DaC hero
commended in
court for saving
lives after
horror crash!
Call Sign December 2012
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
The festive season is here again and more than usual, partygoers want West End clubs. So I have listed some of the
clubs and speciality bars / restaurants you may be asked for.
Nash's Numbers would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Don' t forget to visit
www.nashsnumbers.co.uk which not only has all the back issues but direct access to the MyFav website designed as
your ideal "Home Page", combine this with the unlock code of taxi and this will be your best launch pad to every-
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Call Sign December 2012
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
who bought new cabs and then couldn’t drive
So who are the mugs?
There is no doubt that Hailo’s expansion has
But if we do what the LCDC suggests and have
been astonishing. It was launched in 2011 in
open entry into the London cab trade with the
London and now operates in Toronto, Boston
25foot turning circle done away with - the
and as of a few weeks ago, in the city of Chicago.
Peugeot E7 is about to test the Conditions of
Hailo CEO and founder, Jay Bregman, said at
Fitness - I think I can safely say that within ten
the latest launch:
years there will be no such thing as a black taxi
“Hailo joins the long list of Chicago innova-
and we’ll all be driving cars and become one
tions including automatic Stop/Go signs, the
Pullman Sleeping Car and the famous Checker
I used to think that if you wanted to join a club,
Taxi Cab.”
then you needed to be able to meet the require-
He could have added the wind, but those nice
ments of that club; now some are saying that we
Americans might have got the wrong end of Mr
should let anyone into our club and we should be
Bregman’s stick! But he did also give the familiar
the ones to drop those requirements - that being
spiel about how easy it is to call a Hailo cab using
the turning circle. However, for the present, there
just your smartphone.
will be 500 new TX4s up for sale early in the new
What he didn’t say, no doubt for obvious rea-
year and I have a feeling that the prices will be
sons, was that Chicago users will pay an extra
very competitive. Beyond that, who knows and
$1.50 to Hailo when it’s quiet and $2.75 during
the Olympic Route Network lanes, I made a joke
that is very sad...
peak times, so that unlike the world’s best taxi dri-
about it but in reality felt rather embarrassed
vers here in London who are being made to sell
because it goes against the professionalism of our
DaC hero!
themselves cheap, Chicago passengers pay for the
trade that I for one am proud of.
John Ward (R88) has been on DaC for eight
service as against over here where the poor driver
I make no bones about being a member of the
years and so far as Call Sign can ascertain, has
coughs up so that the passenger pays less.
LTDA and my belief that they are way out in front
never appeared in any of our pages before. But he
Yes, so as the headline above says, who are the
of any other unit representing cab drivers. But
certainly is now, having put himself at great risk in
they are among the biggest culprits. So come on
order to prevent any further loss of life in addition
Steve, there is no point in being the boss if you
to the innocent man who was killed while driving
Dated trade?
can’t do what you want, and surely out-of-date
home to his pregnant wife and three young chil-
The licensed taxi trade is currently under more
posters can’t be that difficult to pull down! And if
dren. His car was hit by a young man showing off
pressure than since the time that Oliver
you do it (not personally of course), the others
to his girlfriend when travelling along the A13 at
Cromwell got into a strop when his Hackney
organisations will follow - as they do in everything
an horrendous 155mph following an argument
(nee Hacknye) refused to take him to Peckham
between the two. The accident caused carnage.
for his urgent meeting with Dolly Trotter!
John’s story is told inside this issue; we also
Not only could we be short of taxis heading
Manganese administration
detail a letter to the DaC driver from the court
into what could well be a busy Christmas, but pri-
Many years ago, I organised a course for Dial-a-
where the judge praised his actions that may well
vate hire have organised themselves into a (fairly)
Cab taxi drivers who wanted to service and repair
have saved more lives.
well-oiled machine and as much as we have a pop
their own cabs. After several meetings, I finally got
On occasions, the WCHCD present an award
at Addison Lee, you can’t help but have a sneak-
Barking Technical College - as it was then called
for bravery. Whilst John would never dream of
ing admiration at how a company has walked in
- to agree to a course, providing I managed to get
putting himself forward, in our humble opinion
and cashed in on what we stupidly gave away -
10 drivers. I advertised it and within two days,
the trade charity and Livery Company behind the
the colour black. How many times has this maga-
forty DaC drivers asked to go on it and four class-
wonderful Disneyland Paris annual weekends for
zine been castigated by drivers for using the
es were eventually organised with a City and
sick children, need look no further than John
expression “black cabs” rather than licensed taxis?
Guilds accreditation available at the end of the
But hey, it’s nice to see that the LCDC are now
course for successful drivers.
coming on board via their Chairman Grant Davis
Strangely, the first person to pass was a woman,
Writing for Call Sign
and columnist Mickey Walker, who are now
Mary Leaming (ex-C44), who was not only the
Call Sign’s Richard Potter (T51) has decided
both talking about cabs being black. Sadly it’s
first woman to go on the course, but was also the
that he needs a rest from writing, so we are ask-
now a bit late, I think.
first person to gain that City and Guilds accredita-
ing if anyone out there fancies taking over his
All we really have left is our good name because
tion. I personally gave up the course as I soon
monthly space?
passengers often tell drivers that we are falling
realised that I didn’t like getting oily hands! But
All you need is the ability to put your thoughts
behind the times in our choice of clothing and
the course continued for years afterwards.
into words. You will have the freedom to say what
vehicle. But whether that has any basis or not, we
Eventually, ComCab drivers complained that they
you want (within reason), but what I’d like is
have one thing that Addy Lee and co can never
wanted to also go on the course and I had to
someone who regardless of whether they belong
take from us without doing the Knowledge - our
open it up to the trade. But enough of the histo-
to a trade organisation, is happy to give their own
professionalism. Whether that shows itself in an
ry lesson...
views on any subjects - preferably connected to
old Metrocab or a brand new Vito with a driver
Back to the present; mechanics still working for
taxi driving.
who looks like he has just come from the family
Manganese Bronze under the administration of
It isn’t quite as easy as some might think
chimney sweeping business, what the passenger
PWC are surely of a higher standard than we ama-
because I will always be nagging for your next col-
knows is that whoever is driving, that licensed taxi
teurs that attended Barking Tech, so why did it
umn, so just because you have one thing you
will get them to their destination in the quickest
take so long to finally sort out the TX4 steering
want to say, you will need far, FAR more than that.
if possible, but always in the best available way.
box fault? At the time of writing this, Toyota had
It would be nice if you could make it different
But that professionalism is laughed at thou-
just announced a recall for 2.8million of their cars
to the trade’s regular columnists, but you don’t
sands of times each day because of the laziness of
- also because of a steering fault. MB say all their
have to worry about spelling because I’ll make
our trade organisations. Look around as you exit
400+ taxis will be fitted with the new part by mid-
sure that it comes out ok. So long as your article
Euston or Waterloo Stations. Everything you see,
December. Who’d like to bet that Toyota get their
makes good reading and entertains Call Sign’s
passengers can see as well. What am I talking
2.8million fixed and back on the road before that?
readership, then it will be published. Only one
about? Well how about large posters put up by
Whilst the TX4 will soon be on sale again, what
definite thing - you must be able to send the arti-
trade organisations advertising demonstrations
we don’t know is who it will be that owns the
cle via email.
against causes that have long since passed?
company! But contrary to those plunging the
If interested, write to me at callsignmag
While it’s true that we become blasé towards
knife in because there is no London Taxi
anything we see on a regular basis, when a pas-
Company advertising to worry about, I still think
senger asked me why we were still calling for
that it is the best taxi we have ever had, even
Alan Fisher
demonstrations against not being allowed into
though our real sympathies lay with the drivers
Call Sign December 2012
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
Chapman to have this scenario foisted upon
AGM time...
them just because John Griffin complained to
The deadline has now passed for nominations
Boris Johnson. I wonder what the reaction
to the BoM and rule changes and proposi-
would have been had one of our trade organ-
tions should have been received at this office
isations complained to the Mayor? Then again
by the closing date of 12 November. However,
the taxi industry does not contribute to Tory
the Company Secretary has not received any
Party funds, as does John Griffin.
rule changes or propositions and I’m rather
The investigation implies that LTPH are not
sad to see that there was just one member
doing their job correctly, otherwise there
prepared to put himself up as a candidate
would not be an investigation. So the next
wishing to stand for election to the Board.
time you complain about LTPH, just remem-
The current five elected Board Members are
ber the minicabs think there is a bias towards
all seeking re-election and it would appear
us from the authority - which there quite
that I am unopposed for the position of
clearly isn’t!
Probably the real point is that Mr Griffin is
I am sure you are all aware of the date but
used to getting his own way and when he was
just in case, the next AGM is on 3rd February
refused the use of bus lanes, he thought he
2012 and will be held at the HAC Barracks in
due to go in December; this being due to the
would ‘call in’ his contribution to the Tory
City Road, commencing at 11am. You will
fifteen year rule being applied. There will
Party by complaining to the Mayor. As stated
receive all the necessary paperwork after
then be an average of thirty to fifty cabs com-
earlier, Deloitte are carrying out the investiga-
Christmas and I would like to remind you that
ing off the road every month due to the
tion into LTPH; ironically, they used to be an
if you do not vote by post, then you should
Mayor’s new age limit restrictions.
account client of RTG until they lost it to -
attend the AGM in person. If you do not do
Then to cap it all, LTC contacted Geely
you’ve guessed it - Addison Lee!
either one or the other, you will then incur a
(China), who own 20% of the company, for a
£50 fine.
£15million loan. This was refused by Geely, so
LTC did not have any alternative other than to
Building work...
call in Administrators to run the business until
As a matter of interest, there is a lot of build-
Torrid year for the
a suitable buyer, or otherwise, can be found.
ing development being carried out in the area
I’m led to believe there are several parties
of Dial-a-Cab House and we have now been
interested, but at the time of writing nothing
informed that there will be even more. The
The past year has certainly been one to
has yet been announced.
two buildings between Dial-a-Cab House and
remember - but for all the wrong reasons. It
Old Street are to be demolished; in their place
goes without saying that this whole year has
there will be a 10 storey office block together
LTPH investigation
been very tough workwise and when the
with a 39 storey residential building with
Just when you thought the situation this year
Olympics hit us in July/August and the
retail and restaurants. In total, the 39 storeys
could not get any worse, I was informed there
Paralympics in September, work levels just
will house 302 residential units.
was going to be an inquiry into London Taxi
went through the floor.
Building is due to commence in 2014, with
and Private Hire (LTPH) by Deloitte on
The spectacle itself was excellent and
the office block completed in 2015 and the
behalf of the London Mayor.
appeared to be organised extremely well - so
residential site in 2016. Looks like we moved
This investigation has come about because
well in fact that people working and intending
premises at the right time!
John Griffin, the owner of Addison Lee, has
to visit London heeded the authority’s pleas
complained to the Mayor that he believes taxis
Finally, I would like to wish you and your
and gave London a wide berth! The work was
get preferential treatment to minicabs and he
families a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy
so abysmal that the figures for Dial-a-Cab
New Year. Let’s look forward to 2013 because it
wants LTPH to be split in two, one part for
were the worst I have ever encountered and I
minicabs and the other for taxis. He believes
certainly can’t be worse than 2012 - can it?
have been told that the other two radio taxi
that if this should come about, then the mini-
circuits experienced exactly the same sce-
Brian Rice
cab side could lobby on his behalf to gain
access to bus lanes etc.
