October 2014
Why did this DaC superside cause the
cab to fail its annual inspection???
A loving grandfather, dad and staunch DaC man,
Call Sign says goodbye to Roy Martin
Call Sign October 2014
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
Following on from last month with some more hotel chains. Some are
Kings Cross which are 1) different hotels and 2) within walking
a waste of paper such as the Hilton Park Lane, but it is listed in with
distance! The Comfort Inn
(Buck Pal Rd) and Comfort Inn
the others for consistency. But it’s amazing how many passengers get
(Westminster) have different addresses, so if you haven’t checked the
dropped off there when asking for the Hilton Hyde Park. Some notes:
address and are going to the Westminster Comfort Inn, when crossing
Comfort Inn Edgware Road is on the east side between Boscobel St
Elizabeth Bridge you could easily mistake the Comfort Inn on your left
and Frampton St. The Holiday Inn Kings Cross official name is Kings
as being the place - it’s not, that’s the Buckingham Palace Rd hotel!
Cross Bloomsbury - sometimes asked for as just the Bloomsbury,
Last month I missed a change. Whilst Jury’s still own their hotels,
which is in Corum St. If you are unlucky enough to be on the KX rank
Chelsea (Imperial Road) and Islington (Pentonville Road) are both
and asked for the Comfort Inn, there is a Kings Cross and a St Pancras
now called Chelsea Doubletree and Islington Doubletree.
Hotel Chains
The taxi page at
www.myfav.co.uk now has an icon ‘Hotel Links’ if you need to access any London hotel chains.
Call Sign October 2014
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
Tour of Britain chaos
continue. He also mentioned the anti-social
If you work on Sundays and went out on 14
behaviour aspect that was associated with the
September, you’d have come across the most hor-
bikes as they block roads and pavements. Without
rendous traffic hold-ups caused by the Mayor’s
wishing to sound ungrateful for this welcome
office allowing our capital city to literally be shut
action, a big city like London should not have even
while a bunch of cyclists circumnavigated our
the non-motorised versions on the road. They
streets in the Tour of Britain.
should be kept for trips around Hyde Park and not
Perhaps the Mayor is correct in saying that
creating the danger they do on our streets...
these events bring tourists into London and that
while here they spend money. Well they would
What a bummer!
have needed one hell of a small fortune to get
There isn’t a Dial-a-Cab driver out there who
around in taxis that could hardly move!
hasn’t at some time or other been shown a
You only have to work it out for yourself -
mobile phone by a non-English speaking tourist
so far as the City itself was concerned, not
/ passenger who wanted to go somewhere you
only the Embankment was shut, but so was
have never heard of. My turn came on a glori-
Tower Hill, Tower Bridge and many other
ously warm, late summer afternoon along
streets. Aldgate was totally gridlocked as were,
Islington High Street.
no doubt, other parts of town as the Tour
The two Chinese girls had a very small smatter-
reached them.
even in minicabs - but in 1989, there were a lot of
ing of the English language, probably just slightly
I was stuck in Eastcheap heading east, not real-
people sweating on the outcome because five
less than my knowledge of Mandarin! It seemed
ising at that point that all traffic was being divert-
months earlier, DaC had also tried to go live. Ken
to me that they wanted some muesli, but I
ed down Mark Lane! Yep, that’s right - all divert-
Burns had even made a final official goodbye
assumed that wasn’t their real aim on that sunny
ed down little Mark Lane. When I spotted what
speech to drivers on voice before flicking the
day. Then one of them showed me her phone.
was happening, I had no intention of following
switch that should have dispelled speech to the
Looking, all I could see was a lot of Chinese script
because I had previously escaped from
past forever.
- who’d have thought the Chinese had phones
Fenchurch Street where nothing was moving!
Sadly, that “forever” turned out to be just a few
written in Chinese!
Neither was anything moving at more than a
hours because no one at developers - MDI in
Anyway, she realised what I meant, took the
snail’s pace (which Google puts at 50 yards per
Canada - had thought to test the effect of so many
phone back and made a call. A few minutes later,
hour) along Gracechurch Street and all streets
drivers signing on at the same time! It worked
a text message arrived and she passed it through
leading to it.
perfectly on the bench with three pretend drivers
to me. How can I put this without causing offence
At that point, with around £25 on the meter,
signing on! Throughout the day the system
because reading that these two young girls want-
my passenger who had come all the way from
became slower and slower until it had to be
ed the London Anal Museum was something of
Moorgate (!!!) decided to walk, allowing me to
taken down.
a surprise - mainly because I had never heard of
contemplate a u-turn to get out of this hell-hole.
But five months on - this time very early on an
it. It wasn’t on the terminal’s Points of
As I crawled across to the offside, a car pulled
April Saturday morning - DaC went live again.
Information and neither did the DaC dispatcher
onto my nearside and a familiar sounding voice
There was no ceremony involved and Ken Burns
know. The Islington traffic was every bit as bad as
called out to me.
was far more matter-of-fact, just telling drivers to
usual, but I couldn’t bring myself to joke that I
Dale Winton is currently back hosting BBC’s
stand-by and was even cool enough to actually
would look for the back way to the London Anal
National Lottery program, ‘In it to Win It’ on
call one last job on voice that had just come in!
Museum - even if I ever found out where it was!
Saturday evenings, but all he wanted to do on that
Off air, he told telephonists to put their lines on
So I pulled into the side and spent several min-
Sunday afternoon was to go from Eastcheap to
"busy" and then said: "Ok, let’s go." The switch
utes trying to explain that I didn’t know any anal
Blackwall Tunnel. The answer was that I hadn’t a
was pulled and the rest is history because that was
museums but then had a brainwave; I phoned the
clue because had I known, my passenger would-
25 years ago!
London Hospital and asked where an anal muse-
n’t have had to start her trek on foot! Would Dale
Call Sign still has irreplaceable historical videos
um was in London. Through what sounded sus-
send me to the Red Area for getting the answer
of both launches that show how things have
piciously like sniggering, a voice said they doubt-
wrong? Well no, he just asked why the traffic was
moved on in the 25 years since 1989. Compared
ed if there was one and that if there was, then they
so bad and I told him.
to our modern 2014 call centre, that launch with
had never heard of it.
But when I said who was to blame for allowing
all its VDUs etc now looks so dated, but nothing
In the meantime, my passengers had phoned
it, he showed another side to the Dale Winton we
can take away the history behind that amazing day
the person that had sent the text message and
all know and love, with a view on the Mayoralty
in 1989.
passed the phone to me through the partition
that deserved a trip to Winners Row!
opening. The voice at the other end was also obvi-
Motorised Pedicabs
ously Chinese but had a smattering of English.
DaC anniversaries
It was certainly welcome news to hear from
She said that they wanted to see inside a Victorian
Whilst I take little interest in my own birthdays
Superintendent Rob Revill of the Roads and
ice well where they stored ice imported from
nowadays, I do find anniversaries involving Dial-
Transport Policing Command after a number of
Norway. My first thought was that it must be to do
a-Cab to be fascinating. Perhaps that makes me a
pedicabs that had been adapted with motors to
with painful piles - after all, why would you need
rather sad person, but when you spend over half
speed them up, that they had been slowed right
ice in an anal museum? Then she mentioned ice
your life with an organisation, how can you not
down - in fact brought to a complete standstill
cream and I gave up at that.
take any interest. So when I recently discovered
following a swoop by members of the constabu-
“I don’t know any anal museums,” I told the
that I had missed an important milestone, I was
lary, where they seized at least nine of them
voice at the end of the phone. “Are you sure that’s
totally mortified - ok, perhaps that’s a slight exag-
because they were classified as motor vehicles
what they are looking for,” I queried again before
geration and I was really just a bit miffed! Either
due to their excessive weight.
she said she would send the text again.
way I missed a date that I shouldn’t have.
During the raid in early September, several of
Seconds letter a text arrived on my passenger’s
It was back on April 29th 1989 when then-
the drivers were found to have no driving
phone. This time it had one extra letter on it - a
Chairman Ken Burns ordered a switch to be
licences, no tax and no insurance - obviously still
letter that made a substantial difference. It said
flicked that sent Dial-a-Cab on a one-way trip
believing that a bicycle with an engine was just a
the London Canal Museum! My passengers could-
to the future. Data Despatch had arrived and
bike rather than a real dangerous motor vehicle.
n’t understand why I was laughing, but as the ter-
DaC became just the third taxi company in the
The result was that two of the pedicab owners
minal’s POI gave an address as New Wharf Road,
world behind one in Houston (Texas) and
were fined £200 and given six point fixed penal-
Kings Cross. I dropped them at the end of the
another in British Columbia (Canada) to dis-
ties at the roadside. Other pedicab owners/drivers
street and everyone was happy! It could have
pose of voice and begin dispatching via data
were reported with one rider found to be already
been a bit of a bummer though...!
disqualified from driving!
Twenty five years on and it now seems very
Alan Fisher
Superintendent Revill said afterwards that oper-
commonplace to see data terminals in cabs - and
ations against Pedicabs with electric motors would
Call Sign October 2014
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
signatures should they wish to register a rule
Merger Letter
change or proposition.
You should have received a letter from me
Although I can understand the sentiments of
on behalf of the BoM during the last few
some who thought they received everything
days to gauge your reaction to a merger or
early, perhaps you can now understand our rea-
amalgamation with RTG/Mountview.
soning and why you have already received your
I know it is a topic that has been discussed
paperwork regarding the AGM. There are too
over the years via the various Boards, but I don’t
many in our trade that wish to cry ‘foul’ at every
think it ever went further than just preliminary
available opportunity and there is no way the
discussions, which is the stage where we are at
BoM of Dial-a-Cab will give them that opportu-
the present time. However, circumstances at
present within our industry are different to any
time in the past, with the licensing of Private
Hire which now makes them legitimate in the
eyes of our clients and certainly less expensive.
I believe you will read elsewhere in the maga-
Gone are the days when we could inform
zine articles from Board Members alluding to
clients that the vehicle might not be insured and
the fact that during certain periods of the day
the driver probably didn’t have a clue where he was going. That scenario
our coverage is beginning to suffer. I have heard every reason there is as
may well still apply with the driver’s knowledge, but with the prolifera-
to why coverage suffers at times, the latest being the way the subscrip-
tion of SatNavs, many clients do not really care. I wonder how many
tions are levied! Still at least that’s a new one. The real reason, as we all
times customers now get into your cabs and automatically give you a
know, is that Members are not pressing the ‘accept’ button on their ter-
minal because there is a bit of work about on the streets (remember how
In addition to Private Hire, we now have a proliferation of Apps in the
not long ago some Members were telling me they didn’t want run-ins
market place, some within the taxi industry operating at a reduced rate
and gratuities)! When the street work goes quieter, which it will as more
at the driver’s expense. And in addition to that, there are also Apps oper-
and more of it becomes recycled via the Taxi Apps, some Members will
ating within the minicab industry - some of which should be illegal in my
wish to resort to their terminal for work - but it then may not be there
opinion - again operating as a threat to the established licensed taxi
as accounts would have been lost to the minicab trade due to that bad
radio circuits.
coverage. The same Members will then whinge and ask where all the
Finally, of course, we have the established and legitimate competition
work is and what are the BoM going to do about it?
in the shape of the other two licensed taxi radio circuits and it is fair to
Brian Rice
say that all three licensed taxi circuits have suffered greatly over the past
six years due to the recession and of course in trying to compete on an
unfair playing field with minicabs and rogue Apps.
It would be reasonable to assume that the three circuits have lost
nearly three thousand mobiles and almost £100 million in account work
during that period; perhaps it is time to consolidate our efforts in an
attempt to prise some of that work back into our trade and as the econ-
omy picks up, perhaps clients will realise not everything is about price.
However, the decision is yours, but an amalgamation of two of the three
circuits would take us back to the days of 2,500 mobiles and account
turnover in excess of £50m, the difference being that we would operate
from just one building with one fitting bay etc, which would produce
economies of scale.
Since the offers to purchase Dial-a-Cab earlier in the year evaporated,
it has become apparent that many Members were disappointed they
could not realise the assets of Dial-a-Cab. With a merger / amalgamation,
those assets would be realised, but of course that decision is yours and
on this occasion Non-Disclosure-Agreements have not been signed by
either party, so you are all aware of the organisations that are involved.
I suspect some Members would rather we distributed our assets and
stayed as we are, but unfortunately that is not the case and cannot be
achieved as a Mutual Society.
Your BoM have kept you informed regarding preliminary discussions;
the ball is now in your court whether or not this issue should be pro-
gressed further.
You should now all have your paperwork relating to the AGM that is to
take place on 8 Feb 2015. I have had many Members state that it appears
to have been distributed early, well, it’s not really early but it will give
prospective Board candidates ample time to register their nomination
should they wish to stand, compose their CV for publication in Call
Sign and give Members ample opportunity to write in with their ques-
tions to prospective candidates regarding their CV and have answers
published in the following issue of the magazine. In addition, of course,
it will also give Members plenty of time to gain the required twenty five
Call Sign October 2014
Page 5
Brian Rice: “It was a waste of time!”
Dial-a-Cab Chairman Brian Rice
“I thought Steve Mac and Mike Galvin
both did very well; they obviously know
was one of several members of
their subjects. However, the same cannot
the taxi trade to be present at
be said for Garrett Emmerson and Isabel
City Hall to listen into a
Dedring. They were both very disappoint-
ing and waffled.
Transport Committee meeting
“Following the meeting, I was told by
on the taxi and private hire
another guest never to play poker. When I
asked why, I was told that there was a look
Among the topics on the table were licenc-
of utter dismay on my face every time
ing, compliance and passenger safety with
Garrett Emmerson spoke and it just gave
LTDA General Secretary Steve McNamara
away my feelings! I think that says it all! It
and Addison Lee’s Mike Galvin being the
was pretty much a waste of time.”
only two representatives of the two trades
However, one London Assembly member
allowed to speak.
the DaC Chairman did have praise for was
The idea was for the committee to explore
Deputy Mayor of London, Victoria Borwick.
what the Mayor and Transport for London
“She is not only extremely knowledge-
are doing to address issues faced by the
able about the cab trade and London taxis
industry, including minicab touting and
in particular, but is happy to speak up for
unsafe vehicles etc. Eight guests were ques-
us. She actually referred to us as the ‘gold
tioned, including London's Deputy Mayor for
standard’ of taxis the following morning
Victoria Borwick: We all admire our
Transport, Isabel Dedring and Surface
on London Live.”
iconic London taxis
Transport COO, Garrett Emmerson.
So Call Sign spoke to Victoria about her
A team also went into central London to set
view of London taxis, the current investigation
too many, are there too few, what do pas-
up a road block for inspecting Taxis and PHVs.
and how she sees us in the future. She told us:
sengers want and if we are making taxi dri-
Among the usual Compliance Officers were
“I think this investigation is very timely,
vers work so hard to be the best, what do
members of the Department for Work and
we all admire our iconic London Taxis and
they get in return? Please encourage peo-
the values they represent, thus it is impor-
ple to write in and give their views on what
Brian Rice told Call Sign after the meeting:
tant to sort out the regulations - are there
the future should look like!
