May 2012
It’s tough at the top!
Board members try to select a winning
cake in the Great DaC Bake-Off!
See enclosed flyer for
details of how Mark
Brown of the London
Taxi Company can
save you £2k on a
new Euro5 TX4!
Call Sign May 2012
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
Call Sign May 2012
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
Here we are again at the May issue of Call Sign
Mayor to abolish VAT on taxis... mind you, perhaps
and my favourite one. Why? Well, mainly
we should stay in the real world!
because Call Sign publishes 11 issues a year and
June is the one that doesn’t appear! And THAT
Griffin’s war???
means for the next four weeks I can sleep as long
Well he’s at it again! The Chairman of London’s
as I want without having to worry about sched-
largest minicab firm, John Griffin, recently told his
ules. However, that doesn’t mean that you should
drivers that Addison Lee has gained a judicial
stop sending me your always-interesting stories.
review, which he says will be heard before the end
This office is always open; it just works much
of 2012. In the meantime, the man who believes he
slower through the month of May with no issue to
is above the law told his drivers that they should go
plan! But we’ll be back on 1 July...
ahead and use all the bus lanes that we do.
Mr Griffin really believes that his ragtag group
of drivers - who admittedly always look smart - are
And in a packed
real taxi drivers! But unfortunately for him, many
of them have two distinct disadvantages - their
Apologies to the ‘Two Ronnies’ for nicking their
lack of a good grasp of the English language and an
catchphrase, but there’s quite a lot to read inside
inability to find their way round without the help
this issue. The story that still won’t go away con-
of a satnav. And let’s face it, John Griffin isn’t
cerns yellow badges picking up in green badge
famous for the care and concern of his workers -
areas with one Dial-a-Cab driver having sat for
the huge turnover of his drivers shows that - his
some considerable time in Putney on Boat Race
us. So far as the trade press are concerned, we sud-
decision is purely a business one.
day watching and recording taxis with yellow
denly are given whatever we want when it comes
If he wins his judicial review, it will mean the
identifiers - some with no identifiers at all - just
to contact!
end of bus/taxi lanes because every minicab with
picking up anywhere they wanted.
It could be - and being kind, it hopefully is -
a LTPH licence will have to be allowed in. What
Yes, I am fully aware that Putney Station at the
that the candidates genuinely want to help what
will then happen is that they will revert to bus
top of the hill is an Island rank and as such is
is still undoubtedly the finest taxi service in the
only lanes. That won’t bother John Griffin,
workable by both yellow and green badges, but
world. LTPH can say what they like, but when
because so long as we do not have any time
the area around Lower Richmond Road and all
tourists hear about London taxis they don’t think
advantage over his fleet, then he will be happy.
along the riverside isn’t. Call Sign has broken one
of any of the private hire firms who think they
This isn’t the first time he has told his drivers to
of its own rules by allowing the driver to remain
become good just by becoming big. They think of
disobey the law. Most drivers will remember
anonymous because he has given us his name and
London licensed taxi drivers
- better known
2009 when the same Mr Griffin
call sign. He has also passed on all the cab infor-
around the world as black cab drivers.
“informed” his drivers that they were allowed to
mation he took on that day together with his per-
I don’t know who will win the Mayoral elec-
use the M4 bus/taxi lane. Of course they weren’t,
sonal details to John Mason and Helen
tion, especially this one with its sad - if sometimes
but in the end the lane returned to the status quo
Chapman at London Taxis and Private Hire.
amusing - childish behaviour from the main con-
of allowing everyone in it rather than the
Do we feel sorry for any yellow badge driver
tenders, but I shall be interested in seeing what
Highways Agency getting into legal battles with
caught touting - because that’s what it is? The
we actually get afterwards! Will roadworks vanish?
the man who has so much money that he and his
short answer is no, because green badge drivers
Will minicab touting become a thing of the past?
sons recently bought themselves their own golf
spend a long, long time doing the Knowledge,
Will Pedicabs suddenly vaporise? Will the cost of
course while their drivers work ultra-long hours
whereas the yellow badge licence is substantially
a new Euro 5 TX4 drop by around £6000 as VAT is
in order to make a living.
So what’s the answer? Easy! We cannot take
easier - which is why many do it. It’s no use any-
suddenly abolished on new taxis because they are
away anyone’s right to a judicial review, but
one telling me that there was lots of work there
100% wheelchair accessible? Well, you never
LTPH/TfL should and must take away the
and that if the suburban drivers didn’t take it then
Operator’s licence of a man who believes that he
the minicabs would, because that is rubbish. If
What I do know is that despite some of the
and not the Mayor, runs the two trades.
you have ever driven along Lower Richmond
appalling behaviour in the debates, we must never
In a way, it is equally the fault of LTPH/TfL
Road towards Putney, then you’ll know that even-
forget that the right to vote is something that should
because of the way they have tried to equalise the
tually you will see another empty cab in front of
be treasured. As such, we should all get out on 3 May
two sides of this business. Whilst most people
you. The road is very well serviced and yellow
to cast a vote for your favourite candidate. If you still
realise that we both take people from A to B, we
badge drivers do not do it just to help us. It is
need help, many of the main candidates give you
are as different as a registered doctor and some-
nothing short of greed and they have no more
some reminders inside this issue.
one who tells you to take some paracetamol for a
right to pick up those passengers than a minicab
headache after reading it in a manual. Without the
tout would.
Discounted TX4s
manual, he is lost.
A week after the Boat Race, Call Sign did its
If the Chancellor of the Exchequer disagrees with
Without his licence John Griffin will be the
own little survey; it was on Friday 13 April at
any newly elected Mayor’s desire to have VAT
Chairman of an unauthorised group of drivers, but
around 9pm - a quiet time of evening and a day
abolished on new taxis and we don’t get the VAT
until he realises that he is not above the law then I
when the children were still on holiday. We looked
back after he/she is elected, then there is one
see no other answer. With the Olympics around the
at the rank outside Putney Station and counted
offer that will be honoured!
corner, we could be looking at an all-out war and I
nine taxis stretched out along it. Five had yellow
Inside this issue, you will find a flyer from the
guarantee TfL that real taxi drivers - and indeed all
identifiers while we guessed that the other four
London Taxi Company aimed at Dial-a-Cab dri-
the guys currently slogging their guts out on the
were also that colour, but just had empty plastic
vers whose taxis are approaching the 15-year age
Knowledge of London - will not sit idly by and
sleeves. Is that not a large proportion not to dis-
limit. So if your sherbet is over 14 years old, take a
watch this trade - our trade - get sold down the
play identifiers? So we took a 20 minute trip out to
minute or two and read the flyer. The London Taxi
river. TfL are to be congratulated on their speedy
Twickenham Station and found around one in five
Company’s offer is currently aimed at DaC drivers
response, but it won’t frighten Griffin because the
with no identification disc. Are yellow IDs printed
and is offering you a straight £2000 for your old
man who now refers to his fleet as taxis rather than
on inferior cardboard that fades into nothing?
taxi if it is 14 or more years old - and I suspect that
minicabs - as he used to - truly believes that he is
Read the article inside this issue and let Call Sign
whilst it may be worth much more to you, in the
untouchable. Time will tell...
know if you think the writer was being too hard.
real world a cab approaching the 15-year limit is
virtually worthless.
To those of you who are going away, have a
Mayoral elections
There is also a special offer if you want to buy
great time. To those who are staying behind and
I love the build-up to the Mayoral elections
one of their second hand cabs. So don’t just dis-
working, I hope it’s tearing busy. But I’ll see you
because for those few brief weeks we are no
card the flyer, because if your cab has sadly
all again on 1 July...
longer taxi drivers, but suddenly represent votes!
reached the end of the road then an extra £2000
Alan Fisher
During that time, we are showered with possibili-
towards your deposit can be a big help. And if the
ties of what the candidates hope they can do for
Chancellor agrees with any newly elected London
Call Sign May 2012
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
group of people to break the law?
Dial-a-Cab and Apps...
I know you were all outraged by his behaviour
I, along with other Board Members, have
and I know some of us in the trade contacted
received complaints from members regarding
LTPH and higher, to complain about the situation.
some of our drivers subscribing to the ever
What Mr Griffin should remember is that his mini-
growing band of Apps providers for licensed
cabs are Private Hire and that taxis are Public Hire.
taxis. They are demanding that these members
We need to be able to use bus lanes so we can
should not be allowed on Dial-a-Cab as their
pick up and set down on the kerbside. Also, mini-
behaviour is counterproductive to this Society
cabs charge a fixed fare whereas taxis charge a
and that they should be given the choice of one
metered fare based on time and distance, so we
or the other.
need to take the fastest/quickest route, which
I can understand their frustration; however
includes using bus lanes.
what they are suggesting would be almost
I really believe Mr Griffin has opened a can
impossible for us to police. It would also make
of worms for himself as people are now asking
us appear churlish and resentful of the all the
why he has donated £250k to the Tories since
new Apps that are out there. After all, members
December 2008 and also a non-cash donation
could have numerous Apps on their phone and
of £4,045.58p. I can only assume that second
we would be totally oblivious of the fact. At the
figure is for minicab rides that were not
moment, the only stipulation we make is that
charged, however, that is only an assumption
we will not allow a permanent fitting in the cab
motion. But I have always been under the
on my part as the figure is not itemised.
from any organisation that is in direct competi-
impression that it is an offence to use a mobile
I know Mr Griffin has done well, but he now
tion with Dial-a-Cab and that will apply to any
phone whilst a vehicle is in motion, unless of
appears to believe that he is above the law and
hardware that is fitted to the vehicle.
course it is hands free. So I am confused as how
probably thinks that way because the authorities
All these Apps boast they are endeavouring
drivers receive trips on an App whilst the vehi-
were not harsh enough in the past. If you remem-
to take work back from minicabs and that
cle is in motion. He must receive it as some sort
ber, he instructed his drivers to use the red carpet
should be commended, however they are
of text and if he does, he must be capable of
coming in from Heathrow Airport and the result
doing it at the driver’s expense. The driver is
reading the details whilst the mobile phone is
was that the authorities disbanded the bus/taxi
expected to run to the pick-up for nothing,
lane and scrubbed his 200 fines and 130 sum-
then wait five minutes before engaging the
mounted on the dashboard or windscreen.
monses. Mr Griffin is not a stupid man; he knows
meter and will then be expected to give 10% of
Alternatively, the driver should stop and pull to
that 65,000 minicabs together with 25,000 taxis
the fare to the App provider.
the side of the road to read the details and exe-
will not be allowed to use bus lanes. I believe he
I have been in this trade a long time and I
cute a function every time he receives or sends
now thinks the easy way out for the authorities is
know the above will prevail when business is
a message, otherwise it is illegal!
to also ban taxis, so that neither can use bus lanes.
quiet, but when it gets busier - and it will - or
If I have it wrong as to how the system works,
If that is the case, then he knows that taxis will
the traffic is extra heavy or God forbid we
then good! If I have it right, then it is just a mat-
experience even more delays due to congestion
should have some rain, then their service will
ter of time before there is a major incident
and in turn, because of the time factor, make the
be doomed as drivers will just not offer a ser-
involving a taxi - and none of us want that!
taxi fare more expensive - which is exactly what
vice for nothing when it is busy and, of course,
he wants!
that is when the customer wants the service.
Mr Griffin and Addison Lee...
I am delighted that LTPH and TfL threatened
After all, they can hail a taxi easily enough on
You will all have heard about Mr Griffin of Addison
to prosecute his drivers and remove his
the street when it’s quiet.
Lee instructing his drivers to drive in bus lanes.
Operators Licence. I just hope that scenario
Finally on this topic, there is one part I am not
There will probably be more about this in Call
still prevails when you read this piece...
quite sure about. Many cars today have a SatNav
Sign, but I think it pertinent that I should mention
fitted as standard equipment, pretty much the
it. I believe on this occasion, Mr Griffin has gone
Brian Rice
same as our radio circuit terminals are fitted and
too far and has really antagonised the authorities,
they can be operated whilst the vehicle is in
but what does he expect when you instruct a
Spare DaC taxis
Drivers often ask about taxi garages where Dial-
a-Cab taxis are available for use while your cab
is off the road, so if you need a DaC-fitted termi-
nal try phoning one of the following garages for
For any non-fault accidents try either:
Chief Taxis: -------------------0800 055 6221
Cab Aid: -----------------------0800 028 3253
Overhauls or accident repairs:
Cricklewood Carriers: -----
0208 452 5461
KPM: --------------------------
0207 375 1179
Justcabs (formerly L&P):-- 0207 739 0210
Howard Kott of Justcabs is also happy to rent out a
DaC taxi if not being used as a loan cab
Call Sign May 2012
Page 5
With the recent hikes in fuel charges, the question Call Sign has been asked more than any other is at
what level a fuel surcharge is added to the fare? So we are reproducing parts of the TfL press release
that was agreed in February. To save anyone asking, no, the garage in Sloane Avenue isn’t the barom-
eter used to calculate any surcharge…!
Since July 2008, special provisions have been in
the consultation.
increment be retained as this provides an
place to allow an extra to be added to taxi fares
The general response to extending this
appropriate degree of stability for customers
if London average diesel costs reached a thresh-
arrangement was positive, although the taxi
while compensating drivers if fuel costs
old level, in order to compensate drivers for sig-
radio circuits were against a fuel charge extra
increase significantly.
nificant mid-year rises in fuel costs. This
being introduced if taxi fares were increased
The Board is therefore asked to approve
arrangement was continued by the Board in
by 5.2 per cent, as they felt this would be
the introduction of a 40 pence extra to be
February 2011, with a 40 pence extra if London
unfair on passengers. Two of the main drivers’
charged if London retail diesel fuel prices
retail diesel fuel prices (as measured by the
associations considered that the extra charge
(as measured by the Arval index) reach
Arval index) reached the threshold level of
should be reduced to
20 pence and the
the threshold level of 179.7 pence per litre
159.7 pence per litre between 2 April 2011 and
threshold reduced accordingly. However, it is
between 14 April 2012 and 6 April 2013.
1 January 2012.
considered that this provision should only be
Once in place, the extra fuel charge would
The proposed extension of the fuel charge
implemented for a significant increase in fuel
remain in force until 6 April 2013 (the annual tar-
extra during 2012/13 was included as part of
costs and it is proposed that the 40 pence
iff revision) even if fuel prices subsequently fell.
Hammersmith flyover progress
Garrett Emmerson, Chief
sight to
Operating Officer for Surface
taxi drivers
Transport at TfL has told Call
Sign: “We are approaching a
critical phase in our race to
reopen the Hammersmith
Flyover as quickly as possible
and it required the recent
overnight and weekend clo-
sures so as to ensure that the
works were carried out safely
and correctly.
“I would once again like to apologise
for any inconvenience that this work is
376 Strand, WC2
causing and reassure everyone affected
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
that we are continuing to work around
the clock to complete the vital works as
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
quickly as possible.”
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
Work to strengthen the five weakest
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
spans of the 16 span structure will be
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
completed in June 2012, well ahead of
the London 2012 Games. This will ensure
We are certain that you will be delighted
that the flyover can carry full traffic load-
ing during the Games and hopefully for
many decades to come.
However, following the Games, TfL will
return to the structure to strengthen the
remaining spans but that work will not
require further weight restrictions to be
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
imposed and TfL hope to complete it
Salieri Restaurant
with off peak lane closures and minimal
376 Strand, WC2
closures to the flyover, causing limited
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
traffic disruption.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 6
Jery’s World
"When they promised we could use the Olympic lanes before the Mayoral election, I thought they meant the ones OUTSIDE the arena!"
Triumph - Gary was right!
In the September Call Sign, Gary Cox (O46) wrote an article on what he thought
would be the re-emergence of the Triumph name to the world of motorbikes. He
praised John Bloor as the man who had rescued Triumph from the scrapheap in 1984
after the original manufacturer, Triumph Engineering, went into receivership. But in
Gary’s view, Mr Bloor was about to turn it into a British success story with his new
That was September. Now Triumph have unveiled their new bike, the Triumph
Explorer, to rave reviews throughout the biking world and in direct competition with
BMWs endurance bike, the r1200gs. The Explorer was designed by a Northumbrian-
based company, Xenophya, catapulting them onto the world stage of design. Now and
perhaps as a sign of acceptance, Lord Digby Jones has joined the Triumph board.
Triumph have now started up a bike factory to produce small bikes for the Indian mar-
ket - the cheapest but largest market in the world and one that will unlock the
Indonesian and Chinese markets.
North City Triumph who went from a small shop in Chigwell in anticipation of the suc-
cess of future models, to much larger premises in Romford told Call Sign: “We also kept
running out of our Triumph clothing range because it's so good, but at last have man-
aged to get on top of the problem. Apparently we no longer just sell Triumph bikes!”
• Roadside repair
Spanish based dealerships are complaining that the Euro is too strong, but Spanish
• Roadside assistance
businessmen returning home after working in the British markets are now buying retro
• Running repair recovery
Triumph Bonnevilles - named after the famous salt flats where Triumph test out the
• Accident recovery
bike’s top speeds. All in all, it represents a huge success for Britain.
• Pay as you go to membership
Thrilled with his prediction skills, Gary finished by saying: “Brian Rice told
me when l caught up with him in a posh café that the first Knowledge student
• Credit card taken at roadside
he sees doing the knowledge on a Triumph bike will get 3 months free subs on
Dial-a-Cab, because it’s great for British manufacturing!”
