly not, it’s a glandular problem.
Tom Quigley
I daren’t even go down the road of terms such as ‘they’ve lost their mar-
Call Sign Online
Call Sign May 2015
Page 17
DaC Sales Report
With Keith Cain
Since I last wrote in the magazine,
supplier, but cost was a significant factor.
Perhaps there is some satisfaction in knowing that
the Sales team have been busy
none of our taxi competitors were awarded the con-
completing tenders, one of which
tract either. However, while I know that our costs
is purely to determine if our book-
were very low, for someone else to offer lower…
ing platform meets their require-
well all I can say is that their drivers must be paying
a very hefty price for the work!
On a brighter note, we have been notified by a
The Pre-Qualification Questionnaire require-
new account based in the EC2 area that our tender
ments have been met and our system does in fact
was successful and subject to finalising a couple of
offer more than required. This has come from a
Service Level Agreements, we will be the preferred
major account user in the City and was one of
supplier. It is not going to be a major account, but
those companies present when we demonstrated
certainly a respectably sized one. More information
it back in February. It places a whole new con-
will be announced very soon.
cept on how clients are looking at their transport
I have been looking very closely at those
needs and one we are following with interest.
clients that use cars for longer trips on the assumption they will
We were waiting for news of a few other tenders we have complet-
be much cheaper than using Black Taxis. Comparing the meter
ed and one, after a full year, has decided to withdraw the tender com-
fare to the car price, it is far more expensive, but what has
pletely because they have internally restructured their transport poli-
emerged is that our drivers would be prepared to undertake the
cy, which I take to mean that staff are ordering taxis on their corpo-
same trip at less than the meter price if given the opportunity.
rate credit cards and claiming back their business trips.
This has led to discussions with our IT department to see if it is pos-
The other company, which is based on the Island, informed us that we
sible to build into the dispatch system a way of highlighting these trips
were not successful on cost only. The winning supplier is a company not
to the driver. With the information I’ve researched, I’m ready to talk
really known to any of us which has a total fleet, so they say, of around
with some of our clients on an offer for them to use taxis for longer
160 vehicles! They are not based in London and while it’s extremely dis-
trips. I have even looked at the possibility of a system to offer trips
appointing to receive the announcement, I do get very frustrated when
back from the airport at lower rates. We are in the early stages, but the
you are told your commercial ability was equal to that of the selected
more you delve the more the opportunity is there to offer members
more trips. Of course, the choice of accepting these trips will be down
LTC: Another two approved
to the member and I will keep you all updated…
Keith Cain
service dealers…
Head of Sales
The London Taxi Company continues to put cus-
tomers first by improving its after sales network with
the appointment of another two Approved Service
Witham Vehicle Solutions and Bristol-based
Chandler Motor Company, have both joined LTC’s
UK network of fully trained and approved after sales
epairers. Both businesses welcome LTC vehicles for
servicing and warranty work as well as retail part sales.
Witham Vehicle Solutions, who operate from Lynfields Business
Centre in London Road, Witham, is a privately run business who are
already a SsangYong franchise and independent used car centre. They
• Austones for the TX
have a large fully equipped workshop, as well as a body-shop.
• Barums for the Vito
Commenting on the appointment, WVS owner Darren Cox said:
“We recognised an opportunity for growth within our business
and a family member, who is an owner of a London Taxi, helped
• Michelin and Continental
identify the need for service in the Essex area where taxi drivers
could be offered priority slots within our workshop. We fully
also supplied
understand the cost of downtime for drivers and want to min-
imise this.”
Perhaps surprisingly to some Call Sign readers, there are a number of
4-wheel laser tracking
Dial-a-Cab drivers who live in the West Country, some as far out as
Devon. So they will be happy to hear of the Bristol-based Chandler
for the Mercedes Vito
Motor Company. It is a family run business that services and repairs
Citroen, Peugeot, Renault and LPG vehicles. They have a large fully
equipped workshop, as well as collection and delivery services within the
• Puncture repairs
Bristol and Bath area.
CMC owner Peter Chandler said:
“We realised there was an opportunity as there were no
• Also free tyre checks
approved LTC dealers in Bristol, Bath or even South Wales, so we
were really keen to fill this gap by getting fully trained and quali-
fied mechanics to do servicing and repair work.”
Both new Approved Service Dealers boast a team of qualified and
Find us downstairs the
skilled workshop technicians and had to comply with LTC’s stringent ser-
vice standards in order to join the network. They also had to ensure that
DaC Credit Union at
all technicians received intensive diagnostic and mechanical training at
The Peterley Business Centre,
LTC’s new Training Academy, based at the current production facility in
472 Hackney Road, E2
To find out more about LTC’s Approved Service Dealers, includ-
ing services and times etc:
0207 729 5237
Call Sign May 2015
Page 18
The Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers
The iconic pic-
ture of St
Pauls standing
tall whilst all
around was
burning in the
United Guilds service at
St Pauls
As Malcolm Paice, Master of the WCHCD
together with other members of the
achieve. The stu-
Company, travelled to St Paul's Cathedral on
dent population
the morning of 20th March 2013, there was
little sign of the sun let alone the much her-
and multi-cultural
alded eclipse. But by the time this
and is a fully
United Guilds Service was over, the sun had
inclusive school
come out to greet London's Livery companies
with 25 students
as they left the Cathedral.
who have pro-
The first United Guilds Service was held on
found, severe and
Affiliation with the Royal
25th March 1943, Lady Day, selected because
multiple learning difficulties. They are taught
it was the first day of the year according to the
Docks Community School
by a specialist team of teachers and support
Julian calendar. Much of London had been a
City Livery Companies often have affiliations
staff, but are fully integrated into the life of the
bomb site back then and this service had been
with schools as part of their remit of
introduced to raise morale. The area around
Education and for the WCHCD, their connec-
The school benefits from a committed, ded-
St Paul's now shows little evidence of the dev-
tion with Royal Docks Community School
icated and hardworking team of teachers and
astation that was all around the cathedral in
began in
2008. Since then, successive
support staff, headed up by the Head Teacher
1943; back then it was a different scene as the
Company Masters have attended the annual
Wendy Bower, who was appointed in January
Master and Prime Wardens of the Twelve
prize giving where an award is given by the
2014. The whole team is focused on raising
Great Companies held a meeting at the
WCHCD to the boy and girl who in the
standards and improving the quality of teach-
Goldsmiths' Hall and decided to hold a ser-
school’s opinion have made exceptional per-
ing and learning. The WCHCD is looking to
vice at St Paul's Cathedral for the Livery
sonal progress. There are also other prizes for
develop its link with the school further with
Companies and Guilds of the City of London
academic success.
visits to city Livery Halls, speakers from the
to help lift the spirits of the city following the
The WCHCD have previously organised
cab trade and others, as well as helping pro-
Blitz. In 1943, the Lord Mayor of London, Sir
trips in taxis, installed a greenhouse and the
vide work experience and shadowing within
Samuel Joseph, attended along with the
school is now preparing to plant a Royal
cab trade businesses. The present Master of
Sheriff, Court Aldermen and the Lord Bishop
Charter Orchard with donated money from
the WCHCD, Malcolm Paice, is helping the
of London, Dr G.F. Fisher, who preached the
the Company, following attendance of the
school with its employability programme,
sermon. In 2014, the Lord Mayor of London,
head teacher, head boy and girl at last year’s
which aims to prepare students for work with
Alan Yarrow, was present at the service.
presentation of a Royal Charter by Prince
CV, interview and professional profile skills as
The cathedral welcomes people of all
Charles to the WCHCD. In 2014, Past Master
well as working with businesses and organisa-
Christian traditions, as well as those of other
Andrew Overton became a governor at the
tions to offer work experience and full time
faiths and this service is an uplifting occasion
school, with a view to helping them with mar-
employment opportunities.
for all those who pack into the beautiful
keting and promoting the school to the out-
Last month, the newest Liveryman of the
cathedral. This year’s sermon was by
side world on schemes such as work experi-
WCHCD, licensed taxi driver, Kevin
Nicholas Holtam, the Bishop of Salisbury.
ence and apprenticeships.
Hennessey, went along to the school to talk
The procession into the cathedral is a spec-
The Royal Docks Community School is a
to pupils about the history of London, using
tacular sight; the Lord Mayor arrives to be met
purpose built, mixed, community compre-
some of the knowledge he gained during the
by the chairman of the Trustees of the United
hensive school for students aged 11 to 16
Cab Guide Course. The WCHCD is planning
Guilds Service and the Masters of the Mercers'
with approximately 800 students. Opened in
to develop its relationship with the Royal
and Grocers' Companies. The procession
1999, the school building has achieved
Docks Community School further every year
down the main aisle of the cathedral is led by
national architectural recognition for its
and is encouraging more of its members and
a Verger and the choir, the Bishop of London,
design and has a 3 year plan to become out-
associated contacts to become involved.
