January 2012
It’s London, it’s 2012 and
DaC is ready for the Olympics!
Call Sign January 2012
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
Happy New Year! The new Eurostar timetable came into force in December with the table (below) valid
until 7th July 2012. St Pancras will then be ultra-busy from 27th July when the Olympics begin and the
Javelin bullet train runs to Stratford in 7 minutes!
Note 1 does NOT run between 3/1/12 to 5/2/12. Note 2 runs until 5/2/12. Note 3 runs from 6/2/12.
Note 4 does NOT run between 3/1/12 to 15/2/12. Note 5 does NOT run between 3/1/12 and 31/3/12
Just register at
www.myfav.co.uk using the unlock code of ‘ taxi’. MyFav is a great home page and you can win £100 just by rec-
ommending it, very handy in the kipper season!
Call Sign January 2012
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
Welcome to 2012
ing and I had already waited 15 minutes for this
Ok, if everything goes to plan - and knowing the
passenger to come out. But would I have said any-
post office at holiday time when even the best laid
thing? Of course not! I’d have smiled and said
ones often go astray - then it’s not quite 2012 yet
thank you as he got out - probably I’m sure, like
and you are just getting over Christmas! In fact, for
most of our drivers. Would demutualisation stop
some it may only be Christmas Eve. However, at
that? Probably not, but it may be the way we have
worst you will be just days away from the year that
to go although I should add that I’m not afraid of
sees London host the Olympic Games and that
Addison Lee’s march. As one driver points out in
hopefully means the millions (and millions!) of peo-
Mailshot, if they took over every minicab company
ple who will be thinking of travelling to our city to
it would mean there were just four circuits and
watch it - and hopefully use our taxis!
numerically, it would put taxi radio circuits back in
Call Sign has been writing about the London
front! Could I also add that this view is purely mine
Olympics since
2005 when then-Mayor Ken
and no one has put me up to it - including mem-
Livingstone organised a Back the Bid parade to try
bers of the DaC Board.
to win the Games. The Beijing Games were still over
I am also republishing an article in this issue
two years into the future, but the London parade
from 1997, where the late Cecil Selwyn gave
saw thousands of spectators turning out to congrat-
some clues as to what demutualisation meant then.
ulate our medallists from the Athens Games, many
Fifteen years on and his words are still pertinent.
of them riding in London taxis. The parade gave the
Cecil went on to become a Board member and
capital an opportunity to show that London really
Both, it turned out, had been on Radio Taxis when
sadly died in 2003. …
wanted the 2012 Games. One year later, it became
they demutualised and had owned the shares that
reality and now we’re just months away from the
they were told would provide them with a “nest
Blackfriars and the City Corp?
biggest sporting spectacle in the world and
egg.” As one of the drivers so eloquently added:
A Dial-a-Cab driver contacted me in October to ask
whether you wanted it or not is now irrelevant.
“The money the shares were worth wouldn’t have
if I knew when the new Blackfriars Station would
The chances of us getting use of the Olympic
paid enough to line that nest with some old
open and whether the no left turn into Queen
Route Network is somewhere between 0 and
Victoria Street from New Bridge Street would be
0.0005% but whatever happens, the London taxi
Well, that was one way of looking at it! Several
lifted? Well I didn’t know but I thought I’d ask
trade owes our great city the respect it deserves and
drivers also pointed to the disastrous Northern
someone. It shouldn’t really be a problem. Big mis-
that means showing why we are the best in the
Rock fiasco following their demutualisation, but
take! I began with Transport for London who in all
the majority inferred that although it wasn’t some-
fairness came back in under a week, thanked me
If a demo against the International Olympic
thing they would have chosen, our options without
for my interest and informed me that the situation
Committee between now and July helps our ORN
it were nil. We could never compete against com-
was being operated by Network Rail. So I contact-
cause in any way, then ok - but we must not threat-
panies such as Addy Lee because we couldn’t real-
ed NR. They emailed me immediately thanking me
en to disrupt the Games themselves because the
ly grow in the sense of possibly taking over or even
for my interest and said they’d get an answer “with-
world will be watching and we will be in the shop
merging with another successful company.
in 10 days”. A fortnight went by and after numerous
window. Ok, it won’t do any harm for us to keep our
However, unless there has been a dramatic
emails and phone calls - where if you hung on for
fingers crossed that traffic conditions don’t get any
change of mind, then following the failure of the
less than fifteen minutes then you’d had a result -
worse than horrendous, because we’ve shown
1997 vote - which gained a 53 - 47% majority but
they finally came back and said that my query came
many times that we can cope with a small problem
needed 75% - the Chairman announced that the
under the remit of the City of London!
like that. Oh… and good luck!
Board would not propose it again in its lifetime,
But then a Network Rail spokesperson came
although he did add that he would always inform
back to me to say he had good news! Well I was
Addy Lee and demutualisation?
the membership if a bidder came in for DaC, such
ripe for that as I was already beginning to regret
As we said in the last issue, Addison Lee’s acquisi-
as happened several years later. If such a suggestion
saying I’d get the answer to the driver’s query!
tion of the Lewis Day minicab department left a few
did come about, I believe it would have to come
“The City of London is responsible for the taxis
shock waves out there and sent Call Sign’s phone
from the floor.
in this area,” he said, “and so this is a question that
into meltdown mode. I was somewhat taken back
My view? Well demutualisation isn’t a mark of
they should answer. However, I have a meeting
by the nature of some of the calls - the most popu-
guaranteed success but it would give this Society a
with them today and will ask them about your
lar suggestion being that we should start our own
chance to expand and a circuit boasting some 4500
minicab section. That isn’t a road I have ever want-
taxis would certainly make itself more attractive to
That represented some progress - until an email
ed to go down and I’m not sure that I do now. But I
clients. That, of course, would do nothing so far as
from Network Rail arrived saying that the meeting
do sometimes wonder what would have happened
private hire’s two biggest advantages are con-
did not go ahead and I would have to contact them
had we taken the advice that Brian Rice put forward
cerned - they are cheaper and have drivers who do
myself! Easy come, easy go…
on behalf of the Board in 1997 - that was for this
what they are told. We will never be cheaper and
So I contacted Tony Halmos at the City of
Society to demutualise.
most certainly not do what we are told unless it
London. After an email promising me an answer
I was very much on the fence in those days, see-
suits us!
“within 10 days” and following some three weeks
ing both advantages and what I perceived as being
That brings me onto something that hap-
of waiting, I just gave up. So no, Bernie, I don’t
disadvantages - drivers losing control being the
pened soon after the last issue came out. I
know what’s happening and if you so much as
main one. It was a number of years later when it hit
don’t know who the driver was but I hope
mention it again, I may well scream!
me that Dial-a-Cab drivers have as much control
that he had a reason for the way he behaved.
But I wish you all a really happy and healthy
over this Society as I have over Spurs with my one
DaC recently opened an account with a large
2012 - excluding TfL, NR and CoL…!
share. And that amounts to zilch.
company in Bunhill Row. I don’t get told how these
We make no decisions, we put no money in, we
things work but I happen to know that Brian Rice
Get well Edna…
do nothing to run the circuit and on the one day
personally went there twice to sell our services,
In this issue, Mike Son writes of the sad closing of
when we have a chance to have our say - the AGM
taking with him John Bankes from our IT depart-
the Jack Taylor School in NW8. Jack was a former
- we’re lucky if 80 people turn up! So would it have
ment to show how technologically advanced we
DaC and LTFUC Chairman and someone who the
made a difference had the demutualisation vote in
are. Soon after the account opened, I was speaking
word ‘character’ was designed for. Now I hear that
1997 gone through? Well we’ll never know because
to the guy who orders the taxis and he told me
his wife Edna had a fall in the street recently and
it didn’t, but I have to assume that had it done so,
they already had two complaints. One driver was
broke her hip. She is now home again after almost
we would have been very different to what we are
rude to the staff when they asked him for an exten-
6 weeks in hospital. From everyone at DaC, best
now and almost certainly much bigger.
sion number whilst a second driver refused to take
wishes for a complete recovery, Edna…
I was surprised when mentioning those views in
a job to EC2 because the passenger had to change
conversation to the drivers phoning me, that only
it from the original W1 destination. Yep, I’d have felt
Alan Fisher
two were vehemently against even talking about it.
a bit miffed at 6pm when business is hardly boom-
Call Sign January 2012
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
with cash work too. But it will not re-invent the
New Year
cab trade as some would have us believe.
Quite amazing! I’m sitting here typing this
At the moment it is not our priority as we are
report ten days before Christmas
- 13th
installing chip and pin and contactless, produc-
December to be precise - because the Editor
ing the software and testing new terminals,
keeps putting pressure on me to complete an
installing a new in-house designed accounting
article as the printers will be closed during the
system and also producing our own e-billing to
Christmas period. He wants to have the maga-
clients, thereby eliminating a third party. We
zine produced before Christmas so that it’s
have plenty on our immediate agenda, howev-
ready printed to post on December 23rd for
er I believe our Director of IT will be produc-
you to read before January. Consequently, it
ing an article on this very topic in the not too
appears to me that I have just finished my last
distant future.
report and I am now endeavouring to find
Finally Richard, whatever way we dress it up
something to write about for January! Perhaps
we will always find it difficult to compete with
there is a case for not having a Call Sign in
the likes of Addison Lee for two major reasons.
January due to the Christmas holidays?
Firstly the minicab driver is prepared to work
Probably more pressure now from the Editor!
for a lesser amount of money than a taxi driver
(Ed’s note: At least you can now enjoy some
do not have a particular reason to remember it!
- and so he should as he has not had the train-
time off to explain to your two gorgeous
However, I do remember Richard as a polite,
ing of a taxi driver and becomes the cheaper
grandchildren how misunderstood Scrooge
articulate young man as his letter shows. I also
option. Secondly
- and probably the most
was! Me? I’ve got to also fill another 35 pages!)
noted after looking at our records that he
important of the two - taxi drivers have a
seems to have parted company with the Gold
choice while a minicab driver does not and just
cab he won and has now invested in a newer
does as he is told. I am not advocating the BoM
Chip and Pin… and
model. I hope the cab you won served you
should become despots, but whilst the above
well, Richard.
prevails it is difficult to compete against a
Getting back to his letter, which I
workforce that does exactly as they are
I recently went to the producers of our Pin
believe the Editor has published as an
instructed to do whilst we in the taxi trade do
Entry Device (PED), Ingenico, together with
article in its own right, there is not much
exactly as we wish and will not take instruc-
our Director of IT John Bankes. He is now
I have to disagree with. However I’d like
tions from anyone if it does not suit us.
happy the system is working well, so we went
to clear up one or two small points.
to Edinburgh to have a look at their premises
A rather depressing point to end the year on,
Regarding the cash booking fee of £2; as you
and finalise details of the purchase. It all went
but we can hope that as 2012 kicks in with all
are no doubt aware it is part of the tariff and
very well.
the excitement it looks like producing, things
charged by all three of the radio circuits for
Whilst in Edinburgh we used four taxis and
may well improve. Let’s hope so and I would
continuity. One of the reasons is that all three
as most of you probably know, they only use
like to take this opportunity to wish you and
are part of the One number programme and it
‘purpose built’ vehicles in the Scottish capital.
your families a happy and healthy year
would be quite confusing for customers if
One of the taxis we hired was a four week old
some circuits charged the fee and others did-
Vito that the driver told me had been pur-
n’t. As you are aware, £1.50 of that fee goes to
chased from KPM. It so happened that the taxi
Brian Rice
Dial-a-Cab and if we were to forfeit that
was on radio, in fact one of the ComCab fleet
income, there would have to be a small
operating in Edinburgh. However, what did sur-
increase in subscriptions to accommodate the
prise me was the monthly subscription the dri-
shortfall. Also, the other two circuits would
ver told me he paid - and that was £410 per
have to conform with us or we would have to
leave the One number scheme. Incidentally,
The driver also told us that there were two
when a customer telephones One number, the
other taxi radio circuits in Edinburgh, both of
call is distributed to one of the three radio cir-
which were co-operatives similar to Dial-a-Cab.
cuits on a round robin basis.
He explained that one of the companies was
This now brings me onto Richard’s point
called Central and on joining it, the driver has
regarding waiting time and gratuities; I person-
to purchase a share - much as we purchase our
ally agree with him on both points. If a client is
£50 share. However, the difference is that to
looking for a reduction in his taxi charges, the
join Central, it actually costs the driver £7000!
first thing I look at is the waiting time and if he
I have to assume that the above information
is paying extra waiting time then I will scrap
is correct, after all, I was told it by a taxi dri-
that charge immediately. Secondly, I am a firm
believer in paying gratuities. However, if a
client is looking for a reduction, I believe there
Richard’s Call Sign
is scope to ‘cap’ the gratuity in certain instances
and I know
most members will understand
Elsewhere in the magazine you will find a letter
Finally, regarding the ‘Applications’ (Apps);
You are welcome to visit
from Richard Barford (R39) called My views
over 98% of the work we do is account work
our showroom at:
on DaC. The Editor sent me the letter to see
for our credit customers and it appears this is
whether I wanted to respond. Richard’s name
what most members wish to do. To have an App
Unit 8 Tripes Farm,
rang a bell but I just wasn’t sure where I knew
for these customers, when some clients require
Chelsfield Lane,
it from. But on further investigation, it would
up to eight reference questions would be quite
Orpington, Kent BR6 7RS
appear that Richard was the lucky member
a formidable task and very difficult to imple-
Instant Kitchen and
who won the new TXII Gold taxi in the
ment. It does sometimes seem to appear that
Christmas 2005 incentive scheme. It is always a
many believe an App is the answer to all our
Bedroom & Blinds UK
good sign if a member’s name and call sign do
problems. Yes, it may help with credit card
Call Ian (R50) on 01689 897111…
not readily come to my mind - it just proves I
bookings and if you wish to take the chance,
Call Sign January 2012
Page 5
TfL / DfT combine to save cabbies money and the first 200 applicants will get…
Free Eco Driving Lessons
Last July, Call Sign was invited to participate in an
same and on his two runs our reporter aver-
Eco-Driving instruction course which LTPH say
aged 21.2mpg on the first one and after
may become part of the driving test requirement
being shown how he had “wasted” fuel, he
for new taxi-drivers in the not too distant future.
went out on the same run and averaged
The course was operated via the Energy Saving
28.2! The saving was close to 30 percent!
Trust and TfL and was designed to help bring a
No one earns anything out of this offer. TfL and
greater awareness of how to drive more econom-
the DfT together with the Energy Saving Trust plus
ically, together with the benefits such advanced
the kind offer from the London Taxi Company to
skills bring in terms of reduced fuel bills, less wear
provide the cab are doing it to help the trade at a
on your taxi, improved passenger comfort and of
time when fuel prices are horrendous. But it will
Computers measure your fuel saving
course to help bring about a better environment.
only be for the first 200 drivers who apply!
At the time of Call Sign’s lesson, Energy
Interested? Then email smarterdriving@est.
be totally free to the first 200 drivers. There are no
Saving Trust had trained over 20,000 drivers
org.uk and put taxi lessons in the subject space
strings attached.
from over 500 organisations - and now,
with your name in the main writing area. You will
London Taxi Company General Manager
courtesy of Transport for London and the
be contacted as soon as possible. If you want to
Mark Brown told Call Sign that the lessons
Department for Transport in conjunction
sounded like a really useful idea and in the spirit
read about smarter driving, go to:
with the Energy Saving Trust, it’s the turn of
of the occasion, they would be happy to provide
the London taxi driver!
you with hot drinks while you waited and even
The free course will only be offered to the first
give your own cab a quick wash while you are out
200 drivers applying, it lasts 90 minutes and all
in the adapted TX4!
For those interested but who are not online,
lessons will take place between January 12 and 26
When Call Sign’s reporter went on the test
send your contact details (name, callsign and
March. They will begin from The London Taxi
last year, we had to use a Viano as no taxis
contact phone number) to Call Sign and we will
Company’s (former M&O) London dealership at
had the correct computers fitted, but now
apply on your behalf. There is also a direct link
Brewery Road and take place in a TX4 specially fit-
thanks to the London Taxi Company kind
at the Nash’s Numbers website. Go to:
ted with the computers needed to measure the
offer the lessons are in a TX4. However,
before and after fuel usage readings. And they will
whichever vehicle is used the driving is the
The Retail Motor Industry represents the interests of operators
in England, Wales and Northern Ireland providing sales and ser-
vices to motorists and businesses…
RMI Petrol Chairman, Brian Madderson,
told Call Sign that the Chancellor’s decisi
in his Autumn statement to cancel the fue
duty increase planned for 1 January was t
All members should have received the
right one.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
He claimed that the increase would hav
2011 advising that the meeting will
raised prices at the pump by 4p per litre
again be held at The HAC, Armoury
within days and that based on current
House, City Road on Sunday 5
average UK pricing, this would have
pushed diesel to a new record high of
February 2012 at 11am.
over 145p per litre. Mr Madderson added
The meeting this year will consider
that even with this standstill, the UK still
an agenda excluding the election of
levied the highest duty on diesel in the
officers, but including as usual, pro-
European Union.
posed Rule Changes and Propositions.