When we told the Chairman about Gary’s claim, he told us: “Well done Gary for your
0845 094 5307
spot-on forecast in our magazine, you would make a good Commodities Broker! I know
We make wheels turn
your last sentence was meant as a joke regarding the posh café and three months free
subs for the first person to do the KoL on a Triumph Explorer - but why not!”
so you can earn.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 7
Crashes? My DaC taxi must be magnetised
“Yes, my taxi does seem to have attracted a few
John said: “Eventually I had a phone call from
more incidents than you’d normally expect
yet another company admitting that their
over the years,” Dial-a-Cab driver John Kiely
records had been lost. I was very evasive in my
(V76) admitted to Call Sign.
answers as in my opinion there were just too
“Thankfully none of them have been of my
many lawyers involved. Then surprisingly, I
own doing; it’s just that other people seem
finally received a cheque for £300.00 in settle-
unable to resist colliding with my cab!” He
ment of my claim and a request to complete a
grinned and said with a sarcastic smile that he
questionnaire with regard to the particular
had even considered there might be a super-
company’s service levels!”
strength magnet hidden away within his cabs’
“Service levels? They had to be joking. It took
darkest depths dragging other metal vehicles
four years - yes, four long years - to settle a sim-
into his taxi!
ple claim because of the incompetence of
John Kiely - My taxi must have
Thinking back, he told us of just two of sev-
some jobsworth and they now wanted me to
eral examples of his magnetisation: “I recall one
magnets on!
fill out another form!” John roared with laugh-
collision where I was flagged down in
ter at the thought.
Fitzmaurice Place, Mayfair, and as I pulled into
to my insurers. I was also quietly relieved when
“On another occasion not long before, I
the kerb, a linen laundry delivery van decided
my passenger offered his details as a witness to
was in Gresham Street in the City when the
to exit from a service bay at some speed with-
the event. I then took the cab into my garage
lorry in front of me jumped the traffic lights
out any signal or looking to see if his exit was
for the repairs to be done.”
at Guildhall, realised what he had done and
clear - which it wasn’t because I was there! So
Continuing with his tale, John said that over
decided to reverse into the front of my cab!
there we were in a ‘V’ formation with his front
a period of time there had been correspon-
The lorry driver walked back towards me
end firmly against the nearside rear wing and
dence between his insurers and various legal
shouting why I had done that? He was sug-
corner bumper of my cab. He tried to drive off
agencies from the third party. He received let-
gesting that I had driven into the back of his
but couldn’t and also declined to offer his dri-
ters asking him to sign various documents, but
truck. Luckily, a passing pedestrian had seen
ving licence or insurance details. So I quietly
because it seemed every letter he received was
the whole thing and offered to be my wit-
suggested to the driver that he had just 5 sec-
from a different agency asking for the same
ness, handing me his business card with his
onds to provide those details before I called for
details he had originally given anyway, he
contact details and the case was eventually
the police - slowly removing the mobile from
began getting confused as to who was who and
resolved! I could go on with the rest of
my pocket to show him I was not kidding. I
to whom he had talking to on any phone calls
them, but I think you get the picture!
was blocking him in by the way the cab was
he received.
“As a kid, I loved playing with magnets…I
positioned on the road, so he wasn’t going any-
John decided that he would not sign or
have my doubts now!”
where soon. He got the message at that point
answer any more paperwork, taking the view
and came up with the goods, but I thought it
that somewhere along the line, those details
was all a bit dodgy and duly reported it all back
that he had supplied had been misplaced.
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Martin Cordell & Co.
Does your accountant supply you with the following?
Over forty years of experience with the Licensed London Taxi Trade.
Processing of self-assessment returns.
Advice on trading as a Limited Company with its tax advantages and potential pitfalls.
Preparation of accounts.
Initial consultation dealing with loss of earnings claims (due to accidents on the road etc.)
Letters to banks, building societies
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Specialist in-house facilities to deal with Inland Revenue enquiry cases.
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A three hundred and sixty five days a year service.
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First consultation free of charge.
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The London Taxi Trades Premier Accountants
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
020 8980 7161
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1-5 Alfred Street, Bow, London E3 2BE also at
Front Office, First Floor, 9 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4AS
Call Sign May 2012
Page 8
It was mid-April when news gradually filtered
criminal offence for which PHV drivers may be personally prosecuted.”
He ended by saying: “Drivers who repeatedly contravene traffic regula-
into the trade of a letter that Addison Lee boss,
tions, including by intentionally driving in bus lanes, may be considered unfit
John Griffin, had sent to all his drivers. The letter,
to hold a PHV driver's licence and operators who encourage such conduct
may be considered unfit to hold a PHV operator's licence.”
signed by the AL Chairman, read:
In a statement, TfL said:
Dear Driver,
“As regulatory authority for taxis and PHVs in London, TfL con-
The directors of Addison Lee plc believes that the current bus lane regula-
siders the decision to issue this letter inciting drivers to break the
tions, which allow London black cabs to use the bus lanes but prohibit pri-
law is irresponsible. It has called upon them to rescind it. It is
vate hire from doing so, is illegal as it discriminates against private hire oper-
urgently considering legal and regulatory action against Addison Lee
ators and drivers who offer a competing taxi service. We also believe that it
and will revoke their licence to operate if necessary.”
denies the public freedom of choice as journey times in the bus lanes are
Addison Lee has brought legal proceedings arguing that current regula-
much quicker that those outside the lanes. Our legal advice in this matter is
tions are in breach of European Union law. TfL is contesting those pro-
that bus lane regulations are currently being misinterpreted to exclude PHV’s
ceedings, which have not been determined and there has been no order by
from bus lanes. Such misinterpretation is unlawful in the following respects.
the court suspending the regulations. The legal process is continuing.
It is in breach of European rules relating to the freedom of estab-
MD of Surface Transport at LTI, Leon Daniels, told Call Sign: “The letter
lishment and freedom to supply services, it infringes the general EU
from the management of Addison Lee is utterly irresponsible. By issuing it,
principal of equal treatment, it infringes the English common law
Addison Lee risk regulatory action against themselves and leave their staff
principles of equality before the law and it denies free and fair com-
liable to criminal prosecution. We have asked them to withdraw their letter
petition in providing an unfair advantage to one group of commer-
immediately and also writing to all Addison Lee drivers reminding them that
cial operators over others.
repeated breaches of traffic regulations could see their licence to operate
Addison Lee has sought and been granted a judicial review on this issue
which is due to be heard by the end of the year. In the meantime Addison
“London’s bus lanes are in place to ensure the efficient operation of the
Lee believes that we cannot allow our customers to continue to be victims of
bus network, which carries more than six million passengers a day. Allowing
this unfair discriminatory treatment.
tens of thousands of Private Hire Vehicles to drive in bus lanes would seri-
As Chairman I can advise you that a lawful interpretation of the bus lane
ously disrupt the bus network and our passengers’ ability to get around the
regulations entitles Addison Lee drivers with private hire identifiers to use
all bus lanes in the same way as our competitors. Accordingly you are fully
By the following morning, just one Addison Lee car was spotted in a bus
entitled to use the bus lanes.
and taxi lane. The passenger? John Griffin!
We can confirm that entry into the bus lanes is not an endorsable offence
and that we will indemnify all Addison Lee drivers from any fines or other
liabilities that may result from using the bus lanes as a result of this advice.
Should any conflict arise between yourself and any black taxi operator please
be patient, make a note of any details and use your camera where possible.
John Griffin
Chairman, Addison Lee PLC
Call Sign immediately called LTPH who told us that they were consulting
with their solicitors. Twenty four hours later they came out with all guns
blazing and threatened to prosecute and withdraw licenses from any private
hire drivers that used the bus lanes. While John Griffin offered to pay any
fines, TfL now spoke about revocation of licenses, which moved the ball to
a much bigger pitch.
Director of Taxis and Private Hire, John Mason wrote: “Under current
regulations, driving a PH vehicle in a bus lane during hours when the bus
lane is operative (and other than to pick up and set down passengers) is a
France: Breathalysers
must be carried
If you are planning to either cycle or drive
through France, then be prepared for new
laws that are scheduled to come into force
on July 1 and which require riders or dri-
vers to carry a disposable breathalyser
with them.
Should you be stopped by les gen-
darmes and found not to have the cheap un
that are sold for around 2euros, then you w
face an automatic 11euro fine.
The French legal alcohol limit is tougher than the UK’s at 50mg
per 100ml of blood. Ours is 80mgs.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 9
Call Sign May 2012
Page 10
Mayor: We’ll keep traffic moving!
London will be the first city in the UK to make
around the vital arteries of our road system, but
utility companies pay for the amount of time
give us for the first time the chance to penalise
they dig up the busiest roads, incentivising
disruptive works where it hurts - in the wallet
them to complete works at the least disruptive
- using the revenues to fund further innovative
times, Mayor Boris Johnson has announced.
ways to keep London's taxis and general traffic
The scheme had been successfully lobbied
for by the Mayor and has now been formally
So far this year, the Mayor's campaign has led
approved by the Department for Transport to
to almost 4,000 fewer roadworks on TfL roads
begin in June 2012. This will allow TfL to charge
between last April and the end of 2011 - a fall
utility firms up to £2,500 a day for working in
of 13% over the same period in 2010. By the
congested areas or at busy times. It will cover
end of this financial year, serious and severe dis-
around 330km (57%) of the TfL road network
ruption caused by roadworks on London's red
(red routes) and covers areas most susceptible
routes is expected to be down by almost 40%
to major disruption from roadworks. The new
since permitting was introduced in January
scheme will also apply to any TfL works carried
will be jointly overseen by TfL and the major
out on its road network, farther ensuring that
utility companies. Specifically, this will be used
The Mayor added that since being Mayor, he
works are delivered with minimal disruption.
to research new innovations such as quick cur-
had cracked down on minicab touts and more
By encouraging utility companies and high-
ing materials and improved plating technology,
recently there had been a purge on dangerous
way authorities to carry out their work
which would allow excavations to be tem-
pedicabs. He said that over the past year, there
overnight or during off-peak hours, road users -
porarily covered and roads to return to normal
had been over 1300 arrests for cab related
including taxi and bus passengers - will benefit
use more quickly.
offences including touting.
from more reliable journey times and less dis-
Boris Johnson told Call Sign: "This is a real
He ended by saying that he had halved the
ruption. Any additional revenue raised by the
victory for all London road users, helping us to
size of the Olympic Road Network, which was
scheme once operating costs have been recov-
further tackle the scourge of shoddy and badly
now down from its original size of 140kms to
ered, will be put towards measures that could
managed roadworks. Lane rental is a win-win as
70kms but added that there was still more he
reduce disruption from roadworks and which
it will not only help traffic pump smoothly
had to do...
Brian Paddick: “Green loans for taxi drivers!”
Lib-Dem London Mayoral candidate and former deputy assistant commissioner for the Metropolitan Police
Brian Paddick, has revealed plans for a Green loan scheme to help drivers whose cabs are approaching
the 15-year limit upgrade to zero-emission vehicles. Mr Paddick claimed that the current Mayor had failed
on his projected £1m clean taxi fund of two years ago with Boris Johnson now saying that technology
had not progressed far enough to enable mass deployment of the scheme.
Mr Paddick spoke of a series of green transport policies he would bring in if elected as Mayor on May 3,
including offering to help London taxi drivers upgrade to electric vehicles and that he would achieve that
by setting up a subsidy scheme to reduce the upfront capital cost, although he did add that finer details
would need to be sorted out. Mr Paddick said that his idea would be based on the government's upcom-
ing Green Deal loan scheme. That allows property owners to install energy efficiency measures at no
upfront cost and then repaying the loan through their energy bill. According to Brian Paddick, estimated
savings on bills always exceed repayments to cover the initial costs. The Mayoral hopeful said that the
scheme could easily be adapted to taxis.
Mr Paddick added: “We should look at a scheme for taxi drivers whereby they can be funded upfront to replace their taxis with electric
cabs and then pay back the cost of the loan over the lifetime of the taxi from savings made by using electricity rather than diesel.”
He continued: “We have to look at the overall total cost to society of the issues of reducing the capital's PM10 levels and then make the
argument to government that part of the cost of helping taxi drivers to change their vehicles will come back because of lower running
He said that Lib-Dems would invest £55million on electric charging points for London and that although he knew the upgrade programme
would require additional subsidies, he said that health improvements through lower PM10s and subsequent savings to the National Health
Service would help pay for it.
Mr Paddick has said that if elected, he would allow taxi drivers into the Olympic routes and also press for more parking and
toilet facilties…
LTPH on Twitter!
As part of their commitment to look into innovative ways to improve communication with the trade, LTPH have recently set up their own
Twitter account so they can get relevant information to licensed taxi drivers and operators.
‘Tweets’ will contain news and updates such as important information on taxi rank suspensions, train services being cancelled and details of
forthcoming TPH consultations. Initially LTPH expect there to be around 2-3 tweets per day. In addition, they will be providing drivers with real
time information during the Olympics and Paralympics Games, such as highlighting times of events and where there will be a significant
demand for taxis.
Join them by visiting Twitter and follow the signing up instructions for an account. Then search for the Taxi & Private Hire account by typing
in @TfLTPH in the search bar. Click 'Follow' to become a member and you will then begin to receive 'tweets' from them and join the several
hundred who already follow them..
The TPH twitter account will provide information only and will not respond to tweets from followers. Any questions should be directed in the nor-
mal manner via LTPH hope that you will support them with their new communication channel and help spread the word.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 11
You have long been known as very pro-
bus. Boris Johnson has cut back on some
bus numbers because they were clogging
Call Sign Speaks
up main roads just by sheer numbers.
Would you bring back the buses that were
taken out of service or are you happy with
numbers as they are?
to Ken Livingstone
KL: I hope I am known as pro-taxi too!
Actually the impact of the Tory Mayor’s policies
has been to increase the number of buses on
This issue of Call Sign has tried to give you the views of the main
routes where he took away the bendy-buses. He
candidates for the Mayoral elections on 3 May. This page asks a
had to, because the bendies could take so
few questions of the previous Mayor, Ken Livingstone...
many more passengers. But now they have
gone, I am not planning on bringing them
though the vehicle costs extra because it
caters specially for the disabled? If you
You recently spoke of priority measures
agree that they should at least be partially
to help buses avoid the worst of the traffic
VAT free, would you recommend that to
jams. Does that include taxis?
the Chancellor if you win the election?
KL: Yes - because what I was talking about
KL: Part of the role of the mayor is certain-
was more bus/taxi lanes and more priority for
ly to lobby the government on behalf of
vehicles that use these lanes at traffic lights.
Londoners. I would be happy to discuss this
with the trade if I am elected Mayor.
Boris has his scheme to make utilities pay
What is your view on Addison Lee
if they take too long in digging up a road.
Chairman, John Griffin’s instruction to
Do you have any plans to speed up road-
his drivers to use bus/taxi lanes?
KL: Addison Lee Chairman, John Griffin’s,
KL: Boris Johnson has taken four years to
instruction to his drivers to flout bus lane rules
implement the lane rental scheme that I start-
is incitement to break the law and create
ed negotiating with government when I was
anarchy on the roads. He should be prosecut-
Mayor. I will certainly be more energetic in
ed and Addison Lee’s suitability to operate as a
means Londoners have to have money in their
making use of it.
licenced private hire firm must be reviewed.
pockets to be able to afford a cab. My key elec-
Addison Lee is a major donor to the
One other thing I will do to speed up taxi
tion pledges are all about making Londoners
Conservative Party - giving £25,000 in to Boris
trips is to move to ban pedicabs, which are
better off - through a £30 a week London-wide
Johnson’s campaign in 2008 and at least a
dangerous to their passengers and pedestrians
Education Maintenance Allowance to help 16-
further £250,000 to the Tories since. The Tories
alike. During my last term I was well under-
19 year olds stay in education, a new lettings
should declare if they have received any dona-
way to obtaining a legal ruling. Mayor
agency to cut rents, bulk buying electricity to
tions from Addison Lee for the 2012 mayoral
Johnson abandoned this approach. If elected I
cut household energy bills, supporting child-
election and, if so, when they will be returning
will instruct City Hall lawyers to start the
care costs and cutting bus and Tube fares.
process again.
Taxi drivers and their families will benefit
Taxis are allowed in bus lanes because they
Taxi driver's cabs over 15 years old are
twice - first through more money in their pock-
are licensed to pick up and drop off passengers
coming off the road. Do you have any
ets and purses, and second through other
when they are hailed in the street and so need
thoughts as to how you can help these dri-
Londoners having more cash to spend on cabs.
access to the kerb. Minicabs are only licensed
vers should you win the election?
Whilst any decision comes from the
if trips are pre-booked and so do not need the
KL: Drivers need to be able to recover the
Chancellor, what is your view on taxi dri-
same access. I will not support minicabs hav-
cost of buying their vehicle through fares. That
vers having to pay VAT on a new cab even
ing access to bus lanes.
Jenny Jones: Taxi drivers vote Green!
Dear Call Sign readers, at the Green Party we believe black cabs play a crucial role in helping Londoners and visitors
get around. We are worried about plans such as those to exclude taxis from the special Olympics lanes and generally
reduce taxi ranks at this time of high demand. We believe that the capital’s transport policy should not be putting
black cabs out of business and we think London needs a Mayor who will get to grips with vital issues like touts, con-
gestion, emissions and the safety of all road users - including cyclists, pedestrians and cabbies themselves.