Chief Commoner, High Officers, Sheriffs and
standing. Their values are to aspire, learn, co-
Sandie Goodwin
Court of Aldermen, Clergy and the Bishop,
the Lord Mayor's Chaplain, Serjeant at Arms,
Sword Bearer and the Lord Mayor. They are
DaC Arbitrators
joined by the Masters of the Companies pre-
sent all in their ceremonial robes and regalia -
With three arbitrators having retired, Dial-a-Cab is looking
an impressive sight that shows how the Livery
for replacements. If you have been on the circuit for at least
is still flourishing and active in the City today.
five consecutive years and would like to be considered as an
Tourists and bystanders watched the digni-
Arbitrator, please let me know in writing by May 8th 2015
taries as they left the cathedral to the pealing
at the usual DaC address or via email to:
of St Paul’s bells. The WCHCD then joined
with the Worshipful Company of Bowyers
If more than three drivers apply, then a postal ballot will take place at a later date.
and the Worshipful Company of Water
Howard Pears
Conservators to attend a lunch in the
Company Secretary
Guildhall Private Members dining room.
Call Sign May 2015
Page 19
Cup final is Lee’s swan song
when the unmarked Mark Corbett beat Lee
up Ogunseye to make it 4 - 2 and Mario got his
hat trick just moments later when he made it 5-
The second half went much the way of the
2 to take CWU into the League Cup Final.
first half and with just three minutes left to play
Lee told Call Sign: “It was a great result,
and Lee looking to be going out on a semi-
but I’m in my mid-thirties and after many
final, the team refused to give up. Dan
years of playing in goal and being banged
Harding sped down the right wing, centred
about, there isn’t a part of me that doesn’t
the ball and Mario Embalo headed home to
hurt. My hands, my knees, my feet - you
send the tie into extra time, just as the rain
name it and I have been kicked there! All
came lashing down.
the pain I have is just from playing football.
Wood went ahead on 102 minutes when
Perhaps to some, playing outside the
Dan Harding finished of a superb Mario
Premier league doesn’t count, but believe
Embalo cross and Wood kept the lead up till
me when I say the standard in these lower
the end of the extra time first half. Five min-
leagues is a long way above kicking a ball
utes after the restart, Farnham were level
around a park and you have to be fit. But
when Paul Douglass sent in a cross that went
you have to know when to stop and I decid-
straight into the net past a nervy looking
ed the Combined Counties League Cup
Colliers Wood defence. But the nerves van-
would be my goodbye to playing semi-pro-
ished after Theo Woodhouse fired just wide
fessional soccer. Did I think we’d reach the
and Mario Embalo put Eli Ogunseye away
Final? Well I hoped we would, but that’s a
Lee is going back to a less painful way
only to be tackled in the area. The ref gave a
long way from actually doing it, so I have to
of life - driving a cab!
penalty and Embalo made no mistake from
believe that the team played out of their
the spot.
skin in every round just make my farewell
Up until September 2006, Call Sign had been
Then within a few short minutes, Embalo set
game the League Cup Final.”
sponsoring the Dial-a-Cab Call Centre's
blonde Bombshell, Donna Merry and her
Mirkou MK30 shotgun as she battled into the
European and World skeet shooting champi-
onships. When she left, we transferred our
sponsorship over to DaC driver and then-
Wembley FC goalkeeper, Lee Pearce (J71).
countdown commences
Lee didn’t quite match Donna’s long blonde
locks, but what he had in common was that as
Mayor Boris Johnson has now officially
a goalkeeper, he was good at what he did.
given the go-ahead for the Ultra Low
Our sponsorship paid up in trumps the fol-
Emission Zone (ULEZ) in an attempt to
lowing season when DaC Wembley were select-
cut harmful emissions in London. Petrol
ed by the BBC's Football Focus and Match of the
vehicles will have to meet Euro 4, while
Day to be the team they would follow in the FA
diesel vehicles - including taxis - will have
Cup of that season - the idea being that once
to reach Euro 6 in order to be exempt
Wembley were knocked out, they would con-
from the ULEZ charges, which are sched-
tinue to follow the team that beat them until
uled to be introduced from September
eventually they reached the Final. Former
7 2020. Those daily charges for non-
Spurs legend Garth Crooks and a BBC team
compliant vehicles, according to TfL,
turned up at Wembley and Football Focus did
will be £12.50 for cars, vans and taxis,
a piece on the team, including posing with the
with heavy goods vehicles having to
cup itself.
cough (sic) up a huge £100 a day!
The DaC banners made several appear-
ances as they showed the team training.
According to the Mayor’s office, the full ULEZ package is expected to halve emissions
of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM10) from vehicle exhausts in the cap-
They didn’t win the cup, but the Match of
the Day team admitted being surprised at
ital, with over 80% of central London expected to meet the NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide)
how good the standard was and 30,000 fol-
annual EU legal limits in 2020. The numbers living in poor air quality parts of town
lowed Wembley’s progress with the BBC
where levels of NO2 exceed legal limits are expected to fall by 74% with a reduction
streaming the match live online.
within inner London of 52%. Outer London, it is claimed, is expected to fall by 43%.
Call Sign followed Lee as he moved around
A £45million fund is said to be available to local authorities to support the
to several different clubs until he finally arrived
rollout of ultra-low emission taxis across the UK. The money is said to help
at South London’s Colliers Wood United in
reduce the upfront cost of purpose-built taxis and help install charging infra-
the Combined Counties Premier division.
structure - although the details claim that this facility will be for both taxis and
The April Call Sign told of the League Cup
private hire.
quarter final match and how the team beat
Of the £45m, £25m of the amount is said to be earmarked for the greater London
Badshot Lea 3-0 to move into the semi-finals,
area in order to help green and yellow badge drivers upgrade to Euro 6, with all new
where they had to play Farnham Town with
London taxis required to be zero-emission capable by January 2018.
the winners meeting league leaders
Taxis will also qualify for the plug-in car grant, which currently offers up to
Camberley Town at Woking FC on 1 May, just
£5,000 off the cost of an eligible low emission vehicle.
as you read this.
The air quality plans are scheduled to be submitted to the European Commission by
The first 30 minutes of the semi-final saw
the end of this year as part of EU legal obligations over nitrogen dioxide limits.
Farnham on top, but with neither side manag-
However, those plans will mean that the UK will not meet the legal limits in greater
ing to score the goal that looked as though it
London, the west Midlands and west Yorkshire until after 2030 - 20 years later than
would get their team through to the final. But
the original EU legal deadline.
on 33 minutes, Farnham took a deserved lead
Call Sign May 2015
Page 20
Ivan’s damper dismay!
“I was really disappointed,” Ivan Sobell
get it sorted. I made representation to V&H,
(P69) told Call Sign. “I heard a loud rattling
who rejected my appeal saying they could not
noise from the engine, stopped immediately
be expected to pay for someone else to repair
to take a look and found that the very long
my cab. Frankly, had I not had more pressing
fan belt that runs over numerous pulleys on
issues involving my wife attending hospital
my TX2 had frayed and that one of those pul-
on a regular basis, I would be taking V&H to
ley’s had broken off from its shaft, leaving me
the small claims court.”
immobile. The upside was that no further
So Call Sign turned to a regular friend of
damage appeared to have been done.
this mag for impartial advice. Sheldon Posner
“Realising that I wasn’t going anywhere
of Cricklewood Carriers told our reporter
soon, I called V&H Taxi Recovery, whose
that genuine LTC Parts are marked accordingly;
name I got from an advert I had seen in a
in this case an arrow indicates the correct ori-
trade newspaper. They came out
entation of the tensioner and carries the LTC
about an hour later and fitted a to
part number. He explained that if the unit was
pulley and fan belt. Thankfully I ha
fitted upside down, the tensioner plays a tug of
sufficient cash because they said the
war game with the belt as it is obviously pulling
didn’t accept credit cards.
and applying tension in the wrong direction
“Then around a week later, th
with possibly dire consequences.
noise returned and so I called them
In the interests of balanced reporting, Call
again and this time they fitted a new
Sign visited V&H in Clare Street E2. Despite
damper, which is the tubular part
a busy workshop, with staff working on cabs,
with an external spring bolted on
no one was available for comment. Our pages
behind the radiator and which appli
therefore remain open for their response.
to the fan belt. But I was still having problems
and made my own enquiries at an LTC dealer-
V&H Taxi Recovery can be contacted on
ship, who suggested that the replacement
07956 333 086.