“Duty needs to be cut by 26p per
Any proposed Rule Changes and
litre to achieve parity with average
Propositions must have been received
diesel rates across the EU,” he said.
at Dial-a-Cab House by 2nd December
“Foreign HGV’s and other diesel powered
2011 as per the Notice of Annual
vehicles are still entering the UK with full tanks up to 1500 litre
General Meeting 2011 letter.
capacity. RMI Petrol estimates this duty disparity loses HM Treasury at least £1.2bn a
Please remember that if you do not
year in fuel tax as well as continuing to threaten our small/medium size hauliers. This
vote by post then you should attend.
needs to be urgently addressed by the Government because fuel tax unfairly penalises
If you do not attend or vote by post,
the low income earners, single families and rural communities that often have poor
you will be liable for a £50 fine.
public transport alternatives. Mr Madderson ended by saying that RMI Petrol would
continue to lobby Government and their officials to defer the duty increase still
Howard Pears
planned for 1 August next year.
Company Secretary
Call Sign January 2012
Page 6
Jery’s World
Enjoy yourselves lads; you can have what you like - it's election year!
The RMT union, which claims taxi drivers as members, has written
to lawyers for News International demanding to know which
journalists were involved in instructing an undercover sur-
veillance operation against RMT General Secretary Bob
Crow. The RMT is calling for a full disclosure of informa-
tion relating to the News International surveillance and to
any blagging and hacking operation against the union
and its General Secretary, whose name was said to
have been among those on the operative’s surveillance
In evidence to the Leveson Inquiry, the RMT have outlined
details of a long and sustained campaign against the union by
• Roadside repair
News International titles and the Mail on Sunday dating back to
• Roadside assistance
• Running repair recovery
These are said to include the illegal sourcing of data on the
union and its officials from the DVLA and Police National Computer
• Accident recovery
by an investigator, who was then alleged to have sold the informa-
• Pay as you go to membership
tion to the Mail on Sunday. Also alleged is the trawling of bins by News International
• Credit card taken at roadside
operatives at the union’s national conference last year, currently subject to police investi-
A union spokesperson said: “RMT lawyers have written to News Internationals lawyers
0845 094 5307
demanding information on the surveillance operation mounted against the union and
asking for the names of those involved. RMT has also submitted a full dossier of informa-
We make wheels turn
tion to the Leveson Inquiry dating back almost a decade and we expect to be called to
give further evidence in the near future.”
so you can earn.
Call Sign January 2012
Page 7
Mark Sherlock (W41) has been on Dial-a-
Cab for around 8 years and up until November
2011, had kept his upper lip clear of anything
remotely looking like a moustache - especially
Mark’s Movember
after his one brief attempt caused his wife Tina
to compare him to a walrus! So why has he
now grown something under his nose that
resembles a sleeping caterpillar and become a
member of the strangely-named Mo Bros?
Mark explained to Call Sign the reason and
good cause that is benefitting from his sudden
follicle expansion…
“The reason is Movember. During November
each year, Movember is responsible for the sprout-
ing of moustaches on thousands of faces in the
UK and around the world. The aim of the sudden
growth on upper lips is to raise vital funds while
creating awareness for men’s health - specifically
prostate cancer and other cancers that affect
I first noticed a pal of mine sporting a
moustache this time last year and enquired
why? He explained that it was for charity.
You shave on 31st October and then spend
November fashioning the best moustache
that you can.
So I made a mental note to do it this year and
when the time came, like a fool I refused to chick-
en out! Friends have given me no end of abuse
and the good lady wife can't look at me without
Mark before and after becoming one of the Mo Bros!
breaking out into fits of laughter - at least there’s
no change there! But the ends justify the means
their pockets to help and added to sponsorship
again will you see me with a moustache! The gen-
and hopefully I aimed for £300 by the end of
from friends and family, I managed to raise a total
eral mockery and pitying glances from complete
of £353 for the charity. I shaved the ‘tache off at
strangers, in addition to the awful itching won't
I have been sponsored by friends, family and
12.01am on 1st December and by the time you
be missed in the slightest! Not one bit! Well I
cab drivers including many on DaC. Even Call
read this I will be looking like my normal self
don’t think so.”
Sign and Brian Rice have contributed. So a big
again…shut it!
thank you to everyone who put their hands in
So will I do it again next year? No, never ever
Mark Sherlock (W41)
Martin Cordell & Co.
Does your accountant supply you with the following?
Over forty years of experience with the Licensed London Taxi Trade.
Processing of self-assessment returns.
Advice on trading as a Limited Company with its tax advantages and potential pitfalls.
Preparation of accounts.
Initial consultation dealing with loss of earnings claims (due to accidents on the road etc.)
Letters to banks, building societies
and other lenders.
Specialist in-house facilities to deal with Inland Revenue enquiry cases.
(This is expensive and time consuming. Ask your accountant how much he will charge should this
unpredictable event occur).
A three hundred and sixty five days a year service.
A ‘nightshift’
Offices in North and East London.
First consultation free of charge.
Martin Cordell & Co . . . Do!
All for one yearly fee
The London Taxi Trades Premier Accountants
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
020 8980 7161
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
1-5 Alfred Street, Bow, London E3 2BE also at
Front Office, First Floor, 9 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4AS
Call Sign January 2012
Page 8
On the night of 7 November
Call Sign Survey
2010 - around 14 months ago -
Call Sign asked 132 drivers the
same question: If trading condi-
tions remain as they are, do you
expect to work over the four-
week period covering the 2012
London Olympic Games?
Out of the 132 drivers, 103 said that they
would be working, leaving just 29 who said
they wouldn’t. If we were to retake that
survey, we suspect that percentage-wise
John Connor (Y11):
be sorted out. But if I had been working I
the numbers would be similar.
“I won’t be working
would be totally against the suggestion of
So this time we have asked a much smaller
during the Olympics
putting our fares up when the eyes of the
number if they intend working and what they
because the traffic
world are on us. The term ‘greedy’ would cer-
thought of the idea of the meter staying on
will kill business and
tainly fit well and the resulting publicity would
Rate 2 for the period?
the hassle we get
kill the name we have spent 350 years in build-
Whilst some were blaming the LTDA for ask-
from passengers in a
ing up!”
ing at a Games trade meeting, Call Sign under-
hurry to get to
stands that the Rate 2 suggestion was made in
watch their event
Richard Bond
response to a TfL question asking what would
that has probably
make London taxi drivers work throughout the
cost them a fortune,
“I’ll definitely be
Olympics? With no ideas coming in, the LTDA
will be manic. Rate 2
working during the
suggested that a higher rate meter would prob-
certainly wouldn’t make me work as the idea of
Olympics as it will
ably help but were not attempting to force the
passengers watching the meter shoot up in
be busy and I still
idea through. The problem then occurred
those traffic conditions is just awful. Dial-a-
have to pay the
when someone went to the Evening Standard
Cab would take so much flack that it would
mortgage! But I’m
with the “story” of greedy drivers. What that did
take years to recover.”
really disappointed
wasn’t to the detriment of the LTDA, but to this
that the ORN lanes
trade as a whole. Who told the press? We can
Dean Suett (V44):
won’t be open to us. Had they allowed us in
only guess, but it is now irrelevant because the
“I will test the water
and we could skate round, then an increase
‘greedy cabbies’ slur has stuck having been
by working for the
wouldn’t have been too terrible, but as they
picked up by news agencies around the world.
first week or so, but
aren’t then fares will be horrendously high and
Call Sign responded to newspapers from the
if traffic conditions
quite honestly Rate 2 would become an embar-
USA to India to New Zealand with the CBC net-
become unbearable,
work in Canada even asking us whether
I may just stop and
London Taxidrivers could ever “recover from
wait for the Games
Rob James (O45):
this slur!”
to finish. I certainly
“I will definitely give
So we picked eight Dial-a-Cab drivers
don’t want to do
it a go, but I’m sad
from our photo library and phoned them
that because it will
that we aren’t con-
to ask whether they intended working
cost us such a lot financially, but if the condi-
sidered important
and would they want to have Rate 2
tions are as bad as I think they will be, then it
enough to be
throughout the Games tenure?
just won’t be worth it, Rate 2? You’re having a
allowed access into
laugh! No one will be able to afford it with
the ORN lanes
Colin Jenkins (Y22):
fares costing far more than the tickets!”
which will probably
be under-used any-
“Yes, I’ll probably work through what will
Len Ahearn (T62):
way. I don’t think Rate 2 is a good idea at all, it
undoubtedly be hor-
“I’ll definitely be
will create ridiculously high fares that some
rendous traffic con-
working throughout
won’t even be able to afford.”
ditions, but do I
the Olympics as it
want Rate 2 to be
Call Sign can say in reasonable safety that
should be busy.
there all day? No, no,
our survey shows a large majority of London
However, the traffic
no! The negative
taxi drivers would be against the introduction
conditions will be
publicity would take
of Rate
2 throughout the
2012 London
horrendous. As for
this trade back years
Rate 2, I think that is
and the greedy slur
a terrible idea
will become a mill-
especially when the
Call Sign
stone around our necks!”
Paralympics take
January 2012
Bernie Silver (G08):
over. Some of the passengers at that time will
Editor: Alan Fisher
“I’m not sure about working, but if the Olympic
have no choice but to use taxis and if we are
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
committees want to
not allowed to use the Olympic Route
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
do something use-
Network, then fare prices will be horrendous.
Email: callsignmag@aol.com
ful, then they should
We don’t need pub-
ban cars from cen-
licity like that…”
Printers: Premier Print Group
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
tral London during
Design: Aldan Publications
the Games unless
Ray Sorene (A53):
Tel: 07958 300 428
they have a legiti-
“I won’t be working
Email: dfdannyfresco@gmail.com
mate reason for
during the Games as
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
being there. Rate 2?
I’m not sure how my
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
You must be joking!
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
health will be and I
either manually or electronically without the express
Many consider us to be too expensive as it is!”
currently have some
permission of the Editor.
issues that need to
Call Sign January 2012
Page 9
Call Sign January 2012
Page 10
Dial-a-Cab driver Gerry Dunn MBE (S84)
will always be intrinsically involved with the
London taxi business - not just as a driver or
long term committee member of the London
Taxidrivers’ Fund for Underprivileged
Children, but also through his parents Millie
and Lou, who were married for 68 happy
MUM IS 100
years. Now Millie will reach the magical age of
100 on January 27.
Gerry and mum
“She still looks remarkably well,” Gerry
told Call Sign, “she still lives at home and
enjoys life. There is never a shortage of
Both Millie and Lou were special guests at
the DaC fiftieth anniversary ball held in 2003.
Both Lou and Millie
Sadly, Lou died soon afterwards, leaving
were always full of fun
Chairman Brian Rice to wonder aloud to Call
and during Lou’s DaC
Sign exactly where DaC would have been
visit he decided to leave
without people like Lou Dunn in our past.
91 year old
Millie may have stayed in the background in
Millie at home. As the
1952, but Lou told Call Sign during a visit to
Chairman showed Lou
Brunswick House - at the age of 93 - in January
around, Brian asked
2003 that he couldn’t have done what he did
where Millie was?
without her constantly supporting him in his
“Someone has to do
efforts to put radios into taxis. What was it he
Known as RODA, word got around quickly
the cleaning,” Lou replied with a smile,
did? Well it is quite feasible that without Lou
and it soon had enough drivers to operate.
“besides,” he added,
“Millie wouldn’t
Dunn, Dial-a-Cab may not even have existed.
Sadly, problems - mainly financial - beset it
understand your amazing computerisa-
It was 1952 and in order to get on to the
and it folded in the face of the new oncoming
tion, it is just so amazing… as are many of
radio, you had to be a fleet driver with either
ODRTS. However, it was the RODA lead that
your female operatives!”
York Way Motors or the London General
Bonnie Martyn used as an example when
He said it with a twinkle in his eye and all the
Cab Company, both of whom ran their own
the following year he began the process of
young ladies he had admired gave the 93-year
radio circuits. There was no such thing as an
founding our company. Bonnie often said that
old a friendly wave! Now he is undoubtedly
owner-driver’s circuit - with ODRTS still a year
had the RODA committee all been as honest
looking down on Millie with that same twinkle
away. So several drivers got together and the
and straightforward as Lou Dunn, there may
in his eye! So a very happy birthday to Millie
Radio Owner Drivers Association was
not have been a need for a new owner-driver’s
Dunn from all at Dial-a-Cab and our grateful
thanks to you and Lou…
Bye, bye bendies!
376 Strand, WC2
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
Bendy catches fire!
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
With just a few sad goodbyes, the last
bendy bus made its way back into the
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
garage on the evening of Friday 9
December, fulfilling one of Mayor Boris
Johnson’s promises to rid London of the
We are certain that you will be delighted
lengthy red beasts.
The only disappointed comments came
from disability groups who had praised the
buses ease of boarding. Most drivers hated
them - especially when they travelled in
groups of three or four, making them virtu-
ally impossible to pass.
Over the years, several of the buses
caught fire - the latest being in September
outside Victoria Station. A campaign to
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
have them taken off the road due to their
poor safety record failed - until that Friday
Salieri Restaurant
when the last one vanished!
Transport for London claim that taking
376 Strand, WC2
the bendy buses off the road will save them
over £7million in lost fares with some pas-
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
sengers “escaping” before paying.
Call Sign January 2012
Page 11
Dinner and Dance
Bill and Grace Tyzack
The Holiday Inn London Kensington Forum
recently saw the 39th annual Taxi Driver of
the Year Charity’s dinner and dance, with all
funds collected being equally shared by the
trade’s charities. They are the London
Taxidrivers Fund for Underprivileged Children,
East London Cabbies Outing, the London Taxi
Benevolent Association for War Disabled, the
Albany and the Southend Taxi Drivers Charity
Fund for Children. All received a four-figure
sum for their respective charities.
Guest of honour was Helen Chapman,
Deputy Director of TfL’s Taxi and Private Hire
Office and with Call Sign watching, we couldn’t
help but notice that she was a constant visitor to
the dance floor - even grabbing one dance with
DaC’s Chairman! But with an excellent
Christmas dinner and dancing to Fraternity, it
would have been difficult for guests not to enjoy
themselves - with laughter and a full dance floor
seeming to suggest that aim was achieved!
Russell Poluck MBE
(T55), Honorary
Chairman of the TDOY Charity Fund and his
wife Barbara work really hard every year to
organise this event and it was good to see that
Russell seems to have fully recovered from his
heart by-pass operation of last year. With next
year marking the Charity’s 40th anniversary, the
next 12 months will fly by and demand for tick-
ets will be hot. So look out for the announce-
ment of them going on sale!
There were a number of Dial-a-Cab drivers
there including the always irrepressible duo of
Bill Tyzack
(C06) and wife Grace. Last
September saw Bill celebrate 50 years on DaC
and of course he was also there in his official
position with the charity! As always, DaC took
a table with places taken by Brian Rice, Allan
Evans, Mike Son, Shelagh Adkins and part-
ners. Editor Alan Fisher, his wife Linda and
trusty camera Bertrand McGee Number 3
were also there. Sadly, no other circuits were
represented again but the unanimous verdict
by those there was to bring on next year! If you
weren’t there but purchased a raffle ticket, the
winners were:
1st: A 4 day Europe trip - Martin (JJ
2nd: Overnight stay at the
Connaught Hotel
Airport): 3rd: iPod ‘touch’ - Mr Hutch:
4th: Food Processor - Lyn Brown: 5th:
Overnight stay at The Berkley Hotel (Ray
Ali): 6th: Hostess Tray - Lyn Brown: 7th:
Water Feature - Mr Cash:
8th: Coffee
maker - Ian (South Holmwood): 9th: £50
Ocado voucher - Derek Casey…
Call Sign January 2012
Page 12
The first Christchurch earthquake (September
Last year saw shocking images from Christchurch, New Zealand,
2010) had a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter scale
where the city was struck by three major earthquakes. There are
and caused much structural damage to the centre
many stories about taxi drivers following the quakes and courtesy
of the city. Then in February 2011, a second quake
hit the Canterbury region of New Zealand's South
of Call Sign’s friends at the New Zealand Taxi Federation, this is
Island, around 6 miles south-east of the centre of
just one of them…
Christchurch exacerbating damage to already
weakened buildings that had not yet been
repaired. A total of 181 people were killed in that
second earthquake. A state of emergency was
declared, which stayed in force until April 2011. A
A taxi driver’s life
further powerful 5.2 aftershock in June made the
situation even worse.
One of many taxi drivers who suffered
from the quakes was Christchurch driver
Lindsay Hooper. He and wife Elizabeth had
after an earthquake!
recently moved into the retirement home
they saved up for, for 42 years. It was demol-
ished in the September quake. This is his
Lindsay's taxi driving career goes back 30 years
to when he first joined Blue Star Taxis. He has
been driving taxis ever since and still has a cab on
the road, although he has another driver at the
wheel most of the time. Like thousands of others
in Christchurch, life had not been easy as the city
got struck by a series of major earthquakes but
they still moved into the house they had built for
their retirement just months before the first
quake struck. It now has to be demolished, along
with many others around it.