But as well as safety, the health of Londoners needs to be a main focus of the plan for transport. As things stand,
over 4,000 people in the capital die prematurely as a result of air pollution every year. Taxis are the biggest contribu-
tor towards this pollution, generating nearly a third of the particulates that cause damage to our hearts, lungs and
respiratory system. It harms the drivers, their customers and many other Londoners. If taxis are to continue to play
a major role in helping Londoners and visitors get around town, we must help the trade ensure that its vehicles
pollute less.
A whole series of mistakes has been made in handling London’s air pollution problem. The biggest let-down is
that innovation has been blocked, partly because of the rigid adoption of the Conditions of Fitness, which favour a monopoly
provider. More fuel-efficient alternatives (with less CO2 emissions) to the TX series have been consistently blocked because of the PCO clinging to
the turning circle. The infrastructure for gas fuels, like LPG, has not been supported. TfL have shown little willingness to support drivers who for several
years have wanted to reduce pollution by switching fuels, rather than buying a new vehicle. Instead, cabbies have been required to fit clean up devices
that seem to have delivered unimpressive results.
The promise of an electric vehicle in the future has taken the place of a simple-to fit hybrid device in the here and now. Given that the cabs in inner
London spend the majority of their time stationary, this could potentially have been a cheap and very cost effective way of cutting pollution dramatically.
The Mayor has generated great headlines for himself since 2010 for his £1m fund to help cab drivers switch to low emission vehicles. This fund was
even mentioned in the November consultation document on the introduction of the 15 year age limit ban as a way of helping cabbies to upgrade cabs.
We now know that the Mayor's £1m pot of money never existed and was a complete fiction.
The Green Party believes that this is unacceptable and TfL should support making cabs low emission in order to make our air safer to breathe.
Supporting hybrid and resisting deregulation are two key ways in which a Green City Hall can help the taxi trade to flourish.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 12
Y INTERACT is a US company that works on
matters concerning today's changing commu-
nications universe - and nothing is changing
more than the world involving Apps. Although
their latest creation doesn’t yet involve the
Apps: It was just
London taxi industry, you can be certain that it
- or something similar - soon will. After all,
Hailo has arrived in New York, so nothing will
stop the reverse happening over here
The new App - Report a Taxi - is currently
a matter of time!
working in New York and allows taxi passengers
to instantly report their driver via a smartphone
App by just entering the cabbie’s medallion
New York passengers can now report their driver by App…
number and then selecting from a list of “com-
How long before this
mon complaints.” The passenger then fills out
App hits London
the data, time and location of the problem trip,
pushes a button and their complaint instantly
iPhone than to the road.
wings its way to the NY version of our LTPH -
There is no mention of
the Taxi and Limousine Commission. There is
protecting the driver
no need to inform the driver they are being
against passengers mak-
reported. And of course Call Sign doesn’t need
ing up complaints after
to remind readers that getting a London taxi dri-
a bad day in the office or
ver’s licence number has never been easier!
possibly out of bore-
They even know the colour!
Of the 814 passengers who used the NY App
More importantly,
between December and March, the number
we wonder not who
one gripe involved refusing to take customers
will create the first
to their destinations, with a close second being
App specifically to
that of the driver talking on their mobile
report a London taxi
phone. Drivers being “disrespectful” or not
empower and protect passengers across New
driver, but when it will be announced…
allowing the passenger to pay by credit card
York and that Report a Taxi would also “bring
followed closely behind.
justice” to anyone that has been refused a ride
Baghwat Singh
Y INTERACT say they hope the App helps to
or had a driver that paid more attention to their
Call Sign Online
UKIP Mayoral candidate says…
As the Mayoral election hots up, UKIP candidate
preserve of the black cab?”
Lawrence Webb has put his finger up at the
He said that traditional taxi ranks were being
two neck and neck favourites to win the position
removed, while satellite offices were springing up
- current Mayor Boris Johnson and former
everywhere with clipboard Johnnies working
incumbent Ken Livingstone. Mr Webb claims
alongside ranks of minicabs illegally plying for hire.
that the policies of Ken and Boris show they
He ended by accusing Messrs Johnson and
“don’t care about London’s taxi trade.”
Livingstone of arguing about “…whose train set
Mr Webb calls the taxi business “iconic” and says
will run faster than the others while trying to dis-
tourists associate us as being part of the London
tract us with their various vanity projects,” and
scene, but adds that our industry is under threat fol-
that London’s cabbies knew exactly what was
lowing last November’s decision that all new taxis
going on.
had had to be fitted with a Diesel Particulate Filter.
He continued: “Instead of an all new engine,
this filter is simply being retro-fitted to the existing
model. Whist we all want to breathe cleaner air,
these filters are not the answer especially as they
add an extra £3000 or so to the cost of a new
taxi. In many ways, this is nothing more than a tax
levied at a sector that can ill-afford it at a time
when fuels costs are going through the roof.
“But it is not just the additional cost that these
filters bring,” says Mr Webb, “they just do not work
in an urban environment and can often result in
costly repairs, not only in having the filters re-gener-
ated, but also to the engine itself if the filters are
allowed to clog, which then causes back-pressure.”
He threw in the possibility of a VAT-free taxi as
we drive the only public transport that is fully
wheelchair accessible. That would put the cost
of a new TX4i down to around £28,000.
Mr Webb claims that Ken Livingstone despises
all that is British and particularly those things
that are uniquely so - with the UKIP candidate
obviously placing taxis into that category. He
asks why Mr Livingstone “…massively increased
the number of private-hire vehicles in London
while Boris has presided over ever-greater
encroachment of these operators into the areas
that were once (and legally still should be) the
Call Sign May 2012
Page 14
Outer zones again...
During these quieter times, more and more dri-
vers are not following the correct booking-in
Contact Centre Chat
procedures for outer zones. Without wishing to
With Keith Cain
sound like a broken record, all outer zones are
physical zones, which clearly mean a driver
vehicle to get the passenger to operate it. We
must be within the zone to book in.
are still working on the procedures and how
Drivers who have been caught are using the
we can deal with a scrub for a driver if the trip
excuse that so long as the driver can get to the
is accepted from the terminal.
pick-up in an outer zone within 15 minutes,
Initially, we are looking to put a minimum
then it’s ok. Unfortunately that is not the case.
deposit against the card as soon as it's taken.
A physical zone means the driver must be with-
This will ensure a payment is taken should the
in the zone to book in. Those drivers that have
passenger cancel the cab or fail to make con-
been caught have not only been monitored by
tact with the driver. As I said, this is still a work
the controller, but also by other drivers who
in progress and members will be fully informed
have been deprived of receiving the trip offer.
before we start fitting the PEDS as to what the
Please ensure you book in correctly at all times;
procedure will be.
no one enjoys putting drivers on complaint,
The terminals are currently in the final stages of
but if that is the only deterrent that works then
testing and at the moment everything looks very
it will be done.
good. The functionality of the new terminal will
not have changed, so there is no need for any
Procedure changes
time parameters for the going home facility
additional training for members - although it will
The changes we made recently to our proce-
have not been altered.
be available should anyone feel unsure.
dures have been very successful and while a
We recently experienced some rain during
few drivers have voiced their opinion of dislike
Credit cards and the
the daylight hours and oh how the clients
for one of the changes, the vast majority of calls
altered their policies to use our service. It real-
that have been received have been very posi-
new terminals
ly is amazing how our business is affected by
tive. By the time you receive this issue of Call
In the last edition of the magazine, we
not just the state of the world economy, but
Sign, you will also have been advised that the
informed you of the new terminals and the
also the British weather!
Board has reviewed the going home facility and
credit card PEDS we will be fitting. One part of
Keith Cain
made the decision to reduce the number of
the development of the PED we are very happy
account rides that need to be taken from 5 to 3
with is the security we have built in so that the
Contact Centre Manager
before the code 21 can be switched on. The
driver does not have to leave the front of the
Driver’s Operations Manager
Open door at the Bank of England
To save Dial-a-Cab drivers and their fami-
lies asking, no, this isn’t an invitation to g
to the Bank of England and to help your
selves! It is a repeat of a very popular tour
that also took place last year and which
many drivers asked to be repeated as they
were away on holiday.
The tours take place on two Saturdays
in June and again over a weekend in
September. On all dates, the Bank of
England will invite visitors into the
famous Threadneedle Street building
for a close look behind the scenes and
visit rooms in which some of the UK’s
key monetary and financial stability
decisions are taken.
Among the highlights of the visit will be the Garden Court at the heart of
the Bank, where mulberry trees reflect the origins of paper money, the Court
Room which houses a wind-dial originally installed so that the Bank’s direc-
tors could forecast the arrival of merchant shipping in the Port of London and
Drivers, come and join us and have a fun-packed day by the sea!
the Committee Room, where the Monetary Policy Committee meets to make
its monthly decisions - currently to keep the bank rate at 0.5%.
We hope you can join us on our legendary annual outing
On Saturdays 23 & 30 June between 9.30am - 5pm (last entry 4pm) the
to Southend to give 200 special needs and underprivileged
Bank and its Museum will be open to visitors for thirty-minute behind-the-
children a fun-packed day. As well as giving the children a
scenes tours, taking in the Front Hall, Garden Court, the Monetary Policy
great deal of pleasure, we promise you will have a brilliant and
Committee’s meeting room and the Court Room.
Then on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 September (same times) there will
enjoyable day out yourself.
be two further tours. No booking is required but go early to avoid the queue.
The Bank of England has occupied a building in Threadneedle Street since
1734. In 1788, Sir John Soane was appointed as 'Architect and Surveyor' to
the Bank. Soane extended the Bank's original building until 1828, when it
Hon Chair Susan Angel on 07958 280881
finally covered the whole 3.5 acres of the present site and was enclosed with
Committee member Steve Bell on 07811 508772
the windowless wall that still stands today.
The Museum’s new exhibition, Gold and the Bank of England, which
Or enter your details on our website’s
begins its run on 22 June and examines the part gold has played in the
Bank’s long history, will be open on each of the tour dates.
There is no charge for admission to the Museum or for any event. Enter
The Hon President, Hon Chair and Committee would be very grateful
via Bartholomew Lane...
if you could join us and we look forward to seeing you on the day
“None Walks so Tall as he who Stoops to help a Child”
more info...
Call Sign May 2012
Page 15
London Taxi Company giving free receipt
pads in support
The London
onto the LTDA bandwagon to lend support to its current cam-
paign - Taxi to the Runway - which promotes licensed taxi
usage over other forms of public transport direct to the airport.
To celebrate the successful Dial-a-Cab testing of the Viking Taxi Meter
London Taxi Company Sales Director, Rob Laidler, said: “This
with their new in-cab equipment, Cricklewood Carriers Cab Co Ltd -
is a fantastic campaign and we are really pleased to be
as the sole and exclusive agents of the new Viking Taxi Meter - are
able to support it in any way that we can. This is
delighted to announce a totally unique and exclusive package to all Dial-
absolutely the type of consumer marketing that we
a-Cab drivers. The package consists of:
should be pulling together as an industry to do and we
* 5 years meter hire *
commend the LTDA for leading the way.”
To support the campaign, The London Taxi Company will
* 5 years full maintenance including all tariff changes *
install rear-screen advertising banners on all of their demonstra-
* Peace of mind non-increasing rental price for 5 years *
tor and courtesy vehicles.
* Professional installation service with extended opening
Any driver purchasing a new or used vehicle from Brewery
hours including Saturdays and 24/7 website back up *
Road who wishes to support the initiative, can also have the
* One-off payment of £500.00 *
advertising placed on their vehicle free of charge, prior to delivery.
The London Taxi Company has also printed thousands of
In addition, the first 50 Dial-a-Cab members who take this deal
receipt pads promoting the Taxi to the Runway message to
give away free to drivers. To get yours, just pop into Brewery
will receive an additional 10% discount!
Road and ask at reception.
See their ad below…
Call Sign May 2012
Page 16
Quite clearly, the friendship and comrade-
Tony Arnold has appeared in Call Sign many times over the years,
ship we always had within our trade is at the
mainly in the role of helping drivers in other countries became
lowest ebb I have experienced in my 30
years. As the work dries up and it gets harder
good cabbies. Controversy hasn’t been his thing…until now!
to scrape a living, things will get that much
more fractious. Some recent examples occur
to me.
Help another driver?
I have broken down a few times within
the past year - on one occasion for a 3 - 4
hour period awaiting RAC or AA recovery.
On these occasions my taxi was obviously
Sorry mate, I’m too busy!
rendered useless and disabled in busy thor-
oughfares. The bonnet was up, hazard lights
flashing and 100s - yes 100s - of cabs passing
me by with not one bothering to ask what
the problem was, even to enquire whether I
perhaps just needed a jump start. Not one
single offer of help. Absolutely nothing.
On two of those occasions, several mes-
sages were sent through the DaC terminals
requesting help of some sort. Not one driver
responded to either of those occasions.
I was always taught to drive respectfully
and most importantly, always with the pro-
fessional dedication that our public
expect and more specifically that our mas-
ters at TfL expect. We have to maintain stan-
dards? That’s a joke now as some of our fel-
low drivers in their high-powered Ferrari-
type Vitos and TX4s cut up the inside in flow-
ing traffic and then pull out in front of us, do
U-turns in busy High Streets just to get in
front and trap one of those elusive jobs that
will - mark my words - dwindle before our
very eyes.
We have become selfish while I have
become cynical - a 55 year old thug who no
longer gives diddlysquat about my fellow dri-
On one of Tony’s many trips - this one was Beijing’s Tiannaman Square
ver. We book into false positions that quite
clearly and flagrantly break Dial-a-Cab’s
And I don’t need to speak English cos I'm
long ago when we cared about each other.
rules. We are in danger of losing those long
driving a bus that costs in excess of £400K
Private Hire is no longer - and never has been
jobs that still pay high dividends, so much so
and in which I can basically just operate a
- a sleeping giant. It is here to take our very
that some drivers hang up for them to make
few buttons and it moves forward!
work ethic from under our noses…
sure only they get them. After all, what driver
I have been very fortunate to travel and
in his right mind would book into E99 for
work in 34 different countries over the past
Tony Arnold (F03)
4/5 hours waiting? Isn’t the idea to go out to
10 years and proud to have been a sort of
work? You know, where you take your
leading light in this once great job, being
chances that someone might stick their hand
able to spread the word and show what the
up to call a taxi. But no, rather than wait
words ‘black taxi’ means and has achieved in
some would rather deceive their fellow dri-
400 year history. How? Simple really, it
vers by hanging up. Among them are so-
was by being
above all else
called cabbies who work the hotels - partic-
courteous, polite, knowledgeable, profession-
ularly around the Gloucester Road area and
al and very proud to drive the most recog-
who I am told bung the doormen £20! Are
nised vehicle in the world.
you out of your minds? How much are you
Please don’t blow it all away, let’s stop
charging the punters? No, no the drivers say,
being stupid and be like we were not that
they provide a service even if that involves
screwing all the other drivers that try to earn
a legal and honest living.
Call Sign
Or how about this… Go and buy a Vito
May 2012
and drive a van with windows for £42K.
Editor: Alan Fisher
Great, it carries 6 people and it’s nice and
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
smooth. But it’s a van you silly people and
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
not only that, but 70% of private hire drivers
are in similar types of vehicles. We are just
Printers: Premier Print Group
playing into PH’s final solution… we don’t
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
need taxis and we don’t need to know the
Design: Aldan Publications
streets of London because we have satnavs.
Tel: 07958 300 428
Taxis will soon become a tourist attraction,
just like the red telephone box and the old
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
red bus that once had a conductor who
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
would engage in conversation with you
either manually or electronically without the express
rather than be whisked from the job centre.
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 17
Former fireman Richard Potter and life behind the
These days it’s never been easier to keep your
taxi clean and tidy with the number of hand car
washes quadrupling over the past few years and
yet another seeming to appear on every corner.