No more tax discs!
From October, the paper tax disc will be no more
when after 93 years of appearing on wind-
screens of UK motorists, the discs will vanish
and be replaced by electronic records where
By now, all mem-
ANPR (automatic number plate recognition)
bers should have
cameras fitted along roads and in police cars
received an indi-
will check number plates to catch owners that
vidual notice of
have not paid.
the Dial-a-Cab
While it is claimed that the move is intended to save £millions in printing and
2014 Annual
postage etc, many believe that this scheme will help to catch those that do not tax
General Meeting
their vehicles and finally nail the “it’s in the post” story!
advising that it
However, despite the demise of the discs, you will still need to tax your car or taxi
will be held at:
with the penalty for not taxing standing at a hefty £1,000.
The HAC, Armoury House, City
Also as of October, you will no longer be able to use the tax disc of the previous owner
Road, London EC1Y 2BQ on
when buying a second hand vehicle. However, drivers selling their vehicles will be able
Sunday 8th February 2015 at
to receive a refund for any full months of road tax remaining, while those buying will
have to get the vehicle taxed before driving it away. It will become an offence, with
The meeting this year will con-
steep fines facing vehicle sellers that fail to inform the DVLA of a change of ownership.
sider an agenda including the
Whilst the number of motorists displaying the disc will gradually decline until the end
Election of Officers and any pro-
of September 2015 when the last ones will fade into memory, according to most
posed Rule Changes and
motoring organisations, it will become easier for police to spot those failing to tax their
Propositions, all of which should
vehicles thanks to the ANPR cameras.
be received at Dial-a-Cab House by
New methods of paying will include a direct debit option that will include an extra 5
09:00hrs on Friday 10th October
percent charge and be available for paying monthly or biannually. The current charge is
2014 and in accordance with
10 percent for not paying the whole 12 months in one go. Credit card payments will
Society Rules.
still incur a £2.50 surcharge.
As a reminder, if you do not
The DVLA will still remind you that your car needs re-taxing and you will still be able to
tax it at the post office. There will also be a new website where you can tax a new
vote by post, then you must
vehicle as well as re-tax your current taxi with both the Government and DVLA being
attend in person. If you do nei-
keen to encourage more people to pay online. A website has been set up where
ther, you may be subject to a £50
you can check any vehicles state of tax and MOT renewal date. Just go to
Howard Pears
Company Secretary
You will of course be issued with a receipt but no tax disc...
Call Sign October 2014
Page 6
Jery’s World
“I fink he took umbrage against that demo on 9th September - not ‘cos it held up ‘is traffic but ‘cos it was called
Cabbies Against Boris! I fink he wants to be loved...”
Motorised Pedicabs Seized by Police
ogue pedicabs adapted with motors
to make them go faster were seized
following a recent operation involv-
ing officers from the Metropolitan
Police Service's Roads and Transport Policing
Command, in partnership with Transport for
London. They seized nine pedicabs, which
were classified as motor vehicles due to
their weight.
Over 50 pedicabs were inspected during the operation which took place in
central London on 5 and 6 September. The drivers of those vehicles were found
to have no driving licences, no tax and no insurance. Two of the pedicab own-
ers received fines of £200 and six point fixed penalty notices at the roadside.
Seven other pedicab owners were reported for summons, one rider was found
to be disqualified from driving and will appear at court in due course, while 25
All makes and models
were advised about waiting and parking restrictions. A further raid took place
serviced and repaired
on September 19th with similar results.
Mobile service - we
Superintendent Rob Revill of the Roads and Transport Policing
come to you!
Command, said:
“Operations checking pedicabs that have been fitted with electric motors like
Call Mick Wheeler on
this will continue to prevent collisions as well as reducing the anti-social behav-
020 8715 0079
iour associated with obstructing pavements and roads.
“These vehicles have historically fallen outside of the insurance legislation,
Covering London
leaving the public passengers using them exposed to higher levels of risk.”
and the Home Counties
Call Sign October 2014
Page 7
The last day of August looked
to be a pleasant enough Sunday
so far as the weather was con-
cerned, but there were fears
that an anti-semitism rally out-
side London’s Law Courts could
Martin Hizer’s
turn the City into a battlefield.
taxi was on
The event was organised by the Campaign
i24 News
Against anti-Semitism and was attended by
the Jewish Board of Deputies - who were
jeered at over perceived inaction during the
Gaza conflict - and the Chief Rabbi, Ephraim
Hitler was right
Organisers claimed an attendance
of around 4,500, consisting of ma
action from the
other faiths in addition to Jewi
and including former Islamic fu
Strand demo was
damentalist and now Lib Dem pa
an open rally;
liamentary candidate Maaji
anyone could
Naawaz, founder of the Quillia
have attended yet
Foundation, described as a kin
I saw not one
of fundamentalist watchdog. H
said that the rise in anti-semitism
othing wrong. Do not let
spoke to mem-
was down to the far-left and far-
em make you feel you
bers of several different religions whilst
right together with Islamists find-
ave to hide your Jewish
there, so it wasn’t just a Jewish rally.
ing common cause and that the
“When you watch the TV news footage, you
reason he had joined the rally wa
Dial-a-Cab driver Martin
can see banners proclaiming Christians sup-
a child he remembered being chased due to
Hizer (M47) was one of several taxi dri-
porting Israel and zero tolerance to anti-semi-
the colour of his skin, whilst later he had
vers in the parade in addition to many
tism. There was also a total absence of hate
“the beast” when turning to
others without their cabs. The rally was
messages on banners, but an abundance of
Islamism, something for which he was jailed
covered in detail by international TV news
Union Jacks being flown by Jews and the
in Egypt.
channel i24 News.
singing of God Save the Queen as well as the
“The rise of anti-Semitism across the world
Martin told Call Sign:
“During London
Hatikvah. The anti-semitism message went
has absolutely nothing to do with you,” he
marches for Gaza, there were chants of Jews
round the world in a peaceful rally - exactly
told the rally. “It’s not your fault. You’ve done
to the gas as well as banners proclaiming
how it should be.”
Call Sign October 2014
Page 8
Happy birthday to a
Although they are involved in many
activities, the Charity is famous for its
Pentonville Road founder
annual trip to Worthing, often taking
along the Charity’s patron, Dame Vera
ongratulations from everyone
Lynn in addition to old soldiers from
at Dial-a-Cab and Call Sign
the Royal Hospital in Chelsea together
go out to Harry Joel MBE on
with many other homes and indeed
the milestone of his
many that still live in their own homes.
birthday on 5 October. Harry was one
They have also made trips back to
of the first drivers to sign up to the for-
mative ODRTS radio circuit at
There have also been many special
Pentonville Road and eventually
guests that have given their time to the
became a Board Member for the
LTBAWD including Prince Philip,
Society. He was also an Arbitrator for
Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Kent,
the Society until 2006.
Sir Douglas Bader, Group Captain
Harry is nowadays better known as
Leonard Cheshire and many others.
the Honorary President of the London
But when you think of the LTBAWD,
Taxi Benevolent Association for War
the first name that springs to mind is
Disabled, where astonishingly he still
that of Harry Joel MBE...
plays an active part and still keeps up to
The photos show Harry with
date with DaC matters by reading each
General Sir Charles Harington in
issue of Call Sign as it comes out.
1987, with Charity Patron Dame
So we know you will see this...
Vera Lynn on her 90 birthday in
1997 and more recently proudly
The LTBAWD was formed in February 1948. Those first few
displaying his medals...
years following the cessation of WW2 hostilities, showed that
there were a great many war disabled ex-soldiers. The Charity
did what it could to help by providing specialised medical and
walking equipment in addition to providing entertainment and
Keith Reading
outings, the first two coming within the first 12 months.
Professional Toastmaster
Harry’s father had been friends with the Charity’s first
Master of Ceremonies
Chairman, Stan Davies, so Harry knew him too. He asked Stan
if there was anything he could do to help and they had plenty!
Tele: 01279 465 938
Harry was soon involved in everything but knew that they need-
Mobile: 07774 860 374
ed more help. So he enrolled the taxi trade by publicising how
Email: kgr.2@virgin.net
former soldiers had returned from the war disabled. Many cab-
bies, some of whom had also been involved in the war, volun-
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
teered to help.
Harry’s sterling work with the LTBAWD for 40 consecu-
Fellow of the Guild of
tive years was rewarded when he was elected to the office
Professional Toastmasters
of Honorary Chairman. Then in 1981, he was awarded the
MBE for his charity work.
Call Sign October 2014
Page 9
A DaC driver explains to the Conservative Party..
Why I can’t donate!
You don’t have to watch television for long to see
And this was John’s reply to Mr Javid...
ads asking you to send money each month to
Dear Sajid,
help some charity or other. Some you may decide
I can't afford any donation as I am struggling to make a living as a
to support while others not. But political dona-
London taxi driver. Unfortunately the cheap labour that is still being
imported to our shores are driving minicabs while the previous
tions are something else...
Labour Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, gave them respectability
Dial-a-Cab driver John Addis (K97) was recently contacted by his
by licensing them.
local Conservative Party via MP Sajid Javid to ask if he would care
Slowly but surely, most of our taxi account work has gone to
these amateurs - including, I might add, your own Parliament
to donate £20 in order to keep Labour out of Number 10. He had
already received a similar letter from Labour about keeping Tories
Giving a contract to a company that not so long ago told their dri-
away from Downing Street!
There’s nothing unusual in those type of begging letters and John
vers to break the law by using bus lanes is a disgrace. I believe there
didn’t kid himself that the letters were only sent to him even though
must be more to this contract and I'm afraid I have grave suspicions
as to why it was awarded. You and your fellow Members of Parliament
they called him John! But it was John’s answer to the Tory letter that
should be thoroughly ashamed.
interested Call Sign. John said that he wasn’t expecting an answer
Regards etc from one of the many licensed taxi drivers who have
from them - just as he never received one from Labour. And he cer-
tainly wasn’t disappointed because he never received a response from
always backed your party...
either party. But with John’s permission, we are publishing both the
John Addis
Conservative letter and John’s reply...
* John isn’t 100 percent correct about which company was awarded the
HoC account because that went to a company in Liverpool that doesn’t
own a single cab but sub-contracts work out. You can guess who they sub-
contracted the HoC work to in London - the company John considers
whose drivers were encouraged to break the law by driving in bus lanes...
Whatever you did over the
summer, I'm guessing you
didn't go on a £21 billion
spending spree. But unbe-
lievably, that's exactly what
Labour did. They made a
host of promises, including
• Austones for the TX
more spending on benefits,
which analysis shows would
• Barums for the Vito
cost hardworking taxpayers
£20.955 billion. In return,
• Michelin and Continental
they only set out £105 mil-
lion worth of spending cuts to pay for them.
also supplied
£20.955 billion of spending minus £105 million of savings =
£20.850 billion of unfunded spending commitments, which hard-
4-wheel laser tracking
working families would pay for with higher taxes and more debt.
for the Mercedes Vito
John, we've got to stop Labour getting into power and wreck-
ing our economy again. Donate £20 today and let's make sure Ed
Miliband never gets into No. 10.
• Puncture repairs
Labour STILL haven't learnt their lesson. After taking Britain's econ-
omy to the brink and opposing every spending reduction we've made,
• Also free tyre checks
Labour have spent the summer promising £billions of inefficient and
ineffective spending.
With just eight months to go until the General Election, it's clear
Find us downstairs the
that all Ed Miliband offers is more spending, higher taxes and more
DaC Credit Union at
debt than our children could ever hope to repay. We can't let him get
The Peterley Business Centre,
his way.
472 Hackney Road, E2
Donate £20 today and let's carry on working through the long-term
economic plan that is building a stronger, healthier economy and
securing a better future for Britain:
0207 729 5237
Sajid Javid MP
Call Sign October 2014
Page 10
I finished my last report reiterating how we
DaC Sales Report
must look after our core clients and give
them the service they are prepared to pay us
for. Yet despite all the conversations that have
With Keith Cain
taken place with drivers about how trip num-
ing decisions on. We are completing another
bers were down and the difficulty they were
at this time and I know I keep saying it, but
having finding the work and how they were
cost is the only issue that is beating us. We
prepared to work for no run-ins etc, I have to
can only keep getting ourselves in front of
say to them and to all members that while
people and doing what can be done, but I
schools have only been back a few weeks and
can honestly say I have never experienced a
the work has picked up considerably, morn-
time in all my years on the Board when com-
ing coverage is causing many clients to talk to
panies are so cost conscious.
us about how disappointed they are in the
Conversations I have had with people out-
time it has taken us to get them their taxi.
side of the taxi industry are similar, with them
And in the majority of cases the trips carry the
telling me the same thing about how every-
normal run-ins.
one is squeezing suppliers’ prices. You only
Delays of up to 30 and 45 minutes are just
have to walk down a High Street to see
not acceptable to them and quite frankly,
notices in all sorts of shop windows advertis-
contact centre staff, account managers and
Very often, our morning passengers are
ing cheap products and services. The short-
my Sales team are running out of excuses
those individuals who can influence the deci-
sightedness of a few offering a cheap cost will
when asked for an explanation.
sion of an account being taken away. Your
inevitable put many professional individuals
The main problems are occurring in the
cooperation is urgently required to give a ser-
and smaller companies out of business. Only
mornings during the rush hour period and
vice, especially in the mornings. Alternative
those with substantial financial resources will
this is affecting all areas. To gain new business
ways have been suggested by controllers
continue, but cost cutting can only go so far
is the hardest thing at the moment, but service
about how we should dispatch the work. I
before the customer realises you only get
like this is the sure way of driving customers
know their suggestions would not go down
what you pay for. If a quality product or ser-
away from us. If a client is kept waiting once
too well if implemented, but unless our ser-
vice is what’s required, then this has to come
for a few minutes, they are reasonable people
vice improves I feel sure the Board will imple-
at a cost.
and understand that delays can happen, but
ment changes rather than lose an account.
when it occurs on another two or three occa-
We in Sales are participating in every ten-
Keith Cain
sions, then in all honesty why should they stay
der possible and there are two we are await-
with us and give us their business.