The government’s offer to buy it will leave
Lindsay and Elizabeth with NZ$80,000 (£40,000)
less than they paid and the prospect of going
along to the bank to try to get a mortgage. Their
home was in the heart of what became known as
liquefaction city, where the earthquakes came
through in waves. The first big one picked up the
back of their house and pushed it forward about
7inches, then as the wave moved on, the house
Despite losing his home, Lindsay spends time after the quake helping others with
moved some of the way back again leaving a gap
food parcels etc
at the back of the house, cutting off power, water and sewerage. The con-
crete floor broke in three places and one wall was left leaning dangerously.
Then the big shake in February pushed the house forward again, leaving it
almost 7feet off its surveyed site.
“The roads around our area were badly damaged,” said Lindsay, “and it was
dangerous to drive, so I didn't take my taxi out. You just could not be sure
that the car wasn’t going to end up head first in a deep hole filled with water
and mud!”
The Hoopers went into survival mode with no money coming in and by
the time the taxi finally went out again, the couple’s income was well down.
Elizabeth had been involved with the Salvation Army and despite their own
hardships, they began helping provide assistance in the form of food, cloth-
ing, bedding and heating to needy families. Lindsay drives the church's heavy
truck to pick up and deliver supplies. The couple spend most days at the
Sally Army centre making up food parcels and providing other help.
Lindsay continued by saying: “Keeping busy has taken our minds off all
the other hassles. We’ve had five visits from the Earthquake Commission and
three from the insurance company, but we are still waiting for them to tell
us what they are going to do. We had always planned to spend the rest of our
days at this house and agreed the only way we were going out would have
been in a wooden box! We put in the best of what we could afford and were
insured for full replacement value. But the insurance companies don't seem
to want to know about that. You ring them and get someone in Brisbane,
who puts you through to someone in Auckland who is not really interested.
“Our house lost all its services and if you try to get a plumber or electri-
cian, they want to know how you're going to pay. They won't accept send-
ing the bill to the insurance because they have to wait too long to get their
money back. So you end up paying it yourself, then claiming it back - less the
policy excess.”
Lindsay and Elizabeth have been looking out of town for something they
can still afford.
“It has been a really traumatic and trying time. It's just so hard to get
answers out of anyone. They are spending a lot of money in town trying to
get businesses up and running again but should be spending more of it try-
ing to get people back into their homes. There's a big pit full of money, but
it's not going to the right people...”
only £335 Inc. VAT
Call Sign January 2012
Page 14
In this issue, the Editor has raised the topic of demutualisation. In
1997, Brian Rice and his Board offered drivers a vote on the subject
and Cecil Selwyn gave his views in Call Sign. We are republishing
that article for no other reason other than it explained exactly
what demutualisation meant in a clear and concise way. Cecil sadly
died in 2003…
Cecil answers some of
their shares, but we cannot have it both ways.
Marks & Spencers have been running staff
the questions…
If we want to continue to have a say in the
share schemes for years. Some of our staff have
I read with interest the Chairman’s report in
business, we should leave our equity in the
been with us for over a decade having served
which he makes recommendations to turn the
company. In any case, history shows that over
us loyally and are dedicated to the business.
Society into a PLC. There is no doubt that these
a long period of time, shares in commercial
proposals, although not yet formal, are the most
companies generally show a better return than
Will our competitors be able
radical in our history.
savings in banks or building societies.
to buy our shares?
Since the news was published, several mem-
bers have asked me for my views and to
Yes, if they are available on the market.
The drive for profits will be
explain various aspects of what is on offer as at
Perhaps if they do they may learn something
this stage it IS only an offer and the members
made at the expense of the
about running a radio circuit!
will finally decide. Let me say first of all that in
driver’s earnings?
principle I am in favour of what is being sug-
Any board of directors would be foolish to try
Will we still have to leave our
gested. I am sure that some will be surprised at
this, as the drivers are the most important asset
my support considering that I have been a
Rollerbond in?
the company has. Drivers are very quick to
severe critic of ComCab’s attempt to float on
I believe that if we call for further Capital above
realise when their pockets are being picked!
the AIM, but I must point out that what Brian
the initial issue to members, that the
Treat the drivers unfairly and your profits go
wishes to do is poles apart from the LTDA
Rollerbond should be refunded. Either we cap-
down not up. The way to growth and prof-
scheme. The LTDA stated that members would
italise our business by market capital or we
itability is by investment, expansion, incentive
not receive any free shares, only a 10% dis-
and internal efficiency. One of the ways to
count. This was adding insult to injury as the
protect interests of the drivers is to ensure there
ComCab drivers were contributing a Capital
sum of £1260 + VAT towards the cost of
are non-executive directors who are working
Will all this affect our normal
cab drivers. Non-exec directors attend Board
Mobistar. In our case, we are being offered the
working practices?
meetings and have an equal vote, but do not
complete equity of the business without any
I do not anticipate that it should. As I have
further charge to the member.
actually manage.
already said, without the co-operation of the
ComCab needed the money raised in the
drivers we do not have a business.
float to reduce debt and to complete the devel-
We will have non-taxi drivers
opment of their AVL system. We on the other
on our Board?
hand have a strong balance sheet, no cash flow
Will our existing Board be
problems and no high capital commitments.
I have never had any problem with this. I believe
offered extra shares or share
This begs the question: Why bother with it at
the ideal management set up for us is a mix of
taxi drivers experience together with outside
I believe there are two main reasons why we
expertise of commerce and technology. It has
On the initial issue, they can only receive the
should go for it. At present, no matter how long
been suggested that if we require outside exper-
same amount of shares as other members of
a member has been in the Society, he/she
tise, we should simply employ them. But what is
the society. Any other offers can only be made
comes out with the same £50 that he/she put in
a company director if not a high level employee?
with the approval of the shareholders.
when starting, irrespective that the business
could have grown tenfold during their mem-
I was a journeyman for six
Will I have to leave the cir-
bership. The other reason is that the financial
years and then bought my
cuit if I sell my shares?
situation of one of our major competitors has
changed and we are now competing with a
own cab six months ago. If
company that has vast capital resources.
bonus shares are given for
Therefore we must be in a position to raise
Are there any other options
length of service, how long
money should we need to, both for expansion
open to us whereby we can
and for new equipment. It is far better if we
have I been here?
have an alternative to borrowing. We must be
Your length of service in that respect would
have the advantage of being
prepared for any new government legislation
be for the time you were given your single £50
able to share the value of the
on licensing, which may make competition
share. You cannot have that share as a jour-
even tougher leaving only the financially strong
neyman, only as an owner. Therefore your
business without some of the
and well managed circuits to survive.
length of service so far as a share issue is con-
risks such as losing control?
Several members have expressed some
cerned would be six months.
That’s a difficult one to answer. I have been
concern regarding both their own person-
giving a lot of thought to this and may have a
al future on the circuit and the future of
Will our staff be entitled to shares?
few ideas, but I need to do some more research
the circuit in general, so I will now
As they are not members of the Society, they
to see if what I may suggest is both legal and
attempt to deal with some of these fears…
have no entitlement from the initial issue. But
feasible. If there are developments from my
I believe that if we do become a PLC, the staff
research, I will publish them in a future issue
Will we lose control?
should share in the success of the company.
of Call Sign…
Yes, we might if the members decide to sell
Most successful companies such as Boots and
Cecil Selwyn (V76)
Call Sign January 2012
Page 15
with Tom Quigley (Y33)
Age UK estimate that half of all fuel poverty is among the over 65s.
Who can judge?
Whilst government cold weather grants have helped towards keeping
As you read this, we will know
pensioners warm, it is still a long way short of what is required. Recently
the winners of both X Factor and
released figures show that in the winter of 2009/10 there were 25,400
Strictly Come Dancing, although
cold-related deaths with 20,600 of those among people aged 75 and
speaking personally I’m tone
deaf and can’t dance, except like
Whilst this is fewer than previous years, it is still unacceptable that
a drunken uncle at a wedding!
tens of thousands older people die in this country every winter from the
But the one thing I am good at, and I’m probably not alone, is being an
effects of the cold weather. I feel there are other ways that society and
expert at judging others from the comfort of my sofa.
the large energy firms and supermarket conglomerates could introduce
As we are now into the official Olympics Year, I cannot wait to show off
schemes and incentives to reduce the burden.
my keen eye and athletic knowledge! They will stand me in good stead as
When I pay my energy bills, I notice that I gain Nectar or Clubcard
I become an expert in the Pool events such as High Diving, awarding
points towards vouchers to spend or receive other benefits in my shop-
points to gymnasts and ice skaters, boxing is a forte and how dare that
ping trips. I would be more than happy give up these points in a scheme
judge contradict my 5.4 mark in synchronised swimming! I can also spot
to subsidise a pensioner’s fuel bill. Why not have a Cold Air Miles scheme
a false start before the gun has gone off, should a runner break their lane
as opposed to the other one? Every supermarket will run schemes
before the set marker I will spot it, I don’t need Steve Cram, Brendan
throughout the year to collect vouchers for schools to provide comput-
Foster or any other expert to cloud my sense of judgement.
ers, gardening equipment and many other projects.
But not content with just being an ‘expert’ in sport, I have even gained
Ironically, it is the pensioners you see collecting these vouchers as
an ESP in the art of being able to taste food on TV, sampling the texture
they spend their meagre pensions. Surely it would be more beneficial
and smell on Masterchef - sorry Torode and Wallace. It’s my opinion that
and rewarding if every time a youngster bought a computer game or toy,
counts, not your years of being in the industry, a wine expert to put
they could collect vouchers to be redeemed against a pensioner’s heat-
Floyd (RIP) - never mind Goolden - to shame.
ing bill. I would go as far as to say that the whole voucher schemes
I can also give valuations on property, antiques and boot fair items. Yet
should be dedicated towards assisting residential care homes and other
in spite of all this, I count myself as not a judgemental person. You be the
elderly sheltered accommodation.
Perhaps in addition to heating bills, a few computers wouldn’t go
amiss with lessons to teach pensioners how to fill out on-line forms, send
Low price heating for pensioners…
emails, search the web etc. I believe that a society should be judged on
With all the seasonal cheer now passed and a long winter ahead with
how we treat our old and young. Sadly we are failing in our Elder section.
energy prices soaring to increase heating bills, there is the shocking sta-
A very happy and healthy New Year to all taxi drivers everywhere…
tistic that 3.5 million older people live in fuel poverty. Households are
classified as ‘fuel poor’ when they spend a tenth or more of their income
Tom Quigley (Y33)
on their energy bill.
Call Sign January 2012
Page 16
“It was quite a while ago now,” Colin Brown
With memories of James Cagney, this is the story of DaC’s Colin
(K66) told Call Sign, “but the memory lingers
Brown and…
on.” He smiled as he recounted his tale to our
apprentice reporter out on his first story.
“I live quite close to a golf course and the
wide open spaces associated with such places,
so I guess it was going to happen sooner or
Yoo doyty rat!
later.” At this stage he hadn’t actually described
the problem he had with his Dial-a-Cab taxi.
loom in Colin’s TX4 and that’s why it wouldn’t
“It was a cold morning as I tried to start the
start! Call Sign’s reporter recoiled after briefly
cab and I was fully expecting it to burst into life
feeling relieved that there were no signs of extra-
as it always did. But, nothing! I made several
terrestrial activities or apparitions, because he
more attempts to get it running so that I could
wasn’t that keen on rats either!
get out to work, but it became obvious the cab
Colin continued with his tale. “I’m usually the
wouldn’t start and didn’t want to know! So
last person home at night, so my taxi engine is
eventually I had to call the recovery service to
still warm for quite some time after I have fin-
get me to my garage. When they came and
ished work. That’s probably when Roger Rodent
opened the bonnet to check things out, they
seized his chance and made himself at home
noticed part of the electrical wiring loom had
under my bonnet. It cost quite a bit of money to
been eaten through! The tiny teeth marks were
replace sections of the wiring loom and I have
quite clearly visible!”
now taken precautions to prevent any recur-
Call Sign’s young reporter covering his first
rence of unwelcome visitors, but it still amazes
story for the magazine stepped back in apparent
me when I think back to the whole saga.”
fear! Were we talking of aliens or ghosties here?
Feeling sorry for our reporter, Colin ended his
He was just a cab driver and didn’t fancy either!
story: “The moral of the story is to park in a
His fear was broken by Colin’s voice.
garage or other secure place whenever possible
“Can you believe that,” he queried, “eaten
- or move next door to a cat sanctuary!”
right through!”
Colin and new “friend”
Note: No plague carrying, flea
On closer inspection around the engine bay,
ridden, disease-spreading, cable-knawing
the breakdown service mechanic had spotted
and dry, rather than sleep out on a frosty golf
rodents were hurt during the relating of
rat droppings and that’s when he realised it must
course! The rat, although safely tucked up in the
this story!
have been a rodent that had crawled up into the
warm, was obviously also feeling peckish - so
warm space near the engine to stay comfortable
hungry in fact that it ate through the wiring
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
The London Taxi Company’s Winter Sale…
Yellow badge
UP TO £2750 OFF
online check!
ou can
taxi is
If you’re looking for a great deal on a used TX2 or TX4, then
look no further! The London Taxi Company has teamed up
with Black Horse Taxi Finance to offer finance deposits of up
Dial-a-Cab drivers have long complained to Call Sign about
to a fantastic £2,750 off selected used vehicles, all available to
seeing yellow badge drivers picking up fares inside the green
see on www.london-taxis.co.uk.
badge areas. In addition to the promised yellow and green
There are a variety of vehicles selected as part of the Winter
stickers, LTPH will now be enhancing the current functionality
Sale event, offering business users the chance to snap up a
available on the TfL website for checking active driver and vehi-
great deal with finance at 3.99% and a finance deposit of up to
cle licences.
All active private hire driver, operator and vehicle licences can
Rob Laidler, LTC Sales Director, told Call Sign:
currently be checked on the website, but with effect from
“There are a range of vehicles in the sale from TXII to TX4, with
sometime in December, the licensing authority are hoping to
a mix of mileages and ages. We’re clearing the decks ready for
extend this to include taxi driver and vehicle licences and it will
the New Year, so some of our customers are going to snap up
also confirm whether the licence is for an All London green
London Taxis at a low rate of 3.99% fixed for five years through
badge or a Suburban yellow badge driver when the badge
Black Horse Taxi Finance. If a customer sees a vehicle they want
number is entered. It will also confirm whether the licence is
to buy, no matter where in the country it is, we’ll bring it to
currently active.
their nearest dealership for them - free of charge!”
According to LTPH, the data on the licence checker is fre-
There are over 50 vehicles included in the Winter Sale, with
quently refreshed, but if anyone discovers an anomaly, then
finance deposits of between £750 and £2,750 available.
please notify them via www.tph.enquiries@tfl.gov.uk. The
To view the entire Winter Sale stock selection, visit
don-taxis.co.uk or alternatively visit any of The London Taxi
If you have not yet registered to receive updates from LTPH,
Company’s dealerships in London, Coventry, Manchester,
Edinburgh or Glasgow to find out more.
Call Sign January 2012
Page 17
The Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
Tiger Tyres may not be able to beat their prices,
Harp Credit Union
but what Jamie can do is to get your new tyres
As I have already mentioned, the Harp CU is
on with a smile, save you having to walk
open to all non-Dial-a-Cab people as the
around a Costco store spending dosh on things
FSA have loosened the noose on what they
you don’t really need, get your tyre fitted and
call the common bond. For those who are
Hello again, it’s that time of year again when
be back on the road whilst still booked into the
not sure what that means, a common bond is
our thoughts are turning to whether we could
system! Bet Costco can’t beat that!
all DaC members or staff members or rela-
Tiger do tyres for all budgets from really
really afford the recent Xmas and upcoming
tives who live at that person’s address. Most
good remoulds to the Continental for the Vito.
New Year festivities? I know as well as you that
people who save with the Dial-a-Cab Credit
Also, if you require a tyre or tyres for you or
things are tight on the work front and with the
Union know how easy it is to save either via
your friends or relatives car, give Jamie a call
January tax bills just around the corner, this
your credit work or standing order. Someone
and he will call you back with a price. If you
could be the ideal time to take a loan to tide
recently asked me why we only use standing
like what he tells you, he will order them in and
you over. As taxi drivers, we could have done
orders and not direct debits. Firstly, it costs
they’ll be in the workshop usually by the next
extra hours in order to try and save some
us to do a direct debit and secondly, with a
day; prices quoted will be fitted, balanced and
money for the hols, but it does get harder to
standing order YOU have control on what
include VAT.
goes out of your account, whereas with a
motivate oneself when sitting on a rank for
And before I go, the beauty of being a
direct debit - at least in theory - we could
ages or driving round in circles! The lead-up to
Credit Union member is that you can even
take what we wanted! I hope that clears the
Christmas was the time to get your money
pay for your tyres either by a loan or from
query up.
together to get you through January, but I can’t
your savings! It’s that simple, so now you
So don’t be shy, give Lily a call on 0207
remember the last time I saw people arguing to
know you can come on down to Unit 14,
033 9434 and join up either DACCU or
get into my cab… can you?
Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney
HARP. She’s not fussy! If you can’t get to
Still, let’s not dwell too much on that.