However, I have stopped getting my cab washed
responded from home via an alerter or pager.
in town but instead get it washed nearer home
This would go off at any time of night or day,
because the general quality and cleanliness of
whether you were in bed or in the shower,
the wash itself has got much worse. You’d think
come rain or snow.
hand car washes would pride themselves on the
One thing you learned quickly about the job
standard of their wash, but I fear that standards
was that you had to be able to laugh at yourself
are dropping.
and take a joke. As a general rule, you weren’t
One of the main reasons for this is that the
allowed to take yourself too seriously as work
washers don’t rinse out the woollen mitts on a
with colleagues quickly exploiting any chink in
regular basis, leaving them full of dirt that they
your armour. One school day morning at about
then spread over the cab. Sometimes, when
8.30, the alerter went off when I was in the
they wipe over the windscreen, you can see the
shower. I dried off, threw some clothes on,
dirt in the foam and afterwards you can see
jumped in the taxi and headed for the fire sta-
scratching in the paintwork. The whole idea of
tion. As I drove into the fire station yard, there
getting your cab hand-washed rather than put
were a number of schoolboys standing on the
through an automatic washer is that it is gen-
corner watching and waiting for the pump to
Closing 8 fire stations
tler on the paintwork and should last longer.
turn out. As I was delayed, the fire engine was
Washing with a heavily soiled mitt just defeats
to save £4million???
sitting there in the station with engine running
the object. So until people tell me otherwise, I
As you probably know, I worked as a Firefighter
and blue lights flashing waiting to go. In those
am staying out of town.
with Kent Fire and Rescue Service for 10 years
days I was about two stone heavier and the
and after reporting in the last issue that
entry door to the station was at the side with
For a change…
Wandsworth Parks Police has been disbanded,
some steps up. As I ran across the yard, I heard
If you work during the weekend, one of the
on 2nd April my local fire station at Seal near
one of the boys shout: “Hurry up fatty or they’ll
biggest headaches you can have is running out
Sevenoaks was closed for good with the station
go without you!” Is that right I thought! I’ll
of change. Personally, I find that foreigners are
having served the community since 1886 -
show them who’s a fatty as I tried to take the
much better at trying to give you the right
some 126 years. Now due to the latest Tory cut-
steps in one go. But instead of looking cool
money or giving you notes closer to the fare.
backs, it has closed its station doors for the last
with an excellent leap
up and through, I
Someone once told me that English people find
time. I am not going to get political, but KFRS
tripped on the top step and fell in through the
it too much hassle when it comes to change
has shut 8 stations around the county in order
door and heard a loud roar of laughter from the
and instead are quite happy to give you a £20
to save what is really the small amount of
‘erberts outside.
note for an £11.60 ride. Get 4 of those on the
£4million. I really can’t understand closing
Now bear in mind that the other five firemen
bounce and you’re in trouble. If you do get
frontline services.
hadn’t a clue what had happened, I got my
stuck for change, try parking on the rank at the
Seal Fire Station holds many memories for
firegear and jumped on the pump. It turned
bottom of Wardour and Coventry Streets and
me, some bad, some very sad but also some
right and passed the boys who were pointing
go into one of those amusement arcades. I’ve
very funny. I’ve always been a full-time London
and laughing. My Sub Officer, who was sitting
done this a number of times and when they see
taxi driver, but working at Seal meant that I was
in front, turned around to me and said: “What
the taxi they are usually quite understanding.
a Retained Fire-fighter, just like a fully trained
are they laughing at?” My response, “Err, well,
firemen who sleeps on station, except that I
err… don’t know sir…”
Richard Potter (T51)
The company formerly known as LTI - The London Taxi
Company - has been gaining a reputation of late for
taking on highly skilled ex-military staff with former Royal
Logistics Corps warrant officer, Jon Harmon being their
latest recruit.
According to the HR manager of Forces Recruitment
Services - an organisation that places ex-military per-
sonnel into UK companies - Graham Jones, ex-forces
personnel are ideally suited to the highly efficient taxi
manufacturing operation in Coventry as they are well
trained and disciplined with many transferable skills.
Jon was “discovered” by Paul Lewis, a regional director
of Forces Recruitment and an ex-army man himself, hav-
ing served for 22 years before retiring from the Adjutant General’s Corps, which spe-
cialises in all administrative matters.
He told Call Sign: “The military contains a diverse breadth of skills and professions. Military person-
nel, whatever their rank, are highly trained and disciplined. They are
used to working as part of a
team, working in challenging environments and work well under pressure; they are also able to work
alone and are a huge asset to British companies at any level and in any industry.”
You are welcome to visit
As for Jon Harmon, who lives not far from the London Taxi Company factory in Coventry, he told this
our showroom at:
magazine: “I was recommended to Forces Recruitment Services by a friend. The transition to civilian
work can be traumatic and top of the list is always getting a job. It can be a frustrating time and you
Unit 8 Tripes Farm,
can easily feel dejected. The recruitment consultants at Forces Recruitment Services are ex-military and
Chelsfield Lane,
can translate our experiences into the civilian world's needs. They held my hand and gave me every
Orpington, Kent BR6 7RS
help, guidance and assistance.”
Forces Recruitment Services has just been short listed for a major recruitment award. If you know of
Instant Kitchen and
any ex-forces personnel who would like to register, they can find more information by contacting the
Bedroom & Blinds UK
agency direct.
Call Ian (R50) on 01689 897111…
Call Sign May 2012
Page 18
The Chip and Pin card reader (PED) will oper-
meter companies that we have been in touch
ate differently from the existing reader, but
with, but hope that the ads we have received
again it will be very easy for you to use and
and published will help you decide what your
because it is mounted in the driver’s compart-
best available option is.
ment, it will be much safer and more secure for
you to operate - something that was a major
consideration for us. There will be more details
I know the Chairman has gone into great detail
published in future issues of the magazine.
regarding the many taxi Apps that are being
Again, as John stated, the Cabbie’s Mate A-Z
offered to you at this moment in time, so I will
and SatNav will be fully integrated into the
only say that any fixed data head or dash/win-
new system and there is a very good video
dow mounted units such as the GetTaxi system
will, for obvious reasons, be viewed as direct should you have any worries on
competition and Dial-a-Cab we will not agree
the ease of operation. It is very straightforward
to their equipment being fitted alongside ours.
Hello ladies & gents,
and will certainly enhance the new system and
I am sure you agree that from a business point
Since the last edition of Call Sign which had a
be an exciting move forward.
of view, it is a no-brainer and I am certain that all
very detailed article on the new terminal by
other major circuits will treat it in exactly the
DaC’s Director of IT, John Bankes, a number
Taximeters and the
same way. I would certainly not want any one of
of drivers have contacted me, being a little con-
you to jeopardise your membership with our
cerned that the new equipment may be more
new system...
Society without being sure in your own minds
difficult to operate. So please be rest assured
As you are aware, the Society will be support-
that you were doing the right thing - I am always
that the operating system from your end will
ing only those meters that conform to the elec-
available to help or advise...
not change, functionality will mirror the exist-
tronic and software protocols and are totally
ing terminal and although the terminal will
compatible with the new Dial-a-Cab system.
look a lot more state-of-the-art and have a much
We have contacted all the relevant companies
more modern feel to it, there is no need to
and given them space in this month’s edition to
Allan Evans
worry about retraining.
offer our members any special deals if and
DaC Compliance Officer
As John mentioned, it will run on Windows 7
when current contracts come to an end. So far,
and the system will be faster and more reliable.
we are still to receive info from a number of
Addison Lee political donations
raised the question of bus lane access and sug-
Dial-a-Cab Chairman Brian Rice has men-
The amount of £4045.58 was filed under
gested that HMG should outsource chauffeur
tioned in his monthly report about political
non-cash donations and could refer to any-
donations made by Addison Lee, so to allow
thing including, but not automatically, free
services for ministers to private companies.
Minutes of the meeting sparked opposition
Call Sign readers to understand what the
cab rides. The total for the above Addison
donations are, we are publishing figures from
Lee donations since December 2008 is
calls for the government to explain whether
the Electoral Commission website which
the donations and the meeting were linked.
accesses donations to political organisations.
Shadow transport secretary, Maria Eagle, said:
In addition and following a Freedom of
All the donations from Addison Lee were
“The public have a right to know if ministers
Information request, it was revealed that a private
made to the Conservative Party...
gave preferential treatment to John Griffin and other
meeting was set up last year between then-
'premier league' donors who sought to use access
10 December 2008...
Transport Secretary Philip Hammond and AL
to ministers to advance their own interests.”
21 April 2008
Chairman John Griffin. At the meeting, Mr Griffin
9 April 2010...
13 April 2010...
19 September 2011...
Climatecars enter AL row
Climatecars MD, Nicko Williamson, has entered
the battle over whether PH drivers should be
allowed to join taxis in bus lanes but says
Addison Lee shouldn’t be allowed to use
• Preparation of wills and codicils
• Advice for
them! But he says his fleet of low emission
• Elderly Client Advisers
cars should have access! He has asked TfL to
• Inheritance Tax/advice about trust
• Lifetime tax planning
develop a two tier licensing system for PH to
• Lasting Power of Attorney
• Family & Matrimonial matters
recognise the difference between the different
• Conveyancing and all property issues
types of PH cars.
“Operators who pass the criteria for the
We rely on you to get us from A to B so you can rely on us to
higher tier to certain predetermined standards,
protect you with our legal expertise
should be able to use the bus lanes. This could
Contact Anna Coakes or Julian Hay on 0207 637 0661
be linked to vehicle quality, driver experience
Or email or
and CO2 emissions.”
To discuss Wills, Inheritance Tax planning or any of the above range of legal issues.
However, the MD of greentomatocars, Jonny
Goldstone, says that Climatecars' proposal was
Moon Beever Solicitors
unfeasible. Meanwhile Pimlico Plumbers now
24-25 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2PL
say they too should have access. Sounds like
all-out war to us!
Call Sign May 2012
Page 19
Just as Call Sign’s April issue was being put to
In aid of Sport Relief, it’s…
bed, many Dial-a-Cab staff were heading full
tilt into a fundraising cake bake-off in aid of
Sport Relief, organised by DaC Trainer
Christina Simms and her Human Resource
The Great
The idea was for staff members to bake an
item of their choice - biscuits or cake - which
would then be sold to other members of staff,
helping to fill empty tums while raising vital
funds for the charity at the same time.
“We decided to introduce an element of
competition by asking a trio of judges
from the DaC Board to find the top three
bakers,” Christine told Call Sign with rather a
mischievous glint in her eye! “We gave each
Bake Off!
entry a number rather than name to main-
tain the baker's anonymity from the
judges, so that every entry stood purely
on its own merits. My colleagues and I in
HR knew who had baked what, but that
was classified information right up until
the judging panel had concluded their
deliberations and the winners were
announced later that morning.”
Head Judge Keith Cain added, while wiping
the remains of a sticky toffee muffin from his
“The standard of all the entries was extreme-
ly high, which made for some tough decisions
for the judging panel. Together with Allan
Evans and Allen Togwell, we munched our
way through some delicious and creative bakes
and after several
finally settled on the
top three entries.
But we must con
gratulate all th
entrants for thei
high level of creativ
ty and enthusiasm fo
didn’t win but said it all!
the project, not t
set pic: Antoinette Gardner was judged to be the winner
mention them bei
so generous with th
time in aid of such
worthwhile cause.”
First prize went
Antoinette Gardn
from Admin with
carrot cake entry.
won an extra d
leave, a bottle
Champers + other goodies. Second was Louise
Taylor from Despatch with her Victoria
sponge cake, whilst close by in third place
came Tino Mangwiza from the Contact
Centre who baked a banana and cinnamon
cake. They both won a goody bag.
When Call Sign spoke to Antoinette after
the winners had been announced, she told us
she’d done it for the charity, but had not really
expected to win!
“I was pushed for time the evening I
baked it,” said Antoinette, “and while I took
care over it, I didn’t really think anything
Dee, Daren and Christina with some of the staff who entered the bake-off
of it. I just took it into the office, popped
er with little chance of snapping the winning
it in the fridge and entered it!”
cake itself and absolutely no chance of a crafty
Well done to all the wonderful
Paraphrasing her French namesake from the
and generous buyers, plus a special thank
past, Antoinette grinned as she proclaimed with
John Rogers, Dial-a-Cab's Director of HR,
you to the three judges for jeopardising
a twinkle: “If they have not got bread… let
later confirmed that the fund-raising effort had
their waistlines so selflessly in aid of a
them eat cake!”
realised £350 from cake sales, all of which has
good cause…
Her winning pastry was soon consumed by
been donated to Sport Relief as the charity’s
staff members, leaving Call Sign’s photograph-
total pushes ever-closer to an incredible
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Call Sign May 2012
Page 20
Jon Trevor (W94) has appeared in Call
Jon Trevor asks Call Sign...
Sign many times since his arrival at Dial-a-
Cab in 1997. Usually those appearances
involve his participation in a triathlon - at
Who should I join???
his peak he was one of the top triathletes in
the UK - although more recently he did
1000 push-ups to help raise funds for a for-
never work for the prosecution, there is no
mer DaC driver who was having severe med-
conflict of interests. Should you lose a traffic
ical and financial problems.
related case and have joined the ‘Fines Pool’
But this time is different. He wrote to
costing £5 a year, then the fine will be paid
Mailshot to ask a question:
as well. Many fines also paid without court
“I have recently left the LCDC but would
appearance (details on a leaflet).
like to join another trade organisation as I
Possibly of more interest to some is the
believe that we should all belong to some-
option of attending 10 branch meetings a
thing. Could you give me any advice on who
year (more if the situation needs it) to have a
to join?”
say on branch policy and what decisions are
So we asked the LTDA, Unite and RMT to
made by the branch on things that affect the
tell Jon what they offered in return for his
trade. Despite noises made by others that we
membership. They appear purely in alpha-
are not recognised by TfL and LTPH, we have
betical order...
input with both and their political masters
and our voice is heard loud and clear.
We are also the only trade union that does
THE LTDA from General
not recruit Private Hire drivers, so we have
Secretary, Steve McNamara...
no internal conflicts of interest.
“Why should you join the LTDA? The obvious
answer might be because 9000 other drivers
can’t be wrong! But the correct answer is
Jon wants to know what the various
Unite (Cab Section) from
not because we are the biggest and ten times
trade organisations can offer him
Advisory Committee member,
larger than any other trade organisation, but
because we are the best at what we do. And
question, it struck me that I could do it in
Peter Bond (L67)...
what we do is protect and represent work-
one of two ways. Outline the benefits of
Unite is one of the most influential trade
ing cab drivers at all levels with a range of
being a member of the RMT or disparage the
unions in the country and the Cab Section,
membership benefits that are unequalled
other driver groups in general and London in
which was formed in 1874, has a long histo-
particular. Having been a member of all the
ry of leading actions to defend and improve
other groups at one time or another I guess
In recent years, with the advent of CCTV
the conditions of cab drivers. Unite’s Cab
and the growth of our ‘Big Brother’ society,
I could follow the second option but I do
Section is the only truly national organisa-
believe that it is better for each driver to be
there has been a massive increase in the num-
tion for cab drivers. The future of the trade
ber of Penalty Charge Notices being issued
in something rather that nothing and so I
has never been secure and Unite is fighting
will not follow that route, other than to say
and the number of taxi drivers being prose-
for the benefits of drivers and their passen-
straight off that though the RMT is a Trade
cuted for alleged motoring and other offences
has gone through the roof. The LTDA is the
Union, it is not affiliated to the Labour Party
Basic Membership: £13.96 per month.
and does not fund the Labour Party.
only trade association that employs its own
Benefits: Free legal advice for you and your
in-house solicitors and barristers who spe-
Members do pay a political levy (opt out is
family on Unite CareXpress helpline. Free
an option) but this is used by the union for
cialise in both Hackney Carriage and Criminal
Will Service for you and your spouse. Only
its own political ends. This means that when
law, and unlike other trade groups our legal
£333.12 incl VAT for Martin Cordell’s com-
protection has NO small print. If you are a
it gets political it’s for the member’s benefit
prehensive accountancy service.
and not at the request of or direction of oth-
member and your badge is under threat, we
Experienced representation/advice at all
cover you - no ifs and no buts. Our ‘Badgesafe’
- LTPH, TfL, police, all Government
The main reason any driver should be a
is different to most other schemes because it
departments, local councils, airports, sta-
member of anything comes back to an old
is not run by an insurance company which
tions, European Commission - dealing with
restricts cover for certain offences. For exam-
adage told to me whilst doing the
fares, vehicle design, ranks, bus lanes, com-
Knowledge: It takes years to get your badge
ple, not providing cover when you are driving
plaints from the public, Carriage Officers (a
your car, or when you don’t have a passenger
and seconds to lose it. True then and even
daunting prospect without support) etc.
more so now with modern electronic equip-
in the cab at the time of the alleged offence.
Access to regular branch meetings run by
ment spying 24/7 on the roads. Legal protec-
There simply are no catches with the LTDA
working Cab Drivers elected by members.
scheme - if you are a member you’re covered!
tion should be the first thing any driver set-
Or with Driver Care: £17.42 per month.
ting out on the roads to earn a living makes
Accidents and illness can, and do occur.
Additional Benefits;
LTDA members have the opportunity to ben-
a decision on. No good coming running to a
£7000 for loss of licence due to injury, dis-
trade organisation after the event. None of
efit by upgrading to the Association’s exclu-
ability, illness, poor eyesight or assault.
them are registered charities and will not
sive protection scheme which provides
£5000 for death or permanent disability
income when a member is unfit or unable to
and should not use their member’s resources
due to an accident at work.
to defend those that cannot be bothered
£1000 following an assault at work.
The LTDA, along with Unite and LCDC are
before the event. The RMT provide a 24 hour
criminal helpline which, should you be
Financial support for legal costs incurred
the only groups recognised by the Mayor, the
arrested for anything, then a solicitor is a call
whilst working as a Licensed Taxi Driver
PCO and TfL and we are consulted and
away and if necessary will attend the police
including some traffic offences. Payment of
informed on all issues that relate to the
station you are held at. There is also a legal
certain PCN’s whilst working, within reason,
trade, we don’t always get our own way but
helpline for other matters, whether they be
not parking or zigzag fines.
we do influence policy and our increasing
trade related or not, which is available to
All the above for less than 60p a day!
membership ensures that the trade’s voice is
members from 8am to 8pm. Legal represen-
The bottom line is, as Alan often writes,
tation in court is also covered if necessary.
even if for only selfish reasons, when the
We use solicitors who are experienced in
‘proverbial’ hits the fan you don’t want be
RMT from former cab section
Hackney Carriage Law as well as
out there on your own! And yes we do have
Chairman, Eddie Lambert (V37)...