DaC Head of Sales
Since 1996 the
cates that there is an inconsistency which
Further information on the Audit
requires further investigation. No assumption
Commission’s legal powers and the reasons
Commission has
can be made as to whether there is fraud,
why it matches particular information can be
run the National
error or other explanation until an investiga-
found on the Audit Commission’s website at:
Fraud Initiative
tion is carried out. The use of data by the
(NFI), an exercise
Audit Commission in a data matching exer-
that matches
cise is carried out with statutory authority
Data Security
electronic data
under its powers in Part 2A of the Audit
TfL considers the security of data as very
within and
Commission Act 1998. It does not require
important and will ensure that the data is
between audited
the consent of the individuals concerned
transferred securely to the Audit
bodies to prevent
under the Data Protection Act 1998. Data
and detect fraud. This includes police
matching by the Audit Commission is subject
authorities, local probation boards and fire
to a Code of Practice which can be found at:
Helen Chapman
and rescue authorities as well as local coun-
General Manager, Taxi and Private Hire
cils. Further information about the NFI is
available on the Audit Commission’s website
As part of the 2014/2015 NFI data
matching exercise Transport for London
is required by law to release informa-
tion about licensed taxi and private hire
vehicle drivers to the Audit Commission
and in October 2014 TfL will be provid-
ing the Audit Commission with the
name, address, date of birth and
National Insurance number (if available)
of every licensed taxi and PHV driver.
Data matching involves comparing com-
puter records held by one body against
other computer records held by the same or
another body to see how far they match.
This is usually personal information.
Computerised data matching allows poten-
tially fraudulent claims and payments to be
identified. Where a match is found, it indi-
Call Sign October 2014
Page 12
convoy of cabs left the
East Wintergarden,
Canary Wharf early on
the morning of 12th
September, destination
Disneyland Paris. The 21st annu-
al Children’s Magical Taxi Tour
characters who signed
had begun - with hundreds of
autographs and posed for
photos with the children
excited children (and cab dri-
- truly magical. During
vers) gathering for the Big
the evening the party
Breakfast Send Off.
atmosphere continued
This breakfast was attended by sponsors and
with a disco but all too
dignitaries alongside the VIP guests - the chil-
soon the evening was
dren - with The Lord Mayor Locum Tenens of
over and it was time for
the City of London, Alderman Sir David
bed before the journey
Howard, cutting the ribbon at 07:40 sharp sig-
homewards. First thing
nalling the beginning of the trip. Office work-
on Sunday as drivers
ers at the venue were surprised at the sight that
packed the cabs with their
greeted them and stood to watch in amaze-
guests’ luggage, the
“I told you my mum was bigger than your dad!”
police - both English and
ment as the convoy set off, horns blaring to bid
farewell, each cab with the sponsors names
French - were showing
emblazoned on the side. One was from Dial-a-
the children their cars
Cab and driven by Stewart Lewis (D20).
and motorbikes and the
More than 400 people set off on this year’s
hotel car park became a
trip, taking children with life limiting illnesses
very noisy place to be
on such a magical journey. As well as the chil-
with sirens blaring and
dren, the Magical Taxi Tour was supported by
blue lights flashing! The
medical teams, ambulances, breakdown ser-
convoy then departed for
vices and carers. The trip, organised by The
Calais and the P&O ferry
Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage
return to the UK.
Drivers, was escorted by police officers from
Fundraising in today’s
the City of London Police, UK and also fellow
economic climate is more
officers from over the channel, the
difficult than it has been
It could only be one place!
in the past and without
Gendarmerie Nationale. The Big Breakfast
Send Off saw the Royal British Legion Band
the continuing support of
from Romford entertain everybody and the
the drivers, City Liveries
charity is grateful for the support from the
and the Magical Taxi Tour
Marriot Hotel Canary Wharf for the provi-
sponsors this event could
sion of packed lunches, the London Taxi
not carry on. New spon-
Company for the children’s spending money
sors come on board each
and Ampersand for the breakfast itself.
year as they learn more
Each year the tour reaches another mile-
about the trip and how
stone; more than 4800 children have been on
much pleasure it brings.
this trip over the course of its 21 year history. It
Stewart Lewis’s cab was sponsored by Dial-a-Cab
Fund raising events are
is thanks to the generosity of sponsors and the
held, such as the Dinner
ing a good time. Then it was onwards to our
taxi drivers who give their time freely that the
Dance held each December and those involved
final destination. Although we were slightly
trip has grown and gone from strength to
in the charity this year have done some differ-
delayed by traffic queues, we arrived at the
strength, together with support of the Livery
ent things to raise funds, including the Three
Disneyland resort in daylight, giving the chil-
Companies and the corporate sector. Some of
Peaks Challenge and some ice bucket chal-
dren their first glimpse of the enchanted king-
the taxi drivers have actually taken part in
lenges. The Disney Organising Committee is
dom in the distance. As the taxis arrived at the
every single trip since the first one in 1994, an
confident it will be able to carry on bringing
Cheyenne Hotel - cowboy themed and deco-
amazing commitment. They are used to the
smiles to the faces of the children and the sup-
rated - some of the Disney characters were
cries of “Are we nearly there yet” that begin as
porting team who travel. The Committee is
waiting to greet the children and this was
the convoy lands in Calais following the chan-
extremely grateful to everyone involved in
greeted by lots of happy faces. Having checked
nel crossing on a P&O ferry, which they very
making this year’s trip so successful; every bit
in to the hotel, dinner was in the Chuck
kindly donate. The car deck full of London
of help and support counts in making this the
Wagon where drivers took the opportunity to
taxis is quite a surprising sight to fellow trav-
trip of a lifetime for the children. Each year the
relax and enjoy the evening before the visit to
ellers, as is the hotel car park full of cabs over
preparation for the trip sees goodie bags filled,
the theme park the next day.
the weekend! This year the convoy enjoyed a
the cabs liveried with their sponsors names,
Bright and early on Saturday, everyone head-
lovely sunny day for the journey down to
meetings with P&O, lots of telephone calls,
ed into the Park itself. With so many rides and
Disneyland and many were on the outside
vehicles lent to the trip as support, food
things to experience, this is a real fun day
decks of the ferry.
ordered, a briefing meeting to name but a few.
which was enjoyed in beautiful sunshine.
A refuelling stop at the Aire De Repos
It is this preparation which results in a trip
Behind the scenes, the team from the chari-
Assevillers Ouest services saw quite a sight to
which looks seamless and shows the generosi-
ty are always working to ensure the children
greet the convoy. Giant characters waving and
ty of the cab trade, as with so many of our trade
have a great time. As the children and drivers
a room set aside especially for the convoy
charities. Long may it continue...
enjoyed their time in the park, others were
guests where the children found snacks,
Next year’s trip will take place on 18th
preparing packed lunches for the return jour-
sweets and drinks waiting. Face painters were
September 2015 and fund raising has
ney, with sandwiches donated by M&S.
also on hand and it was somewhat hard to per-
already begun...
The fun packed day was followed by a Gala
suade the children to get back to their cabs
Dinner, which is also attended by the Disney
when it was time to leave as they were enjoy-
Sandie Goodwin
Call Sign October 2014
Page 13
Cab failed for dodgy DaC superside!
Beware! Your ads count as part of the annual inspection...
nearside doors of
n addition to
Alan’s TX4 was incom-
being Call
Sign’s editor,
Alan felt rather miffed as
the cab was mechanically
Alan Fisher is
in very good condition as
also a full-time
was the bodywork. He felt
taxi driver and
that NSL could have just
told him to get a new ad
subject to the
put on as soon as possible
same restraints
and complained to them.
as everyone
“I was surprised at how
else. And that
seriously they took my
complaint,” the editor
includes passing
told us. “I had a long and
the annual
very polite letter explain-
inspection - aka
ing the Transport for
How the cab should have looked
London rules they have
to comply with and that
After having a friend-
ly laugh at his expense
helped calm my anger. I
when he told me that
went to DaC and picked
the cab had failed, I
up another superside ad
had to smile again
and then thanks to taxi
because he’d had the
consultant and advertis-
cab checked mechani-
ing expert, Asher Moses,
cally and other than a
who had been contacted
few bits that needed
by Allan Evans, the
doing, the garage told
superside was stuck on
him that it was ready
and the cab returned to
and he booked a date
the passing station to col-
for it to be presented.
lect its new plate.”
But his failure wasn’t
So beware of any logos
one that many would
on the cab. They must
have considered as
not only be in a good
being too obvious.
How the cab did look when it failed
condition but they need
The problem was
to be the same on both
that 24 hours earlier, a
any external signage
else???) was spotted doing a three-point
Michael Toomey
with LTPH regulations and guidelines
turn close to the cab while Alan was
and that in this case, the advert on the
Call Sign Online
using a public convenience in
Westminster and clipped the bottom of
the taxi where the two doors meet.
Fortunately the damage wasn’t that great
(although white van man didn’t hang
around to look) but it needed repairing
and it meant that Alan’s Dial-a-Cab
superside ad would have to come off.
The problem was that they need to be
taken off very carefully because they are
super-sticky and the garage was reluctant
to take it all off. They also said that if they
removed one side, then NSL would
require both sides to be removed. So
they decided that as the damage was to
the bottom corners of the doors, they
would carefully remove just the bottom
half and make it look neat as though the
ad wasn’t touched. The photo shows
that the garage made a pretty good job of
it and the following morning the cab was
presented at the passing station. It failed.
The reason was that according to
the TfL Vehicle Inspection Manual,
Call Sign October 2014
Page 14
Nat Rothschild has been
From the “richest and wildest” Rothschild of them all...
described in the Mail on Sunday
as a ‘party boy’ in addition to
being the richest Rothchild of all
- and that must be saying some-
is why anyone would bother calling for their
thing in that banking family!
own taxi when they can now share with
someone else and get a large discount? Surely
But now he is moving into the
that will cut down on the number of available
licensed taxi business with an
passengers if four callers get into one cab
idea that seems to be loosely
rather than four?
One other foreseeable problem is that
based on the early morning sta-
the space in a taxi is fairly compact com-
tion cab share scheme.
pared to a train. What if a young girl ends
Maaxi Taxi has been described as a next
up sharing with three lads just back from
generation taxi app that will leave Hailo,
watching their favourite football team and
GetTaxi and Cab:App in its wake - and in the-
well tanked up?
ory it sounds like a good idea. The question
But being positive, it could possibly work
is whether it will increase taxi work or actual-
Nat Rothschild backs the sharing app
and if it does, it will undoubtedly take other
ly decrease it.
apps with it. But we won’t know if it increas-
The app, created by former Poker Stars
one passenger gets out, the current meter
es or decreases our workload until taxi dri-
CEO Gabi Campos and financially backed by
fare is entered onto the app screen and the
vers report bigger earnings or start to go
Nat Rothschild, is undoubtedly clever. It
driver will be told what the chargeable fare is
sends the driver - claiming it will use black
up to that point.
Jamie Corum
cabs only - a pick-up point with others along
It will make taxi fares more affordable and
the route going in the same direction. When
even compete with train fares. The question
Call Sign Online
Not just minicabs
the use of Automatic Number Plate
Recognition (ANPR) cameras, to tar-
get fraudulent taxi drivers posing
as legitimate ones.
So the next time you feel irritated at
being stopped or you see another taxi
stopped, remember that there are other
Edward Tolley’s out there trying to not
only take your business, but in all prob-
ability give the trade a bad name with
amateurs trying to do the job of the
Immaculate White
Usually it's minicabs but it could be a taxi
Cab Available for
e’re used to reading occasional reports about
minicab touts being caught by the Met Police
Service Cab Enforcement Unit, part of the TfL-
funded Safer Transport Command Unit; but very
occasionally you will see taxis also stopped at their road
blocks - be they in Charing Cross Road, the Embankment or
Whilst it may appear that they are just being picky as they ask for the usual
Badge and Bill etc - and perhaps on occasion they may well be - it’s more likely
that they are looking either for Yellow Badge drivers working in town or those
who do not have any licence at all, but have had access to a taxi and are using
it to work.
One such “catch” was Edward Tolley, who was fined a total of £2185 for
‘fraud by false representation’ after being stopped in May driving a London Taxi
Female driver
with passengers on board whilst displaying fake green identifiers in the front
10% reduction for Dial-a-Cab drivers
and back windows.
Contact Debbie (W18) on
The sentence was part of Operation Excalibur, a joint investigation by
the MPS and TfL which follows ongoing intelligence-led work including
07956 317040
Call Sign October 2014
Page 15
Any Dial-a-Cab driver interested in football will
100 years on and an exhibition celebrates the
know about the 1914 Christmas WW1 ceasefire
most amazing football match in history!
match between the otherwise warring English
and German soldiers. Now between
November 2014 and 10 January 2015, an exhi-
Crossing the Field,
bition at the Pitzhanger Manor House &
Gallery at Walpole Park, Mattock Lane,
WWI, Football and the
Ealing will see a group of artists of different
nationalities present their own varied perspec-
Christmas Truce...
tives of WWI and the humanity behind the 1914
Christmas truce. Mark Anstee, Gabi Cowburn,
Paul Hodgson, Thomas Lohmann, Eric Monbel,
Marc Palmer, Bruno Van Dijck, Jurgen
Vantomme and Robin Vermeersch will be
among the artists whose contemporary art at
‘Crossing the Field: WWI, Football & the
Christmas Truce’ will depict and reflect on the
events of the War and explores football, its
power and positive influence and ability to tran-
scend the bleakest scenes and most difficult of
In the week leading up to Christmas 1914,
British and German soldiers on the Western
Front in France and Flanders began to exchange
greetings and seasonal songs, astonishingly
even making their way across no man’s land for
conversations with
their adversaries! Yet even
that was nothing compared to when on
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, soldiers min-
Not from the exhibition, but an amazing photo of English and German troops at
gled, exchanged food and gifts and most
war celebrating Xmas together on the 1941 Western Front
famously, organised games of football. This
almost incredible situation, in which people
also taking on an abstract feel.
Programme Manager Carol Swords told Call
tasked to kill each other were able to stop fight-
Marc Palmer’s (UK) paintings are detailed
Sign: “For many people, football seems to exist
ing for a game of football, is the inspiration for
examinations of the passion of the football fan,
in a bubble in which it is all-important to those
the exhibition which has been co-curated by De
illustrating the devotion and commitment of the
involved, yet perhaps baffling to the outsider.
Queeste Art, Belgium and Pitzhanger Manor
loyal supporter.
The Christmas truce continues to resonate, a
Paul Hodgson’s (UK) photographs and draw-
century after the event took place - an enduring
Among the work to be shown...
ings study the tragic stories which exist beneath
example of the power of sport during a time of
wartime moments of great historical significance
On 21 May 2003, Mark Anstee (UK) became
and supposed magnificence. His work for the
The exhibition is at Pitzhanger Manor
artist-in-residence at the Flanders Field Museum
exhibition concentrates on the Battle of the
House & Gallery Walpole Park, Mattock
in Ypres, Belgium, the scene of many battles dur-
Somme, highlighting the tragedy behind deeds
Lane, London W5 5EQ between 8 November
ing WWI. Over the next 72 days, he set to work
and sacrifices, popularly considered to be glori-
2014 and 10 January 2015. Admission is free.
on a 4-metre-square wall, drawing two opposing
Opening Times: Tues to Fri 1 - 5pm; Sat
armies for his piece ‘Encounter’. On 3 July, the
Belgian master painter Bruno Van Dijck’s
11am -
5pm; Closed on Sundays and
drawing was completed and 19,386 figures cov-
installation ‘In Flanders Field’ features a shrine
ered the wall. A few months later Anstee
in which a dismantled mortar bomb sits inside a
returned to delete the work over two days. On
wooden casket, on which he has created a land-
020 8567 1227 or @soanesvilla
the third day, the wall was demolished. The exhi-
scape of war.
bition will feature Gabi Cowburn’s film of the
whole process.