Road, E2 9EQ or call either the Credit
the office, she will happily post you out a
Onwards and upwards and back to the thing I
Union number on 0207 729 8171 or Tiger
began with - LOANS! At the moment, your
Tyres on 0207 729 5237.
credit union has money to lend and if you’re
On behalf of everyone from the Credit Union
Tiger Tyres
struggling with credit card payments or if you
and Tiger Tyres, I would like to take this oppor-
Last but not least, DACCU’s downstairs
want to pay off your cab, give us a call at the
tunity of hoping that you all had a very merry
neighbours Tiger Tyres. It’s good to see all
office in Hackney Road and we may be able to
Christmas and to wish you a happy and healthy
you DaC drivers coming down for your tyres
New Year.
help. You’ll never know if you don’t ask. I’ve
because - and I’m not sure if you know this -
Be lucky… but above be very careful out
found that some drivers are a little embarrassed
as we share the unit, they help us pay the
to ask, but do need our help. So pluck up the
rent so it makes it nice and easy for you to
courage - come in and see us. You will soon
visit, with us being so close to the square
John Riley (K38)
realise after a chat that there really is nothing to
be embarrassed about as we’re all cab drivers.
I get occasional comments about Costco and
DACCU Vice-President.
We’re just the same as you with the same aggro
that they are cheaper for Michelin tyres. Ok,
- except Lil, who as most regulars know is 4-
foot nothing and all smiles!
If you have friends or relatives with some
kind of monetary problem, well we have a way
to help them as well with the other Credit
Union we run called The Harp. This CU is the
one we were asked to help out and run by the
FSA no less… and we have! With help of new
members, we have turned it around from being
in the red to being in the black, so I’m sure if
Treatment for pain & discomfort doesn’t have to be expensive
you want help - either big or small - we could
accommodate you, but unless you ask you will
The Centre offers fully qualified therapists in Physiotherapy,
never know.
Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Remedial
Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hydrotherm, Massage
High interest account…
Therapy, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
Don’t get excited all you investors out there,
we are NOT opening our high interest account
Call us on 020 8507 8169
just yet and people do constantly phone to ask
when it will be re-opening, but don’t worry,
or mobile 07973 639 473 for an early appointment
you will be notified via your terminal and also
Email: andy@bptconline.co.uk or fax: 020 8507 9650
Call Sign when it does. As you know, we at
Out of hours enquiries welcome
DACCU are licensed deposit takers by the FSA
and are duty bound by their rules and regula-
Barking Physical Therapy Centre
tions. At the moment we have money to lend
90 Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8SF
out; therefore we have no reason to open it just
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am till 8pm and Saturday 9am till 2pm
yet, but hopefully sometime next year. I hope
this helps…
Call Sign January 2012
Page 18
Board Members usually get a page to write, drivers get a piece on
the Mailshot page. So for once Call Sign is giving a page to a dri-
ver. Richard Barford (R39) gives his views on DaC…
account and they have asked about them, as
the price for a TX4 will be going up by £3,000
opposed to volunteering the info. I have always
with the Euro V modifications. We should have all
thought that every job coming back into town
vetoed (sic) the Vito, so that they had to bring the
from the airport should be on an F/P with an extra
price down!
supplement during peak hours. I don't work
Our biggest problem is that we don't have just
Heathrow very often, but it would be interesting
the one voice, unlike A/L. We need the licensed
to see whether we are covering more or less trips
taxi trade to sit down together, but until that hap-
Recent issues of Call Sign have contained several
from there over the past 5 years. I personally think
pens nothing will change and I’m not holding my
controversial points. I would like to give my views
that one day we will lose the airport to private hire
breath! I’m just another cab driver who has an
as a Dial-a-Cab driver on some of them. Let me
and that there will then be an extra 500 cabs in
opinion. Right or wrong, that's certainly one thing
start by saying I believe the DaC Board do a great
town looking for work.
we cab drivers are good at - we have 25,000 opin-
job in difficult circumstances and I’m pleased to
ions between us!
read that they are trying different ways to win
We have to remain positive and hope that
Dress code???
new and old accounts back. I realised that was
I had a radio job from T5 a few weeks ago and was
things get busier, but it was nice to get some pos-
more than just words when I picked up at an
itive news from Keith Cain in Call Sign when he
surrounded by a multitude of minicab drivers -
account in Bunhill Row that I believe had left us
many of them from Tristar. They might have all
said that a large account was looking to come
some years ago…
back to us, but as Board members often point out,
been speaking in their native tongues, but one
thing you couldn't knock them for was their dress
it is really up to us as to where our destiny lies! We
Gratuities, waiting time and
code! I agree with Allen Togwell; we do need to
have to stick together and make changes where
phone booking fees…
smarten ourselves up. I wear trousers and a shirt -
we don't want to, but I honestly feel that if we
But I do have a few points to make, so let’s start
not a tie, but would do so if needed. I'm often
don't at least begin to make these changes now, it
with gratuities, which I believe we should keep.
embarrassed by the way some taxi drivers dress. I
just might be too late in the future. We’re part of
If the average cab driver takes £100 on 5 radio
think if you are going to have to meet a client at
London, but then again so were red telephone
jobs in a day, that’s an extra £10 we will lose. If we
an airport, you should be wearing trousers and a
boxes and Routemaster buses. But I don't see
are going to do something, then why not forsake
shirt - not track suit bottoms and trainers. I had a
many of either around London now.
the run-in? This would also work out at
radio job from City Airport a few months back
I meant to send this letter a few months ago but
around £10 and I'm sure would be a better selling
when the weather was still warm and felt embar-
decided against it. Since then things seem to have
point, but personally I would stick to the way
rassed standing next to the other two taxi drivers
got worse. We could be a sinking ship and every-
things are. But I would definitely get rid of extra
who were dressed in their shorts and sandals. I
one in our trade has to realise that unless we
waiting time. I remember Allen Togwell asking
was only standing with them as I knew one of
change, account work could be a thing of the
around a year ago for any cab driver to write to
them. The only consolation was that they were
past. We know it’s quiet at the moment, but this is
him and state why we should get waiting time on
not on Dial-a-Cab.
a period where we should be swept of our feet.
top of the meter? Apparently he didn't get one
God knows what January will be like! All you have
reply! I assume that the Board could make or
DaC courier service?
to do is read this month’s Call Sign magazine to
request this change.
Perhaps even more controversially, I would
see how far business has fallen. As Brian Rice said
I would also get rid of the £2 phone booking
look at trying to set up our own courier service.
in a recent issue of the magazine, it was just 4
fee. Just because the other circuits do it, that does-
We have Knowledge boys who would probably
years ago that our Society gave away £521,000 in
n't mean we have to. Remember, we are trying to
enjoy the opportunity of earning extra money
Christmas bonuses! Now we have a £500 compe-
win work but by charging this extra cost, we are
whilst learning London. We already have the call
tition. John Griffin must be laughing, it certainly
virtually asking customers to use car companies
takers and I'm sure we have account customers
breaks my heart! (Ed’s note: The competition was
such as Addison Lee. It would be interesting to
who would be happy to use a courier service in
nothing to do with DaC; it was purely some Xmas
see how many cash / credit card bookings a day
addition to our taxis. If we could make a profit
fun from Call Sign).
we get. I'm sure it's not enough to employ sepa-
from this, then we could use that to help bring
rate call takers! I don't get the argument where
our service charges to clients down.
DaC app?
account customers would then change to credit
Why not even try and sell the advertising space
On top of A/L, we now have GetTaxi and Hailo.
card / cash bookings to avoid our charges, after
on one of our tip-up seats? We have 2,000 Dial-a-
I'm not into today's technology, but why can't we
all, if they wanted to avoid those charges, plus a
Cab drivers working all over London and a com-
have our own app? Perhaps it could be linked to
£4.20 run in, plus 10% gratuity, then why not just
pany like Foxtons could be interested?
our new terminals? Every account client has a
hail a cab off the street?
choice and as Brian Rice pointed out, at a cheap-
Addison Lee and Rate 3…
er price too. We have to make that extra effort to
Fixed prices…
Regarding the situation with Addison Lee that
cover account work in busy periods - even when
With regards to fixed prices, I work days and
we read of in last month’s Call Sign, I think we
it's raining or on Thursday evenings - in addition
think it unfair to have to cover them during the
have to realise they are a big danger to our future.
to watching our run-ins. I'm sure our Sales depart-
hours of 7.30 - 9.30. This is the period where day
I had a conversation with my best mate who
ment’s job is even harder now that A/L have taken
drivers have to make as much money as we pos-
works for a City bank. It broke my heart when he
over Lewis Day. We, as a Society, need to make
sibly can. With traffic the way it is in the morn-
said how good Addison Lee were and how they
changes and I'm sure I’m not the only driver wor-
ings, it doesn't make any sort of financial sense to
now use them regularly. Yes, DaC are cheaper than
ried about the future. If we bury our heads in the
take an F/P job during the rush hour. However, I
them on some fares, but dearer in others. Where
sand and don't change, then we will only have
do agree with Brian Rice and believe we should
we can't compete is on rate 3. I personally think
ourselves to blame.
offer F/P jobs on longer journeys and I would be
that is too high and not good for the trade. It
And finally, in response to Alan Fisher’s edito-
quite happy to do an F/P trip to Heathrow for £57
could even be our downfall in the end.
rial last month, no I wouldn't sell my share for
from Berkley Square as opposed to an £8 job to
Another reason we are more expensive is that
£20,000. Mind you I wouldn't have played for
our vehicles are virtually double the price of the
Spurs either! It's not always about money - unless
I don't mind covering F/Ps outside rush hours
opposition. When I heard that Mercedes were
you are Emmanuel Adebayor of course!
once I know the traffic has calmed down. Although
making a taxi, I thought it was excellent as the
many don't believe it's a path we should go down,
price to buy a cab would then come down. But it’s
Richard Barford (R39)
it is obviously an option to perhaps use if it is a big
had the opposite effect with the £42K Vito! Also
Call Sign January 2012
Page 19
“It gives my left arm and leg
rently checking the fuel consumption and bear-
ing in mind that the cab is still new and the
some exercise and something to
engine is hardly ‘run-in’, I’m getting between 32
do,” Fred Cooper (Z18) told Call
and 34 MPG with a mix of driving conditions
Sign with a smile when we
both around town and on longer runs, so things
spotted the manual gear lever
are looking quite reasonable!
on his new TX4.
“The initial cost of the cab is cheaper than the
“I did my Knowledge and Drive on an FX4R
automatic version and with the added advantage
manual, plus I’ve owned a Metro TTT manual,
of greater fuel economy, I’m hopefully con-
so you can see where I’m coming from,” Fred
tributing to less pollution and better air quality.
asserted. “It’s probably something of a rarity in
Well that’s what I would like to think!”
this day and age, but for me it’s just fine. I live
Fred grinned broadly before adding: “I do
down in Chatham, Kent and usually start work
accept that ‘stirring your own’ up and down
from City Airport or E14, which is about 38
the gearbox all the time is not everyone’s idea
miles from home so the gear changing does not
of fun as it does involve a lot of leg work, but it
works well enough for me.”
really bother me unduly, although I accept that
Call Sign asked Mark Brown, London
for drivers who live and work predominantly in
Taxi Company GM how many manuals
town it might not be the best idea!”
Fred is one of just a handful of London
they sell and whilst out-of-towners still
Fred admitted that the gear change was still
drivers still using a manual cab
buy them, so far as London Green Badges
a bit ‘notchy’, not like the silky smooth gear-
knock up considerable mileages just getting to
are concerned, he thought they num-
boxes of his previous cabs, but he expected
and from work, so for me with the cost of fuel
bered just 4 or 5 a year!
that to improve after the cab had been well
being what it is, fuel consumption is a major
“Living in the Garden of England means I
factor in my overall running costs. I am cur-
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Mike Son writes about a sad day…
Some members who have been with Dial-a-Cab for many years will remem
one of our previous Chairmen, Jack Taylor. As well as being DaC Chairman
from 1964 - 1969, he was also for many years a committee member and t
Chairman of the London Taxidrivers’ Fund for Underprivileged childre
Jack passed away in 1988 after a long battle with cancer.
Because of Jack’s commitment to both the taxi industry and the LTFUC, the
committee wanted to create a lasting legacy in Jacks name. So in 1990, the
LTFUC approached the Governors of Alexandra Priory School as it was
then known in Ainsworth Way NW8, about changing the school's name in
memory of the much respected founder member of the Fund.
On Thursday 19th September 1991, the school was renamed the Jack
Taylor School. At a special ceremony, Jack's widow Edna unveiled a
portrait of Jack, which hangs in the foyer to this day.
Sadly however, in 2012 the school will close and the children will reallocate
to the Swiss Cottage Specialist School.
The LTFUC has supported the school during all these many years with the
purchase of recreational and medical equipment. There have also been
many outings including, just before Christmas, when the LTFUC took the
children to Clarence House to meet the Duchess of Cornwall (see report
elsewhere in this issue).
It is also depressing that many of the teachers and staff who have served
the school and children in some cases for 25 years, will lose their jobs.
Having recently had a meeting at the school, it is hoped to maintain the
historical links with the LTFUC and the cab industry by keeping the name
of Jack Taylor in the new school, perhaps as a special room or library. I
am sure there will be discussions between the school’s senior manage-
ment and the appropriate authorities.
The mixed faith day school teaches children and young people with
severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties and is the only school of its type in
Camden. Some of the subjects taught include art, design technology, humanities and modern foreign languages. They
are taught through topics or modules on a termly basis. But sadly, this will be the school’s last year…
Mike Son
DaC Special Projects
Call Sign January 2012
Page 20
Theatre review ****** Theatre review ***
*** Theatre review
Views on life as seen through the
eyes of David Kupler (Y74) at...
The Ladykillers
I was recently at the opening of T
Ladykillers at Shaftsbury Avenu
Gielgud Theatre and I’m pleased to
that this new show does exactly wha
says on the tin - it entertains!
Reading my reviews, you’ll know
believe the hardest job in the theatre
to carry across humour and comed
from the stage to an audience that ma
have just come in from a cold winter’
evening. This comedy achieves tha
task by using a cast of well know
actors at their finest.
The show is an original adaptation -
with affectionate similarities to the
1955 Ealing comedy starring Alec
Overweight and over here???
Guinness and Peter Sellers.
Transferring any show from film to
I know I was right
stage is a difficult job at the best of
know what I saw,
times, but this show brilliantly repro-
late Thursday night
duces the film fun, robbery, police
in an old Rickshaw!
car chase and much more on the
stage in front of you!
The driver bloke
Marcia Warren puts in a wonderful performance as the frail Mrs
(from who knows where),
Wilberforce. She is the fantasist who believes the story four prospective robbers spin her of being
was sweating buckets
musicians whilst plainly unable to hit a correct chord between them! After a performance like
near Leicester Square!
this, Marcia should be first in the queue for any future Miss Marples mysteries!
A variety of excellent actors appear in The Ladykillers. They include Peter Capaldi (Professor
Whist in the back
Marcus), James Fleet (Major Courtney) - the well-known soppy boyfriend in Vicar of Dibley -
wedged really tight,
Ben Miller (Louis Harvey) who was seen recently on television in Death in Paradise, Clive Rowe
sat 6 young women
who plays ex-boxer One Round who many will recognise as the panto dame at London’s Hackney
out for the night.
Empire and Harry Peacock (Constable MacDonald) who has appearances in Doctor Who and
Jonathan Creek amongst his credits. The whole cast portray their characters with such believable
Slowly as he pushed that bike
charm that you really do not want the show to finish! The revolving stage, which gives views of
the wheels were buckling
the inside of the house, roof, frontage and railway tunnel, is an added joy to the play’s continuity.
the girls took fright,
If you want to take the family out to see a show that you know they’ll enjoy, then The
I thought there just might be a fight
Ladykillers is the one to go and see. The Gielgud is also a theatre where you have enough room
as I followed on behind.
to relax and move your legs and not to worry about maybe getting DVT!
Then a sound like a thunder clap
Tom Whitbread
as the chain broke and the axle snapped,
and the 6 women fell out of the back
and spilled out on the road!
They screamed and cursed
one whacked the chap,
with her red designer purse -
he just collapsed!
A small crowd gathered
• Preparation of wills and codicils
• Advice for
to see the fuss,
• Elderly Client Advisers
as people stared out from a passing bus!
• Inheritance Tax/advice about trust
• Lifetime tax planning
But they continued to swear and cuss
• Lasting Power of Attorney
• Family & Matrimonial matters
in their spiky 6 inch heels.
• Conveyancing and all property issues
Then they walked away, they didn't care
We rely on you to get us from A to B so you can rely on us to
they never paid the Rickshaw fare,
protect you with our legal expertise
without a second glance they left him
Contact Anna Coakes or Julian Hay on 0207 637 0661
Or email acoakes@moonbeever.com or jhay@moonbeever.com
To discuss Wills, Inheritance Tax planning or any of the above range of legal issues.
And me? I just drove on…
Kopyright Kupkake 2012
Moon Beever Solicitors
24-25 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2PL
Can I wish you all a Happy New Year…
Call Sign January 2012
Page 21
PCNs may be a fact of life and even though
Barrie Segal saves Dial-a-Cab £thousands each
year, there are times when drivers get ticketed
for just having to stop - going to the toilet being
one reason. But this story from Mike Lyons
(Y52) surprised even Call Sign - and we hear
many weird stories involving PCNs.