We then had the news regarding 400+ TX4s
It must be soul destroying for the Director
and faulty steering boxes, with all of them hav-
of LTPH, John Mason and his assistant Helen
ing to be recalled. However, it took over a
month to find a solution to the problem and
during that entire period, the vehicles were
off the road. It affected over three hundred
The Flower Mill
vehicles in London, with the remainder dis-
tributed throughout the country.
Creating Beautiful Flowers For Weddings
As I have said, the affected vehicles were not
allowed onto the roads, so the owners could
not work or had to hire alternative vehicles in
Tel: 07854 738895
an attempt to have some kind of income.
However, there was also a shortage of cabs
available for rent. Now that the solution has
been found, the London Taxi Company are
slowly working their way through the affected
Email: theflowermill@yahoo.co.uk
vehicles and hopefully rectifying the fault.
As a consequence, London’s fleet was
Covering Essex & The Surrounding Counties
reduced by over three hundred vehicles due
to the steering fault, while at the same time
another two hundred and ninety vehicles
“It is at the edge of a petal that love waits”- William Carlos Williams
were taken off the road in November and
another three hundred and fifty three taxis are
Call Sign December 2012
Page 5
TfL lose in touting appeal
In a shock decision,
request of Abacus with the majority of its work
Appellant’s firm. They stand at a designated
Transport for London has
being carried out legitimately thanks to individ-
lost an appeal by Diamond
uals the trade refers to as Clipboard Johnnies.
“They operate in tandem (now in tripli-
Chauffeurs against the authority stripping the
In his judgement District Judge Michael
cate) one to accept bookings, another to
minicab firm of its licence at Cornhill nightspot,
Fanning spent some considerable time dis-
convey customers to a particular car -
cussing whether the recess was in or outside
thereby protecting the paying public from
A previous home movie shot by the LTDA
the entrance, even comparing it to being on or
un-licenced and unregulated operators
showed touting taking place outside of the
off a boat when on the gangplank!
whom I am told are a regular danger in the
venue, but Diamond’s claim was that their
However, Judge Fanning went on to say: “As
immediate vicinity of the Premises. Given
“work” did not take place on the pavement but
to the “touting” issues. Technically, I can see
the mischief at which the regulation of taxi
that they had an “official” booking desk situat-
that the offence is made out if the operator
firms is directed, the breach observed on 17
ed in a recess and while the minicab firm
makes an approach to a customer rather than
February 2012 was a minor one, and not
agreed they were not inside the building, they
the other way round. The Appellant (Diamond)
one that was inimical to public safety.”
argued that it counted as part of the premises.
concedes that to be so on the evidence.
It would appear to Call Sign that according
The court accepted that some touting had
However, the Appellant has operators on the
to District Judge Fanning, Diamond Chauffeurs
taken place, but that this was a small problem
Premises at the request of its management.
are actually protecting us all from the scourge
and that the car company were there at the
They are clearly identifiable as operators for the
of touting! That’s ok then...!
E7 looks for London licence
Scottish taxi manufacturers Allied Vehicles, who pro-
duce the Peugeot E7 taxi, have sent one of their cabs
London in the hope that the Conditions of Fitness - ie
the 25foot turning circle - can be relaxed following the
well documented problems at Manganese Bronze and
its retail outlets. But according to the Glasgow-based
company, the CoF is not a safety issue but a nicety.
Paul Nelson is MD at Allied and from a practical
point of view says that a relaxation of London’s CoF
would create 100 jobs and help the company build an
extra 500 E7s each year. He said that Allied, who also
manufacture an electric version of the cab, have made
an offer to Mayor Johnson and TfL to loan vehicles
and build new revamped cabs if they relax the condi-
tions of fitness. The company have already supplied
around twenty loan taxis to Scottish drivers whose
TX4s were recalled.
TfL have confirmed that Allied Vehicles have for-
mally applied to licence one of its vehicles as a
London taxi. At the time of going to press, TfL were pro
Will the E7 get a London licence
pass an E7 and will then make what they called “a rigo
all the licensing requirements of a London taxi.” However, that statement suggests that they will fail
the cab because of its lack of the prescribed turning circle.
Allied Vehicles was founded in 1993 by Gerry Facenna and his brother Michael.
The London Taxi Benevolent Association for War Disabled
LTBAWD provide transport after remembrance service
In 1907, the first aid Nursing Yeomanry was formed and became involved during WW1 in
driving ambulances and assisting in field hospitals under dangerous conditions. At the end
of the war, the Nursing Yeomanry had received one Legion d’Honour, 27 Croix de Guerre
and 17 Military Medals.
When the Second World War began, they were to become the Motor Driving
Companies which were part of the woman’s Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS). Many of
them went into top secret work in coding and supplying administration and support at
special training schools and also joining the Special Operations Executive where they
served in various parts of the world.
A large number were sent into occupied France, were captured and died in concentra-
tion camps. Three of them, Noor Inayat Khan, Violette Szabo and Odette Hallows all
received the George Cross - the first two posthumously. A film was later made based on
Violette Szabo’s life with Virginia McKenna playing Szabo. The film, Carve Her Name
With Pride, won awards around the world.
On the wall of St Pauls Church in Knightsbridge is a memorial which lists the names of fifty four of these
brave women. On the 27th October 2012, members of the Yeomanry, which is now known as The Princess Royal’s Volunteers Corps,
attended their annual remembrance service at the church.
The London Taxi Benevolent Association for War Disabled had been asked to supply transport for some of the veterans to convey them
to a lunch at The United Services Club in Seymour St. Thanks to David Webb, one of drivers who assisted the LTBAWD in taking these ladies to
lunch on their special day.
Derek Leone, Hon PRO LTBAWD Taxicharity.Org
Call Sign December 2012
Page 6
Jery’s World
Ok, ok, ok Rudolph! If you agree to end your strike, then I'll ask Allen Togwell if he can fit you up with a polo shirt and trousers
whilst you pull the DaC Christmas sledge...!
Alpha Pill supports Fair Fuel UK
If you have a smartphone, you can go
If there is one question we
to the Alpha Pill ad inside this issue
get asked more than any
other, it’s whatever hap-
and you will see a QR code where you
can scan directly to the website by
pened to the amazing
putting the phone next to the code.
Alpha Power Pills. These
pills were among the most
amazing things this maga-
zine had ever tested, with
numerous readers having
used them and telling
Call Sign how happy
they were with them.
We began testing in
2005 and by 2007 it
seemed that half the
fleet were using them. The
pills worked then just as they work now. The biggest prob-
lem was getting hold of them!
However, Call Sign has found Steve Vale and he has now supplied a number of
• Roadside repair
Dial-a-Cab drivers in addition to Chairman Brian Rice. Steve also told Call Sign that he
• Roadside assistance
also supports Fair Fuel UK in their battle to get HMG to cancel the proposed duty
• Running repair recovery
increase in the January budget.
• Accident recovery
They go further, wanting to fight to cut fuel duty and help stimulate economic growth
• Pay as you go to membership
and to help bring UK petrol and diesel to European Parity in terms of fuel pricing and
taxation. You can find out more at www.fairfueluk.com.
• Credit card taken at roadside
As for the Alpha Power Pills, they help clear carbon build up in the engine, resulting in
better mpg. But far more importantly, they help cut emissions and users of the pill can
see the results in their wing mirror as the smoke from the exhaust begins to clear.
0845 094 5307
If you would like to order the amazing Alpha Pill, just go to OnlyCabs.co.uk
We make wheels turn
and click on the ‘Order Page’. Or you can phone your order to Stephen Vale at
Only Cabs on 020 3239 6101.
so you can earn.
Call Sign December 2012
Page 7
Like many before him, Dial-a-Cab driver
Tony Guerrier (L28) has had his odd run-
Three years too late…
in with the authorities regarding PCNs,
most recently regarding the no right turn
from Moorgate into London Wall and the
a PHV,” Tony explained to Call Sign with the
Old Broad Street camera saga. After valu-
merest hint of a smile! His letters went to
able advice from DaC’s parking guru
and fro over an extended period of time
Barrie Segal, the matter was finally
between Tony and Westminster Parking
resolved. It did, however, need Tony to
Services, neither side being prepared to back
visit the Parking Adjudicator to achieve a
down, all the while the PCN charges were
satisfactory solution in his favour.
steadily escalating.
Tony explained to Call Sign:
Tony received threats of Bailiffs com-
London Wall right-turn allegation was also
ing to his home, in addition to other dire-
cancelled due - according to the letter they
sounding consequences. Tony eventually
sent me - technical reasons. So that was
lodged an appeal to the Traffic
two results in short succession!”
Enforcement Centre; part of Her
Now on a roll, Tony continued with his
Majesty’s Court Service, but he was
latest David v Goliath tale
- an almost
unsuccessful there as well.
unbelievable tale of incompetence from
Finally, after doggedly sticking to his prin-
Westminster Parking Services.
Tony with some of the paperwork sent
ciples of natural justice, which along the way
“The real tour-de-force came from our
thanks to Westminster's incompetence!
involved researching Acts of Parliament
so-called friends at the City of
regarding road and parking laws, Tony was
Westminster Parking Services, because if
“I later received a PCN saying that video
informed that the original PCN dated 16th
I didn’t actually have the correspondence
evidence at the Cumberland showed I
January 2009 had actually been cancelled on
to prove the monumental mess, I doubt
had ‘stopped without any sign of activity
the 8th April 2009 - just 11 weeks later - but
that I’d have believed it myself because you
for two minutes in a restricted street dur-
nobody had bothered to tell him until three
couldn’t make it up - even with a wild
ing prescribed hours’.
years later, in September 2012!
“I appealed almost immediately, explain-
“All that time I was writing letters and the
With that, Tony went back to the begin-
ing the situation, but as we have come to
authorities were, from time to time replying
ning in January 2009...
expect from Westminster, my representation
to me supposedly sticking to their guns, yet
“I had picked up at Marylebone Station
was dismissed. But the real insult was the
the blooming PCN had been scrubbed years
and the passenger requested that I make
reference to my clearly visible TX taxi as a
my way to the Cumberland Hotel to collect
minicab! You could clearly see the TfL
Half laughing and half in anger, Tony
another passenger before going onto a sec-
licence plate on the back of the cab for good-
ended his story with a personal view of City
ond destination. At the hotel, my passen-
ness sake!”
of Westminster Parking Services: “An incom-
ger phoned his friend to come out to meet
Tony stuttered, exasperated at the stupidi-
petent bunch of nincompoops! You really
us, but it transpired that he was actually at
ty of Westminster’s mistaken identity.
couldn’t make it up!”
the Marriott on Park Lane. So off we went
“In one of my letters, I even took the time
Alan Green
to explain the difference between a taxi and
Call Sign Online
Martin Cordell & Co.
Does your accountant supply you with the following?
