February 2015
DaC driver and
LTC biggest
cab buyer,
calls it
a day!
Just HOW do you
get a moose’s head
into a taxi???
Call Sign February 2015
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
The bi-annual Eurostar arrivals timetable to keep in your cab. Apologies that it was not possible to publish in the January
issue due to Call Sign’s early Xmas printing schedules and Eurostar’s timetable coming out just after...
Eurostar Timetable 14/12/2014 to 23/05/2015
Notes: P1 until 4/1/15 & from 8/2/15
P2 Runs from 8/2/15
P3 Runs from 29/3/15
P4 Runs from 15/2/15 to 1/3/15 & from 29/3/15
P5 until 8/2/15 & from 8/3/15
B1 until 4/1/15 & from 8/2/15
B2 Runs from 29/3/15 on
Call Sign February 2015
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
Safer Travel at Night (STaN)
less than £40million was pumped into their busi-
This issue contains a press release from TfL’s Safer
ness just over a year ago by investment company
Better Capital whilst the City Link website
Travel at Night (STaN), a partnership between the
Mayor, TfL, Met Police, City of London Police
claimed annual revenues of around £300million
and the British Transport Police. It was set up to
and their 1,700 vehicles said to be taking 60 mil-
improve the safety of travelling at night through
lion parcels each year.
But their sudden collapse got me thinking about
industry regulation and licensing, enforcement
and education.
Dial-a-Cab and its performance over the past few
The release talks of ‘another’ four minicab dri-
years. Yep, there has been a substantial amount of
criticism, especially when it came to losing those
vers being successfully prosecuted, bringing the
number up to 34 for the past 12 months. I may be
two big accounts in Docklands - one of which went
grabbing the wrong end of the stick and I appreci-
to minicab company, Brunel. Undoubtedly we
could have kept both accounts had we known
ate that bringing actions against touts isn’t just a
matter of filling in a form, but considering that
what the tender winners were offering and had we
there are said to be
68 Cab Enforcement
been prepared to drop fares far enough. When it’s
Officers, that makes an average of 0.5 arrests per
quiet, most drivers will cover anything. But when
it gets a bit busier - as it did before the holiday
year for each of them. If you are a driver who
In September 2005, I had several chats with Sgt
works during the early hours, you will have proba-
Dave Hillson - then of the “new” Transport
period - few would run past an outstretched hand
bly seen more than 34 incidents of touting over
Operational Command Unit - and asked why out
to help protect an account. And of course you
don’t know what the competition has offered.
any weekend - let alone a year - just on your own!
of 1160, we weren’t told how many were licensed
Of course, we all know that not every minicab
taxi drivers? I was amazed when he said that not
But it wasn’t the loss of the E14 accounts that
driver that appears to be touting is actually doing
only did he not know, but that the PCO (as it was
the City Link collapse got me thinking about, it was
more about how we had survived through these
so and that some are genuinely waiting for their
then) had decided not to differentiate between
pre-booked passengers. But taking everything into
them. After weeks of exchanging emails and phone
past turbulent years because in addition to the par-
account, then 68 officers managing just 34 arrests
calls explaining that forgetting I was an editor, just
cel courier, the PH side of the trade has lost Lewis
between them appears to be money poorly spent.
as a licensed taxi driver I felt entitled to know if our
Day, Chauffeur Force, Burgundy, Premier, W1,
Eco Igo, Network and probably others that I have
Last month’s Call Sign published a report by
reputation for being the best was actually true
the GLA which pulled no punches in labelling
because if a large proportion of those 1160 were
forgotten about. Some were taken over by
Transport for London as being “woefully inad-
taxi drivers, then we really were in trouble. They
Addison Lee while others just vanished after find-
ing out that money didn’t just fall into their laps.
equate.” It’s currently difficult to disagree with
stuck to their guns for several weeks until I said
that description. Even Addison Lee’s boss,
that I would have to put in a Freedom of
Yet DaC is still here, with substantial funds behind
Liam Griffin, has accused TfL of letting taxis
Information request. I was told in no uncertain lan-
us and owing nothing to anyone.
Speaking as someone whose subscriptions have
down by allowing Uber to march into London
guage that I would be wasting my time as the two
and to do whatever they want. It’s hard to dis-
groups were now lumped together. Suddenly an
gone up hugely from £1 a month, I am still proud
email appeared giving me the details I had asked
of belonging to an organisation that has survived
Not sure how many of you watch London Live
for - out of the 1160, just 9 had been taxi related
turbulence that would have been unimaginable
during the heady days when we had to move home
(Sky channel 117) because they do have some
offences with 1151 being linked to minicabs.
cruddy programmes (they actually covered the
Some months ago, I spent an hour or so with a
to make space for more call takers!
2014 Miss World contest), however they also carry
group of Cab Enforcement Officers along Charing
I know it’s an old fashioned point of view and
that we should really only care about ourselves,
some excellent live stuff, a substantial amount of
Cross Road and I accept that most of them do their
that being connected to the London taxi business.
best; but sadly you’d have to say that their best
but there are a few of us left who still care about
One fairly regular interviewee is TfL’s Chief
either isn’t good enough or someone has decided
DaC. The sad part is that it is considered to be
uncool to admit it…
Operating Officer Garrett Emmerson. He even
that the vast majority of those stopped are either
gives traffic updates - a useful guide for the public
not worth prosecuting or if they are, then it could
as well as cabbies. Mind you, I’d have loved to hear
give the public the impression that London’s mini-
the traffic update for the evening when Tower
cabs were being run by a bunch of crooks! That
Thanks to a friend, I took another look at the LTDF
website over the Christmas/New Year holiday peri-
Bridge was closed and a diversion was put into
would reverberate on TfL and put a dent into their
place guiding motorists along Tower Hill, into
plan to create one huge outfit where taxis and
od, which shows how little I had to do! I really had
Lower Thames Street and over Southwark Bridge.
minicabs are the same and eventually making it
to smile because they still keep dropping hints that
What no one seemed to have thought about was
pointless to do the Knowledge while ending
I sign into their list under a different name. I may
that Lower Thames Street had road works going
London’s taxi era.
be sad - but not that sad thanks! I just wanted to
west and was down to single file, causing huge tail-
We’re great for publicising the Olympics, but
see if they were talking about me or Call Sign. And
backs. You wouldn’t want whoever organised that
now that’s gone we have gone back to being TfL’s
I certainly wasn’t disappointed!
to organise anything important. I’ll let your imagi-
whipping boys again. You remember the 15 year
Apparently no one on there reads the magazine,
nations work out the rest!
rule - soon to be 10 unless your cab produces zero
yet Call Sign has more comments than almost any-
Where was I? Ah yes, Mr Emmerson has also
emissions of which there are no actual vehicles
thing else on the site, with individual page num-
claimed on that channel that TfL have a further
bers (that no one reads) written about! Then there
332 staff capable of supporting the 64 enforce-
So my question has to be his: Are the num-
is someone called Dizzy and I am supposed to
ment officers already there. So if between
bers of PH drivers being taken to court delib-
know who he is. Well I don’t and unless someone
them all they have managed just 34 successful
erately kept down to make TfL’s STaN figures
tells me, then I’ll continue not knowing and not
prosecutions over the past 12 months, then
look better, while trying to give the impression
particularly caring. And what about the self-
that works out at one every 11 days. That does-
of reduced crime to show that a minicab in
appointed online expert on Dial-a-Cab, Mark
n’t appear to be much of a return for what
London is as safe as a taxi? But sadly, with the
White - even though he was expelled in 2006!
must be a huge outlay of funds, because all
greatest of respect to Grant Emmerson, that
Unlike Dizzy, his White Knight moniker isn’t too
those involved have to be paid.
will never be the case. So give it your best shot
difficult to decipher; what is more difficult to
Going back ten years via old Call Sign files, from
son… we’re waiting!
understand is his view that he didn’t nick his ter-
April 2004 to March 2005 the total number of
minal… he says he just didn’t give it back! If that
arrests for taxi / minicab offences was 1160. From
City Link and DaC
makes him happy…!
that group there were just a handful of successful
Hands up if you gave a toss when hearing that par-
Then there’s another guy who I was told is on
prosecutions so it can’t be that easy. However, nei-
cel delivery company City Link had gone into
DaC and who is rather rude about me on that list
ther can it be that difficult for London’s transport
administration leaving 2,727 workers with a high
behind my back, but really nice when contacting
authority to invest in a few top class barristers
probability of being out of work - never mind that
me! All part of the fun on LTDF I suppose. But it’s
rather than whoever it is they currently use,
they were cruelly told on Christmas Day. Well I
not for me thanks…
because if the rest are not ending up before a
have a huge amount of sympathy for those work-
judge, then their prosecutor’s office is not up to
ers, even if it does mean that more competition has
Alan Fisher
the job.
departed from the market place - and that after no
Call Sign February 2015
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
Transport Committee
We have to ensure that TfL and the Mayor
The findings of the London Assembly Transport
implement recommendations made by the
Committee into the Taxi and Private Hire industry
Transport Committee, as they have produced
was published on 16th December 2014, but due
an excellent report which mirrors our own
to the Christmas break I’ve not had the opportu-
concerns within the trade.
nity to review the document in Call Sign. The
Committee consists of nine Councillors - four
I notice Hailo has appointed its third chief exec-
Labour, three Conservative, one Green and one
utive in three months; it would appear that
Lib Dem. The Lib Dem Councillor, Caroline
Hailo amongst others have been hit extremely
Pidgeon, is the Chair of the Committee and the
hard by the rise of Uber.
Deputy Chair is Labour Councillor Val
Andrew Pinnington, former Chief Operating
Shawcross. I first met these two ladies back in
Officer of Carphone Warehouse takes over
2008 when they alternated the
from Tom Barr, who took control of the group
Chairperson for the committee. Both these ladies
after the company pulled out of North America
have an excellent grasp of our problems, having
oritised and the process of appointing ranks
and co-founder and co-chief executive Jay
gained valuable experience over the years thanks
was too lengthy.
Bregman stepped down.
to meetings and lobbying that have been done
Over the past ten years, the number of
Mr Pinnington said he would focus on contin-
over the years by the trade. One of the three
licensed taxi drivers has been constant while the
uing a three-pronged strategy to strengthen
Conservative councillors on the committee is
number of PH drivers has more than tripled and
Hailo’s position by strengthening its presence in
Victoria Borwick, or perhaps she might prefer
they questioned whether the KoL was too
London, expanding into Asia, selling software to
her full title of Lady Victoria Borwick. She is mar-
demanding and created an artificially high bar-
other taxi companies and operating corporate
ried to Lord Jamie Borwick, who was the
rier to entry, or in fact if the explosion in the
services (I make that four, but they are the finan-
Chairman of Manganese Bronze - one-time man-
numbers of PH drivers was due to the entry
cial whizz kids) which obviously will mean the
ufacturers of the London Taxi. So as you might
requirements being too low; well we all know
corporate radio circuits accounts will come
imagine, her knowledge and experience of the
the answer to that one! Consequently, they have
under attack once more. I understand that Mr
London Taxi trade is also excellent. I am sure all
urged the Mayor and TfL to ensure the require-
Barr will stay with the company for the next few
Councillors on the Committee perform a sterling
ments are relevant to the specific demands of
months to help with the transition. I am led to
job, but with these three ladies, it does give our
each industry. This is one our trade will have to
believe that Hailo have raised $100m in Venture
trade a foothold into educating the whole com-
look at closely and ensure that the standards
Capital funding. But Uber has raised $1.2bn in
regarding the licensing of Private Hire are
the last month alone and the company has a val-
The actual role of the Transport Committee is
increased rather than the standards of licensing
uation of $40bn. These are absolutely staggering
to examine all aspects of London’s Transport
taxi drivers be lowered, otherwise there will
amounts of money and even Hailo cannot, by
system and suggest and press for improve-
truly be a race to the bottom.
their own admission, compete in some areas
ments; their remit covers all of London’s trans-
The Committee, as you would expect, was
with Uber.
port and part of that is to consider how the
extremely mindful of new technology with-
Finally, losses for Hailo rose from £7.6m to
Mayors Transport Strategy is being implement-
in our industry, especially regarding passen-
£21.6m in the year to December 31 2013, that
ed and that does, of course, include Transport
gers booking and paying. It recommended
was according to accounts which they recently
for London.
that TfL ensured it had enough regulatory
filed at Companies House.