Mike has been with DaC since 1994 and had
his share of tickets. Nowadays he fights them all
and will go to adjudication if he has to. You can
read about the PCN he won in this issue’s
Mailshot. But this one is just astonishing because
of Westminster Council’s response…
Mike needed to use the loo and parked at
Aldwych by the RAF church. He hadn’t spotted
the Westminster smartcar and soon after
received a PCN for stopping on a yellow line.
Footage taken at the time showed Mike exiting
his cab and walking down the stairs leading to
the loo.
Appealing to Westminster left that council
totally uninterested, so Mike put his case to the
Adjudicator. He explained how difficult it was for
taxi drivers to find toilet facilities and that even
when they did, the chances were that no stop-
ping was allowed. The Adjudicator listened and
On their way to use the Aldwych Loo? Don’t bother as Westminster would
was fully sympathetic to the predicament Mike
rather your bladder burst!
had found himself in, so he adjourned the case
for two weeks whilst writing to Westminster
until late at night, continued:
Mike ended by wondering whether the
Council to ask for some discretion. After all, taxi
“Following receipt of the {Arbitrator’s}
Council were walking over our human rights
drivers may work for up to 10 hours and unlike
recommendation, on further consideration
and whether they realised the health implica-
adjudicators and councillors, they can’t just pop
of the circumstances, the mitigating factors
tions involved. He wrote to the Mayor’s office
out to the office toilet.
outlined by the Adjudicator were not suffi-
to tell him the above story. Mayor Johnson
responded that he shared Mike’s concern re
Westminster responded by saying they
cient reasons to merit cancelling the PCN.”
public toilets and retold his plan called Open
noted the Adjudicator’s recommendation
The caring Council added that although their
London where stores allow use of their toilets
to the Council that there were compelling
response “may not meet all your expectations,”
without the need to make a purchase. All he
reasons for the City council to consider dis-
they hoped Mike would understand their posi-
didn’t say was where you leave your cab whilst
cretion in this case given his “daily working
tion. We feel sure he does and that next time he
popping in???
needs to go to the loo, he travels 2 miles west
It sounded good. Then Mike read the next
and does it outside their building in Victoria
paragraph where this caring Council who had
Street - possibly assisted by several hundred
Ron Yarborough
wanted to kill London with parking restrictions
other drivers!
Call Sign online
Taxi lost property toys bring joy to kids!
Transport for London’s Lost Property Office has
donated hundreds of toys to The Salvation Army,
which they then gave to disadvantaged children in
south London over the Christmas period. The toys
appealed to children of all ages and ranged from soft
toys and board games to sports equipment. The Sally
Army in Deptford worked with the local council to
distribute the toys to families in need.
Paul Cowan, Manager of TfL’s Lost Property
Office and Travel Info Centres, told Call Sign:
“Of the hundreds of thousands of items of lost
property received each year, toys and children’s gifts
have a particular significance. Many are unable to be
traced to an owner and perhaps due to their perceived value or belief that they will
not be handed in, remain unclaimed after three months. Pre-loved items are donated to our charity
partners on a regular basis, however new toys and gifts are saved until the end of the year when their
donation has a much greater impact. For those who have lost these items, their original intention of
bringing joy to a child has still been achieved. The Lost Property Office team take great pride in the
work they do and it’s rewarding for them to be able to complete the cycle of giving through the dona-
Captain Kevin Stanbury of The Salvation Army's Deptford Community Centre, added:
“More people than ever are struggling financially and this is never more apparent than around
Christmas time. Right across the country, The Salvation Army provided toy parcels to those families who
would otherwise have gone without. This service was made a little easier due to the kind donation from
organisations such as Transport for London. Over the past five years, they have donated countless toys,
all of which helped bring joy and laughter into the life of a London child. We thank the Lost Property
Office and its staff for making this scheme possible.”
The LPO has handled over 200,000 items of lost property in 2010/11. On average one in three items
is reunited with its owner. Over the years, people have handed in many unexpected and unusual items
including Rolex watches worth more than quarter of a million pounds, £10,000 cash, human skulls,
breast implants and a lawnmower!
All donated items would have been unclaimed for at least three months…
Call Sign January 2012
Page 22
I didn’t get a chance to wish everyone a happy
festive period, but I hope you all received from
Santa everything you wished for! 2012 is going
to be, at the very least, an interesting year and I
With Keith Cain
really hope it is a prosperous one for you all.
Over-estimating street
Following on from the messages that Allan
Evans has been sending out regarding exces-
credit card trips
sive run-ins, I’m pleased to report that the
Another problem that raised its head recently is
whole fleet has responded brilliantly. I person-
with regard to off-the-street credit card rides. The
ally didn’t feel the problem was a huge one, but
problem is that drivers are over-estimating the
the monitoring has ensured all is ok. However,
authorisation value on the card. Recently we had
that does not mean it has stopped completely.
a trip from E1 to EC2 and the driver authorised
Controllers are monitoring all shifts including
the card for £100, just in case the customer
weekends and unless the trip informs you of an
changed their mind and wanted to go on. On that
increased run-in amount, all trips are subject to
occasion they only went to EC2, but when they
a maximum amount of £4.20.
went to use their card later in the day it was
Just to remind you the run-in for an as soon
declined because it had reached its credit limit!
as possible trip is £4.20. This means no more
When a driver obtains an authorisation for an
than this when you arrive, also for a pre-booked
amount, that figure is reserved against the card.
trip the maximum amount showing on the
Basically it’s the same as a transaction for that
meter at the pre-booked time must not exceed
amount being made. If the credit limit is near its
£4.20. There have been a few drivers who did
soon as the passenger gets into the cab because
maximum, it does cause a problem. Even though
not see the messages and it was necessary to
late POBs distort the waiting time reports we
on the trip I mentioned above there was £90
speak with them to remind them of the run-in
send to our clients. More importantly, it can
that is not required, it takes the processing time
cause an additional unnecessary charge. Most
four days to put the £90 back onto the card. It
It is amazing what turns up when we start to
of our major clients do not incur additional
really is so important you do not over-estimate
focus on the run-ins - late POBs being one. We
waiting time costs, but the accuracy of their
card authorisations by more than £5 or £10.
have found that a vast number of drivers keep
reports is very important. Should any driver for-
Should it arise that your passenger does want to
forgetting to press their POB button when the
get to POB at the correct time, then they must
go further, then just call the controllers who can
passenger gets in the cab. We accept that there
ask the contact centre to have a note put on
manually obtain another authorisation on the
are occasions when the passenger starts a con-
the trip log and any waiting times minutes
card for the extra journey.
versation as soon as they enter cab and the dri-
must be overridden when clearing the trip to
ver get distracted, but unfortunately we have
the correct time. I nearly forgot to mention that
Keith Cain
also found there to be a number of drivers who
the system captures the position of cabs when
the driver presses the POB button. Easy for the
Contact Centre Manager
seem to forget on almost every trip. It is so very
important that the POB button is pressed as
controllers to monitor the forgetful ones!
Driver Operations Manager
Former Dial-a-Cab driver, Bob Woodford, writes a regular column for Call Sign from his home in
Languedoc, France and his taxi somewhere in London…
A few weeks before Christmas I had a
mainline railway terminus when it opened in 1836?”
routine ride with an elderly passenger
But I couldn't resist it: “No Sir,” I piped up in the way only a London
from King's Cross down to London
taxi driver can, “there were delays in extending the line to the new sta-
Bridge. While stuck in some traffic in
tion - so Spa Road, Bermondsey had that privilege for many months.”
Farringdon Road, I looked over to the
Smiling, he told me that many years earlier he had been employed by
upheaval taking place with the new
London Transport as a designer of posters for the tube network. While
Farringdon Station being prepared for
taking an age to alight from the cab, I was left thinking what a shame
we didn't get the chance to talk about this en route, but because he
My Guiding knowledge reminded me
was taking so long and needed my assistance, I did consider for a split
that the very first underground station
second that he might have been around when the station first opened!
was opened here in 1863 - the Metropolitan Line which ran to
Happy New Year to all at Dial-a-Cab!
Paddington - constructed using the cut and cover method. It was a shal-
low dig that had steam trains running just below the streets of London.
Bob Woodford (Ex-P49)
Then that age-old fact that most cabbies know came to mind,
Saint Genies de Fontedit, Languedoc, France
the last public hanging took place outside Newgate Prison in
1868 and so thousands of people would have gone to this event
by using the underground!
As the traffic eased, my passenger (who hadn’t said a word up to this
Keith Reading
point) and I had reached King William Street and I was reminded of
Professional Toastmaster
another fact as we passed the junction with Monument Street. Just a
blue plaque on the wall outside Regis House pays tribute to King
Master of Ceremonies
William Street Station, which opened in 1890. It was the world’s first-
ever tube line - a deep level electric railway that took in six stops on its
Tele: 01279 465 938
way to Stockwell.
Mobile: 07774 860 374
The station lasted just ten short years as the new Bank Station
Email: kgr.2@virgin.net
replaced it. But it’s still down there, platforms and all but only accessible
nowadays via a manhole in a broom cupboard in a storage room in the
basement of Regis House! The last time it came out of moth balls was
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
during World War 2, when used as an air raid shelter.
Fellow of the Guild of
Just as we turned into London Bridge Station, my very elderly punter
piped up for the first time:
Professional Toastmasters
“Cabbie, do you know that London Bridge was London's first ever
Call Sign January 2012
Page 23
In 2007, this magazine published details of an
extraordinarily kind offer from Call Sign
online reader and London Vintage Taxi
Tracing relatives from
Association Dutch member, Hans Dooren. His
offer was to attempt to find and visit the war
grave of any Dial-a-Cab driver’s relatives
Venray war graves
buried at Venray.
Many buried there would have been
veterans groups such as the Old Comrades
involved in the Battle of Arnhem, a WW2 bat-
Group of Market Garden and the Anglo-
tle fought in and around the Dutch towns of
Dutch Bond. They all meet yearly at Venray.
Arnhem, Oosterbeek, Wolfheze and Driel in
Hans told Call Sign: “I am now 5 years older
September 1944.
and will be 77 in 2012. Perhaps I am a bit slow-
It was under Field Marshal Montgomery,
er but we get along! The work load still con-
the Allies had swept through France and
tains a full day’s work. Finding what relatives
Belgium and were poised to enter the
seek is not always successful, but I will do
Netherlands. His idea was to make one single
research on any request. I need as much infor-
thrust over the Rhine and allow the British 2nd
mation as relatives have - both army and civil
Army to bypass the German Siegfried Line and
particulars, in fact all you know about the per-
attack the German Ruhr district. The Allies
Hans Dooren will try to trace your rela-
son you would like to trace. Do not withhold
launched Operation Market Garden on
anything believing that I wouldn’t need it. My
tives war graves at Venray
September 17th and Allied paras were dropped
experience is that the more information I have,
into the Netherlands to secure key bridges and
the more chance there is of tracing someone.
towns. In the meantime, the British
remains of the airborne forces were withdrawn
“I must mention two of the oldest visitors
Airborne Division supported by men of the
in Operation Berlin. There were many fatalities.
that we greet. These are our friends John and
Glider Pilot Regiment and the Polish
Now Hans has reiterated his offer. Just
Margaret Sleep from Staines who have
Independent Parachute Brigade, landed at
send Call Sign as many details as you can
returned to Venray each year for the past 25 to
Arnhem to secure bridges across the Nederrijn.
about the relative you believe to be at
remember fallen comrades. John was badly
Initially expecting a walkover, British XXX
Venray and we will be happy to pass them
injured and still suffers daily from his war
Corps planned to reach the British airborne
over to Hans who will then do all he can
injuries. It gives us so much pleasure to assist
forces within two to three days, but the
to find their grave. If you just want Hans
them for a week with their plans and visits. It is
German 9th and 10th SS Panzer Divisions put
to visit a grave at Venray and you know
amazing to see the very strong social ties they
up a strong fight. After four days, the small
where it is, he would be happy to do so.
have with our Dutch families. They are of the
British force at the bridge was overwhelmed
He has found a number of graves and also
Anglo-Dutch Bond and all over the Netherlands
and the rest of the division became trapped in
sent photos to relatives.
we still have these contacts with Allied veter-
a small pocket north of the river. Assistance
The Commonwealth cemeteries are very
ans and local populations.
from the Poles or XXX Corps was impossible
well looked after and each year Hans and oth-
If we can help Dial-a-Cab drivers, we would
and after nine days of fighting, the shattered
ers attend several commemorations by visiting
be delighted to try.”
The battle against minicabs
A sign of things to come!
Mayor Boris Johnson and TfL gave notice of the war
against touts when in the weeks leading up to
Christmas, a shocked minicab driver wasn’t just
nicked, but had his car crushed! That coincided with
an increase in police enforcement activity against
touts and other illegal “cabs.”
Operation STaN - Safer Travel at Night - involves
officers from TfL, the Met, Service Safer Transport
Command and the City of London Police. Cab related
offences were said to have fallen by 21% last year, but
the STaN team’s aim is to make travelling in London
after dark even safer for Londoners and visitors to the
city this year. Since 2007, police resources focused on
this issue have doubled with a new team focusing on
sexual offences being set up. Last year over 1,250
arrests were made for cab-related offences.
With over 180 arrests for touting and other cab-
related offences having been made over three week-
ends this past autumn, the first phase of Operation
STaN involved officers checking over 5,000 vehicles
and speaking with thousands of Londoners and stu-
dents to provide safer travel information and encour-
age Londoners to use licensed taxis or licensed mini-
It could be a crushing blow for some touts!
Call Sign January 2012
Page 24
Firstly, a Happy New year to all of Call Sign`s
Former fireman Richard Potter and life behind the
readers, Dial-a-Cab drivers and their families.
Well it’s been a long time coming, but 2012 is
here at last which means that in July the whole
world will be watching us! While David
Cameron argues that the EU needs the UK
style, controversy of the highest order happened
more than the UK needs the EU, we in London
in the final seconds of the game. Those of you
will be holding the world’s biggest sporting
who can remember will know why the USA
event - the 2012 Olympics. Let’s hope we do a
team’s medals are still in a Swiss bank vault. If
good job and prove to the world that we do
you want a lesson in how to officiate a game
things better than anyone else. This is something
with the highest level of ineptitude and to save
I know we can do and it can’t just be by chance
column inches, have a look at a rerun on
that the UK will be the only country to have
YouTube, as that is the easiest way. To say the
been given the privilege of holding the games
USA were robbed is an understatement. You
three times.
decide for yourselves but I hope nothing like it
Last September I whetted my appetite for the
happens again.
London Olympics, visiting the Olympic Stadium
Finally we took a look at the Olympic stadium.
in Munich. In amongst all the clanking of steins,
Not just the place of sporting excellence but for
singing to oompah bands and watching all the
a number of years, the home of German football.
pretty girls in lederhosen at the Oktoberfest, a
Remember the 1974 World Cup Final with the
friend and I soaked up the atmosphere circa
excellent Jack Taylor awarding a penalty
1972. Having swum for GB schools as a teenag-
a job, as sports stars were not well paid and
against the Germans on home soil - courage and
er, I couldn't help but feel awestruck visiting the
there was limited money available from adver-
officiating of the highest order.
swimming pool complex where Mark Spitz
tising - and in any case they were meant to be
Also, who could forget Trevor Francis scor-
won an incredible 7 gold medals - without hat or
amateurs! Indeed Spitz was cited for product
ing for Nottingham Forest, Marco Van Basten’s
goggles! That feat had never been achieved
placement, when he displayed a pair of shoes he
volley or Michael Owen’s hat trick. As Radio
before and was only recently beaten by Michael
was holding whilst accepting one of his medals!
5Live’s Alan Green said: “Get this for a score-
Phelps in 2008. Most people think swimming is
How things have changed. On a wall inside the
line, Germany 1 England 5.”
easy compared to other sports, but it is the only
Olympic Park is a list of names of Gold medal-
Let’s hope history repeats itself and the 2012
sport where you train in isolation, ie you can’t
lists; remember Olga Korbut, Lasse Viren and
Olympics will leave us with an Olympic com-
talk to your colleagues whilst participating
Valerie Borzov?
plex, Olympic memories and a legacy that will
because your face is full in the water, thus mak-
One event that occurred during the Games,
last a life time - and for all the right reasons…
ing things even harder.
although nearby the stadium in the Rudi
Spitz retired at 22, winning nine golds, one sil-
Sedimayer Halle, was the basketball final
Richard Potter (T51)
ver and a bronze. In those days you had to get
between USSR and the USA. In true cold war
In a message to both sections of the trade,
London Taxis and Private Hire Director, John
Mason has said that from the new Year a list
showing the name and licence number of dri-
vers whose licence has been revoked as a result
of a touting conviction, will be published on the
TfL website and that a Privacy Notice has been
updated to cover publication of the information.
Any licensed private hire driver convicted or
cautioned for touting will have their private
hire driver’s licence revoked.
Mr Mason explained that in order to carry
out the day-to-day taxi and private hire licens-
ing functions, all applicants and licensees have
to submit a range of personal information to
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
TfL. However, the Data Protection Act 1998
regulates the use of personal information by
organisations including TfL, so the London
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about variable
Taxi and Private Hire (LTPH) Privacy Notice
bank interest rates?
will set out how TfL will use the data provided
by all applicants and licensees.