Over forty years of experience with the Licensed London Taxi Trade.
Processing of self-assessment returns.
Advice on trading as a Limited Company with its tax advantages and potential pitfalls.
Preparation of accounts.
Initial consultation dealing with loss of earnings claims (due to accidents on the road etc.)
Letters to banks, building societies
and other lenders.
Specialist in-house facilities to deal with Inland Revenue enquiry cases.
(This is expensive and time consuming. Ask your accountant how much he will charge should this
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A three hundred and sixty five days a year service.
A ‘nightshift’
Offices in North and East London.
First consultation free of charge.
Martin Cordell & Co . . . Do!
All for one yearly fee
The London Taxi Trades Premier Accountants
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
020 8980 7161
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
1-5 Alfred Street, Bow, London E3 2BE also at
Front Office, First Floor, 9 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4AS
Call Sign December 2012
Page 8
Because of the date of the announcement
Call Sign asks Mayor Boris Johnson and Business Secretary Vince
on 22 October, it was Call Sign that had
Cable to..
the unenviable job of being the first in the
trade press to confirm in our November
issue that Manganese Bronze, parent
company of London Taxis International
and the London Taxi Company, had to
Please make up
call administrators in to assist in deciding
whether the company had a future and if
so, with whom would that future be?
Reports surfaced on all major television
your mind!
networks as well as in every UK newspa-
per, in addition to many of the world’s
most prestigious papers from the Wall
Street Journal to The Times of India. But
the real question was whether anyone
really cared, because whereas Manganese
local Coventry MP, Geoffrey Robinson,
had gone into print saying that around 80
companies had expressed an interest in
taking over MBH and that he hoped that
there would be some serious negotiations
in December, the administrators,
PricewaterhouseCooper, with advice /
assistance from Wragge & Co, Gateley
and Wragge’s Birmingham restructuring
Boris and Vince: Do they really want to help?
partner Julian Pallett, London corporate
partner Richard Haywood and
ed for drivers by the administrators. He
abled passengers, that the Mayor, if he
Birmingham-based director Jasvir Jootla,
failed to mention that no financial help
couldn’t persuade the Chancellor to aban-
were saying nothing and answering no
was ever received from the Mayor of
don it, could pay the VAT on each new taxi
questions from a concerned trade.
London anyway!
purchased. That would knock almost
Perhaps we just were not important
This is the same Mayor who was still tak-
£7,000 off the price yet cost the Mayor’s
ing 15 year old taxis off the road at a time
office very little compared to some of their
There was little doubt that
when new ones were being held up indef-
other outgoings.
Manganese Bronze Holdings were hav-
initely through the steering box problem.
As Business Secretary, Vince Cable could
ing serious problems, having made
The reason is that they are not green, yet
also help by “convincing” Chancellor of
losses for the previous four years
with £millions in his coffers - enough to
the Exchequer George Osborne that the
whilst this year being hit by accounting
build pointless cable car river crossings
London taxi business needs assistance. So
errors and a recall of over 400 TX4s fol-
and to look for third airport sites in the
to the Mayor and Vince Cable, we ask them
lowing a steering box fault.
Thames estuary - he couldn’t afford to
to make up their minds. Do they want to
Through the administrators, the compa-
help London’s taxi drivers, who apparent-
help us or not? We suspect we already
ny - which is 20% owned by China’s Geely
ly are said to be part of his transport sys-
know the answer...
International - announced 156 redun-
tem, by subsidising the cost of new taxis.
dancies including many long-term
Call Sign has put forward the sugges-
Ron Yarborough
employees at their manufacturing facility
tion on several occasions that as the
Call Sign Online
in Holyfield Road. Some even tried locking
London Taxi is specially adapted for dis-
themselves in, following the announce-
ment that Manganese had failed in an
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
attempt to obtain a loan from its Chinese
partner in order to to keep it going.
Around two weeks after the administra-
tors went in, Coalition Business Secretary
Vince Cable went onto local BBC
Midlands TV to say that he hoped some-
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
one would step in to buy Manganese,
whilst at the same time hoping that Geely
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
would behave honorably - although he
Transponders / chipped keys
didn’t say what he meant by that com-
On site key cutting services including taxis
ment. However, in the Editor’s November
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
Editorial, Alan Fisher said that he hoped
Geely’s failure to extend a loan to MBH
Burglary repairs / boarding up
wasn’t a back-door way of being able to
Additional security / security upgrades
buy the company on the cheap. Regardless
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
of that, to those taxi drivers who couldn’t
Grilles and security gates
drive their new TX4s because of the steer-
ing box recall, Mr Cable said that he was
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
unable to do anything whilst the adminis-
Free estimates / no call out charge
trators were involved. He failed to say
24hr service
what he could do when they leave.
At the same time as Vince Cable said
nowt, London Mayor Boris Johnson also
You can find us at:
said everything while actually saying noth-
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
ing. He said that he was disappointed and
Tel: 01708 371115
concerned that no help had been provid-
Call Sign December 2012
Page 9
A story for Christmas
Colourful Christmas?
An old grey Metrocab stood alone on the temporary rank at Victoria
was driving along Oxford Street and stops for a
Station. Its proprietor was an elderly man with the worry lines of 40
woman loaded up with shopping and two kids.
years of dealing with the public and driving in London etched upon
So he gets out and helps her in with the shop-
his face. The normal queue for a taxi was absent and the station
ping and pushchair. He’s a dad himself, so he
seemed to have taken a pause in spilling out its passengers.
carries a bag of sweets in his cab and he gives one
It was 2 days before Xmas and it looked like it might be a
each to her kids.”
white one, although the recent snowfall had been trans-
“He’s definitely your son, is he Alf?”
formed into a dirty sludge by the movement of traffic and
Alf ignores the remark and continues… “So he
takes them to Fulham, helps her out with the
A TX1 pulled up behind the grey cab and, recognising the
shopping and stuff and just as he’s about to
number plate, the driver got out and walked up to the
turn around, she calls out that she
front of it.
remembers she’s left her key indoors.
“About time you donated this to the taxi
So he gets out the cab again and
museum, ‘ennit Alf,” said the
sees a first-floor window
other driver who was young and
open. After knocking
smiling and who probably
on a few doors, he
looked a bit like Alf had 40
borrows a ladder
years back. “Was it 15 years
from a neighbour,
or 50!”
gets in through the
“See me out, this one
window and lets
will,” responded Alf seriously, but not taking
her in. She’s so grateful and offers him
an extra fiver but he won’t take it.
“Could be any day now for you then, Alf,
Then she says she’s going to take his
they reckon too much laughing is bad for
number and write to LTPH to tell them
how wonderful he’s been. He tells her
“Nothing to laugh about,” replied the older
not to bother and as she doesn’t write
man who, if laughing were the only thing you
anything down, how’s she going to
could die of, would definitely achieve immortality.
remember anyway?
“D’you know, the last fare I got from here was
“But somehow she does remember and
Belgrave Road. Belgrave Road! And if it’s not there,
writes a letter telling them how he picked
it’s Peckham or East Dulwich.”
her up in Oxford Street and all about her
The other cabbie was still smiling. He found it amus-
being locked out and that he’s the best taxi
ing to listen to Alf going on. In fact Alf had turned mis-
driver she’s ever met. And now he’s in
ery into an art form and if he ever cheered up, he would
plenty of trouble with LTPH...”
lose his uniqueness. It seemed he actually enjoyed being
Just then a man appeared at the window of his
cab carrying several bags and a Xmas
“You do know it’s Xmas, don’t you, Alf?”
“So what,” said Alf, his tired eyes looking up
“East Dulwich,” he said, interrupting
from beneath the checked cheese-cutter cap.
Alf ’s story.
“I think I’ll get you some ‘happy pills’ - put a bit of festive spir-
“See what I mean,” said Alf grimacing, “bloody Dulwich and two
it in you,” said the younger man.
hundred pine needles on the floor!” With that he started up the cab.
“Don’t need nothing like that, ‘sides Xmas is over-rated,”
“Hold on,” says the youngster, “how can your son get into trou-
replied Alf with the enthusiasm you’d normally expect from a turkey.
ble because the lady writes a letter telling them how wonderful
“You should watch that film Scrooge over Xmas,” said Mr TX1,
he was?”
“that’ll make you think.”
“Yellow badge, ain’t he,” said Alf, driving his Metrocab off in a puff
“It does,” said Alf, “it makes me think why they don’t put on
of smoke…
something else - it’s on every year!”
The two drivers were like a comedy act, with the younger one pro-
voking and teasing and the other entrenched behind walls of misery.
“Okay, but you have to admit that Xmas brings out the best in
Keith Reading
people. They relax, they’re looking forward to a few days off and
Professional Toastmaster
even the tips are better. Come on, it’s the season of goodwill, Alf!”
Master of Ceremonies
Looking as miserable as ever, Alf answered back: “Yeah, well you
can overdo all that stuff you know. Kindness and generosity can
Tele: 01279 465 938
bring a lot of trouble.”
Mobile: 07774 860 374
The young man looked at Alf astounded.
Email: kgr.2@virgin.net
“Okay, here we go, you’re going to tell me some gloomy story
about how that is.”
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
“You don’t have to listen,” said Alf.
The other driver looked towards the empty Hudsons Place rank
Fellow of the Guild of
where the queue should have been and sighed.
Professional Toastmasters
“Ok, go on, Alf, let’s hear it…”
So Alf related his tale. “My son’s a taxi driver and 2 weeks ago he
Call Sign December 2012
Page 10
During the past few years, I have organised sev-
eral concerts on behalf of the London
Taxidrivers’ Fund for Underprivileged
London Taxidrivers’
Children. You may also remember that
together with the late David Todhunter, we
founded an orchestra many years ago that was
Symphony Orchestra
renamed as the London Charity Orchestra.
Now, with music in mind, I am establishing
another orchestra: The London Taxidrivers’
Symphony Orchestra.
This new and exciting orchestra can only
bring excellent public relation for our industry
and give enjoyment to those who perform and
listen to music. I am also pleased to say the
LTDSO is affiliated to Making Music, The
National Federation of Music Societies.
If you or anyone you know would like to
know more please email m.son@ltdso.co.uk
online application form.
The Orchestra
The London Taxi Drivers Symphony Orchestra
will be comprised of a mixture of professional
musicians, proficient players, students from
Summary of the aims of the orchestra
ences to appreciate great music in a wel-
various music academies working alongside
• To create a ‘Buddy System’ for those with
coming atmosphere.
enthusiastic amateurs who hold that deep felt
lesser skills to be mentored and ulti-
• To perform concerts in an effort to raise
desire to become an integral part of an orches-
mately share in the enjoyment of
much needed revenue for charities and
tra, but have harboured reservations regarding
becoming part of a team of talented
other worthy causes.
their levels of musicianship.
members of a new and exciting orches-
Who can apply for membership?
Why play music?
London taxi drivers and anyone associated
We believe that making music is not only fun,
• To provide an opportunity for musicians
with the taxi scene. We also accept associate
but can also benefit those people within our
to perform in front of a live audience.
members who just want to have fun and enjoy
society who are less fortunate. Making music
• To encourage more live music.
making music.
brings people together and whilst we may not
• To provide opportunities for composers
Mike Son
change the world, we can improve it through
to have their compositions premiered.