The document runs to 65 pages and is quite
muscle and political will to safeguard the
comprehensive; it initially states that the com-
interests of passengers and TfL and must be
bined industries complete in excess of 300,000
ever mindful of an environment where tech-
After writing the above, it puts other topics into
journeys a day. It also states that there is a dis-
nology is evolving faster than the legislation
- especially when it comes to
tinct lack of Mayoral strategy regarding our
that is needed to govern it - think they were
finance. However, just to bring you up to date,
trade, which in turn makes it difficult for TfL to
talking about Uber?
both parties have met twice during the past
regulate the industry efficiently and effectively
A topic crucial to our industry is enforcement
month and both finance departments are gath-
and unless the trade evolves to meet new chal-
and the Committee stated that enforcement
ering the required information so that the situ-
lenges, there will be a race to the bottom
numbers were ‘outstandingly low’ compared to
ation may progress. Also, Mountview’s Financial
regarding standards, which will put the public
Adviser has met with our Accountants and
other cities in the world. They also stated they
at risk and also threaten London’s reputation as
Auditors and they are in the process of prepar-
were deeply concerned with TfL policy regarding
a world leader regarding the taxi trade.
ing documentation for both Boards.
satellite offices and booking destinations that
They state the role of the Regulator (TfL) is to
I must confess that there is a certain air of
could be creating more problems than they
protect the interests of the travelling public and
solved. Enforcement, they said, should be
uncertainty at the moment as no-one knows
how it is imperative that the distinction between
increased and better deployed. A recommenda-
what our AGM might produce; consequently
Taxis and Private Hire be preserved.
tion was made that there should be closer work-
there has been some reluctance to press on
Unsurprisingly, the Committee found that mem-
ing with the criminal justice system and a lobby-
until the immediate future is known. As I have
bers of the public felt safer in a taxi than they did
ing of Government for stiffer penalties for tout-
explained in the past, I have signed a non-dis-
in a Private Hire vehicle, but they also stated there
ing, which also included vehicle seizure powers.
closure agreement (NDA) but I am in a situation
was a lack of supply in certain areas regarding
where I wish to keep Members informed of
Finally, they concluded that the trade’s confi-
Taxis and Private Hire and this led some Members
progress, but I cannot disclose anything too
dence in TfL was at an all-time low, which could
of the public making unsafe transport choices,
confidential which might affect Radio Taxi’s
only be matched by the morale within the trade.
which has led to sexual assaults and robberies.
business, so you no doubt understand that
TfL are seen to be out of touch with the needs of
They want the Mayor and TfL to develop a strate-
the trade, which has hit rock bottom within the
there is a line I cannot cross at the moment…
gic public awareness campaign on what the pub-
last year. The view is widely held within both the
lic should observe to determine whether or not
taxi and Private Hire industries that at senior level,
I’d like to remind you that the AGM is on Sunday
the driver and vehicle is licensed. They also rec-
TfL are just not listening to our concerns.
8th February at the HAC, City Road at 11am. If
ommended the trade move toward a cashless pay-
I have endeavoured to give you a précis of a
you wish to vote by post, your vote has to be
ment option, which can only mean the wider
fairly long document that was compiled by a
received by the ERS on Friday 6th February. You
acceptance of Credit Cards.
Committee, who in my opinion, have listened
must either vote by post OR attend the meeting;
Of course the topic regarding pollution
and understand our concerns and suggested
failure to do either will result in a £50 fine being
was covered and it was recommended that
recommendations that have been made by the
more ranking facilities were introduced as
trade in the past.
this would lessen pollution and congestion.
Brian Rice
It is a document that is scathing of TfL and
Their conclusion was that rank provision
in my opinion justified, I too have been
was chronically underfunded and under pri-
extremely critical of that regime in the past.
Call Sign February 2015
Page 5
May 1950 - December 2014
One of the many DaC members
have found one - the fact that the first two hands
I saw link into one another's were the LCDC’s
present at Barry Hooper’s
Grant Davis into the hand of DaC Chairman
cremation was Gary Cox who
Brian Rice in the grounds outside, and that was
a moment that a lot of folks had been waiting a
had known him for many years.
long time for. Let's hope Grant does not blow
Just before Christmas, it hit the DaC screens and
the opportunity; I suspect he will have learnt a
we all knew the news wasn’t good because most
lot on the road to becoming LCDC Chairman.
of us just scan the screen before really taking in
The fact that Addison Lee MD, Mike Galvin,
what it says. But it was those traditional words:
turned up demonstrates the respect that Barry
The Chairman wishes to inform members of the
carried both inside and outside the trade circle.
sad loss of… and at that point you knew it was
Also there was a figure from the past, Geoff
going to be someone you knew. But when the
Kaley. He was the former Managing Director of
words ‘Barry Hooper’ and ‘LTDA’ appeared on
London Wide, which he later went on to grow
the screen, it was a double whammy.
into Computer Cab and then ComCab before
Even though Mr Hooper was never a DaC
finally moving across to Radio Taxis offshoot,
member, his blue collar trade association opin-
Xeta. He was pressing the flesh with all and
ions permeated through the trade and that
sundry, which tells me he's got one last big
included our membership. I remember pop-
throw of the dice within him and the cab trade. I
ping into the LTDA HQ at Woodfield Road to
suspect that perhaps I shouldn’t have asked him
have a chat with him, only to be greeted with the
whether he was still a member of the LTDA! He
words: “We've got this new computer and it's
shot back with “yes for over 37 years!” I guess
” I'll leave the rest of the sentence to your
- always controversial in his TAXI
Newspaper articles - would have wanted me to
got it up and running - which told you some-
“So you call yourself a sparky,” I hit him with,
ask anyway and might have been proud that I
for which he came back by pointing out that he
thing about the character of the man - he burst
thought to ask!
was an ex sparky before adding: “Anyway, son, I
into a long giggle, something of which Barry was
Then there was Bob Oddy. What must he
never said I fixed computers, I’m now a cab dri-
a master at!
have been thinking as he sat and watched his
ver all the way through to the core!” Meanwhile
But now it was 12 30 hours on a cold and
brood come good, because he had watched
Barry was fixing the thing and as he gradually
damp 5th January 2015 and we were crowd-
Barry come in the door and out the door - a bet-
ed into Enfield Crematorium for a service to
ter man for all to see.
celebrate the life of Barry Hooper, while also
Barry used to say keep them doors locked and
mourning his sad and untimely death. We
if in doubt keep ‘em out, but I suspect on this
were surrounded by so many people show-
occasion he would have thought let’s get ‘em in
ing their respect to him that you couldn’t
and chat! You see Barry wasn’t a beer and sand-
even get in the door.
wich till the crack of dawn Union man, more a
Steve McNamara, the LTDA’s General
'how are we going to win this one, easy does it'
Secretary, gave a fine tribute on behalf of the
type of guy.
trade whilst looked on by Barry's wife Margaret,
To Margaret, Lisa, Becki and Andrew,
“his girls” Lisa and Becki and son Andrew, a
By now, all mem-
thank you for sharing Barry Hooper with
real chip off the old block.
bers should have
us - his brothers and sisters in the cab trade.
Like all cab drivers - and Barry was no differ-
received an indi-
ent - he was still looking for an angle, albeit I
Gary Cox (O46)
vidual notice of
suspect, from above. Well Barry, you may well
Call Sign Online
the Dial-a-Cab
2014 Annual
Call Sign says…
General Meeting
advising that it
will be held at:
The HAC, Armoury House, City
London Taxi Company owners, Geely, whose factory is in
Hangzhou (Shanghai), are said to be on the verge of
Road, London EC1Y 2BQ on
announcing a new £150million facility in Ansty Park,
Sunday 8th February 2015 at
Rugby - fairly close to the LTC site in Holyhead Road,
Coventry. The new factory would be producing the next
The meeting this year will con-
generation of ‘green’ energy-efficient London taxis.
sider an agenda including the
Plans for the new plant are said to have been in the
Election of Officers and any pro-
pipeline for over a year and in December a planning
application was submitted to build it at Ansty Park.
posed Rule Changes and
Plans for the plant are said to have been under
Propositions, all of which should
deliberation since the end of 2013 and have received
have been received at Dial-a-Cab
encouragement from the UK government. Its main
House by 09:00hrs on Friday 10th
role would be to make the new TX5, a ‘green’ ver-
October 2014 and in accordance
sion of the TX4 and scheduled to enter the market in 2018. Production
of the TX4 itself would continue at the Holyhead Road factory. However, bosses at LTC say the
with Society Rules.
new factory story is still in its very early stages and they are also considering other locations.
As a reminder, if you do not
But would it not be ironical following all the talk of that big choice of green cabs “soon to
vote by post, then you must
arrive” following the Mayor’s electric taxi display last year, if it was the TX4 that turned out to be
attend in person. If you do nei-
the first one available, because the much vaunted Fraser Nash Metrocab shows few signs of rush-
ther, you may be subject to a £50
ing despite rumours to the contrary, Nissan seem to have taken their bat and ball and run off back
to Japan, the eVito has now been delayed until late summer, while the other incumbents to the
Howard Pears
electric taxi market seem to have forgotten to switch on the mains…
Company Secretary
Call Sign February 2015
Page 6
Jery’s World
"And what type of cab are you, driver???
In a ground breaking ruling, the European Court of
Justice in Luxembourg has ruled that whilst London
licensed taxis can continue to share the use of special
lanes with buses, minicabs - specifically Addison Lee
who brought the action in a bid to win right to the
lanes - have failed in their bid which claimed they
too should also have access. Eventech are expected
to launch an appeal.
It was Eventech who own Addison Lee, that brought the case to
the ECJ after losing at London’s High Court in 2012 following then
AL Chairman John Griffin’s “instruction” to his drivers that they
should use the bus lanes and that he would pay any fines incurred.
Eventech’s argument was that the status quo amounted to state aid and that made it, at least under EU law,
illegal. But the ECJ disagreed and decreed that Transport for London was correct in its submission that only buses and taxis could use
the lanes. The court concurred with TfL’s submission that only black cabs could be hailed from the street and would need access to the
kerb, whereas private hire had to be pre-booked and would therefore not need immediate access to the kerb.
In a statement the Court said:
“Since taxis are in a factual and legal situation which is distinct from that of private-hire vehicles, that permission does
not appear to be such as to confer, through state resources, a selective economic advantage.”
TfL Managing Director of Surface Transport, Leon Daniels, said:
“Our policy on bus lanes was upheld by the High Court. We
welcome the opinion from the Advocate General and now the European Court of Justice, but ultimately await the decision
of the Court of Appeal. As this process continues, we are maintaining our well-understood and effective policy that helps
to keep London moving in the interest of everyone.”
Justin Peters, Chief Executive of minicab app Kabbee, who perhaps unsurprisingly agreed with Addison Lee’s views on bus lane
usage, wrote in a London newspaper last year that “there could be up to 60,000 votes for a politician who pledged to open up the bus
lanes to the likes of Kabbee and Uber.”
He forgot to subtract the 26,000 votes from those that disagreed…
Call Sign February 2015
Page 7
ransport for London working with its
“Four more successful
policing partners has continued its
excellent record for prosecutions by
successfully prosecuting four more
prosecutions of rogue minicab
rogue minicab drivers who were acting illegal-
ly or plying for trade. This is part of an ongo-
ing commitment to stamp out bogus minicab
drivers in London and brings the total number
Alemayehu Erike Ayele,
45, from
of successful convictions for illegal plying for
Westminster, was sentenced at City of
hire and other related offences up to 34 over
London Magistrates’ court in October. He
the last 12 months.
was seen being approached by a male and
Nasser Ndaganira, 51, from Hackney, was
female standing by his licensed private hire
sentenced at City of London Magistrates’
vehicle outside a club in Berkeley Square in
Court in November. He was caught illegally
October 2013. After interviewing him, offi-
plying for hire and accepting a booking in
cers discovered that he had been using his
Wardour Street without a valid private hire
mobile phone to book fares for passengers he
vehicle licence in March 2014. He was found
had picked up. He admitted that the passen-
to have been reported for the same offences as
gers in his vehicle had not booked the car
well as having no insurance two months earli-
through a valid operator. He was found guilty
er. He was found guilty on five separate
of illegally plying for hire and was ordered to
offences and ordered to pay £1801 in fines
pay £620 in fines and court costs. His PHV
and court costs as well as being disqualified
licence is currently under review with the
from driving for 12 months.
driving for six months. The private hire firm he
possibility of it being revoked.
Oladotun Shonowo, 42, from Southwark,
was working for was also informed that he had
TfL’s Safer Travel at Night (STaN) initia-
was sentenced at Westminster Magistrates’
been driving on a revoked licence.
tive is a partnership between the Mayor, TfL,
Court in September. He was seen approaching
Omonirume Itivere Gbemre, 48, from
Metropolitan Police Service, the City of
people leaving a bar in Kennington Road in
Southwark, was sentenced at City of London
London Police and the British Transport
February 2014. When officers approached Mr
Magistrates’ Court in November. He was seen
Police set up to improve the safety of travel-
Shonowo, they found that his PHV licence had
taking passengers without a booking in
ling at night through industry regulation and
been revoked in May 2013 for a touting con-
Whitcomb Street in the early hours of 10
licensing, enforcement and education. The
viction in March of that year. He claimed to
January 2014. It was also discovered he had
2014 Safer Travel at Night campaign aims to
have no knowledge but later pleaded guilty to
an expired PHV licence. Mr Gbemre was
make people aware of the dangers of picking
driving without a valid PHV licence or insur-
found guilty of working without a valid oper-
up un-booked minicabs off the street, such as
ance and was ordered to pay £1560 in fines
ator or PHV driver licence, plying for hire and
robbery and sexual assault while pushing
and court costs. Shonowo had his driving
driving with no insurance. He was fined a
their message that if your minicab isn’t
licence endorsed with an additional six penal-
total of £870 and disqualified as a driver for
booked, then it’s just a stranger’s car.
ty points. As a result, he was disqualified from
one year.