Thompsons, the national specialists in
a political edge that the others don’t - some-
Thinking on how to approach Jon Trevor’s
Employment and Civil liberties law. As they
thing we’re proud of.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 21
Eating out reasonably with Tom Whitbread. This time it’s a
Harvester restaurant…
Harvest the pleasures?
The first thing that I noticed about Simon
I am giving praise to a person who is supplying
was the way he connected to children in the
a service to me, the customer! But I do know
restaurant; parents can find trying to keep chil-
that if somebody deserves a good report I will
dren happy an horrific part of a meal. Simon
always make sure that you know about it. As
treated the children as though they were little
you know I spent many years as a waiter, both
adults, he didn’t try talk down to them but
silver service and normal service, so I have an
assisted and explained the menu so they could
insight into the problems of difficult diners.
make their own choices. He was then their best
During the time I was eating, I was watching
Simon and his method of inspiring the rest of
On a cold and wet Sunday afternoon in March,
Whilst my grandson and I waited for our hot
the staff to make all other diners have a plea-
my wife and I decided to take my grandson out
starters, my wife went to the salad bar to get
surable experience while eating in this estab-
for a meal of his choice. That was a barbecue-
her healthy starter. On her return, my wife com-
lishment. It is a very long time since I’ve seen
type meal which Harvester restaurants are
mented on how fresh and crisp the salad
one person - whether male or female - inspire
famous for, so we set off for The Chingford at
seemed to be with a good variety. My grandson,
other staff in such a way, this gave diners the
175 New Road, Chingford. After parking, my
assisted by Simon, had chosen the Harvester
reason to volunteer so many flattering remarks
wife went in to enquire how long the wait
classic starter which is designed for two to
as they paid their bills and left the restaurant.
would be? They said 30 minutes, so we decided
share. So I joined him. The starter arrived with-
This may not be termed a high-class restau-
to wait.
in minutes and had a fine variety; it was hot and
rant, but it is certainly one that I would thor-
We went into the pub and ordered some
very tasty. During the time we were eating the
oughly recommend. The experience was so
drinks while waiting. Both my wife and grand-
starter, Simon returned to the table to ask if
enjoyable that I finished my meal by having a
son decided that the rain had influenced their
everything was up to our satisfaction and if it
strawberry shortbread sundae, much to my
bladder and that it needed emptying. So they
wasn’t, then to call him immediately.
wife's disgust due to my expanding waistline!
went off to the toilets with both commenting
For our main course, my wife had chosen the
This was followed by a cappuccino coffee.
on the cleanliness of the facilities. In my mind,
steak with a side order of jacket potato and veg-
If you decide to follow my advice and make
if the toilets are clean then the rest of the
etables. Both my grandson and I ordered the
a visit to this restaurant and you spot Simon
restaurant usually follows the trend.
spit roast chicken with boneless barbecue ribs
moving rapidly around the restaurant trying to
After some 20 minutes, a friendly young lady
accompanied by buttered peas and seasoned
make the diners time more pleasant and giving
came to escort the three of us to our table and
fries. These arrived within a good time to allow
his staff the same incentive, just tell him that
gave us menus. Within a few minutes another
us to have digested our starters.
his service did not go unnoticed by a certain
very pleasant waiter, Simon, asked if we needed
As most readers know, I am never one to
patron, as you had read about him in Call Sign!
any help or whether we were ready to order
hide any complaint or not inform of any pitfalls
our meals. He was to change a miserable after-
that occur to me in restaurants, shops, theatres
noon caused by the depressing weather into a
or other establishments that I frequent. So as
Tom Whitbread
pleasure for us, having braved the elements for
you read this review, you may be shocked that
DaC Board member
a meal!
London’s Transport Commissioner, Peter
Peter Hendy and London’s black cab drivers...
Hendy, has told an American newspaper
that he gives up trying to please London’s
taxi drivers with regard to the upcoming
Olympic and Paralympic Games!
According to the highly respected Wall Street
Journal, Mr Hendy showed little sympathy for
our trade and that his face even darkened (with
rage?) when the interviewer brought up mention
of the world famous London taxis! He was quot-
ed in the paper as saying:
“I have given up with some of the taxi
drivers now. I tell them that if they want
to go on holiday for three months, then
go on holiday and let their mates make all
the money.
“London is going to be absolutely full of
people bursting with money, full of people
coming here to have a good time. And if
the taxi drivers decide to go on holiday,
there will just be more work for the ones
that are left!”
Mr Hendy also has advice for Londoners in
general. They can save some rush-hour misery
by delaying their return home and taking a
detour via the pub to sink a pint first! That
could help spread the much heavier expected
rush hour during the tenure of the Games. Mr
Hendy steers clear of what the latecomers
should tell their better halves when getting
home to a burnt dinner!
But with a twinkle in his eye, Mr Hendy added:
“Going for a beer cures almost everything.”
Call Sign May 2012
Page 22
Cardiff City supporter, Welsh rugby mani-
Steve Thomas, depot technician at DaC’s Roman Way tells Call sign
ac, keen fisherman and Dial-a-Cab Roman
Way depot technician, Steve Thomas has
told Call Sign of a recent incident while
going to the Millennium Stadium to see his
The Cyclist, the paintpot
team play Bob Woodford’s beloved
Millwall FC. While sorting out a DaC dri-
ver’s terminal, Steve told us his tale…
and the drunk!
“My pal and I came out of Cardiff rail-
way station around 9am on the Saturday of
the match so that we could have breakfast
before the place got busy with crowds
preparing for the lunchtime kick-off,” Steve
“As we stepped out of the station,
about 30 or so yards away from us a man
in his mid-20s was staggering along the
street, obviously the worse for wear after
a steady night’s drinking in one or more
of Cardiff’s numerous hospitality venues.
Suddenly he threw the empty beer bottle
he had been waving in his hand, to the
ground. It was the noise of the glass
smashing on the paving stones that drew
our attention to this obnoxious individ-
ual, with such loutish behaviour so early
in the morning. With that I said to my
friend that if he came towards us, we
would give him a miss as he looked like
Many years ago, Call Sign reported on
When Steve isn’t at football or rugby, he likes to do a bit of quiet fishing!
how Steve had chased a mugger, caught
him and did something to the mugger’s
shouting loudly: “Who you looking at
“The two protagonists bore down on
former good looks that would be consid-
granddad,” using a very threatening tone. It
each other, the gap between them getting
ered definitely un-PC in today’s liberal
was then I decided if he came near us, I
smaller as they closed in on each other
society, so there was no way that the duo
was going to knock him out cold with one
like duellists. Neither seemed prepared to
were afraid. They just did not want any
punch to prevent him offending anyone
give way to the other. Finally, when the
else. Yes, of course I checked if there were
drunk was within arms’ length, the cyclist
“Sure enough,” Steve went on, “as the
security cameras in the area,” Steve confid-
- without deviating from his course - raised
yob was generally creating an unpleasant
ed to Call Sign, grinning broadly!
the arm holding the paintpot and took a
atmosphere around him with his unsocial
“As the drunk wobbled unsteadily out
well-directed swing at the drunk, hitting
antics, an elderly gentleman came walking
into the roadway, a cyclist was making his
him squarely across the head, knocking
around the corner from an adjacent street,
way along the road balancing a large pot
him sideways to the ground - but also
quietly going about his own business. The
of white paint in one hand, while steering
splattering him with brilliant white gloss!
yob then staggered towards the pensioner
his cycle with the other,” Steve explained
He then finished the job by throwing the
still smiling at the memory.
remains of the now exploded open tin at
“The drunk then decided to challenge
the drunk lying stunned in the kerbside. All
the pedal cyclist to change direction or
that without hesitating on his bike for a
run him over by screaming ‘come on then,
moment,” said Steve still grinning broadly.
come on then!’ He was also waving his
“Well, he certainly saved me doing the
arms around menacingly in mid-air. The
job, the obnoxious idiot!”
cyclist continued on his chosen line, unde-
With that, Steve continued fitting the
terred by the idiot standing directly in his
radio. The match result? 0 - 0!
path,” Steve continued, his own arms flail-
ing around like windmill sails.
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Fever taxi spares at the Liver
Fever Cab Spares have been around for many years with the man behind it, Ilyas Karim, having
been seen so often on the old Dial-a-Cab Finsbury Square rank in his mobile cab shop, that many
must have thought he was actually a driver!
But no, Ilyas is the man who has for all those years provided licensed taxi drivers with the spare
parts that you couldn’t get anywhere else because those establishments inconveniently closed at
around 5pm. Ilyas has been seen at all times through the evening and even into the night.
Now he has taken his taxi spares business one step further and joined up with Dave Williams,
whose dry cleaning and key cutting service is based next to the Liverpool Street taxi rank at
number 28. If you need something fairly easy such as a bulb, badge holder, account book, new
leather bag etc, then the chances are that Dave will have it at 28 Liverpool Street providing it’s
between 7am and 6pm on Tuesday to Thursday or till 11pm on Monday and Friday.
If the part is one that isn’t usually stocked, then just phone Ilyas on 07984 473 111 and he will
get the part for you and it will be in Dave’s shop by the next day. That’s what we call service…
Call Sign May 2012
Page 23
I am still in a state of disbelief as to what
It is unusual for Call Sign to publish a controversial unsigned article,
I witnessed on Saturday 7th April - the
but we know the DaC driver’s name and call sign. It has also been
day of the Oxford and Cambridge boat
sent to LTPH complete with full details of the drivers concerned…
During the course of my shift, I had a job
in the early evening going down to Putney -
Lower Richmond Road to be precise. I was
pleased to see so many people still around,
obviously left over from watching the race
earlier in the day and I knew I wouldn’t have
a problem picking up again once I dropped
them blatantly doing it right in front of you,
my job.
you begin to doubt yourself. But that still
As I pulled up and as luck would have it, I
doesn’t explain why so many cabs are dri-
saw a young couple on the other side of the
ving round with their For Hire lights on and
road indicating that they would like a taxi, but
their identifiers missing!
After I had filled up two sheets of my note
pad with all these taxi’s details, I then turned
Views on life as seen through the
my For Hire light back on and within a few
eyes of David Kupler (Y74) at...
yards got flagged down to head towards
Petersham. Upon dropping my fare off, I sud-
denly saw in front of me Knowledge of
London examiner, Mr Thomas! Well if any-
one was going to know whether a yellow
whilst I was clearing my previous job, a taxi
badge driver was allowed to pick up on
with his For Hire light on was coming the
Lower Richmond Road, then he would!
other way and pulled up next to the couple.
I got out of my taxi and went over to his
To my amazement, he had a yellow identifier
cab to ask him. And just as I had thought, yel-
in his windscreen but then proceeded to take
low badge drivers are not allowed to take hir-
the job and disappear in a cloud of black
ings from Lower Richmond Road. The one
smoke. I tried to turn my cab round, but there
exception in Putney where a yellow badge
was a steady line of traffic flowing against me
Richmond-upon-Thames driver may take a
coming from the west.
hiring from is the Island rank outside Putney
Whilst waiting to U-turn, I noticed in this
Station on Putney High Street.
steady line of traffic two cabs pass me with
Obviously, these identifiers only came into
their For Hire lights on but with no identi-
force on 1st March 2012. Are they working
fiers in either front or rear windows, just the
well? Well your guess is as good as mine but I
empty sleeves that hold them on. I managed
really wish the cab enforcement team had
to complete my U-turn behind the second
been there earlier in the day to curtail this
cab and within
100 yards we both got
activity and all those people looking for a cab
Who’s for Mayor???
flagged down with us both reaching the cor-
could have got into legal taxis.
ner of Putney Bridge and Lower Richmond
But as you drive around the city and west
Who is gonna be selected,
Road together when the traffic lights were at
end, how many taxis do you see without
and do we really care?
their identifiers or maybe just the rear one
Will our trade still be protected,
I pulled alongside this taxi only to see the
missing? Not many I bet. But if you drive fur-
by whoever becomes the Mayor?
driver inputting information into his satnav
ther out from central London towards the
and it crossed my mind that he perhaps was
suburbs and then take a look, it’s more than
We've got no dead cert choices,
none ever keep their word.
not an All London licenced green badge dri-
you think and I can only wonder why.
ver. However, I remembered reading in Call
As a professional driver, I understand the
When it comes down to OUR voices,
each one's fighting to be heard!
Sign that TfL did not want drivers to con-
importance of not confronting suspected
front each other, so I just noted his details.
illegal touts but I feel the issue of illegal tout-
There's one who's had the power
ing has not been resolved with the issuing of
My interest in what was going on in
with his strange reptilian stare.
taxi identifiers and we should not draw a
Putney had been heightened, so I then drove
And the man of the hour
line under this issue because as I witnessed
back to Lower Richmond Road and parked
with his blond, windswept hair.
on that Saturday, it appears to be thriving in
up on the corner of Waterman Street to
There's the Save the Planet candidate
watch. To my bewilderment that evening -
I just wonder how much more illegal activ-
who wants us to be Green.
and some several hours after the boat race
ity was going on further up the river, because
But the ex-copper's mandate,
had finished - I watched taxi after taxi, some
I only observed a few hundred yards of
still I haven't seen.
with no identifiers, some with just the front
Lower Richmond Road and obviously the
yellow identifier and some with both yellow
As for the other contenders,
boat race covers a distance of over 4 miles.
identifiers, they were driving up and down
who knows what plans they store?
All the details I have taken of these
with their For Hire lights on. Some taxis had
Each wants control of London,
cabs will now be passed onto TfL and I
already been hired with passengers in, but
our trade, our lives and more!
shall keep you all informed of the out-
had no identifiers.
So do we NEED a Mayor in London?
I also noted taxis taking hirings with yel-
Name and badge number provided to
Me, I've got my doubts.
low identifiers and without identifiers.
Call Sign and to the authorities.
Before you cast your vote,
Whilst sitting there noting all these details,
ask what is a mayor about?
number plates, times and locations etc, it
Editor’s note: It is not Call Sign’s desire to
went through my mind about whether I had
launch a witch hunt against yellow badge
A leader of the Capital?
made a mistake or was I just going mad?
drivers - the majority of whom do an excel-
A symbol of our might?
Were these drivers allowed to pick up on
lent job in their allotted areas. However, they
A representative of the people?
Lower Richmond Road, and although I was
have no more right to pick up street hails in
Or an enemy we must fight…?
99.99% positive that yellow badge drivers
green badge areas than minicab touts do and
Kopyright Kupkake 2012
were not allowed to pick up from Lower
as such, we will not look the other way just
Richmond Road, when you see so many of
because they drive the same vehicles as us...
Call Sign May 2012
Page 24
Divyesh gets his
WCHCD Freedom
of the City
Divyesh Ruparelia (V59) has been on Dial-a-
opportunity to take the Livery which is highly
Cab since 2004 and was the first driver to test
encouraged by the WCHCD. This is so that you
out Power Pill for Call Sign in the days when
can become eligible to serve the Company at
he drove a Metrocab.
committee and court level - not forgetting the
Nowadays he drives a Vito and this time his
entitlement to vote in the annual election of
entry into the mag is somewhat of a higher
The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs!”
brow nature, when at the end of March Divyesh
There was a time when becoming a Freeman
received his City Freedom having become a
would give you the right to take your sheep
Freeman of the WCHCD last year.
over London Bridge without paying the toll. Of
He told Call Sign: “This was a very proud
course there’s no toll nowadays but as Divyesh
moment for me, having come to Britain in 1982
so eloquently put it, there are times when it
from Tanzania and now, after almost 30 years to
would still be quicker to walk over the bridge!
be involved in one of the oldest surviving tra-
Well done Divyesh; could we be looking at
ditional civil ceremonies, was quiet touching.
the first Lord Mayor of London from Tanzania -
Divyesh (right) receives his Freedom of
“But more importantly, it now allows me the
not to mention Dial-a-Cab!
the City
Following a £2.3million upgrade...
On Thursday 31 May, the Horniman Museum and Gardens - a long-
time favourite of Dial-a-Cab drivers and their families - will reopen its
16.5 acre gardens to the public after a major £2.3million redevelopment.
The project, masterminded by landscape architects Land Use Consultants,
has taken 16 months to complete and marks an important point in the
history of the gardens, which were first opened to the public by
Horniman Museum founder Frederick Horniman in 1895. Funding from
the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery through the Parks for People
scheme has now allowed all major areas of the Gardens to be improved.
The most significant new development is the introduction of a Gardens
Pavilion designed by Walters and Cohen, which will host school groups,
conferences, lectures and public performances. The contemporary timber
building features floor to ceiling windows, a living roof and a spectacular
outdoor terrace with views of the London skyline. The building, situated
in the heart of the Gardens, will build on the Horniman’s educational rep-
utation, giving students close up experience of animals and nature. The
Gardens Pavilion is heated by a ground source pump allowing the
Horniman to reduce both its carbon footprint and utility costs.
The Horniman will develop many more diverse wildlife activi-
stems are used to make oboe, clarinet and saxophone reeds. The Garden
ties and scientific sessions including pond dipping, fungi walks,
also features plants used to treat illnesses in different parts of the world,
mini beast hunts and landscape painting using the Pavilion and
as traditional remedies or in the make-up of modern medicines.
the adjoining nature trail.
There is much to see at the Horniman Museum & Gardens at 100
The newly developed Animal Walk will be home to alpacas, goats,
London Road, Forest Hill, SE23 3PQ. Admission is free (the Aquarium has
sheep, chickens, rabbits and ferrets which will be introduced gradually to
an admission charge). It opens from 10.30am -5.30pm daily and the
the space and visitors will see how people live alongside domesticated ani-
Museum and Gardens are both wheelchair and pushchair friendly.
mals and how our relationship with animals has changed.