Cricklewood Carriers can be contacted
damper was not a genuine LTC part.
A TX2 tensioner
on 0208 452 5461
“Eventually I discovered that the damper
(inset): Ivan smiling again now his cab
had also been fitted incorrectly
- upside
has been fixed
down - and it cost me even more money to
© Call Sign Magazine MMXV
Richard Potter (T51) and a few things that are…
I was recently stopped by a Knowledge Boy on Goodsway who tapped on the window and asked about continu-
ing with the knowledge considering all the Uber cars around. I didn't have the heart to tell him what I really
thought, but said that if it was better than what he was doing, then to continue and generally I gave him some
encouragement. Only in the UK could we create the best taxi service in the world whilst then doing the utmost to
let it crash and burn.
TfL will eventually have a number of questions to answer regarding Uber and it might need a Freedom of
Information request to find out the name of the lawyer who said that Uber was legal, considering that Sir Peter
Hendy could not remember it when questioned by GLA members. Uber was recently valued at $41 billion dollars
with virtually no assets and said that TfL were the easiest licensing authority they had dealt with! What could they possibly mean? They
are listed as a Disruptive Technology, have no credit facilities and take money direct from customer’s accounts.
Why would the big financial houses not give them merchant credit status? A recent media report claimed that on the “dark web” an Uber cus-
tomer’s account details could be brought for as little as 34p. A lady I picked up recently told me that she had stopped using Uber because the driver
was nothing like the one sent on the job details. He admitted that he was the licensed driver’s brother!
The enemy? Congestion Charging?
Talking of TfL, it`s now 12 years since the introduction of the Congestion Charge, which in my opinion is our real enemy. Why should punters sit in
traffic and pay for it. To summarise, traffic levels have fallen by 10% in that time, with travel times remaining the same. It takes just as long - or even
longer - to do a journey across town as it did before 2003. But surprise, surprise, net revenues for 2013 are up £35 million to £132 million from the
£97 million in 2004.
So let me try to understand that car journeys have decreased, yet revenues are up! As we all know, if the congestion charge had worked properly,
traffic levels would have gone down - but so would revenue. TfL make a number of excuses for why the travel time remains the same, but I think
it’s fair to say that each time TfL raised the Congestion Charge - £5 in 2003 to £11.50 in 2014 - they blamed the congestion and traffic speed and we
all know that this was created by them! And this is a body who tell taxi drivers what vehicles they must use by law, whilst in the same breath tell the
same drivers that those vehicles are not fit for purpose. Well in my opinion, it’s TfL who are the ones that are not fit for purpose.
The MoT v Annual inspection
Having taken my taxi to Crayford for its annual NSL inspection, I was surprised when I was called out of the viewing area by a tester who after putting my
cab on the ramp, pointed out that a brake pipe was a little corroded. Very interesting I thought as I pointed out that it had passed the MoT just five days
earlier. I asked if he was suggesting that I get it replaced, his answer was that he was failing the cab and if I didn’t like it, then I should complain to TfL.
The old PCO days are still here, unfortunately the bitter ex-PCO inspectors just work for NSL now. I doubt if he would have talked to the PH brigade
like that, but I’d like to know if NSL have the right to fail your cab on a mechanical issue and not a LTPH issue. The guidance says that things must be
up to MOT standard, which it was the week before. The gentleman concerned, who will not be named, is well known at Crayford. So just beware…
Richard Potter
Call Sign Online
Call Sign May 2015
Page 21
So far as taxis are concerned, the Chinese
city of Shanghai will forever be associated
with saving the iconic London taxi. But
the Shanghai Daily has come up with an
Is China showing the way?
astonishing story involving Shanghai that
has nothing to do with London Taxi
Has China worked out
Company owners, Geely, but everything
the app menace to
to do with a taxi system that perhaps the
street hails?
London taxi trade could look at and
maybe learn from…
licensed taxis, who went
The city government is seeking to limit the
on strike in at least seven
use of taxi-booking apps during peak hours
cities around China earlier
as they struggle to deal with the impact these,
this year. The drivers were
like London, have had on China’s transport
complaining both about
the high fees they had to
Beginning in early April,
6,000 of
pay to their companies
Shanghai’s 40,000 licensed taxis have been
and about unfair competi-
told to give priority to passengers hailing
tion from private drivers
cabs on the street or booking them by tele-
unburdened by such fees.
phone during morning and afternoon rush
The Chinese government
hours. Drivers from the city’s five biggest taxi
responded by banning app
companies will take part in the plan for four
Shanghai’s Transport Commission has
operators from using drivers or vehicles with-
hours each day, depending on their licence
said that under the new rules, residents can
out taxi licenses - saying this was partly to
plate numbers. The paper also said the move
report drivers who refuse to pick them up dur-
ensure passengers’ safety. Police are also
was a response to the rapid growth in the
ing rush hour by calling a hotline number.
reported to have been cracking down on pri-
popularity of smartphone booking apps,
However, it remains to be seen how successful
vate drivers. In Beijing, they have warned that
which have led to complaints by residents
the program will be. Shanghai announced over
anyone caught offering unlicensed taxi services
about the difficulty of finding a taxi on the
a year ago that it intended to ban all drivers
faces a fine of some £2000 (20,000 yuan).
from using apps during rush hour, but with
In Shanghai, drivers working for Uber say
It may not be Uber or Hailo, but many dri-
apparently limited impact.
police have stepped up checks on cars they
vers at China’s licensed taxi companies make
Observers say the taxi-booking issue has
suspect may be operating as unlicensed taxis.
use of the country’s two main taxi-booking
highlighted tension between the interests of
They say drivers who are caught, face having
apps, Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache, which
various groups, including citizens, drivers
their car impounded and losing their licence
together control 90 percent of a market esti-
and China’s powerful Internet companies.
for up to three months as well as facing large
mated to reach 45 million users this year! The
With many residents frustrated at how hard it
fines. Some drivers have responded by asking
two companies, invested in by two of China’s
can be to find a taxi, China has also seen
passengers to sit in the front seat and to tell
two largest Internet companies - Tencent and
a rapid expansion in the use of apps offering
police they are the driver’s friend if stopped!
Alibaba respectively - merged in February
private cars driven either by chauffeurs from
Others say they are planning to stop working
creating a company whose worth is estimated
existing car rental companies, or by private
via booking apps.
at £6.5billion.
individuals seeking to earn extra money.
Uber says it does not operate illegal ser-
However, analysts say the apps have creat-
Didi Dache entered the private car mar-
vices in China, but simply links customers
ed a digital divide. While young people using
ket last year. Other key players in the
with drivers from licensed rental services and
the smartphone apps feel they have made life
market include Yidao Yongche, some-
offers non-profit services via 'People’s Uber.'
more convenient, older or less tech savvy
times known as China’s Uber, as well as
But the latest developments are a
users have complained that they now have to
Uber itself, which entered the Chinese
reminder that the road for China’s booking
wait much longer to hail or book a cab. The
market last year. Uber and other compa-
app providers may be far from a smooth
government has also said that apps have
nies have sought to build market share by
one. And we wonder if there is something
undermined fairness and market order by
offering incentives to passengers and dri-
London can learn? But we have a problem
allowing would-be passengers to offer drivers
vers. However their growing popularity
in comparing our TfL with the progressive
extra money to pick them up.
has caused tension with drivers of
Shanghai Transport Commission…
Taxi Fares 2015/16
For those that don’t already know…
Following the annual review of taxi fares, which
included a public consultation in November
2014, the Transport for London (TfL) Board has
approved a freeze in taxi fares. The cost index
used to calculate changes to taxi fares showed a
0.1 per cent decrease this year and the TfL
Board agreed to defer this decrease to next
year’s fare calculations.