See editorial on page three…
Call Sign February 2015
Page 8
It does seem to be a fact that the taxi business
is never given anything and whatever it is we
do get to help improve the trade, is only
gained after fighting for it! A recent Rear
Wheel Steering (RWS) problem for Dial-a-
Cab driver Stephen Field (F99) probably
helped to show that yet again when his cab
failed its yearly mechanical due to the cab’s
RWS and the Mercedes dealer he went to in
road. But following the acceptance of the
E15 refusal to cover it under the warranty,
steering problem under warranty by S&B, a
stating that it wasn’t an original MB part.
huge weight had been lifted off his head.
However, Stephen’s problems took a
“My overhaul this time with S&B cost me
step closer to being sorted out recently.
just £35 - apart from the £160 job on the
He told Call Sign what had happened and
brakes. Thanks again to Call Sign for recom-
following some enquiries, we suggested
mending them, but I can’t help but wonder
that he try
Mercedes dealers S&B
what effect the new passing regime with its
Commercials in Thurrock, Essex.
much cheaper “overhauls” has had on garages
In the meantime, Stephen had been enquir-
and whether the demise of £1000 overhauls
ing about the legal status of his warranty and
was what pushed KPM and others over the
called Mercedes in Holland while also writing
edge and began the RWS problems for so
to them in Germany. He then enlisted the
many Vito drivers. However, I must also thank
help of his local MP Lee Scott and LTDA
Sara at KPM for her welcome assistance.”
General Secretary Steve McNamara.
Stephen - who has never taken his Vito to
“Lee’s help was immense, but both he and
anything but a registered Mercedes dealer -
Steve were instrumental in helping me sort
has since received a letter from Mercedes con-
out the warranty problem for the RWS and I
firming service plan re-instatement.
can’t thank them enough. They made me feel
If any Vito drivers want to contact S&B
that I was not on my own. My thanks also go
Commercials in Thurrock, they are at
to Call Sign for their enquiries and coming up
Central Avenue, postcode RM20 3WD or tel
with S&B Commercials in Thurrock who have
01708 892 500. S&B are also at Welham
Stephen battled until he won!
been really helpful throughout and who I will
Green (01707 261 111) and Stansted
now be using regularly. I would recommend
put him under a tremendous amount of stress
200) and all have been
them to anyone on DaC who drives a Vito.”
because he knew that he would have to face a
appointed as retail outlets for new or
Stephen added that the whole business had
huge bill in getting his Vito back onto the
used Vitos…
Hailo UK losses hit £20million
The Hailo minicab and taxi app has
suffering. They recently pulled out of the
posted end of year losses at
USA and Canada after claiming that Uber
Companies House of £21.6million - up
and Lyft were charging uneconomically
three times from last year’s £7.6mil-
low fares and that it could not make a
profit under those circumstances. But
lion loss. The company say they
they also went on to announce plans to
invested heavily in technology in a
launch a larger car service for London,
bid to fight off fierce competition.
said to be to try to win more business
London saw two demos by licensed taxi
One of the many unauthorised signs
drivers in 2014 - the first said to have
that appeared on taxis after Hailo got
included around 11,000 black cab drivers
its PH licence
- in an anti-Uber / TfL campaign that
complained of the authority allowing Uber
to use what looked to be a taxi meter.
Prior to those two demos, news reached
the trade that Hailo had applied for a pri-
vate hire operator’s licence. That resulted
in a huge number of taxi drivers that had
previously used the Hailo app pulling away
Unit 10, Ford View Industrial Estate, 83 New Rd Rainham, RM13 8ET
- some even placing unauthorised signage
in the back of their cabs announcing their
views about Hailo. Those events must
Tel: 01708 553037
have affected Hailo’s results greatly.
In the results, Hailo admitted that the
significant number of start-ups in the taxi
TX1 servicing from £48
TX1s, TX2s, TX4s and Vitos
hailing market would bring about increas-
TX2 servicing from £70
Rentals from £165 per week
ing levels of competition for them in the
TX4 servicing from £90
future. To mitigate the perceived risk,
Hailo said it would “continue to work to
All Work Undertaken
develop strong consumer and driver rela-
Servicing - Running Repairs - Overhauls - Small Fleets Welcome - Discounts Available
tionships.” The assumption must be that
All TX1, TX2, TX4
many of those taxi drivers that pulled off
Starters - Batteries - Alternators - All with 2 year Warranty
the app in disgust have again downloaded
Fax: 01708 551443
But it isn’t just London where Hailo is
Call Sign February 2015
Page 9
Those older drivers able to go back to 1958
might remember a number one record from
Lord Rockingham’s XI entitled Hoots Mon.
With a Scottish lilt to the words, the record
contained the not quite Shakespearian decla-
ration: Hoots mon, here’s a moose loose
around this hoose. We think it actually
referred to a mouse running wild in a house.
But Dial-a-Cab driver Mark Tiller (K90) put
This must have
his own slant to those words…
been the Moose's
“In 25 years of cabbing, with 20 of them on
view of Mark!
DaC, it’s definitely my most unusual delivery-
if not of any driver in the history of the
Society,” Mark told Call Sign!
before being shipped
“The trip offer came up on my data termi-
to an onward desti-
nal just as an as directed delivery, so when I
nation, so goodness
arrived at the pick-up address I was expecting
knows how it would
an envelope or perhaps a small parcel. In fact
be packaged for trav-
I was greeted by a gentleman who requested
my assistance to move the object into the cab
“In my quarter cen-
and to also ask if I would mind assisting at
tury of taxi driving,
the destination address to help bring the sub-
the only other really
ject of our efforts to its final resting place!”
Grinning as he continued his tale, Mark
that it had to be lifted by putting both arms
unusual fare was a
young couple who decided to use the back
told us that the man at the door had an
around the neck and then gently lifting it into
almost conspiratorial tone to his voice -
the taxi.
seat of my cab to express their affections in
broad daylight. My attention was drawn to
until they arrived in the room where Mark
“The destination was 55 Park Lane. On
was to catch sight of what they were actu-
arrival there we were told in no uncertain
their antics by passing members of the public
who tapped on my window while I was wait-
ally going to deliver - a full sized, wall
terms that we must not go through the main
mountable Moose’s head!
entrance or pass through any public areas for
ing at the traffic lights on Ludgate Hill. But I
have to say that moving a moose around
“It had obviously been a very real Moose
fear of frightening or offending any guests -
before meeting its demise and proudly pre-
even though there was no sign stating that
Mayfair is still pretty cool!”
With that Mark drove off - but not
sented as someone’s sporting trophy. I start-
Moose heads were banned! So together with
ed to put my hands on its’ antlers, thinking
my passenger escort, we linked arms around
before he told us that he had never heard
of Lord Rockingham’s XI…!
that would be the easiest and safest way to
the animal’s throat and ended up heaving the
carry it, but no! I was informed by the gentle-
beast into a service lift to get it up to the pent-
© Call Sign Magazine MMXV
man - obviously trained in Moose removals -
house suite. I was told it was only ‘in transit’
BA (Hons), Dipl in Transactional Analysis
• Do you feel as though things are getting on top of you?
• Do you find yourself becoming increasingly more angry ?
• Do some of your thoughts burden you and get in the way of day to day activities?
• Do you find yourself asking “why does this always happen to me’?
• Are you noticing your behaviours changing, maybe using alcohol, food or drugs to make you feel better?
• Are there any of your relationships ie with your husband, wife, partner, boss, manager, son, daughter,
mum or dad that make you unhappy and question yourself too often?
Any of these and many more could be an indication that your well being needs some attention.
It maybe a surprise to hear that there needn’t be anything wrong with you for you to see a counsellor.
Counselling could simply enable you to become happier, healthier and a more fulfilled human being.
I am a fully qualified counsellor with 12 years experience
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I offer private counselling to individuals and couples in a confidential, safe and comfortable setting.
I have a private practice in Bexley and Sidcup (SE London).
I offer sessions Monday- Saturday and Thursday evenings.
I will be happy to arrange a free 15 minute telephone consultation to assess your needs.
Session fees are £50.00
Telephone : 07551 975 503 • Email: jacquiehartcounselling@hotmail.com
Call Sign February 2015
Page 10
Towards the end of December,
Dial-a-Cab drivers Graham
Leonard (J20) and Alan Green
The Great CabCam
(E52) were invited to participate
in a TV documentary debating the
pros and cons of having an insur-
TV Debate!
ance camera in the cab - known
as CabCams.
ITN reporter Lou Westlake and her camera-
man Nathaniel Leppiett brought the pair
together for possible inclusion in an ITV pro-
gramme to be broadcast sometime in February.
In an informal conversational format, as is
the way of documentary style broadcasting,
Alan Green, a strong supporter of CabCams,
put forward his views on the benefits of the
technology, siting numerous instances where
the camera has witnessed incidents on the
road, some of which have indeed been pub-
lished in Call Sign.
Regular readers will recall the PHV proceed-
ing northbound along East Road against the
one way system, or the errant bilker whose
likeness was captured on camera and pub-
lished in this mag for all to see! Then there are
Lou needed someone to put up an opposing
becoming compulsory.
the DaC drivers reporting so-called ‘cash for
view and in a spirited defence of driver choice,
Filming lasted over an hour, with several
crash’ scams where scammers would probably
Graham drew attention to the possibility that
scenes being repeated in different ways so it
not bother if a CabCam had been fitted. In the
such technology could become the norm
remains to be seen just how much actual air-
September 2011 Call Sign, Editor Alan Fisher
unless drivers resisted pressures from agencies
time will be devoted to The Great CabCam TV
reported how he took a third party to court
such as insurance companies seeking to pro-
rather than allow his insurance company to pay
mote their own interests under the guise of
Pic: Cameraman Nathaniel Leppiett,
out when there hadn’t been any collision what-
protecting the insured from scam claims. There
Graham Leonard L20 and reporter Lou
soever. The Judge agreed with Alan and dis-
was also his point about licencing authorities
Westlake - a welcome addition to anyone’s
missed the claim. The insurance company
actually insisting such devices were fitted, as
never said thank you and would have happily
was the case with receipt printers. All points
Michael Toomey
paid out rather than go to court. A CabCam in
raised by both Graham and Alan were valid and
Alan’s taxi would have proved there was no
indeed the alternative argument wasn’t against
Call Sign Online
the usefulness of CabCams, but against them
Fire engine smash on Canary Wharf
“It wasn’t exactly in the true tradition of Fireman Sam,”
Mark Cutler (N03) told Call Sign, “in fact, for one very brief
moment I thought it might have been a film crew shooting
a scene for TV’s Casualty or similar drama, but then I
realised it was all very real!”
The Dial-a-Cab driver was referring to a recent incident at State Street, Canary
Wharf, when a fire engine crashed into a building at Churchill Place and had itself to be
“Whether the fire engine was on a genuine emergency ‘shout’ or a routine fire-drill
training exercise was not quite clear at the time,” Mark continued, “but it seems the
vehicle clipped the kerb, mounted the pavement, took out a traffic light and smashed
into the protective steel bollards outside the property. The fire engine was badly dam-
aged in the incident too.”
Chris Havis (O65) also saw the aftermath of the crash at first hand and was able to
give Call Sign an update.
“I saw the fire engine had mounted the kerb and caused extensive damage to the
All makes and models
steel security posts, quite apart from sustaining serious damage to itself. It appeared that
serviced and repaired
the female engine driver had rounded the bend a little too quickly, clipped the central
Mobile service - we
reservation and ploughed into the security solid steel bollards. I think there were several
come to you!
people injured, including a fire fighter who was trapped in the appliance because it took
a second fire engine to cut the door off the stricken machine in order to rescue their
Call Mick Wheeler on
mate. I saw the fire-engine’s door laying in the street after removal,” Chris continued.
Surrounding roads had to be sealed off for quite some time while the incident was
020 8715 0079
sorted, causing traffic chaos in the area and making access almost impossible while virtu-
ally turning the area into a legitimate ‘island’! Call Sign was later told that none of the
Covering London
injuries were life threatening.
and the Home Counties
Call Sign February 2015
Page 12
f you grew up in the late 40s and 50s,
Another true story from Geoff Levene
you'll remember Sundays as being a
pretty drab affair. There were hardly
any shops open, just a few small gro-
Sing something
cers and off-licences. Cinemas didn't get
going till 4 o’clock; there was no sport
on the box because there was no sport!
simple - but not to me!
In fact not many people had a TV until
the Coronation and there was nothing
something worse. Rigor mortis had set in
on its single channel anyway until the
and there was a hint of decomposition
early evening. We didn't get a telly till the
and decay in the air.
end of the decade.
