October 2012
Call Sign October 2012
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
I had intended to update car pounds in every borough, but I had problems. Did you know that Westminster no longer has a pound?
They lift a vehicle and dump it in another road. And that TRACE has changed its easy to remember number to 0845 206 8602. So
you’ve got LCA winter arrivals instead...!
For a larger type face version with flight numbers go to
www.nashsnumbers.co.uk and click the “MyFav Taxi Page”
button. You will then find a dedicated LCA timetable icon...
Call Sign October 2012
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
After a pretty lousy summer - both
still phone) where you log onto, but you will
also see a QR code (a pretty pattern to me), but
workwise AND weatherwise - we
if you have a smartphone you will be able to scan
now come to the month where it all
the website in just by putting the phone next to
changes; ie the clocks go back an
the pretty pattern!
hour on 28th of this month and it
I’ll have to ask my grandson how that works,
will get dark even earlier! Even
after all, Samuel is nine now and should be able
to explain it to me! All I can tell you is that the
worse, I
‘celebrate’ yet another
Alpha Pill works!
birthday this month! Ah well, at
least it’s getting busier! Onwards
DaC and charity
and upwards!
For many years, Dial-a-Cab drivers and Board
members have been intrinsically linked to vari-
Taxi sales war?
ous charities - most of which are involved with
At the same time as KPM long-time Chairman,
the taxi trade. The London Taxidrivers’ Fund
Peter DaCosta stands down from his position
for Underprivileged Children has and still has
with Eco Vehicles and its Vito taxi to become a
DaC drivers on its committee. Board member
non-executive director and take a well-deserved
Mike Son has been on it for many years, as have
rest after many years, along with Tim Yeo MP
David Lessman (D19), Gerry Dunn MBE
who apparently subsidises his money as an MP
Fooling the world!
(S84), Bill Tyzack BEM (C06) and many others
by becoming a director of every ‘Green’ compa-
Do you know Dial-a-Cab driver John Gerber
going back to Jack Taylor and Sam Harris.
ny he can find, I cannot help but worry about
(N62)? How about Sky Sports, you must know
Then there’s the Taxi Driver of the Year
what looks to be a price war between the Vito
that? And if you do, then you will certainly know
Charity Fund under the Chairmanship of
and the TX4.
Tottenham Hotspur! But what do the three
Russell Poluck MBE (T55), the Worshipful
Some will say that any price war is good
have in common?
Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers’
news for drivers, and indeed it can be. But
Well the answer is that John not only fooled
Magical Mystery Tour committee including dri-
only if the companies concerned can afford
the Sky Sports News channel and Spurs, but he
vers such as Jim Rainbird (T25) and Phil Davis
a war.
and his son fooled much of the world that takes
(F10) and the East London Cabbies Outing
The Mercedes Benz team began by introduc-
Sky’s content. Yet it started as a little joke that
charity with DaC men such as John Dixon
ing its Agility scheme where you could ‘buy’ a
eventually took over the internet as Spurs fans
(B67). The Albany Taxi Charity has had many
brand new Vito for £135 per week. Added to the
gradually realised what John had done using his
DaC drivers working for it over the years, as has
usual stuff that owners have to pay for, it still
taxi and DaC name board. The story is inside this
the LTBAFWD, better known as the Taxi War
made a new cab affordable - especially with
Disabled Charity under their President and for-
many driver’s taxis coming off the road courtesy
mer ODRTS Board member, 88 year old Harry
of the Mayor’s clean air policy, where any taxi
over 15 years of age suddenly became unclean
If you work on DaC’s EC5 rank, then the
Why have I mentioned all the above? Well they
and where drivers had no deposit for a new cab
chances are that you will hear Call Sign’s long-
all publish occasional articles in the trade press
to speak of.
time poet, David
‘Kupkake’ Kupler (Y74)
and some drivers just turn over the page when
With the Vito scheme, you paid the equivalent
moaning about something or other. He has also
they see one of them. But these guys represent
of £135 a week and then after three years, you
been writing for both this magazine and its pre-
our trade in a way that should make us all proud
could buy the vehicle - with a huge amount still
decessor, Phil Emden’s News and Views since
and even if you don’t want to read the same arti-
outstanding as the payments made just a small
1974 and even his poems usually have a moan
cle as it makes its way through the papers in a
inroad into the price. Failing that, you could
about something running through them! Yet
press release, please at least read it once. Not
just give it back and get another new one. In
they - and he - remain incredibly popular.
everything in life can be sensationalistic; some
other words, you are renting but paying all the
Sadly, David recently lost his mother, Mary.
people do things because no one else will. And
costs that owner-drivers pay. However, you have
She used to work for ODRTS on the phones at
they should make us feel proud of being London
a vehicle whose servicing costs should be per-
Shirland Road. Indeed his daughter Rachel
manently under warrantee.
taxi drivers...
worked for DaC at Brunswick House, except that
Several months ago, the London Taxi
being ‘on the phones’ had been elevated to tele-
Company came on with a similar scheme at the
Max Bygraves
phonist by then and later on to calltaker. His
same weekly cost of £135 plus all the usual
At a time when taxi work has seen better days, I
wife Jan did a similar job at Shirland Road and
owner-driver costs. The advantage of the TX4
feel I should mention the times when things
his sister Sam had previously been married to
scheme was that the initial cost was £thousands
were really buzzing and one of those regular
former DaC Secretary John Bernardout. To com-
less, so you would owe substantially less after
clients at the time was Max Bygraves. He used
plete an astonishing DaC family, David’s father
the three years were up.
to call Dial-a-Cab for taxis to pick him up from
Judd was also a regular on the old Finsbury
But now KPM have cut the weekly cost from
his luxury apartment in Palace Street,
Square rank, but sadly passed away in 2005.
£135 to £125, making it look even more attrac-
Westminster. Whilst he used to go everywhere in
Just as he did back then for his dad, David has
tive. But of course, nothing is for nothing and
written a poignant piece inside this issue about
a cab, he was very fussy that it always turned up
after three years you will owe even more, having
a mother whom he obviously loved very much.
on time although he was always the nicest pos-
nowhere near even paid half off of the hugely
Our sincere condolences to all David’s family on
sible celeb you could pick up.
expensive Vito cost with many drivers being
their loss...
I remember the late Len Bell (ex-L01) telling
unable to afford the cost.
me how Max asked to be taken to Brighton after
Will the LTC follow again? And if they do,
Alpha Power Pill
phoning to ask for a taxi to Victoria. He told Len
where will it all end? Garages won’t bother buy-
I recently sent off for a pack of Alpha Power
that he was just testing DaC to see whether they
ing new taxis to rent out as the ‘buy’ schemes
Pills and sure enough, they arrived the very next
would arrive on time to take someone just
will look to be cheaper. And if the cost of cabs
morning. And it was nice to see that they work
round the corner!
increases, how many drivers will still buy new?
as well as ever - smoke down and fuel con-
When Len arrived within five minutes, Max
And what will happen when the Nissan NV200
sumption improved. Steve Vale, who is operat-
asked him to take him to the coastal town
arrives on the scene. Yes, it’s ugly but it has an
ing the system, tells me that all orders received
instead. He also gave Len two tickets for his
even lower price than the TX4? Where will that
before 3pm go out first class post that same day.
London show. A true gent and one who is sadly
leave the Vito and its £43,000 price? Will they
Technology passed me by when DVD players
then cut the weekly cost to £100?
took over from tape recorders, but apparently if
Yes, price wars can be great, but in this case it
you go to the Alpha Pill ad inside this issue, you
Alan Fisher
could also be disastrous...
will see the website address (non-PC drivers can
Call Sign October 2012
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
is terminated is extremely important. It
Olympics - just one
should always expire on amicable terms as
more time...
you never know what the future holds. After-
My Call Sign report last month was - perhaps
all, just like last time we could be invited to
unsurprisingly - almost entirely devoted to the
service this account again in the future.
Olympic Games. Now they are over, I just have
a little more to convey on the subject.
There is not any doubt that both the
App for credit cards
Olympics and Paralympics were a huge success
We are currently testing an App for the iPhone
and I, like many others, became quite involved
and Android, however we are only testing it
in watching some of the events. What with
for credit card transactions to begin with and
Bradley Wiggins winning Gold and also the
when we are happy with that Application, we
Tour de France and then Andy Murray win-
will extend the service to other areas of your
ning Gold and the New York Grand Slam
event, becoming the first Briton to do so for
At the moment, the App appears to be work-
seventy six years, it really was a fantastic sum-
ing very well and when we are ready to launch
mer for our sportsmen and women and of
it, the charges applied to current credit card
course, the nation as a whole.
Although I had explained the situation to
transactions will be revised.
However, not every cloud has a silver lining
them, they had never actually experienced
When we are happy with everything and the
and there were many businesses in and around
a situation themselves when service fails on
App has been thoroughly tested, we will then
the capital that suffered tremendously during
all fronts.
submit it to Apple for their approval and for
the six week period that the Games were on.
We tendered for the business on exactly the
inclusion in their App store.
The London Taxi trade was no exception with
At that point, everything will depend on you.
same terms as the current contract; however,
probably the quietest August the trade has ever
the new contract was not awarded to us but to
If you don’t cover the work, then the public
seen, due in no short measure to the authori-
will delete the App and we will suddenly see
a company based in Finchley. The new compa-
ties persuading most people to avoid London
ny that has won the tender is Fairway and
derogatory remarks written about us on the
unless their visit was absolutely vital. It
internet because that is how many show their
Kenwood, a minicab company that claims to
appeared that everyone heeded the advice and
discontent with Apps nowadays.
have 250 cars. The current contract with us
as a consequence the taxi trade did not have
We can produce the App, but the service we
expires at the end of October.
any passengers to convey!
give will be entirely up to you. We could even
However, I have now received another
I don’t need to tell you that the past year has
make all credit card transactions As Directed
communication from the House to request we
been a very difficult trading period and I was
just to try and guarantee a good service, but as
continue to service them into November
somewhat pleased when your Society entered
I’ve said, if you don’t cover the work then we
whilst the new supplier beds their new sys-
August, the last month of Dial-a-Cab’s trading
might as well give it up now...
tem in. Of course I agreed to their request
year, showing a small surplus. However, due to
and I know you will continue to service the
those abysmal trading conditions during
Brian Rice
House to the very highest standard until the
August and the unusually high loss we experi-
contract finally expires.
enced that month thanks to the Olympics, we
I believe that the way in which a contract
finished the year in the red and not showing a
surplus. Fortunately, the loss incurred will not
have a detrimental effect on your Society as we
have built up considerable financial strength
over the years. I am just pleased that the
London taxi trade will hopefully not experi-
ence in our lifetime another huge downturn in
376 Strand, WC2
business like the one we experienced during
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
House of
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
We have serviced the above account for many
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
years, with the exception of some five years ago
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
when we lost the account on price to one of
our competitors in the radio taxi industry.
Their contract was for three years, but after fif-
We are certain that you will be delighted
teen months the House called me in and asked
if would service the account once again. This
was due to service issues, as the account is very
complex and the new provider experienced
some difficulty in providing a satisfactory ser-
Consequently, we once again began to ser-
vice the House. They then sought to go to ten-
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
der earlier this year. The staff that had previ-
ously awarded the contract back to us due to
Salieri Restaurant
our competitors inability to service them to an
acceptable level, had all moved on and we
376 Strand, WC2
were faced with new staff that were unaware of
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
the difficulties that were experienced in service
levels those few years earlier.
Call Sign October 2012
Page 5
Peter DaCosta stepping down as ECO CEO
KPM Chairman and Eco City Vehicles
Those debts include £1.5 million (plus
accrued interest of £66,120 as at 31 August
Chief Executive Officer, Peter DaCosta,
2012) owed to the pension scheme (whose
has said that he is stepping down
beneficiaries are the original KPM directors and
from his position with ECO. He will
now ECV directors and/or shareholders, Peter
DaCosta, Michael Troullis and Keith Marder).
remain as a non-executive director.
Also owed to the pension scheme are accrued
Tim Yeo, who has chaired the company
rent arrears of around £200,000 relating to
behind the Mercedes Vito since its 2007 admis-
premises owned by the pension scheme. There
sion into the AIM market, is also standing down,
are outstanding arrears of £514,000 owed to
to be replaced by former Sky and BT executive,
Global Meter Systems Limited, £61,000 owed
John Swingewood.
to the executive directors in respect of loans
The company have had a relatively successful
they made to the Company, £126,000 in
period since their lease/buy deal for the Vito,
deferred gross bonuses owed to the executive
claiming to have increased its share of the new
directors together with employer national
London license taxi market to 36% this year.
insurance contributions, £97,500 in deferred
How successful that will remain to be now that
fees owed to non-executive directors, £100,000
the London Taxi Company has launched a simi-
owed to Peter DaCosta’s son Lee and £250,000
lar deal for their TX4 but at that cab’s lower
accrued interest owing to Cabvision Networks
price, remains to be seen.
The changes to the ECV Board was said to be
Revised repayment terms have now been
in preparation for the next phase of develop-
agreed, pursuant to which
£0.25 million
ment. It comes after ECV raised £1.75m in a
Peter DaCosta is becoming a non-exec
including associated expenses will be paid out
share placement, which will help to reduce their
of the Placing proceeds.
debt and provide working capital.
At the Science Museum...
If you have never taken the kids to South
This exhibition is on till
Kensington’s Science Museum then it’s some-
January 2013 and free to enter.
thing they could well enjoy. There are lots of
A new free display connect-
different galleries to visit with many of them
ed to recent research into DNA.
free of charge to enter. Call Sign looked at
‘The Who Am I’ gallery is the
Science Museum’s biomedical
Web Lab is made of up five experiment
gallery that allows visitors to
installations that bring the workings of the
explore how genetics and the
internet to life and aims to inspire the world
brain combine to create your
about the possibilities of the web. Besides
unique identity.
being physical, it is also an interactive website
This exhibition opens from
and available at www.chromeweblab.com.
September 6 until December 5.
Visitors, both on and offline, will be able to
make music with people across the world;
There are many other exhibi-
tions always on, plus of course
launch information into cyberspace and see
Alan Turing: Code breaker
the amazing IMAX theatre
where images on the web live or watch their
where 3D presentations on the giant screen are
The Science Museum at Exhibition Road
portrait being drawn in the sand by a robot!
like no other 3D films you have seen before.
is open daily from 10.00 to 18.00.
Web Lab is on at the Science Museum (base-
You will have to pay an admission charge to see
ment) until July 2013 and is free to enter...
any of the IMAX presentations.
or 0870 870 4868.
Another attraction at the museum is
Codebreaker: Alan Turing’s life and legacy.
This biographical exhibition celebrates the cen-
tenary of the birth of Alan Turing, exploring his
inspirational story and examines his profound
influence on the fields of code-breaking, com-
puting, mathematics, artificial intelligence and
The life and legacy of Alan Turing is told
using objects (including some which have
never been on public display), archival material,
interactive exhibits, photographs and quota-
This exhibition, supported by Google, is on
until May 2013 and free to enter.
Visitors can also ask the question: Can we
get electricity from nuclear waste? You will
be able to see a magnet from a brand new
type of particle accelerator which made it pos-
sible to run a nuclear reactor to release energy,
rather than relying on a critical nuclear chain
reaction. You will be able to learn about the
accelerator technology being developed here in
the UK and to reflect on the issues surrounding
nuclear energy and waste.
Call Sign October 2012
Page 6
Jery’s World
Thinks: “When I bought this gas cab, I fort it’d work off the wife’s nagging every morning! And now I’ve got another five years of it!