Belgian photographer Jurgen Vantomme’s
images of football matches taking place across
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
Belgium show the sport at its most run-of-the-
mill matches watched by a handful of people, set
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about
against austere backdrops of industrial plants or
variable bank interest rates?
power station chimneys. But at the heart of the
stark scenes are people consumed by the game
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or
and elevated from their mundane environment.
member of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the
The beautiful romantic landscapes of Thomas
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union. Any member of your family residing
Lohmann (Germany) are particularly poignant
at your address also qualifies for membership!
as they show panoramic French countryside
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
scenes in 1913, the year before the outbreak of
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow
up to 3 times your total savings…
The ceramics of Robin Vermeersch
(Belgium) show scenes of professional football
The cost?
in proper stadia in which all the elements - the
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.7%).
stands, pitch, players and crowd - are fused
Loans can be paid back early AND there can be an annual dividend on your shares.
together into a single flowing piece. The result-
ing work emphasises the sense of the partici-
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
pants existing in their own bubble and suggests
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
a scene of community.
The work of Eric Monbel (France) features
Members of the Financial Ombudsman Service
figures of soldiers painted directly on to the fab-
Member’s funds protected up to limit set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
ric of medical stretchers. His images show the
DaC Credit Union Ltd, Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney Rd E2 9EQ
pain and loss caused by war, with his figurative
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Registration number 213263
‘Explosions’ series of muddy, barbed-wire scenes
Call Sign October 2014
Page 16
With the aim of raising enough to sponsor a taxi in the 2015 chil-
dren’s Magical Taxi Tour to Paris, Bob Woodford is going to
attempt the Inca Trail Challenge...
Bob: From East Peckham to Peru!
Via the Sahara Desert!
Bob takes a
breather in
the infamous
It’s one thing pounding the streets of the
City of London and the City of Westminster as
Marathon des
a Tour Guide, but let’s be honest; Central
Sables when
London is not very hilly - so I recently took
he crossed the
to getting out into the countryside as a way of
Sahara Desert
increasing fitness levels.
The reason for this is two-fold - firstly,
on foot for
‘boot camp’ style training weekend
down on the South Downs near Arundel
was a real eye-opener that revealed an
amazing drop in my fitness since my
experience in the Marathon des Sables in
2000 - and secondly, my partner Steph
of the London
and I are heading off to Peru next month
Taxi Trade, so
to attempt to complete the Inca Trail.
please help us
But as such an event should be enjoyed
try to achieve a
and not endured, it was time to step up to a
more serious keep-fit regime both in the gym
of your day’s activity.
small target by making a donation, however
and the great outdoors - and we have found
There is a more serious reason to all of
small, to
that long weekend walks along sections of
this - and I am coming around shaking
the North Downs Way and Pilgrim’s Way
the old tin can again - because we are
In the meantime, those walking boots are
are the way to go, especially in areas of out-
fund raising to sponsor the cost of at least
going on again to prepare for an event in
standing natural beauty that the home coun-
one taxi in next year’s Magical Taxi Tour.
Peru because of an event in Paris - but I am
ties provide.
This event, as you know, is always
closer to Peckham than Peru or Paris at the
A new tool for recording walking activity
superbly marshalled by Phil Davis (F10)
moment - that’s East Peckham in hop picking
was also discovered recently, which fellow
and gives sick children a break from their
walking enthusiasts may be interested in
routine of treatment for a really special
Get your boots on... and start walking!
downloading. MapMyWalk is superb, not
weekend in Disneyland Paris, cared for by
just recording all of your workouts on foot in
some really special London Taxi Drivers.
Bob Woodford
distance, time and calories burned, but even
Most of the fund raising I have done over
providing you with a map at the conclusion
the years has been for worthy causes outside
Call Sign Online
Special DaC deal at the Drift Golf Club
Cabbies are well-known for enjoying golf, so the
Drift Golf Club at East Horsley is hoping to attract
more of you by offering vastly discounted rates. We
already have several black cab drivers as members,
which is what originally gave us the idea of contact-
ing Call Sign.
We would love to see more Dial-a-Cab members playing here and I am
glad to say that I can offer discounted rates to DaC from now until the end
of 2014.
If you were to book a four ball during the week, we can offer this for just
£80. I realise that it is not always possible to get four players together, so we
offer each individual a special Dial-a-Cab rate of just £27.50 per round, but if there are four or more together then
the rate drops to £20 per head in a four ball format - and it includes your friends so long as one of you holds a badge.
This is a huge saving on our normal green fee rates, saving a massive £100 on the normal individual rates. To book, all
DaC drivers have to do is call 01483-284772 and quote “Dial-a-Cab” when booking. On arrival, all you have to do is show
your taxi licence badge.
We think DaC drivers will enjoy playing this prestigious, but very friendly course which is also home to The Southern Pro-Am,
which hopefully speaks volumes for the quality of the course.
We also offer a great choice of food and beverages in our very comfortable bar/restaurant area, so all in all, a day spent at The Drift
is a day well spent.
You can read more about The Drift at
www.driftgolfclub.com and we look forward to welcoming DaC drivers and their
friends in due course.
The Drift Golf Club, The Drift, East Horsley
Call Sign October 2014
Page 17
92nd minute penalty save wins DaC goalkeeper place in next round of FA Vase
Holmesdale 4 - 5 Collier Wood (AET)
Dial-a-Cab driver, Lee Pearce
(J71) has
moved clubs since the last report of his
goalkeeping exploits appeared in Call Sign
and he is now with Colliers Wood in the
Cherry Red Records Combined Counties
Football League Premier Division.
The club recently had a tough away game in
the prestigious FA Vase to south London
Holmesdale. It became even tougher when
the home side took the lead after 9 minutes
when a free kick was headed past Lee Pearce.
21 minutes gone, Colliers Wood
equalised when Mario Embalo rounded the
Holmesdale goalkeeper to score easily. Lee
Lee sits out the fighting!
Pearce then made a great save to deny the ram-
paging Stewart and did it a second time with
tually a Holmesdale player was sent off
Colliers Wood brave fight could still result
for a particularly nasty challenge.
in an exit from the FA Vase. But Lee Pearce
his legs to deny the same player again. But the
Holmesdale striker could not be denied a
Four minutes into the second half, Mario
wasn’t having that and made a great diving
Embalo headed home again after meeting a
save to his left. So at 4 - 4, it came down to
third time and in the 32nd minute, a quickly
taken free kick went to him, he spun round
free kick from Harry Wise - cousin of Dennis
an extra 30 minutes.
Wise - and Colliers Wood began to take con-
Colliers Wood took the lead for the second
and gave Lee Pearce no chance. 2-1 to the
home side.
trol. Embalo completed his hat trick when Dan
time when Joe Mead put Mario Embalo away.
Harding teed the ball up for him and he
The Holmesdale goalkeeper got one hand to
Four minutes before the break, Holmesdale
made it 3-1 from the penalty spot when Green
smashed it home off the post. Now it was 3 - 3.
the ball but couldn’t stop the Woods’ striker
Then on 81 minutes, Eli Ogunseye put Wood
grabbing his fourth goal and a place for his
was fouled and Collier sent Lee Pearce the
wrong way. But the referee was losing control
ahead following a great individual run and fin-
team in the next round - a home tie against
ish but that lead lasted just 3 minutes when
Shoreham on Saturday 4 October.
of the match with both sides being guilty of
cynical fouls that were going unpunished,
Stewart again smashed the ball home. 4 - 4!
Any Dial-a-Cab driver that fancies watch-
Then in the second minute of stoppage
ing the match, cheering on Colliers Wood
other than for the occasional free kick.
At one point, tempers almost flared
time, an innocuous free kick saw the refer-
and Lee Pearce, would be welcome at the
ee award a penalty to Holmesdale. No one
Wibbandune Sports Ground, Robin Hood
into fighting while Lee Pearce kept out of
it and just sat down in his goal! But even-
could see why, but it looked as though
Way, Wimbledon, SW20 0AA...
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Page 18
Call Sign October 2014
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the pages
of the magazines of the time with a Flashback…
This month’s Flashback goes back to January 1971 and the Secretary’s Report from Bill Browne…
Cars on ODRTS / subscriptions
A meeting was recently held between representatives of the Board of Management and car-owning members of ODRTS willing to partici-
pate in the pilot scheme for cars on the circuit. Many ideas were presented and discussed and were put on the agenda for the following
monthly Board of Management meeting. A good deal of progress is being made and further announcements will be made in due course.
Within the next few years, it will be necessary to re-equip the majority of our mobiles. We may decide to purchase equipment outright
rather than hire-maintain them as at present. For this reason, plus increases in wages and extra staff now employed, we are obliged as
from 1 April 1971 to raise the driver’s subscription rate to £12 per calendar month. We feel that this increase, less than 5p per day, in no
way compares with the escalating cost of taxi operating today. It will, however, ensure the continuance and
growth of our Society.
Control room
Our control room recently came across a problem when their supply of dockets apparently almost ran out an
dispatcher Dennis Samuels (F25) had to chase around London to try to get some more, but failed. Eventuall
it was decided to buy up as many exercise books from the sweet shop in Elgin Avenue as was possible and cu
them docket-shaped! Fortunately, within an hour, a new supply reached the office, but congratulations to
everyone down there for managing to carry on under such difficult circumstances.
Obituary - Bert Frankford
With deep regret we announce the untimely passing of Bert Frankford (Ex-D50). Bert joined
ODRTS in March 1954 and ranked as one of our longest serving subscribers until September
1966, when through ill health he was forced to leave the circuit. In later years he spent some time in hos-
pital and after disposing of his own cab, was employed as a journeyman.
On Saturday 20 February, he was taken ill outside the Houses of Parliament, pulled his cab safely into
the kerb and passed away. He was 57 and had been a taxi driver for 36 years. A representative of the Board
of Management attended the funeral at Bushey Jewish Cemetery.
We extend our condolences to his wife, daughter and family. Rest His Soul…
Bill Browne
ODRTS Secretary
Areti Mastrodouka gets World Title shot
Alec Wilkey has been on Dial-a-Cab for nine years, but for far longer than that he has con
tinued his love as a boxing trainer with professional fighters at the established TKO Gym
in Canning Town and of late with Lansbury ABC. Now Call Sign hears of a World Title
opportunity for one of his fighters...
Areti Mastrodouka has a 7-0 win rate during which time she has worked her way up through
the professional ranks and now has the chance to capture that World Title on 12th October at the
Dais Arena in her homeland of Greece.
The female southpaw, who previously campaigned at Super-Featherweight, is moving up to
Lightweight to challenge for the WIBF title in Athens with her opponent to be announced soon.
The unbeaten 38 year-old former kickboxer, who has been trained by Dial-a-Cab’s Alec Wilkey
(W83) since moving across to professional boxing, splits her training between the Lansbury ABC
gym in London and back home in Athens. Areti will be looking to secure the title after she made
history back in March by competing in the first ever professional bout in Greece.
The best of luck to Areti and Alec from all at Call Sign.
Areti Mastrodouka is currently seeking sponsorship and would welcome any help
from companies looking to get their name out there.
Other members of ‘Team Wilkey’ have been busy with Danny ‘Cassius’ Connor (11-8-1)
fighting on Goodwin Promotions York Hall ‘To Hell and Back’ show on 6 September. Connor
was up against Michael ‘Chunky’ Devine for the British Masters Lightweight title with a com-
pelling first round fuelling the vociferous crowd. To everyone’s disappointment, the bout was halted in
the second round after Connor sustained a cut above his left eye due to a clash of heads with the fight deemed a draw. A highly
anticipated rematch is looking likely after Connor’s wound has healed fully.
Prizefighter champion Johnny Coyle (7-0-1) was back in action on Sunday 14 September also at York Hall on a Left Jab Promotions show. He
remained unbeaten winning 60 - 53 on points in his first six rounder, controlling each round with his superior boxing skills after flooring Arvydas
Trizno in the second round with an impressive flurry of hooks on the ropes.
Brett Saggs (2-0) also impressed in his second outing against tough Dee Mitchell in a four round bout. The tall, rangy Essex fighter used a good
jab and targeted the body with Mitchell responding by landing his right hand on occasion. The pick of the action came in the fourth round with a flur-
ry of punches from Saggs forcing Mitchell back on to the ropes. Saggs got the decision 40-37.
Adam Salman (3-1) got back to winning ways in style after a loss last time out winning via a first round TKO against Adam Cieslak after just two
minutes of action. With Salman clearly superior, the referee saved Cieslak from more punishment after The Boy Raw landed his shots with consummate
ease, notably the right hand.
David Wilkey, Call Sign Online
Call Sign October 2014
Page 19
Hello Ladies & Gents,
Coverage (again)...
I hope you have all noticed the significant
increase in work since the start of September
and that traffic conditions are not too unbear-
Chat from the Call centre
able. When it gets busier, the usual problems
occur and coverage in certain areas becomes
the set-down to return the money. Some
a big problem, which is nothing new. Ever
might assume that he did so knowing that he
since I’ve been a member, which is now a
would be rewarded; well they did try to give
long time, coverage in all south, south west
him something but he refused to take a
and western areas often cause dispatchers
penny for his trouble.
problems. Unmasking trips, amending run-
The Police had been notified of the loss
ins and giving actual pick up locations do not
but after being informed that a taxi driver
always improve the coverage; neither do ter-
had returned the money, they quite open-
minal messages seem to do the trick and even
ly said that the family were very lucky it
when lucrative journeys are offered, they can
was a licensed taxi driver and not a mini-
sit in the system for lengthy periods and end
cab driver! Hmmm, I can’t imagine why
up being scrubbed. That happens even
they said that!
though there are taxis booked into not just
The moral of the story is that the bad pub-
the trip primary zone, but also in the back-up
licity we sometimes receive always outweighs
zones as well.
ing, his father
(who lives opposite) was
the honesty and credibility of the Licensed
I know I’ve said this on numerous occa-
woken by a loud knock on the door. It was a
London taxi driver. We aren’t called the best
sions, but can I once again please ask you to
licensed taxi driver who lived well down the
in the world for nothing and it is something
at least offer delays on these trips. It is far bet-
A2 in the Medway Town. He had discovered
we should all be proud of...
ter to offer a reasonable time and give the
the money and knowing that this young chap
client the option of saying yes or no. Non-
had left such a large amount of cash in the
Allan Evans
coverage can lead to the closure of an
back of his cab, rather than wait till the morn-
account and once gone, it becomes very diffi-
Control Centre and Manager
ing to find a police station open, he decided
cult to regain - something that I am sure you
to travel the considerable distance back to
agree is unacceptable. There is now so much
competition out there in the workplace offer-
ing the world for nothing (and in most cases
not delivering what they promise) that we
must all try to work together to maintain our
share of an ever demanding market.