This is the first freeze of taxi fares since TfL
took over responsibility for licensing taxis in
2000 and will last until April 2016. Full details of
the taxi tariffs are available on the TfL website
The paper considered by the TfL Board at its
meeting on 4 February 2015 is available on the
TfL website at:
Transport for London
Call Sign May 2015
Page 22
Another true story from Geoff Levene
It's been busy hasn't it? You turn on the terminal, log on, book in and
So what can one do to fight the
within seconds the familiar beep, a job offer comes up and away you
boredom? Well, reading is always a
go. Do the job, CLJ and the next one please. Huge queues at Padders,
good option. I've always got a book
shared rides, a couple of airports a week and so it goes on. The Nissan
that’s left over from my holiday and
engine is going strong. Of course we had to get it converted to Euro
recently a passenger gave me the lat-
3, but now it will be good for... hmmm, forever? But Ken has brought
est John Grisham as a tip. On
in a second overhaul a year. Anyone who reverses that will get the cab
Sundays we get The Mail, The Times
trade vote for sure…
and The Observer. That's a lot of
But then beep, beep, beep - it's the alarm clock! And then I awake
newsprint - actually it's a small for-
and look around me, at four grey walls that surround me and I realise
est! The good lady wife reads them
that I was only dreaming (we'll forget about the guard and the sad old
first and then passes them on to me,
plus cuttings from Woman,
Things are a bit different now. There seems to be a long time
Woman’s Own, Bella, Best and the
between jobs. You do get a good day now and then, but we get let
Radio Times! I have to admit I'm a bit behind, but I can tell you that
down by everyone - even our friends at the RMT. They keep threat-
Chamberlain is back from Munich! Sometimes I sit and think and
ening strikes on the tube but then cancel them at the last minute!
sometimes I just sit…
But one thing you can do to pass the time is to play Six
Degrees of Separation. This is based on the theory that everyone
is linked to someone famous by no more than six stages. So
here's how I'm connected to George III…
1. My late brother David.
2. The Queen who awarded him the OBE for services to HMRC - but
don't go there…!
3. Her father George VI.
4. His grandmother Queen Victoria.
5. Her uncle the Prince Regent - later George lV.
6. His father George III.
Then there’s Mozart and me...
hen the LTDA agreed to drop their
1. A passenger of mine and well-known cellist, Stephen Isserlis. His
proposed criminal proceedings
grandfather (number 2) left Russia after the revolution when he
against four Uber drivers, it gave
(number 3) went to Vienna and (4) lodged with a very old lady who
told him about the “horrible man” who lived in her house when she
Transport for London the go-
was little. That was number 5, Beethoven and when he was a boy he
ahead to apply to the High Court to test
played for number 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart…
whether Uber are using what the taxi trade
Of course it doesn't work with everybody. For instance there's no
consider to be taximeters.
way I'm connected to Adolf Hitler. But hang on a minute. Back in the
seventies we had an account in Eaton Square. It was the Duchess of
Uber say their app measures fares according to the
Devonshire. The dispatcher was always at pains to point out it was a
smart phone GPS estimate of a journey distance and time
person and not a pub! She was actually the Dowager Duchess - the
- something that TfL’s legal team have said they agree
widow of the old Duke. I picked her up a few times, so she is number
with and that modern technology has caused their own
1. Number 2 was her son, who was the Duke at the time. 3 was his
rules - that private hire are supposed to operate under -
wife, the Duchess (she recently died), but before she married she was
to be out of date.
Debo Mitford, one of the famous sisters, two of whom - Unity and
However, our licensing authority have also said
Diana - were both Fascist sympathisers and my joint number 4. Diana
married the equally charming (and number 5) Oswald Mosley. The
that the High Court is the way to settle the argu-
honoured guest and witness at the wedding in Germany was number
ment - an argument that if it goes Uber’s way, could
6, Der Fuhrer!
signify the beginning of every minicab in London
So when you're next roasting on a rank, kill a bit of time by work-
having the equivalent of a meter.
ing out who you are connected to...
TfL told Call Sign: “We have made it clear previously
that it is our view that smartphones used by private hire
Geoff Levene (W32)
drivers do not constitute the equipping of a vehicle with a
Call Sign Online
taxi meter where they act as GPS tracking devices to mea-
sure journey distances and relay information so that fares
Keith Reading
can be calculated remotely from the vehicle.”
Professional Toastmaster
The LTDA, every other trade group and probably all
Master of Ceremonies
26,000 licensed taxi drivers disagree with TfL’s estimate of
the situation. If the Court decides against Uber, then it
Tele: 01279 465 938
would cause a huge setback with the company being in
Mobile: 07774 860 374
breach of the law and could bring an end to Uber in
London until they find a new way of calculating fares. If it
decides in favour, then this trade will be in trouble.
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
The case will undoubtedly be a day of decision for this
Fellow of the Guild of
trade and it will be sometime this year…
Professional Toastmasters
Call Sign May 2015
Page 23
In this series, Cab Guide, City of London Guide and City of
Westminster Guide Bob Woodford looks at infamous peace time
London explosions…
responsible - and that this was one of a series
Rhodes being
of bomb attacks between 1970 and 1972 that
just one among of
included the disruption of a Miss World con-
number of chefs
Celebrities used to queue up to eat at
test at the Royal Albert Hall.
keen to master-
the Top of the Tower until it was blown
You may recall more recently in 2009, the
mind the project. Sources suggested that
up by terrorists
Tower was back with a bang and an impres-
BT had decided it could not justify the time
sive firework display to launch a countdown
and money being spent on the project during
In the early 1960s, an almost phallic-like sym-
bol rose above the London skyline that would
screen for the
2012 London Olympic
a period of national belt tightening, but I
rather suspect it’s really all about that 8 letter
replace Millbank Tower as the tallest build-
The space at the top of the pole now is cur-
word that you hear so often these days -
ing in London.
rently only used for BT corporate events and
Looming above genteel Georgian terraces
below, this giant totem pole was a naturally
BT recently confirmed that it will not be re-
opening the revolving restaurant at the top of
Bob Woodford
alienating and foreboding structure to most
the Tower in the immediate future - Gary
Call Sign Online
of us at first. It held its number one ranking
until the 1980s when the Nat West Tower
(now Tower 42) rose higher and today the
BT Tower (formerly the Post Office Tower)
has slipped down to 11th place.
The tower was designed by architects of
the Ministry of Public Building and Works
ollowing the annual review of taxi and private hire licence
led by Eric Bedford, with Prime Minister
fees, the Transport for London Board has approved the follow-
Harold Wilson officially opening the new
ing licence fees, which came into effect from 1 April 2015…
building on 8th October 1965.
It would be the Postmaster General Tony
Taxi vehicle application
- £65
Benn and holiday camp entrepreneur Billy
Taxi vehicle licence
- £33
Butlin that publically opened its star feature
for the new kid on the block - a revolving
Taxi driver application
- £80
restaurant to be named Top of the Tower,
Taxi driver licence
- £192
which would complete one revolution every
Knowledge appearance
- £400
22 minutes.
Knowledge written test
- £200
Some older readers may remember the
office of the Butlin’s group that was once on
Oxford Street near the junction of Betterton
Street and which for several years had an
account with Dial-a-Cab. On the other hand,
younger readers may not have realised that
this major UK communications hub in
Fitzrovia was once open to the public, com-
plete with viewing galleries and a souvenir
376 Strand, WC2
But the peace and tranquillity of this
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
dynamic London visitor attraction was
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
shattered because of a Halloween Blast
that took place on the 31st floor of the
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
Tower at 4.30am on 31st October 1971,
but when fortunately, almost certainly
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
due to the timing, nobody was killed or
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
injured - although shrapnel and debris
rained down on Cleveland Street below,
so hopefully your taxi was well out of
We are certain that you will be delighted
harm’s way!
The physical damage took 2 years to repair,
which put a stop to celebrities queuing up in
the west end for Beluga Caviar and Atlantic
Smoked Salmon complete with a view that
stretched out to the home counties.
Interestingly, nobody claimed responsibili-
ty for hiding the device inside a toilet beside
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
a viewing gallery, despite early news reports
just minutes after the explosion that Scotland
Salieri Restaurant
Yard had received a call from the so-called
‘Kilburn Battalion’ of the IRA.
376 Strand, WC2
But in a 1973 book by Alan Burns called
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
The Angry Brigade, he claimed that the
British left-wing Anarchist Group were
Call Sign May 2015
Page 24
hilst the TX4 taxi
is seen by some
New LTC factory
as being noisy
with all the emis-
goes green!
sion downsides that diesel vehi-
cles are said to have, LTC’s
Mayor Boris,
Chinese owners Geely have now
Cameron, Li
put their money where their
Shufu and
mouths are and say they will be
turning the next generation of
Johansen at
taxis into a 21st century electric
the launch
vehicle with an aluminium body
and a driver relying on a battery
with over 200 miles before a
M o r e
recharge is needed.
recently, LTC
In an exclusive and lengthy interview with
in Coventry
Geely Chairman Li Shufu in the October 2013
has produced
Call Sign, he said that their next generation
its first export
green cabs would be the “most technologically
vehicle since
advanced taxis the world has ever seen and cru-
the company
cially, they would be the greenest ever.” As most
became part
newspapers world-wide have now confirmed,
Emerald Automotive, the electric van
of the Chinese
Mr Li kept his promise and set up a new £250
maker Geely acquired last year. They are
Zhejiang Geely Holding Group in
million factory in Ansty Park, Coventry, where
also based in Coventry.