Fanks for nuffink LT-bloody-PH!”
New London Taxi Company Service Dealer
click on’ servicing’ for more information
on the Approved Service Dealer network
or to find your nearest one...
The London Taxi Company is continuing to appoint new approved
Service Dealers around the country and have recently announced
the appointment of a new Approved Service Dealer in London.
They are E1 Taxis Ltd, who are based at 67 Stephenson Street, London E16 4SA.
E1 make the sixth new service dealer to open around the country in just two months.
LTC’s Rob Laidler told Call Sign:
“We continue to strengthen and improve our aftersales support, from the quality
• Roadside repair
and training of our network to the launch of our first ever Service Plan - our new
• Roadside assistance
maintenance package that can be used at any of our Approved Service Dealers.
• Running repair recovery
“When our drivers visit one of our Approved Service Dealers, they know that
they are dealing with factory-trained professionals, specifically geared up to
• Accident recovery
work on their vehicle. They are also completely tuned into the needs of the cus-
• Pay as you go to membership
tomer. They understand that taxi drivers simply cannot afford prolonged periods
• Credit card taken at roadside
“Our priorities are to ensure that our customers can maintain their vehicles
properly and have them maintained or repaired as quickly as possible. We
0845 094 5307
believe that our drivers definitely benefit from having access to a specific main-
tenance network. They also have the added reassurance that only genuine parts
We make wheels turn
and the correct specification oils and lubricants will be used on their vehicle;
so you can earn.
with all faults diagnosed using authorised tools and equipment.”
Call Sign October 2012
Page 7
I very often stop for a rest at the RAF church
In an unscientific survey, Mike Lyons (Y52) asks male taxi passengers...
rank on the Strand; there are normally a few
vagrants who sit outside the church and who at
“How should London taxi drivers dress???”
times can be a bit rowdy, but who seldom cause
any bother.
Why doesn't Allen
When I was there recently, I saw one vagrant
Togwell wear casual
who I didn’t recognise walking along the line of
clothes? Perhaps he
taxis and looking into each one as he passed, so
just doesn't know
I promptly shut my window only to see him pass
who he may pick
by and get into the taxi behind! The cab - not a
Dial-a-Cab - then pulled away!
So on the back of that experience, and as the
Allen Togwell has
thorny subject of dress code has resurfaced in
been banging on about a
recent issues of Call Sign, I decided to conduct
dress code for more years
my own very unscientific mini-survey with the
than I can remember - a
people that we couldn’t survive without - ie the
campaign I totally agree
general public as taxi passengers.
with. However, it does
All ten passengers that took part were
not help his cause if every
male, wearing suits and the questions
article he writes on the
referred to male taxi drivers and their gen-
were unsuitable.
subject was not next to a
eral dressware...
* None of the ten seemed particularly con-
photo showing him suited and booted. Perhaps
* All ten passengers agreed that a collar and
cerned about footwear.
it would be better if he showed himself in a
tie was unnecessary, with eight out of the ten
more casual light and in an outfit he would con-
So there you have it and make of it what you
saying that a T-shirt was fine.
sider wearing behind the wheel.
will! It has to be said that wearing a suit and tie
* All ten called sleeveless vests “totally unac-
Allen currently gives the impression that he
is an extremely easy way of dressing, with any
would even do the gardening in a three piece
adjustments necessary to the suit being made
* Two of the ten thought there was a small ele-
suit, goes to bed in a shirt and tie and just
before you take it home. The only serious daily
ment of scruffy drivers in the trade.
wouldn’t dare leaving the house in a pair of
challenge after that is choosing a tie!
socks that hadn’t been correctly ironed
I then asked about a dress code if radio dri-
Once you move into casual wear, it becomes a
although I’m sure none of the above is true!
vers had to go into client’s office reception
completely different ball game and the outlets
On a more serious note, we are up against
do not make it easy with a medium size being a
very serious competition in top of the range cars
* Five out of the ten thought a T-shirt was fine.
perfect fit in one outlet, while other shops
that are driven by smartly dressed drivers. Their
* Five out of the ten said that a collared T-shirt
describe that same size as an extra-large! So
only disadvantage being that many don’t know
as a minimum should be worn.
labels cannot be relied on and if you end up
where they are going! So I would hate to think
* Four of the ten said that jeans were okay,
with an ill-fitting garment, you can take it back,
that we were losing work purely due to the lack
whereas the other six said that trousers or casu-
use it for doing messy jobs, use it as a duster, just
of any dress code or that was contributing to it...
al slacks should be a minimum standard.
bin it or maybe - just maybe - consider that it
* All ten said that shorts or track suit bottoms
will make do behind the taxi wheel!
Michael Lyons (Y52)
Martin Cordell & Co.
Does your accountant supply you with the following?
Over forty years of experience with the Licensed London Taxi Trade.
Processing of self-assessment returns.
Advice on trading as a Limited Company with its tax advantages and potential pitfalls.
Preparation of accounts.
Initial consultation dealing with loss of earnings claims (due to accidents on the road etc.)
Letters to banks, building societies
and other lenders.
Specialist in-house facilities to deal with Inland Revenue enquiry cases.
(This is expensive and time consuming. Ask your accountant how much he will charge should this
unpredictable event occur).
A three hundred and sixty five days a year service.
A ‘nightshift’
Offices in North and East London.
First consultation free of charge.
Martin Cordell & Co . . . Do!
All for one yearly fee
The London Taxi Trades Premier Accountants
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
020 8980 7161
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
1-5 Alfred Street, Bow, London E3 2BE also at
Front Office, First Floor, 9 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4AS
Call Sign October 2012
Page 8
Carshalton’s Danny ‘Cassius’ Connor put on a
great display recently to capture the Southern
Area title belt in the biggest fight of his career
and his fourth consecutive win. Referee Ken
Curtis gave him the decision after the 10 rounds
in the title fight, which was shown live on Sky
Sports in Matchroom Sports ‘London Calling’
show at Alexandra Palace.
Trained by Dial-a-Cab driver Alec Wilkey
(W83) under Johnny Eames managership at
the TKO Gym in Canning Town, Cassius
took on local favourite Chris ‘The Flash’
Evangelou in the Light-Welterweight divi-
sion in an entertaining battle that had the
crowd on their feet!
The styles of both fighters made it a close and
interesting fight with Connor maintaining a
high work rate and using his jab and combina-
tions throughout against the previously unbeat-
en Evangelou, who counterpunched using
powerful single shots. Connor was coming off
the back of a great points win over Tyler
Goodjohn for the Masters Welterweight title
back in May and was in great form after winning
6 of his last 7 bouts. But Evangelou was clearly
confident after remaining unbeaten in winning
his first 9 bouts. While Danny trained with Alec
at the TKO Gym, Evangelou had been to train at
Floyd Mayweather’s famous gym in Las Vegas!
Both fighters had great support and it was
evident this was going to be a tight affair after
the first round in which both fighters had their
successes, with Connor establishing his jab
Danny Connor with DaC's Alec Wilkey after he won the title
early and landing a couple of straight right
tion as they squared up at the end of the ninth
treat for the fight fans.
hands and Evangelou landing a good left hook
and the last round had the crowd on their feet,
Danny Connor told Call Sign: “I’m
and loading up for the power punches. The sec-
with Connor again showing he had the fitness
happy with that. All credit to Chris; he was slip-
ond round was also tight with Connor putting
to outwork his opponent with some effective
pery and I thought it would be a big step up,
pressure on his opponent and landing some
but if he wants a rematch, he can have one.”
straight shots as Evangelou tried to cover up.
good combinations, but Evangelou, with his
Chris Evangelou added, “I thought I had the
At the end of the bout, Danny Connor’s hand
hands low, was relying on power and continued
cleaner shots, but Danny has got an engine on
was raised in victory with the ref scoring the
to land with those single shots.
him. I really thought I was going to knock him
bout 98-94 in his favour and he was crowned
Then in the third round, Evangelou looked
out in 4-5 rounds, but I wish him all the best
Southern Area Champion. Such was the
to have made a breakthrough when he caught
with his career.”
excitement of the fight and the attitudes of the
and stunned Cassius with a great left hook, but
David Wilkey
he was able to regain his composure and began
two boxers, that there were calls for a rematch
firing back with shots of his own. The styles of
and if it materialises, it will surely be another
Call Sign Online
both fighters gelled, with the counterpunching
of Evangelou mixed with the work rate and
combinations of Danny Connor.
The fifth round saw Chris Evangelou contin-
ue his tactics of explosive attacks, but Cassius
responded with several shots each time he was
caught, showing the tenacity needed to become
a champion. But by round seven, Evangelou
was beginning to show signs of tiring, as this
was his first time beyond 6 rounds. Connor,
who had Pinto printed on the front of his shorts
in memory of his friend and fellow boxer Lewis
Treatment for pain & discomfort doesn’t have to be expensive
Pinto who died earlier this year, worked the
body with some hooks and continued the pres-
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behind his jab. Towards the end of the round,
both fighters kept the crowd entertained with
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trading blows once again. The eighth saw
Evangelou catch Cassius with an eye catching
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man came back with his own flurry of punches
Email: andy@bptconline.co.uk or fax: 020 8507 9650
before switching the attack to the body with his
own right hook.
Out of hours enquiries welcome
In the last 2 rounds, Connor looked the
stronger, landing right hands more frequently
Barking Physical Therapy Centre
as Evangelou’s hooks failed to find the target
90 Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8SF
with any regularity. Danny’s volume of punches
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am till 8pm and Saturday 9am till 2pm
overwhelmed The Flash as he tried to take them
on his gloves. Both fighters showed determina-
Call Sign October 2012
Page 9
Call Sign October 2012
Page 10
In this issue’s Mailshot pages,
Dial-a-Cab driver Charlton Clark
(F25) asks about the progress of
the Society’s next generation of
in-cab terminals.
Charlton was possibly taking something of
a risk in case the Chairman read his com-
The new terminal
ments, because there was the teeniest hint of
out on test
some sarcasm from the DaC driver when he
ended his letter by saying that he needed to
know when the terminals would be ready as
he was thinking of throwing a 16th birthday
street level map, an
party for his current one and wanted notice
extended arterial
so that he could get the invitations sent out!
So we asked Brian Rice to give an
London map and a
update! The DaC Chairman told Call Sign:
Great Britain road
“Yes Charlton, I agree that our current ter-
atlas. The London
minals need to be replaced as they are look-
map contains over
ing a little dated at the moment. We are test-
ing the new one and currently have two on a
selected points of
bench and two in a taxi. But as you can prob-
interest. All the maps
ably imagine, as with most new software, our
can be ‘toggled’ at
IT department have found some bugs.
the press of button
The manufacturing will not commence
and zoomed in or
until we are totally satisfied that we have
out up to four levels,
ironed out most of the problems. This will be
a fairly complex procedure as the old termi-
also at the touch of a
nals will be working on our old aerial sites,
button. There are speed and traffic light cam-
Due to a personal tragedy, we
while the new ones will be on O2.
era warnings, a cotton line drawn between
haven’t asked David Kupler for a
Then there is also the new software. Once
location and selected destination, a facility to
poem this month but have
that has been done, we will commence fit-
trace the route and the ability to search street
ting. We envisage completing a hundred a
name, post code or point of interest.
republished one of his older
month, consequently some members will
There is also automatic route planning in
ones. This one is from Call Sign,
wait longer than others for their new termi-
navigation, a favourite destination storing
February 1979...
nal (that’s a hint, Charlton!), but if we can fit
facility, a history of previous destinations and
more, then we will.
a database of almost half a million UK points
And as your letter suggests that you have a
of interest!
sense of humour, can I just add that your pos-
And because the new terminals will be
sible position on the new terminal list could
working on O2, drivers will be able to clear
mean that it might not be pertinent for you to
trips virtually anywhere and there will no
organise a 16th party for your terminal - per-
longer be the problem of no signal when
haps you should look more to a 21st!”
needing to clear a credit card ride. And hope-
fully they will also contain lots of work!
The new terminals will contain the
Knowledge Master Cabbies Mate A-Z maps
Ron Yarborough
and satellite navigation software, which
include a central London super scale and
Call Sign Online
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about
variable bank interest rates?
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or
A Kupkake Kipper Poem
member of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the
The kipper season is upon us,
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union. Any member of your family residing
It’s getting hard to earn a crust,
at your address also qualifies for membership!
And there is no bonus...
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
So out to work you must.
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow
up to 3 times your total savings…
No alibi or excuses,
No long lie-ins in bed,
The cost?
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.7%).
No more refusals...
Loans can be paid back early AND there can be an annual dividend on your shares.
Whether Brixton or Plumstead!
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
Like Christmas lights at midnight,
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
The cabs through London pass,
I can’t say it’s a nice sight...
Members of the Financial Ombudsman Service
Please God, it doesn’t last!
Member’s funds protected up to limit set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
DaC Credit Union Ltd, Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney Rd E2 9EQ
Kopyrlght Kupkake 1979
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Registration number 213263
Call Sign October 2012
Page 11
“I suppose I’d better start thinking about a
replacement before the winter sets in,” Barry
(Y16) told Call Sign after being
informed by Dial-a-Cab’s Roman Way techni-
cians that his MDT problems were being
Poor Barry!
caused by a weakening battery.
“Mind you, this present accumulator owes
me nothing, it is the original one from when I
Now in its sixth year, his battery starts to play up!
bought the cab five and a half years ago and
I’ve done 188,000 miles, so I can hardly com-
Barry and his battery
plain too much,” Barry continued sporting a
huge grin!
Call Sign and the Roman Way staff stood
a major source of battery
speechless in amazement at the revelation that
failure as dirty or loose
a cab battery, with all the stresses and strains of
contacts means the bat-
taxi work - and in particular radio taxi work -
tery is not being charged
with its continual cycle of engine stop/start
by the alternator. Where
starter motor engagement activity should - or
possible, maintain the
even could - last so long, was astounding.
water level in the cells
The N7 techies reckon a decent battery is
using the appropriate top-
usually good for a couple of winters provided
up fluid. Also, gently
it is well maintained, while some of the cheap-
scratch the date of the
er brands can just about outlive their warranty
purchase of the battery
period. So to hear of a battery that has per-
tionary while waiting for a passenger or sitting
onto the casing so that
formed reliably for so long is possibly a record
on a rank, simply adds to the load imposed on
any warranty claim can be speedily resolved.
that might be hard to beat. They went on to
the battery.
Can you beat Barry’s battery time of five and
compare it in Olympic terms to the winning of
With this in mind and as we enter the win-
a half years? Editor Alan Fisher has had an
a Gold medal in a record time!
ter months, Call Sign sought advice from
Optima battery that came with his new cab for
The demands of radio taxi work and every-
Sheldon Posner of Cricklewood Carriers
over four years, so there could be a challenger
thing that involves including the additional
and also Tony and Jamie at taxi parts special-
somewhere. Let Call Sign know if it’s you...
requirement of powering the MDT itself, puts
ist J V Bright in SE1. They all suggested that
huge pressure on the battery to give 100% all
now might be an opportune time to ensure
Michael Toomey
the time. Listening to a music radio or running
the battery terminals and leads are scrupu-
another electronic device, especially when sta-
lously clean and secure. Loose fitting leads are
Call Sign Online
At a time when it’s not just
taxi drivers who are strug
gling to regain some of t
momentum they had just
Remembering those less fortunate than ourselves
four short years ago, but
both major taxi manufac-
40th Anniversary
turers having gone into
Presents their annual Dinner and Dance
print saying that condi-
tions for selling their cabs
Saturday 1st December 2012
are “extremely tough”
Holiday Inn Kensington Forum, 97 Cromwell Road, London SW7 4DN
with both showing heavy
Tickets £62.50 include a 4 course meal and half a bottle of wine per person
losses, the London Taxi
And of course dancing to a live band!