In the early afternoon, I found myself
But we did have the radio and the
in West Heath Road when something
Omnibus edition of The Archers fol-
strange happened - the dispatcher called
lowed by Desert Island Discs.
a job! It was a delivery from Napsbury
Nothing changed there then! Then
Mental Hospital near St Albans going
there was Family Favourites and maybe
back to NW3 - almost to the place I was
The Clitheroe Kid
- but better still
passing at that moment. Nobody came in
Hancock's Half Hour or Beyond Our
for it so I thought I’d offer a time. I fan-
cied a ride in the country. Amazingly I
But the crowning horror of Sunday
found the place - no satnavs back then -
night radio came at six-thirty. As if the
and a receptionist gave me directions to
programme was not awful enough, it
the ward I needed. But I got lost in a
came on as I began my homework - the
maze of grey Victorian corridors. So I
homework I could have done anytime
“That's OK,” he replied matter of factly,
asked a resident to help. He didn't say
from Friday but which I left till the last
“if you come back in half an hour I'll have
anything but set off walking at what I can
moment - something the good lady wife
the money.”
only describe as a mad pace - but he
will testify hasn't changed since the 50s!
It was all falling into place. As calmly as
deposited me at the correct place. A
The programme was Sing Something
I could I said I needed the money then.
nurse let me in and locked the door
Simple in which a mournful crowd
“Well I don't have it. Come back later.”
behind me. I attracted some curious
known as the Mike Sammes Singers
So I told him to get out! He dragged
looks from the patients while I waited
sang depressing songs accompanied by
the chair out, pointed a quivering finger
for the delivery. But I was eventually on
an electric organ. I once picked Mr
at me and declared: “May you burn in
my way back to NW3.
Sammes up and wanted to tell him that
the fires of hell.” With that he began to
It was only later that something that
nothing ever made me more miserable
trudge up the hill.
occurred to me; supposing the fire alarm
than his show! But I didn't.
Did I do wrong? I don't think so. Yes he
had gone off while I was banged up in
I've always worked a bit on Sundays.
was disturbed, but he had enough wits
there and we were evacuated outside.
The plan is take a few bob, get home
to obtain a wheelchair for whatever rea-
And supposing that when it was safe to
12.30, have a quick wash and
son and to have worked out how to bilk
return, a security man ushered me back
brush-up and then leap into the roaring
a cabdriver. As I drove home, my
beast which is the 850cc Toyota Yaris and
thoughts turned to another brush with
“It's alright, don't worry about me,” I’d
explore the sights of Harrow Town
the mentally ill. That one was back in the
“I'm a taxi driver!”
“To which he
Centre. A few Sundays ago, I was having
1970s when I was working on a Bank
would probably reply: “Yeah, they all say
a terrible day. It was cold, wet and miser-
Holiday Monday. And it was dead.
that. Now be a good boy and take your
able and the only people about were
Actually ‘dead’ would have been ok. I
those who absolutely had to be out
could have handled that, but it was
Geoff Levene (W32)
there, plus some bedraggled tourists. At
around 10.30 when I was looking to go
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
northwest, a couple stopped me.
“Gatwick please!” Aaagh! I apologised
and said that I couldn’t do it. A bad day
just got worse!
Then in Great Portland Street, a man
in his sixties waved me down and asked
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
for the A&E at the UCH. He said he need-
ed to pick up a wheelchair and then go
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
to Dartmouth Park Hill. Well at least it
Transponders / chipped keys
put me on the road home. At the UCH,
On site key cutting services including taxis
he duly came out with one of those
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
heavy duty wheelchairs which I helped
him to put in the cab. Something
Burglary repairs / boarding up
seemed a bit odd.
Additional security / security upgrades
“What's the time,” he asked? I replied
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
that it was 10.45. “Oh, that's all right,” he
Grilles and security gates
“Mass doesn't start till ten
o'clock.” Curiouser and curiouser. The
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
talk of Mass prompted me to ask if he
Free estimates / no call out charge
was going to St Josephs?
24hr service
“Nearby,” he responded, “do you know
the Mental Health unit?”
You can find us at:
Bong, bong, bong! Alarm bells started
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
to ring and at the bottom of the hill I
decided to test the water.
Tel: 01708 371115
“It's going to cost about £20,” I said.
Call Sign February 2015
Page 13
Compliance with Garry
I hope you all had a good Christmas
on their taxis and I do hope you understand
our thinking with this decision.
and looking forward to what the
New Year holds in store for you all...
MDT update
I, along with nine other Members, have been
Taxi advertising
testing a new version of software on the MDT,
The Board were approached by BrightMove
the version has all the buttons you need on
Media at the back end of last year to ask if
the one page, which is a lot easier to use and
Members that wanted to participate with that
you can view zones then book in directly into
form of advertising could carry BrightMove’s
the zone of your choice.
LED digital advertising on the roof of their taxis.
It also allows you to look at pick-up desti-
After a long discussion, it was decided by
nations on the map without inputting the
the Board that as the advertising being dis-
address manually before accepting the trip.
played wasn’t controlled by the driver, dri-
The DaC IT department are currently work-
vers could potentially be waiting outside a
ing on the GPS dispatch system and I’m look-
client’s office with an advert for one of Dial-a-
ing forward to seeing that in operation in the
Cab’s competitors being displayed on the
near future.
LED panel.
Be lucky…
With that in mind, the BoM decided not to
Garry White
allow our members this form of advertising
DaC Compliance Officer
TfL drop Uber ad
After facing complaints from the London taxi trade and some larger minicab com
panies, Transport for London has dropped ads for Uber from its website. The
complaints involved Uber’s right to even operate in London, as their drivers use
smartphones as taximeters - even though a few taxi drivers actually joined Uber
back in June when they launched UberTaxi.
A December report from the Greater London Assembly described TfL’s perfo
mance in regulating the both sides of this trade as woefully inadequate in addi-
tion to becoming a soft touch when it came to upholding taxi regulations. It
specifically pointed a finger at TfL’s failure to keep Uber in check but called that
just the tip of the iceberg. They gave an example of the banner ads for Uber on
the TfL website, even though it appeared that Uber were operating illegally and
after several countries had banned them.
The complaints were put to London Mayor Boris Johnson by three LA mem-
bers during the Mayor’s Question Time. The Mayor gave a written response in
which he wrote:
“Given TfL’s licensing and regulatory roles, it has reviewed its policy
and is no longer carrying any advertising on the Taxi and Private Hire section of the TfL
Over the past few months, Uber’s diminishing reputation has sunk even further following the banning of its app in several countries, a rape accusation
in India, two gay men being thrown out of the car after apparently having a cuddle on the rear seat and one of its executives apparently suggesting that
they attempt to dig up and dish out dirt on those that criticise them
But TfL say they have no problem with them…
Wednesday 4th February 2015 and by kind permission of the LTC
At the London Taxi Company,
39 Brewery Road, N7 9QH
From 6.30pm until 9.00pm
Members and anyone who is interested in the work
of the Company are most welcome to attend.
Come along and find out more about the Company,
the Cab Guide Course and becoming a member…
Call Sign February 2015
Page 14
Cab Guide, City of London Guide and City of Westminster Guide, Bob Woodford introduces the first in
a series of infamous peace time London explosions…
The bombing of Scott’s of
Mayfair that led to the Siege
in Balcombe Street…
In 2014 we reflected on com-
memorating the start of the First
World War and in 2015 we will
be hearing all about the first
strategic bombing raids on London by Zeppelins.
We taxi drivers use London as our ‘office’ - we observe streets and
buildings constantly - so in this series I want to write about explosions
that have occurred when we have not been at War and in places that you
can relate to while going about your daily working life. So I wonder if any
older Dial-a-Cab subscribers were working their cab on the night of 12th
November 1975, because if you were cruising the streets of Mayfair, then
an explosion in Mount Street would have caught your attention.
The Balcombe Street siege in 1975
I can remember being on the rank in Canary Wharf one night in
February 1996 when the IRA bombed South Quay Station and I shall
sat in the cab outside the block of flats in question, trying to imagine
feature that one later in the series.
the chaotic scene and upheaval the local residents had to accept; you
It was the IRA that targeted Scotts of Mayfair, being on its
just could not imagine how things were here after that car chase from
‘death’ list of potential bombing targets. Scotts was once the
Scotts 40 years ago.
most prestigious oyster bar of London restaurants - Ian Fleming
Next time you set down or pick up at Scotts, you might be remind-
reputedly had his first Martini ‘shaken and not stirred’ there! It
ed of this story!
was opened by a passionate Scottish fishmonger in 1860 and
Next month: How a needlework school became a key player in one of
was the talk of the town for the next 100 years. But a bomb
the most infamous blast scenes in London’s history...
thrown from a passing car on that fateful 1975 evening, smashed
through its window and exploded, killing one diner and injuring
Bob Woodford
12 others. It led to decades of decline until the takeover by Ivy
Caprice Holdings in 2006.
Call Sign Online
The four-man IRA active service unit, made up of Hugh Doherty,
Joe O'Connell, Eddie Butler and Henry Duggan, carried out a 14-
month bombing campaign across London that involved forty explo-
sions leaving 35 people dead, including Guinness Book of Records
co-founder and rightwing political activist Ross McWhirter.
The gunmen were observed by a police surveillance unit when they
attacked Scotts for a second time a few weeks later. Shots were fired
into the window from a blue Ford Cortina, probably a stupid idea going
back to the scene of a crime - and a car chase across London ended
• Austones for the TX
with them being holed up in council flats in Balcombe Street (near the
junction with Dorset Square) having taken two hostages. One of the
• Barums for the Vito
chasing police constables had commandeered a passing cab - was it
The Cortina was pursued through the busy West End traffic to
• Michelin and Continental
Gloucester Place, a number of shots were fired and the windscreen
also supplied
of the getaway car was shattered. The driver could no longer see
where he was going and stopped the car. Police later found a holdall
in the car containing two sub-machine guns, a Sten gun barrel and a
4-wheel laser tracking
clip of ammunition.
for the Mercedes Vito
The four gunmen ran down Balcombe Street and finally burst into
a five-storey block of flats owned by Westminster City Council. Flat
22B was home to John and Sheila Matthews; their front door was
• Puncture repairs
rushed and both were taken hostage. A neighbour by the name of
Donna Martin, who lived in Dorset Square overlooking the siege
• Also free tyre checks
address told reporters:
“About 50 cars arrived at my doorstep. We all rushed to the
window and I have never seen so many guns in my life. We saw
Find us downstairs the
the policeman with a car that had been riddled with bullets.”
John Matthews was tied up with a pair of his wife’s tights, while the
DaC Credit Union at
gang demanded a safe passage to Ireland. That was only ever to
The Peterley Business Centre,
remain a demand and a stand-off ensued that would last 6 days. The
stand-off ensued during when they also demanded a helicopter to
472 Hackney Road, E2
take them to Ireland, but in the end the gang surrendered to face 23
years in British jails before eventually being released by the Tony
0207 729 5237
Blair Government under the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.
Whilst researching material for my new ‘Blast’ series in Call Sign, I
Call Sign February 2015
Page 15
London Taxidrivers Fund for Underprivileged Children
ued help and support allows us to do so
October 31st 2014. I am very grateful to the
much for the children of London.
Fund's trustees for taking time to provide me
I would also like to wish good health to Bill
with their ongoing support in respect of my
Tyzack BEM, the charity's Hon Life President
role as Honorary Treasurer, despite the chal-
and his wife Grace who have served this char-
lenges faced over the past year. I have also
ity for over 50 years. I also wish our trustee,
been inspired over the time since the last
Larry Abrahams, a speedy recovery and to
AGM by their relentless dedication in contin-
welcome new trustees Bradley Winfield and
uing to make their respective contributions
Colin Greaves to the charity.
to the charity.
I’d like to also take this opportunity to wel-
The Fund has maintained reserves to
come Sainsbury's at Low Hall, Chingford,
enable continued support for many disadvan-
who have nominated us as their sponsored
taged children of Greater London. General
charity for the next year.
administration expenses have been kept
On behalf of myself and my fellow trustees,
down once again to less than 0.5% of gener-
we wish you all a very successful year ahead.
ated income, allowing nearly every penny of
Simeos Yiannikaris
I am proud to serve this charity in its 86th year
income to be spent on improving the quality
LTFUC Hon Chairman
as its current Honorary Chairman and what a
of life for those in need.
year we have had. For those of you that don’t
Almost £4000 was granted during the year,
know about the children's charity, the first ever
including supporting the children of taxi dri-
trip took place in 1928 when some London taxi
vers who have been unable to work. The cost
drivers, who themselves had been children of
of the Grosvenor House Mad Hatter's chil-
the Norwood Orphanage, wanted to give
dren's party at over £11,000 includes two
something back and decided to take children
year's hire of the Great Room, while the
from the Orphanage to Southend.
annual outing to Southend came to slightly
Since then, it has grown into a charity that
less than last year's expenditure.
has helped thousands of underprivileged chil-
Thanks to the generosity of donations and
dren from all walks of life, both physically and
sponsoring made by many benefactors, the
socially impaired, but all genuinely needing
Fund was able to recover most of these out-
our help.
lays, giving hundreds of disadvantaged chil-
We started our year with the Mad Hatter's
dren many great memories of the year's
tea party in January at the JW Marriott
events. Adding two new members to the
Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane where
Fund for this year is also fantastic news.
we entertained more than 700 children. Our
Committee of 15 trustees and their wives and
partners were assisted by taxi drivers and
Lilian Julier
It is my privilege to present the LTFUC
friends of the charity in putting on this worthy
LTFUC Hon Treasurer
Treasurer’s Report for the year ending
annual event. The children are entertained by
an army of entertainers, who over the years
have given their time freely. It is such a great
London Taxidrivers’ Fund for Underprivileged Children
party; the children watch numerous acts,
dance at the huge disco and then as a final
LTFUC become Sainsbury’s Low Hall
treat, all leave through a toy grotto taking
home a huge bag of toys and other
charity for the year
goodies. The looks on their faces are priceless!