February 2013. The purpose built taxi is
the new TX5 will go into production from
The new factory is looking to produce some
on its way to Melbourne, Southern
September 2017 ready for the January 2018
36,000 vehicles a year by 2023, around 80 per-
Australia. After approval, a further order
ULEZ emission rules. Geely claim that the fac-
cent of the TX5 taxis probably going for export.
of several hundred vehicles is expected
tory will produce jobs for 1000 workers by
The new vehicle will be developed using signif-
from the main Australian distributor - The
icantly increased UK and EU content, bringing
London Taxi Company Australia - into the
The new taxi will feature a 400kg battery
economic benefits through the supply chain.
city of Melbourne. The Taxi Services
that drivers will be able to recharge whilst
Mr Li said Geely was working with software
Commission has already approved the
on the move thanks to a small petrol
developers to find ways of countering the
London Taxi for use as a conventional taxi
engine. The TX5 has been designed with
Uber threat.
in the state of Victoria.
Alec Wilkey (W83) isn’t just a ten-year veteran of Dial-a-Cab,
he is also a very respected trainer in the world of professional
boxing and has a very busy May ahead - not involving his cab -
with no less than four of his boxers fighting for titles!
Based at Lansbury ABC in Poplar, the fighters are deep into
their training camps for their important upcoming bouts, with
the first being female fighter Areti Mastrodouka (8-0) who
has the chance to win three World Titles with the WBF, WIBF
and GBU versions all on the line for this unification bout on
May 9th in her homeland of Greece. Known as The Master,
Areti won the World GBU title on points last time out against
Hana Horakova and now fights Loli Munoz in a Super-
Featherweight contest at the Panathinaikos FC ground for
all the belts!
Alec also has three fighters vying for titles on 16th May at
York Hall, Bethnal Green, on the Goodwin Promotions
show which features 7 title fights. Former Prizefighter
Champion Johnny Coyle from Stanford-le-Hope in Essex beca
last contest and now fights for the Light-Welterweight Southern Area title against Phil Bowes in what should be a cracking match-up - one
in which the winner can look to progress to fight for more titles.
Danny ‘Cassius’ Connor is also back in action after competing in the Prizefighter tournament back in December. The 28 year-old Sutton
boxer is looking to secure a title in a third weight division after moving down to Lightweight, having previously won the Southern Area Light
Welterweight strap and Masters Welterweight title. Connor faces off with Andy Harris for the Masters belt this time out.
Also on the bill fighting for the vacant International Masters Bronze title is 24 year-old Adam ‘Raw’ Salman. The welterweight Morden
fighter is set to clash with Stanislav Nenkov and fights for his first title after moving into the paid ranks at the beginning of 2013.
It is sure to be an exciting night of action at York Hall with a host of other top fights on the bill including the likes of Jamie
Speight, Johnny Garton, Adam Dingsdale, Michael Devine, Dean Byrne and the Upton brothers to name a few.
To purchase tickets (£35), call 07944 791 360.
David Wilkey
Call Sign May 2015
Page 25
DaC Board Member Mike Son asks a simple question…
Whose side are TfL on?
compared to others, nonetheless I under-
industry and I really cannot understand how
stand that as members, your main concerns
the licensing authority can continue to allow
are your own individual earnings.
such an apparent lack of vetting procedures
At the AGM, there was much consternation
of minicab drivers. I am given to understand
and anger expressed to the Board as to the
that at the very least, there is not even an
direction being taken and what efforts and
appropriate driving test! It does make you
strategies were being put into place to
wonder just whose side TfL are actually on?
redress the loss of work to DaC members.
Again the lack of TfL’s responses to var-
But I can assure you that every effort is being
ious articles in the press and social media
made to obtain new clients and keeping
concerning the disreputable behaviour of
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
existing accounts; but yes, it is proving to be
some of these drivers and the confidence
very difficult.
tricks used by some of the minicab com-
Although it’s a while ago now,
But new and imaginative marketing
panies when passengers use credit cards,
strategies are being viewed, which we all
really is quite unbelievable. Personally
this is my first opportunity to
hope will be the turning point in our efforts
speaking, I really cannot understand what
thank you for your support at
to regain control of our market share.
Transport for London’s agenda is.
the last AGM.
The cheap fares being offered along with
Although members of the public, along
Like you, I drive a taxi so I don’t have to tell
the absence of control by TfL on the ever
with some corporate companies, have been
you how difficult it has been lately due to the
increasing minicab fraternity and the mobile
using minicab companies and their mobile
general lack of work and although Dial-a-
app revolution, is proving to be extremely
phone apps in an effort to cut costs, many are
Cab is still in a favourable financial position
worrying for the future of the licenced taxi
coming to realise that some of the more
unscrupulous drivers are offering a clear and
current danger to passenger’s safety, security
10 or 15 years…
and to the general wellbeing of those who
choose to use private transport - all appar-
ently, with the blessing of TfL.
What to do for the best?
So getting back to the point of reduced
taxi work, especially radio taxi trips, we
are looking at different strategies but in
addition, we could also do with your help.
Whilst driving around town, just take a
note of the companies or buildings where
you see minicabs lining up waiting for pas-
sengers. Your help may prove to be extreme-
ly helpful to the sales team and give the
opportunity for members of our team to con-
tact the companies to introduce the Dial-a-
Cab services and products.
“I really don’t know what to do for the best, which way to go forward,” Stephen Hassan (P95)
admitted to Call Sign. “I’m waiting for Boris to make up his mind about this ten or fifteen year
The email address is:
rule,” he said, referring to the impending decision by the Mayor of London regarding the life cycle or you can text me
of London taxis.
on 07710 388588…
“I have just had my last overhaul on this cab, so while it’s good for only another year so far as
the authorities are concerned, to me it is still a good tool to go to work in. I only cover around
Michael Son
9000 miles a year, need only one service a year and at this last re-licencing procedure, the smoke
DaC Board Member
test was better than a TX4! Yet I will have to say goodbye to my cab in 12 months’ time because
it will be fifteen years old, even though there is plenty of life left in it.
“At one point, I thought I might be able to convert it to gas, but I think I might be too late for
that because I remember reading in Call Sign that such a conversion had to be done before the
Euston Road
last overhaul to gain the additional five years of working life. I’m determined to stay on Dial-a-
Cab, but unless I can rent a DaC taxi, who knows what the end result will be? It really is a major
headache for me right now until I can somehow resolve the matter.
On Thursday 23 April in Euston
“I may investigate those leasing deals currently available through dealerships, because the
options offer several advantages in that I can keep the cab at the end of the term if I wish or hand
Road, an unmarked police car went
it back, and I will know my regular monthly expenses during the leasing period. It is an option I
into a DaC taxi at full speed spinning
may seriously consider!”
the cab round and causing part of
Joining us in the conversation was Alex Hurley (K70). He too has an older cab and will be like-
the road to be closed.
ly to rent a taxi when his current workhorse comes off the road.
The two passengers and both
“I have been driving thirty-nine years, twenty of those on Dial-a-Cab and I would dearly like to
drivers were hurt and all were taken
stay on the circuit, but I will have to seriously consider renting because to me the future of the taxi
to the UCH by ambulance.
trade does not look too good and I do not wish to invest just now; so I will be looking to rent my
next cab,” Alex confirmed.
The driver was carrying out an
“I’ve investigated several possibilities and options, including a gas conversion, but I will hopeful-
account ride for MWM Boardroom
ly find a rental cab fitted with Dial-a-Cab…”
Consulting LLP. The driver and one
Call Sign is offering its pages to any Dial-a-Cab driver who is open to either of two
passenger were later discharged, but
options; if you are willing to rent out your taxi to another DaC driver whose cab has
the second passenger was kept in.
reached the end of its life, or if feel you might perhaps be interested in a new taxi but
We would like to wish the
don’t want to spend that much but would consider a shared ownership, then just contact
passengers and the driver, Brian
this magazine by either posting your details to the office addressed to Call Sign, or email
Shapiro (H41), a speedy recovery…
Call Sign May 2015
Page 26
I find it hard to understand - although I do con-
With all its rear-wheel steering system problems, Eddie Lambert
fess to not being an engineer or mechanic -
makes a suggestion to Mercedes and asks questions to Fraser Nash
why Mercedes have continued to try and recti-
about electric taxis…
fy the rear steering problem on the Vito. It
would seem to me to be a much better idea
altogether to do what Nissan have done with
their converted NV200 van - which has been
shelved for the foreseeable future due to the
problems of dealing with TfL.