More info on 020 8699 1872...
Across the terrace sits the bandstand, designed by Charles Harrison
Townsend - architect of the Horniman’s landmark 1901 clock tower. The
bandstand has been given a new lease of life with oak floorboards and the
restoration of the original weather vane. The impressive views from the
Keith Reading
bandstand, which for decades have been masked behind screens, have
Professional Toastmaster
now been restored, with new glass panels evoking its heyday a century
ago and allowing the London skyline to once again become a dramatic,
Master of Ceremonies
living backdrop to both professional and community music performances.
In addition, there is the Sound Garden - a brand new musical play area
Tele: 01279 465 938
inspired by instruments from around the world. There is also the
Mobile: 07774 860 374
Sunken Garden, which now features a reflection pool surrounded with
a palette of plants and flowers used to make dye. Built in 1936, the
outer beds are now a showcase for dozens of dye plants grouped
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
according to the colour they produce.
The Food Garden celebrates plants from all over the world which
Fellow of the Guild of
thrive in the south London soil and climate and will include tips for
Professional Toastmasters
growing crops. The Materials Garden includes plants used to make a
whole range of products, such as the giant reed whose bamboo-like
Call Sign May 2012
Page 25
Last month’s Call Sign told of the sensa-
tional development at Wembley Football
Club where it was announced that no less
than Budweiser are now sponsoring the
team - in addition to the FA Cup which
they are sponsoring as part of a three year
deal. Dial-a-Cab driver and Wembley FC
goalkeeper Lee Pearce
(J71) told this
magazine that while Call Sign’s sponsor-
With Terry Venables the first big signing!
ship a few years back was very welcome,
Budweiser is a whole new can (sic)!
“Believe me, the help that both Call
Sign and DaC offered the club several
years ago was really appreciated, but
Budweiser intend pouring money in
from the grass roots upwards. But
even I was shocked when Budweiser
announced that no less that Terry
Venables had been brought to the club
as technical advisor to the club’s
El Tel, as he became known while man-
a g i n g
Barcelona, has
QPR and Alan
F i s h e r ’
Tottenham in add
tion to Cryst
Palace and Lee
erry Venables arrives at Wembley
United. He succe
nset pic: Lee pulls up in the club’s car park as a taxi driver
fully managed t
England nation
team, whom
later led to the 19
E u r o p e a
Championship se
Now aged 69, Terry has returned to foot-
ball by joining Wembley in the premier
division of the Combined Counties
Speaking to Call Sign, El Tel said: “To be
honest, my title is a bit up in the air.
You can call me the club’s technical
advisor, but I prefer to think of myself
as a mentor to the team and coaches.
And there may be a few surprises to
Long time Wembley captain, Ian Bates,
said: “This is a tremendous opportuni-
ty for Wembley. To have a football leg-
end like Terry Venables mentor not
Lee makes another save as Wembley goalkeeper as they beat Croydon 5-1
just me, but the whole club is a dream
In the meantime,
come true. I believe that our passion
Wembley continued
combined with his expertise will pro-
on their winning
pel the club to new levels. His arrival
ways with a 5 - 1
has brought extra magic to this
already fantastic experience for the
Croydon FC.
club and we're looking forward to the
Call Sign would
also like to congratu-
Last word goes to DaC’s Lee Pearce:
late Lee and Becky
“When I returned to Wembley this
on the birth of their
season, I had no idea about what was
new daughter...
about to happen, but boy am I pleased
I did come back. This is one journey I
could never have dreamed of doing -
Ron Yarborough
even in a Dial-a-Cab taxi!”
Call Sign Online
Call Sign May 2012
Page 26
with Tom Quigley (Y33)
Foreman grills (plural), juicer, microwave, food
like how are you? Obviously he isn’t well
processor, sandwich maker, ice cream and
or he wouldn’t be there! But you have to
bread makers and even then I’m sure I have
ask, even knowing he is sick of everyone
A load of mugs?
probably left some other gadgets out, but I
asking the same question and him having
Having left behind the crowded 3-bed council
couldn’t see the back of the cupboards for the
to reply.
flat in Clapton where I grew up with my par-
number of cans - no doubt in case we get cut
But like all friends and relatives, the
ents and 3 brothers and 3 sisters and now resid-
off from the 24 hour shops!
big question is what to bring him in as
ing in the suburbs of Chingford with my wife
But talking of cupboards; when the fresh
the rules on foods and fruit etc are dif-
and two sons, it seems that what my parents
batch of Easter Eggs in mugs come from family
ferent for individual hospitals. It seems
would have classed as spacious living is still not
members for my young 26 and 28 year old sons,
that the whole debate about hospital
enough space for us. Despite modern furniture
I decided to have a count up of the number of
food being good or bad is an urban myth
being smaller and not so grand, believe it or
mugs (me aside) that were in our household -
(just as is school dinners). It’s more than
not, somehow my parents managed to fit a
despite only four adults and the occasional vis-
likely that the hospital patient is a fussy
piano into our flat along with an aviary on the
its from girlfriends and nans etc - I counted a
eater, obviously unwell and not feeling
balcony next to the coal bunker!
staggering 44 mugs! There were the Easter egg
hungry or on a special diet.
I don’t even think that any one of us had any
ones from yesteryear, the everyday ones on the
Every family I observed had a whole
musical talent, though I must admit my late
mug tree (another gadget), holiday memorabilia
range of foodstuff in bags, fizzy drinks
father loved on a Sunday morning to “show off”
ones and mugs reserved for DIY and builders
(surely not a dietary must) and from what
by reciting a full mass - including requiems and
uses. I didn’t even bother counting the special
I saw, the food was not even for the
hymns in Latin! He could also hold a tune at the
tea service brought out and fully laid on the
patient! I watched several families pull a
usual birthday or family celebrations and gath-
Xmas table - even though it isn’t used as we
range of plates and food, serving it up as
erings, which seemed to be every other week-
drink Champagne on that day!
though it was the annual picnic whilst sit-
end and always ending up with a song, maybe
We moan about the size of modern houses
ting around the bed and the patient being
a row - and on a good night, both!
and the lack of space; but on reflection it could
still asleep!
There is no doubt that we never had the
be that where the modern family generally have
It is not right and an extra strain on nurs-
clothes we have now, even the pairs of shoes I
fewer children, we now have more stuff.
ing staff, other patients and cleaners that
personally have would have deemed to be
Got to go… now which coat should it be???
this practice is allowed to go on with food-
extravagant to the point of the Rothschild’s
stuffs being dropped on beds and floors.
back then.
It should be mandatory that only food-
Hospital food: Good
Look at our kitchen with all its modern appli-
stuff for the patient is consumed on the
ances, devices and gadgets needed to make
or bad for the patient?
ward. It’s a hospital… not a restaurant.
sure we get through the day. There’s the fridge
I was on a recent visit to see a friend in
/ freezer, washing machine, dishwasher, tumble
hospital, sitting making small talk as one
Tom Quigley (Y33)
dryer, electric kettle, toaster, blenders, George
does and asking the usual stupid questions
0207 474 6592
MAJOR £112.50
MAJOR £112.50
Prices are exclusive of VAT
No hidden extras!
Rental cab available by arrangement
Some of our services include:-
✓ Overhauls ✓ Tracking/4 wheel alignment
✓ MOT testing on Class 4 vehicles ✓ Smoke test
✓ TX11timing chains/belts ✓ TX11 heater control valves ✓ TX4 servicing & engine rebuilds ✓ Tyres supplied & fitted
To book: Ring Chris on 0207 474 6592
E3 Taxis
Unit 3D Standard Industrial Estate, Henley Road, E16 2ES
Open Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm, Saturday 9am-1pm
Call Sign May 2012
Page 27
I don’t have to tell you how hard it is out there;
as you know, I also drive a taxi and like you I am
certainly finding it difficult. Of course you can
be lucky and get the occasional decent trip -
Mike Son’s bits
perhaps out west to LAP - but relying on luck
doesn’t pay the bills.
Naturally members who see me when I am
working on my cab and perhaps sitting on a
and pieces...
rank, often come over and complain about the
lack of work and ask what are DaC’s Board
members doing about marketing the company
and sometimes even throw in the occasional
Cab logo? It has to be complimented by good
derogatory remark. However, most of those do
marketing strategies. Therefore the Board will
tend to come from a tiny minority.
be looking at various further cost effective
There is relentless competition in attracting
methods in promoting the services we provide.
our work from the owners of anything that has
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the meantime
wheels and the new interactive technologies
please pop into Driver Reception and pick up
such as mobile phone Applications, which I’m
both the business cards and receipt pads.
sure involve large investments from venture
capitalists. I hear that Hailo recently borrowed
Remember when...
around £12million. Drivers with friends and rel-
My thanks to the drivers that contacted the
atives on other radio circuits also say that they
Editor to say how much they enjoyed my look
are finding it extremely difficult in the current
back at ‘yesterday’. As you get older, you do
seem to remember more about what happened
So here’s the thing; even when the radio
twenty years ago than you do about last week.
work we have all regarded as lucrative and
Several drivers mentioned that they also
plentiful in the past is being lost, we must still
remembered taking passengers to the West
make the effort to keep our service levels to a
cessful in allowing the customer to feel
India Docks to see whether there was room on
maximum. Although the Board has a responsi-
they are part of a team of individuals at
the banana boat that had come to London
bility to you to provide work, as shareholders
DaC who have not only the best interest in
stacked high with the yellow fruit, but had to
we must also look to ourselves as members and
maintaining good service, but where pos-
return to the West Indies empty. So, if the pas-
owners of the Society to see what we can do to
sible to help them save costs. In other
sengers were happy to go the sunshine islands
words, to DaC they are not just a name
in uncomfortable conditions, the fares on the
In my opinion, marketing any organisation as
and an account number on an invoice.
banana boat were ultra-cheap. However, never
an exemplary service is paramount. Working
Having new in-house constructed technolo-
mind no swimming pool, some passengers
together as both management and members is
gies such as an easy-to-use profile based online
even slept on the deck! Security? What was
extremely important. So what can drivers do?
booking system, new driver terminals with
In our Driver’s Reception there are stacks of
satellite-navigation, chip and pin and new
There were also stories about Bourne &
Dial-a-Cab business cards; every time you get
invoicing designed software will benefit both
Hollingsworth and trying to fit weird shaped
paid by cash or a credit card street hail trip,
the driver and more importantly the customer;
items of furniture into the cab while parked in
please give a card to the passenger.
marketing will be an ever increasing strategy
Oxford Street with no trace of any traffic war-
Some of the Sales team at Dial-a-Cab House
promoting our Society.
dens, while another driver told of a radio job
are becoming even more proactive and visiting
In my opinion no other taxi company
that involved waiting at Charing Cross station
existing clients, showing our customers how
or for that matter minicab firm has such a
for almost 7 hours!
easy it is to use the new online booking system
professional dedicated team.
My thanks to all who gave their stories...
and also listening to clients should there be any
Nonetheless, if the business and private sec-
problems with our service, relaying those
tors are unaware of what Dial-a-Cab can offer,
Mike Son
issues back to their relative account manager.
what is the point of all the investment of time
These measures are proving to be suc-
and money having cabs with the unique Dial-a-
DaC Special Projects
Annual Taxi Fares and Tariff Review 2012
Following the annual consultation and review of taxi fares, on 2 February
DaC cab available
2012 the Transport for London (TfL) Board approved a 5.3% increase to taxi
fares. The increase was calculated using the Cost Index agreed through con-
sultation with taxi trade representatives and combines changes in the costs
Dial-a-Cab drivers often ask if
of operating a taxi in London with national earnings to produce a change in
anyone knows of a DaC cab
average fares.
available while their one is in
The TfL Board also approved:
overhaul. Well, DaC subscriber
* A 20p increase to the ‘flagfall’ taking this from £2.20 to £2.40
and proprietor of Just Cabs in
* A 40p additional charge which will be implemented only if London retail
Dunbridge Street, Howard
diesel prices (as measured by the Arval index) reach 179.7p/litre
Kott (B74), has a spare TX4
* Increases to certain fares for the existing fixed-fare taxi schemes
taxi on DaC that is very often
* Additional fixed-fare schemes for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
available for rent.
Although there was a suggestion to introduce an additional charge or premi-
If you aren’t sure where
um for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, this was not approved by
you’ve heard his name
the TfL Board and normal fares and tariff rates will apply during the Games.
before, Howard is a three-
The TfL Board also approved the implementation of a scheme which will
time winner of the Taxi
allow certain taxi companies to charge pre-agreed fares for pre-booked taxi
Driver of the Year competi-
journeys. The criteria that companies must meet and the circumstances
when these fares could be charged are being finalised and once completed a
Although Just Taxis carry
separate notice will be issued confirming the details.
out all manner of taxi run-
The new taxi fares and tariffs come into effect from Saturday 14 April 2012.
ning repairs, servicing, overhauls and bodywork,
John Mason
Howard is happy to rent the cab out even if you are having your
Director LTPH
work carried out elsewhere. Just call Howard on 0207 739 0210…
Call Sign May 2012
Page 28
Election ahoy!
Are we moving to Never Neverland???
roots ordinary bloke who understands how
London’s worst crime areas. Newham has over
tough life is for Londoners, so has vowed to cut
a dozen known gangs and the Metropolitan
fares by 7%. So Boris responds that slashing
Police have used dispersal zones to combat
fares by this much is not achievable as London
street gangs/crime. It also has the highest rate
needs capital investment to safeguard its future
for child poverty in London, allied with the
and improve its services.
highest birth rate in the UK!
Ken has not exactly endeared himself to
If any or all of this frightens the living day-
Roll up, roll up, I have an important
London's taxi drivers by implementing two
lights out of people, then it would be best for
announcement to make. Buy a ticket now for
overhauls on their taxis while he was in office.
them to weigh anchor in somewhere like
the magic roundabout and you could become
Boris removed the two overhauls saying it was
Richmond-Upon-Thames, which has royal
a winner and be transported to Never
too much red tape for drivers. So we’ll have an
approval and is one of London’s most genteel
Neverland where everything is free! Life today
overhaul and an MOT instead! However, both
boroughs, with a low crime rate to match.
is a bit like a magic roundabout, you never
say they are supporters of the black cab and
Voting for political parties today is at an all-time
quite know how it will end up...
that it is the finest taxi service in the world.
low. People are fed up with the large amounts
In reality, it’s the same old faces running the
The Olympics this year is a great oppor-
of money that they and their entourage enjoy,
show, with the same old promises. A case in
tunity for London, which hopefully kick-
whilst strumming out the same old hackneyed
point is the Mayoral election in May. You wheel
starts the economy for us all and helps
tunes that they think the electorate will lap up
in the two front runners in the race, take the
regenerate a deprived part of London.
like manna from heaven whilst in this financial
dust sheet off and place a glass of best
As a London taxi driver, we are sometimes
Bollinger in Boris's hand and a Chilean red in
asked whether an area is safe and a nice place
Politics has become like sport, huge amounts
Ken’s. After a few sips, they are up and running
to live in. No doubt that could be asked by peo-
of money for not much in return. Is this why
and can talk the talk whilst doing the Lambeth
ple travelling to the Olympic stadium in
today we are in such Dire Straits ie “Money for
Stratford. The security for the Games will be
nothing and get your chicks for free, just play
Some of the spin going out on all this is that
paramount and so the answer would be a
that old guitar on your hands and knee!”
Boris is a toff and doesn't understand real-life
resounding yes, it is safe! However, Stratford in
David Heath (Ex-W27)
working people, whereas Ken is your grass
the borough of Newham is in the top ten of
Taxi driver
guilty of rape...
In a very rare case, a licensed London taxi driver has
been found guilty of raping his passenger. Edward
Chapman was sentenced to seven years behind bars
and told he will remain on the sex offenders’ register
for the rest of his life.
The court was told that a woman had been out
with friends when she hailed Chapman’s taxi in the
early hours. She said she felt unwell and asked to be
taken home to Finchley. Almost outside her front
door, the driver raped his passenger.
CCTV evidence was found after an investigation by
Barnet’s Sapphire Unit, which investigates serious sexual
crime and which recognised the taxi’s distinctive livery.
Judge Nicholas Browne sentencing Chapman, made the
Treatment for pain & discomfort doesn’t have to be expensive
point: “Black cab drivers have rightly earned a very high
reputation as the most reliable drivers round the streets
of London. By your conviction, you have damaged the
The Centre offers fully qualified therapists in Physiotherapy,
reputation of black cab drivers generally. This rape
involves a gross breach of trust by a professional driver
Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Remedial
to his passenger, taking advantage of a vulnerable pas-
senger. The victim is still affected by her ordeal at your
Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hydrotherm, Massage Therapy,
hands. But what emerged about her character was her
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
calmness, her quiet dignity and her quest for justice,
which has been achieved.”