In February, we held a belated 85th celebra-
On Saturday/Sunday 20/21st December 2014, the LTFUC were again at Sainsbury's Low Hall,
tion with a St Valentine's Dinner and Ball at
Chingford branch, this time with our Reindeer Taxi (see page 21), raising money for future events,
Guildhall and a fun night was had by all. Well
starting with our Christmas Mad Hatter's Tea Party for 700 children in January.
But we also give grateful thanks to the management and staff at Sainsbury's Low Hall for
done fellow trustee Mike Son for organising
making us their charity for a year and to all the people who kindly donated money to us.
the event.
Well done to all the committee and helpers who made the two fund raising days so successful.
In the summer we held our annual outing to
Southend. A convoy of 100 London taxis filled
Wishing a very Happy New Year to all…
Raymond Levy
with children and bedecked with balloons,
LTFUC Press Officer
together with our auxiliary vehicles, set off
from Victoria Park to Southend for an action
packed day. It never fails to amaze me how so
many people wave and support us year upon
year along our route.
Our Hon Treasurer, Lilian Julier together
with my wife Maria and myself, were also priv-
ileged to be invited to Her Majesty the
Queen's garden party. It was a lovely occasion
and an honour to attend.
We also gave our support to the Pearly
Kings and Queens by attending their Harvest
Festival at the Guildhall in the fall, where
trustee Steven Bell and his wife Wendy
dressed their cab in buttons; it was a proper
'pearly cab'!
I would like to thank all the trustees and
their wives and partners for their tireless
hard work throughout the year and all of
our sponsors and supporters. Your contin-
Call Sign February 2015
Page 16
Soon after another long-term
Dial-a-Cab driver, Max Arnold
Martin Freeborn retires
(D66), had announced his retire-
ment from the London cab
lenges. Our ‘bet’
was to drive a
trade, yet another has now
Ford Escort over a
made that move with Martin
tightrope! Ken
Freeborn (C67) also deciding that
drove and I guid-
ed and we ended
enough was enough! Martin
up scoring the
recently spoke to Call Sign...
best result over
“The time has come for me to retire as a
the whole series.
London taxi driver (I hate the words black cab
It was all for char-
driver)! I went onto the Knowledge on 28th
ity and we were
December 1966 and got my badge on 13th
presented with a
December 1967, with my bike having previ-
small cup.
ously gone under the front of an articulated
In the mean-
lorry that turned left into Longford Street
for his own use. And let me add that boy, have
time, I had been elected as a Board member
from Albany Street without indicating! So I
those taxis improved since I bought my first
at Dial-a-Cab and during that year we decided
guess I’m lucky just to be here, never mind
to buy Brunswick House, which turned out
getting my badge as we weren’t wearing crash
In 1975, I became C67 on ODRTS — later
to be a very good decision (buying East Road
helmets as it was a hot July day. I spent three
to become better known with their more
was even better, although I had left the BoM
days in the Middlesex Hospital with a crushed
identifiable trading name of Dial-a-Cab. Two
several years before that happened)!
years later, I successfully completed the City
I have always supported DaC and the trade
I began my taxi driving career by renting a
Guide Course. I began going on the War
in all manner of things in addition to being a
cab ‘on the clock’ from Colford Taxis (which
Disabled outings in my first year and have
member of the LTDA — something I consider
meant your meter was checked and you paid
supported that worthwhile charity ever since
as being a must for licensed taxi drivers. More
a percentage as your rental) for over two
and even had the real honour of taking the
recently I was elected by fellow subscribers as
years. The cab was also on ODRTS and I
late Douglas Bader on one outing.
a DaC Arbitrator.
became F58J.
I then decided to join my brother Ken in
It is often said that we will know when it’s
Then in September 1970, I decided to buy
entering the I978 Taxi Driver of the Year
our time to retire and last September I decid-
my own taxi and went to M&O in Wandsworth
Show and thirteen years later in I991, I actual-
ed that time was nearing for me, so I made
Bridge Road. I would never have believed on
ly won it — albeit by a single point. But it real-
arrangements to sell my cab in early 2015 and
that day almost 45 years ago that the new cab
ly was a lot of fun, a great day out meeting lots
to let the stresses of the job go. My wife, Joy,
I was to drive out at a cost then of £1259
of new people and in the process, raising sub-
our black Labrador and I are moving down to
(including purchase tax), would be the first of
stantial amounts of money for taxi charities.
somewhere near Bognor Regis.
my 41 new cabs as on that first day a bus
A few years later when Ken won Taxi Driver
I wish DaC and its Members every success
ploughed into the back of that shiny new cab!
of the Year and I came in third, news of two
in the future. It will certainly be a battle with
But I did continue to buy a new cab every year
taxi driving brothers being successful reached
so much competition out there, but I’m sure
and was told several times by LTI — the fore-
ITV and we were invited to appear on Bruce
they will get there. I’ve had a good life as a
runners of The London Taxi Company —
Forsythe’s Saturday evening quiz, You Bet,
London taxi driver and met many lovely peo-
that it was a record they thought would never
where a panel of celebrities would bet on the
ple, but the time has come to say goodbye and
be beaten by an individual driver buying just
ability of members of the public to achieve
of course, be lucky…”
Retired Dial-a-Cab driver Steve Shaller pens some words from his Spanish abode…
Having read Tom’s Tales in the January Call Sign and the unfortunate experience that hap-
pened to Tom Whitbread at Mann & Overton all those years ago, it reminded me of a similar
experience that I too encountered.
As Tom mentioned in his article, many years ago M&O were the sole supplier to the trade and like
Tom, my problem was also a leaking front lever arm shock absorber. They were prone to leakage and
their life expectancy rarely exceeded the one year warranty.
As was expected, after booking in your cab you would sit in the waiting room exchanging stories
with other drivers appertaining to their experiences with M&O. Very few of the stories were of a posi-
tive nature!
Having waited several hours for the work to be completed on my cab, I was called into the office
and informed that my leaking shock absorber would not be changed. When I asked why, they told
me that the shock absorber had only lost 10cc of hydraulic fluid, which they claimed was an accept-
is coincided with my first 1000 mile service where both the engine and rear axle oil would be changed.
Reading the produced invoice, I noticed that no attempt to change the rear axle oil had taken place. When I asked why, they informed me that the
drain plug no longer existed and that it was now “sealed for life.” The axle was still using EP90 oil, which previously required changing every 20,000
miles but overnight miraculously became “sealed for life!”
I left M&O knowing that I had just had the urine extracted from me, which in life you can’t always stop people doing to you!
If I remember correctly, the next service was at 5000 miles and this time I returned to M&O with an empty shock absorber, completely void of any
hydraulic fluid although the actual arm of the shock was covered and soaked with the leaking oil.
The shock absorber had a filler/drain nut at the top of its body. Anybody could, had they wanted, siphoned out the fluid and contaminated the body
of the aforementioned piece of apparatus - but who would sink so low. Needless to say I got my replacement shock fitted, which had been leaking for
a long time.
He who laughs last…
Steve Shaller (Ex R75)
Call Sign February 2015
Page 17
Tom Whitbread looks at our past and how it has affected the
future of the cab trade…
two of an alcoholic beverage and then it’s into
spend it on cab transport.
the grand turkey spread that your wife, moth-
When I began dispatching at Shirland
er or loved one has spent so long preparing -
Road, I did everything in my power to get dri-
a gut busting experience for any stomach with
vers to cover the work, to insure we kept it
so much rich food including the obligatory
for the future and that even included beg-
Brussels sprouts. When these hit the stomach,
ging. But many drivers wanted more induce-
they join up with the other foods and produce
ments to cover work - a type of blackmail.
a gas that can expand a trouser belt a notch or
Now after over 30 years of not listening, dri-
two. This carries on for the next few days and
vers have realised it is they that gave minicabs
then in creeps the regret and you go search-
a better status and access to our work.
ing for that gym membership card.
These drivers are quick to point a finger
Fairy lights, tinsel, baubles and other decora-
tions are things that people with young chil-
For 10 years or so after the war ended,
and issue blame by asking what the Board
you saw very few obese adults or children
are doing about it. But it’s now the same
dren and Christmas addicts look forward to at
the end of their year. It’s a time when you’re
because there was just not enough food
blackmail we used on passengers in the
about to allow wastage. There were cer-
past that they are using against us; those
visited by family and friends that you may not
have seen since the last Christmas. Then there
tainly no fast food restaurants. Mothers
passengers that respected us and wanted
had to use the food they had in the most
to stay with the licensed trade are fighting
are those that look at the festive season as just
a money making mission, to try and recoup
filling and nutritious way, children did not
back and forcing us to accept their condi-
have the pleasure of being lazy or greedy.
tions or they will go to PH, who are more
any money lost during lean periods of the pre-
vious 11 months. Whichever group you fall
As you grew up without many toys, you’d
than capable of putting a vehicle outside
go to a park or waste ground and played foot-
their door at any given time. The DaC
into, Christmas probably left you drained -
ball, cricket while the girls played hopscotch
Board sometimes feel like King Canute; as
beit emotionally or financially
- and five
and skipping. This kept you healthy; you also
soon as we overcome one situation,
weeks on, many haven’t fully yet recovered!
used your mind to invent new games and
another one crops up that has been
When I was born - as WW2 was reaching its
took notice of what was around you; trees,
brought on by the taxi trade’s actions in
climax - times were totally different. Children
birds, buildings (those that Hitler had not flat-
the past.
did not look forward to piles of presents in
tened or damaged) and this improved your
So before you go pointing fingers, think to
brightly wrapped paper because money was
hard to come by in those hard times of
general knowledge. But when life became
yourself: What did I do to help retain our
rationing. The one thing it taught you was
better, you didn’t want your kids to have a
work? Was it by giving a good service and cov-
that when life got back to some sort of nor-
childhood like you had, so you spoilt them.
ering the work that despatchers pleaded for
mality, you’d appreciate the simple pleasures
But as that mentality crept into our lives,
us to cover? For some, yes. For the majority -
many children’s general knowledge failed to
you had taken for granted before the hardship
I don’t think so! As my old Granny used to
of war.
reach the standard you would expect - espe-
say, what goes around comes around and boy
During the war, some of my relatives
cially with all the added books, computers
has it come around to bite us on the bum…
and other ancillary equipment they have avail-
worked at the Woolwich Royal Arsenal and
May I take this opportunity to wish you
able to them. Ask them for the capital city of a
each year they would put on a Christmas Party
and your family a Happy and what I hope
for employees’ children and a few relatives. I
country or how certain fruit or vegetables are
will be a Prosperous New Year.
was invited to a few of these parties as all my
grown and many don’t have a clue - so it’s off
to Google! They only seem interested in play-
cousins would be there. After some entertain-
Tom Whitbread
ment and a party meal ending with jelly and
ing on their iPad, iPhone or games console.
Then there’s tweeting and sending nonsense
DaC Board Member
custard, it was present time. You’d be given a
messages. Some have even learned how to
paper bag, usually containing a little wooden
car, tangerine and a few Brazil nuts. As fresh
bully others anonymously via computers and
fruit and nuts were hard to come by in those
without parent’s knowledge.
Immaculate White
During this time and because there is so
times, we were over the moon.
But nowadays, with the power of adver-
much available, they think nothing of the
Cab Available for
tising, children look for presents at
future; they think the good times will never
around the £300 or more mark. There are
disappear and do not try to safeguard for the
mobile phones, iPads and the Nintendo
Wii etc. The money has to be found along-
If you became a taxi driver back in the
side money for food, drink and any other
late 50’s onwards, then you can relate to
essentials, much of which was still in the
the above children. You will have had the
fridge long after the festive period fin-
good times with work in abundance. On
weekends, as soon as you dropped off
Then you have the visiting period; going to
there would be a passenger looking for a
see relatives and friends that you would rather
taxi or a radio job begging to be covered.
not have anything to do with and knowing
I was as guilty as any other cab driver on
they are going to give you a cheap present
the road when I got my badge.
that will gain a space in the back of some cup-
It was not until I joined ‘Lords’ Owner
board - stuff that probably wouldn’t even get
Drivers Radio Taxi Service and saw the
a bid on EBay or Gumtree! There’s the obliga-
number of passengers wanting our services
tory glass of sherry or port plus lemonade for
yet that were being ignored, that I took
the kids, whilst hearing about illnesses they
notice. At that time there were a small number
had incurred during the previous 11 months.
of minicabs around from Carline with their
Female driver
I’d sit there with a far distant look on my face
Ford Anglia’s, followed by Renault
10% reduction for Dial-a-Cab drivers
dreaming of getting home and watching the
Dauphine’s from Welbeck Motors. It only
Contact Debbie (W18) on
taped version of Mrs. Browns Boys!
took a small amount of entrepreneurial skill
On Christmas day, you have little appetizers
from someone looking for gaps in the market
07956 317040
throughout the morning and maybe a glass or
to see people had money and wanted to
Call Sign February 2015
Page 18
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
Hello everyone out there in taxi-
float on tyres, you can pay from your Credit
Harp Credit Union /Dial-a-
land. I hope you are all well. I’m
Union account. It’s no good saying that you’ll
Cab Credit Union?
get new tyres next week because next week
sorry the work out there is not as
We have also had enquiries about what was
tends not to come and again becomes “next
good as it has been for you all, but
happening with our two Credit Unions. If you
week” until one day you get a pull by the police
I’m sure it will get better (fingers
are a regular reader of my articles, you may
- possibly for something totally unconnected -
remember me mentioning that we wanted to
and suddenly you have a very unwelcome 3
integrate the Harp Credit Union into the Dial-
points on your licence, not to mention a £1000
a-Cab Credit Union, albeit Harp has also been
fine for EACH tyre!