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or mem-
Any licensed private hire driver convicted or
ber of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the Dial-a-Cab
cautioned for touting would have their private
hire driver’s licence revoked and should they
Credit Union. Any member of your family residing at your address
decide to appeal against it, then they should
also qualifies for membership!
inform TfL immediately.
Mr Mason ended by telling Call Sign:
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
“Touting is a serious offence that puts the pub-
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow up
lic at risk and is a threat to the business of
to 3 times your total savings…
licensed and law abiding taxi and private hire
drivers. The publication of the name and
licence number of drivers who have been con-
The cost?
victed of touting and had their licence revoked,
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.68%).
is intended to deter licensed drivers from ille-
gally touting, improve public safety and sup-
Loans can be paid back early AND there is usually an annual dividend on
port TfL’s Safer Travel at Night initiative.”
your savings.
More information about how TfL uses and
protects personal information about taxi/pri-
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
vate hire licensees is available at
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
Call Sign January 2012
Page 25
“It was one day back in August, notoriously one
of the quietest trading months of the whole
year,” Ted Bond (P04) told Call Sign with a
cheeky sparkle in his eyes, “and all I could man-
age was just one credit ride job all day! Mind
was no longer City airport but that I now had
you, it was no ordinary fare; in fact, it was
to take him to Heathrow Terminal 5 instead and
almost certainly a unique career opportunity!”
just to make life more interesting, it was via yet
So with Call Sign’s attention threshold
another meeting in St. James Street. We finally
raised, we listened to Ted as he told his story…
arrived at Heathrow at around 17.30 - over ten
“I live in West Wickham and start work
hours since I first accepted the trip!
around 7am each day. On this particular morn-
Making the day even more pleasant was the
ing I signed on to my DaC terminal as usual and
fact that it was holiday time and the roads were
booked into my home zone. Within a few min-
generally quiet so I was able to keep to good
utes, the terminal beeped into life with a trip
time between meetings and get out to the fly-
offer to pick up a credit trip from near Crystal
ers without too much worry.
Palace going to the City and then on to London
That customer was a real first rate gentleman
City Airport. Naturally I accepted the trip think-
throughout the day, understanding my waiting
ing what a lovely start to the day!
and parking problems, allowing me to do what-
It was only when I scrolled over to page 2 of
ever I felt necessary to stay out of trouble. So
my instructions that I realised this was no ordi-
long as I was back in time to get him to his next
nary job and I had to look twice at my screen
meeting, he was happy.
to confirm what I had read - You will be need-
After I set the passenger down at T5, I shot
ed all day…
round the M25 towards home. My wife hardly
Ted after his once-in-a-lifetime job!
We made numerous stops in the City - Bread
believed me when I related the days’ activities
Street, Poultry, Threadneedle Street and several
to her and I reckon it’s a ‘once-in-a-career’ sce-
other addresses within the square mile, includ-
Occasionally I would pop off for a coffee and
nario for me too…especially the £400+ and
ing Bishopsgate where we collected a young
so long as I was back in time to get him to his
421 minutes waiting time I clocked up!”
lady before they stopped for lunch in
next appointment, it was all fine. It was around
With a broad grin, Ted drove off in case a fare
Fenchurch Street.
13.30 and I managed to park up at the back of
wanted to go to West Wickham!
I was very careful where I waited while the
Fenchurch Street station rank over the lunch
passenger was at various meetings, explaining
period before the next round of business meet-
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
to him about the zealous use of enforcement
ings continued apace.
cameras and he was appreciative of the prob-
Then came the crunch terminal message that
lem allowing me to circulate the roads when I
turned this from a brilliant job into a once-in-a-
could not park comfortably nearby his meet-
lifetime one. It said that my final destination
Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers
The Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers held their 8th annual
Liverymen’s dinner on 24th November 2011. Liverymen and their guests attended a
champagne reception before the dinner itself at the magnificent Cutlers Hall in
Warwick Lane. During the court meeting, which took place before the dinner, John
Sheen was admitted as a Court Assistant. John retired from his role as WCHCD
Beadle last year and was subsequently invited to join the Court of Assistants. His
position as Beadle was taken by Dial-a-Cab’s Sean Ferry (T90).
Prior to the reception, some important admissions and presentations were made
and as usual, several were from Dial-a-Cab. Firstly, six Freemen of The Worshipful
Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers were clothed in the livery and one Honorary
Freeman was also clothed. This was Philip Scott, one of the police officers who is
involved in the annual Magical Taxi Tour and a keen supporter of the WCHCD. The
Freemen clothed were Dennis Heavin (A01), Steve Tyson (V99), James Black,
Anthony Collins, Sandra Cox and Garry Holman. Three new Freemen were also
admitted to the Company - Richard Chamberlain (C96), Gurinder Dhillon and
Kelati Measho. The clothing and admissions ceremonies were followed by the
presentation of badges and certificates to the latest students to have passed the
Cab Guide Course. All the students agreed how much they enjoyed the course
and the knowledge they had gained from it. The 15 students, as well as the new Freemen and
Liverymen, were all congratulated by the Master, Eddie Crossley, during the dinner. The WCHCD is proud of its Cab Guide Course and
the number of interested enquiries regarding future courses shows how popular the course has become.
The next course begins in February 2012, further details of which can be obtained from The Clerk, Mary Whitworth via email:
wchcd@tiscali.co.uk or Tel/Fax: 01494 765922.
At the dinner, one of the WCHCD Awards was made. These Awards are made in special circumstances to acknowledge an act of bravery, The Hitch
Award or the Friend of the Cab Trade Award. This year, the Friend of the Cab Trade Award was made to Piero Marzzi. As he presented the Award,
the Master said: “This award is being presented to someone many of you will know if you frequent any of the Piccolo café bars. Piero has given con-
tinued support for our trade over the last 35 years, not only for his first class hospitality and refreshments but for successful campaigning for rest ranks
outside two of his premises, Queen Victoria Street and Gresham Street.”
Guest speaker was Adrian Leppard, Commissioner of Police for the City of London. He gave an interesting speech that showed an understanding of
the cab trade and the demands made on it. He also spoke to several Freemen and Liverymen after the dinner about the challenges faced by the officers
serving the City of London with regard to touting and illegal minicabs. He also spoke of supporting the trade in regard to using the Olympic lanes.
Membership of the WCHCD is very diverse and all members have one thing in common. They wish to promote the world famous taxi trade as the best in
the world. Social events such as dinners are a good way of talking to colleagues within the trade. Many drivers attending this event took part in this year’s
Magical Taxi Tour. Charity and education are important roles within City Livery Companies and the WCHCD is held in high esteem throughout the City.
Our thanks to Sandie Goodwin for the report…
Call Sign January 2012
Page 26
In the December 2008 issue of Call Sign, a
Dial-a-Cab driver told how he had been
Taking the law into
accused of kidnapping his passenger, even
though he was just taking her to the police sta-
tion after she threw up in his taxi and refused
to pay him anything. She also attempted to kick
your own hands???
the driver’s taxi windows out! Fortunately a
Big Issue vendor saw everything and corrobo-
ver had a strict liability, which makes him
rated the DaC driver’s version of events. His
legally responsible for the damage and
passenger was charged with criminal damage,
loss caused by his acts regardless of fault.
found guilty and ordered to pay the driver £300
Ms Lamb was awarded £13,250 in dam-
in damages.
Now Manchester based Howard’s
Deputy District Judge Jones also commented
Solicitors have told this magazine of a similar
in his judgement that the driver had the option
incident. The case centres on false imprison-
to stop his vehicle, but continued and so posed
ment after a dispute over a taxi fare.The result-
a significant danger to other road users as well
ing accident and liability that was attributed to
as his passengers. Howards Solicitors, who
the taxi driver for the injuries sustained
work closely with the taxi trade, represented
showed that should an incident such as refusal
Ms Lamb and believe that taxi drivers must take
to pay a fare happen, then alternative legal
away key lessons away from this case.
ways must be sought and that taking the law
Gavyn Atkinson, head of personal injury
into your own hands will probably not have
and civil litigation who worked on the case at
such a happy result as our driver had in 2008.
Howards, has advised: “If you are a taxi driver
The consequences in this new case over
who believes that you have been wronged, do
a fare dispute amounted to just
not take the law into your own hands, pursue
should act as a warning now that the Law
other options. If you find yourself in a difficult
The damage to the DaC taxi in 2008.
has further clarified this issue.
position, call the Police, drop off passengers
That driver won but may well have lost
Taxi law experts Howards Solicitors are
outside their homes or places of work and note
warning drivers not to take the law into their
the address. If you can install cameras in your
own hands, even if they believe they are being
In the ensuing confrontation between the
cab, then so much the better.”
provoked following a new landmark ruling.
driver and Ms Lamb’s partner, she suffered a
Mr Atkinson continued that only in cases of
The case of Eve Lamb v Equity Red Star has
broken hip that required 6 weeks in hospital
self-defence where you honestly believe that
set a new precedent for the duty of care
after the driver lost control of his vehicle. Just
there is a threat to your physical well-being,
demanded of taxi drivers towards their pas-
as in the DaC driver’s
2008 case, the
would it be acknowledged that there might not
sengers and other road users. The taxi driver
Manchester taxi driver decided to take the cou-
be any reasonable alternative. However, cases
who was insured by Equity Red Star - the
ple to a police station despite repeated
UK’s sixth largest insurers - had been found
requests to be allowed to exit - an action that
that go to court are often not clear-cut in
liable of false imprisonment after he refused
was deemed as false imprisonment by the
regards to self-defence.
to let his passengers leave the vehicle follow-
ing a fare dispute.
This has led to a key ruling that the dri-
Taxi drivers & Owners Legal Protection Ltd
Taxi drivers Legal Protection Ltd was formed in 2009 by Alan Fleming and Dave Cohen (E94). We were both involved in the
LCDC for many years, our roles being Chairman and Treasurer / Membership Secretary.
Taxi drivers Legal Protection is not a political organisation, but we provide vital legal representation for members to protect their
licenses. We offer cover for all Hackney Carriage, motoring offences and representation for revocations and suspensions of your cab
driver’s licence, which could arise from health issues, malicious, spurious or unfounded complaints.
We now operate nationwide and have a team of Legal Appointees whose services can be called upon if and when required.
The only exclusions relate to claims made retrospectively when an applicant joins after the date of an offence. However, we will provide advice where
appropriate or provide you with a legal contact at your expense. Non-trade related civil matters are not covered including Motor Contract Disputes,
which are not covered under the terms of our Legal Insurance Expenses scheme.
Subscription Rate
Our subscriptions now start at just £8.00 a month, which are payable by Standing Order. Alternatively, subscriptions can be paid quarterly at £24.00 or
a one off annual payment of £96.00. You can also submit one cheque for £32 and two post-dated cheques dated one month apart for the same
amounts. We can also accept annual fees via PayPal. Further details are available on our website.
where you will find a printable application form for posting or joining directly online and further information regarding our services.
Alan on 07831 092123. If you have any questions, you can contact us via our electronic Online Mailing Form, which can also be located on
the website.
If you are already a member, please remember to increase your monthly or quarterly payments by instructing your bank to amend your subscription.
Finally, remember that stopping to pick up or set down on zigzag markings is an offence and should be avoided. However, it is another issue if a pas-
senger decides to board or alight while you are allowing pedestrians to cross the road or in stationary in traffic.
Dave Cohen (E94)
Call Sign January 2012
Page 27
the Editor mentioned that a number of our mem-
which should make it quicker for vehicles
bers had reported some problems and delays at
to leave the coach road. However as the sta-
the Eurostar St Pancras coach park whilst waiting
tion is a grade one listed building, it will
for their account pickups - particularly late into
take some time to get approval for this and
the evening. I was eventually able to contact the
at this stage it has not yet even been con-
Operations Manager at Eurostar and rather than
firmed as there are a few other obstacles we
change any of his answers, I thought it would be
need to overcome. I will update you should
better to insert his reply to my original email,
any further progress be made around this.
which is self-explanatory:-
And as a reminder…
The coach road is only manned from
It’s a New Year and at the risk of repeating
06:45 to 22:45 Monday to Sunday. Due to
myself, there are a number of points I would
the relatively low usage of the coach road
like to remind you of:
outside of these hours, there is no busi-
* The maximum run in (excluding TaxiCard trips
ness justification for this position being
or otherwise authorised) is £4.20 at the PB time
manned. Therefore out of these hours
Hello Ladies & Gents,
or on arrival for an ASAP trip.
taxi drivers will need to call the station
control room on 0207 843 4261 - the con-
* Remember to press your On Board Button
Due to the imposed deadline at Call Sign’s print-
troller will then radio for the nearest
(PoB) as soon as the client enters your taxi.
ers, I’m writing this article in mid-December, so I
hope you all enjoyed a busy lead-up to the
member of staff to attend the barriers to
* You must be on the actual rank at City Airport
Christmas period and into the New Year.
let the taxi drivers out, which should typ-
(CC00) before booking in.
The year ahead promises to be highly competi-
ically not be more than a few minutes at
* There is no minimum fare on a Scrubbed trip.
tive and it is even more important that we all
most. However if the number is not called,
* To ensure payment on a Credit Card trip, it is
work within the rules of the Society. Run-ins must
then it may be a while before a member of
be adhered to, high levels of customer care are
staff happens to be passing. Repeatedly
essential to obtain a signed manual receipt if
vital and generally speaking going that extra mile
beeping the horn (which often happens
you’re out of signal range and unable to print a
receipt through the terminal (most important).
to keep us ahead of the competition is so impor-
even after 11pm) will have no effect as it
cannot be heard in the control room, so it
* Please remember when you press the Arrival
Together with the help of the Call Centre, I will
may well be worth briefing out the tele-
button it does not automatically advise arrival. To
do all in my power to ensure that our Society is
phone number to drivers if you have such
advise arrival press Advise.
safeguarded and that the system is not only equal
a facility open to you. I will also ask the
* If you use the Parked button to inform the Call
for all, but that every member is dealt with equal-
control room to try to monitor CCTV
Centre of your location, this must be done before
ly. It is my opinion that we are fortunate to have a
images for this area after 22:45 and to
you actually press advise arrival (Advise).
vastly experienced Board in place that can - and
look out for vehicles waiting to leave.
will - confidently face up to the challenges that lie
However, due to the activity in there this
Finally, can I wish all of you and your
can still be missed, so would advise still
loved ones a Very Happy and Prosperous
calling the number.
2012, may you all be very lucky…
In terms of operations during the day, we
Eurostar late night
are looking into fitting a remote control sys-
Allan Evans
tem for the exit blockers that can be operat-
In last month’s issue of the magazine, both I and
ed from the hut in order to let vehicles out,
DaC Compliance Officer
Half of women say partners affect their driving, so what of those on Dial-a-Cab???
A recent survey carried out by the UK’s largest insurer, Aviva, suggests that over half of women drivers admit that having
their partner in the car adversely affects their driving! The results say that partners being present makes females feel stressed
and nervous.
Men are said to feel less likely to be affected by having their partner in the car, although one in ten say they drive more
carefully when their partner is in the car with them! However, the research also shows a similar number of men refuse to
let their partner drive their car. Of these, 20% say it’s because they do not rate their partner’s driving abilities as highly as
their own, 26% believe their car is too powerful for their partner to drive and 16% feel their partner suffers from a lack of
confidence when driving!
Heather Smith, Aviva’s director of marketing, told Call Sign:
“While men in relationships might feel more comfortable taking on the majority of driving, it is important that both
men and women regularly get behind the wheel to ensure that their skills remain fresh.”
Call Sign asked two of Dial-a-Cab’s female drivers whether they felt the survey results were accurate and that
having a partner in the car with them made them feel nervous…
Natalia Shalom (A34) was the obvious first choice as her partner Daniel Woodhouse (K84) is also a driver on Dial-
a-Cab. Natalia told Call Sign at first that Daniel’s presence in the car had no effect on her driving, but she suddenly
changed her mind.
“Now that I think about it, there are times when I’m driving and Daniel is a passenger when I do feel slightly nervous.
That probably reflects itself more in my parking, because on my own I park very well but when Daniel is next to me, I
seem to lose a bit of confidence. Yet Daniel never comments or looks as though he even wants to!”
Jackie Kott (Y88) backed Natalia’s comments and also surprised Call Sign by confirming that the survey results
were probably correct. She told us that when she was in her taxi, she had the ultimate confidence in her driving ability
and had often been complimented by passengers who perhaps were still surprised to see a woman taxi driver.
“Yet when I’m in a car and a man is next to me, I do tend to feel nervous and I really don’t know why. If that per-
son criticises your ability then it would possibly be understandable, but even when they just sit there it tends to make
me nervous. I recently road-tested a car with a view to buying it and I felt really nervous with a salesman next to me, yet
if that same man had been in the back of my taxi it wouldn’t have bothered me in the slightest!”
If you are a female on DaC, do you agree with the survey results? Call Sign will be happy to publish your
Call Sign January 2012
Page 28
At last! Call Taker
wins Call Sign comp!