DaC Special Projects
• To engage with and encourage new audi-
Call Sign December 2012
Page 11
In 1957, ODRTS (now Dial-a-Cab) Founder-
Chairman Bonnie Martyn created a huge sen-
It’s a let-off for Bonnie’s
sation when following the successful launch of
this Society at Pentonville Road four years ear-
lier, he was asked to go to the beautiful
Bermuda BABIES!
Caribbean / Atlantic island of Bermuda to set
up a radio-taxi company similar to the one he
Brian Rice present-
had successfully launched here in
ing Bonnie with a
Money, Bonnie was told, was no object!
celebration plaque
So Bonnie resigned from ODRTS - some-
on his 90th birth-
thing for which many never forgave him - and
day in 1999
travelled to Bermuda via New York and the
Queen Mary on 28 December 1957. Sent at
the same time on a freight ship were 12 Austin
A55s, each fitted with Pye ‘reporter’ radios and
would now be to unify
which were going to be the beginnings of
the Island’s dispatching
Bermuda Taxi Radio Cabs.
After the successful launch of BTRC and
“The Commission
making sure that it was on a sound footing,
has determined that
Bonnie returned to London and ODRTS as a
punitive measures
Board member. However, his sudden depar-
against taxi owners
ture to Bermuda had caused some friction -
and operators not
some even said jealousy as Bonnie had been
Bonnie’s Babies - as he referred to them -
GPS compliant, would be ill-served at this
very well paid for the job - and it was a short-
should comply with the Global Positioning
particular stage of the modernisation
lived return to Pentonville Road. But time
Satellite (GPS) legislation that had been passed
healed the wounds and Bonnie became an
in 2004. They also claimed that Radio Cabs
During several meetings with Dial-a-Cab
honoured guest at many DaC functions over
were allegedly defying the law.
Chairman Brian Rice and at well past the age of
the years as well as a welcome visitor to our
Now Bermuda Taxi Radio Cabs lack of
90, Bonnie often showed himself fully behind
Brunswick House base. He died at the age of
GPS will not be punished, although new ini-
modern technology, but we think deep down he
93 in August 2002 - still in love with DaC.
tiatives are being prepared to benefit those
would have been pleased to see that his “babies”
But his Bermuda Taxi Radio Cabs still oper-
operators who have the correct equipment
are still pretty much as he left them!
ate and still use voice dispatch. Then in 2009,
and are fully compliant with the GPS regu-
Call Sign was told that the company had
Baghwat Singh
received a stern warning from the Bermuda
In a statement released by the Bermuda
Transport Control Department demanding that
Ministry of Transport, they said their focus
Call Sign Online
Boundary changes... and
With Tom Quigley (Y33)
asides on all manner of subjects.
With Danny normally throwing in two or
three conversation strands, it would not be
Am I missing the point, or is a lot of money
too long into the show before another
being wasted by the Government on the
unlikely and tenuous link led everyone down
proposed boundary changes to reduce the
a totally different path and with this being
number of MPs in the House of Commons
radio, as a listener you’d use your own
from 650 to 600? With a lot of money
minds-eye and imagination to picture the
already having been spent on proposed
scene of the tale being told.
boundary changes, the first reviews have
One of my favourites was when Danny
been criticised and rewritten and still it
asked listeners for any tales about forgetting
appears that no one is happy with all three
a famous name or getting their name
major political parties taking different
wrong. That led to a caller who while tour-
stances, with further proposals to be sched-
ing Ireland with the BBC Philharmonic
uled for a vote sometime in 2013 and
Orchestra and its special guest, legendary
changes not scheduled to take effect until
violinist Yehudi Menuhin, went to a local
2015 - after the next general election. That
pub where a traditional Irish band were play-
will mean a further five years of whichever
ing. After a few drinks, some of the crew
the economy to have fifty more or less MPs
Government we get before the vote and
joined in and with the great violinist playing
or actually having all those that were voted
with it, any changes it brings actually having
on the fiddle, a good time was had by all.
in doing jobs they are supposed to be doing
an effect.
At the end of the session, the Irish band
and getting the country on its feet?
Then, whilst all that is going on, there will
leader thanked them and when asking for
be a referendum on independence for
Danny Baker off the air
Yehudi’s name, misheard it and in front of
Scotland scheduled for 2014. Surely, whichev-
With all the trouble at the BBC, the biggest
the whole pub said thanks to their special
er way that vote goes will have an effect on
shake up to me is the loss of The Danny
guest, Yehudi McMennaman!
the number of MPs that will be sitting in the
Baker Show from its regular afternoon slot
It was stories and tales such as that one
House. And if Scotland does vote for inde-
on BBC London 94.9.
that for over 12 years have led Danny and
pendence, then they will have the right to
Danny, along with his regular crew of
his team to win many awards and plaudits.
make their own boundary changes anyway.
Amy Lamé and Baylen Leonard, regular
No amount of money-saving and figure
It seems to be a lot of money being spent
guests such as Peter Kay among others and
crunching can replace pure talent. No doubt
- or wasted - at a time when the
with help from listeners including, no doubt
Danny will be working elsewhere, but for us
Government is looking at ways to save
many Dial-a-Cab drivers, delivered a quick
to have had him on our local radio station
money. Does it really make any difference to
fire humorous show full of stories, tales and
has been a real pleasure...
Call Sign December 2012
Page 12
Rarely is a Judge able to praise a
witness in court, but that is
exactly what Her Honour Judge
DaCMan Hero!
Patricia Lees did when DaC driver
John Ward (R88) appeared at
give way, despite using all my strength to try
Snaresbrook Crown Court to give
to free it. I also tried the rear door, while all
evidence of the carnage he wit-
the time the seconds were ticking away and I
was concerned the car would catch fire. That
nessed while driving along the
too didn’t open. I found a large piece of con-
A13 in September 2010. John
crete to smash the window, but the rock just
related the events of that fateful
bounced off the glass. I used my mobile to
call 999, requesting all the emergency ser-
night to Call Sign, details of
vices. They arrived very quickly.
which some might find disturb-
To my amazement, the BMW driver
took no part in this rescue operation, but
just continued to walk away with his
“I was travelling home after work along the
female passenger. Then I saw another cab
A13 eastbound towards the M25 at around
weaving its way through this mayhem,
01.15 in the morning on Thursday
there being debris and car parts strewn
September 2010, a date I won’t forget for a
across the road. I waved him down, ask-
long time. I was in the middle lane of the
ing his assistance by parking his cab next
three-lane carriageway keeping to a steady 40
to mine in order to block off the two near-
mph, aware of the speed cameras along that
side lanes, which he did. While still on the
section of road when a dark coloured BMW
debris all over the road. It resembled a scene
phone to the emergency services, I
640 coupe with the distinctive registration
from a disaster movie.
motioned to him to try to release the man
P1MP R undertook my cab at very high
I looked around but couldn’t see anything
from the battered car even though I
speed, probably twice that of my cab, so
else that may have been involved, so I pulled
assumed the man must have died because
about 80 mph. When you’ve been driving as
the cab across the lanes at ninety degrees to
he had not moved since the impact. But I
long as I have - 43 years - you get a sense of
the hard shoulder and put my hazard lights
felt it was worth a try if at all possible.
judgement about such things.
on. I saw the driver at the passenger door of
We were stopped just over and around the
The cab shook with the speed and close-
the BMW helping the young girl out of the
brow of the hill, making our own position
ness of the BMW coming up the inside lane
car. He showed no sign of injury, but the
very dangerous indeed as there was traffic
to pass me and then just as erratically, turned
young lady looked distressed, crying and
still speeding past us at 70 mph limit as the
left into a BP fuel station just after the A406
limping as they passed me walking away
‘fast’ lane was still open. One car then skid-
junction. It took me a few seconds to recov-
from the scene.
ded as it hit some flotsam on the road and
er my composure after such a close call, but
I walked toward the BMW as they
collided with the central reservation barrier,
I carried on my way towards home. As I
passed me along the hard shoulder. As
coming to a stop in the middle of the one
passed the car now in the fuel station, I could
lane that remained open! As they got out to
see two people in it - a woman passenger and
the driver walked by me he asked what
happened but I didn’t answer as I had
inspect their vehicle damage, I shouted
a male driver. They appeared to be laughing
across to them to put the hazard lights on as
while I thought such driving was no laughing
more important things to do by securing
the road for my own and others safety to
a warning to others and to get out of the
roadway a bit smartish, which thankfully they
As I carried on towards home and by now
prevent further accidents, as I was the
did. Then a truck came along and I suggest-
approaching Rainham Marshes still sitting in
first person to be on the scene.
ed he parked sideways across the entire three
I looked around in the dark, wondering
the middle lane of the three lane carriageway
lanes of the carriageway to block the road
where there is a speed limit of 70 mph, the
what he had hit as I could see no other vehi-
completely to prevent further accidents or
cle or obstacle in the vicinity, but then I spot-
BMW that I had seen earlier suddenly came
loss of life, which the trucker speedily did.
out of nowhere from behind me and over-
ted another car; stationary at a 45 degree
By this time, other people not directly
took me on my right hand side at a very high
angle to the road, facing up the banking
involved in the incident began to assist at the
some distance ahead. I ran over to see if I
speed indeed, a speed I can only describe as
scene, so as the police had all my details I
quite unbelievable. I looked up the road and
could help, but the impact must have been
decided to leave. I had done my best to help
so severe that it had been damaged beyond
saw it was clear for about two miles ahead
reduce any further loss of life or even vehi-
and in the blink of an eye, the BMW had dis-
cle/property damage and felt I had done the
I saw a man slumped in the drivers’ seat.
appeared out of sight. I have never seen any
right thing for the dead man’s family. When I
His lower torso was in the driving position,
road car being driven at that sort of speed -
got home, I made notes about the incident
but his upper body was twisted at ninety
a speed I likened to a Formula 1 racing car. I
while they were still fresh in my mind in case
degrees to the left, facing towards the pas-
estimated his speed at around 150 mph! As
I was called as a witness in due course, which
senger seat of the car while his head was
he overtook me, the road ahead was clear
turned out to be the case.
completely turned backwards towards the
but I was still quite shaken by the velocity
Appallingly, I found out during the trial
rear of the car, which had been projected sev-
and closeness to my cab as he sped off into
that the man I tried to save, Sukhpreet
eral hundred yards up the road following the
the distance. I was just glad that he was out
Singh Chimber, was a thirty year old
collision. His head was bleeding profusely
of my way. I opened all the cab windows and
father of three children, with his wife
and there was blood all over the window. He
took some deep breaths to regain my com-
expecting their fourth child.”
wasn’t moving at all.”
posure and travelled steadily on towards the
The 4.5 litre BMW 6 Series that passed John
At this point we briefly stopped as the mem-
M25 junction where the road sweeps left on
at speeds of up to 155 mph was in the hands
ory was visibly bringing back awful memories
a long bend and over the brow of a hill.
of a driver who was showing off to his girl-
for John.