Company and their TX4
With your kind support The Taxi Driver of the Year Charity Fund is able to make
may have found a gold-
substantial donations to the taxi trade charities.
en saviour.
Don’t be the one to miss this great night out. Come along and enjoy good food and great
company. It will prove to be an enjoyable and memorable occasion for all...
As Call Sign reported
last month, the LTC
Return to Russell Poluck MBE, Hon Chairman,
have now completed
5 St Brides Avenue, Edgware Middx HA8 6BT
the deal to supply
RSVP by 1 November 2012
Dress Smart
Azerbaijan’s Baku Taxi
Please make cheque payable to T.D.Y.C.F. (please print)
Company with 1000
TX4s, but so happy is
Baku’s director, Ilgar
Gasimov, that they have now said they want to buy
another 2000 taxis!
Mr Gasimov told us: “This next batch will be delivered over
the next two years and bought in stages of around 200
taxis every few months with 1,000 coming to Baku over the
next year and the first batch of 200 taxis arriving in January
Number of tickets:
The £53million agreement signed with Geely in 2006 that
Dietary requirements:
involved building look-a-like London taxis in a joint venture from
their factory in Shanghai and with a £20million investment by
For further information: Contact Russell Poluck 07850 056 765 - Tel/fax 020 8952 1357
Manganese Bronze, seems now to be paying off in spades.
Registered with the Charities Commission No: 1000761
Call Sign October 2012
Page 12
LT Museum Family Open Weekend
And it’s a Taxi special weekend!
London Transport Museum’s Depot in
test drive at the Depot, tests will include a
Model collectors
Gunnersbury Lane, Acton, will open its
three point turn and driving in a full cir-
Model collectors can purchase an Acton special
doors to the public on Saturday 6 and
cle. Guests will need to book their test
model throughout the weekend, the First
Sunday 7 October for its Family Open
drive on arrival on a first come first
Editions London Transport Green Line RT Type
Weekend and will include a taxi special!
served basis. A donation of £5 per test is
double deck bus on route 362 to Amersham at
The Depot is home to the Museum’s col-
suggested with proceeds going to London
£35.99 (model number 30507A). Two special
lection of over 400,000 objects, consisting
Transport Museum and the London
commission models will also be on sale that
of historical road and rail vehicles, thou-
Vintage Taxi Association.
were previously only available through the
sands of posters and artworks, engineer-
There is also a celebration on the 60th
Collectors Club website: Exclusive First Editions
ing drawings, signs and ephemera. Tickets
anniversary of the end of the tram, behind
Guy GS London Transport on route 316 to
are valid for both days and kids go free.
the scenes tours, curator-led tours of the
Chesham Broadway at £35.99 (model number:
As well as having the rare opportunity to
small object store, exclusive depot retail
30507A) and the exclusive First Editions United
explore the Museum’s treasures, there will
products and heritage vehicle runs.
Counties Bristol LS on Route 359 to Amersham
also be a number of activities for the family to
Also, for real enthusiasts and to mark the
at £35.99 (model number 16324A).
enjoy. These include a London Vintage Taxi
end of the ‘A’ stock trains after 50 years of
Tickets to the Acton Open Weekend are valid
Association display with LVTA members on
service on the Metropolitan line, the muse-
on both days and cost £10 for adults, £8 for
hand to answer your questions about the old
um is making available a special range of
senior citizens and
£6.50 concessions.
cabs. There will also be talks from guest
commemorative products at the Depot
Accompanied children under 16 go free.
speaker and taxi historian Bill Munroe on
Open Weekend. Due to popular demand,
To avoid possible queues, tickets can be
the history of the London taxi and
this range will include a limited number of
booked in advance by calling 020 7565 7298
Knowledge of London.
RAW Metropolitan line luggage racks. The
The LVTA taxis will include vehicles
RAW luggage racks will be surface cleaned
Museum Depot is open Saturday 6 and
from 1912, 1934 and the modern day TX4,
but require additional deep cleaning for
Sunday 7 October from 11.00 to 17.00 with
brought in especially for the Open
domestic use. They will be available at spe-
the last admission at
16.00 and is at 2
Weekend with LVTA drivers on hand to
cial event prices of £125 for large racks
Museum Way, 118 - 120 Gunnersbury Lane,
answer any of your questions. Guests with
and £75 for small ones. We bet the wives
London, W3 9BQ. The nearest Underground
a valid UK driver’s licence can take a taxi
will love ‘em!
station is Acton Town.
Call Sign Comment
Patrick McLoughlin is
the new Transport
The one-a -
With the arrival of new Transport
Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, in the
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
PM’s recent reshuffle, that now means
that there have been seven Transport
Secretaries in the last six years. No prizes
for remembering their names - although
Call Sign doubts there would be too
many winners anyway!
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
The incumbents of the position were
Douglas Alexander (May 2006 - June
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
2007), Ruth Kelly (June 2007 - October
Transponders / chipped keys
2008), Geoff Hoon (October 2008 - June
On site key cutting services including taxis
2009), Lord Andrew Adonis (June 2009
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
- May 2010), Philip Hammond (May
2010 - October 2011) and Justine
Burglary repairs / boarding up
Greening (October 2011 - 4 October
Additional security / security upgrades
2012). Making the seven was Alastair
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
Darling from the previous administration.
Grilles and security gates
According to HMG, transport infrastruc-
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
ture development is an essential building
block for economic growth, but most
Free estimates / no call out charge
Secretaries of State for Transport seem to
24hr service
use the position as a building block for
their own future with barely a nod
You can find us at:
towards the licensed taxi business. But
with 7 of them in 6 years, at least we
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
should be used to being ignored!
Tel: 01708 371115
Call Sign October 2012
Page 13
that the client can be further informed.
You will also by now be aware of the terminal
messages each night asking drivers to book off
JPM Rolling Rank
E14C before 21:00. This is even more applicable
The J P Morgan ‘Rolling Rank’ is working very well
since the JPM Rolling Rank operates from this time.
and there is certainly a lot more work coming out
If persistent offenders choose to ignore the mes-
of E14, in fact so much so that at certain times of
sages from the Call Centre and accept a trip rather
the day there are a lack of Dial-a-Cab taxis booked
than following procedures, they will not only be
into the island, something we all need to address.
taken off the trip, they will also lose their queue
As you know, procedures on the Island change
position and may face a complaint if it is a regular
on weekdays from daytime working (6am until
occurrence. Again it is only a very small minority,
9pm) when you can book into E14C on any rank
but they spoil it for the rest of us. Please play the
provided you are inside of the security cordon, to
just E14 working from 9pm up to 6am, Mondays to
Fridays and at all times throughout the weekend.
Discounted holiday car rental for
You must then at all times be physically in
DaC drivers
the E14 postal zone; booking in from any other
Hello ladies and gents,
Although this summer has been and gone, many of
zone is a procedure violation. When both
you may still choose to take a break to sunnier cli-
Getting back to normal
‘Rolling Ranks’ are operating, the trips are As
mates during the winter months to recharge your
We are now into October and finally getting back
Directed and at this moment in time, outside of
batteries. If you require a car rental either in the
to some kind of normality. It’s actually good to get
these hours all other trips will, in the main, be
UK or further afield, Dial-a-Cab have negotiated a
the City back again after the Olympics. Trip figures
really good deal with award winning car hire com-
are gradually rising on a daily basis now that the
holiday season is at an end and schools are back,
Temporary off facility
albeit roadworks and its associated traffic conges-
It has become apparent that a minority of mem-
They have offered our members and staff a large
tion have also returned to pre - Olympic levels!
bers are abusing their temporary off button when
discount of up to thirty per cent on rates through-
Having said that and I know I’ve said it
on Canary Wharf in an effort to give them an unfair
out the year, so it is well worth contacting them
many, many times before, but with those
advantage if and when certain trips are allocated.
(please see the ad on this page for full details and
numbers picking up, it is so very important
This is certainly not in the true spirit of the Society
the unique promo code).
that all trips are covered as quickly as possible
and is not what the temporary off button was
Be very lucky and drive safely
and that arrival times and any acceptable
designed for. It will be monitored over the coming
delays are continually updated. If your delay
weeks and I am sure those few drivers who are
is taking longer than you at first thought,
pushing the boundaries further than they should,
Allan Evans
please remember to send a revised ‘delay’ so
know exactly where I am coming from.
Call Sign October 2012
Page 14
“Yes, after half a million miles, we have to part,”
Another DaC driver talks about losing his “old friend...”
DaC driver Lee Anderson (P57) told Call Sign
with a sigh as he brought his old Fairway taxi
into the Roman Way depot to have the radio
My Fairway will be a
equipment stripped out, prior to being re-fitted
into his forthcoming TX4.
“This old girl will be a hard act to follow,
because other than regular maintenance costs
hard act to follow!
and consumables such as tyres and brakes, I
have only ever needed to replace one coolant
radiator, a water pump and a starter motor dur-
ing our time together!”
an inflated plastic chair,” Lee continued, “and
Lee’s wife Michelle had joined him to say
then struggling down the road with it after I set
farewell and looked on approvingly with what
her down in Notting Hill, so maybe it was that.
looked like a lone tear in her eye as she listened
I’ll never really know, but after those two events
to Lee talking as though he was losing an old
I was tempted to ask everyone I stopped for
whether their life insurance was fully paid up!”
“While I’m looking forward with high hopes
But to prove that his Fairway wasn’t really
for the future with a TX4, I have realistic - if not
connected with any bad luck, Lee named actor
lower - expectations of the reliability of the TX
Larry Lamb, Madness frontman Suggs and
simply because of the rugged longevity of my
Irish singer Rose-Marie as being really pleas-
old bus right there,” Lee said pointing towards
the aged cab sitting forlornly in the work bay.
“And both Sir Robin and Paula were always
“But I never considered an alternative work
very nice as well - which is more than I can say
tool other than another LTC product - a real
about a now retired middle and super-mid-
dleweight former world-champion boxer
Before driving away in his new mode of
whose name I won’t mention, but if you’ve
transport, Lee remembered some of the people
picked him up you’ll know exactly who I
and events that had involved his Fairway.
mean!” Lee’s voice tailed off at the thought.
“Well,” Lee offered, “there was a time when I
The taxi Strip-Out process complete, Lee left
A sad goodbye to his Fairway from Lee
thought that either I, or the cab, was putting
the depot with the words hard act to follow
the mockers on people because a week after Sir
stepping out of my taxi, she too had left this
echoing from his lips..
Robin Day was in my cab on an account ride,
life!” At that point Lee and Call Sign’s intrepid
he died. Then shortly after that, Paula Yates
reporter were not sure whether to laugh or cry.
Alan Green
got in and blow me down, within a few days of
“I recall Paula coming out to the cab carrying
Call Sign Online
and family argument programmes like The
With Tom Quigley (Y33)
Jeremy Kyle Show. Hardly inspiring stuff and it
generally shows our youth in a negative way.
Judging by the massive viewing figures
for the excellent coverage by both Channel
4 and BBC, with multi channels and red but-
ton options, there is no doubt of there
being an appetite for watching all types of
sport on terrestrial TV.
We watched both forms of the Games with
commentators quoting statistics and careers of
Cutting the ribbon!
our own sportsmen and women who had obvi-
Generally in life, the most things that I am asked
ously been competing and training for years, but
to open are onion jars and my wallet at a family
who were complete strangers to us. For we arm-
gathering! Obviously doors for ladies and the
chair fans, the thought of getting excited over
elderly I do automatically.
BMX racing and wheelchair rugby just six
So it was a nice surprise and lovely - if unex-
weeks ago would have been laughable, but as
pected - gesture when the management of the
crazy as it all appeared to us, they had us on the
local gym, Greens in Chingford, which I have
edge of our seats and wanting more!
been frequenting for quite a few years, asked if I
Tom Quigley cuts the ribbon at
The terrestrial channels have lost most of
would do the honours and cut the ribbon at the
Green's gym
the football, cricket and rugby to subscrip-
handing over ceremony as it is now owned by
tion TV; the networks should now grab the
Nuffield Health.
September 12th saw an interview with the
initiative and promote these lesser sports
local paper and even more photos! Who knows,
I was a bit taken aback at first and asked
through the medium of television, helping
myself the obvious question; why me and why
I could end up kissing babies and standing as US
to attract larger viewing figures and specta-
not a local celeb as a few of them use the gym?
President - or at least to open the gym he
tors to the live events, with the prospect of
belongs to!!!
advertising at the events being shown on
Surely not because I write for Call Sign!
Naturally, I didn’t want to talk myself out of the
the screen.
honour, so I gratefully accepted.
Legacy of sport on TV
There would be more money and sponsors
Now that the Olympics are over, there is much
coming into the respective sports, further help-
So up bright and early on 1st September, in
talk about the legacy of the Games. If TV is any-
ing our bright and committed athletes to achieve
my best suit and tie and polished shoes, I proud-
thing to go by, it seems that after the BBC and
greater results while providing more facilities and
ly cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. I had
then Channel 4 finished their stints on the
opportunities for others to emulate their new-
to put up with quite a few Dial-a-Cab members
Olympics and Paralympics, that daytime viewing
found heroes.
and other taxi drivers ribbing me all day about
has once again reverted back to the same dia-
That’s the legacy I would like to see...
autographs and speeches! But I loved every
tribe of boot sales, auctions, crime show re-runs
minute of it.
Tom Quiqley (Y33)
Call Sign October 2012
Page 15
Call Sign Editor Alan Fisher writes about the time when you just know by looking at someone that
your passenger is going bilk you...
A yob is a yob is a yob???
The Olympics were over, it was
Alan wonders why he picked
beginning to get busier and my
the youngster up
meter was starting to earn its
least I had used up this decade’s
rental. Ok, I was hardly getting
bilk and I got back into the cab.
rushed off my feet, but compared
Suddenly the warden tapped on
to the six weeks when passengers
the door. I looked up and there
took note of all the warnings and
strolling towards me was my bilker
kept well away from London, it
with three £20 notes in his hand.
wasn’t bad.
“Sorry to keep you,” he said,
I dropped my passenger at
“but there was a queue for the
Paddington having brought him
ATM. Oh yes, can I have my wallet
from Wapping and was delighted
back please. It belonged to my late
to see a long queue of prospective
mother and I’d hate to lose it.”
passengers waiting for us kind-
I didn’t bother telling him that it
hearted taxi drivers to dispatch
was £61.80, sixty smackers did me
them to their onward destinations.
nicely. I thanked him and off he
I pulled out of the station in case
trotted into the terminal, once again with his phone stuck to his ear.
any cabs were waiting to come in, did a quick U-turn on the bridge
I thanked the wardens for their help and drove off. I gave the ter-
and went straight back in again.
minal a tap to set the screen back into view and was surprised to see
A few cabs were either side of the pick-up island, with the station
the passenger’s debit card details. I sent a message to dispatch asking
marshals doing their best to keep the queues moving. Many passen-
why the details were there when the card had been declined.
gers were literally drowning under the weight of their suitcases - that
“Your terminal must have been jammed; you should have pressed the
was until I reached the point. There stood my passenger, around 18
resync button to clear it,” explained an anonymous wordsmith. I
years old, two metres in height, compulsory baseball cap facing back
explained that I no longer needed it and didn’t expect to have to pay
to front and dressed in a vest that must have been three sizes too big,
any credit card charges. It was changed to cash and I went back to work.
torn jeans and expensive looking trainers. Never mind luggage, there
wasn’t even any sign of a carrier bag.