Call Sign had to think twice about reporting the
Call us on 020 8507 8169
rape because it brings shame on our world
or mobile 07973 639 473 for an early appointment
renowned profession. However, this is just the third
case we know of going back over many years and
Email: or fax: 020 8507 9650
keeping it secret would just have rebounded as news
Out of hours enquiries welcome
of the rape hit the public domain. Yes, that is three
cases too many, but compared to minicabs it is most
definitely the exception rather than the rule. Licensed
Barking Physical Therapy Centre
taxis carry approximately 1/4 million taxi passengers
90 Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8SF
every single day of the week. This was a deplorable
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am till 8pm and Saturday 9am till 2pm
incident but our passengers can be confident that
there are no safer taxis anywhere in the world.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 29
Daniel Heaven (O01) wasn’t a very happy
Fellow taxi driver scrapes half of Daniel’s cab...
bunny when Call Sign spoke to him recently.
“Actually, I’m fuming mad and disgusted that
a fellow taxi driver should have done such
damage to another driver’s cab and simply dri-
ven off without acknowledging any responsi-
bility for it,” Daniel told us, pointing to the
Daniel points out the
creases that ran the length of the nearside
damage which covers
doors and rear wing of his cab.
both doors and the
“Is there no respect for other people’s proper-
rear wing
ty anymore,” Daniel asked almost rhetorically?
“I have another driver on the cab when I am
nected to this incident or
not using it,” he continued “and it was he who
if you have any informa-
parked up in Great Suffolk Street taxi cen-
tion, Daniel would dearly
tre to buy something in JVBright’s shop
like to hear from you on
before nipping into the café for a takeaway
sandwich and cup of tea. When he came back
07525 538 983. You don’t
to the cab just a few minutes later, the foul deed
even need to leave your
had been done! It looks like some idiot had
name if you don’t want to.
tried to squeeze into a parking space that was
Whoever hit Daniel’s cab
clearly not wide enough, scraped the side of
must have realised what
my cab and driven off a bit smartish!”
he/she had done and that’s
“There are security cameras around the site
what has upset Daniel. He
and I’ve checked with JVBright’s, but they did
to get the matter sorted. I now have to get the
knows that accidents hap-
not see or hear anything, but maybe another
cab repaired, losing time while it’s off the road,
pen, but running off after doing that to a fellow
driver did - and that is the point of my appeal,”
of course.”
taxi driver is what upset Daniel far more than
Daniel said.
If you were in the Great Suffolk Street Taxi
the accident itself. If you can help, give Daniel
“All information will be treated in the
Centre around 1.30pm on the Wednesday after-
a call…
strictest confidence, of course. I would just like
noon of 28th March and saw anything con-
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
London Bridge Taxi Rank
Although it began on Monday
16 April, some of you may not
have yet been into London
Bridge since that date to see
taxis ranking in their new posi-
tion (see image and also avail-
able on the TfL website). The
head of the rank will have a
new taxi shelter where passen-
gers will be able to wait for a
taxi. There will be three set
down bays to use directly out-
side the entrance to London
Bridge Station. This will also
allow access for dropping-off
disabled passengers
Last month’s Call Sign contained a small article on the launch of new
Call Over now
magazine, CallOver, aimed at those on the Knowledge. But when a
message went out via driver’s terminals to say that there were some
copies in the Dial-a-Cab driver’s reception and that if they knew any-
available at
one on the Knowledge, this magazine would be a useful tool for
them, all the copies were snapped up before you could say leave on
the left Northumberland Avenue!
We have spoken to Editor Frankie Peet and DaC is now on the list of
places where the monthly mag is left. If you have a son, daughter or even a
neighbour who is doing the KoL then keep a look out for CallOver in Driver
Reception and pass a copy along to them.
CallOver is a welcome addition to all the stuff Knowledge students accu-
Baghwat Singh
Call Sign Online
Call Sign May 2012
Page 30
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the pages of the magazines of
the time with a flashback
Following last month’s article
cab trade for 30-odd years since I began in
Bonnie has been able to
1925 and I venture to tell you, old boy, that
advise many prospec-
on Bonnie Martyn’s controver-
without your guidance and good counsel, the
tive users. However,
sial departure to Bermuda in
ODRTS Ltd would in my humble opinion
some are disap-
1957 to set up Bermuda radio
have been a complete and utter flop.
pointed that he has
I don’t doubt that the anxiety, worry and
so suddenly left our
taxis, Call Sign found this letter
forthright insults that he has secured and
written in 1958, so this month’s
born would have broken the hearts of many a
Mr and Mrs Martyn left for
Flashback returns to the
man made of less stuff. However, there are
Bermuda via New York on the Queen
many of us on the circuit who hold Bonnie
Mary on December 28th.
January 1958 ODRTS
Martyn in high esteem and readily appreciate
Newsletter. Does anyone know
all he has done for us, if that is a comfort to
Mr Calcott…?
him as I am sure it must be.
I would personally like to wish him good
luck, good fortune, good health and may God
I learn from the October Newsletter that our
bless him.
Chairman, Bonnie Martyn, is resigning and
Sincerely yours,
going abroad ‘with deep reluctance’. Under
R.W.Calcott, Black 17
these circumstances, I feel compelled to
write and express my deep regard for him
Newsletter Editor says: The elected
and to thank him for his untiring work and
ODRTS Chairman, Bonnie Martyn, has
effort that he so generously gave to the
resigned from ODRTS for at least 12
London taxi trade. I must confess that I have
months having been approached to go
often wondered how he had so much
to Bermuda to introduce a taxi company
patience and energy to do all the things that
with two-way radio over there. His drive
he has so admirably done for us all in the
and initiative were recognised in 1953
radio world.
when ODRTS was founded and he was
I realise only too well what a task he under-
made Chairman. Many foreign visitors
took, having myself been associated with the
have visited our London operation and
Former Dial-a-Cab driver, Bob Woodford, writes a regular column for Call Sign from his home in
Languedoc, France and his taxi somewhere in London…
Goodbye Barry...
when his manager - the late Benny Fenton -
As a lifelong
at the Club's Christmas Party one year went
Millwall fan, I was
around and finished up the players drinks as
saddened by the
he was so concerned about the team per-
passing of our
forming well against Crystal Palace the next
club's all-time
day! Fenton hit a curb driving towards the
appearance holder
Blackwall Tunnel on his way home to
Barry Kitchener. He
Chingford, was spotted by the police and got
played an incredi-
nicked for being over the limit! Those were
ble 602 games for the Lions, mainly at
the days... real football!
centre-half and mostly as Captain.
Another story, and this one I witnessed for
He was a giant of a man who epitomised
myself, was the time of an away game at
the spirit of Millwall Football club, spanning
Coventry City. The players had travelled up on
3 decades from his first game in 1967 to his
the train with the fans and had to walk with
last in 1982. His leadership and loyalty was
them to the stadium after the train had been
Millwall legend Barry Kitchener
loved on the terraces and he was quite
severely delayed. The manager, Gordon Jago,
rightly labelled a legend.
and try to out-shout each other.
was going spare when most of the players van-
On the several occasions I spoke to him in
Kitch was a hard, but always fair player. I
ished and he discovered his team had dived into
retirement, he just seemed like a genuinely nice
recall one game against Birmingham City
the bookies en route! We all saw him shouting
guy who simply wanted to talk about Millwall,
when he hit their wide player Trevor Hockey
through the door of the bookies: “Kitch, get
past, present and future. Throat cancer cut this
so hard that the momentum took him up
your f***ing team out of here now! If we get
huge oak down at just 64 years of age.
into the air and over the wall at the Cold
to Highfield Road a minute after 2 o’clock, the
It was my dad who took me to my first
Blow Lane end of the ground! Kitch ran back
club will be fined and the Chairman will take it
game at the old Den at the age of 8 in
to his central position, while our left back -
out of my f***ing wages!”
1964 - I sat up on his shoulders on the half
way line. I was hooked. The roar of the
another uncompromising defender called
Yes, those were the days... real football!
crowd got to me. Before the old Surrey
Harry Cripps - went over the wall and with
Rest in peace, Kitch...
Docks closed down in the 1970s, we used
one hand on Hockey's beard and another on
Bob Woodford (Ex-P49)
to attract much bigger gates and the work-
his nuts, threw him back onto the pitch!
Those were the days... real football!
Saint Genies de Fontedit,
ers from the Millwall, Royal and Surrey
Docks would stand on separate terraces
Kitch once told me a story about the time
Languedoc, France
Call Sign May 2012
Page 31
Call Sign is a magazine for readers associated
with Dial-a-Cab. We were also the first taxi mag-
The view from a bus...
azine to embrace modern technology when in
breaks between them, that's what my duty card
early 1998, thanks to our internet guru Vince
says. My first bus should already be at Marble Arch
Chin, we decided to put every issue online. The
waiting for me, but it ain’t 'cos there was no dri-
idea was to aim it at taxi drivers worldwide who
ver! He was on holiday! So I have to dig it out at
had no magazines and were out there somewhere
the garage and drive it up there myself, which is
on their own. We began getting emails thanking us
good for me because now I get a 45 minute over-
and nowadays we have over 9000 regular on-line
time docket.
When I arrive at the Arch, I don’t have the time
But not all of them are taxi drivers and we get
left to make the trip, because the travelling time
emails from all walks of life - but recently, and for
was based on getting myself up to the Arch by
the first time, we got one from a London bus dri-
tube, then finding and driving the bus took much
ver and member of the London Vintage Taxi
and kitted them out with 8 track stereo systems
longer. Now the driver who should take the bus
Association, Barry Elson - and although you
with a dozen or so internal speakers. The tapes
over from me (are you still with this?) is on holi-
might suspect he would be having a go at us, it
were meant to play soft music and plug adverts all
day, so my instruction is to merely take the bus
was quite the contrary. He wrote:
day, but I managed to tweak the volume level and
straight back to the garage with no passenger
“Call Sign Online provides really good read-
replace my 8 track cassette with ones by Status
work actually being done
well goody goody,
ing. But one of the pages that fascinates me most
Quo or Led Zeppelin and whichever one it was,
'cos I just got me another 45 minute overtime
is Nash's Numbers and I commend Alan Nash
it transformed my sedate carriage into a 'mobile
for the effort that must go into providing all his
bloody disco' or at least that's what the Inspector
Now I need bus number two, which should be
information. It amazes me just how much info he
said when he nicked me for tampering with the
at Marble Arch. But NO! It’s in the garage 'cos the
seems to provide. What with train times, theatre
executive’s equipment!
driver is on holiday and its due out NOW! Errr, ok,
events, airport arrivals and working out a fare
but I'm compelled to have a 40 minute break, ain’t
table, he certainly seems to put some effort into
Problems beginning...
done no work but have to have a rest. Forty min-
aiding the working DaC cabby. Perhaps we should
Problem No1: Fares at that time for conventional
utes later and there’s no point in going out son,
have him do our Olympics bus timetables as well,
buses in central London started at 8p, which
you can’t do the trip - not enough time so have a
then we might have a chance of actually being on
would take you from the Arch to Notting Hill Gate
cuppa before you start your next 40 minute meal
time - as I'm sure all you taxi drivers are really
before it went up to 12p and so on. Fares on the
looking forward to the traffic problems as much
Shoplinker began at 30p - even for just 1 stop! We
Ok, meal reliefs and breaks all done, now it’s
as we are!”
were never exactly busy to say the least.
time for bus number three... and guess where that
Problem No2: The powers that set all this in
So for those who have been driving a taxi for
one is? Yup, sitting in the garage! Same scenario,
motion failed to notice that nearly all of the ex-
30 years or over and remember when London
run it up, no trip, run it back, two 45 minute over-
BEA drivers and conductors had been allocated
Transport tried stealing our work by putting spe-
time dockets. So let’s recap: 8hr 40mins paid duty
their summer holidays at the same time, so come
cialised buses out there - remember the theatre-
- actual work done nil - passengers carried nil -
July there was no one left to drive the ruddy bus!
linker and the Shoplinker? Barry was involved
fares taken nil - extra pay is 3hours at overtime
Now at this point, if you're still reading all this,
with Shoplinker and has written about some of
rate and then sent home an hour early because
LT was left with the proverbial egg on the face
those memories just for Call Sign. Perhaps it helps
there wasn't time to do a trip because everyone
because they had decreed at the start that no ordi-
explain why London Transport was eventually
else is on holiday!
nary bus crew was allowed to work on
broken up...!
Six months after it started, the plug was pulled.
Shoplinker. It was effectively closed shop stuff
Can’t think why and I really don’t think that taxis
“I started bus work in 1967 at Dalston Garage
imposed by management, which meant that the
suffered too much!”
on the 11 route and in 1975 transferred to
100 or so drivers who were resting on any given
Happy days...
Stamford Hill and the 253. I have also been at
day but worked on say the number 2 route, could-
Leyton, Walthamstow, Stockwell and Barking
n’t be used to cover the shortfall on Shoplinker.
garages before returning back to Leyton garage in
Oh yes, it gets better! What we then had was
Barry Elson
2000 and I'm still here. I have been the Unite
the following true scenario: I sign on at Stockwell
London Vintage Taxi Association
Branch Secretary for the past 10 years.
during this July fiasco and have to do 3 round
member and London bus driver
So do you taxi drivers at Dial-a-Cab remem-
trips on 3 separate buses with two 40 minute
ber the Shoplinker bus that was painted yel-
low and red and circled the west end in 1979?
Well, my claim to fame in life is that I am the
only living crew member from those days, all
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
the others have snuffed it - which makes the
re-union's a bit dull!
The Shoplinker ran for the six months of sum-
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about variable
mer during 1979 and was a circular route from
bank interest rates?
Marble Arch - Notting Hill Gate - South Kensington
- Hyde Park Corner - Regent Street - Oxford Street
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or mem-
and back to Marble Arch. It operated in both direc-
ber of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the Dial-a-Cab
tions and was really just an advertising gimmick.
All the big names like Burberry's and Harrods
Credit Union. Any member of your family residing at your address
etc paid money to LT to run the thing, supposed-
also qualifies for membership!
ly to cater for the hordes of passengers who were
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
going to be attracted to this wonderful service
just for them! As it happened, the BEA contract
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow up
that ran grey-painted Routemasters towing lug-
to 3 times your total savings…
gage trailers from Heathrow to Central London
had just come to its conclusion, so there were a
The cost?
bunch of drivers looking for re-location and LT
plonked them all on this new Shoplinker service.
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.68%).
They were just a couple of crew short for full
Loans can be paid back early AND there is usually an annual dividend on
complement, so my conductress and I volun-
your savings.
teered to switch over to Stockwell, where it was
based. The average age of the ex-BEA crews was
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
64 and I was just 31, that's why I am the only one
left! They painted our Routemasters red at the
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
bottom and yellow from just under half way up
Call Sign May 2012
Page 32
SINCE 1996
Every year in the May Call Sign we look back through our files at the
cost of diesel since 1996
AL in bus
1st June 1996 - 51.9p per litre -
£2.36 per gallon
1st June 1997 - 54.9p per litre -
£2.50 per gallon
1st June 1998 - 65.9p per litre -
£3.00 per gallon
1st June 1999 - 72.9p per litre -
£3.72 per gallon
1st June 2001 - 77.9p per litre -
£3.54 per gallon
On the first day following Addison Lee chair-
1st June 2002 - 75.9p per litre -
£3.45 per gallon
man John Griffin’s edict that his drivers “could
1st June 2003 - 77.5 per litre
£3.52 per gallon
use bus and taxi lanes” and that he would pick
1st June 2004 - 89.0 per litre
£4.05 per gallon
up any fines, Call Sign spotted just one car
1st June 2005 - 89.7 per litre
£4.08 per gallon
trying it on - and that was on the television
1st June 2006 - 96.9 per litre
£4.41 per gallon
news with Mr Griffin himself as the passenger
1st June 2007 - 97.9 per litre
£4.45 per gallon
along with the TV crew!
1st June 2008 - 128.9 per litre -
£5.86 per gallon
On the second day, a few more were spotted
and Call Sign were sent photos from drivers
1st June 2009 - 101.9 per litre -
£4.61 per gallon
who had snapped them. According to
1st June 2010 - 121.9 per litre -
£5.51 per gallon
LTPH/TfL, the drivers will not just receive
1st April 2011 - 140.9 per litre -
£6.37 per gallon
fines, but could be putting their licenses at risk.