Here’s another chance to pocket £100 in Call Sign’s caption competition. The
It seems absolutely ludicrous to scrub
best caption in the view of the judges will pocket the loot! So get thinking.
trips that are well in excess of £40. Yet it is
The photo features Brian Rice, Alan Fisher and the laughing former Transport
happening. Please help your Society. It
Minister Keith Hill. So why is he laughing?
wasn’t that long ago when drivers were
Email entries to callsignmag@aol.com, post them to Call Sign’s usual office
asking why we weren’t offering zero run-
address at DaC House or drop them into the DaC driver’s reception addressed
ins to get work, yet we are struggling with
to Call Sign’s caption contest.
run-ins. Please do your best to help.
Closing date is Friday 10th October. As always, the editor’s decision is final..
One revenue stream that is increasing is the
use of Credit Cards and it is with this in mind
that we recently produced some brand new
‘Hand-Out’ cards to further market our App
alongside the Superside campaign. The App is
available for download direct from the DaC
website and can also be accessed from the
card’s QR code. The App can be used to book
credit card journeys and any account holder
can use this facility to book their account trips
on their smart phones, which some clients may
not be aware of. So please hand out the cards
to passengers and clients alike...
Licensed taxis v minicabs:
A policeman’s view...
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to be
invited to the wedding of a close friend’s
son’s in sunny Spain, at which my eldest son
was best man. The groom works in a West
No more cash payments at
End bank and prior to flying out, because he
was able to buy currency at preferential rates,
Dartford Crossing
he added a rather large order of Euros for
friends and family. After leaving his office and
Up until now, drivers have had a choice of payment methods at the Dartford cross-
spending a few hours with work colleagues
ing - cash at the booths or by using a pre-pay Dart Card. But as of late November
in the local bar having a pre-wedding cele-
there will no longer be an option to pay by cash and payment options will be simi-
bratory glass (or four), he was probably a lit-
lar to the congestion charge.
tle worse for wear - if you get my drift! So
They will include paying via text, online, phone or at some retail outlets. You
much so that late that night he left over
will be able to pay in advance or up until midnight of the following day.
£4000 of foreign currency in the vehicle that
Current payment exemptions will be maintained, as will free crossing between
took him home to his Bexleyheath address.
10pm and 6am
Unaware until the early hours of the morn-
Call Sign October 2014
Page 20
“I could have been famous if it
Call Sign’s Stephen Berndes (R14) says...
wasn’t for that bloody Michael
Terry Farr ran Point-Man Knowledge
It’s a cabby’s life
School from a church in Bethnal Green some
23 years ago; I was one of his students. Terry
don the main event and return to the bar to
kept us enthralled by mixing a few runs togeth-
hold an arm wrestling competition instead.
er with giving us stories of fantasy - such as the
The main wrestlers walked off in disgust, while
time in his childhood when auditioning for a
the undercard wrestlers refused to do the arm
play at a Walworth Road club where he had to
wrestling. Mark Jenkins again came over, apol-
pretend to be a robot. But the bloke who got
ogised to my daughter for letting her down and
the part
- because he was the tallest - was
said that when he sets out to accomplish some-
Michael Caine.
thing, he usually achieves his goal. I asked him
Last month I stopped in Orchard Street out-
where he now lived and he said on a farm in
side Selfridges, when a tall distinguished chap
Mill Hill with only cows for neighbours. The
in a red peaked cap got in asking for Harrods.
remaining wrestlers agreed to do a Q and A ses-
“Blimey, I said trying hard to be original, “it’s
sion and give out signed photos.
that Michael Micklewhite!” He laughed and I
less owner of The Grosvenor Hotel. He came
The parting words of Mark Jenkins was to
used the opportunity to relay the story about
over and seemed pleased by my recognition; I
ask them why they refused to do arm wrestling?
Terry. He nodded and laughed energetically.
told him how much I enjoyed The Hotel and
The four wrestlers directed their answers at the
Chatting away, I told him that my favourite film
he passed us a flyer titled Carnage at the
cameras asking why Channel 4 didn’t cover
of his had been Zulu.
Cavendish, picturing two wrestlers grimacing -
wrestling. My daughter and I returned to the
“Funny people, those Zulus,” he replied
Joel Redman v Chris Andrews being the pro-
Toorak for supper.
before going into his trademark facts. For an
tagonists. He told us that the event began at
The new series involves Mark Jenkins taking
octogenarian, there are still no flies on Sir
5pm that afternoon. I said we were staying at
a job at The Cavendish Hotel as entertainments
Michael Caine.
the Toorak Hotel, which was opposite The
manager (to be televised early next year). I
Clubland on Walworth Road had been a
Cavendish, so we’d be there. We were asked to
hope the wrestling kerfuffle stays on cutting
youth training establishment run by the
sign a consent form agreeing to be on TV.
room floor!
Reverend Jimmy Butterworth. Michael Caine
We entered the foyer of The Cavendish and
had one line in the play, RAR by Czech writer
asked at reception where the wrestling event
DaC or Addison Lee???
Karel Capek and went on to become a huge
was? The staff were non-committal, brushing
Late in the evening of Sunday 24 August at
movie star. But whatever became of Terry
us off saying that it was something to do with
Radio Taxis, they were trying to cover Kings
Mark Jenkins. That comment seemed slightly
Cross railway jobs and needed 170 cabs. After
absurd, so we took a wander to the beer gar-
failing to get the numbers, they then got 80
The Hotel
den where they were starting to erect the ring.
cars from Addison Lee. Is it any wonder AL
I took a staycation
(sounds like an awful
Mark Jenkins and his wife Alison Pennell were
are so successful when RTG turn to private
Americanism) in Torquay. On Sunday 24
busily organising in their usual haphazard way
hire rather than call DaC or ComCab.
August, my 7-year old daughter and I were
with man-mountain wrestler Joel Redman
Incidentally, if an Addison Lee driver is found
strolling harbour side on a deserted prome-
looking bemused. We sat and watched this pan-
to be on duty and not wearing a tie, there is a
nade when we saw a dishevelled man talking
tomime with an audience of ten until it began
£25 penalty. If the misdemeanour is repeated,
into a camera surrounded by a TV crew. We
drizzling. I asked the TV crew what the delay
it is instant dismissal...
stood watching and I recognised the chap to be
Stephen Berndes
Mark Jenkins, the man from the Channel 4
Mark Jenkins came over and said there was a
TV series of The Hotel, which tells of the hap-
problem with the licence, so they had to aban-
Call Sign Online
Call Sign
If you are new to going online and
want to find Call Sign’s library, well
it’s easy! Just log on to:
www.dac-callsign.com. Then either
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There are also issues from 1967, 1977
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days! Enjoy..
Call Sign October 2014
Page 21
Dial-a-Cab recently lost another of its elder statesmen drivers
with the sad death of Roy Martin (R42). Roy joined the Society
in May 1977 and has written to Call Sign consistently over the
years, very often battling against authority when it came to
what he considered to be the unfair issuing of parking tickets.
His first brush with authority came in 1999 when he was issued with a PCN in Lambeth.
After failing to convince the council that not only was the ticket unfairly issued, but that
the warden’s comment that Roy’s tax disc was “concealed” was blatantly untrue, he
appealed to the Adjudicator - something few drivers had yet attempted at that time. He
not only won the appeal, but got the Adjudicator to put into his report that he found it dif-
ficult to believe the warden’s accusation about the tax disc!
Call Sign will miss Roy as a contributor to this magazine, but also as a lovely per-
son who was always ready to help other drivers with advice if they too were pre-
sented with a PCN.
We asked one of Roy’s friends, Martin Freeborn (C67), to write a few words about Roy...
“Roy lost his licence several months ago due to an eye problem, but he didn’t let that stop him enjoying his golf and even motorcycling.
He and his son Neil used to enjoy motorcycling events and often went on rallies.
“Sadly Roy’s wife Jean died eight years ago and that devastating blow slowed him down, but he always said how much he enjoyed the
company of his son and three granddaughters.
“His passing came as a great shock to all his friends in the trade and especially those of us who use the Warwick Avenue shelter. Other
than being so nice, polite and helpful as a person, he represented Dial-a-Cab in the best possible way by always looking smart and com-
ing to work wearing a shirt and tie. ”
The sympathies of all at Dial-a-Cab and Call Sign go out to Roy’s family..
With Tom Quigley (Y33)
Is Anything Ours?
police at busy
Anyone who reads my Call Sign articles regularly will know of my opposition to this country selling
junctions earlier
off our national industries, many of which seem to now be owned by governments of other coun-
this year telling
tries that enjoy the benefits of our railways, waters and even bus companies while charging us more
cyclists off for
to subsidise their own population.
jumping lights,
All that is bad enough, but it seems we actually own nothing or if we do have anything that’s
whilst fining car
ours, we are willing to give it away or blame someone else for giving it to us.
drivers for the
You only have to sneeze; it’s no longer a common cold symptom because we, of course,
same thing, even
no longer do “common.” Obviously the sneeze must be part of some new uncontainable
though both are
virus that has been brought in from abroad - we love blaming foreigners for all our ills!
equally wrong.
Hong Kong, Asian, Bird or any other animal flu; it doesn’t matter - it’s not ours, someone
What do TfL have on their latest billboards
gave it to us! We never wanted it, so they can keep it.
promoting the scheme? A full-sized poster
As a gardener, the general threat to my allotment usually seems to come from slugs, but this year
advert of a cyclist wearing cowboy boots, with
following the early rain and the dry summer we have been plagued by the biggest slugs of all.
the slogan: “Membership free, no dress code.”
Naturally it’s not a British slug as they only eat enough to survive! No, this is a Spanish slug - proba-
These are the people we are all collectively
bly the Spanish retaliation to our all-inclusive binge eating holidays where we polish off all their
paying to oversee the safety on our roads...
food! Of course we as Brits never eat all their vegetables, just the chips!
Through the course of the year, we experience different weather conditions; we get a gentle
Tom Quigley
breeze coming in from France, a Mediterranean heatwave, a gale force wind that began in America
Call Sign Online
as a Hurricane named rather unfortunately after the poor aunt of the person who recorded it first!
We are now having a lovely late warm summer - not ours of course, but an Indian summer,
Call Sign
which makes me totally confused as it could have be a Native American summer years ago. Of
course, once we leave summer behind, we become prone to getting an Arctic winter!
October 2014
Yes, all we own is not really ours, but at least this year when it rained constantly on August bank
Editor: Alan Fisher
holiday Monday, whilst everyone else was moaning, I just sat back and smiled: At least that was a
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
typical British bank holiday!!!
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
Email: callsignmag@aol.com
Barclays Bikes Advertising? Seriously?
I’ve had many a moan as a cyclist about the whole structure and safety of the Barclays bike hire
Printers: Premier Print Group
scheme, particularly if you work your taxi at night like I do. I have seen scores of youths kicking the
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
front bike wheel out of its holder and riding off in gangs for free; I have also seen groups use them
Design: Aldan Publications
for pub crawls knowing that, as was revealed in the last issue of Call Sign, they only have to volun-
Tel: 07958 300 428
teer a breath test and can’t be forced into one unless a policeman actually spots them doing some-
Email: deborahfresco@gmail.com
thing wrong. They can’t be breathalysed just because they appear drunk.
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
All this goes on with the Mayor’s office possibly being oblivious to it (they should read Call Sign),
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
but when TfL spend absolute fortunes on advocating the need for cyclists to be seen and to ride
either manually or electronically without the express
safely by remembering to ‘wear something light at night’ from the 1960s ads and the masses of
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign October 2014
Page 22
uite a
Another true story from Geoff Levene
number of
years ago, I had
occasion to
Shave, lunch and
write to the
make-up... in my cab???
Standard. What
happened was
“Hello Peter, it's John. Fine thank.you. Good.
Road, a cab did a U-turn to get on behind me.
Listen, I've been to the lawyers. We had a long
Actually it was so fast that it was more like a hand-
I was taking a
chat and I've decided to do everything I can to
brake turn. No sooner had his engine died than
chap on a short
destroy your company. OK, speak to you soon.
a bowl of cereal appeared and he greedily shov-
journey through
elled down his muesli totally unaware or uncar-
the West End. No sooner had he sat down than
I'd love to know what that was all about.
ing that I could see him in the mirror. I watched
he produced a cordless razor and began
And what about the man who came down the
fascinated as having finished eating, he drank
buzzing away around his face. When he'd fin-
path as his wife called out for him not to forget
what was left of the milk. Next he squeezed some
ished, he blew out the detritus (nice) and sud-
to call Barry. He called back that it was ok and
toothpaste onto a brush and began cleaning his
denly was tucking into a hamburger. He gob-
teeth - up and down, and side to side before tak-
he would do it. Then we set off for Covent
bled that up and wiped his freshly shorn chops
ing a gulp of water, sluicing it round his mouth,
Garden. Two minutes later his phone rang: “I
before bringing out a mobile and making a call.
opening the door and spitting a stream of soapy
know,” he said a little rattled, “yes, I'm going to
Thus I wrote to the ES:
water into the street. Charming, but he wasn't fin-
do it.”
“In other words he was using my cab as
ished yet. He then began examining his face in
Another few minutes passed and the same
his bathroom, kitchen and office. All this
the mirror and having done so and in full view of
call again, but this time he went bonkers.
for £3 and no tip! And they say taxis are
commuters streaming by, he began.to squeeze
“I'm going to do it,” he shouted down the
his spots! I had to look away. Some things should
phone, that's three times I’ve said I’m going to
The paper published the letter and it generated
remain private...
do it and I will. Please don't call me again.” So
a bit of correspondence. First up was a gentleman
far as he was concerned, I hadn't heard a thing!
Geoff Levene (W32)
from SW7 who said that people paid good money
The other day as I sat on the rank in Rossmore
Call Sign Online
to travel in taxis and what they did in them was
their business! But a few days later, someone
came to my rescue and declared that the driver
had every right to complain about what went on
the back of his cab. The original pompous writer
from South Kensington went under the marvel-
lous name of Cyril Henty-Dodd. This I knew was
The new City of London Heritage Gallery is now open and located within the Guildhall Art
the real name of former Radio Caroline DJ and
Gallery in the City. It is curated by the London Metropolitan Archives and will showcase some of
later ITV chat-show host, Simon Dee, who had
the treasures held by the City of London Corporation.
what can only be described as a meteoric fall from
The first exhibition runs until 29 January 2015 and comprises:
grace when his career hit the skids after releasing
* Magna Carta: The City’s copy dates from 1297 and is one of the finest surviving ver-
a rude word on TV at a time when it just wasn’t
sions from the thirteenth century.
done! He had then failed the test to become a bus
* Cartae Antiquae: This volume contains transcripts of charters and statutes covering
driver and I think there may have been a hint of
laws enacted between the reigns of Edward III (from 1327) to the accession of Henry VII
(1485). The volume will be open to show the portrait of Richard III whose remains were
sour grapes!
discovered in Leicester in 2013.