Ok, he came back and his card was genuine after all. But he was
probably still a yob - after all, he had no luggage!
“Terminal three at Heathrow, mate,” he said as he jumped in. The
enthusiasm you’d normally get from such a request on an already
busy day wasn’t there for this trip. My only thought was how he would
Alan Fisher
pay? Of course, I could have made an excuse and pulled away, but that
Call Sign Online
would have shifted the problem on to the next driver - and some-
thing inside me kept asking how I’d like it if someone else did it to
me. So I decided that I would take this guy, who looked like every yob
you always told yourself you’d never pick up, and on arrival at
Heathrow I would keep my foot on the brake so that he couldn’t get
out until he had paid - always assuming he actually had any money!
Thankfully it was a reasonably clear run and within 35 minutes we
were heading along the slip road towards the tunnel. Just as I was
reminding myself about the footbrake, he said his first words that
weren’t actually whispered into a phone.
“Can I pay with a debit card, mate?”
Result, I thought, perhaps I was going to get paid after all! I asked
for the card and swiped it before we entered the tunnel. A bleep on
the terminal told me what my inner self already knew. Card declined,
it read. I tried again on the airport side of the tunnel with the same
result. I told him he’d have to pay cash and naturally his response was
the one I knew he’d give.
“I’ll have to go into the terminal to use a cash machine then.
Strange, though,” he continued, “I’ve used it several times today with-
out any problems.”
“Of course you have,” I thought to myself, “and your dad is Santa
I pulled up to the end of the terminal where I saw two wardens
talking and told them of my predicament. I asked if I could leave the
cab for a few minutes while I went to the .cash point with my pas-
senger. While they agreed I could leave the cab there, they said that I
had to wait with it. So off trotted the passenger, leaving his purse with
a screwed up travel card in it with an expiry date in 2009 as deposit.
“He’ll be back,” said one of the wardens, “after all you still have his
When I explained that he had no luggage, to her eternal credit one
of the wardens tried to follow the passenger, but his long legs left her
standing and she returned apologising profusely.
So the question remains: Why did I take him? And that’s exactly
what the warden who chased after him also asked. There was no real
answer. I hadn’t had a bilk for at least ten years - possibly longer -
and perhaps my faith in humanity is stronger that it should be. But at
Call Sign October 2012
Page 16
David Kupler (Y74) - known to most dri-
vers as Kupkake - has been writing poetry
for Call Sign and its predecessor News and
Views since 1974. His family’s blood runs
through Dial-a-Cab with dad, Judd being a
driver, daughter Rachel having worked at
Brunswick House, sister Samantha being
My Mother had a wonderful sense of
previously married to a former DaC
humour. She loved a saucy joke. Just one day
Secretary, wife Jan having worked on the
before her death, I was sitting by her side,
phones at Shirland Road and mum Mary
holding her hand just as I did as a child, talk-
having been an evening shift telephonist at
ing and remembering happier times. She
Shirland Road.
knew she was not going to beat this illness
In March 2005, David’s father passed
and was very pragmatic regarding the end of
away at the age of 86 and David wrote a
her life. She said:
moving piece about him, now his mother
“David, I've had 93 years and that's
Mary - who preferred to be called Michelle
enough. I've given life to you and your sis-
or Micky - has also passed on at the age
ter and I've always tried to be a good per-
of 93 and David has penned a piece about
son. If there's an afterlife, I want to come
her. The thoughts of everyone at DaC
back as a bird - a Robin or an Owl. Don’t
House go to the Kupler family - a true
sit Shiva for me; just remember me in
Dial-a-Cab family if ever there was one...
your heart.”
Mary and Judd - Together again
“My beloved mother Mary Cohen was born
My nephew Adam was with her when she
on May 3rd 1919 and the world became a rich-
boy and a union that lasted over 60 years.
passed away on Sunday evening and there
er place. She was raised in Stepney in what
My Mother was a giver and gave love and
was a flock of birds making a loud commo-
was then the Jewish Area of London with her
affection to her family and friends. She always
tion in the tree outside of the window at that
five brothers and one sister.
seemed to understand that people were not
exact time. Now she will rest beside my
She became a seamstress in a tailoring shop.
perfect and she would forgive all transgres-
Father and be missed by those who knew and
When WW2 was thrust upon us, she volun-
sions. She installed the virtues of tolerance
loved her as a remarkable kind and loving
teered to join the Auxiliary Territorial Service
and forgiveness to her children and passed on
(ATS) and worked in dangerous locations
her wisdom and comprehension of the imper-
I know I speak for my sister Samantha and
around the Kent coast, being involved in the
fect world in which we live.
myself, for her grandchildren and great-
spotting of enemy aircraft intent on destroy-
She loved to cook, and her Apple Pie and
grandchildren when I say that I will think of
ing this country. On two separate occasions,
Strudel were almost legendary in our family.
you and miss you Mum every day for the rest
her look out posts were attacked by German
She loved the sunshine and to be buried on a
of my life.
fighter planes and she survived the ordeal.
sunny day would defiantly have met with her
Rest in peace, I will cherish your mem-
She married my Father, also an East End
ory forever. Your loving son David...”
Wembley Dream Over
Almost but not quite! That could have been the
held on to that lead in the away game, who
after match comment from Wembley FC’s Technical
knows what might have been. But we’ll never
Director, Terry Venables, as his assistant for the
know now.”
evening, Martin Keown, left the club’s Vale Farm
Budweiser, the sponsors who brought the ex-pros
ground after Wembley were unceremoniously
to Vale Farm, are continuing to assist Wembley
dumped out of the FA Cup by Uxbridge.
although the ex-pros are now ex-pros once again. Lee
The month had begun well for the team with
Pearce still maintains contact with David Seaman and
Dial-a-Cab driver Lee Pearce (J71) in goal and ex-
at the time of writing, ESPN were still showing their
pro guests for FA Cup matches, Ray Parlour,
weekly Wembley FC: Dream On programmes...
Martin Keown, Graeme Le Saux, Brian McBride
and Argentinian superstar Claudio Caniggia all
Jamie Corum
ready to play when needed! In addition, Lee had his
Call Sign Online
own personal trainer in ex-Arsenal and England
goalkeeper David Seaman!
The team’s first cup game - shown live on ESPN -
saw Wembley defeat Langford FC 3 - 2 with a four-
figure crowd said to be 10 times the usual number!
Wembley’s reward in the next round was an away
trip to Uxbridge - a team one league higher than
The London Taxi Benevolent Association
Wembley’s Lions - but you’d have never guessed it!
for War Disabled (LTBAWD) is holding its
From the start, Wembley started knocking the ball
AGM on 12th November 2012 at The
around with Claudio Caniggia playing like a man 10
Royal Hospital Chelsea SW3. The meet-
years younger than his 40+. After 25 minutes, Paul
ing begins at 3pm.
Shelton gave the visitors a deserved lead and 15
Nominations must be in writing only,
minutes later Daryl Atkins doubled Wembley’s lead
and an FA Cup shock was well and truly on the
time, but the DaC man pulled off another great save
duly proposed and seconded by first
cards. But halfway through the second half, Wembley
and the replay was on.
post on 5th October 2012 and send them
began to tire and Uxbridge scored twice in 2 minutes
After that game, Terry Venables said that he
to the secretary:
through Kevin Warner and Chris Moore. Then it
had been pleased with the way Wembley played,
Mr Paul Davis, 88 Grasvenor Avenue,
was a matter of hanging on for a replay.
even though they had shown those signs of tired-
Barnet, Herts, EN5 2DB.
The ninety minutes were up and there were just
ness. However, the replay was a strange game.
Due to security at The Royal Hospital
three minutes of injury time added on. Wembley
Again shown live on ESPN, Uxbridge started the
and a change of meeting room, any per-
had possession and looked safe, but with just sec-
stronger, but Lee Pearce stopped all their goal
sons wishing to attend should contact
onds left of that third minute, Chris Moore ran
attempts. However, in the end their superior
the Secretary on 07860 850 102 by Friday
through and had an open goal to shoot at to give
strength and league position began to tell and by
9th November 2012.
Uxbridge the win. But Lee Pearce threw himself at
the end of 90 minutes, the away team had estab-
the shot and managed to parry it. The ball shot
lished a 5-0 lead.
You can read all about the LTBAWD at
upwards and Moore tried to finish it the second
Lee Pearce told Call Sign: “If we could have
Call Sign October 2012
Page 17
Digging ever deeper...
There was a time when private hire had to be
the word ‘cab’ now seems to have been fully
careful about using the word ‘taxi’ or ‘cab’ in
advertising. Nowadays it seems that most
A DaC driver (who forgot to add his
things are just accepted and that minicabs
name) sent us this photo of a minicab. At
can quite easily get away with mini transgres-
one time the company concerned would
have been breaking the law - not only
LTPH do chase up reported incidents where
through inferring the word cab, but also
for having such tinted glass that it was
a PH company attempt to get away with mov-
impossible to read the licence. Now no
ing the boundary ever further, but there are
one either knows or apparently cares!
minicab companies all over London that now
use a variation of the word taxi.
Dial-a-Cab drivers over the years have sent
Dennis Latchett
My minicab? And can you see the
in reports of minicabs incorporating the
licence through the tinted glass?
word taxy or taxee or even tacksy! But use of
Call Sign Online
Olympic ORNs:
The Last Word!
London’s incredible summer of sport end
with the Paralympics, but some Dial-a-
Cab drivers still have a few niggles they
need to get out of their systems! Bill
Kibble (K86) is one of them and he
found the Olympic Route Network to still
be an irritant!
As a result, Bill sent this photo to Call
Sign of two signs on the island by St
Mary's Church on Strand. The signs
were just thirty yards apart and although
his camera couldn’t capture the actual
wording on the illuminated messages,
the differences are recognisable after
seeing them so often during August
and September. One says we can and
one says we can’t use the Games lane!
Bill ended by saying that now the
Games are over, Councils and TfL
should do the decent thing and cancel all
Olympic penalty notices for taxis.
Looking for an affordable way to finance your new TX4?
* Or simply hand the keys back
How does £135 per week for four years with only a £2,000
and walk away would be attrac-
deposit AND a guaranteed residual value sound?
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Looking for peace of mind too?
The London Taxi Company
How about a free four year vehicle warranty and the
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It’s the Deal the Trade has been
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Not sure where you’ll be in four years’ time?
So, the option to either:
Get your hands on a brand new TX4 for
* Buy for a guaranteed residual value
just £135 per week.
* Part-exchange against a new cab using any equity as a
Contact your local dealer today. See back page ad for more
Call Sign October 2012
Page 18
As the WCHCD hold their Installation Dinner
DaC’s Divyesh
Ruparelia clothed
as Liveryman...
Brian Rice and Andrew Overton ready
for din dins!
On 6th September at The Girdlers’ Hall
in Basinghall Avenue, the WCHCD held
their Installation Dinner. During a Court
Meeting at the Hall prior to the dinner,
Brenda Bartlett was installed as Master
for the coming year. Brenda is a licensed
London taxi driver, having completed
her KoL in 1991. In 1997 she joined the
Company as a Freeman and was clothed
as a Liveryman in
2004 when the
Company gained Livery status.
Divyesh and Brenda Bartlett after the Liveryman ceremony
Once Brenda had been installed by
in their duties, are the organising body of
Wendy was elected as Sheriff of The City
outgoing Master, Eddie Crossley, she
the company. There are also opportuni-
of London last year and is Chairman and
began her year by installing her Wardens.
ties for members within the WCHCD to
Spokesman of The Save Bart's Campaign.
These were Graham Woodhouse as
sit on various committees including
She is also a Past Chairman of St.
Upper Warden, Malcolm Paice as Renter
Education, Magical Taxi Tour, Charity, PR,
Bartholomew the Great Heritage Trust,
Warden and Colin Evans as Lower
Membership and Awards. It is through
Vice Chairman of The Guild of the Royal
involvement in the running of the
Hospital of St. Bartholomew (League of
Dial-a-Cab Chairman, Brian Rice,
Company that members are elected to
Friends) and Chairman of Housing the
was there to see the WCHCD new
the roles of Warden or Master. The
Homeless Central Fund. She is a
Master clothe Freeman Divyesh
WCHCD continues to thrive because of
Liveryman of the Worshipful Companies
Ruparelia (V59) in the Livery. Brenda
the commitment of its members, but new
of Glovers and Patternmakers.
then welcomed Martin Castle, Leigh
members are always warmly welcomed.
Dargan, Micky Harris, Graham Long,
A Champagne Reception took place in
scompany.com if you would like to
Wendy Sorrell and Gary Wilcox as
the garden before dinner and among the
know more about WCHCD or contact
Freemen of the Company.
guests were Sheriff Wendy Mead CC
The Clerk, Mary Whitworth on 01494
Becoming Master of a Livery company
and her consort Mr Robert Tipping.
is an honour earned by Liverymen within
their Company. The Court of Assistants,
who support the Master and the Wardens
The Flower Mill
Creating Beautiful Flowers For Weddings
Call Sign
October 2012
Editor: Alan Fisher
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
Tel: 07854 738895
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
Email: callsignmag@aol.com
Printers: Premier Print Group
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
Email: theflowermill@yahoo.co.uk
Design: Aldan Publications
Tel: 07958 300 428
Covering Essex & The Surrounding Counties
Email: dfdannyfresco@gmail.com
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
“It is at the edge of a petal that love waits”- William Carlos Williams
either manually or electronically without the express
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign October 2012
Page 19
Terry Catherall (Y90) did a cycle
DaC’s Terry Catherall cycles to Paris for the Royal British Legion
ride to Brighton in 2010 for chari-
ty and enjoyed it so much that
he thought he’d do another one.
Riding his ‘Poppy’
But this one was to be somewhat further
afield - to Paris and for a charity that has
long been associated with the London taxi
with pride!
trade, The Royal British Legion.
Following the demob of so many males
after the end of WW2 with most having no
jobs to go to, it was the Legion that encour-
aged many of them to go onto the Knowledge
and become taxi drivers by setting up the
British Legion Knowledge School.
Terry began training for the ride in
February and continued right through the
summer to make sure that if anything went
wrong, at least it wouldn’t be because he
lacked fitness!
Terry had his bike specially made and
maintained for the ride by Russell Coe of
Vandome Cycles. Coloured red and black,
he aptly named it Poppy. Terry continues
the story for Call Sign…
Firstly I’d like to thank my wife Dawn for
putting up with all my training - around 2000
miles since February - and the fact that it seri-
ously disrupted our social life. I must also
thank training partners Christopher
McKellick, Bernie Kerslake and the ‘we
Terry at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
hate hills’ cycling group at Club Woodham!
Riding my Poppy with pride: Day one
Terry and
from Crystal Palace FC to Dover...
friends at the
A refuel at Aylesford Legion village, then on
end of the ride
to catch our ferry. Got soaked and dried out
by the Arc de
three times that day! Thankfully we had no
more rain from then on all the way to Paris...
Day two...
The day started with a service at the Calais
War Memorial, an emotional start to the day.
From there on we had a team of French
motorcycle out-riders providing a rolling
road block each day all the way to the centre
ing many Brits,
of Paris. We had 250 cyclists split into three
were going ballis-
tic as they spotted
our lead rider
with a rather large
Union flag flying
on a ten foot high
whip aerial! With
groups, each with back up vehicles carrying
the Champs Elysees closed except for us, we
medical staff, mechanics to maintain the
felt as though Paris belonged to us - albeit for
bikes - everything like a military operation, as
only a short time!
you would expect from the Legion.