Dial-a-Cab / Radio Taxis
successful in its own right. Any amalgamation
Another good reason to join the DaC
Group merger and DACCU?
would be to cut down on administration and
Credit Union is our rates for loans - 12% per
Since I’ve been back in the DACCU office fol-
insurance costs etc, because we currently have
annum or 1% per month on a reducing bal-
lowing the holiday period, there have been a
to pay everything twice - once for each credit
ance. We can do loans up to £30,000 - or
number of calls asking how they stand if the
union - and that is a sheer waste.
more depending on your circumstances -
proposed merger with Radio Taxis goes
Well, we have decided to push ahead with
but in that case we would need a charge
through. Firstly, as the Credit Union is totally
the integration and hope that it will be com-
against your house, something that can
independent from the radio circuit, we will
pleted within the first half of this year. Just as
take up to 6 weeks to complete.
probably have to change the name and the
with the possible RTG merger, if you have any
However, our usual loans of up to and
common bond which is the link that you and
doubts or questions on this, again please call
around £8000 are fine - although to borrow
the Credit Union have in common. At present,
us on 0207 729 8171 or pop down to see us
that amount you will need savings of at least
the part we have in common is the radio circuit
at Hackney Road.
£2000 but a charge will usually not be neces-
- be that as a member or ex-member. If the
sary. Naturally we have to take each loan and
Hackney Road Taxi Tyres/
merger does happen, we’ll have to wait and see
look at it on its merit and then take a deci-
whether we will still be able to request your
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union?
sion. But in most cases, loans are very
money from the new company. If not, then as
We are still happily welcoming new members
many leavers have done over the years, you can
wanting to join the Credit Union. If you have
Finally, I know it’s February already, but can
just set up a standing order or come to our
been thinking about it, just pop in to the
I wish all DaC and DACCU members a belated
office in Hackney Road and pay by cash or card
DACCU office and while you’re here, you can
Happy New Year and as usual, be lucky… but
machine. So there really is no problem there;
have a free tyre check downstairs with Hackney
be very careful out there.
however, if you have any questions just give the
Road Taxi Tyres. If you do need new tyres, then
John Riley
office a call on 0207 729 8171 and we can
as a member and for whatever reason want to
Vice-President, DaC Credit Union
hopefully allay any of your fears.
hang onto your money and not spend your
Call Sign February 2015
Page 19
“The best customer service
I’ve ever received!”
the Call Centre in the hope that
his phone from our Security desk out of
office hours but then forgot all about it until
it might be found. A fleet mes-
getting a nice email from him thanking us for
sage alerting drivers to the loss
our efforts in returning his mobile. Part of his
went out and it rang a bell with
email read:
“Half my life and many business contacts
one driver - Larry Pelton (L25).
are on that phone and I was scared I had lost
“As the fleet message came over the termi-
them forever!”
nal,” Larry told Call Sign, “I recalled the jour-
Continuing the story, Jackie told this mag:
ney details, checked the rear of my cab and
“He concluded his email by saying that DaC
sure enough, there was the errant mobile
had provided him with ‘the best customer
stuck down the side of the seat.
“I made contact with the owner and agreed
service he had ever received!’ That is a very
to get it back to DaC for him to collect, but he
welcome change as people generally only
said he was going abroad, needed it urgently
write in when they have a complaint, but
and would arrange for the phone to be col-
rarely to say thank you!”
Jackie Franklin in Driver Services
For all driver-related topics, you can
Jackie Franklin in ground floor Driver
contact Jackie or Marie in the Driver
When a Dial-a-Cab passenger
Services took up the story.
Services office on the ground floor adja-
recently left his mobile phone in
“I was in regular contact with the passen-
cent to the Security Desk during normal
one of our taxis, he contacted
ger via emails and arranged for him to collect
office hours.
The Annual General Meeting of The London Taxi Benevolent Association for War Disabled was held on Monday 8th December 2014 at The
Royal Hospital Chelsea SW3. Those present were Harry Joel MBE, Paul Davis, Michael Husk, Graham Pike, Michael Culverwell, Terry Ward,
Richard Goodwin, Edward Hillery, Dennis James, Gary Belsey, Dave Hempstead, Derek Leone, Reg Hay and Trevor Clarke. Guests were
Dennis Hayes and Arron Capell.
Vice Chairman Gary Belsy opened the meeting at 3.15pm when a minute’s silence was held for those no longer with us. The Chairman’s report was
handed to Committee members, which was then read and approved.
Former Dial-a-Cab Secretary Trevor Clarke, the charity auditor, thanked the Chairman, Treasurer and Committee for the good work that they are doing
for the charity. He then read the Financial Report, which was approved. The Chairman and committee thanked Trevor for his assistance in preparing the
Election of Officers: Results
President Harry Joel MBE, Chairman Paul Davis, Treasurer Michael Husk, Vice Chairman Dave Hempstead, Vice President Reg Hay, Vice
President and Appeals Richard Goodwin, Transport Terry Ward, Assistant Treasurer Dennis James, Gary Hutchins, Graham Pike, Michael
Culverwell and Assistant Secretary and Press Officer Derek Leone.
The Chairman then invited Dennis Hayes and Arron Capell to become members of the Committee and both were pleased to accept the position.
The LTBAWD AGM closed at 4.00pm…
2014 has been a landmark year; one hundred years since the start of WW1, the 70th anniversary of D-Day and an end to the British Armed Forces in
Afghanistan. The year started for this charity with the collector’s lunch at the Albert Pub (Buckingham Gate), a thank you for our collectors support
and hard work over the past year. In May, the LTBAWD returned to Holland for a five day trip to pay our respects to the fallen, taking 160 veterans in
80 London Taxis. Once again this was a great event and the weather was exceptional. We give our thanks to the Dutch people for their support and
warm welcome.
In June we had our annual outing to Worthing. Guests of Honour were Vice Admiral Sir Adrian Johns KCB CBE KS+J ADC and Lady Suzie Johns.
They have both agreed to become patrons of this charity. The Swing-time Sweethearts were our entertainment and once again a big thank you to the
village of South Holmwood and Jim Buckland of the Worthing Organ Trust.
Many thanks also to Johnny Rowlands for his golf day at Sundridge Park Golf Club, a tremendous day and for the first time this year, those of the
Armed Forces Headly Court took part in playing the game - a fantastic and greatly supported day.
Also this summer, we had an invite to War and Peace. Approximately 20 taxis with Veterans had a marvellous day. Then in August we gave our sup-
port to the George Cross Island Association by way of transport from the All Hallows Tower Hill to the Union Jack Club. This service is held to
commemorate the heroic stand which Malta took in those dark days of 1940 during WW2.
On the 8th November, we were invited to Millwall FC for a touchline remembrance for the fallen, also attended by Headley Court Armed
Forces. Millwall have played a big part to the LTBAWD over the last year, so from the Committee, Veterans, service men and women… a big thank you.
Remembrance Day, 11th November
On Remembrance Day we were invited to the Chelsea College of Arts to remember the fallen with a sincere and moving Service of Remembrance
with Veterans, Committee and Students. This was followed by snacks and drinks generously supplied by the Chelsea Arts Club.
On the 4th December, we held our annual Christmas lunch for supporters and donators to this charity. We had school children from St Jude's singing
Christmas carols, which gave a real---- Christmas feel to the day. A massive thank you to all supporters of the LTBAWD, the Committee and the London
Taxi Drivers for their time and efforts. Without them this Charity would not function.
We would also like to thank Trevor Clarke, our Accountant, for his service this year and wish him continued good health. Last but not least, I would like
to thank my predecessor, Richard Hudd, for his service to this charity over so many years as an Officer and Chairman.
I would like to wish everybody a prosperous New Year…
Gary Belsey
LTBAWD Hon Chairman
Call Sign February 2014
Page 20
aC driver Sean Farrell (B39) looks at trade history from a different angle
Brethren of the Whip
measure the routes. He went
Shrapnel and fares…
onto demolish the authority
Shrapnel, the loose change in your pocket
of Shrapnel’s by putting the
and named after the explosive pieces of metal
measurements down to
contained within a bomb or from part of its
guess work. Without even
casing. The shrapnel bomb was invented
offering to have the ground
around the turn of the 19th century and was
measured, the magistrate
said to have provided a major turning point
found in favour of the cab-
during the Battle of Waterloo. Because of the
man and the passenger had
devastating effects the bomb had on human
to pay the outstanding 4d
tissue, its inventor Henry Shrapnel, was
plus 7s costs. The following
never publicly acknowledged or reimbursed
year, Shrapnel’s was still
for his personal outlay over the years perfecting his invention.
being advertised on the
His eldest son was Henry Needham Scrope Shrapnel and he fol-
pages of The Times and with
lowed his father into the military, rising to the rank of Captain with the
the ringing endorsement of
3rd Dragoon Guards. But in 1852, the 40 year old ex-captain pro-
the Commissioner of Police,
duced what has to be the most comprehensive book of cab fares ever
Sir Richard Mayne, who
published. Fares books were nothing new, the earliest one I know of
stated he had found the book
dates back to 1725 but when the fare system for Hackney coaches was
to be “accurate” whenever he
revised in 1786, a glut of books appeared - all purporting to have reli-
referred to it.
able measurements and all aimed at ridding London of its overcharg-
William Wade was fortu-
ing, overbearing, Hackney coachman. None of these fares books car-
nate; in another court or
ried any weight of authority - possibly with the exception of James
with a different magistrate
Quaife who worked for the Hackney Coach Office in 1824 - and
the decision could have rest-
despite being completely unauthorised, many Hackneymen could be
ed on Shrapnel
heavily fined, or imprisoned in default of non-payment because the
“guess work.”
fares book said one thing and they were adamant that their experience
Sean Farrell
and knowledge said another.
Call Sign Online
Captain Shrapnel’s “Stradametric Survey of London” was no dif-
ferent to its predecessors in its lack of authority, but its main sell-
ing point was that the fares were calculated “…to and from every
street in London,” To ensure the public were aware of the task
undertaken, he advertised that his book contained the fares for
14,800,000 different routes!
Compilers of Fares Books were not averse to exaggerating the num-
ber of routes contained within their books as the more routes they con-
tained, the more likely the public were to find the one appertaining to
their needs. In part one of his book, Shrapnel lists nearly 3,900 different
streets etc and if each one of these were measured from one to all the
others then we do arrive at a figure close to 14,800,000.
His army experience may have benefitted by using range-finding
optics, hence the term Stradametric. But if as he stated in his bona fides,
he had measured every route - and let’s give him a generous average of
ten minutes per route - then at twelve hours a day it would have taken
him the equivalent of 560 years to have measured them all. Despite
these claims, magisterial courts were buying a copy of Shrapnel and
using it against cabmen.
In September 1852, cabman William Wade took a passenger
from Paddington Station to Victoria Road, Kensington. For this he
charged 1s 8d as the journey was over two miles and there was no
road through the park at that time. The passenger offered 1s 6d
but when Wade asked for a further tuppence, the passenger took
away what he had considered a 2d tip and refused to pay more
than the 1s 4d legal fare. Wade summoned the passenger for the
outstanding 4d.
In court, the clerk handed the magistrate, Mr Paynter, a copy of
Shrapnel’s which stated that the fare was indeed 1s 4d and under two
miles. Paynter doubted the accuracy of the book and felt the journey was
clearly over two miles.
“But Captain Shrapnel is a very good authority,” stated the clerk,
“as he had measured all the distances.”
The magistrate responded by stating he felt Captain Shrapnel had lit-
tle to do with the book and that it must have taken him some years to
Call Sign February 2015
Page 21
Mike Son tells Call Sign how a chance chat with a
passenger led to the huge…
The group pose for
a quick pic
all seemed to be quite
amazed at the event.
Delivery drivers and
stopped to pop
money into our col-
Collecting with the reindeer
lecting boxes.