That solution would be to make changes
to the front steering rack so that it can meet
The electric Metrocab
the required Metropolitan Conditions of
Fitness (MCF). Quite why Nissan hasn't pro-
would seem to me that
ceeded across the rest of the country,
somewhere in the region of
where local authorities for the most part
10% of the fleet number
actually seem to have intelligent people
would be more appropriate -
working for them and serving on Licensing
ie some
2,000 charging
Committees, I don't know.
Even if Mercedes do finally crack their rear
Following the enthusiastic
turning problem, it will be a solution that is
harvesting of taxi ranks
only useful on a small percentage of the pro-
across central London by
duction run ie London Taxis and the very few
- Camden and
councils that continue to use the MCF, which I
Westminster in particular - it
believe to be as low as 5 out of over 350 local
would seem that there could
authorities. Due to this limited number - possi-
be a lack of suitable ranks, so
bly as few as 3 to 4000 vehicles a year - the cost
perhaps induction charging
was disappointed to see they had not fitted the
will still be quite exorbitant and add some-
at major stations could be a part of the electric
latest collision avoidance system that is cur-
where in the region of 10 to 15% to the cost of
taxi answer - although not via physical contact
rently available. According to an article in the
the vehicles compared to those coming straight
or leads. The charging system could be incor-
Daily Telegraph Saturday car supplement, this
off the production line and become a solution
porated in the road with taxis accepting a
system makes it almost impossible to run into
that could be used in all Vitos across the whole
charge whilst waiting for their next fare.
the back of another vehicle or other obstacles
production run. The cost would then be
Another good place would be at green shelters
in the path of your vehicle. I suppose they
spread out while reducing the cost to well
and places such as Camley Street, the new
might make it an optional extra when you
under 1% of the total vehicle and make the Vito
Oak at North Wharf Road and Great Suffolk
order, but with the cost quoted in the article as
Taxi far more affordable - particularly outside of
Street, although the lack of any permanent
just over £100, it would help make the vehicle
tenancy could be a possible problem. Perhaps
even more enticing to potential purchasers -
If all Vito vans across the country - or
the GLA/TfL could find some sites where a 10
not to mention that it could also help reduce
indeed the world - had “our turning circle”
year or so tenancy by the operators might be
insurance premiums.
then they could use the strap line: ‘As
Of course, the other issue with the new elec-
manoeuvrable as a London taxi’ in their
With the right number of charging points, it
tric Metrocab involves charging points, some-
advertising for the Vito.
might even be possible to reduce the size of the
thing that will also affect any electric taxi offer-
batteries and the overall weight of taxis.
ings from other manufacturers. I know the
Which leads me nicely to my final point:
And then there’s the
LTDA have called for 500 charging points
How much are we going to be expected to
across London, but with the London taxi fleet
electric Metrocab…
pay for the batteries and are we going to
of around 20,000 eventually having to go over
As a Metrocab owner-driver for over 18 years,
to electric vehicles, those 500 seem to be a
have to purchase or lease them separately
I have been watching the progress of the new
from the taxis?
rather conservative number and could hold
Fraser Nash Metrocab with great interest. On
back drivers from going over to electric taxis as
Eddie Lambert (V37)
reading the latest reports of their progress, I
quickly as they may have otherwise done. It
Call Sign Online
Kupkake Thanksgiving Service
Regular readers of Call Sign will remember this magazine’s
former poet and long-time Dial-a-Cab driver, David Kupler
To refer to David as brave is such a gross understatement; he went far beyond that description. It was in
November 2013 that a small shadow was discovered on his lung, but by February 2014 it had grown so
quickly that there was no treatment available that could help. But I was stunned when he said he had just
weeks to live and wanted to put some final poems into the mag. He also wanted to write his own obitu-
ary. And that is exactly what he did! He died 3 weeks later on 1 April 2014.
David was totally irreligious although he described himself as a not too strict Taoist saying that he
didn’t believe in any supreme being. His belief was that you are born, you live and then you die; but he
believed strongly that while we are here, we should try our best to help each other and as such he
signed a form that said after his death, his body should be donated to medical science.
“How else can future doctors learn,” he asked me. “How do we eradicate these types of ill-
nesses if they have no bodies to look at? What good does a grave and a headstone do for the
world? Those who want to remember me need just look into their hearts and I’ll be there, not to visit a cold cemetery to
read nice words on a piece of stone.”
And that is exactly what David “Kupkake” Kupler did. Now his cousin Stuart has told Call Sign that there is to be a Thanksgiving Service for David and
others who donated their bodies for anatomical research in the previous year.
It will be held at Southwark Cathedral on Friday 15 May 2015 at 11am and any drivers wanting to pay their respects can just turn up on
the day, but please be there at least 30 minutes before the service commences.
Alan Fisher, Call Sign Online
Call Sign May 2015
Page 27
“It really is quite remarkable when you
ing on the main road into Croydon. It’s a
think about it,” Steve Lederman (B54) told
straight road and you really cannot go wrong
Call Sign recently.
- unless, of course, you are a minicab driver,
“I had picked up an account client from
a slave to the car’s Satnav - but slightly cheap-
Canary Wharf to go to the Home Office
er!” Steve giggled impishly.
building in Croydon. As the passenger got
“The client was amazed and delighted and
into the cab, he asked me which way I intend-
as he got out, he congratulated me on the
ed going because the previous week a private
service that Dial-a-Cab provides and the
hire driver in a black Ford Galaxy - and guid-
competence of our drivers. As he walked off
ed by his Satnav - went via the A2 to the M25,
into the Home Office, he mumbled: “Just 43
along the motorway to the M23 and then
minutes door to door…brilliant!” Yes, of
back down onto the A23 to take them even-
course I was proud, but in reality it was just
tually into Croydon. He said that it took them
another day in the office and shows why we
absolute ages! He added that he hoped I
are so much better than private hire. It’s just
would know a better way!
a shame that big companies feel the saving of
“Firstly I’m a London taxi driver so of
a small amount is more important than the
course I knew a better way than their minicab
reason for the trip. End of!”
Steve won!!!
provider did and secondly, I actually live in
Steve grinned with the satisfaction that he
south London so yes, I’m familiar with the
House at Wellesley Road in Croydon.
had helped maintain the professionalism of
roads anyway. Nevertheless, I was very sur-
“We whizzed through the Blackwall
the finest taxi service in the world...
prised at that route taken, so I simply told the
Tunnel and into Blackheath Village before
Alan Green (E52)
passenger to sit back and watch, before mov-
heading towards Catford. Then it was
ing off swiftly in the direction of Lunar
Verdant Lane to Beckenham Junction stay-
Call Sign Online
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the pages
of the magazines of the time with a Flashback…
This month’s Flashback is from July
London Airport
1978 and is an ODRTS News & Views
London Airport jobs will be taken from the car park, which means a driver has to have a number. If there
article from Complaints Officer
are no cabs in the area, the point will be measured from the car park and not from the pick-up point.
Johnny Saunders…
Pye radios
With regards to our new radio sets ranging from 57000 to the 71000 series, the Pye engineer asks
you to please note that when switching off, you should not apply excess pressure as this often caus-
es malfunction in the switch and could lead to a complaint. Thank you very much.
There was recently a complaint made against
Johnny Saunders (B20)
a dispatcher after he had allocated a job in
ODRTS Complaints Officer
Kent to the wrong cab. The dispatcher was
then called into the office to answer the com-
plaint and when I read the answer, I agreed
that the driver had been justified in making
the complaint and I cautioned the dispatcher
to be more careful in the future. I then told
the driver my decision and he seemed to think
that his making a complaint against an ODRTS
dispatcher had been a waste of time.
I told him that this really wasn’t the case and
that only recently the Board of Management
had suspended another dispatcher indefinitely
from the control room. I emphasised that I am
Treatment for pain & discomfort doesn’t have to be expensive
always available to listen to driver’s complaints
and I take no sides. So please, in future when
you feel that there has been a wrong done, get
The Centre offers fully qualified therapists in Physiotherapy,
in touch with the Complaints Officer.
Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Remedial
Our complaints system has now been going
Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hydrotherm, Massage
since the last AGM in November 1977 and
most of the teething problems have been
Therapy, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
ironed out. Also, for those wishing to appeal
against a sentence given by the Complaints
Call us on 020 8507 8169
Committee, there is an Appeals Committee
or mobile 07973 639 473 for an early appointment
that has the power to change a sentence.
Email: or fax: 020 8507 9650
City jobs
Out of hours enquiries welcome
For an experimental period, work in the heavi-
ly populated part of the City will be called
Barking Physical Therapy Centre
from the point of the Moorgate rank between
90 Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8SF
the hours of 8am and 10pm. Hopefully this
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am till 8pm and Saturday 9am till 2pm
will benefit both the drivers and dispatchers.