Celebration drinks were on hand before
Day three...
the most poignant of all the wreath-laying
Another memorial service, this one at
services at the Tomb of the Unknown
Abbeville. Then it was on though some beau-
Soldier situated beneath L’Arc de
tiful countryside and villages with locals mak-
Triomphe. A lot of grown men cried that
ing us feel very welcome by waving flags and
cheering us on. Just fantastic!
The trip was filled with poignant moments
Later that day we arrived in Beauvais to a
which I shall always remember, but there
great reception by the Mayor - she was much
were so many other times when the trip
better looking than Boris! Then there was
became an unforgettably enjoyable experi-
another service of remembrance before
ence. My training paid dividends and on
putting the bikes to bed for the night. By now
behalf of The Royal British Legion, I’d like to
I’m becoming au fait with the French nation-
thank all the Dial-a-Cab drivers who donat-
al anthem!
ed. If anyone would still like to donate, then
you still can. Just go to my donation site:
Day four...
Onwards into Paris with a couple of stops for
food and drink. As we approached the centre,
the crowds grew larger and noisier, police
sirens were blaring out and tourists, includ-
Terry Catherall (Y90)
Call Sign October 2012
Page 20
It seems that so many of you enjoyed reading
Mike Son looks back at some of his taxi trips that were that bit out
my last article involving a taxi job I did rather
of the ordinary...
than my usual type of BoM report, that Call
Sign’s Editor has asked me to do another
one! So here goes - although unlike my last
The “Haven” of Shell Haven!
one, this one doesn’t involve drugs and pros-
short time the dinghy hit something with a
Many of Dial-a-Cab’s older drivers will
mighty thud. I asked what we’d hit? It was the
remember Shell Haven in Thurrock (Essex).
ship - an oil tanker!
It had been purchased by the Shell Company
The agent and my passenger began shout-
as an oil refinery, but closed in 1999. Several
ing to try and attract the attention of anyone
years later it was taken over by marine termi-
on the ship. After a few minutes a voice came
nal operator DP World, one of the largest
out of the mist. The agent explained the situ-
operators of its kind in the world. They also
ation and we were told that a ship’s officer
took over the P&O Company. So here goes...
would be sent for. He soon arrived together
with a crew member and they unravelled a
I was sitting on point at a Heathrow rank.
rope ladder, which our elderly boatman then
It was around 11pm one evening and the one
tied to the dinghy as though he’d done it one
and only passenger walked towards me and
million times before. Looking at him, he
said a few words in a language that I couldn’t
probably had! Both the agent and the North
understand. He then handed me a piece of
African started to climb aboard the tanker.
paper with the words Shell Haven and a
They then told me to climb up because the
phone number on. At the same time he
Captain was the only person authorised to
screamed out:
“Shell. I join ship. Phone
pay the fare and he would require a receipt. I
agent. Ship Capitan will pay fare.”
directed me to a quayside.
looked at the rope and at the same time saw
I phoned the number and after a short
As we arrived, the agent said that we need-
a vision of my wife and family. I made a deci-
while, a man answered who sounded as
ed to walk part of the way. Together with my
sion: “Stuff the fare! There’s no way I’m going
though he had just woken up. I explained
Heathrow passenger, we got out of my
to climb up that bit of old rope!”
that I had a passenger who apparently had
Metrocab and followed the agent to the quay-
The agent looked at me in astonishment
flown in from North Africa and wanted to go
side. I asked where the ship was and was told
and then said that I should wait for him to
Shell Haven to join a ship.
it was moored out in the estuary and he
take him back to the quayside. I had no
When I eventually gave his name, the agent’s
would contact someone to take us out to it.
choice as I would never have found the cab
first comment was to leave him at the airport as
By this time, I was beginning to feel a bit
again without him guiding me.
he was just a member of the catering staff. But
apprehensive. The fact that it was a cold,
After fifteen minutes, I heard him calling
almost immediately he suddenly changed his
dark and damp winter’s night and somewhat
me. He said he was going to stay on-board
mind and gave me instructions and directions
misty as in the cheaper horror movies, didn’t
the tanker until morning, but that he was
where to take the passenger. The agent also
help me feel any better!
sending a piece of rope with a glove attached
said that the ship’s Captain would pay the fare
Some 30 minutes passed when I heard the
down the side of the ship. It contained the
but that I should phone again when I reached
engine of a boat, but the mist stopped me
taxi fare and a petty cash receipt which I had
the entrance to the docks.
from seeing anything. We went to the edge of
to sign. The rope was then pulled back up
On reaching Shell Haven, I phone the
the quay and as I looked down I saw a small
and I went back to the quayside with Captain
agent and after around twenty minutes we
boat with a very elderly sailor in command -
Birds Eye. I got into the cab and went home.
met up. He certainly did not look too happy
a sort of scruffy Captain Birds Eye!
And do you know, no one ever believed me...!
to see the passenger and asked who told him
The only way to reach the boat was via a
to come to the UK? After a number of heated
plank of wood placed from the quay to the
Mike Son
words between the two men, the agent got
small dinghy. Once we were all aboard, we
into the cab alongside the passenger and
set off. I couldn’t see a thing but within a
DaC Special Projects
From the winner of Team GB’s first Paralympic gold medal...
In Call Sign’s July issue we ran a story about 20 year old Yorkshire born Paralympic athlete, Hannah Cockroft. She was the holder of two World
Championships and on her way by coach - together with her specially adapted racing wheelchair - to the
Olympic stadium where she was to be involved in the first track meeting prior to the Olympics starting.
All Hannah had to worry about was getting to the stadium, but that turned into a nightmare when her
coach broke down. The coach driver called a minicab but the wheelchair wouldn’t fit in, so Hannah did what
anyone with any commonsense would do - she hailed a licensed London taxi. She explained the situation to
the driver and because she was now running so late, she asked the driver if he would mind her getting
changed in the back of the cab whilst they were making their way to the stadium! Being a gentleman, the
driver said yes and adjusted his mirror to give Hannah as much privacy as he could. En route, he told Hannah
that he was delighted at getting the opportunity of seeing how to get into the Olympic stadium.
Hannah later told Call Sign that the driver helped her to relax even though she was running very late -
but at least she was on the way! They reached the security barrier and the driver explained that he had an
athlete in his cab who was scheduled to go in a race that was to be off in just minutes, but G4S security
showed why it was about to lose £50million for being rather stupid in the way it prepared - or didn’t as
the case may be! The guard wouldn’t allow him in. Hannah said she was scheduled to be in the 100 metres
and that she had already missed her warm-up time, but nope, G4S were not allowing taxis in! So Hannah got out and
found her own way to the track. She said that it had been the worst preparation she'd ever had before a race, totally missing the warm-up and literally
just having time to get her race number on and go straight onto the track for the race. Amazingly, she not only won, but broke the world record in the
process, putting her name into the record books as the first world record holder at the London Olympic stadium! And of course there can only ever be
one ‘first’ so the record will last forever.
But that wasn’t Hannah’s only first because - no thanks to G4S - Hannah won Team GB’s first gold medal when she took the Paralympics’ 100
metre wheelchair race in a new record time of 18.05 seconds. She also went on to take the 200metres gold medal as well! When Call Sign called her,
she remembered all about that taxi driver who got her to the track on time and she sent her thanks.
“Without the encouragement of that world record, my confidence may well have taken a knock and who knows if I would have then
won those two gold medals! I don’t know his name, but London’s black taxis will always now hold a special place in my heart.”
To us, Hannah is someone we’ll remember for her humility, sporting prowess and yes, for being gorgeous!
Call Sign October 2012
Page 21
Yes, I know the London Olympics are over
and the Editor has already told us to keep stuff
on the Games to a minimum as the last few
issues already had enough on them! But hey,
How close was DaC
there’s one young former Dial-a-Cab employ-
ee who could well have been standing on an
Olympic podium to collect a gold medal - and
it was a young lady!
The 6ft 6ins, 25 year old Peter Wilson
to a gold medal!
enthralled the nation when he sank to his
knees in relief after securing the double trap
having been offered a PA job with a large
gold medal after firing 188 from 200 clays to
bank, but before going she sent this maga-
win the 2012 shooting event. But going back a
zine a message.
few years, Call Sign was sponsoring a young
“I’d like to thank Call Sign for sponsoring
DaC call taker whose shooting credentials
me over the past five years and especially Brian
knock Peter Wilson’s into a cocked hat!
Rice who always turned up at those events to
It was some ten years ago and at the age of
present the prizes. Winning the Euros was
24, Donna Merry was handed what must be
such a big thing for me, and DaC coming in at
the ultimate honour in any sport - the captain-
the last minute to sponsor them made me feel
cy of her country. Even at that young age, she
so proud of working for an organisation that
had already been representing England for 6
would do that for an employee.”
years and according to many in her sport, she
So really, we’ll never know the answer, but
was the best female shooter in the country and
we suspect that had Donna Merry been select-
very close to being number one overall.
ed for the 2004 Olympics in Athens, there may
Then in just one amazing year, Donna
well have been a gold medal winner at Dial-a-
took the English, Scottish and Irish titles
before adding to them by amazingly cap-
And of course, as Alan pointed out at the
turing the British Championship!
time, Call Sign would have sponsored Donna
The following year, the regular sponsor of
even if she hadn’t been young, gorgeous and
the European Championships withdrew
Brian Rice welcomes Donna back from
their sponsorship after going into administra-
the World Championships in Texas with
Baghwat Singh
tion. A tearful Donna phoned Editor Alan
her silver medal
Fisher and told him not to bother going to
Call Sign Online
watch as the Championships looked like being
Alan told Brian Rice, who agreed to spon-
sor the event and for that year, it became the
Cameras with
Dial-a-Cab European Championships. And no
prizes as to who won after she defeated former
England Captain, Steve Taylor and the-then
current World Championship Gold medal win-
ner Craig Lakey!
the frozen peas!
Donna really was at the top of the mountain
with just one challenge left
- the World
Championships held in San Antonio, Texas.
After all, she had just beaten last year’s World
By now she was the number one shooter in
the country, yet still a call taker at Brunswick
House! Happily for her, Brian Rice agreed to
let her have the time off and she crossed the
Atlantic to test her skills, not just against UK
shooters, but against the best in the world!
Well, even Donna admitted that the winner of
the gold medal in her event was just unbeat-
able and did not miss with a single shot! But
she came a close second and returned to
Brunswick Place with the silver medal and a
The ever-vigilant Vic at Dial-a-Cab’s Roman Way depot was shopping recently at his local Waltham
silver cup for best individual performance
Forest superstore, when he spotted this ultra-modern looking smart car parked up and took a
after the winner.
photo for Call Sign.
The only problem left was one of motivation
“With all those artificial eyes popping out from every corner of the car roof, you have to be very
and she found going back to small-time shoot-
‘smart’ not to get caught on camera. As well as the regular telescopic camera, the vehicle is fitted
ing events difficult - but she still did enough to
with ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) equipment, which means that the operative can
keep her shooting eye in. Then one year on
check for any outstanding court summonses, unpaid parking fines, together with info on whether
it is taxed and insured and to confirm that the vehicle’s MoT hasn’t expired!
and still at DaC, she took a University IT
“All this information, together with the owner/driver’s details, will flash up on the smart car’s on
degree course but it interfered with her shoot-
board computer screen in just seconds,” Vic continued, his electronic technical expertise in such
ing, so something had to go and she
matters coming to the fore, “so there is no chance of escape if you do not play their game and I
needed the degree.
have no doubt these highly mobile money making wagons will be rolled out across London very
In 2005` Donna confirmed to Call Sign
soon. And if they can’t get you via their technology, I suppose they could always revert to just run-
that she had fired her last shot. She said
ning you over!”
that her love for shooting had diminished
With that, Vic put his camera away and made for his car, realising that his frozen peas were
and that she was finding it difficult to com-
beginning to melt!
pete against some of the newer young
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
shooters. She left DaC with her IT degree
Call Sign October 2012
Page 22
Hello! I’ve been a bit of a stranger the past
From DaC’s IT department, Jon Winterburn has been searching for
few months much to the Editors’ chagrin
(or relief) due to being too busy at work,
while in my personal life trying out any new
games. Consequently, I’ve not had anything
Interesting Websites!
interesting to write about; mind you, it
seems that although there are a steady
into the mainstream. This isn’t a bunch of
stream of games available on all platforms,
YouTubers making movies of their kittens;
none of them is sufficiently different from
rather, these are high quality films and pro-
the current plethora of games that already
grammes made with HD cameras with full
flood the market. With the run-up to Xmas
casts. If you like a specific film or series and
gaining momentum - is it that time of year
want the maker to develop more, you can
already - I will have some game recommen-
help fund them. This is what YouTube
dations for you next month. However, this
should have been like!
month I thought I’d recommend some of
7. This final website is one that everyone
my favourite websites, with hopefully some-
knows about, so I’m not going to go into
thing here for everyone.
any detail about the website itself. Rather,
I’m going to bring your attention to a use-
website is in blog format and very easy to
ful tool that you might not know about; I
read. Journalists who write for Gizmodo
only discovered it by accident recently:
(a blog which started in the USA) provide
The Wikipedia Book Creator. On
up-to-the-minute news of gadgets, as well
Wikipedia, as you no doubt know, there
as the latest rumours of what new gadgets
ranging from kitchen hacks to money sav-
are millions of articles on every subject
are on the horizon. If you’re an Apple
ing tips to which apps to buy. There are
that pretty much every existed. With all
fan, this blog is the only place you need
also plenty of downloads available like rec-
this information, sometimes sifting
go for live minute-by-minute updates on
ommended free Android and Apple apps,
through it all can be a mammoth task; so
the latest and greatest Apple product
complete with reviews.
much to read, so little time to read it all!
launches. This blog isn’t just about tech-
What you can now do is make an eBook
nology; they often write about fascinating
A bit like Udemy, but aimed specifically at
out of all the articles you find interesting,
subjects like the Mars Curiosity landing
the academic world. This website was set
so that you can read it offline without
and solar flares. All their posts are in a
up by Salman Khan, a graduate of MIT. He
needing access to the Internet and with-
short and easy to digest format.
wanted to “provide a high quality educa-
out having to search for the subjects of
2. MakeUseOf
go to
tion to anyone, anywhere,” so everything
Another blog-format website, this one start-
h t t p : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a .
on this website is free. There are thou-
ed out as a ‘how-to’ website but has grown
org/wiki/Special:Book and click Enable
sands of academic video lectures available
to list hundreds of articles on all manner of
Book Creator (it is free). Now you can
to anyone, covering almost every subject
subjects. Many of their user-friendly guides
search for articles of interest, and as you
you can imagine. If you have children in
(often written like the “Dummies” series of
find one, click Add to My Book. Once you
school, college or university, get them to
books for clarity) are available for free PDF
have all the articles you want, you can
sign up to the Khan Academy; it will surely
download. There are other, bigger websites
view your book, name it, sort the articles,
help them in their academic studies.
print it to PDF and download it. The
eral interest and readability, MakeUseOf is
resulting eBook is fantastic: an automatic
have heard about the huge problem of ille-
easier reading.
table of contents with page numbers and
gal downloading of copyright movies and
each article (together with all images, ref-
how doing so can result in court action
is fairly new, so it is still growing. Anyone
erences and links) printed cleanly into
and even imprisonment. Well, this is one
can provide video lecture courses on here
PDF. You can even order a printed book
website which actively encourages you to
and anyone can watch those courses. Many
(at a cost of course).
download every movie in its database for
of the available courses are free, but some
Well, that’s all for now. See you next
free - and it is perfectly legal! Don’t get me
of the best ones do require payment (they
wrong, you won’t get any Hollywood
accept PayPal). I’ve bought and studied a
blockbusters or TV series here as that
couple of courses on this website and can
would be illegal, instead, this website pro-
attest to their high standard as well as the
Jon Winterburn
vides movies and TV series from amateur
whole user experience. If you want to
film makers who are working hard to get
DaC Network Administrator
learn Calligraphy or Microsoft Office or
pretty much any other subject (whether
hobbyist or professional), you could do a
lot worse than to try out Udemy. Personally
I find learning a whole lot easier from 30
minute video lectures (anything from 5 to
Now even better!