If you were in the area of Burlington
Adding to the
magic of the day, 25
Arcade on Friday December 19 and
members of the
wondered why a strange looking taxi -
resembling a certain reindeer often
seen flying through the Christmas skies
- was parked on the rank at Bond
arrived at
6pm to
Street/Burlington Gardens, this piece
give their support to
from Dial-a-Cab Board member and
efforts by singing
London Taxi Drivers’ Fund for
many traditional
Underprivileged Children Committee
Christmas Carols to
member, Mike Son, may help to explain
hundreds of onlook-
that and a remarkable coincidence…
“The Christmas festivities have been and
Both my and the
gone and we are now into a new year, but it’s
Fund’s grateful thanks
pleasing to know how many people still give
go to privately held
to various worthy causes and that it remains
specialist real estate
an important aspect of the festive season. So
investment manage-
far as the LTFUC is concerned, the Christmas
ment firm, Meyer
period is a good opportunity to raise much
Arcade Head Beadle Mark Lord
Bergman, for their
needed revenue, especially with our
Grosvenor House party approaching.
charity. After realising that he was serious and
Thanks also to Burlington Arcade Head
Prior to December, I had picked up a
indeed had the power to allow us to use what
Beadle, Mark Lord and his team who helped
passenger who turned out to be the Vice
is quite possibly the world’s most famous shop-
to make the day so successful, Transport for
President of a company that manages
ping precinct, it didn’t take me long to see what
London, the Metropolitan Police and
many shopping malls both in the UK and
a great opportunity this would be to promote
Westminster Council for their kind consid-
the charity while at the same time increase the
Chatting about the trade and its various
profile of the licensed taxi industry.
Our grateful thanks must also go to the
charities, it became apparent that he was
Transport for London sometimes come in
wonderful Fulham and Hammersmith
showing great interest in what I had to say -
for criticism, but so far as we were concerned
Choral Society who performed to the
those that know me will be aware I can talk
they were extremely helpful by allowing our
delight of the audience. Last but certainly not
for England! During our conversation, I was
- together with our now famous
least, the LTFUC Committee members and
asked what our charity organises in order to
Reindeer Taxi - to use the Burlington Gardens
supporters who gave of their valuable time. It
raise money during the festive period and I
taxi ranks while the Metropolitan Police
just goes to show that you never know who
mentioned that in previous years we had
were very quick in organising a Charity
could be in the back of your cab! It was a
asked taxi drivers to hang collection boxes in
Collectors Licence which enabled our mem-
great experience for all who attended and a
their taxis together with information about
bers and supporters to rattle collection boxes
very successful and rewarding event.
the LTFUC.
and accept on-street donations.
On behalf of the Hon Life President,
He was also very interested when I told
So it was that on December 19th, commit-
Hon Chairman, Hon Committee and of
him about the very successful concerts we
tee members and supporters arrived at
had produced in previous years at St
Burlington Arcade at 11am and spent the day
course the children, we take this oppor-
John’s Church, Smith Square and our
collecting money. The Reindeer Taxi was a
tunity to wish you all a happy and healthy
major event at St Paul’s Cathedral to cele-
real hit with shoppers, photo-snapping
New Year.”
brate 85 years of the LTFUC - an event
tourists and those who work in the vicinity. It
that we named the Ranks of Angels.
was also very pleasing to know the event was
Mike Son
Suddenly during our in-cab conversation, he
being advertised on local radio. Hundreds of
DaC Board member
asked if the LTFUC would like a facility at
passing cab drivers stopped to give dona-
Burlington Arcade to help raise funds for the
tions, while those with passenger on board
LTFUC Committee member
Call Sign February 2015
Page 22
Ascot Utd 4
Colliers Wood Utd 2
The dream of Dial-a-Cab driver and Colliers
Wood goalkeeper, Lee Pearce (J71), of a
Wembley stadium Cup Final came to a sad
end after a valiant battle to reach the FA Vase
quarter finals against Hellenic Premier
League team Ascot United, when striker Joe
Grant scored two late goals in the second
period of extra time following a brave rear-
guard defence from the south London
Combined Counties team.
It was two hotly disputed decisions in front
of Ascot’s biggest crowd of the season that
decided the winners, even though Ascot pro-
vided most of the attacking play. In fact it
took just 6 minutes for home team to take the
lead when Jon Bennett scored a rather soft
goal that somehow squeezed through the
hands of the Dial-a-Cab man and into the net.
Ascot continued pressing with Daryl McLean
seemingly getting free access through the CW
defence, although they somehow kept him
out. But the game was beginning to warm up
with Wood’s Sam Mead and Darren Caesar
getting yellow cards and joining Ascot's Rob
Saunders who went into the ref ’s book for
Lee was sent off for handball outside the area, although he actually chested the ball!
CWU carried on defending and becoming
back and forth with Colliers Wood playing
Dorking Wanderers 3
more confident as the game went on and it
like demons considering they were a player
was no surprise when they equalised after 41
short. But you could see that CW were tiring
Colliers Wood Utd 4
minutes when Charlie Emery smashed the
and in the second 15 minutes of extra time, it
Not as important as the FA Vase, but still a
ball into the net after a lovely square pass to
finally caught up with them as Ascot’s Joe
good cup competition, Colliers Wood moved
his feet from Mario Embalo.
Grant took those two late goals to put Ascot
into the quarter finals of the Surrey Senior
Ascot probably thought they should have
into the last 16 of the FA Vase. Not only that,
Cup with a hard fought win against Sussex
had the game won by half time but 1 - 1 was
but they earned the club £2000 prize money
County team Dorking Wanderers.
the score and they started the second half on
for reaching that stage - a windfall for a non-
Mario Embalo grabbed another hat-trick,
fire, but the Colliers Wood defence held out.
league team.
while Dan Harding knocked in the team’s
Then the game changed when Lee Pearce
Speaking to Call Sign after the game, Lee
came outside of his area to clear a ball and
fourth from a beautifully taken free kick. In the
told us:
“The referee just wasn’t good
did so by chesting the ball down, but the far
enough. Even the Ascot players could see
last few minutes, Lee Pearce made two vital
side linesman waved to say that Lee had han-
saves - the second courtesy of his knee - but it
that I chested the ball and not handled it.
dled it. That, for a goalkeeper is an automat-
As for the penalty, that was just laughable
was enough to ensure that CWU moved into the
ic red card and with Lee’s dismissal went
because anyone could see that Will played
last 8…
CW’s chance of winning or at least grabbing
the ball and it was never a penalty. But
a hard fought replay. Lee complained and
I’m proud of the way the lads defended.”
Jamie Corum, Call Sign Online
most of the players on the pitch could see
that he had chested the ball, but the linesman
stuck to his guns and Mark Daniels - never
having played for CW before - replaced Lee
in goal with Darren Caesar being sacrificed to
Terrorism threat
leave Wood with just 10 men.
But things were about to get even worse
after an hour when Will Boye was said to
have fouled Jon Bennett as he closed in on
The Board of Management are very
the CW goal. It looked for all the world to see
mindful of potential terrorist threats to
that Boye had played the ball, but the ref
those that live, work and visit London.
awarded a penalty kick to Ascot which
Dial-a-Cab and the London Taxi industry
Saunders duly put away to give Ascot a 2 - 1
lead and seemingly kill off Colliers Wood. But
generally are prominently placed and
the south London team weren’t giving up
could be considered as the eyes and
and seemed to use Lee’s sending off and the
ears of London.
penalty to give them inspiration. Just three
Should taxi drivers see anything they
minutes later, Mario Embalo shot at Ascot
goalkeeper Chris Grace only for it to trickle
consider suspicious, please contact the
through his legs and provide CW’s 10 men
Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321.
and reserve goalie a very unlikely equaliser,
Or you can call your local police on 101.
whilst giving Mario his 30th goal of the sea-
Don’t be paranoid… just be aware.
Ascot threw everything against CW but the
Londoners bravely held out and the game
moved into an extra 30 minutes.
Mike Son
The first half of extra time saw the game go
Call Sign February 2015
Page 23
DaC Sales Report
with Keith Cain
Now that Christmas and New Year are firm-
will be an ongoing project over the coming year
ly behind us, we in the Sales team can contin-
and Members will begin to see this as we
ue where we left off when the holiday season
stopped everything in its tracks! That means
meeting existing clients in addition to gener-
ating new business. Quite often it becomes
For 2015 and beyond, we must all adopt a more
the case that any poor service received over
positive approach and success will come. It will
the festive season proves to be a major factor
take everyone within the Society to pull together
in why clients like to search the market place
in the same direction - all striving for the same
for a new supplier…
goals. We can remain one of the serious players
within the transport industry and with the AGM
New business?
now only days away, this will be a pivotal time to
A new Tender was completed and presented by
kick start the future of the organisation.
the end of December and we are currently work-
The future does look promising and exciting
ing on a second. The second is based within
for the Society, but we all have to work very hard
Canary Wharf, which I know some members will
can from any investment.
to make it happen. But we should also never for-
be very happy to hear about. I am also currently
We are currently talking with an outside pro-
get that we are all on the same team, therefore it
viewing a proposal from one of the London
fessional company to work alongside us. Our ini-
is imperative that we all support each other…
Boroughs Special Needs transport service section.
tial meetings have been to explain what we are
My fear about this is whether coverage would be
trying to achieve and for them to gain a real
Keith Cain
sufficient enough
if the costs are going to be
understanding about our Society and some of the
DaC Head of Sales
tight, although as you will have read in Call Sign,
restrictions that we have to operate under. This
a number of drivers have pointed out that they
would be happy to run for radio work.
Mercedes Benz and KPM UK warranties
We have been working very hard recently to try
and get existing clients to make use of our com-
Call Sign has heard from Mercedes Benz regarding the situation involving drivers
plete service. This is a slow process, especially
with Vitos who took out extended warranties from KPM UK Taxis before the
with legal firms who are renowned for not mov-
East London company went into administration. The new KPM are not connected
ing fast and often dislike making changes.
to the original company.
However, general feedback about our service for
There is a possibility that Daimler could - and we stress the word could - issue a service care pack-
the past year from existing clients has been very
age applied to your Vito as a gesture of goodwill.
positive, which is good news for everyone.
Daimler say they are aware that a number of Vito customers had service packages provided by the
former KPM-UK but pointed out that those policies were not Mercedes-Benz products and could not
be redeemed at any authorised MB dealer.
We recently made a presentation to around twen-
But the company then went onto add that if any driver with that KPM package had bought their
ty of the top users of taxi and private hire compa-
Vito with finance from Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, then they would arrange for a service
nies in London. We were invited to demonstrate
care package to be applied to your Vito. This would be purely as a gesture of goodwill but would mir-
our wares and were asked some serious ques-
ror the package sold by KPM UK Taxis PLC. It will then be able to be used at any Mercedes dealer.
tions about the trade in general. I think our pre-
Drivers who the above applies to should have been notified by January 16, but if you
sentation went very well and we have since been
believe the above applies to you and you have not received a letter soon after that date,
approached by one of the attendees to give a
call MBFS directly on 03708 470 700.
more in-depth presentation in a few months’
They will then check your registration and confirm either way…
Marketing ourselves…
I am now starting to get more involved with the
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
way in which we market ourselves. This is a pro-
ject that can cost vast sums of money for no guar-
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about
anteed return. While I fully understand that there
is an urgent necessity to start rebuilding our pro-
variable bank interest rates?
file, I also know that a structured approach is
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or
needed if we are to gain as much as we possibly
member of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union. Any member of your family residing
at your address also qualifies for membership!
Call Sign
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
February 2015
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow
Editor: Alan Fisher
up to 3 times your total savings…
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
The cost?
Email: callsignmag@aol.com
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.7%).
Printers: Premier Print Group
Loans can be paid back early AND there can be an annual dividend on your shares.
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
Design: Aldan Publications
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
Tel: 07958 300 428
Email: deborahfresco@gmail.com
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
Members of the Financial Ombudsman Service
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
Member’s funds protected up to limit set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
DaC Credit Union Ltd, Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney Rd E2 9EQ
either manually or electronically without the express
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
permission of the Editor.
Registration number 213263
Call Sign February 2015
Page 24
Call Sign at the
all Sign was lucky enough to attend the 2015 London
tain - and as most entertainers will tell you, 700 kids aren’t always the
Taxidrivers’ Fund for Underprivileged Children Mad
easiest to please!
Hatters tea party at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House
Suddenly a multitude of adult voices called out Michael Jackson
Great Room. even though our photographer, Alan Green
together! As Call Sign looked stagewards, we knew it couldn’t be the
(E52), was stricken down with a case of the sniffles and quite rightly
King of Pop but standing on the stage was someone who both looked
didn’t want to take a chance on passing infection onto the 720 invit-
and sounded like MJ - together with someone who appeared to be
ed children - many disabled and ill - or 400 helpers/parents. So it was
sweeping up around him! But it was an act providing excellent
down to Editor Alan Fisher to get his Kodak snapping machine out
singing and comedy from Britain’s Got Talent runner up, Signature.
and hope for the best!
Most kids have seen the latest Disney movie, Frozen, and per-
As usual, the party was excellent with the LTFUC Committee once
forming songs from it were a huge troupe of youngsters under the
again pulling out all the stops. How a Committee who admit to being
joint name of Act Now - a performing arts program that has inspired
pure amateurs can put together such an amazing afternoon is truly
the talent of young performers over the past 30 years. They are
beyond belief.
trained by professionals and it shows!