Call Sign May 2015
Page 28
April was a bad month for three Dial-a-Cab dri-
“The recovery man said a
injector pipe had a hole in it
vers! When Melvyn Harvey (E87) noticed steam
probably due to metal fatigue
escaping from the front of the cab, he was very
which had then caused an air-
surprised as he’d had the heater matrix replaced
lock in the fuel system so no
amount of bleeding the fuel
some weeks previously after breaking down in
lines of air would have suc-
Harley Street and he wasn’t expecting further
ceeded and I ended up catch-
problems with the cooling system on his TX4.
ing a lift on the breakdown
He told Call Sign: “When I failed to proceed in the heart of the
truck to Frameright Taxis in
medical profession’s locale, the AA came out to me and I had to
Three Colts Lane, losing sev-
be transported to my dealership to have the leaking heater matrix
eral hours work.
“At least Frameright got me
“That was five hours of grief and as I broke down early in the
back on the road with the
evening, my entire night’s work was lost and I didn’t get my cab
minimum of fuss. I was well-
back until the following day. So when I saw those wisps of steam
pleased with them,” Geoff
yet again, my heart sank as you can imagine.
added enthusiastically.
“On the second occasion I broke down, it was in Covent Garden
and when I opened the taxi hood to see where the steam was com-
(C63) was lucky when he ex
ing from, I saw the split in the top hose that carries the engine
ing problems on his TX4.
coolant to the radiator from the engine and that’s when I realised
“The power steering felt very heavy intermittently and made
I wasn’t going anywhere yet again!
weird creaking noises as I turned the steering wheel. Early diag-
“The AA came out to me again and as usual I had to be ‘assessed’
nosis was a steering pump failure, but closer examination showed
for transportation, even though I tried to save time by stating the
the steering column was the culprit as the internal bearings that
cab was unrepairable at the roadside, the problem being that I did
support the steering wheel shaft had collapsed to the point of
not have a spare coolant hose for the AA man to be able to replace
being dangerous. The steering might have even locked up com-
the damaged one! So that was another evenings’ work down the
pletely, preventing me from controlling the cabs’ direction.
tubes; so you can imagine my disappointment.”
Anyway, those great guys at Ascott’s sorted it out in under an
Getting into the swing of things, Melvyn went on to say that
hour and I was back on the road safely!”
had he carried a few essential spares such as coolant hoses,
Frameright Taxis can be contacted on 0207 739 5617
drive/fan belts and a selection of light bulbs relevant to his
The Ascott Cab Company can be contacted on
model of taxi, his hose and woes problems would have been
0208 692 1122.
over because the AA would probably have sorted it quite
quickly and he would have been able to go back to work
© Call Sign Magazine MMXV
without missing yet another night on the road.
“The cost of those few emergency spares - even if they were just
kept on the cab - would have been far cheaper than losing a sec-
ond nights’ work, so I’ve now learned my lesson and I’m passing
that advice on for the benefit of other Dial-a-Cab drivers!”
Call Sign was told that water hoses, like many flexible
materials used on the cab, become brittle and weakened
with age. The constant cycle of heating up and cooling down
as the engine runs can cause the rubber to crack and there-
fore fail. We were advised to check the condition of all hoses
Geoff Levene (W32J) also broke down recently through no
fault of his own.
“Yes, you may have seen my cab sitting forlornly on the back
end of a flat-bed recovery truck recently! I was in Westbourne Park
Road when the cab suddenly lost power before actually stalling.
Try as I might, I could not re-start it. A kindly passing fellow cab
driver, assisted by a postman, helped push the dead cab into the
side of the road otherwise I may have caused a traffic jam back to
Shepherds Bush!
Theatre tickets
Don’t forget; if you read the piece on page 10 of this
issue and want to receive information on when and where
taxi driver’s complimentary theatre tickets are available,
then email Tom Whitbread on:
He will then put you onto a database of drivers
who will all receive information at the same time
regarding any freebie tickets on offer. More details
on page 10…
Call Sign May 2015
Page 29
Dear Alan
Embarrass the Editor of Call Sign? Former driver Chris Treadwell
Even though I left both Dial-a-Cab and the
shows how!
UK back in 1997, I still have fond memories
of both on two fronts. I read your excellent
online version of Call Sign and I also have a
suitcase in the spare bedroom stuffed with
memorabilia that I took with me when my
wife Rose and I emigrated to the sunshine
island of Malta. We had always spoken of
retiring to Crete but somehow ended up
here - and never regretted it.
But it’s that suitcase that I hadn’t opened
for many years that I wanted to talk to you
about. Whenever I thought of opening it,
Rose always talked me out of it - not because
it might have contained some sad memories,
but more because it had so much stuff in it
that our small one bedroom apartment
would probably have been covered in old
newspapers, photos and small bits of junk
that she always said I’d wonder why we ever
brought them over with us!
Sadly, my Rose died last year and just a few
weeks ago I thought I’d take out the case to
see if there were any nice photos of Rose and
I. Indeed there were - along with some awful
junk that Rose was right in saying I would
wonder why I ever thought of bringing them
over here. But not everything fell into that
category, because I also brought some mem-
Devon and it was a lovely way for us to spend
same person - and yes, I know that you were
ories of my 33 years as a green badge taxi dri-
two weeks together.
Big Al!
ver and some of it involves you!
But back to my suitcase; I also pulled out a
Best wishes to all at DaC…
I have always been a huge fan of American
copy of Call Sign. It was edited by Jery
Chris Treadwell
wrestling and would never miss a copy of Taxi
Craig, who was and obviously still is a bril-
Mellieha Bay, Malta
Globe, purely because it had a masked gentle-
liant cartoonist. But it also contained my
Thanks for the letter, the views of Malta
man by the name of Mr X who regularly wrote
favourite part of the magazine - Big Al. Most
and the two photos, Chris. As you can see I
about the sport. Back then, the only other way
drivers enjoyed reading him because he was
already have copies of both pics and used
you could read about it was via imported
so irreverent and would think nothing of
them. Does that answer your question!
wrestling mags such as Pro Wrestling
insulting even the Chairman! And that’s
I envy you having gone to Wrestlemania
Illustrated, which were great but usually
when I noticed something. Big Al and Mr X
with your son and although I only watched it
around two months out of date. Taxi Globe’s
looked very similar and I’m now wondering if
as a Sky PPV, it looked brilliant with 77,000
Mr X, however, was always up-to-date! I even
all I had to do was to ask Mr Craig for his
people in that magnificent San Francisco Bay
went to Taxi Globe’s office with my son
phone number and I’d have got the details of
stadium watching such amazing action -
Stephen - also a wrestling nut - to ask the
Mr X as well? I have scanned the two photos
especially when The Rock teamed up with
Editor for a contact number for Mr X. I can’t
for you and perhaps you will put me out of
one tough lady - UFC World Champion,
remember his name, but he was a shortish,
my misery! Were Mr X and Big Al one and the
Ronda Rousey …Ed
well-dressed man with glasses
Lewis…Ed). But he refused. When Rose and I
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
left for our sunshine island retirement home, I
obviously put a copy of Taxi Globe in my mem-
orabilia suitcase because I’m now looking at a
photo of Mr X with Sting - someone I saw
fighting at WWE’s Wrestlemania, which both
Stephen and I went to in Santa
Clara, California recently. Stephen lives in
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
Avoiding confusion
Transponders / chipped keys
On site key cutting services including taxis
with debit cards
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
n page 15 of this issue you
Burglary repairs / boarding up
will read of the new partition
stickers available at DaC
Additional security / security upgrades
House, which in addition to
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
the previous passenger information (ie
Grilles and security gates
10% charge with a minimum of £2 for
credit cards etc) also add debit cards to
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
that. Some passengers have pointed
Free estimates / no call out charge
out that the previous notice mentioned
24hr service
just credit cards and believed that debit
cards carried no charge.
You can find us at:
To avoid confusion, please pick up
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
one when you pass the office and
replace the old one.
Tel: 01708 371115
Call Sign May 2015
Page 30
Howard Sales (ex-A11) was a for-
mer DaC driver and trainer who
Uber renting out kittens?
emigrated to Australia many
years ago where he opened a
Instructions are simple:
garage. He keeps in touch with
1. Download the Uber
Call Sign and sends the occasion-
al update - but this was one we
2. Request the ‘KITTENS’
never really expected - Rent-a-
option in your app
Kitten for 15 minutes!
between 12pm and 4pm
He picked it up from Australian site, Your
(local time).