Sign’s prize! And in an ironic twist, this compe-
whilst C saw the inimitable Sgt Bilko in The Phil
tition had the highest entry number ever for any
Silvers Show.
prize offered by ANY taxi magazine anywhere,
The draw was made on Monday 12 December
with a huge number of entries from drivers
by Dionne Bennett, DaC’s Human Resources
swamping the twenty or so from DaC’s third
officer. She picked the winning name out of a
huge bag stuffed with entries. The name was
There were 672 entries in total for a competi-
Jackie Franklin, a Call Centre CSR. Dionne
tion that offered a £500 prize for naming three
then picked out several others just to confirm
stills from old television programmes. The stills
that all the entries were different.
tied in with the 75th anniversary of the first ever
When Call Sign told Jackie she had won, she
broadcast and to also show that the old progs
gave out a loud scream. At first we thought she
don’t get forgotten. To make life even more diffi-
had misheard us… but she hadn’t. It was a
Call Centre Manager Keith Cain presents
cult, very few of the
672 entrants got the
scream of joy followed by a one-word comment:
Jackie with Call Sign’s £500 cheque
answers wrong.
For those who weren’t sure, picture A had the
So well done Jackie, we’re sure £500 won’t
After almost 15 years of running competitions,
Lone Ranger and Tonto in The Lone Ranger; B
have harmed her Christmas and New Year too
finally a Dial-a-Cab call taker has won Call
saw Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in I Love Lucy
As new CRB system is launched…
The Minister for Crime Prevention, Lord Henley, has announced that the Government will reconsider its view that enhanced
criminal records checks are not needed for taxi and minicab drivers. The Criminal Records Bureau informed councils earlier this
year that it was ending the 10-year practice of checking drivers via the enhanced check.
Lord Henley made the announcement during the Lords debate of the Protection of Freedoms Bill following a proposed amend-
ment to reintroduce the checks by Baroness Doocey. She had stated that in London alone, 10% of all licence applications
were refused as a result of discoveries made through an enhanced check, demonstrating the check’s clear contribution to pas-
senger safety.
Both TfL and the LGA have been lobbying for HMG to reconsider its position and welcome the announcement. TfL worked
closely with Baroness Doocey over the tabling of the amendment, which was withdrawn, but HMG committed to taking it for-
ward through other methods. The changes can be made using an amendment via the 1997 Police Act and could come into
force as early as February 2012.
In the meantime, the CRB have announced a new and more efficient procedure to help reduce processing time for London
Taxi driver licensing applications. From the end of November, the umbrella body for the CRB, TMG CRB, who are established
experts in this field, will process CRB checks for taxi driver applicants on behalf of Transport for London. As part of the change,
TMG CRB will offer all drivers the option to complete the CRB application online. However, the traditional method of completing
a paper application form will still be available if preferred.
TMG CRB will also provide a dedicated administration team to handle all queries and issues regarding CRB applications.
Guidance regarding the forms and further information will be included in licensing application packs and will also be available
on the TMG CRB website. There will be an administration cost of £13 for a paper application or £11 for an online application
(inclusive of VAT).
London Taxi and Private Hire will continue to hold the decision-making powers on all licensing applications. Helen Chapman,
Deputy Director of LTPH, told Call Sign:
“I’m very pleased to announce a new process for carrying out CRB checks and I hope that applicants will quickly reap the
rewards of a quicker, more efficient application process.”
Call Sign January 2012
Page 29
Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall and Patron
of the London Taxidrivers' Fund for
Underprivileged Children, thrilled the eight
Camilla thrills the
children, eight carers and nine committee
members who all got into the festive spirit
assisting her in decorating the Clarence House
Christmas tree. The Fund was invited, along
with 16 youngsters supported by the Helen
LTFUC Xmas kids!
and Douglas House Hospice for children.
After helping the children decorate the tree,
The Duchess also supplied some Clarence
House tea along with biscuits, chocolate,
crisps and cakes! Her Equerry, Captain
Charles Fraser-Sampson of the Welsh
Guards - who was dressed in his traditional
scarlet tunic - cheered the children by let-
ting them try on his bearskin!
Before tea, LTFUC’s Hon President and
Dial-a-Cab’s longest serving driver Bill
Tyzack BEM
(C06), introduced each
Committee member separately to Her Roya
Highness while the Fund’s Hon Chair Susan
Angel thanked her for inviting them. Before
leaving, Camilla handed each child a goody bag
One of them had Call Sign’s photographer Alan
remembered the name of every one of
filled with sweets and Christmas gifts and then
Green (E52) squeezed in, whist the lead cab, dri-
the kids. It was just a magnificent day with her
went outside to inspect the fund’s Reindeer
ven by ComCab’s Steve Bell certainly created a
staff admitting that this was one of her
taxi. Her broad smile told how amused the
stir as it drove the journey decked out as
favourite days of the year!”
sight made her!
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!
The NW8 school was named after the former
The eight children supported by the LTFUC
Dial-a-Cab Board member and LTFUC
DaC and LTFUC Chairman, Jack Taylor (see
are all students at the Jack Taylor School for
Committee member, Mike Son, told Call Sign:
Mike Son’s article in this issue for sad news
children with severe learning disabilities. They
“The Duchess was just brilliant with the chil-
about the school)…
were collected from the school in Swiss Cottage,
dren. Not only was she the perfect host but she
and driven to Clarence House in a fleet of taxis.
The Vito and Albert Bridge
Last month’s Call Sign gave the date when
The Vito
Albert Bridge would be reopening. The arti-
CAN use
cle mentioned nothing about exceptions,
however a driver on Dial-a-Cab put out a
message that said that so far as taxis were
concerned, only TX4s would be able to use
the repaired Thames crossing and that due to
the Vito’s heavier weight they would not be
allowed to use it. Naturally that caused Vito
drivers some considerable concern with the
fear that trips in the Mercedes taxi would
cost considerably more than the same trip in
an LTI cab.
That driver’s information was incorrect and
Albert Bridge’s new weight limit of three
tonnes (up from the previous two tonnes) is
more than ample to allow Vitos cross there.
However, Vito owners should be extra careful
The Flower Mill
when negotiating the northbound bollards
just before the bridge as the gap doesn’t
Creating Beautiful Flowers For Weddings
allow Vitos too much room.
When asking the Contact Centre to put a
message out, please be certain that the infor-
Tel: 07854 738895
mation is correct as that driver’s message
reached the hallowed halls of London Taxis
and Private Hire, causing Call Sign to get a
message from our licensing masters asking
whether the original message came from
Email: theflowermill@yahoo.co.uk
Transport for London as LTPH hadn’t been
told about it. As it wasn’t true, that probably
Covering Essex & The Surrounding Counties
explained why they hadn’t been told!
But the bottom line is that Vitos CAN use
Albert Bridge…
“It is at the edge of a petal that love waits”- William Carlos Williams
Alan Fisher
Call Sign January 2012
Page 30
Dial-a-Cab’s daytime shift operations Manager
in the Contact Centre, Lee Moreland, recent-
Lee’s Santa run for Rainbow Trust
ly completed the annual 10K Santa Run in aid
of the Rainbow Trust. He ran with his broth-
er-in-law Stephen Palmer, who works for
Nomura - part sponsors of the event.
Lee told Call Sign: “I joined 2,000 other
Santa's to take part in the charity run around
Greenwich Park. I was running for Rainbow
Trust, a very special organisation that supports
families who are facing the unimaginable
prospect of losing their child to a life-threaten-
ing or terminal illness. By providing both emo-
tional and practical support, they strive to help
families through this devastating time.
The support given to the families in Rainbow
Trust care starts from diagnosis and can con-
tinue throughout treatment. Rainbow provides
immediate help to families in turmoil.”
All the money that came in through Lee’s
sponsorship went directly to Rainbow Trust,
helping them to support 1,150 families in
England over the Christmas period, many of
Lee after the Santa run
who spent the festive season in hospital.
the treatment, but they can - and do - help fam-
So well done Lee. Mind you, we didn’t realise
Rainbow Trust can’t change the diagnosis or
ilies to cope.
you had a disguise on!
Fiona’s Disney at Disney!
If you have been in the taxi business for more than 10 minutes, you’ll
know that the Children's Magical Taxi Tour is organised yearly by the
Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers. Each year it take
around 200 children - many of whom suffer with life-threatening illness-
es - to the Disneyland Resort, Paris. Many of the volunteer drivers and
organisers are from Dial-a-Cab, but in this case that comes second to
the brilliant job they all do. The children have an amazing weekend and
the trade gets some welcome good publicity rather than the nit-picking
the press usually love to lay on us!
Once each year, the WCHCD lay on a Christmas gala ball in which they
raise funds for the next Disney trip via raffles and an auction. This year’s
ball raised over £4000 and included in that magnificent total was a
hand-made Disney cross stitch picture of Mickey and Minnie Mouse
from Dial-a-Cab Customer Service Representative, Fiona Mclachlan.
This is the second time Fiona has made a cross stitch for the WCHCD
auction and just like last time, it was snapped up in ultra-quick time.
On behalf of WCHCD Master, Eddie Crossley, DaC driver and for-
mer Master Jim Rainbird (T25) asked Call Sign to thank Fiona for her amazing piece of
artistry. And of course we are happy to do so…
Presented to the London Taxi Company’s Nigel Walters…
Fellowship of the Institute of Export and International Trade!
On 8 November 2011, The London Taxi Company’s Nigel Walters, who is their Export Logistics Manager, was awarded a
Fellowship of the Institute of Export and International Trade.
Nigel has been working in the overseas logistics business for over 26 years. During his latter 11 years and while working
for The London Taxi Company, Nigel has seen the iconic and purpose-built London Taxi sold into more than 60 countries
around the world.
Nigel is also active within various export forums in his local community, which help support and inform local international traders.
He was presented with his Certificate of Fellowship by Doug Tweddle CBE, who is both National Chairman and Vice-
President of The Institute of Export and International Trade, having recently retired as Director of HM Customs and
“A Fellowship can only be given by invitation from the Institute and it is always a pleasure to reward local members who
have made an exceptional contribution to the achievement of the Institute's principal aims of representing and supporting the
interests of everyone involved in importing, exporting and international trade,” said Mr Tweddle during the presentation.
Nigel told Call Sign: “I am obviously flattered and pleased to receive this award and would like to thank The London Taxi
Company for their support in allowing me to be so involved in my vocation.”
2011 was a record year for exports of the London Taxi with an order of 1000 vehicles received from Azerbaijan and over
125 vehicles delivered into the Middle East.
Call Sign January 2012
Page 31
For the
past two
issues of
Arbitrator elected
Call Sign,
D a C
Pears has
five consecutive year’s membership, to apply
and no election will now be needed.
a vacancy
before Monday 12 December and that a postal
The new member is Garry White (L65). He
ballot would then take place at a future time.
has been driving a cab for 24 years and been a
DaC sub-
Candidates were also invited to send a brief CV
member of Dial-a-Cab for 22 of them.
scriber to
for publication in Call Sign.
Garry told Call Sign: “I am delighted to be
By 12 December, just one driver had
on the Arbitration committee and will always
an Arbitrator. Howard asked for those interest-
applied and will be classified as a volun-
give my fair and considered opinion whenever
ed who could meet the minimum criteria of
teer for the DaC Arbitration committee
asked to do so.”
Goodbye to DaC...
It happens to us all at some time and now it’s Monty Dobrin’s (B56) turn!
Monty tells Call Sign the story…
“I have been a licensed taxi driver since 1958 and a member of ODRTS since 1975 and enjoyed
every minute of it. I only work two days a week now and my P Reg Fairway taxi, which is still in
good condition, has to come off the road by 17th February 2012. I am too old to buy another taxi
and don't want to go and hire a taxi from a garage as I don't like working without the radio.
So I have now decided that enough is enough and I am going to
retire and would like to wish Call Sign and everybody at Dial-a-Cab
the best of luck for the future. But does anyone know what I can do
with my Fairway in February…?”
So the best of luck in your retirement Monty. But can anyone tell
Monty what he can do with his Fairway - and please keep it clean!
In the charming full colour children’s book Toby Meets
the Queen by Edwin Vaux (Troubador Publishing
£5.50) Toby the Taxi takes a job in a million when
his passenger asks to be taken to Buckingham Palace!
The title of the book gives a clue to all the fun and
excitement that is about to befall Toby.
This is the first in the Toby the Taxi series,
which follows the adventures of a rather special
London taxi. He encounters many unusual situa-
tions as we London taxi drivers often do, but
despite difficult circumstances everything will
turn out well in the end. The series is educational
and informative for children, introducing the
geography and history of one of the world’s
great capitals.
For a great deal in taxi tyres
As Toby reaches the Palace, he desperately
looks for a glimpse of the Queen but to no avail.
However, his disappointment is forgotten when a
curious encounter occurs later that day.
Toby meets the Queen is beautifully illustrated,
bringing the scenes in the book to life whilst
enhancing the delightful characters in the series.
No, Toby isn’t on Dial-a-Cab, but he really is a
very nice taxi and all children will love reading
about his adventures.
Author Edwin Vaux has been inspired by his
life experience having been a London cab driver
since 1963 and of course he has the Knowledge
Tiger Tyres
in addition to lots of stories and situations for
Toby to get into!
472 Hackney Road, E2
Toby Meets the Queen by Edwin Vaux
(Troubador Publishing £5.50)
0207 729 5237
Call Sign January 2012
Page 32
I’m pleased to say that in 2012 the London
Taxidrivers’ Fund for Underprivileged
LTFUC Hon Chair Report 2011
Children will be celebrating 84 years of help-
ing disabled and disadvantaged children. The
and for her website prowess, Elaine for her
fund is made up of a group of trustees - eleven
help at events, Ros and Maxine for their help
men and two women - and it gives me pride
and common sense, Maria, Tony and Susan for
and pleasure to say that following the footsteps
your help and kindness and all for their
of many great honorary Chairmen, I became
patience and last, but not least, my husband
Honorary Chair in December 2010. My first act
Gerald whose love and support I could not do
was to present the Joseph Clarke School (for
children with visual impairment and other
Larry Abrahams retired at the AGM, so I
health problems) with some special computer
would like to take this opportunity to thank
equipment enabling them to take their GCEs
him on behalf of the Honorary President,
and A levels on software compatible to their
trustees and children for his hard work and
needs. The energy of the pupils and commit-
commitment over the many years he has
ment of the teachers was amazing and very
belonged to this Fund. I would also like to
heart rendering.
tinued support and for the cheque donated to
thank his wife Susan for her hard work and
In December 2010 we were graciously
support and wish them good health and happi-
invited to Clarence House by our patron Her
My first year as Honorary Chair has brought
ness in their retirement.
Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall to
many exciting and wonderful events to preside
Sheldon Collins left the fund this year and on
take some disabled children from the Jack
over. The meetings are always a lively affair with
behalf of the Honorary President and trustees,
Taylor School for lunch and to help decorate
each project sorted, sometimes with or with-
we would like to thank him for his past endeav-
their ground floor Christmas tree. What a day
out humour, but always with professionalism. I
ours. I also thank Helen and the children for
we all had and may I thank HRH the Duchess of
work alongside a most wonderful set of com-
their help and wish them all the best for the
Cornwall for the most special invite.
mittee members, these hard working guys and
Also in December 2010, for the first time in
girl are a great team. We work as hard as we can
Last but not least, I would like to thank the
this charity’s history we held a Gala Christmas
for no remuneration and give that most pre-
drivers, their partners, families and all those
Concert in St John’s, Smith Square featuring The
cious commodity - time. I look forward to what-
people who tirelessly give up their time to
London Charity Orchestra with Sir William
ever the next year brings us as trustees,
come along and support the LTFUC time and
Carslake conducting, guest flute soloist Emma
because I know we will do our best and I thank
time again.
Halnan and harpist Hannah Butler and the
them for their continued support.
Fund activity reports can be found at
choir of the Finchley Children’s Music Group.
I would also like to thank the wives and part-
I would like to thank all those wonderful musi-
ners of the trustees, Grace, Evelyn and Sandra
cians and choristers for their time and exper-
for their help and understanding, Maureen for
Susan Angel
tise and for making the evening such a tremen-
her help, kindness, for the party entertainers
LTFUC Honorary Chair
dous success. I would also like to thank those
who sponsored the evening.
Welcomed by the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign as we head towards the Olympics…
Then came January 2011 and the 39th annu-
al Mad Hatters Tea Party in the Great Room of
the Grosvenor House. There were over 600 dis-
abled and disadvantaged children at this great
Taxi ranks at Heathrow, Victoria, Kings
event and I’d like to thank all the celebrities,
Cross, City Airport, Stratford and
performers, clowns and furry characters etc for
Paddington have seen the launch of a
their input. I would also like to thank the
new accessibility awareness campaign
Grosvenor House and staff for their continued
from LTPH compliance officers, which
support in allowing us to stage this event.
has been welcomed by the Muscular
In June 2011 Bill Tyzack BEM (C06), Lilian
Dystrophy Campaign Trailblazers, a
leading campaign group for young dis-
Julier, Ray Levy and I were invited to meet
abled people.
HRH The Princess Royal, Princess Anne at The
Over the course of three days, the
Ahoy Centre in Bermondsey. Princess Anne was
officers visited the ranks and engaged
very gracious and understanding on the sub-
with around 500 drivers, handing out lea
jects that we London cabbies like to chat about
reminding them of specific responsibilities to disabled passengers. Many drivers
- you know, the weather, traffic and putting the
were from Dial-a-Cab, who already cover the Westminster TaxiCard account. Bobby Ancil,
world to rights!