50 of these per course), rather than read-
ing textbooks or attending physical cours-
Helps cut the cost of diesel - and reduce Emissions!
es. It allows you to learn at your own pace,
OnlyCabs.co.uk are pleased to supply
revisit previous lectures and take notes
whenever you want to. Many of the lectur-
Dial-a-Cab drivers with the amazing Alpha Pill
ers even let you download their video lec-
Order Today to take advantage of the special
tures so you can watch them offline on a
Dial-A-Cab August price of £16.95
tablet or laptop.
Here’s another blog-format website which
on the ad code
I find useful and interesting. There are
thousands of posts on this website cover-
Or telephone your order to:
ing every topic under the sun. They pro-
Stephen Vale at Only Cabs 020 3239 6101
vide tips and tricks for all sorts of things
Call Sign October 2012
Page 23
Marc Turner (R97) has made many appear-
ances in Call Sign because as he would
undoubtedly admit, he is a real stubborn so-
He has had several battles with private
Marc v TfL?
hire vehicles who were taking liberties -
one in particular who took offence at
Marc telling him to pull his car off an offi-
And who’d waste their money betting on TfL!!!
cial taxi rank. The minicab driver then
plans, God laughs. The City of Westminster
tried to run Marc over! On another occa-
via PATAS went and spoiled everything by
sion he caught a Luton licensed taxi ply-
informing me that they wouldn’t be contest-
ing for hire outside a club on a Saturday
ing my appeal after all! Ok, it meant I’d won,
night. After giving the driver the option of
but they had taken away all the fun!
pulling off, he later caught him doing the
Not to worry though, because I now had
same thing elsewhere and not only
a new toy.
It`s called...wait for
reported him to the Luton licensing
it...Transport for London! Yes, PCN num-
authority, but also drove up there to give
ber 5 was from the God of transport - TfL.
his evidence in person. As Marc told us at
The LTDA say I’ve done amazingly well to
the time, the driver may have been
win four on the spin, but added that TfL
licensed, but in London he was no better
are a tough nut to crack. One reason is that
than a tout.
they don`t let you view images at your
But most of his “battles” in this mag have
leisure on the net. You or an advocate have
been where he has refused to give in to a PCN
to pre-arrange a time to visit their office in
and he has had consistent success since dis-
Croydon to view the rushes or they can
covering that a face to face appeal is often a
relieve you of £10 to receive the DVD - you
good option to not only avoiding the irrita-
Marc now has 5 successful PCN appeals
have to supply your own popcorn!
tion of paying a PCN, but to also provide the
on the trot!
So I went in blind and appealed against a
added joy of beating a local council in their
PCN for stopping at a Tesco’s loading bay in
never-ending quest to gain funds from the
E14. Yes, I know it was serious and we
hard-working taxi drivers of London.
Paul, I`m just a glutton for punishment!
shouldn’t laugh, but the LTDA had warned
But what he hadn’t yet done was to appeal
As you’d expect, in just over a week I
me that TFL are tougher than all the others.
a PCN received from our masters of London’s
received my Notice of Rejection from
So it was much to my surprise that TfL
transport system (yes, we are supposed to be
Westminster. Well I wasn't too disheartened
capitulated at the first hurdle and the PCN
a part of it), Transport for London. Marc
because I’m often called a reject - or was that
has been cancelled, making it 5 victories on
takes up the story...
retard! I`ll have to ask the Mrs - when she
the spin. How do I get hold of the Guinness
“I’ve recently had my fourth consecutive
speaks to me again!
Book of Records! But on reflection I might
PCN appeal success. That time saw a CCTV
My adjudication was set for
09.15 on
have to go some to get anywhere close to
‘sniper’ seeing me allegedly setting down on
Saturday 22 September and I was looking for-
Barrie Segal's success rate when writing in
the zigzags in Great Marlborough Street. As
ward to it - yeah, I do need to get a life! I
Call Sign that he had appealed against 45 in
always for non-DaC PCNs, I contacted the
began wondering whether I`d get to lock
one day and won them all!
LTDA and we viewed the images but their
horns with my old adversary ‘The Lady’ who
So to all DaC drivers... keeeeeeeeep on
Paul Wright felt the evidence was damning,
I was up against last time. She somehow
therefore I might be better off just paying the
made me feel rather irrelevant whist display-
fine to Westminster Council. Within 15 min-
ing what looked like utter boredom! Yes, I
Ron Yarborough
utes I was down at the post office sending my
wonder if she still thinks of me!
appeal via the usual recorded delivery. Sorry
As the old adage says: When man makes
Call Sign Online
If there is one question we get asked more than any other, it’s
whatever happened to the amazing Alpha Power Pills. These
pills were among the most amazing things this magazine had ever
tested, with numerous readers having used them and telling Call
Sign how happy they were with them.
We began testing in 2005 and by 2007 it seemed that half the
fleet were using them. The pills worked then just as they work
now. The biggest problem was - and is - getting hold of them!
However, Call Sign has traced another supplier in Steve Vale
and he has now supplied a number of Dial-a-Cab drivers in
addition to Chairman Brian Rice.
For those who have never used the pills, they help to clear
carbon that builds up in the engine, with the result of better mpg. But far more impor-
You are welcome to visit
tantly, they help to cut emissions and users of the pill can see the results in their wing
our showroom at:
mirror as the smoke from the exhaust begins to clear.
Unit 8 Tripes Farm,
If you would like to order the amazing Alpha Pill, just go to OnlyCabs.co.uk
Chelsfield Lane,
and click on the ‘Order Page’. Or you can phone your order to Stephen Vale at
Orpington, Kent BR6 7RS
Only Cabs on 020 3239 6101.
If you have a smartphone, you can go to the Alpha Pill ad on page 22 and you
Instant Kitchen and
will see a QR code where you can scan directly to the website by putting the
Bedroom & Blinds UK
phone next to the code.
Call Ian (R50) on 01689 897111…
Call Sign October 2012
Page 24
DaC driver fools Sky TV and the world!
No wonder he was smiling afterwards
Dial-a-Cab’s Barry Spear (Y16) and Martin
Hizer (M47) were just two of many drivers
who wrote to Call Sign following the all-day
programme on Sky Sports News that kept
John’s sign fools the world on live TV
football fans on the edge of their seats with
When we played Inter Milan a few years
It also means that on Sunday 11 November,
Sky’s “who’s buying who,” as the first trans-
back, Gareth Bale gave this world class
Maicon will have either the chance of revenge
fer window of the 2012/2013 season got
defender the complete runaround and ever
when his new team play Spurs in Manchester
ever-closer to its
11pm closure. After that
since then whenever they mention his
on live TV, or he will prove that he was actu-
time, no more transfers could take place until
name, they say “Taxi for Maicon. And now
ally waiting for a taxi during those
the next window in January.
that he was suddenly being transferred to
Champions League games! Either way, listen
The reason drivers called was because
the Premier League with Manchester City,
out for football’s version of an operetta!
of the DaC taxi with the name ‘Maicon’
I thought I’d play a little joke. Getting the
The least John Gerber can do is to wait out-
waiting outside the Tottenham Hotspur
taxi on TV was a real bonus!”
side the ground in case Maicon - having been
Chigwell training ground, Spurs Lodge,
Following the Inter Milan games, Gareth
given another Gareth Bale runaround - needs
and right in shot behind Sky’s Gary
Bale went online to say that the players had
a cab to Manchester Airport after deciding
Cotterell as he was broadcasting live with
picked up the Taxi for Maicon chant and had
that he wants to go home! Spurs have since
all the transfer news as Spurs transfer
a laugh about it. And now with the irony
moved to a new training ground in
market - and all the other clubs - saw that
famous in football, Maicon was signed just
Cheshunt. We haven’t been told whether that
deadline approaching.
before the transfer deadline, leaving Inter
was to get away from John Gerber’s taxi!
The expression “Taxi for Maicon” came
Milan for Manchester City. It was that coin-
into being following Spurs’ two Champions
Jamie Corum
cidence that gave John Gerber the idea and
League games against Italian soccer giants,
his opportunity to fool the world!
Call Sign Online
Inter Milan in 2010, when Tottenham’s fly-
ing winger Gareth Bale gave Milan defender
Maicon Douglas Sisenando - known as
CallOver available at DaC
Brazilian soccer players all are by just one
name - Maicon - a total runaround, leaving
the defender looking almost stationary as
though he was waiting for a taxi! At the time,
Maicon was said to be the best right back in
the world and Brazil’s almost permanent
right back, yet Gareth Bale constantly left him
for dead! Being an upmarket bunch, Spurs
fans began singing the expression Taxi for
Maicon to Donna E Mobile from Verdi's
May’s Call Sign contai
w magazine,
CallOver, aimed at those on the Knowledge. But when a message went out via
But how did Sky’s live broadcast have a
driver’s terminals to say that there were some copies in the Dial-a-Cab driver’s
DaC Vito waiting by the Spurs Lodge
entrance with Maicon on the name board?
reception and that if they knew anyone on the Knowledge, this magazine would
Well we only had to ask DaC driver John
be a useful tool for them, all the copies were snapped up before you could say
Gerber (N62), who planned the whole
leave on the left Northumberland Avenue!
thing. He explained all to Call Sign:
The magazine is now left at DaC every month, so if you have a son, daugh-
“My son and I are both avid Tottenham
ter or even a neighbour who is doing the KoL then keep a look out for
fans and he wanted to go to Spurs Lodge
CallOver in Driver Reception and pass a copy along to them. CallOver is a wel-
on transfer deadline day and have his
come addition to all the stuff Knowledge students accumulate...
moment of fame with the Sky cameras
there. So I decided I’d take him there, but
Baghwat Singh
just before I pulled up outside I thought I’d
Call Sign Online
put Maicon’s name on my DaC nameboard.
Call Sign October 2012
Page 25
Former fireman Richard Potter and life behind the
Life after Lehman
Looking back, 2008 was my halcyon year as a
taxi driver with London buzzing and work
levels a plenty, however I used to say to pun-
decided it really needed a new set. I phoned
ters that I was enjoying it while it lasted! For
M&O at the London Taxi Company only to
some reason, I just knew it wouldn’t last and
be told that they cost nearly £400 each! So I
that the saying would come back to haunt us:
went to Good Diesel in Homerton High
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
Street for a set of reconditioned injectors for
It has been well documented that things
£650. The difference in my cab is quite amaz-
are tough, but what are we really looking for
ing with improved MPG.
things to return to? Well so far as I am aware,
As the TX4 gets older, it sometimes takes a
no drivers have handed their badges back
greater number of turns before firing up in
because they can’t earn a living. Some drivers
the mornings but I find that if you use a pre-
may have temporarily left the trade to pursue
mium diesel mixed with standard, there is an
other work interests, only to return because
improvement. When it’s really cold, I only
they couldn’t make it pay. We are very lucky
use premium diesel but at other times put
in that we are all self-employed people who
£15 in and fill the rest up with standard every
have guaranteed work; by that I mean that
third fill.
people want picking up off the streets and we
than the previous Firestones. So far so good
But talking of MPG, I was interested to
are the only drivers licensed to do it. But if
and if you want a budget tyre at half the price
learn that the new Nissan NV 2000 will do 50
the work comes back, how will affect us?
of a premium tyre, try Tyreshopper.
MPG around the heavy stop-start streets of
Does it mean we will hit our targets earlier
London on a 1.5 litre engine. Well LTI’s orig-
and head home a few hours before we used
inal information about the TX4 said that it
to? Perhaps it means a day off in the week for
It’s now October, the cold weather and frosty
would do 35 MPG but we really know it does
golf? Increased work levels would mean
mornings will soon start to appear again and
26mpg. Similar claims happened when the
greater flexibility and control for us all.
time to see how my TX4 is doing. Well it’s still
Vito came out, so the proof of the pudding
One thing about post Lehman Brothers is
running with 190k on the clock and the orig-
will be in the eating!
that we’ve all had to change our workdays or
inal engine and gearbox still in place. I
working week in one way or another and
Richard Potter (T51)
recently had a problem with the injectors and
spend our time in different ways. We all want
to earn the most amount of money in the least
amount to time; however we’ve all had to
Autocar votes the London taxi as one of the...
lower our work expectation levels. I for one
don’t try and grind out another few pounds
but head for home instead. As for being a Dial-
a-Cab driver, I’m doing a little less work than I
used to, but don’t rely on it so much. But I
would always have it there simply because it
gives me another string to my bow and two
chances of getting a job, plus of course the
mapping, credit card facility and printer.
Besides that, the circuit fees are good value
compared to other companies that charge 10%
on account trips, which would on my current
average week, double my subs. Yes, get a £60
ride on GetTaxi and that’s £6 just for one job!
I would also point out that lower work levels
are the same for everyone and it’s not any DaC
employee’s fault. If ComCab and RTG were
bucking the trend, then there would be a case,
however all the radio circuits are currently
treading water.
Getting tyred!
When it comes to taxi tyres, its horses for
courses and I’ve always come from the
remould school of thought. I wouldn’t buy
them if they were unsafe, but Jetyres
remoulds, kingpin and extra are a good qual-
ity product, much cheaper than new
The iconic London Taxi has made the top 10 in a “greatest British cars of all
Dunlops, use much less oil to produce and
time” competition as voted on by readers in a recent Autocar poll.
so are better for the environment. As for my
Unsurprisingly, the original Mini was voted into the number one position, followed by
private car, I always tended to buy new pre-
other famous vehicles such as the Range Rover, Jaguar E-Type, Caterham 7 and
mium tyres as instructed by the lady in my
Morris Minor. But there was only one taxi model that made the ranks, the iconic and
house who is an expert on all subjects!
purpose-built London Taxi…which gives it the title of greatest British taxi of all time!
However I wasn’t convinced, so this time I
Exactly which version of taxi voters were thinking of isn’t known, but although the TX
brought budget tyres through Tyreshopper
online. You place an order then go to
series is now accepted as the London taxi, many consider its predecessor, The
National Autocentres who fit them for you.
Fairway, as the picture they automatically see in their minds when thinking of an all
I have found the four Tigar Hitris tyres
time London taxi. Some even say the FX4 - even though that model hasn’t been seen
(owned by Michelin) that I bought to have
on London’s streets for many years! Whichever model it is, the honour is no less
better grip in the wet and make less noise
Call Sign October 2012
Page 26
Whenever I go down Bayham
Street I always steal a glance at
Viva la France???
the premises down the bottom on
the left. At the moment it's a Rent-
Another true story from Geoff Levene
a-Car establishment and down the
years it's been a tyre shop and
twice been auto electricians.
It certainly was 40 years ago when run by a
very quiet but pleasant old boy who seemed
to be able to work blindfolded. He sat at a
bench in what appeared to be a jumble of
wire, coils, batteries, fuses, dynamos and
numerous other bits and pieces. From time to
time a woman appeared from somewhere
bringing him mugs of tea.