We're all used to women who get in and
* Portraits of City of London Aldermen dating from c.1447. The two portraits selected
spend the journey applying foundation, blusher,
are of John Derby, the Alderman for Candlewick, who was a member of the Drapers’
lipstick, mascara and perfume before one's nos-
Company and Sheriff from 1445 - 1446 and Robert Horne, Alderman for Bridge Ward
trils twitch to that unmistakeable aroma of nail
and Sheriff from 1446 - 1447 who was a member of the Fishmongers’ Company.
varnish. So by the time they get out, they look
* Poster for a Recruitment Meeting held at Guildhall on 4 September 1914.
completely different to when they enter the cab!
* London County Council, Emergency Committee Minutes for 1914 reporting on the
I took Eddie Izzard a few times and he did the
effects of the outbreak of war on families, businesses and communities.
make-up bit, but when we got to his destination,
Visitor information for Guildhall Art Gallery is available on their website. Please note that clo-
he looked exactly like... er, Eddie Izzard! They all
sures are sometimes required at short notice due to state or civic functions at Guildhall and you
think no one can see them - except the driver -
are advised to check the website or phone the gallery on 020 7332 3700 in advance of your visit.
and he doesn't count!
Incidentally, the good lady wife would never
dream of leaving the house without perfect
make-up. When she's nice and relaxed, she’ll
paint her nails. She scares the life out of me
The Flower Mill
when she balances a cushion on her lap and
then balances the open bottle of varnish on top
Creating Beautiful Flowers For Weddings
of that, but so far so good...
As I say, some people think they're invisible.
How else to explain the regular early morning
rider - a man at the top of his profession who
Tel: 07854 738895
sometimes comes out of the house bare-chested
and clutching a crisp, freshly laundered shirt. But
as he doesn't put the shirt on till he's in the cab,
his trousers aren't done up properly giving us a
nice view of his underpants. Now I'm a bloke and
I think it's a bit odd, but I wonder what one of
Email: theflowermill@yahoo.co.uk
our Dial-a-Cab lady drivers would think?
Then there are those that think you can't hear
Covering Essex & The Surrounding Counties
them, but speak so loudly on their phones that
even with the intercom off, you can hear every
word. My favourite was the man I picked up in
“It is at the edge of a petal that love waits”- William Carlos Williams
the City who spoke to someone in the friendliest
manner. It went something like this...
Call Sign October 2014
Page 23
Tom Whitbread’s son
“banned” from TV program!
The old and
the new: A
Susi plane
behind a
member of
the Moni
n the October 2011 issue of Call Sign,
tribe - com-
Dial-a-Cab Board member Tom
plete with
Whitbread told of his shock when his son
Russell, who was a pilot with Indonesian
airline Susi Air, phoned to say not too worry
but there had been a fatal air crash. It hap-
pened when two Susi pilots - David Cootes
and co-pilot Tomas Munk - had been killed
after their Cessna 208B Grand Caravan had
crashed in the jungle shortly after taking off
with food and diesel for the remote village of
Kenyam, which relied on the flights for
almost all of their provisions.
(left) with
Until recently, the story Call Sign had
two fellow
been just about Tom and Russell, but in
pilots on a
August and early September, Channel 4
Susi aircraft
presented what can only be called a jaw-
dropping program featuring the work that
Susi Air does in Indonesia.
‘Worst Place to be a Pilot’ told the story
through the eyes of the Susi pilots as they
navigated their planes to some of the most
breathtakingly remote and dangerous
locations on earth.
Indeed, one of the five programmes
showed a pilot landing his plane on a short
airstrip that local villagers had built and which
was a quarter way up Mount Everest! And he
had to land through appaling visibility thanks
to low clouds. The pilots have none of the
lives. The look on their faces as we arrive
If you missed these four programmes, see if
advanced technology big jet airliners enjoy,
is an amazing reward and that was shown
they are still available on 4OD because they
but are forced to navigate their way through
so well in the programme.”
truly make astonishing viewing..
the clouds just by sight. Nevertheless, Susi
pilots fly passengers and cargo to remote
areas around Borneo, Sumatra and Java
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
while often landing in rough airstrips cut out
from jungle clearings.
The programme footage also showed the
pilots flying over golden beaches and the crys-
tal clear ocean, but that is a million miles from
landing in a small jungle clearing to reach vil-
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
lages and villagers that are yet to become 20th
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
century, let alone 21st! One example was the
Transponders / chipped keys
pilot who was afraid of landing after seeing
On site key cutting services including taxis
two opposing tribes had clashed and were
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
throwing spears and knives at each other!
Russell, who has previously worked as
Burglary repairs / boarding up
David Cootes’ co-pilot, told Call Sign that
Additional security / security upgrades
while the pilots in the program were under-
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
taking some very dangerous flights, the direc-
Grilles and security gates
tors of Worst Place to be a Pilot considered
that Russell’s flight, which had to go through
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
a volcano about to erupt, was just too shock-
Free estimates / no call out charge
ing to show and it was cut from the final pro-
24hr service
Russell said: “Susi are an excellent, safety
You can find us at:
conscious company with one of the most
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
modern fleets of aircraft and helicopters
Tel: 01708 371115
in the area. But there are people out here
who rely on us just to carry out their daily
Call Sign October 2014
Page 24
DaC driver Sean Farrell (B39) looks at trade history from a different angle
ethren of the Whip
When he returned to the coach, only Dr
way he was treating Mrs Vanwicke.
Clench remained with no sight of the two gen-
Harrison pleaded not guilty and provided an
tlemen. Clench was sitting on the floor with his
alibi, which placed him close to the spot where
head against the cushions. Sikes thought that he
Sikes picked him up. Sikes himself was reason-
Murder of
must be drunk and tried to wake him but to no
ably confident that Harrison was one of the two
Dr Clench...
avail. He called a watchman who had a candle
men in his coach. Two other witnesses identi-
and they could see that Clench had a handker-
fied Harrison as after seeing Sikes first leave the
In his diary entry of
chief tied round his neck. When they loosened
coach to get Dr Clench and then to buy the two
27th January 1689,
the knot, a lump of coal fell out. Clench had
fowls, they thought that the coachman might be
John Evelyn wrote
been asphyxiated as he sat in the hackney
bilked so they remained watching the hackney
how both he and
coach, the lump of coal hastening his demise by
coach - very different times indeed.
Samuel Pepys had
crushing his windpipe at the same time.
Henry Harrison never did admit to carry-
come across a child
At the subsequent Old Bailey trial, it tran-
ing out the murder of Dr Clench, very prob-
prodigy at the Admiralty, the son of a Dr Clench.
spired that Dr Clench had lent a widow, Mrs
ably the first murder ever in a hackney car-
The eleven-year-old child was an expert in mathe-
Vanwicke, £120 with which she was to buy a
riage; but it was a crime for which he was
matics, astronomy, geography, history, politics, the
house but she could not make the repayments
executed. The identity of his alleged partner
Bible and fluent in French and Latin. He was also
back to Dr Clench and he would not lend her
was never discovered...
learning Greek. Evelyn wrote:
another penny. Her lover, a gentleman by the
“He gave a stupendous account of both
name of Henry Harrison had been heard to
Sean Farrell
natural and moral philosophy and even in
threaten to cut Clench’s throat because of the
Call Sign Online
Nearly three years later, on
6th January
1692, Evelyn wrote:
No, it isn’t the chocolate variety, but Chinese TX4s will be...
“…a most execrable murder was commit-
ted on Dr Clench, father of that extraordi-
nary learned child…”
It had been just after 9pm on 4th January that
WE know All Gold as chocolates that come in a black box,
hackney coachman John Sikes was flagged
however the London-style cabs set to hit Shanghai's
streets later this month that will be gold instead of the tra-
down by two men on the corner of Fetter Lane
ditional black, are real and not made of chocolate! The
and Fleet Street. They asked him if he knew Dr
gold colour is said to be more attractive and suiting the
Clench who lived in Brownlow Street,
city's image better according to the Qiangsheng Taxi
Holborn. Sikes replied that he knew the street
Company, who are operating the cabs. Qiangsheng are
but not the doctor. The two got into the coach
the City’s largest cab company.
and told Sikes to take them there. Sikes had to
The 200 Chinese-made TX4 taxis are in the final
stop in Holborn on the corner of Brownlow
stage of production, Geely said as it released the photo of the gold vehi-
Street as a gate at the northern end of the street
cles. The fact that Geely’s cab factory is also based in Shanghai is said to be coincidental!
was closed and there was no room for him to
Qiangsheng say that because the TX4s are much more spacious than the traditional Chinese cabs,
turn his coach around. One of the men then
which are saloons, they will be primarily aimed at providing a taxi service for elderly and disabled
asked Sikes to go to the Doctor’s house and tell
customers. They will have accessibility fittings and take bookings mainly through dispatch systems to
him they had a patient who was unwell. Sikes
carry passengers with special requirements.
followed his orders with a witness later claiming
The last time London had gold cabs was during the Queen’s golden anniversary in 2003...
that one of the men in the coach swore at Sikes
Pic Courtesy Weibo.com
and told him to hurry.
Clench was all but ready for bed and despite
being none the wiser as to whom the two gen-
tlemen in the coach were, he got dressed, went
to the coach and climbed in. Sikes was ordered
to drive to Leadenhall Market where the
patient apparently was, but as they approached
he was then told to go to the Pye Tavern in
Aldgate. Arriving at the ale house, Sikes was
told to remain on his box but to call out to the
boy of the tavern for a Chyrurgeon (surgeon)
called Hunt. The boy went, but came back say-
ing there was nobody of that name there.
Sikes was then told to go back to Leadenhall
Market but by now the Aldgate was shut, so one
of the men gave the watchman 6d to allow them
to pass through. Once at Leadenhall, Sikes was
given half-a-crown (2s 6d or 12p) and told to
buy a fowl from a poulterer named Hunt. One
of the men then called him back and gave him
an extra shilling and told him he might as well
get two fowls. Like Hunt the surgeon, there was
no Hunt the poulterer so Sikes bought his two
fowls from another poulterer, paying 3s for the
brace - no doubt intending to keep the 6d
change for his running around.
Call Sign October 2014
Page 25
Have you had an interesting cabbing career or had a particular
incident that you think Call Sign readers would like to read about?
You know our address...callsignmag@aol.com
Cabbing Memoirs!
distance I glanced in the rear view mirror and
man, who was stretched out on the back seat,
could only see the man’s head. Dipping the
her legs waving wildly in the air with her
mirror I could see the lady’s head in the
clothing clearly dishevelled. They were really
man’s lap and just one thought flashing
going at it with gusto and how that driver
through my mind… but I was wrong! The
managed to keep the cab in a straight line, let
truth was that the lady had fallen asleep and
alone go around the corners, I’ll never know!
was using her boyfriend’s lap as a pillow - not
But he must surely have been aware of what
what I surmised at all!
was going on in the back!
“Mind you, there was one occasion in the
“The things that go on in the back of cabs,”
early hours of the morning when I was on my
James concluded with a raucous laugh...
way home and following a cab directly in
Alan Green (E52)
front of me with two passengers on board.
The female passenger was straddling the
Call Sign Online
“Cabbing memoirs makes me sound like I’ve
been in the taxi trade for decades, but my six-
teen years of driving, the last ten on Dial-a-
The Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers
Cab, has still given me a fair repertoire of
memorable incidents to share,” James
Barwick (J68) told Call Sign.
“Of course, as a Butterboy one is always a
The Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers held their Installation Dinner aboard
bit nervous and apprehensive in those early
HQS Wellington on 4th September. Malcolm Paice was installed as the new Master.
days until you get a bit more confident with
Following the Court meeting, the Master and his Wardens welcomed guests on board for
routes, roads and the general public. I
pre-dinner drinks before sitting down to
remember responding to a street hail from a
dine in what was once the ship’s engin
room but is now a custom made livery
couple of gay men one evening, shortly after
I had gained my Green Badge. The first pas-
Reverend Dr Martin Dudley bega
senger gave me a destination in Camden
by saying grace and reciting one of his
Town and I innocently
asked him if the route
remarkable and unique poems about
I intended to take was acceptable, explaining
the London Taxi industry. Guests then
that I had just ‘come out’ - inferring that I had
dined on smoked fillet of sea bass,
recently passed the Knowledge of London
Lancashire beef followed by baby
rather than anything else! Without hesitation,
pineapple filled with Crème Brule. The
the passenger replied: ‘That’s alright darling
Master thanked the Master Mariner
- it happens to the best of us!’
for allowing the use of the Hall and
“At that point, the penny dropped for me
congratulated the three new
when I realised he thought that I had just
Liverymen before taking wine with
‘come out from the closet’ as being gay so I
ten new Freemen who had been
quickly - and rather sheepishly - explained I
admitted to the company earlier
had recently gained my coveted All London
that day.
Green Badge and wasn’t gay! Both passen-
After toasts and a speech from the new Master, London Vintage Taxi Association
gers laughed and I had to giggle myself at
Chairman, Doug Cheshire, responded and proposed a toast to the Company. Doug was
how a casual comment like that could have
known to Malcolm not only through the taxi industry, but also because Doug - or Mr
quite another interpretation nowadays!
Cheshire as Malcolm used to know him - used to be Malcolm’s Woodwork teacher!
“On a sadder note, I recall picking up a
After the dinner, Freemen and their guests were invited to join the Master in a Stirrup Cup.
gentleman from London Bridge Station who
was going to Kingsland Road. He suddenly
became very unwell and by the time I
reached the north side of London Bridge, he
had actually turned grey. I called the police,
who in turn called an ambulance and they
rushed the man off to hospital. The following
morning I had a call from the police officer
Nellie’s waiting!
concerned, who informed me that the man
had died. The policeman did not explain fur-
20% off the bill when you show your badge
ther, but it made me feel so sad for the mans’
Great pastas, chicken, steaks, fish and roasts!
family, as in that short journey across the
Thames my passenger had said he had
recently moved to Kent with his family and
Nellie's Restaurant
was looking forward to spending time there.”
12-13 Greville Street, EC1N 8SB
James voice quavered as he related the
story to Call Sign, obviously still moved by
the incident.