Trailblazers Project Manager, told Call Sign:
In July 2011we had our annual outing to
“Accessible taxis are often the only mode of transport that many disabled people can use to get
Southend for over 300 disabled and disadvan-
to their destination safely and independently in and around London. Hackney carriages in London
are physically accessible to many wheelchair users, which should be recognised and celebrated.
taged children. A great big thank you is sent to
Given this, it is regrettable that it can often be a driver’s attitude that leads to a person being left
all those people involved. Also in July 2011 we
stranded. The freedom to be spontaneous and hail a taxi on the street should be the same for
attended the summer barbecue of Giving Kids
anyone, regardless of whether they are disabled. So TfL’s campaign on-street activity is a welcome
a Break. We donate to this very good cause and
decision so that drivers understand not only their legal obligations, but also their responsibilities as
it is good to see how well spent our donation
taxi drivers. Providing exceptional service is a long term investment providing a vital service
enabling disabled people to live independently and with confidence.”
September 2011 saw us participating in
The awareness raising exercise gave drivers the opportunity to engage directly with compliance
the Pearlies Harvest Festival at The Guildhall
officers and to ask for advice in using equipment such as the intermediate step, access ramp or
and afterwards at the famous St Mary-Le- Bow
securing wheelchairs correctly.
Church in the City. The Pearly King and Queens
The rank visits mark the start of a concerted campaign by TfL to ensure London’s taxi
support us constantly, for which we are very
trade is fully prepared and equipped to provide a top class service for all visitors to the
capital, ahead of the Olympic and Paralympic Games next year.
grateful. October 2011 saw our Fun Day in
Director of Taxi and Private Hire at LTPH, John Mason, told Call Sign: “I was delighted to hear
Covent Garden when we took over part of the
of the positive response to our accessibility campaign, which once again highlights why London
Piazza and a great time was had by all those
cab drivers are so widely respected around the world. I am sure the London’s cab trade will contin-
attending. In December we had great pleasure
ue to support this campaign and ensure that they and their vehicles are fully equipped to cater for
in attending the Taxi Driver of the Year dinner
all passengers in the run up to and during the London 2012 Games.”
and dance and are very grateful for their con-
Call Sign January 2012
Page 33
Either write to Call Sign at
Dial-a-Cab House
or email us at
lanes regardless, as he did the M4, he
for local and long distance journeys’. We
Addison Lee
would then refuse to pay the PCN fines
showed the website to LTPH Director
Hi Alan
and elect to go to the European court
John Mason, who came back later that
I’ve been thinking about Addy Lee’s taking
where he always claimed that he would
day to tell us that they had now spoken
control of Lewis Day’s minicab fleet and it
win. But I can’t see TfL or the Highway
to the operator/owner and explained
got me thinking (if you say I shouldn't think,
Agency allowing rulings from
why he couldn’t use the word ‘Taxi’.
then you’re not the first)! That's two big play-
Strasbourg to overtake our own ones,
LTPH then gave him 5 days to have his
ers under control of Addy Lee now, the first
because if every minicab firm was
website amended. This was followed up
being Premier Cars before Lewis Day. So how
allowed in the lanes then they might as
by a letter, so hopefully by the time you
many big minicab fleets are left? When it
well be shut anyway. But we’ll see …Ed
read this Camden Taxis will be renamed
comes to tendering for these huge corporate
CLC Express and have removed any
accounts, who's left? How many car compa-
nies are left with fleets of more than 200 or
Thank you Jon and
mention that suggests they are what
they patently are not
- taxis! John
300 cars? How many cars do you need
all of you…
Mason went on to add that LTPH recog-
to tender for a major investment bank or cor-
nise that the place to stop this type of
porate law firm or to service a London air-
I had a visit today from Chris Hanrahan
thing is at the point of licensing and
port terminal? It makes me wonder why
(B47) with a card and gift on behalf of Jon
that there should be no reason why any-
Lewis Day has given it all up, do they see lit-
(W94) and a whole bunch of
one they licence should be in any way
tle profit from this work? As I understand it,
London’s finest, which rendered me speech-
unclear about their obligations and the
their hospital transport is still in business.
less. For some time I was feeling slightly
regulations. He ended by telling Call
This may be good for the radio taxi circuits,
embarrassed; that gave way to feeling humble
Sign that they were looking to strength-
the fewer firms that can tender the better for
and hubris at the same time. I felt humble to
en what they did in that respect …Ed
us. I know there are some companies that
tried minicabs and have not been happy
have received so generous a donation from
with their service or drivers, or am I just a
colleagues and friends, some of whom I now
PCN win
meet so infrequently. I regard it as even more
With Addy Lee taking over these compa-
generous when you consider how hard it is
Congratulations on getting off your Waterloo
nies, that gives little scope for DaC to step in
to make a crust out there at present.
PCN (From the Editor, Dec Call Sign). I’m
and take over a profitable car service to take
Therefore be assured your generous gift will
gutted now that I didn’t appeal my PCN and
them on.
not be wasted but spent wisely on wine,
just paid up…
Jon Robinson (E88)
women (at least one), feasting and song!
Barry Spear (Y16)
Hi Jon, yes, there are still a number of
My feelings quickly changed to one of
I appeal every PCN Barry, and I now also
big minicab companies out there and
immense pride - pride in being able to count
add that I am a part of TfL’s transport
some, like Brunel, carry a substantial
as friends a group of people possessing such
system! It worked for that one at
amount of respect. I can’t help but won-
a generosity of spirit, which is incalculable
Waterloo (Lambeth Council) and the
der whether there will come a time
and transcends money. Wherever I travel, I
one I got on the same day along Euston
when the names of Dial-a-Cab and A N
shall always rejoice in belonging to such a
Road (TfL), where my front wheels
Other Cab become one? Either way, I
entered a yellow box junction. Sadly I
now believe that there may be just two
Vaya Con Dios…
cannot offer any guarantees that it will
choices left for us. One is to maintain
Jeff Foster
help - but I don’t suppose it can hurt
the status quo and remain as we are and
Last month’s Call Sign told how Jon
either! …Ed
as things stand, that could be a danger-
Trevor did 1000 push and sit ups in aid
ous ploy with traffic overtaking us all
of his friend, former DaC driver and
GPS v Zonal
around. The second choice - and as
Saracens rugby player, Jeff Foster, who
Dear Al
much as I never thought I would say it
after being diagnosed with cancer had
I was on Mountview (Radio Taxis Group for
in print - could be to demutualise and
to have a kidney removed. We all wish
new drivers) when they had the same MDI
put the fear of God into everyone else
you well Jeff …Ed
system that DaC was using at the time. Work
flooded in. Then they decided to change to
Taxi or minicab???
GPS via the Pathfinder satellite system. There
Addy Lee and bus
Hi Alan
was an immediate drop in the number of jobs
I thought this might interest Call Sign read-
being offered. It was probably due to the fact
ers, bearing in mind the trade description act
that as Richard Potter said (December Call
I just heard a conversation between a Lewis
etc. Take a look at this website with its fla-
Sign), the work comes to you and drivers
Day driver and Marshal outside DB at London
grant use of the word taxi for what is obvi-
who previously did little radio work were
Wall. They were talking about LD merging
accepting work that they hadn't bothered
with Addison Lee, that AL had recently been
london247.co.uk. Mind you, they do have
with before. But if the closest cab rejected a
involved in a case in the European Court re
two sizes of plumber’s vans!
job, it wasn't necessarily offered to the next
the use of London bus lanes and that they
Jon Robinson (E88)
nearest. Perhaps they have improved the sys-
would be using them as of March 2012. Then
Thanks for passing it over Jon. Among
tem, but you were always a slave to the GPS
one said that John Griffin would pay any PCN
other things, after welcoming readers to
and it got to the point where Mountview
fines as he did on the M4 bus lane. Is it just
the ‘taxi company in Camden’ this web-
became the radio circuit with the most street
gossip or will that come true?
site for Camden Taxis or CLC Express
work! You rarely had a chance to use your
Divyesh Ruparelia (V59)
claimed to be a ‘local and reliable taxi
If John Griffin told his drivers to use bus
company’ and that they provided ‘taxis
But there are anomalies with the Zonal sys-
Call Sign January 2012
Page 34
continued from page 33
tem. Why for instance is NW4 the back-up
story. My only hope is that the stickers
zone for NW2, NW7, NW11 and N3, yet
are difficult to remove in case the odd
NW11 only seems to back up NW3? But on
“dodgy” passenger is searching for a
the whole, ours is an excellent system and I
green badge sticker! I’m sure you get
we are not in the same league as the multi-
don't think it can be beaten.
my drift.
ples, but if they can cut prices while increas-
On a different topic, over the past couple
You will also read inside this issue of
ing their turnover, why can’t we also make
of years more than one driver has suggested
a new facility available where you will
that small gesture? After all, some big
the introduction of fixed prices. The BoM's
be able to check online whether a taxi is
accounts already have a cap on gratuities of
reply has always been the same - if we offer
green or yellow badge. In addition,
just a £2 and just one extra trip a day would
customers cheaper fares, then they'll demand
LTPH / police stepped up their enforce-
more than make up for it. And how many
them when things get better! But it seems
ment checks at ranks and set down
street legals do you now get anyway? It’s
that everyone from George Osborne to the
spots to check whether yellow badges
almost becoming the norm.
guy selling the Big Issue outside Kings Cross
were working, in addition to checking
We are heading into what could be the
knows that's not going to happen anytime
that driver’s Bills were genuine with sto-
worst kipper season for many years, so please
soon. So with Addison Lee even bigger than
ries of some cloning doing the rounds
let’s give some thought as to how we can
ever, should we still persist with that attitude?
induce our clients to use us more. I am trying
On the other hand, if the BoM know when
to be a bit shrewd and not condescending,
things are going to improve, can they please
but please just give it some thought because
let me know as I don't want to be on holiday
DaC defection?
whichever way you look at it, ten percent of
when that day comes!
I have heard from a reliable source that a
nothing will never come to more than noth-
Geoff Levene (W32J)
member of the Dial-a-Cab Board has defected
Brian Rice replies: Hmmm! Going by
to Brunel. Could you please confirm this and
From everyone in the Contact Centre, may
what we read in the papers Geoff, I
tell me what will happen with regards to
I wish you a very happy New Year and a not
doubt that you can book up a holiday
electing a replacement at the next AGM,
too bad kipper season.
that far in advance anyway! On the
which is a non-electable one?
Ivor Belkin (C97)
other hand, the papers are not always
One of 43 drivers sending in the same
Whether you agree with Ivor or not, as
right and let’s hope that is the case this
someone who both drives a taxi and also
time. Regarding DaC’s backup zones,
As Call Sign readers know, I rarely
works every Saturday in the Call - sorry,
every zone has up to eight back up
publish letters where the writer does
Contact - Centre, his views must be
zones and the Contact Centre will dic-
not want their name published, howev-
worth at least listening to …Ed
tate what those zones are. If there is an
er in this case the reason I have left out
anomaly, then it can be changed…
any name is because the above rumour
spread like wildfire and after 43 text
Winter tyres…
messages on the subject, I was forced to
Yellow badges and
Hi Al
put my phone on silent as it was stop-
I have a Mercedes Vito and read in The Sun
ping Linda enjoying Emmerdale!
that many people are fitting winter tyres to
I was wondering whether other drivers have
The truth is that no Board member
their cars, but that they should check with
noticed the overwhelming numbers of yel-
has departed to Brunel and neither
their insurers whether they are covered as
low badge drivers swamping central London.
were any asked to jump ship. Like most
sometimes the tyres are not fitted correctly
Could this escalating problem please be men-
rumours, this one probably began with
to the steel hub. In the event of a claim, the
tioned in Call Sign along with TfL’s reason
a driver hearing a story, putting two and
insurer could refuse to pay out. I have now
for delaying the identification yellow and
two together and arriving at 94.75! The
written to Hancock Tyres to enquire about
green stickers?
story involved former DaC Sales
their winter tyres as they seem to be the only
David Bowers (N28)
Manager, David Adelman, who had been
people with winter taxi tyres. The only prob-
I know in the last issue I said I didn’t
with Brunel’s Sales department for
lem is that they seem to be only R rated. I
know the answer, but I’ve now heard
many years. He has now moved back
have asked whether they are prepared to
build a taxi winter tyre. I will let Call Sign
that they are on order and will be issued
into the taxi side with one of the new
know if I get a positive response.
shortly. The process will begin with
App companies. Someone must have
Gary Cox (O46)
green stickers but will obviously have
heard that, possibly didn’t realise that
missed the holidays so far as yellow
David left years ago and Bob’s your
badges are concerned. But it looks like
uncle, the latest rumour to sweep the
CBC Canada
being the last Xmas that those yellow
trade! …Ed
Hi Alan
badges who flout the rules will be able
I was driving home yesterday afternoon lis-
to do so as easily as they have in the
tening to the CBC Winnipeg report on how
Taking a tip from an
past. I am also delighted that LTPH took
London taxi drivers have big brains from
no notice of the ludicrous argument put
old fuddy duddy?
memorizing street names. The reporter said
forward by a “spokesperson” for yellow
I admit before starting that I am an old fuddy
he had interviewed a London cab driver for
badge drivers who seemed to have cre-
duddy but if drivers would actually give some
the segment and I thought to myself: "I won-
ated his own organisation with the sole
thought as to what we may be able to
der if it's going to be Alan?" And it was! Nice
intention of stopping suburban drivers
achieve, we could possibly help to alleviate a
to hear your voice at last…
having to use yellow stickers on their
problem. So once again I’d like to say in Call
Norman Beattie
taxis. His reasoning compared the stick-
Sign that I believe we should consider the
Winnipeg, Canada
ers with the awful yellow star that Jews
abolition of gratuities. I know some of you
For some reason, Canada and the US
had to wear as identification in Nazi
will be up in arms about it but without wish-
have resurrected the London taxi dri-
ghettos and death camps during the
ing to sound condescending, if that increased
ver’s hippocampus debate and Canada’s
war. The fact that he saw no objection in
our share of work and was beneficial would
CBC network interviewed me to ask
wearing a yellow badge told its own
we even notice the lack of tips? I realise that
how big my brain was! They seemed
Call Sign January 2012
Page 35
continued from page 34
quite surprised when I told them I knew
around 28,000 streets but couldn’t
remember the name of our neighbour’s
dog! For those who weren’t around at
found myself in front of an Adjudicator. He
the time, Call Sign was approached
Thanks from the
played the footage and without me even say-
some years ago to recruit volunteers to
ing a word in my own defence, he dismissed
Poppy Ball
have their brains scanned. Expenses
the case! I was almost disappointed at not
Dear Mr Evans
were paid and from that day both we
being able to state my case, but at least I left
The Poppy Ball Committee would like to
and our hippocampi became world-
there with a broad smile. The Adjudicator said
thank you very much for your wonderful
wide celebrities! Norman Beattie is a
that the footage MUST start before the vehi-
help with the Ball on 10 November. It was
taxi historian who has written for Call
cle enters the box junction. In my case I was
wonderful to have both Marshals
Sign on several occasions …Ed
already in it. So I have to ask how many peo-
Tyson V99) and Mike Harris (F79) on hand to
ple have paid up in box junctions when they
Yellow box PCNs and
help our guests after the Ball. They were
didn’t need to?
extremely charming and handled our guests
If any DaC drivers find themselves
how to win the appeal!
in a very professional and friendly manner as
with a PCN for entering a yellow box
The roadworks in Piccadilly and St James
it was an extremely difficult area to find taxis
junction, it may be helpful if you quote
were an absolute nightmare and thank God
after midnight.
Paragraph 7 (1) of Part II of schedule 19
they are now finished - in particular the yel-
We hope we may continue to count on
to the Traffic Signs Regulations and
low box at the junction with Berkeley Street.
your support next year. The date of the ball
Traffic often backed up to Hyde Park Corner
General Directions 2002.
has now been set but the venue is currently
If you get caught in a box junction, always
and it could take 20 minutes to exit Berkeley
being scouted.
Street. The choice was often between going
make a representation that the relevant coun-
Marina Lobanov-Rostovsky and Rula Al-
through a red light or getting stuck in the yel-
cil must reply to. The fine will remain at its
low box. I chose the latter and received a
original cost and even if you don’t win at
Poppy Ball Co-Chairmen
PCN with a single photo showing my cab in
least you will have had the satisfaction of
Last month’s Call Sign told how Steve
the box. Unless I could access the internet
delaying payment and giving the council
Tyson got rid of several drunkards who
footage, I had no idea from the single pic
some extra work to do!
made a show of themselves outside the
whether an offence had been committed or
Mike Lyons (Y52)
Drapers Hall venue, eventually needing
not but Westminster said that one photo was
There is an article elsewhere in this
the assistance of the police. He also
all they needed to send. I found that aston-
issue from Mike Lyons about a shocking
thanked drivers on the rank for coming
ishing! I appealed on the grounds that the
disagreement between an Adjudicator
to his assistance when one of the
yellow box was unworkable while the road-
and Westminster following his use of the
drunks began pushing him, so this show
works were going on and some weeks later I
Aldwych toilets …Ed
of gratitude is most welcome …Ed
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