As I approached the bottom of the hill, I
friend passenger following an earlier argu-
“I pulled frantically at the driver’s door in
saw the same BMW very badly damaged,
ment. He had a previous motoring conviction
an attempt to get the man out of the car,
obviously having been in collision with
and had been jailed in 2008 for wounding
which I thought could explode at any
something. It had come to rest between the
with intent.
moment as fuel was spilling everywhere, but
slow and middle lanes of the carriageway
At Snaresbrook Crown Court, 25-year old
it would not budge. The door had been
ahead of me. There was steam and a strong
crushed into the bodywork and would not
continued on page 13
smell of petrol coming from the engine and
Call Sign December 2012
Page 13
Paula Mattis
Many drivers will remember former Dial-a-Cab receptionist, Paula Matti
Sadly Paula died in November and we asked one of her daughters,
Rebecca, if she would like to write a few words about her mum.
“My mother joined DaC in the Shirland Road days and became an evening supervisor
in what I guess is now known as a call centre, but in those far-off days it was just a base-
Back then mum smoked along with everyone else - a docket in one hand and a ciggie
in the other! On Saturdays, she often held the fort as the back channel operator where
drivers would go to get details or query job details until Lou Gitlin came in and took
over. Drivers may well remember her loudly asking them to ‘stand by’ if too many came
on at the same time! ‘Stand by’ almost became her nickname!
She eventually became evening receptionist after the move to Brunswick Place until
she retired some years ago. She may have still been a redhead when she started there,
but was soon a blonde - with a perm in the eighties of course!
Mum was a friend to everyone, a great listener and staunch keeper of secrets. She often threatened to write about
the goings on at work (changing the names to protect the innocent of course), but then thought that the tales would not
have been believable!
As lovely as she was, she was no pushover either, as you’d soon find out if anyone behaved badly towards her. She also
always stood up for her friends and for those she thought had been given a rough ride or were considered to be underdogs.
Mum was born in London and lived there all her life. She leaves behind a husband, two daughters, five grandchil-
dren, and many, many friends...”
PCN request from Barrie Segal
Dial-a-Cab’s PCN expert, Barrie Segal has an incredible record of getting Penalty Charge Notices cancelled.
However, he is asking for some assistance from DaC drivers and asked if Call Sign could put a message out:
“Can I ask that all drivers please write the date of receipt on all Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), Notices to
Owner, Notices of Rejection Charge Certificates, Orders for Recovery and any other correspondence they
receive relating to a PCN and then take photocopies before they send it to Jacqui Franklin in Drivers Services.
This will help enormously, particularly where councils claim they never received an appeal or where they
say they sent out a notice of rejection which they claim was ignored.”
Barrie Segal
DaCMan Hero continued...
Shehzad Munir was found guilty by jury of
The Crown Court at Snaresbrook
dangerous driving and jailed for seven
years. He was also banned from driving for
Regina v Shehzad Munir
eight years.
It is not often that a judge is in a position to be able to publicly acknowledge the
Judge Patricia Lees told Munir: “The sen-
actions of a witness in a case. It is therefore a pleasure to be able to do so in this
tence can never reflect the loss of life
case in respect of John Ward, a man whose selfless bravery, presence of mind and
caused by your arrogant, idiotic and irre-
swift action undoubtedly saved many lives.
sponsible behaviour and I have no doubt
Mr Ward is a London black taxi driver who was driving home in September 2010
the victim died because you were showing
after an evening’s work in London. After the defendant drove past him in the
off to your girlfriend following a previous
manner Mr Ward described as akin to a Formula One driver at a speed in the
falling out. Your driving has been described
region of 150mph, Mr Ward followed in his path only to be confronted by the hor-
as that of a Formula One driver. The dis-
rific scene this fatal collision must have been.
tance travelled at excessive speed was six
Despite his own inevitable shock, he parked his cab across the A13 with its haz-
ard lights on and ran to try to help Mr Chimber, desperately trying to free him until
The judge went on to commend John
he realised there was nothing he could do to save him, at the same time calling 999.
Ward for what she described as his “self-
He then turned his attention to averting further disasters on the road and took
less bravery, presence of mind and swift
control of the situation before the arrival of the emergency services; he persuad-
actions, which undoubtedly saved many
ed the driver of an articulated lorry to block the whole road and alert oncoming
lives.” She awarded him £500 from the
traffic to prevent further loss of life or harm.
Sherriff’s Fund as a token of apprecia-
He is to be commended for his actions and I award him £500 from the Sherriff’s
tion of the public.
Fund as a small token of the appreciation of the public.
The High Sheriff of London will also be
John Daly
presenting John with an award at an official
Clerk of the Court
The court thanked John for undoubtedly saving lives
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
Call Sign December 2012
Page 14
Steering problem fixed!
On Thursday 15 November, the first signs of a
smile for some time were seen at the Coventry
home of Manganese Bronze Holdings when
it was announced that they had found a solu-
tion to the steering problems that had caused
over 400 new TX4s to be taken off the road
and which, because they had to stop selling
cabs, tipped the company into administration
under Pricewaterhouse Coopers.
Administrator Matthew Hammond said
they hoped to have completed all the work by
mid-December with a "rapid replacement" of
the affected parts in the recalled vehicles
beginning within 48 hours. The replacement
part is UK-sourced.
A total of 156 jobs were lost at the group's
head office
/ manufacturing facility in
Coventry and their dealerships in London,
Leeds, Coventry, Manchester, Edinburgh and
Glasgow. The administrators say they will con-
tinue to work with the Mayor, Transport for
London and the LTDA and suggested that 500
new TX4 taxis will be going onto the market
with the new part, early in the new year.
Manganese Bronze to begin work again?
DaC Credit Union
ave your
them or if you would like a loan, very often just a
know it makes sense - and this will be your last
kids told you
quick phone call will do it - no dressing up and
chance before Christmas.
begging the bank manager or looking for loans
now need an
with shark companies where
1000+ per cent
You can contact the Dial-a-Cab Credit
iPad or lap-
interest in normal!
Union on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
top in their
The DACCU is for drivers and staff of Dial-a-
or go to the office at Unit 14, Peterley
room for
Cab, but anyone in your family can also become a
Business Centre, 472 Hackney Road, E2...
member in their own right with all the loan bene-
Yes? Well
fits that it offers.
this could
John Riley (K38)
Harp Credit Union
Vice-President Dial-a-Cab and
As with DACCU, the above also applies to the
Harp Credit Unions
Christmas for you!
Harp Credit Union. It has the same terms and
There are many reputable shops offering
conditions, except it is for non-Dial-a-Cab mem-
cheap laptops and iPads etc - but only if you
bers or their families. If you remember from my
pay outright. It’s when you want to pay off that
previous articles, this CU was having problems
it suddenly become expensive. We’ve seen £800
and the Financial Services Authority asked
packages with 48 monthly payments of £24.28
DACCU to take it on because of our experience in
that end up costing £1165 - an extra £365.
making our credit union so successful. And so far
That’s just one example!
so good; it has gone from a minus figure to a
Now look at the Dial-a-Cab Credit Union.
£25,000 surplus, so we must be doing something
That £800 loan over 12 months at £72 would
right! So come on down to Hackney Road and
cost you just £53 extra in interest. Even over 36
join either DACCU or the Harp Credit Unions. You
months, you would pay nowhere near PC
World’s rate.
If DACCU loaned you £1000 over 36 months,
Call Sign
that would cost you just £34 a month and a
December 2012
total of £195 in interest, probably around one
Editor: Alan Fisher
third of the total interest the big electrical stores
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
would charge you for not paying the whole
Tel: 0207
251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
amount up front.
Email: callsignmag@aol.com
The Dial-a-Cab Credit Union now has
You are welcome to visit
around 1000 members and enough funds to
our showroom at:
Printers: Premier Print Group
cover most loans. It costs you nothing to join
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
Unit 8 Tripes Farm,
and if you do not want to borrow money, con-
Design: Aldan Publications
Chelsfield Lane,
trary to rumour, you pay no fine and you can
Tel: 07958 300 428
Orpington, Kent BR6 7RS
just continue saving - and saving is the only
Email: dfdannyfresco@gmail.com
compulsory thing about DACCU. You have to
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
Instant Kitchen and
save a set amount regularly. How much you save
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
is entirely up to you, but the more you save, the
Bedroom & Blinds UK
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
more you can borrow! And of course your sav-
either manually or electronically without the express
Call Ian (R50) on 01689 897111…
ings can be taken back whenever you want
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign December 2012
Page 15
App day here...
With 1st December being the launch date for
the new Dial-a-Cab Credit Card app, I would
like to point out to all drivers that this facility
will only be as good as the service you pro-
With Keith Cain
vide. The Board was inundated with drivers
clients. The information we give them regard-
telling us that we were losing out with our
ing how long their cab will be becomes
technology and being left behind by those
new companies using application technology
I know I’m repeating myself, but remember
to book taxis.
that when a client makes a booking our tele-
Well, we have developed our app - in house
phonist can see the number of cabs booked
I hasten to add - and how successful it will be
into the pick-up zone. If they see at least one
only time will tell. But again, a reminder that
cab booked in, they will offer a 10 to 15 minute
all credit card work will be dispatched as A/D
arrival time. I am talking now about the inner
in the same way as it is by our competitors. It
zones. If the cab rejects the trip, it will then go
was felt that for us to compete, we needed to
to the backup zones and if those cabs are
mask the destination. But coverage will be
booked in incorrectly, not only is the original
monitored very closely and our Controllers
time offered by the CSR totally incorrect, but
have been instructed not to unmask trips to
the controller will have no idea how to deal
get them covered. They have, however, been
with the trip to get it covered. The controllers
advised to send fleet messages to say the trips
will give every driver one chance and talk to
are worth a look and wherever possible, they
have been asking all credit card callers if they
them and explain the fact that he or she is
will try and help anyone who will be running
have listened to the terms and conditions. If
booked in incorrectly. That conversation is
much further than the trip is going.
a caller says they have not heard them, the
logged on the driver’s file so that if the driver is
Don’t forget also that the 12.5 percent han-
CSR will explain to them what the terms are.
spoken to by another controller, they can see
dling charge has been reduced to a straight
I believe we are all set to go for the 1st
what has been said by the first controller. If you
10 percent and the previous telephone book-
December and as I said at the beginning, this
are spoken to a third time, you can be guaran-
ing fee of £2 has also been dropped. The
work will only be as good as the service you,
teed that it will be by the Compliance Offer.
£4.20 run in applies, but as always it's your
the drivers, are prepared to give...