Friends House…
3. If kittens are available,
you will get to enjoy
“Following the huge success of
UberKittens in the US, UberAustralia has
15 minutes of kitten cute-
decided that delivering kittens to strangers
ness delivered to your
for fifteen minutes is a great way to give
office, your sweetheart or
everyone the warm fuzzies. According to the
even your favourite cat
Aus team’s blog: We were inundated with
requests from riders and some amazing local
shelters to bring it to our shores so we could
during kitten visits goes directly to the partici-
Well, it sounds cuter
share the kitten love and spread the word
pating shelter in your city. It costs $40 and the
than the Norwegian taxi company that
about the importance of finding much need-
fact it’s for such a good cause outweighs the
offered a contraceptive delivery service!
ed homes for our furry friends.
logistical nightmare we can only assume comes
Mind you, Call Sign can think of a link
The best thing is that every dollar donated
from flinging kittens all around the city.
between contraceptives and Uber!
Taxi rank at Novikov
Evening drivers on Dial-a-Cab will have taken many passengers to
Novikov in Berkeley Street and felt frustrated at not being able to wai
on a rank to pick up at what is now a very popular restaurant, whilst
minicabs seemed to have very few problems in hanging around.
Well now there is a rank outside and it is important that it is serviced well and that the only
taxis on there are those that are for hire.
It was on November 5 2009 and very close to Novikov, when following a long battle a rank
was granted outside Nobu. It was this magazine that began the fight for that rank as far back as
November 2005, when DaC driver John Fisher (C45) contacted us about touting outside Nobu.
We contacted the tout squad and gave them a list of the tout’s minicab registration numbers.
Within weeks, Sgt Dave Hillson of the-then Cab Enforcement Section led a raid on the
restaurant and several minicab drivers were arrested. It took four years, but with much thanks
to drivers such as Natalia Shalom and Daniel Woodhouse who constantly “hung around”
outside Nobu and had ongoing and threatening “battles” with the bouncers, eventually the
rank was won and it is now regularly used. We must make sure that Novikov is used every
bit as well, because if we don’t use it, we all know who will.
Up until drivers got the point about a rank being outside Novikov, the LTDA AdVan tend-
ed to park there just to show drivers - even though the driver, Mike Calvey, was asked to
move away!
Novikov is Arkady Novikov’s first London restaurant and features both Asian and Italian food. Cheap it isn’t;
but the food is said to be delicious. But so far as most of us are concerned, all we need to know is that the rank runs
from 6:30pm until 8:30am and we can’t afford to let it be anything but well-serviced.
The Flower Mill
Creating Beautiful Flowers For Weddings
All makes and models
07854 738895
serviced and repaired
Mobile service - we
come to you!
Call Mick Wheeler on
020 8715 0079
Covering Essex & The Surrounding Counties
Covering London
“It is at the edge of a petal that love waits”- William Carlos Williams
and the Home Counties
Call Sign May 2015
Page 31
Either write to Call Sign at
said they’d had a 2 year old TX4 for sale at
£32k and it had been sold the previous
Dial-a-Cab House
Tuesday! That was all they had and I am
or email us at
on their list if anything comes in.
So I agree with David Heath in the April
Call Sign that there are no taxis to buy
and because of the awaited ULEZ decision,
no one will buy mine because if it arrives
TfL did a midnight blitz on the West End
Lost taxi driver’s
in 2020, any buyer now would lose £6000
on a Saturday night, I’m sure they would
or 3 plate years. Currently, plate years are
catch loads of unlawful drivers. We need
medical reports
based on £2000 per year, the highest the
an undercover night squad to sort it all
Hello Alan
trade has ever known. To say that the
out, but maybe TfL don’t have this facili-
Regarding your article in the April Call
dithering TfL are pushing the trade to cri-
ty. Or maybe Uber are just bulletproof…?
Sign concerning lost medical reports, it
sis point is an understatement, as rental
David Heath (Ex-W27) - and still with-
seems to have solved a mystery that has
garages let old cabs go and don't replace
out a cab
baffled me since January. On reaching
them. Indeed it’s a real mess.
They had a blitz last year when they
the age of 67, I was expecting my annual
As for Mike Galvin writing to Call Sign
caught 34 drivers! What do you want
medical form from TfL. After quite a few
complaining about Uber taking work from
David - blood! …Ed
weeks, I started to think they had forgot-
ten and maybe I would get one next
Addison Lee; I find that a bit rich consid-
ering he jumped ship from the taxi trade in
Uber fares
December when my licence is due for
an attempt to take work from DaC! Now
Hi Alan
Then at the beginning of March, I got a
that's what I call an outrage.
Is it true that Uber fares are increasing?
Richard Potter (T51)
Alex Constantinou (N05)
letter and form from TfL giving me some
twenty days to get my eyes tested by an
It does seem that the letter from David
Yes, their drivers were sent an email
Heath last month in which he wrote
that seems to have caused some con-
optician - the reason being that my med-
that LTC couldn’t offer him a second
sternation among them. The email
ical showed my eyes were not up to stan-
hand taxi so that he could rejoin Dial-a-
said Uber were going to raise prices
dard. I passed the eye test with flying
Cab after his own cab fell foul of the 15
for riders by 7% and that the commis-
colours and it cost me nothing but my
time. So I can only assume TfL were
year rule, has started something with
sion payable would go up to 25%.
many drivers phoning me to ask where
Drivers have complained that their
looking at past medical reports in which
the best place to get a second hand cab
minimum fares will now drop by £1
my doctor had tested my eyes. Now I’m
wondering if I was the only driver who
would be. My answer is that I don’t
each with normal fares down around
know but to keep an eye open because
has been overlooked.
I can only hope I get away this year
someone is always looking to sell a cab.
Call Sign would like to make a sug-
gestion to TfL. They are always quick
without having to pay my doctor his nor-
As for Mike Galvin’s leap, I believe he
to publicise taxi fare increases to the
mal £160 for his signature on a form. As
actually left the trade altogether before
press, so perhaps they could tell them
for health, I have two check-ups a year
going back with AL. And yes, they do
about the Uber increase while
free on the NHS so hopefully I am not
try to take work from DaC just as we
explaining that London taxi fares
endangering the public when driving my
would try to take any of theirs. But as I
have remained unchanged? Oh look,
taxi! If you print this, please remove my
asked last month, is it possible that our
is that pig still flying? …Ed
name for obvious reasons.
enemy’s enemy could be our friend
A DaC driver since 2007
because as much as we are on opposite
Everyone knows my policy of not
sides of the fence, we have two things
April Fool’s joke?
publishing letters that have no name,
in common - we both work legally and
Hi Alan
but this driver has signed it, given his
we both agree that Uber doesn’t. Is that
It hadn’t occurred to me that the Uber
call sign and I understand his reasons
enough to form the strangest alliance
award article (April Call Sign) might be
the cab trade has ever seen? I really
an April Fool. I didn't read the article at
don’t know but I’d appreciate some
first as I have more important things to
sensible comments. Just calling them
do than read about Uber, but then when
Ray Sorene
names won’t help either of us.
my wife asked if I had seen any April Fool
Hi Alan
And is there anyone out there happy
stories, I suddenly realised that Uber
There was a big turnout for Ray
to admit that if a PH company offered
receiving an award from TfL as Taxi/PH
Sorene's funeral. It was especially mov-
you far more than you could earn as a
company of the year had to be one. Very
ing to see a contingent from Dial-a-Cab
licenced taxi driver, you’d refuse it out-
clever, putting it on the front cover. Must
including Board Members Keith Cain
be the truth if it’s on the front cover etc.
and Allan Evans, in addition to Alan
Having now read the article, I could not
Green (E52) from Call Sign and indi-
Uber and insurance
see any hint of an April Fool - unless the
vidual drivers as well. It was much appre-
person sending it has conned you.
ciated by Ray's widow, Mary and her
How easy would it be for Uber drivers to
Sean Farrell (B39)
daughter Carol. It was also nice to see a
get private hire insurance for
28 days,
The story was genuine, Sean! Uber
few RTG drivers there too.
meet the criteria and then go back to ordi-
won PH/Taxi Company of the year at
Dave Cohen (E94)
nary insurance, save money and yet still
the Royal Lancaster and it was pre-
A lovely man who deserved a good
pick up passengers! It looks wide open for
sented to them by TfL - who were also
turn-out …Ed
Uber drivers to duck and dive and avoid
part-sponsors. There was no April
current regulations and the law while
Fool joke this year as there are always
Second hand cabs…
clawing back some of the money they lose
some drivers whose postal service
Hello Alan
by undercutting fares. I know there are
seems to take two days to get the mag
I recently started thinking about selling
many minicab drivers in the past who have
and April Fool spoofs don't work on
my 08 TX4. When I phoned the LTC, they
not had proper insurance; if the police and
April 2nd!
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