So if you dealt with him, it was no problem.
But he had an assistant - a young Frenchman,
and in those pre-EU days it was unusual to
find anyone French working here outside of
the catering industry. The waiters were noto-
riously rude and arrogant and this guy lived
up to that reputation.
As a young butter boy, I came up against
him on a couple of occasions. I once went in
Bayham Street and made the mistake of turn-
Bayham Street’s Auto Mechanics! I then dis-
there with a problem. He opened the bonnet
ing off the engine. In an accent that Inspector
covered MAM of Midland Road and now
put his hand down the side of the engine and
Clouseau would have baulked at, he said: “We
Blundell Street. Michael and his family (origi-
announced that I needed a Dynamo.
will 'ave to burmp start you.” I had no idea
nally from Cyprus) looked after me for many
“How” I asked the young Monsieur, “can
what he meant but was too embarrassed to
you tell just like that?”
say. So I sat in the cab while he and two other
George from Warwick Avenue is his brother-
His lip curled, he stared at me for several
guys started to push, and push, and push! I
in-law and I may be wrong but I think that
seconds as if to say how dare I question him
didn't know that you were supposed to stick it
“Uncle” from Great Suffolk Street is ... his
and then he snarled: “Because eet ees ma job,
into second gear, get up some speed, let out
Uncle! In fact I've spent so much time with
zat is how!” Well that was me told.
the clutch and it would start. With Gallic fury
them I now qualify for Greek citizenship! But
Then there was the time after breaking
and Xmas cheer he declared: “Are yew sure
not French, thank you…!
down just before Christmas and the AA get-
you know 'ow to drarve?”
ting me started, that I drove straight to
I think that ended my association with
Geoff Levene (W32)
Former Dial-a-Cab driver, Bob Woodford, writes a regular column for Call Sign from his home in
Languedoc, France and his taxi somewhere in London…
hotel suite the follow-
break, drop an email to me at
ing year - we were
woodford19@btinternet.com for fur-
both representing an
ther details and 'mates' rates.
absolutely fantastic
charity called Get Kids
Learning about the ‘Island’
Going. I must say I
A few weeks ago I popped into the Island
was certainly inspired
Trust, a voluntary organisation situated in
(perhaps!) to have
East Ferry Road, Millwall. Their main func-
another go at the 26.2 miles! Speaking of
tion is to preserve and promote the her-
which, I will always be grateful for the
itage of the Isle of Dogs.
donations that Call Sign readers made to
The curator informed that, depending on
my fund raising appeal.
interest, they were considering laying on a
6-week course on the history of the Island.
A Scottish getaway?
I became quite interested myself in attend-
After working right through the Olympic
ing an informal history lesson - no exams
Bob meets up with Paralympic
Games, I am now writing these notes from
and no pressure for a change. Some of my
Marathon winner Shelley Woods in
my Scottish retreat - a log cabin near
Black Cab Heritage Guides are also keen.
New York
Galloway Forest, which has had a sum-
So it occurred to me that some Call Sign
Well done Shelley...
mer full of bookings after the 3-bed prop-
readers may be up for this too - after all so many
I surprisingly enjoyed the Paralympics
erty was renovated and refurbished earlier
of you start off by ranking up on the Wharf.
recently and especially enjoyed watching
in the year.
If that is the case, let me know at
Shelley Woods claim a Silver Medal in
It has been made available for lettings -
rob@blackcab heritagetours.co.uk and I
the Wheelchair Marathon on the very last
there is no swimming pool, but it's perfect
will pass your interest on to the Trust.
A bientot…
day of London 2012.
for walking, cycling and fishing holidays -
Bob Woodford (Ex-P49)
Shelley, 2007 winner of the London
rain or shine! And if the weather is clear,
Marathon, also won Bronze in Beijing in
then there is no better view of the stars
Saint Genies de Fontedit,
2008 and I had the pleasure of meeting
anywhere in the UK.
Languedoc, France
her at a charity function in a New York
If any Dial-a-Cab subscriber fancies a
Call Sign October 2012
Page 27
As Boris looks at a future airport in the Thames estuary to replace
Heathrow, retired DaC driver Monty Dobrin (ex-B56) takes a look at
how passengers got home back in 1957 at a time when most pas-
sengers going to the flyers would ask the driver to take them to...
An artist’s impres-
sion of Boris’s new
pulling away telling you
the destination and
Brother Bradly’s taxi fare agreement
how many passengers.
The only downside was
With the debate on whether there should
that you had to wait till
be a third runway at Heathrow hotting up
you went back to the
since new big boss - Transport Secretary
terminal on the next
Patrick McLoughlin - came into the cabinet
visit to cash in the chit.
to replace Justine Greening who was vio-
Although at that
lently against any such idea, it has given Call
time, extra passengers
Sign the chance to turn the clock back some
were charged anyway,
55 years and look at a suggestion from the
that was only 3d (1p)
T&G Workers Union in connection with the
ravages of war, more and more were chang-
each, so the extra prices were doubled and to
British European Airways Corporation
ing their holiday destinations from Southend
the drivers, it represented a very good deal.
about London’s main Heathrow terminal,
to Majorca! As a result of Heathrow getting
As an example, one passenger to
West London Air. If you are too young to
busier, BEAC and the T&G introduced a price
Paddington was charged as 5 shillings (25p),
remember, then it was where Sainsbury’s in
chart as of 6 October 1957, said to have been
but each extra passenger increased the fare
Cromwell Road is now.
thanks to the negotiating skill of T&G com-
by 6d (2p), so a four-hander would get you
The vision of London Mayor Boris
mittee member, referred to only as Cab
an extra 1/6d (8p). When you consider that
Johnson’s new Britannia Airport with its
Section organiser, Brother Bradly. Anyone
the fare to go all the way to Heathrow was
four floating runways tethered to the sea bed,
out there in Call Sign land know of him?
fixed at £1.13.0 (£1.65), then that extra to
as designed by architects Gensler, is said to
The idea was that if a passenger hailed
Padders was worth getting. The longest trip
look akin to an alien airport. However, back in
their own cab, or phoned the infant ODRTS
was to Liverpool Street, which cost a single
1957 no one had even yet even heard of Star
where they were still 12 months away from
pin 9/3d and with four passengers, earned
Trek or Yuri Gagarin and the widely held
opening their first account (the BBC), then
the driver 10/9d (54p)!
belief was that the moon was made of cheese!
the metered fare would apply. But thanks to
Around 20 years later, ODRTS had an
So those passengers going to Heathrow
Brother Bradly, there was an agreement put
account opened at the terminal where drivers
back then would usually ask the taxi driver
in place where if you took passengers from
would deliver luggage that had gone missing
for the West London Air Terminal. And as
the terminal to an hotel, then the hotel
during the flight. That account was described
Britons were suddenly finding themselves
would pay the fare plus a 10% tip - which was
by many at the time as the best account we had
with money in their pockets again after the
guaranteed to be no less than
6d (2p).
ever had as the airlines, mainly BEA and BOAC,
However, if you were
would pay to have the lost luggage delivered
lucky enough to get a
back to its owners anywhere in the country!
Call Sign Comment
job to a railway sta-
But now WLAT it is just another branch of
tion, then you could
Sainsbury’s and Heathrow’s future looks to
have struck gold
be in doubt as an airport, to be replaced by a
Ascotts providing
because BEAC would
huge housing development. Isn’t life
give you a chit before
Keith Reading
Most Dial-a-Cab drivers will know of the Ascott Cab Co, either
Professional Toastmaster
by being customers of the south London garage or from their reg-
Master of Ceremonies
ular advert in each issue of Call Sign. They have always been
ahead of the game and that obviously hasn’t changed with the
Tele: 01279 465 938
Ascott’s Apprenticeship scheme and the announcement of
Mobile: 07774 860 374
another three young men to join the apprentice ranks.
Email: kgr.2@virgin.net
One thing that drivers look for when wanting to find a garage
that won’t just stick a piece of sellotape over a problem but fix it,
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
is reliability. And by investing their time and money in this scheme,
Ascotts are showing their commitment to the future of the
Fellow of the Guild of
London taxi business.
Professional Toastmasters
Well done chaps. Micky Ascott would have been proud...
Call Sign October 2012
Page 28
With much talk about apps, Contact Centre manager Keith Cain
takes a brief look at Dial-a-Cab’s new application and explains
what has happened so far...
own IT staff who have proved the tech-
nology is not as mind blowing as some
would portray.
Drivers have been raving about this
method of booking taxis and how they feel
we may have slipped behind in the tech-
Many of you would have seen the mes-
nology race. But I will say it again; it does
sages that went out recently on driver’s
not matter how simple you make ordering
terminals regarding coverage to a credit
a taxi, the service is judged on how many
card trip.
times a cab turns up, how polite the driver
The message referred to us testing our
is and how much it costs. If all these three
Credit Card App. Since then, many dri-
boxes are not ticked every time the user
vers have contacted me to say that
requires a cab, I assure you there is far less
although they had heard all the current
involved in deleting an app from a smart-
talk about apps, they didn’t actually know
phone than there is in setting one up! If I
what they were and exactly what they did.
tell you that the Apps store has received
Well, so far as the apps you have read
over 25billion apps requests, that will tell
about in Call Sign and indeed the rest of
you what I mean.
the trade press are concerned, an app -
We are now at the stage where we
short for application - is simply another
will be sending our app to Apple for
way of ordering a taxi but rather than hav-
approval and we see no reason why
ing to speak on the phone, it is done via
tions for them.
they should not accept it. We will then
an Android or iPhone by simply pushing
The first one is for their location to be
market the product and off we’ll go
a few buttons.
found via their phone using GPS (Global
into the ‘appy world of apps!
Users simply log on to the Apple web-
Positioning Satellite), while the other is for
The success of this really does depend
site and request to download the app they
them to manually enter where they want
on the service our drivers provide and it is
require to their phone. Once received,
to be picked-up from. Having registered
something we will be monitoring very
they then register their credit card details
their credit card details into the phone, it
closely before we offer this to other
into their own phone and once this has
is then sent directly to our dispatch system
been done, they are ready to order their
and automatically offered to the first dri-
ver within the pick-up zone.
Keith Cain
The idea is to simplify for the cus-
It really is that simple and because it
Contact Centre Manager
tomer how they order their cab, so
is felt that this is the way forward, we
Dial-a-Cab have put together two varia-
have developed this in-house by our
Drivers Operation Manager
In this age of technology when the subject of
apps or the internet has moved into everyday
conversation with children, let alone adults, there
For the next five years!
are still many people out there who use comput-
ers as glorified typewriters (remember them)
From Sunday 30 September 2012 until May 2017, there will be significant changes to the
without taking advantage of the many wonders
taxi rank arrangements at Victoria Station. The planned changes are partly as a result of
available online - in this case, Call Sign
the ongoing Victoria Station Upgrade works and TfL has worked closely with Network Rail
Well thanks to Call Sign’s IT whiz-man,
and Westminster City Council to ensure that taxis can continue to serve Victoria Station.
Vince Chin, it really is simple. The mag has
been online since the summer of 1998 - years
before any other trade magazine! So if you want
The new arrangements are as follows:
to take a look at any issue of Call Sign going
The entire station forecourt, including the taxi rank and set down area will be closed and the
back to 1998 - and even some real old ones
ranks in Wilton Road and Neathouse Place will be removed. The new point of the rank
from 1967, 1977 and 1987 - then just put
will be in Hudson’s Place on the east side of Victoria Station with a new taxi feeder rank
once it has loaded, click on the year you want
appointed in Bridge Place.
(shown on the left of the screen) and then the
Taxis will be able to set down passengers on the east side of Wilton Road, with a desig-
issue you want to look at.
nated space in front of the rank in Hudson’s Place for taxis to drop off disabled passengers.
Then either browse through every issue of
The taxi rank in Gillingham Street will be converted into a rest rank, but the taxi rank in
Call Sign since 1998 or type in a clue and let
the search engine do the rest. For example, if
Vauxhall Bridge Road will be extended to the Queen Mother Sports Centre. The ‘Air
your name is Fred Smith and you wrote a letter
Deck’ taxi rank at the station will continue to operate as normal.
to the mag in 1999 and want to read it, type
Taxi marshals will be at the new taxi rank during the first two weeks of operation to assist
Fred into the search facility and everything with
passengers and drivers whilst the signage inside the station will be changed. Extending the
Fred will come up. If there is only one Fred in
taxi rank in Vauxhall Bridge Road helps ensure that taxis can continue to serve the station,
Mailshot, then bingo!
If you want to read each complete issue with
but retaining this space is dependent on Taxis not over-ranking or stopping on the zigzag
ads et al, you can do that as well. Since May
lines behind the rank and not disrupting the traffic flow or compromising pedestrian safety
2006, Call Sign has also gone online in a PDF
along Vauxhall Bridge Road.
version. Just click the PDF logo. No search facility
Parking and loading bays in the area must not used as illegal taxi ranks.
for that though! Happy reading...
Call Sign October 2012
Page 29
Either write to Call Sign at
school. In that case, and had we not lost
Westminster, can you honestly say that
Dial-a-Cab House
you would run to Belgrave Square for a
or email us at
no run-in and no minimum trip to
Victoria Station when there was cash
work about? Ok, let's assume the worst
and that there was NO cash work
Vito steering
around, would you run from Parliament
Dear Alan
gets more mail than all the other trade
Square for that job? If your answer is
Whilst reading your Call Sign Online
mags added together. One of the nicest
yes, how many DaC drivers out of 10
Editorial about how difficult it can some-
letters I have ever received in my 15
would also do that? I think we'd still
times be to fill the pages of the mag, I have
years as Ed came from the boss of one of
struggle to cover it. I think the same
often wondered about the many types of
our biggest accounts. He said that the
thing would apply to most no run-in
characters that end up driving cabs - you
openness Call Sign was allowed to show
know, sportsmen, actors, musicians etc. I
was one of DaC’s biggest strengths -
I suppose our drivers could take mat-
remember doing the Knowledge around
even when we criticised ourselves. It’s
ters into their own hands and announce
forty years ago with a member of the
that same BoM that you say are hiding
that they were no longer going to put
Foundations (remember Baby now that I’ve
stuff, who trust me enough to allow me
their meters on until the passenger got
found you and Build me up a buttercup).
to put out the mag with no interference
in, but it wouldn't happen because
Anyway, it got me wondering if any driver
although the names were hidden from
on Dial-a-Cab has a claim to fame and if
As for zonal booking, I like it when it's
me, last month I was shown a list of run-
they could write in and let us know about
busy, but when it's quiet does it really
ins that drivers had after pushing their
it? Just an idea...
matter which system you use 'cos your
arrival button. Some may have just for-
Terry Farmer (Ex-T55J)
chances of a trip become less. If it was
gotten to announce that they had
Any volunteers...Ed
that good, then Mountview drivers
arrived, but there were a few others who
wouldn't be queuing up to leave with
constantly arrived with more than the
Who got the Spurs job?
many trying to come on here. Sadly,
£4.20. Should we announce in the mag
Hi Alan
because it is currently so quiet, many of
that some of our drivers were cheating
With the work trickling out at ridiculously
those then pass straight through and
passengers by overcharging on run-ins,
slow rate in August, what lucky driver got a
end up with no radio at all.
bearing in mind that many now read
radio job at Spurs Lodge that was shown
Finally, what is it that you think Brian
Call Sign online (over 9000 regulars last
live on Sky Sports News? I suppose they also
is holding back? I can only compare him
time I looked). It could make us look like
requested a Merc like many customers are
with his equivalents at ComCab and RTG
a bunch of crooks whereas the vast
doing and leaving the rest of us with even
and they give their drivers no info what-
majority are honest and would never
less of the scraps.
deliberately do that. It's been written
Barry Spear (Y16)
about many times by Allan Evans - even
Looks like you were one of many who
A message to Monty
though the number is minimal. He
were fooled by DaC driver John Gerber
Hello Alan
sometimes almost begs! But that has
- who also fooled the whole
Once again I have enjoyed reading the Call
made no difference. So what do I do?
nation! The story is inside this issue ...Ed
Sign Online magazine (September). On
I'm not a BM and they don't discuss
Page 29 is a letter to you from Ex-B56
their plans with me although I may hear
(Monty Dobrin) indicating that he had
Where is the News
about them before most drivers, but I've
retired and had a few old fare schedules,
Hi Alan
seen the scrubs on days when it's quiet
etc. The 1979 fare schedule caught my eye
Just read 32 pages of the October 2012 Call
out. Credit rides from Kensington to
as this would be a welcome add-on in my
Sign and feel surprised that there is no
Hampstead scrubbed, from Nott Hill to
1979 London Taxi if still available and we
information from the Chairman or Board
W7 scrubbed, Selfridges to Stockwell
can overcome the logistics of getting it to
members regarding our future. Where are
scrubbed and West Ealing to Victoria
me. I would like to reimburse whoever for
the new terminals (nothing at Roman Way)?
scrubbed - although that was a cash
any costs incurred.