Believe it or not, drivers are fooling each
decision if you want to arrive with this
other as well. You see a number of cabs
amount showing on the meter. To rival our
booked into a zone and think it’s not worth
competitors, it will be the driver’s decision as
And booking in...
to when the meter is engaged, but please
I am still being questioned daily by all con-
going in there as you will have to wait ages
for a trip. So you go off and book in a zone
remember that
£4.20 is the maximum
trollers about the problem of drivers booking
amount that can be displayed on the meter.
into zones incorrectly. I’d love to have a £1
that you are nowhere near. Then the spiral
continues to the extent that no driver is
All scrubs will be charged to the credit
for every time I have written about this in the
card, which will hopefully encourage rather
magazine. Well, here goes again...
where they say they are. That’s the extreme
case scenario, but it could happen. So please
than discourage drivers to do this work. Our
Will those drivers who book in incorrectly
full terms and conditions are there for online
into a zone please refrain from doing so. If
book in correctly and help us give the service
our clients are paying top dollar for.
bookers to view before making a booking.
you book in believing that by the time you
They are also on our telephone system for
actually get into that zone, you will be far
callers to listen to and when downloading
enough up the queue to get a job, well unfor-
Keith Cain
the app, users have to tick to say they accept
tunately your actions are causing so many
Contact Centre Manager
the terms. Our contact centre staff have all
problems for the controllers to get the work
been trained and for a very long time now
covered and more so, to the service we offer
Drivers Operation Manager
When landlords ruled the earth
Millions of years ago, we had dinosaurs ruling the Earth. In today’s modern world, it seems we have
landlords who rule the Earth, exercising their brutal power and superiority over the rest of Earth's
In prehistoric times, there were two distinct types of dinosaur: The friendly, approachable,
herbivorous, vegetation-eating dinosaur and the fearsome flesh-eating carnivorous dinosaur.
Today's landlords fall into similar categories: The friendly, approachable landlord and the fearsome
unapproachable type who will suck all the blood out of you; ie take all your money and leave you
with a leaking roof!
As London taxi drivers, we sometimes get to hear about these stories. A French passen-
ger who got into my cab in Queensgate was on her way to give the agency that let her
the flat, a piece of her mind. She had not had any hot water for three weeks, despite pay-
ing over £1,000 per week for her one-bedroom apartment!
Part of the problem, she said, was that the owner lived in the Middle East and although the
agency had sent someone round on a few occasions to inspect the boiler and tank, it was still
unsolved! Her friends, who lived round the corner in Stanhope Gardens, also had similar problems;
again, their landlord wasn’t resident in the UK.
They’d had a broken freezer and washing machine for eight months, whilst again paying in the region of £1,000 per week! These high rents
are what people are willing to pay in these top-drawer areas of London such as South Kensington, where £10,000 per week is not uncommon for
an apartment complex.
It’s a very lucrative market for landlords - if they are wealthy enough to invest in it. Unfortunately there are few rules and regulations on landlords and there is
a strong case for more regulation to be forced through Parliament to protect people renting in the private sector. More regulation, however, seems unlikely when
you consider that many MPs are property barons themselves. That's apart from the growing number with extra jobs outside Westminster. It's usually those held in
high esteem that spout on about the long-term strategy required in politics, but are on personal, short-term, get-rich-quick agendas. It beggars belief how some
get time to be an MP!
With the austerity measures in full flow now and people having to pay these extortionate rents, there is less disposable income for other areas;
as we now see with car makers in trouble and indeed, our own black cab makers, Manganese Bronze, suffering in administration.
It's no surprise then, that flat hunters today in London are filled with trepidation as they enter this Jurassic Park of the good, the bad and the ugly
David Heath (Ex-W27)
Call Sign December 2012
Page 16
If you were around in the 1980s, you may well
remember a brilliant drama series written by
Alan Bleasdale. The Boys from the Black Stuff
looked at the way in which a bad economic cli-
mate could affect ordinary British workers and
followed the tarmac layers as they looked for
Gis a Tip!
work while bringing the phrase of ‘Gis a job’
into the English language.
Perhaps in the 1980s, London taxi drivers -
Bernie and cherished
who of course already had jobs - may have had
number plate
the ‘front’ to ask for a gratuity, whereas nowa-
days a legal is just swallowed. But sometimes
there are more subtle ways of asking. Bernie
case it had not been an
Cochran’s (V92) number plate way perhaps!
idle threat!”
“Yes, collecting personalised number plates
Bernie went on to
is indeed a hobby of mine and I am also happy
explain the procedure to
to be recognised on the road,” Bernie told Call
obtain cherished - or per-
Sign while standing by his T1P OK Dial-a-Cab
sonalised - number plates
taxi “I also have another three cherished num-
either through the DVLA
ber plates on other vehicles within our family,
or agents who regularly
but the one that has given me the most grief is
advertise in motoring
the one affixed to my wife’s car - B1ERN.
magazines. The DVLA will
“I have been stopped by the police on sever-
confirm the sale by issu-
al occasions who claimed that the number and
ing a certificate, which
letters are too close together, making it look
can be presented at your
like BERN and therefore illegal. On one occa-
chosen store for the num-
sion I was stopped while returning from holi-
reason before and gave me 24 hours to get it
ber plate to be made up. The plate must also
day in south-west England and I had obviously
changed, claiming that if he saw me again he
show the company name and other details of
upset the Devon & Cornwall constabulary
would definitely find something!
who made the plate up in order to satisfy legal
because the policeman admitted that they
“While we were having this exchange of
would look until they found something after
words, his colleague was checking the car tyres
“That,” Bernie told Call Sign “is why you see
pulling me over!
etc and clearly looking for a reason to nick me,”
all such information clearly displayed at the
“They proceeded to measure the distance
Bernie added.
bottom of the number plate.”
between all the figures on the number plate
“His attitude ruffled my feathers, and as we
and apparently his on-board ANPR confirmed
frequently holiday in Devon I decided to
Alan Green
that I had already been stopped for the same
ensure all the digits were strictly legit, just in
Call Sign Online
The Last Christmas Present...
hroughout the year I read in Call Sign of Dial-a-Cab drivers giving up their precious time and punishing their
dies just to help other less fortunate people.
Whether it is a cycle ride across different countries, gruelling marathons, punishing press-ups, strenuous swimming or cru-
ying climbing, these drivers just want to give back something to society, just because they are able to do so. They are not
super-fit athletes; some have suffered bad illnesses and just want to repay their thanks for being given a second chance.
o as you sit at the Christmas dining table looking at the wonderful feast of turkey, roast potatoes, brussels sprouts, stuff-
ranberry sauce and that lovely thick gravy, there are some out there who will be cutting down on their intake as they will
t body to undertake a challenging task.
hard it is for charities at this time, when the public is trying to tighten their purse strings as earning money
gets harder. I have run a charity which realises terminally ill children’s dreams; I have done this for over twenty years assisted by some
very good hardworking friends.
You will have read last month - and I believe again in this issue - about one of our drivers, Divyesh Ruparelia (V59). He is once again trying to raise
money for four charities including Dial-a-Dream and one for our troops who have had their bodies torn apart in what sometimes seems to be a point-
less war. He is going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in January 2013 and funding all his travel expenses from his own pocket.
He has asked me to explain once again how you can donate to Dial-a-Dream. You can go to
www.CAFonline.org and press the
Now button. When it asks for a charity name or number, enter 1011637 or Dial-a-Dream, then follow the instructions.
In the twenty years we have been running our charity, no committee member has been given a penny of what you donate. All monies go to the chil-
dren. By helping Dial-a-Dream, you may possibly be giving the last Christmas present that a terminally ill child will ever receive in their short life.
Thank you for reading this article and we hope you and your family will have a wonderful Christmas and a very healthy New Year.
Tom Whitbread
London Bridge Station works
Some closures of London Bridge Station will take place on the following dates as part of the ongoing London Bridge Quarter and station
works. They are:
Saturday 1 Dec / Sunday 2 Dec and Sat 15 Dec / Sun 16 Dec 2012
During these times, a marshalled temporary taxi rank will be in operation in Tooley Street. The head of the rank will be in the bay in Tooley
Street, outside of the station and to the west of the London Dungeon. This bay will be for 3 taxis and the taxi rank opposite More London
will be extended to 6 spaces. The More London taxi rank and the loading bays between More London and the station will be used as a feeder
Traffic marshals will be present at the temporary rank and drivers should follow the directions of those marshals.
Call Sign December 2012
Page 17
By the time you read this, Christmas will be
A few things to help keep children quiet over the Christmas
almost upon us, so no doubt you will be run-
ning around sorting out last minute plans and
getting those presents wrapped! Last month I
told you about my recommended stocking
fillers for 2012, so this month I thought I’d give
you the rundown on a few interesting websites
that your kids might like. So if they are stuck
with nothing to do - as kids today so often
websites for kids
seem to be regardless of the vast amount of
entertainment available to them - then per-
toy. So how do you navigate through the veri-
haps you can fill a post-Christmas afternoon
table miasma of second-rate rubbish to find the
with these websites.
best apps? All you need do is send your kids to
A word of warning to all parents regarding
the following reputable websites where they
the Internet: please be aware that although the
can read unbiased reviews on pretty much
Internet is a wonderful resource of informa-
every game or app that’s out there. Get them in
tion, illicit and/or illegal content is only a few
the habit of checking reviews, ratings and
clicks away. Children are naturally curious.
gameplay footage before buying, and they’ll
Growing up in the digital age, they are often
save you a small fortune over time! For iOS
more savvy than we parents. Consequently it
devices (iPad/iPad Mini/iPhone etc), check out:
doesn’t take much for them to stumble upon
unpleasant websites. Please use protection on
play.com. For Android devices (Google Nexus
all your home computers like OpenDNS
7, Samsung Galaxy S3 etc.), check out:
android. For both iOS and Android devices
be sure to monitor your children’s Internet
you can also check out the excellent
website. An absolute must for any Potter fan.
Anyway, onto the websites!
is an excellent resource for the budding comic
sensemedia.org): Admittedly this isn’t strictly a
This website is hugely popular with kids ages 6-
book writer. Members can create free digital
kid’s website. However, as a parent, this web-
14. Essentially, it’s a massively multiplayer
comics using the user-friendly tools available,
site is very useful in helping you decide what
online game (MMO) based in a virtual winter-
allowing them to put their creative skills to a
content is suitable for your children to view.
world. Players get their own igloo and penguin
fun use. Members can also share their comics
How many times have your kids asked to view
character which they can name and customise.
with other members, publish their comics and
a film which has an age rating that is older than
It’s free to play; however, in order to make fur-
watch how-to videos to help them.
they are, but their friends have seen it? Or per-
ther customisation and access all areas within
haps you’ve let them watch a PG which you felt
the virtual world, members will need to pay a
If you have inquisitive children who want to
afterward was unsuitable for them. This web-
monthly subscription fee (currently from £2.50
know how stuff works and you find yourself
site helps navigate you through the minefield
per month). This is a great way for kids to
lost for an answer, then fear not!
of movies, TV shows, websites, Apps and video
socialise with their friends and make new ones.
HowStuffWorks is an excellent resource (run
games by providing you with all the facts.
It’s a very controlled, safe environment which
by the Discovery Channel), which provides
Other parents provide ratings and reviews,
is ideal for small children.
thousands of explanations and concise videos
indicating what age(s) they feel are appropriate
explaining how things work. This is a really
for the content as well as what to expect from
you’ve been living under a rock for the last
interesting website for all ages, so you’re
the film/game/app/website. You need never be
decade, then you’ll have at least heard about
bound to find something of interest here your-
in doubt again when looking for suitable con-
the phenomenon that is Harry Potter. If your
self. If you have an iPad, there is also a free iPad
tent for your children. If you have an iPad,
children are Potter fans who have read all the
app to accompany the website - just search the
there is also a free iPad app to accompany the
books, seen all the films and played all the
App store for HowStuffWorks.