Welcomed by LTFUC Chairperson, Sim Yiannikaris and “treated”
The show wouldn’t be complete without - Gabriela and Monica -
to a rather long - but necessary - health and safety notice by Malcolm
better known as The Cheeky Girls. They performed their biggest hits
Shaffron - the real fun then started with Amanda’s Action Show.
in a 20 minute set that certainly pleased the male carers as well as the
This provided some brilliant singing and dancing from youngsters
kids. Once again they were really entertaining both with their hit
who obviously were looking for a future in the entertainment busi-
songs and skimpy outfits!
Giving a rest to the show’s ever-present linkman, Dave Davis,
They were followed by some equally talented youngsters in
the Mad Hatters characters came out onto the dance floor to
Sapnay, semi-finalists in Sky One’s Got to Dance. Their Bollywood
lead the longest conga ever seen - at least at the Grosvenor
dancing was nothing short of sensational.
House - followed by a short disco before the entertainment
A band that has been providing musical fun to the Mad Hatters for
resumed. There was so much entertainment that the show was
more years than most can remember, is the amazing Bournemouth
already around an hour behind schedule!
Carnival Band. All dressed as Batman, this band never fails to enter-
Next on were Maddy and Jamie, two young ballroom dancers from
Mike Son
with his
Call Sign February 2015
Page 25
2015 Mad Hatters
BBC’s Strictly - It takes Two. There is ballroom dancing and then
with Allo Allo, Vicki Michelle.
there are these two sensational movers. Just look at their Latin dance
Not interviewed due to time restraints, but happy to sit and sign
on YouTube. Amazing entertainment!
autographs was Waterloo Road star Max Bowden, who plays head-
Another dance act followed with the Elite Gymnastics Academy.
master Vaughan Fitzgerald’s son Justin. At the same time, the closing
But this wasn’t just dance because these young ladies did the most
disco was going on, the characters were posing for final photos, the
incredible gymnastics using hoops as part of the act. They deservedly
face painters were trying to work their way through the never-end-
got a huge ovation at the end of their spot.
ing queues, the balloon man was still bending and shaping his amaz-
Host for the afternoon, Dave Davis, introduced the next act by
ing balloons. Mind you, he had to be careful that none burst as two
explaining to the 700 bopping kids just who The Beatles were! Did
policemen with their motor bikes were placed opposite with kids
that make some of us feel old! But The Silver Manatees came on to
climbing all over them! And of course, as every child left there was a
sing some of the mop heads greatest hits. They were dressed just as
huge bag of toys for them!
the Liverpool foursome had been during their days at The Cavern -
The Fund have asked us to thank everyone involved - espe-
and the joint really rocked!
cially Sainsbury’s at Low Hall who sponsored the food upstairs.
What didn’t the 1000+ audience didn’t see? Magic? Well that was
Also there was a merger between Dial-a-Cab and Radio Taxis -
sorted out by the final act with Bharat’s Magic. He amazed not just
but that was just to jointly sponsor the children’s toys!
the kids, but most of the adults too!
But let’s not forget LTFUC’s Raymond Levy and wife Maureen
In between the acts, Dave Davis also interviewed some celebrities
who put the show together and the rest of the LTFUC committee
on stage including Joe Swash, not just former Eastender’s resident
and their wives who work like Trojans on the day to make sure
as Mickey Miller, but also a former winner of reality show I'm a
everything runs smoothly. It did and everyone there all said
Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! Joe is proud of the fact that he used
thank you...
to attend the LTFUC Mad Hatters as a child and says that he never for-
got the wonderful experience he had at the time. Maisie Smith, who
played Tiffany in Eastenders, also faced questions from Dave Davis.
Dennis Latchett
Also interviewed was another I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of
Here entrant, not to mention her time in the French Underground
Call Sign Online
Max Bowden has
a day off from
Waterloo Road
Call Sign February 2015
Page 26
With Tom Quigley (Y33)
subsidised by the Mayor of London. Every morning during the rush
Who causes the
hour going west towards Camden Town, a bus or buses are parked in
the bus lane opposite Manor House Station causing the bus lane to
become redundant and useless as all other buses, taxis, motorbikes
There must be some rules or exemptions for
and cyclists have to negotiate around the parked bus. And all this is at
different types of London businesses that add
a major junction, causing blind spots for pedestrians and every other
to the causes of traffic jams and the ongoing
road user.
effect of the pollution they cause. It seems to
The buses could quite easily park on the other side at this time of the
be that “you can pollute - so long as you pay to
day, but as we already know, even though these are private companies
like ourselves, they enjoy an amnesty from fines. Yet their actions cause
If you can pay more, then you are allowed to pollute more - worse
so much of the worst pollution. Then we will read about taxi pollution
still, even if you don’t have to pollute, you can cause pollution and be
and how Boris’s office will knock a few more years off our vehicles’
subsided by the Mayor and not even be fined for causing that pollu-
working lives.
There’s something wrong somewhere…
The recent bus strike in London showed how freely Oxford
Street runs without buses; although of course I’m not advocating
the abolition of public transport - just the reason why so many
House buying
buses run along the same street at the same time - and how often
With both my sons finally wanting to leave the nest, the search has been
are they not even quarter full.
on for a suitable property - the stress involved being quite incredible!
You would have to wonder whether the anti-pollution brigade mon-
Whilst my wife and I look at property with different views - mine always
itored air quality on that day, because they will never get a better
being negative, hers positive - our sons have a completely different
opportunity to tell us how ‘bad’ taxis are as against those queues of
view altogether of what a property needs.
buses. And if someone has indeed measured our exhausts on strike
As I viewed a house with my youngest son, I came prepared with
days, where are those results?
20+ years previously as a builder armed with damp meters and a sur-
Every night at around 8 o’clock, there are two major thoroughfares -
veyor’s eye; I assessed the property and was quite happy on the first
no doubt amongst many others - that are held up with traffic jams
caused by certain wealthy companies who are apparently allowed to
That was until we went inside and my son pulled out his phone and
park their vehicles in major traffic and pedestrian congested areas.
said it was no good there - he couldn’t get a signal! That was that -
I can only assume that the large retail outfit of cheap clothing on
another property crossed off the list…
Oxford Street pays parking fines as they unload their deliveries right
next to a bus stop, while dangerously blocking the view of pedestrians
Tom Quigley
as they attempt to cross the road to get to or from one of London’s
busiest underground stations. Yes, I know that Tottenham Court
Call Sign Online
Road station briefly closed while Crossrail continued its chaotic way
through London, but it is now open again and is probably the busiest
part of Oxford Street for those attempting to cross over the road.
Then there are cyclists who have to negotiate this busy junction, the
buses that have to try and get to or leave the bus stop but cannot get
past the lorries. And that ignores the fact that one of the world’s largest
food take away chains is right next door and people are constantly
going and coming from there trying to cross the road in between the
traffic. The result is a huge traffic jam going back along what we refer
Golf discount for all Dial-a-Cab Drivers
to as the world’s premier shopping street. Some advert!
Drive along Bishopgate opposite Liverpool Street Station at
Why not take advantage of our winter offers at
around the same time every evening and you will get stuck trying to get
The Hertfordshire Golf & Country Club
two lanes into one as they all struggle to pass a huge Tesco lorry parked
right bang on a bus stop as it makes a delivery. It even causes a traffic
Come down and try out this amazing golf package on our
jam for traffic going the other way as they have their two lanes going
superb par 70 parkland course and you will be treated to
into one thanks to the bus lane. The result once again must be a huge
increase in pollution. Of course the Mayor’s office will again “show”
Coffee & bacon roll
the pollution caused by taxis! Someone is paying - so that must be ok…
~ ◆ ~
Worse still, are the private bus companies making their profit whilst
18 holes golf
~ ◆ ~
Snack lunch from our varied menu
Keith Reading
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Call Sign February 2015
Page 27
Either write to Call Sign at
A wee tale…
Dial-a-Cab House
or email us at
Re the article in the January Call Sign
(That’s a lot of sh*t), some years ago I had
a similar situation. I had picked up a city
type gentleman with his daughter (aged
Barry Hooper
Ballot papers and the Chairman’s
about 8 or 9 years old). As we got to our
Dear Alan
Financial Report should be posted
destination, there was a yell from the
I was very sad to hear that Barry Hooper
around the third week of January, but
back and some crying. The little girl
had passed away. I did not know Barry
this misses the cut-off date for the
had wet her pants on the back seat and
very well, but when I was unfortunate
February issue of Call Sign. So please
dad was trying to mop it up with a hand-
enough to have cancer a few years back
can we have the Financial Report earli-
kerchief without much luck. I jumped
and with me being a member of the
er next year. It would help those mem-
out, got some rags and sprays that I
LTDA sickness scheme, he was just fan-
bers who don’t attend the AGM to ask
always kept in the cab and after some
tastic and a great support to both myself
questions and have them answered via
quick rubbing and a large amount of
and my family. I will never forget that
Call Sign.
spraying, it was soon cleaned up. The
help and support he gave me.
So I hope to see you all there…
passenger could not have been more
May he rest in peace…
Jon Robinson (E88)
apologetic and gave me a very good tip
Peter Moll (K35)
It would certainly be nice to see a
on top of the fare. So yes, it pays to be
Barry Hooper was one of this
few more Members at an AGM than
prepared for anything!!
trade’s nice guys. He helped out so
we usually get and there certainly is
Ray Sorene (ex-A53 retired member)
many drivers over the years with
a lot to discuss. But where I disagree
very few knowing that he himself
with Jon is that on reflection, I
had become ill. His column in TAXI
believe those making the effort to
was always popular and he contin-
The worst Kipper
attend the AGM should get first
ued writing throughout that illness -
crack at any questions, with the
season ever?
his last column appearing just days
March issue then (hopefully) pub-
In January 2014, Sainsbury’s ‘boil in the
before his sad death. He always
lishing its usual in-depth report of
bag Kippers’ were 69p. Moving on 12
ended the column with the same
the meeting …Ed
months to January 2015 and now they
wise words: Don’t forget to keep
are £1.50. Is that the beginning of a real
them doors locked and if in doubt
Kipper season!
Election correction
keep ‘em out! RIP Barry …Ed
Alan Nash (A95)
Could I please point out an error in
Try tuna! …Ed
one of my answers to election ques-
ULEZ: Should taxis be
tions posed by drivers in Call Sign. It
a special case?
AGM time
came in a response to a question from
I'm a licensed Taxi owner/driver on Dial-
Who’s going to this year’s AGM? I’m
James Griffin (T97) where the text
a-Cab who's exposed to poor air quality
going and I hope you are too. Even if you
read: The shares are now free. It should
on a daily basis, so I should benefit from
have already posted your Ballot paper, I
have read: The slaves are now free.
the proposed ULEZ. But should that
think you should still go! Why do I think
Thank you…
benefit come at any cost?
this way? Well this Year’s AGM could be
Javid Raja (N72)
Taxis must be treated as a special case;
massive, so many candidates and a chal-
Sorry Javid, it’s a problem that can
the reasons for this are TfL themselves,
lenge for Chairman - never mind the very
happen with long hand-written let-
as they are set up as the licensing
future of our Society! Will the merger
ters where the writer is gradually
authority and rule makers. They dic-
with Radio Taxis happen or not? Then
getting more tired and the writing
there is our Financial Report that I’m
tends to suffer! …Ed
1. We have to use a specialist vehicle.
sure is going to show another disap-
2. Control the prices charged by the
pointing year.
Cherished number
I’m sorry to be so negative, but are you
3. Demand the highest skilled Taxi
really happy with your Society? Do you
plate for sale
drivers in the world.
want our Society to remain operating the
I hope you don't mind me emailing
In 2020, no doubt PH will have a
same way it currently does? For example,
Call Sign but I have something I would
range of sensibly priced cars from the
will Dial-a-Cab demutualise? If we do, I
really appreciate you featuring in the
big manufacturers to choose from,
hope we will sell our office building first
magazine. My name is Kimberley and
whereas we will have to purchase yet
or at least put it under offer rather than
this year I am getting married! When
another London icon that benefits
go past the point of no return and find
11 registration plates were
everyone but the driver. Therefore, it is
out that we are not going to get as much
released, I purchased PU11OVR hop-
obvious we need assistance in purchas-
we thought. So please can we have all the
ing it would be an investment opportu-
ing these vehicles ie a subsidy of at least
cards on the table before we decide.
nity, but I’m now hoping to sell the
35% and/or a scrappage scheme. The
None of the candidates have said they
plate and put the money towards the
main problem with ideas from TfL is
are going to ask what we, the Members,
big day! I was wondering if it might be
their lack of credibility and their inabili-
want - ie will we carry on working as we
of interest as an eye catching number
ty to make decisions or update or
do or follow some of our competitors as
plate for a taxi driver? After all, passen-
enforce rules. We only have to look at
regards run-ins and gratuities? So here’s a
gers catch phrases must include pull
the debacle of the Nissan cab, the non-
question for Members; would you like to
over here driver!
sense of the 10 year rule (linking taxis
see the cash booking fee scrapped and
If anyone is interested, please call me
to cars) and worst of all the shameful
have £1.00 deducted for every cash trip
on 07841 650 627.
dereliction of power and responsibility
accepted? I think that would make us bet-
Kimberley James
over the current UBER fiasco.
ter than Hailo and Get taxi?
If interested, please reply to
Robert Stroulger (Y50)
Finally another gripe; I understand the
Kimberley and not Call Sign …Ed