When is the app arriving? Do we still need
ride. And all four in the same lunch
Lloyd Powell
zonal booking in? Run-ins? Gratuities? Alan,
hour. Why? Obviously because there
Member LVTA, Boynton Beach, Florida
I feel the content of September’s edition
must have been a bit of street work
The charts are on the way to Florida,
was lacking any content about ODRTS.
about, so whereas you and I may care
Lloyd, courtesy of Monty Dobrin. Hope
Let's stop knocking Addison Lee, Hailo etc
enough and invest some of our time to
it enhances the look of your taxi...Ed
and be proactive and fight for the work
try and cover work to help get those
back. It is quite obvious why customers are
accounts to use us again, many drivers
not using us - it's all about price. The Board
won't - and when it comes to feeding the
Wynns and losses!
must act quickly before it's all gone - we
family, I can't criticise them for looking
Hi Alan,
cannot wait any longer.
after the family before DaC. But it isn't as
In response to Howard Sales (Ex-A11) com-
Joseph Hornstein (K78)
simple as cutting run-ins/gratuities etc
ments to the Wynns debate, I would just like
Always nice to hear from you, Joseph,
because you still have to cover the work.
to add that when I was seeking a reason for
however my life as editor isn't quite as
Then there are the drivers who take
the EOBD (European on Board Diagnostics)
straightforward as you make out. Of
the time to contact me about something
light coming on, I didn’t feel there was a fault
course I try to get as much info as I can
that has happened to them that they
with the cab itself as it ran well. But I sus-
and most of your questions have been
consider is worthy of going into the
pected that the damp weather was the culprit
answered at one time or another. If the
mag. My philosophy has always been
with the warning light also being more likely
answers aren't those you'd like to hear,
that the drivers are the most important
to appear if I parked facing downhill! Sure
then there isn't much I can do about
parts of the mag because without them
enough, when I requested a message be put
there is no Call Sign. So, yes, I always try
out over the terminal asking if any other dri-
Things have now picked up as they
to involve them and I am usually happy
vers had similar problems, a driver confirmed
usually do once the kids go back to
to do so. Then there is Mailshot, which
my suspicions. KPM looked at it and with the
Call Sign October 2012
Page 30
Continued from page 29
but I don’t believe in paying doormen
for doing the job they are already being
paid for. If their passenger goes round
recent warm weather, it hasn’t re-appeared
the corner or down the road, they get
for weeks. I leave it to you to stop the damp
the same courtesy from me. Yep, per-
haps I’m just old fashioned ...Ed
Thank goodness the Olympics are over, we
can have our roads/turns back again...
Alasdair Kay (C47)
Corruption and new
tage of no arrival costs and that five minutes
of free waiting. So my question is should
Hi Alasdair, thank you for your confi-
we be worried and do we have a plan B?
dence in me. I’ve been asked to do lots of
Hi Al
Ian S. Connelly (T21)
strange things since becoming Editor, but
Just a thought on the GetTaxi plan to pay
As the Chairman is away at the moment,
to keep the damp away? I can’t promise,
£10 for airports
(Call Sign
I’ll have to pretend to be him, so I can’t
but I’ll have a go. If the damp returns, then
September), wouldn't this fall foul of the
tell you if there is a plan B! But I can
you’ll know that I was too busy!!! ...Ed
Governments new anti-corruption legisla-
probably answer the rest of your letter.
Are they after our accounts? Well I don’t
How about...?
By the way, is there any news on the new
suppose they would turn them away, but
Good evening Alan
firstly they don’t do pre-bookings and
terminal only I was thinking of throwing a
I'm sending this email whilst booked onto
even if they could, they would never
16th birthday party for my current one and
E14 on a Sunday evening. I can't remember
cover any work dispatched 12 minutes
need to get the invitations sent out!
the last time I worked a Sunday, in fact, it’s
before the booked time with no run-in
Charlton Clark (F25)
been so long that I had to ask dispatch what
and with the driver not even being able
The question is whether it counts as
the rules were regarding booking onto E14
to put his meter on for a further five
corruption or commission? Anyway
and E14C. I'm sure there are plenty of drivers
minutes when he gets there and having
Charlton, there is an update on page 10
who have also forgotten, so I thought it
to pay 10% for the privilege! And what if
re the new terminals ...Ed
might be a good idea to print a reminder of
it only went round the corner for a
what happens to the E14 ranks during the
fiver? Nope, their niche is taxi work dur-
What is Hailo up to?
ing a recession when drivers are happy
Dear Alan
My second question is in regards to our
just to put their meters on. You call ‘no
On reading Ian Skeels (J74) letter last
new system. I don't know whether I'm too
arrival costs and 5 minute free waiting’
month and the way he explained the way
late to make a suggestion, but whilst sitting
an advantage, but it’s only that so long
empty in Bank Street on the Island waiting
Hailo works for the driver, I was surprised
as drivers are prepared to do it and pay
to learn from the answer Brian gave that
for a job, I thought it might be a good idea
the 10% on top. And that will be until it
if the new system allowed drivers to see
not only have £millions already been invest-
gets busier, as it’s starting to get now -
how many jobs had fired out of a postcode
ed in Hailo, but they are to borrow another
and sure enough, Hailo’s coverage at
in the last hour. I believe this would benefit
£11 million to invest. I think we have
times hasn’t been too good.
both drivers and the Society alike. It would
always assumed PH to be our biggest
Then onto why are they doing it?
threat, but as the three main circuits com-
Unsurprisingly, it isn’t for the driver’s
help drivers see exactly where the work was
pete for accounts mainly on a level playing
benefit, it’s to make money! Hailo co-
coming from and allow them to make a
field, PH has the price advantage. They may
founder, Jay Bregman, originally co-
more informed choice when deciding
have secured and won some large accounts
founded online minicab company
which rank to book onto. In turn, DaC
from the radio circuits, but I think that as
eCourier and after several years, he sold
would benefit from better coverage as you
big as some of them are, they are not yet in
his stake and moved into Apps. Mr
would have more drivers booking into the
a position to secure the amount of accounts
Bregman was recently asked if he would
busier postcodes. It sounds like a reason-
held by the big three. If our fleet has shrunk
ever consider selling his Hailo stake? His
able idea to me but I've got to go now, I've
by 30% then I assume the other two circuits
response was that he would do so at
got an account run to SW5. Not a bad start
have also had similar reductions. I hear that
some stage, using the expression shared
to my night!
Hailo has some 6,000 drivers signed up.
by many businessmen of ‘entering to
Mike Parkins (Z03)
That number has to be close to the total
exit’. In other words, make your money
Hi Mike, see Allan Evans article for the
number of subscribers on all three circuits.
and move on. The problem, Ian, is that
info you require about booking in to E14.
As it appears the cost to join Hailo for the
there is nothing wrong with that and
As for your suggestion, I asked around at
driver is minimal, this may give them the
that’s how many operate in business.
DaC House and the consensus of opinion
potential to recruit thousands of other taxi
So the only question is whether, if and
is that knowing where the work was isn’t
drivers. The question I have is this; why
when it gets busy again, will Hailo dri-
as useful as knowing where it’s going to
when after so many years no entrepreneurs
vers pass street work or let DaC account
be and messages are often put out if a
have ever tried to start another radio circuit
work go to cover a no run-in and free
large number of cabs are pre-booked for
of the size of the main three, suddenly in a
waiting time trip? That could be the time
an area or if a trip is due to fire out in a
for Mr Bregman to sell up. And one final
recession along comes Hailo investing £mil-
zone that is out of town ...Ed
thing Ian, for around fifteen years I’ve
lions in the cab trade. What do they know
said on and off that I believe two of what
or see in this trade to warrant such huge
Who’s taking the
you call the big three would merge. Will
investment? It can't be to nick a few jobs
it ever happen? I don’t know but I
back from the minicabs, they have to have
wouldn’t be surprised if the topic isn’t
another angle. They do not have to buy ter-
Hi Alan
broached in the radio circuit halls of
Your Editorial about GetTaxi
minals for the cabs, their costs cannot be as
power somewhere! ...Ed
high as the circuits, so the only conclusion
Heathrow trips and others trying to do
deals, was spot on. It means that those of us
I can come up with is that they want the
Upside down fuel
major accounts held by the three main cir-
who work as we are supposed to, have a
cuits. They are black cabs, like us, their fleet
grim outlook. I suppose there is always
will outnumber the whole of the three cir-
Hi Alan
someone who wants to go to Harrods...
cuits and although the metered fare would
I wonder if you remember me? I was on
David Heath (Ex-W27)
probably still apply, they have the advan-
ODRTS until 1978 and met you when we
Perhaps I’m just old fashioned, David,
Call Sign October 2012
Page 31
Continued from page 30
once did a two cab job to Luton airport,
£1 subs or a gold
wait and return. We had seven passengers
between us who had to attend a meeting at
the airport with people who were flying in
Hi Alan
from Hamburg and then flying straight back
Very interesting article in the August Call
again. I bet that doesn’t happen anymore
Sign regarding the DaC long-service awards
with video calling and the internet. I emi-
for staff members. I understand these
grated to Australia in 1977 and moved on to
awards are now an integral part of the
the rewards for subscribers; perhaps we
New Zealand in 1981.
could start off at say 20 years with a 10%
office regime and occur twice yearly to
I always read Call Sign Online and I have
recognise the longer serving members of
yearly reduction in subs, until the 30 years
to say that your September Editorial, with
are reached, or perhaps after 25 years’ ser-
staff. It does say something about Dial-a-
its heavy dose of sarcasm, really made me
vice a 20% reduction is given for 5 years
Cab in an industry where large numbers of
smile. “Hands up if you really believed that
until the 30 year mark is reached, or even
staff turnover is not only is expected, but is
fuel prices were on the way down,” you
one or two free months per year?
the norm. I just feel it’s a pity that the same
wrote, following that up by telling us that
Anyway it's just a thought and I would
recognition is not afforded to subscribers. I
there was one born every minute! You’re
like to know what Board members think
understand that staff and subscribers are
right! All my London friends have been
about re-thinking driver rewards. And
different - one group being self-employed
emailing me for weeks telling me that
before you ask, I have been on the circuit
and one employed - but I'm betting that
diesel was going up weekly, so your further
for over 32 years, but only 28 as a sub-
there are more long serving members as
comment that BP’s profits had dipped from
scriber. So not long now!
subscribers than employees?
£5.3billion to £3.5billion before saying that
Alan Sullivan (F20)
In the same August edition on page 10,
if we think we’ve had it tough, to spare a
Hi Alan, unfortunately your letter
Keith Cain said: “You, the drivers, are the
thought for BP was heart-wrenching - I
arrived at the last minute and I was
main workforce and the service you provide
don’t think! And of course, UK newspaper
unable to get a response in time. I did
to our clients is not only of great signifi-
reports are now catching up with your com-
ask our HR department some time ago
cance, but forms a huge part of the wheel
ments and calling the increases a rip-off!
whether a similar idea for drivers would
that turns and makes this Society what is has
Perhaps they should read your magazine
be feasible, but it never really got any
become today.”
first just like my London friends are now all
further and until your letter arrived, I’d
So why do longer serving members not
doing. Anyway, I feel better having renewed
forgotten about it. But you should
get some form of recognition? I know that
an old acquaintance with you and would
remember that the staff’s reward is a
after 30 years (that's one third of the aver-
like to wish all the Jewish drivers at ODRTS
champagne reception and a certificate -
age lifespan) we get £1 subscriptions, but I
a long way from what you are suggest-
a happy new year...
have often wondered how the 30 years was
ing. I also don’t think a suggestion giv-
Ralph Dover (Ex-B11)
arrived at. Standard industry practice is 25
ing different drivers different rates
Gisborne, New Zealand
years with a gold watch! I also acknowledge
would go down too well because of the
Hi Ralph, nice to hear from you
that this represents a loss of revenue for the
admin involved. What I do know is that
although in all honesty I remember the
Society and it would also be interesting to
as a 30+ year driver, I’d rather get the £1
job more than I remember you! Then
find out how many are currently paying the
a month than a gold watch. Perhaps
again, Luton and back with, if I remember
£1 subs.
there will be some responses next
rightly, around a four hour wait wasn’t
Perhaps this may be the time to re-think
month ...Ed
something you’d forget too quickly! ...Ed
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the pages of the mag-
feel that the mentions
azines of the time with a flashback
we get from being
members outweigh
the cost.
If you know of
anyone who is
This month’s Flashback goes back
must realise that although there is a differ-
interested in coming on
ence between ourselves and number 653
to February 1956 and the
to the ODRTS radio circuit, let
London Transport trolleybus, the difference is
Chairman’s Report from a strange-
Frank Duncan know. Fitting to our
not huge and the extra is well worth paying.
ly named ODRTS handout sheet…
organisation is still free.
We also have advertising cards show-
Finally, thanks to our friends at Rootes of
From Odrats News, February 1956…
ing the cost of some longer jobs. Please
Piccadilly for sponsoring this newssheet.
do not charge more than these prices as
Bonnie Martyn, Chairman
the passenger may pay on that occasion,
ODRTS, 172 Pentonville Road, London
As I explained in the last newssheet, your
but will not phone again. As an exam-
N1, Phone TERminus 6444
Committee has decided that subscriptions
ple, there is London Airport for £2,
will remain at £7 per month for the present
Gatwick Airport for £3.7s.6d and the
and we would re-emphasise that you should
Royal Docks for £1.7s.6d.
continue to not put your meter on until your
Our dispatcher, Mr Defries (D03), ha
passenger has entered the taxi. This will
complained that some drivers are using
ensure that we build up a name as a good,
profanities over the air and on one
trustworthy and reasonably priced organisa-
occasion a female telephonist overheard
tion. It will help to remove the myth that
the driver. This is unacceptable and I am
taxis are the form of transport used by the
asking you to remember who we are.
upper class only.
If any of your passengers enquire,
Our aim must be to get everyone to use
yes, we still are members of the
taxis. That means our prices must be reason-
Holidays and Travel Association. We
able, while at the same time our passengers