- just search the App store for
games but still cannot get enough Potter-
Common Sense Media.
5. Gaming on the iPad/iPad Mini/iPhone
mania, then look no further than the
/Android. If you are giving your children an
Well, that’s all for now. I wish you and your
Pottermore website. Run by J.K Rowling her-
iDevice this Christmas, whether that be an
families a Merry Christmas. See you next year!
self, Pottermore allows you to explore the
Apple or Android device, then no doubt they
Harry Potter story further on this interactive
Jon Winterburn
will want to buy games and apps for their new
Notice of DaC AGM
By now, all members should
have received an individual
notice of the Dial-a-Cab
2012 Annual General
Meeting advising that it will be held at:
Nellie’s waiting!
The HAC, Armoury House, City Road, London EC1Y 2BQ on
20% off the bill when you show your badge
Sunday 3rd February 2013 at 11:00hrs.
Great pastas, chicken, steaks, fish and roasts!
The meeting this year will consider an agenda including the
Election of Officers and any proposed Rule Changes and
Nellie's Restaurant
Propositions, all of which should have been received at Dial-a-
12-13 Greville Street, EC1N 8SB
Cab House on or before 09:00hrs on Monday 12th November
2012 and in accordance with Society Rules.
Show your badge and it’s 20% o !
Howard Pears
Open 9.30 am to 12 pm
Company Secretary
Free parking from 6.30 pm
Call Sign December 2012
Page 18
London’s taxi trade is world famous. The tradi-
Following an article in a trade paper suggesting that new TX4s
tional London Taxi is hailed as an iconic vehicle;
were taken away on the back of transporter trucks during the
yes, there have been problems with these vehi-
cles and there have been occasions when the
recent Disneyland Paris trip after the steering recall, DaC driver and
manufacturer, London Taxi Company, has not
WCHCD Magical Taxi Tour Committee Chairman, Phil Davis (F10)
dealt with the trade in the way their customers
would have liked. There has been a certain
amount of what might be described by some as
arrogance over the years and this has perhaps
stemmed from those in the offices at Coventry
not having a complete understanding of the way
the trade works in London, but nonetheless, it is
sad news that MBH is in administration. This in
itself has caused some problems for drivers, with
some garages refusing to carry out warranty
work, the possibility of some spares not being
fashion, the rumours began.
available and the general unrest caused when
It is worth pointing out that the recall proce-
the administrators made 156 staff redundant
dure is rigorous with VOSA; just recently many
both in London at Brewery Road and at the head
Toyota vehicles, including some of the Prius
office in Coventry. Initial signs are that there is a
models favoured by the PH trade in London
good deal of interest in the company and we can
have become the subject of a recall for a steering
hope that it will continue, the iconic vehicle is
still in demand by passengers.
Whether you feel little sympathy for the com-
But it is not just the vehicle which is iconic; it
pany, or whether you are one of the cab trade
is the driver too. Studying the KoL is a serious
who has contacted the company to offer them
commitment and once the driver is given his
moral support at this difficult time, it should be
badge, there is a great sense of pride in what he
remembered that the taxi trade charities are all
has studied for. At this point, the new butterboy
grateful for the support that the company has
or girl will be looking at the charities and organ-
offered over the years. The Magical Taxi Tour has
isations the trade in London has to offer. Some
taken place for 19 consecutive years now and for
will join an association such as the LTDA or the
many of these the fuel has been sponsored by
LCDC and it is hoped that these organisations
LTI or The London Taxi Company as it is now.
can lobby the licensing authority and others in
Staff from the dealership have helped at the Big
government to ensure that the iconic taxi trade
Breakfast giving the children spending money,
long way to join the trip; some of the sponsors
some of the sales staff have driven cabs on the
continues to service the public in the best way
also joined the group for an evening meal. It was
trip and their support has been much appreciat-
possible at a reasonable cost. Then the butter-
prior to this meal when Matthew Cheyne from
ed. It would be a shame if an article such as the
boy might decide to join one of the trade’s char-
The London Taxi Company first got the tele-
one which has appeared recently and which is
ities or offer to help with the worthwhile outings
phone call to advise him that the steering prob-
inaccurate in so many ways, was responsible for
and events that the trade is also famous for.
lem may be affecting some of the cabs on the
colouring the judgement of future sponsors or if
However it takes little to upset the balance of
trip. He had a list of those cabs affected and the
the hospitals whose patients take part lose con-
fund raising and good feeling for these charities,
committee then gave him the names of the dri-
fidence in the event. After all, it brings smiles to
sometimes by someone who is ignorant of the
vers of those vehicles. The quick, efficient way
the faces of children whose on-going treatments
way things are done. For example, the recent
this was dealt with by The London Taxi
would make many an adult cry.
furore caused by a charitable donation to one of
Company meant the committee were confident
the charities from Addison Lee chairman John
that those cabs affected would be replaced the
Phil Davis (F10)
Griffin; in the end the committee for the chari-
following morning at Canary Wharf. Various
The Magical Taxi tour Committee
ty decided that the donation had to be returned
options in an emergency meeting at the hotel
but the rumours and comments within the trade
with both the committee and Matthew Cheyne
caused some upset at the time.
had been discussed and no-one wanted to have
So now on to the subject matter of one of
to tell any of the families that they were not able
the latest articles in the trade press, concern-
to go on the trip.
ing both the iconic vehicle and also another
On the Friday morning, the cabs affected were
charity, this time the Magical Taxi Tour. It is
swapped at Canary Wharf. One report in a trade
now common knowledge that one of the
paper said that these cabs were put on trans-
main problems which tipped MBH into
porters at the Disneyland resort on the Saturday
administration was a recall for a steering
morning, but this is not the case. In fact the swap
problem on some TX4 taxis. Unfortunately,
was done discreetly early on Friday morning
this problem surfaced just at the time of the
without any of the families knowing why their
preparations for the Disney trip were almost
vehicle was being changed. For the most part, it
was only those drivers of the affected cabs who
For the record, both I and the committee for
knew that there was a problem, most of the
this annual outing would like to thank The
other drivers on the trip were unaware of the
London Taxi Company for their help in ensuring
changes taking place. The replacement 10 vehi-
the trip suffered as little impact as possible. On
cles arrived courtesy of The London Taxi
the day before the trip left Canary Wharf, as in
Company, driven by some of the staff from the
previous years, those cab drivers taking part in
Brewery Road dealership who then took away
the trip took their vehicles to Station Road,
the cabs which were affected by the recall. The
Tufnell Park, to the premises of RTG to have the
replacement cabs joined the back of the convoy
pre-trip checks and also have sponsorship logos
and the Magical Taxi Tour got underway. At this
attached. Again as usual, this operation was car-
point in time, the recall had not been
ried out in a slick, professional manner. Once all
announced by VOSA and The London Taxi
the checks were completed and they were ready
Company. However, by the time the convoy had
for the trip, some of the committee and drivers
reached Dover, the recall had been announced
went to stay in hotels near Canary Wharf. Some
and the following Monday national news bul-
of the children and their carers stay in a hotel
letins had announced that MBH was applying to
the night before the trip as they have travelled a
appoint administrators and in true cab trade
Call Sign December 2012
Page 19
DaC driver Sean Farrell (B39) looks at trade history from a different angle
The Brethren of the Whip
Dining out on a job...
t was 1850 and William Kirk had taken two
awarded £5 for his information. Another
women home and been paid a shilling for
driver who gave information that led to the
the 8d journey upfront. When he set down
arrest of Mr Manning in Jersey also
however, he demanded being paid again and
received £5.
though they tried to convince him he had
Charles Dickens witnessed the public
already been paid, they gave him another
execution of the Mannings outside
shilling and took his badge number (980). At
Horsemonger Lane Gaol and decried
Lambeth police court, he was charged with
the whole sordid spectacle in a letter to
drunkenness, extortion (in claiming an extra
The Times.
shilling) and insolent behaviour. He was very
None of this washed a year later with the
contrite in front of the magistrates and apolo-
magistrate in Lambeth, but fortunately for
gised for his behaviour. He explained that he
Kirk the complainant asked for only a small
had a wife and three children and it was so
penalty to be imposed because of Kirk’s
unlike him to get drunk, but it was his previous
Maria Manning
family and his contrition. He was fined £1 or
passenger’s fault.
be imprisoned for 20 days in default. He
He explained (as dictated by the court reporter): “I’m werry
paid the £1.
sorry, yer worship. I’m the man wot drove Mrs Manning…
Exactly one year later, Kirk was in court again. This time he was
and when I tells gentlemen on it they gives me wine to
charged with overcharging, by 4d and for using insulting lan-
drink, and on this here day two gents give me a little too
guage: “You are a pretty fellow and no gentleman.”
much wine, so that was the cause on it, yer worship.”
He was fined £2 for the overcharge and £2 or one month’s
He didn’t have to say any more, everyone knew who he was.
imprisonment for the insulting language. This time however, the
The previous year, Patrick O’Connor - a clerk at the London
cab driver did not use Maria Manning as an excuse...
Docks - went missing. Police interviewed his colleagues and
Sean Farrell (B39)
friends including a Mr and Mrs Manning. In fact O’Connor and
Maria Manning were more than just friends; they were lovers,
a tryst that Mr Manning was not only aware of but condoned by
An Exclusive for Dial-a-Cab drivers!
him as well. When the police returned to the Manning house-
hold in Minver Place, New Weston Street, Bermondsey a few
days later, they found the place deserted. The house had been
cleared, there was no furniture, no personal effects, but they did
find Patrick O’Connor’s naked body under a flagstone in the
Buy one,
The police believed that O’Connor had been killed in one
of the bedrooms, possibly at a time when he was in bed
with Mrs Manning. He had been drugged, bludgeoned and
get one free offer!
shot through the head. It also transpired later that after the
murder, Mrs Manning had gone to O’Connor’s house and
robbed it of all the valuables and money she could carry. A
Buy an oil and filter service during
nationwide search was put out for the Mannings. There
December, January and February and get
were rumours that they had escaped to France with the
intent of fleeing to the United States. Rewards were posted
the same service FREE on your next visit!
but still no one came forward, at least not for two weeks,
when William Kirk suddenly realised he had information.
He later told the police he was called off the Joiner Street
Cable Taxis/Cabfix
rank by Mrs Manning, who spoke with an accent as if she was
from Essex or Sussex (she was Swiss) and also that she had a
Arch 100, Golding Street
whale over her face (a veil). But from what he could make out,
(off Cable St), E1 1QH
she was very attractive (which was agreed by everyone who saw
Tel: 0207 488 9397
her). He had gone to Minver Place and put several boxes in the
cab; one was too heavy and was left behind. They went to
London Bridge Station where some of the boxes were deposited
Our other services include:
for forward travel to France. He then took her to Euston
Overhauls at sensible prices
TX11 Timing Chains/Belts
TX11 Heater Control Valves
(Square) Station where she took a train to Edinburgh (then pos-
Tyres Supplied and Fitted
sible on the west coast line). Within an hour of Scotland Yard
contacting the police in Edinburgh, Mrs Maria Manning was
We are soon to be an MOT testing station for taxis and class 4 vehicles...
arrested and was later on her way back to London. Kirk was
Call Sign December 2012
Page 20
Shock... Horror!!!