1st April 2012 - 151.9 per litre -
£6.87 per gallon
To make life easier for the authorities, we are
publishing two of the photos - both taken in
The 151.9 was at Esso, Edgwar
the Farringdon Road bus lane within opera-
Road and in the view of this
tional times.
magazine, was taking
advantage of the recent panic
situation. It later went back to
146.9p per litre and we believe
that garage should be
Should the diesel price reach
179.7 pence per litre between
14 April 2012 and 6 April
2013, TfL will bring in a 40p
per trip extra charge…
© Call Sign Magazine
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
Transponders / chipped keys
For a great deal in taxi tyres
On site key cutting services including taxis
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
Burglary repairs / boarding up
Additional security / security upgrades
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
Grilles and security gates
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
Free estimates / no call out charge
24hr service
Tiger Tyres
You can find us at:
472 Hackney Road, E2
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
0207 729 5237
Tel: 01708 371115
Call Sign May 2012
Page 33
Either write to Call Sign at
Dial-a-Cab House
or email us at
Vito rear steering
delivery on the front expensive seats while
truth in its inference that the closure
Dear Alan
giving us periodic glances to affirm our
was down to our service. Had that been
Re my Vito, it has been almost a year now and
the case, most accounts would have
I must say that overall I would not go back to
At the interval, we sat glued to our seats
asked for a meeting and if still unhappy,
a traditional cab until there is another engine
waiting for someone to eject us whilst
put the account out to tender.
like the Nissan. But you can't buy perfection;
observing the bejeweled daughters of elderly
Westminster did neither! So yes, I am
I've not had much go wrong with mine apart
men and bejeweled elderly men with their
pleased that DaC maintained its dignity
from the rear steer - it has worked for no
at what was obviously a fait accompli. I,
more than three months at most and that
A most satisfactory evening; splendid meal
on the other hand, have the freedom to
after spending many days in the garage hav-
and entertained by the doyen of stand-up
say what I think about Westminster.
ing upgrades that only give you a reprieve
comedians. And all for twenty quid! The taxi
Sadly, my language could cause prob-
from the warning lights flashing and the
driver’s lot is not always drudgery in these
lems so I won’t! But to Mr Grief and the
alarm buzzing. It's totally intermittent so you
austere times…
many other Westminster TaxiCard users
get the odd few hours where it’s ok, so it is
Stephen Berndes (R14)
who have either written to Call Sign or
not easy to pin the fault down. Over the last
Thanks for the letter Stephen. I’m not
phoned Carol Carpenter to say how
few days I've spoken to many Vito drivers and
sure what hold Tom has over the the-
happy they were with the service, I
they all have the same problem on both the
atres, but they seem to queue up to give
thank you. It is just a pity that the
Euro 4 and 5 models. All had the 9-hour
him first option for DaC drivers! As for
account operators don’t have the same
upgrade, which was a complete waste of
the Salieri, I have spoken to proprietor
manners …Ed
I'm not sure if Mercedes are aware how
Sonmez Sami on a number of occasions
Hello Al
and he is always delighted to see Dial-a-
many of us are driving with this problem, but
I was very surprised when one of my
I will be letting them know and hope that
Cab drivers there. Not only does the
Westminster TaxiCard passengers told me
Salieri give us a genuine 25% discount,
other drivers will as well. I’m surprised there
that they were moving to ComCab and now I
isn't more press about this, but I can see it
but the food is also always excellent. All
have heard this officially. Do we know why
coming to a head very soon.
they ask in return is that if you enjoyed
ComCab won the contract? Was it something
Steve Bryant (Y41)
your evening at the Salieri, then you rec-
we did wrong or they did right!
I spoke to DaC driver Colin Salmon
ommend them to passengers looking for
And what am I going to do with myself now
(N81) - who bought the first Euro 5
somewhere nice to eat around the
that this work has gone? Maybe I should go
model - and he assures me that he has
Covent Garden area. Of course, they will
and play tennis over in Regents Park with all
had no problem with his rear steering;
not get any discount, but this restau-
this spare time I am going to have!
others with the newer model say they
rant’s Mediterranean menu is very fairly
Francis Robinson (G18)
have. So I guess you pays your money
priced and you can be certain that your
Brian Rice responds: Hi Francis, DaC
etc… Ed
passengers will have an enjoyable meal
received a letter from Westminster say-
in a lovely restaurant with ultra-helpful
ing they would be joining the
staff …Ed
London’ scheme as from 1st April.
King’s supper to a
Unusually, the account never went to
Queen’s box!
Westminster goodbye…
tender with Westminster apparently
Hi Alan
I was very sorry to see that we had to part
having no intention for any organisa-
I recently took advantage of the generous
company on
1st April. Throughout my
tion to tender for their business and
offer from the Salieri restaurant in Call Sign.
TaxiCard experience I have been blessed
obviously wanting to merge it in with all
Starter and main course, bottle of decent
with your kind and efficient telephone oper-
the other London Boroughs - which they
Merlot, two coffees, left £6 tip - 25% discount!
ators, together with the very professional and
did. ComCab service the ‘All London’
Shook hands with the owner, nice chap with
caring taxi drivers who have transported me
scheme and will now also service
a beaming smile. Can’t be bad! I then sprint-
to my various and numerous medical
Westminster in with their scheme.
ed to the main event at the Wyndham Theatre
appointments. Many thanks. I salute you all…
However, there is one major change in
- our Tom Whitbread freebies to Jackie
John Grief
that all the Boroughs, including
Mason and Fearless.
London SW1
Westminster, will not be paying for a
Five minutes to have a leak and find seats
Nice of you to write, Mr Grief, I’m sure
run-in for the taxi in order to service
in the Royal Circle. I asked an usher where
ComCab will attempt to provide a simi-
their residents. I believe this will lead to
the rest rooms were - a polite Americanism
larly good service although it may be dif-
a deterioration in service for the resi-
meaning bog - but was met with incompre-
ficult for them due to the financial con-
dents. I know how difficult it was on
hension so I changed it to loo. She gave a
straints that have been imposed. It cer-
occasion to cover some of their work
monologue of directions that led us out
tainly is no fault of ComCab, but it would
and it will only become more difficult in
through many doors then into the street. We
have been nice had someone from
the future. Some suburban drivers rely
tried again taking the main entrance, found
Westminster contacted DaC. I think I can
on TaxiCard work, I am not so sure that
toilets near the foyer and then ran hell for
safely say that their late Transport
the ‘All London’ green badge driver is in
leather up the stairs. I asked the same usher
Contracts Manager, Michael Dwemoh,
the same predicament, consequently I
for the Royal Circle, she hesitated then gave
would have been appalled at what to me
am convinced the service given by taxis
an odd smile, pulled back a concertina door
appears to be a gross lack of manners by
to the inner London Boroughs will only
and escorted us into the Royal Box! We sat
the council. I’m just pleased that DaC
deteriorate in the future without a run-
rigid not knowing whether to scarper or give
maintained its dignity as it was fairly
the regal smile! Jackie Mason was already
obvious that the letter Westminster sent
However, there could be something
going through his spiel, concentrating his
out to those using the card bent the
on the agenda for the future that we are
Call Sign May 2012
Page 34
Continued from page 33
not aware of because I know there is not
an organisation that can surpass the ser-
vice we gave them. Francis, you can rest
assured the only reason Westminster
have merged with the ‘All London’
We TLC are becoming increasingly wary of
Thank you Alan…
scheme is as a cost cutting exercise and
these corporate app businesses who are
Sid Nathan (K88)
nothing more.
inserting themselves between drivers and
But did you like it? …Ed
customers under the banner of win back the
A bum ad???
work! That is fine but if one of these entities
Gordon Poluck
Hi Alan
disrupts the London taxi market to the extent
I read the Call Sign piece on Gordon
I have just read my copy of the April Call
they win a significant customer base, what
Poluck (ex-R34) and as my mother is in the
Sign and the advert for Cricklewood
control does anybody within the trade have
same home, I went and had a chat with him.
Carriers on page 15 (I did notice this in a
over that business and what cost will drivers
He sounded just like he always has and was
previous issue, but thought it might be a one-
pay once it's work from their app at their
still very interested in how the cab trade was
off so I didn’t say anything). If you read the
price or no work at all? At that point they
progressing. He told me that he’d love to see
wording across the picture, it isn’t very
own the customers with no taxi driver hav-
any of his old friends. The home is Rubens
appropriate and I find this very offensive.
ing any say whatsoever? At least one has a
House, 184 Ballards Lane, Finchley.
Perhaps they should advertise without the
short term exit strategy following the activa-
Max Arnold (D66)
tion of which, profits will be taken and the
As Max says, Gordon would be delighted
Natalie Ezekiel
business will be sold off to the highest bidder
to see any of his old friends and
DaC Sales Executive
(whoever that may be) leaving the drivers
acquaintances from Dial-a-Cab …Ed
Natalie’s was one of three similar com-
who have built the businesses who knows
plaints this magazine received following
Leaving LCDC
the April issue and I plead guilty to igno-
Winning back work from Addison Lee etc
Dear Al
rance because I never even noticed the
is admirable, but not if the cost is so high as
I have recently left the LCDC, but would like
small picture. However, once it was
to be out of the frying pan and into the fire?
to join another trade organisation as I believe
pointed out to me I immediately phoned
I would urge you not to underestimate the
that we should all belong to something.
Cricklewood Carriers and asked them to
threat here and would be happy to talk if you
Could you give me any advice on who to
take the photo out. This from an Editor
ever wanted to find out more about us.
whose long established policy is not to
Lee Patterson
Jon Trevor (W94)
advertise lap dancing clubs with photos
It isn’t a secret that I am a long-stand-
of the girls! If anyone was offended,
Former DaC driver Richard Cudlip was
ing member of the LTDA; however I
then I apologise …Ed
instrumental in the beginnings of TLC
have asked representatives of Unite, the
and readers may remember my objec-
RMT and the LTDA to write for Call Sign
tions at the time. They weren’t at the sys-
on why Jon should join their organisa-
Dear Alan
tem itself, but purely when TLC/DaC dri-
tion. I too am a strong believer that we
I liked the toochas picture on page 15 of the
vers took DaC terminal messages - a sys-
should all belong to something; after all,
April Call Sign and wondered whether you
tem our drivers pay for - and put them
we cannot fight the ever-growing oppo-
could send me a blow-up of it - but only so
out over TLC. My real objection hap-
sition on our own. The article is else-
long as it isn’t yours!
pened when a TLC driver took a job at
where inside this issue …Ed
David Marks (R22)
the rear of the Savoy after a DaC driver
There’s no accounting for taste! …Ed
put it out that the person was waiting.
However, I now accept that we are on
Addy’s biggest
the same side as regards fighting the
account yet?
opposition. My view re our work mes-
Dear Al
sages going out to those who are not on
Dear Alan
It would appear that Addison Lee have won
DaC haven’t changed though …Ed
I am not a DaC subscriber but have read your
another prestigious - perhaps the most pres-
publication with interest for some time and
tigious - new account. How do I know this?
wanted to introduce myself so that you are
Well, as I sat at the lights at Brent Street and
aware exactly what Tweetalondoncab is and
the North Circular, one of their vehicles
to know that we are committed to retaining
I have just finished reading the April Call
pulled up next to me. The horn sounded and
control of our trade, despite the attentions of
Sign and I have to say it was the best issue
the window came down. I wound mine
business-based disruptors from elsewhere
ever! It ended up taking me over five hours
down mine and an African driver leaned
using smart phone booking applications.
because page after page turned out to be so
towards me and said: “You know that Jesus
By way of an introduction, I am heading up
interesting. Information on the new terminals
loves you.”
the management team at TLC, which you may
was fascinating and I am looking forward to
“Are you sure about this,” I replied. “Yes,” he
or may not know is a "not for profit" driver
getting mine. Then there was the excellent
said, “he told me to tell you. Salaam.” And then
collective which first started as a
piece by Philip Benjamin (K20) on his yellow
he was gone. What I want to know is where
taxi booking service but which has recently
box problems, plus the article that turned
did he pick him up and did we tender for the
launched a smartphone booking app, offer-
PCNs almost into something humorous for a
ing ASAP cash rides, much like Hailo but
change. Even the Board member reports
Geoff Levene (W32)
without their "for profit" business ethos or
were interesting! It just continued in that
Just last week at Kings X after 20 min-
the eye watering amounts of venture capital
vein for page after page and I just can’t
utes ranking, the driver of the cab
they have raised. In fact, TLC's hopes and aspi-
believe it is sent out free of charge. All the
behind came up to me and said God help
rations would not be so very different from
other trade papers are the same and often
us. Just then I got a radio job to
the ODRTS although on a much less grand
carry the same stories. Thankfully we have
Brentford. Your driver is an amateur!
Call Sign.
Call Sign May 2012
Page 35
Continued from page 34
Yellow to the core!
have tendered for the account with no
run-ins? There is no point pretending
In common with lots of drivers, I felt that the
that we would cover locals with no run-
identifiers were another load of nonsense
in or worthwhile minimum. Sadly, the
from TfL, but I am not so sure after a tale from
only people to suffer will be the
a fellow driver at my garage.
TaxiCard holders because they are not
single payment run where all drivers
This chap works days and for many years
‘bread and butter’ work; they are real
would be paid at the same time. We
has used the All Nations shelter in
people with real disability problems.
could have easily said that we will make
Kensington. One of the regular faces at the
DaC will soon have an iPhone App
one monthly payment, but in fairness a
shelter had not been seen for some weeks
available and Director of IT, John
fortnightly payment was the best com-
and concern was growing as to his welfare.
Bankes, will write about it in Call Sign as
promise for drivers and staff. If as you
Following lots of speculation, it was discov-
soon as it is ready to go - but I cannot
suggest, we go back to weekly payments
ered that he was a suburban driver from
understand why a radio taxi company
then you are doubling costs at a stroke,
Kingston who for six years had been working
that takes cash work already would want
when the ultimate goal of this exercise
in town - having more front than Blackpool!
an App that does the same thing and
was to keep costs down. I am sorry that
So I have to concede that the identifiers are
where the driver would have to end up
you haven’t been getting your state-
not such a bad idea after all.
subsidising it. But well done re the PCN
ments on time, but we will endeavour to
Yours shaken and angry...
Martin. We should never give ‘them’ an
rectify this as soon as possible...
Joseph Batty (W90)
inch ...Ed
Read the article inside this issue called
Yellow badges picking up in green areas
Dark forces watching?
There are dark forces out there who will try
Hi Alan,
to grind Dial-a-Cab down, to sell us off cheap
A few years ago I used to get a paper state-
and make a quick buck. But who could blame
A result?
ment every Tuesday or Wednesday and got
them if they were not going to be in the cab
Dear Alan
my credits paid into the bank every Friday.
trade in five years time? So you lot out there
We all like a result verses the Westminster
This worked great for me and helped with
need to get your act together and start acting
PCNs, well I have had one this week. I went
cash flow. Then I, along with every other dri-
professionally - and accordingly this will go
for a pee opposite the toilets in Warwick
ver, was offered the chance of having my
straight over the head of the prats in flip
Avenue at around 11.14am, parked in a resi-
statement delivered online and was told that
flops and vest and to be honest I don’t care,
dent’s bay and did not see a warden. So I
it should arrive in my email earlier. The pay-
because those people are yesterday’s chip
thought it was safe. However, on return saw
ment stayed the same (on Friday). This was
paper and an enemy of our future.
him taking photos so called out and returned.
convenient for me, so I started printing my
Mr Chairman, if there has to be blood on the
He did not speak but walked back across the
own statement and saving the PDF to disk.
carpet, then so be it, but I am not going down
road, so I left thinking he had not printed the
Following this, the statement/payment
like the printers or the coal miners. This busi-
ticket. A month later I got a bill for £130 hav-
became fortnightly, arriving on the Tuesday
ness will be grown by us - or someone else.
ing NOT paid the ticket! I appealed saying I
prior to the payment. Recently the statement
Yes, we should have a top of the range limo
could not pay (I would have as I was in the
has started arriving on various days from
service and parcel service because if we
wrong) what I had not been given or put
Tuesday to Thursday prior to the fortnightly
don’t, then the enemy will. Plus if it means
onto the windscreen, only to be told that he
payment. Can you please tell me how this is
we, the members, can earn money on the
had processed and handed it to me and noted
better for me? I now get a fortnightly state-
backs of others, then why not? In other
the same on the PCN. His notes sent did not
ment which I print myself, DaC no longer
words, tidy up our minds and our bodies and
say he handed it to me, just that I came back,
has to print my statement and send an enve-
let's do it. I will work with you, Mr Chairman,
called him “you dogs” and left!
lope to me. I understand that DaC has now
because you're currently the best on the mar-
I asked for a hearing and was told my
taken the production and delivery of online
ket. But to Mr Togwell, don’t bother shouting
appeal was upheld due to incorrect times on
statements back in-house. Why is it that we
at the prat in the vest, he’s not at home - nor
his report and that I was believed when I
can't go back to weekly statements/pay-
am I - but I am on the streets.
asked why I would NOT pay as I was in the
ments? Surely this could be written into the
Gary Cox (O46)
wrong. I am now informed that wardens can
Brian Rice replies: Another interesting
hand, post or place on your windscreen to be
Mick Davis (M14)
letter Gary. I believe you are saying we
legal and that the wardens do not like it as
DaC Financial Controller, Warren Smith,
should give an excellent service and
they are getting too many problems with dri-
responds: Dear Mr Davis, the intention
smarten ourselves up, something most
of the Management over three and a half
members would agree with! I also think
Changing tack, I along with many other dri-
years ago was to implement a stream-
you are saying we should diversify,
vers are so sorry that we lost the TaxiCard
lined and more efficient way to produce
some would agree with you while oth-
account. It was good bread and butter work.
a driver payment run that was fair and
ers perhaps would not. However, what
I understand we did not have a choice in the
equitable to all drivers, as well as reduc-
I do know is if you do endeavour to
matter and that ComCab do it with no run-
ing the amount of resource in the admin
diversify then some
(mostly outside
ins! Can you tell us if the new terminal will
and IT departments. At that point, we
Dial-a-Cab) will accuse me of putting
have an APP like Hailo on it as this seems to
had a weekly run, two alternate fort-
taxi work in other vehicles, which
be the way forward against the private hire
nightly runs and two monthly runs and
would not be the case as the client
a “four weekly” run. So there was not
would already have determined their
Martin Freeborn (C67)
one week when driver payments
mode of transport. I believe you under-
You are right Martin, the account never
weren’t run, at least two runs some
stand that. Finally, thank you for the
went out to tender - which is usually the
weeks and three some others.
compliment and keep doing whatever
norm for big accounts approaching the
Unfortunately, this was very labour
you are doing ie giving a good service.
end of a transport account. Would we
intensive so we had to choose to make a
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