Show your badge and it’s 20% o
“But in this business, there will always be a
lighter note and that came not long after-
Open 9.30 am to 12 pm
wards when I picked up a young couple,
Free parking from 6.30 pm
male and female, and after we had gone some
Call Sign October 2014
Page 26
The winner of the September caption contest
was Andy Colli (C84). His caption to the car-
toon was:
“Like I told you Oleg, who needs to come over
in the back of a lorry when we can travel in
style! Now tell the others to keep down...”
Andy wins last month’s £100. It could be you
this month.
See page 19...
Ever wondered how taxi drivers’ shortcuts became so popular? Well if you read this article from
The Evening News of 26th September 1931, you’ll know. And look out for the Hyde Park exit, the
right turn into Bond Street and a street that apparently no longer exists!
From the Evening News 26th September 1931
The best way to
Editor’s note: With grateful thanks to British History Online, this is the story of Little
cross London is
Pulteney Street...
to get a taxi,
In 1666 Sir William Pulteney granted a lease to Henry Batt, brick maker of part of
remember the
Knaves' Acre or the Laystall Piece, which presumably owed its name to the previous use
route and then
use it yourself
as a rubbish dump. Several houses were built along the south side of a narrow way
the next time.
leading from Soho towards the north end of what is now Great Windmill Street. This
Here, for
way was called Knaves' Acre or Pulteney Street and was subsequently known as Little
instance, is one
Pulteney Street to distinguish it from Great Pulteney Street. It is now part of Brewer
that I have
learned in this
way. It will be
found useful by
all who live in
that quarter of
London that lies
to the west of Edgware Road or the north of
the line from Marble Arch to Ealing and who
376 Strand, WC2
use their own cars to take them to the theatre.
Get into Hyde Park at Lancaster Gate
Station, drive along the north side of it, round
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
to the right at Marble Arch and out of the
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
park at the first gate afterwards, which is just
before the Grosvenor House. Go straight
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
across Park Lane into Upper Grosvenor Street
and along the south side of Grosvenor Square.
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
Then turn to the right down Carlos Place
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
into Mount Street and Berkeley Square.
Follow round the north and east sides of
Berkeley Square until you come to Bruton
We are certain that you will be delighted
Street, turn left there and then turn right into
Bond Street until you come to Burlington
Gardens on the left. Turn up there and cut
straight through along Vigo Street to Regent
Street. Here you may turn to the right and go
through Piccadilly Circus, but if you are bound
for Shaftsbury Avenue then you can miss the
congestion by going straight across Regent
Street into Brewer Street, turn right at Little
Pulteney Street and so across Wardour Street
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
into Old Compton Street.
From there you can proceed according to
Salieri Restaurant
your destination, taking any turning to the
376 Strand, WC2
right into Shaftsbury Avenue or going straight
through into Cambridge Circus. Easy when
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
you know how…
Call Sign October 2014
Page 27
ransport for London has begun
If you thought that CCTV cameras along London’ roads were the
work on a programme to overhaul
bane of your life, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
the capital’s ‘road safety’ camera
network - known by most as speed
cameras - replacing hundreds of old ‘wet
film’ cameras with modern and more effi-
cient digital safety cameras in order to
help further reduce casualties on
London’s roads.
important upgrade and by ensuring that our
Safety cameras are said to have proved suc-
safety cameras have the latest digital technol-
cessful in reducing road casualties in recent
ogy, we can help further reduce the number
years. At locations where safety cameras oper-
of unnecessary speed-related collisions that
ate in the capital, research shows that the
occur each year.”
number of people killed or seriously injured
Edmund King, AA President, said:
(KSI) fell by an average of 58 percent, mean-
"Modern well-signed cameras targeted at
ing that the cameras help to prevent 500
accident hotspots are an important road safe-
deaths or serious injuries each year. During
ty tool aimed at helping make roads safer. In
29 of the 132 fatal collisions that
a recent AA Populus poll, 79 percent of AA
occurred in London involved speeding as a
members considered speed cameras at the
contributory factor. Last year, police com-
road side to be acceptable. London needs
menced prosecution against 120,000 drivers
safe roads to help the capital function for all
for speeding and red light offences in the
road-users whether they are on foot, two
capital, with all fines generated passed on to
wheels or four."
Central Government.
Cllr Stuart McNamara, Haringey Council’s
The wet film camera technology used in
cabinet member for environment, said: “The
most of the existing safety camera network is
safety of our borough’s roads is a priority for
largely obsolete, making long term operation
Haringey Council and we are pleased that TfL
no longer possible. Earlier this year TfL began
is taking these steps to ensure that a busy
work to upgrade all safety cameras in London
He is going to be kept busy!
junction is safer for all road users.
from wet film to digital, making the capital’s
Work to install these will begin later this
“The installation of these more efficient
safety cameras more sustainable in the longer
year, with the systems beginning enforce-
and modern cameras, which will help to
term. As the Department for Transport (DfT)
ment in 2015. Work to upgrade the existing
reduce dangerous driving such as speeding
no longer fund safety camera schemes across
speed camera network to digital cameras will
and jumping red lights, will add to our efforts
the UK, TfL is funding the upgrades of these
be completed by October 2016.
to improve road safety across the borough.”
cameras to ensure that London continues to
One of TfL's top priorities is to reduce the
The upgrade of safety cameras across
be at the forefront of innovative road safety
number of people killed or seriously injured
London is part of TfL’s continuing work to
on London's roads with a target of a 40 per-
improve road safety for all road users. Earlier
TfL and the Metropolitan Police have
cent reduction by 2020. Recently, the Mayor
this year, the Mayor and TfL published
now replaced and commissioned the
and TfL published six commitments which,
London’s first Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
first 28 of 250 red light cameras at traffic
working with a range of partners, are guiding
and Motorcycle Safety Action Plan and its
signal junctions across London. In addi-
initiatives to deliver this. In particular, action
Delivery Plan for Young People, which
tion to enforcing against “red light run-
is being taken to prioritise the safety of the
included a commitment to provide cycle
ning,” these new cameras can also mon-
most vulnerable road users: pedestrians,
training to all school children in London. In
itor and enforce against vehicles break-
cyclists and motorcyclists.
June 2014, TfL also published the revised
ing the speed limit while going through
Ben Plowden, Director of Strategy and
draft Cycle Safety Action Plan and a fully
green traffic lights, helping to further
Planning at TfL, said: “Ensuring that all road
updated draft London Cycling Design
improve safety at junctions where the
users are acting responsibly is vitally impor-
Standards, which inform the work of those
risk is higher.
tant to ensure that the capital’s roads are kept
designing cycling infrastructure in the capi-
Further sites will be commissioned in the
safe for all. We are committed to delivering a
tal, for public comment to help further trans-
coming months, with all 250 upgraded by
40 percent reduction in the number of peo-
form London’s streets with world leading
October 2016. Next Month, TfL will also
ple killed or seriously injured on the capital’s
cycling provision.
begin upgrading the capital’s 350 speed cam-
roads by 2020.
For more information about the work
eras with spot speed digital cameras. When
“We’ve worked closely with the London
TfL is carrying out to improve road safety
located on the central reservation, these new
cameras can also monitor speed in both
directions, providing a wider area of enforce-
ment for the Police. In addition, at four trial
locations on the TfL Road Network, TfL will
be replacing older cameras with an Average
Speed Camera system, similar to the one
already in operation along the A13. Average
Speed Cameras improve speed compliance
between cameras along a more extensive
length of road rather than just where the
camera is located, helping to further reduce
Electrical Installations - Fault Finding & Repairs
The four sites are on the A2 between
Black Prince and the Blackwall Tunnel,
the A40 between the Polish War Memorial
and Paddington slip road, the A316
between the M3 and Hogarth Roundabout
and the A406 North Circular Road
between Hanger Lane and Bounds Green
0203 130 6798
Call Sign October 2014
Page 28
Call Sign was finishing off this
issue with a final proof and ironi-
cally just going through an inter-
esting article from Vito owner,
DaC driver and regular Call Sign
contributor Gary Cox (O16) which
he called “Where is the new
the fewest numbers
was causing them
Gary’s descriptive prose referred to the
non-stop problems.
new cab’s possible launch and wrote about it
On Tuesday 23rd
having AdBlue, which he had been told
September Eco City
would give 20 percent better fuel efficiency
Vehicles plc said that
and that although it didn’t come cheap, it
it was evaluating it’s
made the possibility of services every 25,000
miles a probability.
Mercedes Benz had
Then came Gary’s almost prophetic state-
informed them it
had opted to termi-
“Dial-a-Cab Members, who in their wis-
nate their stocking
dom have come to the conclusion that if
facilities and trading
Mercedes don’t get the new Vito right
agreements with
with the turning circle, then it won’t be
Eco City’s subsidiary
just a temporary curtain down but as Tom
KPM Taxis
Whitbread often puts it, the theatre will
immediate effect.
go dark forever.”
Eco City added that
Within hours of proof-reading Gary’s arti-
it’s directors were
cle, Call Sign heard the news that the Eco
evaluating options
in the wake of the
76.6 percent subsidiary, One80
which developed the Vito Taxi’s rear wheel
July 2008 and Brian Rice was one of many guests at the
arrangements with
steering technology - was facing administra-
launch of the Mercedes Vito Taxi
tion. As the news broke, alongside it came
Call Sign has
word that Eco City Vehicles - who are the
rival TX4-designer Manganese Bronze
been told by Mercedes Benz that warranty
sole distributor of the Vito Taxi - had sus-
did the same.”
and service work including rear wheel steer-
pended trading in its shares at 0.3p - some
ing can be carried out at various Mercedes
80 percent down from earlier this year.
The Vito Taxi, which was introduced by
dealerships. Call Anthony Cunningham or
Manufacture of the taxi itself has been sus-
Peter DaCosta at KPM, became a success as
Danny Smith on 0161 975 6966 between
pended since August with a large stock of
soon as it first appeared on London’s streets
hours of 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and
unsold cabs being the reason. This was due
as a licensed taxi. Much of the reasoning was
9am to 1pm Saturday. They will inform you of
to the general financial climate, which many
the name of Mercedes Benz behind it. The
the best garage to take your Vito to.
say isn’t quite as rosy as Westminster tells the
cab itself was a Mercedes converted people
Please note that service agreements out-
world it is, the resurrection of the TX4 under
carrier that began life as a Traveliner van,
side of warranty work that were taken out
the London Taxi Company and the Chinese
arriving in the UK with just a driver’s and pas-
with KPM as an extended warranty will not be
company that came to its rescue when it too
sengers back seat. One80 then fitted out the
covered by Mercedes. However they will be
was taken into administration - Geely. The
inside while also fitting the rear wheel steer-
happy to advise you on the above number.
actual cost of the Vito taxi, which hit £42,000,
ing to achieve the 25 foot turning circle as
didn’t help.
required by the Conditions of Fitness. That
Eco City Vehicles had announced that
became the Mercedes Vito Taxi that thanks to
there was a current lack of production rev-
a ‘magic’ button and a maximum 5mph
enues coming in and that was on top of a
speed whilst turning, eventually gained
pending legal case against One80 and the
approval from the Public Carriage Office.
combination resulted in administration.
But while its drivers loved the cab’s per-
Eco City released a statement:
formance, not all passengers were so keen
“As previously announced, the Group
with drivers complaining that they were
continues to experience challenging trad-
allowed to pass before passenger’s hands
ing conditions requiring ECV to seek addi-
went out for the TX behind. Some also com-
tional funding. ECV is in negotiation with
plained that it was too big for the job - even
a potential funder that may or may not
though it came into its own as a 6-seater
lead to additional funds.
rather than the TX4’s 5-seats and was giving
“With the potential administration of
an excellent performance, especially on
One80 and the resulting contractual frus-
longer runs.
trations encountered with third parties in
But then there were the constant rear
executing disposals under the Group’s
wheel steering problems. There had been
strategic review, together with the contin-
some other problems, but to their credit,
uing challenging trading conditions,
Mercedes Benz, did attempt to upgrade those
there is uncertainty as to the Group’s
affected parts but not as quickly as some Vito
financial position and prospects, as a con-
owners wanted. That led to the formation of
sequence, ECV has requested a suspen-
a Vito drivers club, which managed to help
sion of its shares pending further evalua-
many of the drivers. But the one thing that no
tion of its position and future structure.”
one seemed to be able to cure was that rear
According to an article in the London
wheel steering. Several Vito drivers on Dial-
Evening Standard:
a-Cab have told Call Sign that Mercedes
“Eco City Vehicles, the firm behind the
were becoming irritated with the London
Mercedes Vito London black cab, today
taxi. They were selling the Vito and Viano all
saw its shares suspended as it stood on
round the world with absolutely no prob-
the verge of collapse just two years after
lems, yet the trade in which they sold one of
Call Sign October 2014
Page 29
Either write to Call Sign at
Who are they...?
Dial-a-Cab House
Hi Al
Some random thoughts: I recently spoke to
or email us at
the CIA, Mossad and the FBI and they all con-
firmed that we are out of the period of pur-
dah and due diligence has ended. They also
said much to the annoyance of a few, that no
Brian Rice replies: At the moment Colin
Board member would be kidnapped and
I am deep within the confines of my
held for ransom. That said, we the members
underground bunker beneath the West
have been the subject of gossip and rumour,
wing of our HQ. I have been informed
Hi Alan
so no more secret squirrel! Can we kindly be
by my Chief of Staff that you have
I'm not a big fan on the thought of using sat-
informed as to the names of the two alleged
recently been released from our facility
navs just in case it takes you to the wrong
buyers? Also, the recent account that trialled
at Guantanamo Bay after doing a tour of
road but I was recently going on a personal
us for a period of two nights - yes two nights
duty in Gaza (no, not the one that
shopping trip with my mother and had an
- can we be informed as to what happened
played for Newcastle and Tottenham). I
out-of-London postcode (SG13 7EW). So I
with that pearler?
trust and hope you will soon recover
put it into my DaC satnav and off we went.
