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Call Sign March 2012
DaC driver Richard Barford gives a view on just one uncovered trip.
The reason I am writing this is because on a
recent Friday we were unable to cover a
Citigroup trip going from Queen Elizabeth
Street (SE1E) to Canary Wharf.There were four
cabs booked into the zone, but not one of them
was prepared to cover the job. I'm not going to
say it was a fantastic job, but sometimes as a
cab driver you have to put yourself out for the
The internal letter received by Richard's
sake of the Society - well at least that is what I
believe. If those four drivers were on London
Dear all,
Bridge Station, they may well have done a cash
After a long period of negotiations, we have
job going to the Wharf anyway. They would
been informed this morning that we have lost
then be ranked up at the Wharf hoping for a
the contract to support CITI with *************
radio job from Citigroup!
This is a real shame for us as a business, not
We have to understand that work generates
only in respect of the value to us but also in
work and when we can't cover a trip, that
respect of the friendships and relationships
client then has to use another service. So I
that we have formed over the last 8 years.
would like to know why this job from SE1E
We are being retained for the next 6 weeks
wasn't made non-rejectable? I have in recent
to help with some ********* they have over this
months covered jobs that were non-rejectable,
period and it is important that we continue
as no doubt have other Dial-a-Cab drivers. I
with the high level of service that we have
feel sure that in the best interest of our Society
always provided to them.
that this was the only option to take to get the
CITI have been keen to say that losing this
trip covered. The passenger cancelled the taxi
contract is no reflection on everybody that has
due to our poor service.
worked on and around the account and their
I know we can't cover every job and some-
itive. It must be very frustrating for the Sales
decision has been a very difficult one to make,
times it's just as frustrating to us as taxi drivers
team to talk up our service, only for us to
but will help them to make their own signifi-
when there is a good job in SW16 that can't be
then let them down.
cant savings.
covered, but to tell a top client that we can't get
We've all been there as cab drivers on Dial-a-
Whilst this is a big loss to us, we will work
them a cab in SE1E is unacceptable.Would I have
Cab when you get an As Directed job during the
harder than ever to ensure that we are able to
covered the job? Yes I would.
day only to find out that it's going round the
replace this work with similar contracts and
I don't think that we as cab drivers realise
corner. But then how often does it also happen
projects. I am sorry to have to report on this,
how hard it is to win contracts and it was inter-
that you then get a decent job straight after-
but we must remain positive in closing out this
esting to read that Brian Rice had to visit new
wards or later in the day perhaps even an air-
contract professionally. And to all, keep mind-
clients on several occasions to win us a new
port. You then realise that you had to do that
ful of new opportunities...
contract in Bunhill Row. So I think we should
local job to get the airport. Sometimes we need
play on cab drivers consciences, surely a cab dri-
to look at the bigger picture and think not just
ver (at least I'd like to believe) would think
of the present, but also of the future.
twice about accepting a cash job over a radio
I just hope that the
job if we were to put messages out that for every
trip we failed to cover
job we don't cover, then Addison Lee will.
on that Friday is not
The company my partner works for
the job that loses us
have just lost their account with
the contract. If it does,
Citigroup, not due to the service they
then those four taxi
were providing but due to costs (nothing
drivers who were
to do with taxis). We have to realise that
booked into SE1E but
clients are looking at ways to save money
who were not pre-
and we must not give them an excuse to
pared to cover the
look at other providers due to the service
job, only have them-
we give them.
selves to blame...
I think we should get more feedback from
Richard Barford
our Sales team - whether it be negative or pos-
Pedicabs: Jakar ta
leads way!
An officer with Jakarta
Transportation Agency
inspects some three-
wheeled motorised pedi-
cabs. The crackdown
began at Grogol station
in West Jakarta and
spread across the capi-
tal in the search for the
unlicensed three wheeled
menaces. The JTA say they will destroy the confiscated pedi-
cabs. Can London learn anything from that?
Pic courtesy Antara/Dhoni Setiawan and The Jakarta Post...