Also, the ‘hush hush’ account in the City
and be back to your normal Colin the
However, a 30 minute trip ended up taking
and West End; I fail to see how this account
Cabbie self!
well over an hour with the satnav not even
can replace some of our recent lost accounts,
I have asked one of my Senators to
getting us to the right district. So I ended up
having only done one minimum trip out of
also reply to you regarding the Accounts
just following the map on my phone. Thank
you mention, although ‘hush, hush’,
God I didn't have a paying customer on
It would also sadly appear that the radio
this is due to the fact that he is quite
board, then again my mum wasn't too
circuits are in terminal decline but working
softly spoken, but I am sure he will
happy and kept asking if we were lost and
cheap, in my opinion, that is not the answer.
answer to your satisfaction with more
constantly asking where did I think I was
Addy flea drivers work for peanuts, but I bet
than his rank and serial number.
going every two minutes! I've managed
the final bill per journey to the client is on a
Regarding your suggestions to dispose
without this technology for 25 years and
par with what we charge. As for an answer, if
of our installations, I have been
don't think I will be rush back to use it
indeed there is one to stop the decline, I
informed by the Senate that as a Mutual
know not what it is. But I have two possible
Trading organisation, any surplus has to
Steven Bryant (Y41)
options in mind.
be withheld within the confines of our
I was sitting on the Kings Cross rank
Option 1: Perhaps we should sell our
regime to be re-invested for the better-
reading your email, Steven, when my ter-
building and buy a smaller, far cheaper
ment of our hard working and stretched
minal began flashing for an account ride
unit, in South London. We can also off-load
forces! I believe I covered your query
from St Pancras to Bromley. The passen-
Roman Way and encompass that in the new
regarding subscriptions in my last bul-
ger wasn’t too sure of the address but had
unit. With the money left over from the sale
letin to our troops in September!
the postcode, which I plumbed into the
of the building and the purchase of the new
It is always nice to hear from our
terminal’s satnav. Not only was it a very
unit, why can’t we long suffering sharehold-
‘Boots on the Ground’ as you all do a
welcome £70 but it was the easiest trip
er members have a divi up? After the divi up
sterling job under intense pressure
I’ve had all week with the young lady
and smaller building purchase, we would
whilst operating under fire!
inside the machine giving me directions
still have a huge cash mountain in the bank.
So thank you for taking the time and
for the whole journey. Other than
Makes sense, does it not?
trouble to write to our forces magazine
instructing me to do a U-turn inside
Option 2: Stay where we are and use the
and finally Colin - God Bless America
Blackwall Tunnel (!!!) it took me right to
cash mountain to subsidise the proposed
and Dial-a-Cab! Incidentally, have you
the door. But satnavs are only machines
subs increase. What’s the point in hanging on
read my report on page four???
and you need to keep an occasional eye
to shed loads of cash doing nothing apart
from impressing the bank? It strikes me that
Keith Cain adds: Not quite sure about
that the signal hasn’t been suddenly lost
the two nights trial or the fact that any-
and confused it while it renews the route.
the majority of drivers are now going to sub-
one has ever suggested these accounts
But what does confuse me is that
sidise the minority who do very little account
would replace those we have lost. With
Steve, together with NHS Practice
work. To ask drivers to pay more (yes, we will
morale amongst drivers running low at
Development Facilitator Jane Barr, went
pay more) whilst sitting on a huge cash pile
the moment, I hoped that information
to Uganda in 2008 on something of a
in these austere times, is a bitter pill to swal-
regarding new business would help
mercy mission. Jane’s mission was to
low. No system is totally fair, but we
perk some of them up. When accounts
give advice to Ugandan medical staff and
have been charged subs this way since the
get opened at what I call good charges,
hopefully help extend the lives of their
year dot. I know the Board are elected to
retain a run-in and gratuity, it would be
patients. With HIV and AIDS so preva-
make decisions, but I feel this new pricing
suicide to name them because if the
lent in many African countries, Jane’s
structure is deeply punitive and should have
opposition got wind of that type of
task was a difficult one. The more prac-
been put to a vote. Yes I know some drivers
information, they would be in like a
tical side was to show how staff could
will love the new pricing structure, but how
shot to steal them off us. When it comes
re-use wheelchairs for young children -
about a vote on the subject? How about a
to business, make no mistake there is a
so often the victims of landmines. Steve,
vote on down-sizing and a divi up? Surly if
war going on and we don’t need to give
although going mainly to help where he
happy days had continued and we had, let’s
anything away...
could, also cheered a local group of
say, £50million in the bank, then there would
young footballers - many with severe
surely have come a point at which we the
Gas Cab...
injuries - from the Kampala Kids League
members enjoyed a divi up? If we had been
by getting Dial-a-Cab to provide them
sold we would have had a divi up, would we
My cab is 15 years old. Is there any info on
with a set of Spurs tops. The kids were
not? There are many long serving drivers
a gas conversion and do you think it is
all soccer mad and knew all about the
coming to the end of their driving days to
worth the expense? I have not heard any-
English Premiership. So my problem is
whom a few grand would benefit very nicely!
thing about it. Is it still 5years extra and is
this: How the hell did you find your way
Wudda ya reckon...
there only one garage that does the con-
there, Steve...!!! Ed
Colin Jenkins (Y22)
version or are there any other conversions
Call Sign October 2014
Page 30
on the market that are PCO approved...
John Gilbert (W72)
I asked Stanley Roth, whose Gastech
have to call them back and hope that they can
company are converting cabs, whether
change the vehicle and in fairness, quite
it is worth it. If it is over fifteen years old
often they can - but at the expense of a
then it is too late. However, if it’s com-
lengthy wait. If I am just returning from a
ing up to its birthday then it is OK.
friend’s house then I can cope. But when it’s
Gastech are the only ones who do a full
a hospital appointment or as it was recently,
rain! I must say that this issue was one of
Euro 5 conversion (TX1), which is
to attend a funeral, then time is of the
the best I have read. It must just be the flow
cleaner than a new TX4 Euro 5. In fact
essence because missed hospital appoint-
of words that made it so enjoyable - even if
their TX2 conversion meets Euro 6.
ments are usually cancelled and being late
Mike Son lost the capitalization ‘s’ in his
Stanley has had his converted cab for
for a funeral - well you can guess how awful
article, but one can blame that on the proof
almost 5 years so it must be worth it
that makes me feel. As a former licensed
because you know whether your cab is a
London taxi driver, now retired many years, I
Lloyd Powell
good ‘un rather than buying someone
just cannot understand how I can phone a
Palm Beach, Florida
else’s old cast-off. And yes, you still get
London taxi circuit and be provided with a
Thanks to Hans and Lloyd. Call Sign has
an extra five years.
car. I have been around long enough to
been seen around the world online
Get in touch with Stanley at:
remember the minicab wars; does this mean
since 1998 and at the last official count
gastaxi @gmail.com.
that taxis lost?
had over 8000 regular readers via that
As I said at the beginning, I doubt there is
route. Although 70.1 percent of the 8000
anything you can do, but at least I feel better
were based in the UK with a further 17.1
having got it off my chest and if ComCab read
Hi Al
percent in the USA, we still had 5 regu-
this, perhaps they’ll get it right in future.
Your article on the Deregulation Bill (From
lar readers in Ukraine, 5 in the United
Arnold Stanton
the Editor, August Call Sign Online) was
Arab Republic, 3 in Taiwan and 1 lonely
Cranbrook, Ilford, Essex
interesting. But how about the scenario of
reader in Russia! We even have one soli-
They will at least now know that you have
an unlicensed driver 'borrowing' a licensed
tary reader in Yemen ...Ed
written ...Ed
PH vehicle from a friend and then also bor-
rowing the friends Uber PDA? With rick-
Goodbye Eric
Older than he looks!
shaws driven by anyone with no CRB need-
I have recently retired as a cab driver after
ed, I don't think the public have ever been
Hi Alan
45 years’ service and have notified Driver
at so much risk, even before Livingstone’s
I read the article about my altercation with a
Services accordingly. But I must write to say
PH licensing.
cyclist in the September Call Sign and I do
‘thank you’ to the Dial-a-Cab Board and
When I used Hailo, I was picking a fare
need to point out that I have been with Dial-
Staff members for the hard work they put
up from somewhere in NW3. Parked oppo-
a-Cab since 2001 and not 2012. A minor
in running the Society. I've enjoyed being a
site was a plain Merc, no PH ID's, no
transgression on the Editor’s part, but never-
member of DaC and appreciate the work
roundels. When the passenger came out,
theless one that gives all my buddies on EC5
and income it has provided me with over
he put his wife and son in the car and then
ammunition to keep calling me a ‘butter’ -
the 35 years I’ve been with the circuit; it
jumped in with me. I said to him: 'So you're
when I’m clearly not!
has been great and has made it all worth-
letting the family have the chauffeur today
Peter Marks (L07)
then?' He replied that it was an Uber mini-
while for myself and my family. My best
I was trying to make you look younger.
cab and it was taking them to LAP. I told
You just can’t please some people!!! ...Ed
him 3 times that it was an unlicensed vehi-
future, keep well and thank you...
cle and that it had no identification from
Eric Pearce (D70)
Call Sign Online
TfL on it and that he should really phone
Brian Rice replies: Hi Eric, thank you so
Dear Alan
his wife and advise her that she was in an
much for your email which has been
As always my sincere thanks for Call Sign
unlicensed vehicle therefore not insured
passed onto me. Your sentiments are very
Online every month! You're good!
blah, blah. He totally ignored me! This dri-
much appreciated. I wish you a happy
Lloyd Powell is a member of the American sec-
ver had someone else's Uber PDA...
retirement and know that Neil (D70J) will
tion London Vintage Taxi Association (LVTA)
Mickey Lappin (Ex-E46)
continue in your footsteps. You have
and owns an original FX4. He and his family
This trade was deregulated years ago,
been a credit to DaC over the past 35
were over in the UK some years ago, when they
Mickey - it’s just that no one told us!
years and it is Members such as yourself
also made the pilgrimage to the Menin Gate at
Sadly the name of the best licensed taxi
who have been the backbone of this
Ypres in Belgium where his Uncle is men-
service in the world has been dragged
Society. I know you have been unwell in
tioned and that was commemorated by them.
through the mud backwards by two
the past, but I wish you an enjoyable
As you know, the Menin Gate Memorial to
Mayor’s who couldn’t care less about us,
the Missing is a war memorial dedicated to
other than boasting of the service in
soldiers that were killed in the Ypres Salient of
speeches but not actually giving a toss
WW1 and whose graves are unknown.
otherwise. Sadly we are now in a state of
I would like to pass on Lloyd’s view of Call
war and we will need some PH on our
Just read your third paragraph on page 3 of
Sign to you and the publishing group
side. The question is who? ...Ed
the September Call Sign and your reaction
involved. To all of you I pass on
was the same as mine when I read the Bill in
Honour’ given! Chapeau! Keep up the good
The minicab wars...
June. However, I checked and those clauses
work; it's being appreciated
Dear Sir
don't apply to London so the premise of the
Hans Dooren,
I’m not sure who to write this to because I
argument is mistaken.
LVTA Dutch Section, Holland
know that the disabled account here in
I will try to remember exactly how they
Redbridge is nothing to do with Dial-a-Cab.
don't apply, but the reason is complex, even
However, I have told ComCab - who do
Thanks again for your thoughtfulness in for-
operate the system - several times but it
warding along the latest issue of Call Sign
Lord Borwick of Hawkshead
seems to have made no difference. The
Online magazine to me. I spent a leisurely
Thanks Jamie. For those that don’t know,
problem is that my disability prohibits me
Sunday afternoon reading the entire issue.
Lord Borwick of Hawkshead was the for-
from using any vehicle other than a real taxi
What a relaxing way to stay inside and out of
mer Chairman of London Taxis
but ComCab keep sending me a car. I then
the 90 plus degree heat - even with a hint of
International. He is married to Victoria
Call Sign October 2014
Page 31
Borwick, the Deputy Mayor of London.
Both are huge supporters of the taxi
have to go onto the back burner with the
next major update being the automatic
I was writing about clause 10 of the
dispatching of trips via GPS rather than
Deregulation Bill which would allow fam-
having to book into zones. Hopefully that
ily and friends to “borrow” minicabs to
will be round about March time ...Ed
use as private vehicles. My problem was
how would anyone know they weren’t
many were calling for the introduction
Subscriptions and VAT
licensed PH drivers should they decide to
of PAYG. Now we have obliged, we get
Dear Ed
work in the car ...Ed
another section stating they don’t like
It seems that Brian Rice in his column in the
the new system! It could be argued that
August Call Sign may have misled us in his
Terminal lay out
the more a Member takes out of the pot,
explanation of the revised subscriptions
Hi Alan
then the more that should cost the indi-
arrangements. I think he neglected to men-
The new MDT now only requires two
vidual Member and when I state this to
tion that both the £10 Fixed Charge and the
screen taps instead of three as with the old
Members, they tell me they cover work
Variable Charge (75% of gratuities) are sub-
one to scroll through the available buttons.
for the benefit of the Society!
ject to VAT at 20 percent, which puts quite a
However, the right side of the screen on the
Compared to our two competitors,
different slant on comparisons with the old
new MDT is little used. Can I suggest that
subscriptions on Dial-a-Cab have always
charging method. It seems from a personal
no taps of the screen would be required if
been cheaper and for many years sub-
viewpoint that I will only be better off when
we also sited buttons on the right side. The
stantially more affordable; even today
I’m not working! Or am I missing something?
left side buttons are: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone
we are still the cheapest of the three
Mike Holleyoake (M6)
3, Bids, Next and Clear.
radio circuits - including all the Apps...
Brian Rice replies: The last thing I wanted
Then on the right side could be: Resync,
to do was to mislead you, Mike, but you
Review, Screen, Clear All and History. The
Caption winner
are quite right - subscriptions do attract
History button would be a new one to
VAT and of course I should have stated
Thanks for waking me up this morning
replace having to touch the bottom line of
with such good news. It’s always great to
that everything was plus VAT. At the time
the screen to show your recent actions.
of writing, it is the first week that we have
start the day with a positive... so I have just
Alan Nash (A95)
shared the joy of me winning “£25” in the
stopped the new subscription (plus VAT)
Thanks Alan, I have passed your com-
and I notice on this particular occasion
competition to the wife!
ments onto DaC’s IT department. I sus-
Andy Colli (C84)
you are paying less in subscription than
pect that some drivers would complain
you have in the past.
You can be the next winner of this
that your idea means the screen has
month’s Caption contest and win what
As you no doubt can appreciate, what-
much less room for details, but I would
ever we do will alienate a proportion of
is £25 to Andy’s wife but £100 to every-
also imagine that any changes would
one else! See page 19 ...Ed
the Membership and as you know Mike,
TDOY Dinner and Dance
‘Remembering those less fortunate than ourselves’
The Taxi Driver of the Year Charity Fund presents their Annual Dinner and Dance on Saturday 6th December 2014
at a NEW venue: The Holiday Inn Regents Park, Carburton Street, W1.
Reception begins at 6.15pm with dinner at 6.45pm followed by dancing to a live band. The cost of tickets is £65 per person and
includes a 4-course meal with half a bottle of wine per person.
With your support, The Taxi Driver of the Year Charity Fund is able to make substantial donations to the taxi trade charities that support them.
Don’t miss one of the year’s great nights. Great food and great company! It will prove to be an enjoyable and memorable occasion for all.
For tickets, please send completed form and cheque made out to T.D.Y.C.F to:
Russell Poluck MBE, TDYCF Hon Chairman, 5 St Brides Avenue, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 6BT
RSVP by 1st November
Company (if applicable):
Number of tickets:
Dietary requirements:
□ Fish
□ Meat
Dress smart
For further information, contact Russell Poluck: 07850 056 765 • Tel/fax 020 8952 1357
Registered with the Charities Commission No: 1000761