Oxford Scholar!
Simon Rogers (N39) grinned broadly. “Yes, Oxfo
city,” he repeated after Call Sign mistakenly thoug
he had said Oxford Street.
“I had stopped at the traffic lights on Praed Stre
by Paddington Station,” Simon said, “when tw
middle eastern looking gentlemen came up an
handed me a piece of paper with the address of
business park just outside Oxford city centre. The
were well dressed and spoke perfect English and
understood it was a long way. So off we went
straight up the A40.
“I think there was a problem with the trains and
they needed to get to their meeting fairly quickly
with the minimum of fuss and I just happened to
be in the right place at the right time,” he contin-
“It took about an hour and a half to get out
there, the traffic flowed quite well for midday so
I didn’t expect too many delays and the passen-
gers were happy enough. Thankfully, they had
precise details of the address, which I was easily
able to Google on my mobile phone. If it had
been in the city centre it might not have been so
much fun though,” he said with a smile, “that’s
Despite Dial-a-Cab driver
pretty much fully pedestrianised and I would almost certainly have got lost!
“This was by far the best job I’ve had in my 6 years of taxi driving and when I called my wife
Phil Benjamin’s (K20) best
to tell her, she thought I was kidding.”
efforts to stop his wife (Sue)
With that, he walked away still smiling broadly. We’re not too sure what Simon would have
from sending this confession
made of Call Sign’s 2006 story when former driver Mark Thurbin was driving along Pall Mall
and stopped for a passenger who asked to be taken to Marrakesh in Morocco - and he took
to Call Sign, her feelings of
him. He was the first DaC driver to almost need an accident report between his cab ... and a
guilt proved too much as she
penned her feelings...
On not being able to get a licensed
taxi, I committed ultimate sin and
hired a minicab. What followed
Lloyds Bank
might not be surprising:
support for
Hire cab to West End
Arrives with SatNav as friend
Yet drives round each wrong bend
Will I get there in the end?
In a show of support for the taxi trade
Hour late for reservation
and especially the Worshipful Company
TomTom lost concentration
of Hackney Carriage Drivers, the
Asks to my consternation
Lloyds Banking Group Community
Where exact destination!
Fund has awarded the taxi charity
£5000 for their next annual Disneyland
Call me naïve, thought his role
Paris trip, which according to Dial-a-
To get me to my drinking hole
Cab’s Phil Davis (F10), who is also the
Without my blood on super boil
Chairman of the Disney organising
But more suited to the dole!
committee, will pay for a further four
Should have taken him apart
families to go on next year’s trip - the twentieth one since the trips
But really didn’t have the heart
Besides foreigner not too smart
It was left to a public vote to determine which of a number of charities should receive
My English being abstract art
the award and the WCHCD was one of the 132 organisations that were awarded fund-
ing from the many thousands that applied..
So there is no confusion
According to Phil, it costs £1250 to take a sick child and his or her family to Paris,
I end with this conclusion
which will allow another four families to enjoy the weekend at Disney.
I’m under no illusion
“They couldn’t do it on their own,” said Phil, “because they would not be able
Black cabs not worth exclusion!
to get the medical support that the WCHCD provide during the weekend. This
From Mrs K20
way the family can relax knowing that their child is in safe hands.”
Call Sign December 2012
Page 21
one and it is now even more important to
that the meter amounts are no more than
show our true professionalism and provide a
they should be.
service that is second to none.
I would also like to remind you that in nor-
mal daytime working on the Island, if you
book in to E14C you must be inside the secu-
DaC App
rity barriers and on any of the ranks with your
As you know, on 1st December the Dial-a-Cab
hire light turned on. It appears that Security
Credit Card App was available to download
at Canary Wharf Management (CWM) are
and as I mentioned in last month’s edition of
now monitoring all taxis on the estate and
Call Sign, without your full support it will
will, if they feel necessary, restrict entry to
not be a success. The Board are confident
taxis that don’t follow this criteria.
that with the reduced fees and mobile acces-
sibility, in addition to the normal website and
telephone booking lines, it will help to gen-
Thoughts at
erate additional income. The trips will appear
on your terminals exactly the same way as
Hello Ladies & Gents,
they do at the moment, the mobile App being
Christmas, as I’m sure you’ll agree, is a time
With the festive period now upon us, I hope
purely the booking tool for customers to
to be with family and friends. However, over
that you all have a busy and profitable run up
order both ASAP or pre-booked Credit Card
the past few months I have had the unenvi-
to Christmas and the New Year. 2012 has cer-
journeys; there is no specific need for you to
able task of speaking to a number of our
tainly been a tough year and one primarily of
have either an IPhone or Android to receive
members or their close families, informing
consolidation. The European financial mar-
these types of trips, the full details of which
me that they have been very poorly with
kets and general worldwide trading condi-
will appear on the terminal.
some more serious than others and some
tions are far from stable and over the past
If you haven’t already displayed the par-
that are sadly not with us anymore.
month, regrettably, our trade has not gone
tition sticker in your taxi, they are avail-
It is without doubt the hardest part of this
unaffected with the administrators called in
able at this office or from Roman Way.
job and the part I most dislike. I am sure that
at Manganese Bronze.
like me, your thoughts go out to each and
At the time of writing, the company is still
every one of them - especially at this time of
in administration but fortunately the steering
Rolling ranks
the year.
box problems that have affected a number of
I have been asked to politely mention that
Can I finally wish all of you and your
you is in the process of being resolved,
now the two Rolling Ranks are fully opera-
families a very happy festive period and
although not having been able to work in
tional and getting busier, it is important to
lots of luck for 2013...
what is normally the busiest of periods is far
check your trip details so that you do not go
from ideal and unacceptable for such a
to the wrong rank. Clients are closely moni-
Allan Evans
length of time. We frequently read in the
toring run-ins and waiting time and it is also
media that the recovery is going to be a slow
important that they are not kept waiting and
LTFUC: Remembering for life
The London Taxidrivers’ Fund for Underprivileged Children recent-
ly received the following email and felt it was worth sharing with
all the wonderful drivers who come on our outings to show just
how beneficial these days are to the children...
“It's the first time I have ever looked at your site. I was unfortunate enough to have been
brought up in a children's home (St. Joseph’s, Enfield) in north London from 1959 - 1976, but
very fortunate to have been on several London taxi outings to Southend-on-Sea. How very
very lucky my friends and I always felt and the memories of those outings have stayed with us
The taxi outing was so very special; we used to regard it as the best ever outings we ever
went on. I remember the hall we gathered in within Stepney and the Square with all the taxis
lined up, meeting our Aunt and Uncle for the day, the large paper carrier bags we were given
filled with fruit and sweets etc and the decorated cabs, balloons and the convoy of taxis on
the road to Southend. I remember being asked to give flowers to the Mayor and Mayoress
one year - nerve wracking! There were people dressed up as characters from the Planet of the
Apes another year!
We enjoyed a wonderful day at the seaside, an evening back at the hall and our return jour-
ney home when we used to throw our sweets to children lining the pavements as we drove
through east London. We felt so lucky and wanted to share our joy.
The magic was over, but the memories remain and it’s wonderful to think that as an organi-
sation you continue to do this for so many children. I would love to know if it would be possi-
ble to see any photos of past trips.
I am still in touch with many people who grew up with me and experienced your outings
and we are all so grateful for the difference you made in our lives.
Jo xxx”
The Hon President, Hon Chair and Committee thank Jo most sincerely for taking
the time and trouble to send this email to us.
Raymond Levy
(LTFUC Press Officer)
Call Sign December 2012
Page 22
If you were in Chicago (Illinois)
and walking along West
Should he be forgiven?
Belmont, you’d eventually reach
the offices of that city’s equiva-
lent to Call Sign, The Chicago
Dispatcher. For the past ten
years, the paper has been edited
by George Lutfallah and has
rightly gained a name among
Chicago’s cab drivers as provid-
harming Chicago cab drivers when I was a
a teenager still disturbs me. I want to fix
teenager. Since that time there have been more
things. I want to treat every cab driver with the
ing excellent representation on
assaults on cabbies in Chicago and I need to
respect he deserves. I want to be more patient
their behalves.
speak up about what I did.
with cab drivers in traffic, because I know I
Like this magazine, George is always on the
I am an adult now and I know that target-
am not under as much stress as you are. I
lookout for something different to put in
ing cab drivers is wrong. I used to throw eggs
want to be the nicest guy you see during your
front of his readers and in his October letters
or snowballs at cabs. Sometimes I'd throw them
page he published a letter from a passenger
inside the cab. When you do that, the cabbie
If there is any way I can make things better,
and asked his readers the same question as
has to stop working. I know now that many
please let me know.
Call Sign is asking you: Should this passenger
cab drivers are barely breaking even and I
Michael Baehr
be forgiven, because what he has done is cer-
may have caused serious financial harm.
San Francisco, California
tainly not confined just to Chicago...
I also know that cab drivers are vulnerable
Call Sign has published articles over the
and cannot always get help from the police.
years where Dial-a-Cab drivers have had
Letters to the Editor:
What I did was threatening to people who were
their taxis pelted with eggs or had paint
not able to get justice. I never suffered any
stripper poured over them while parked. If
October 2012
consequences, even though it affected many
the perpetrator came forward several years
“I want to treat every cab driver with the
peoples' lives. For this I am deeply sorry.
later and apologised, would you be happy
respect he deserves...”
It has been more than 10 years since I used
to accept their apology? Reader’s views are
I'm writing this letter to make amends for
to target cab drivers like that. My behaviour as
always welcome...
TKO takeover as Areti wins title!
ALL three TRAD TKO Gym fighters recorded victories on yet another outstand-
ing 8-fight card at the York Hall in Bethnal Green on 18th November, cour-
tesy of Left Jab Promotion’s ‘Matinee Idols’ show. An action packed afternoon
at the home of British boxing saw female fighter Areti Mastrodouka capture
the International Masters Super Featherweight Title, with Eren Arif prevailing
in a 4 round bout and debutant Tommy ‘Da Gun’ Martin forcing a third
round stoppage over his opponent. The three are trained by Dial-a-Cab dri-
ver Alec Wilkey (W83) and based at the Canning Town gym that was
founded by World class boxing coach Johnny Eames in 2006.
Unbeaten Greek southpaw Mastrodouka was in fine form once again as
she took on Welsh fighter Lana Cooper in the first title fight for both boxers
over 8 x 2 minute rounds. It was Cooper who started the faster of the two,
but as Mastrodouka settled into her rhythm she began landing her straight
left hands to back her opponent up. In the second round it was
Mastrodouka - known as The Master - who took control of the exchanges
and she caught Cooper with a flurry of hooks to the body as she forced her
onto the ropes. As the bout progressed, Mastrodouka was dominating each
session by using her jab as the range finder and landing the straight left
hand and then switching the attack from head to body. It was no surprise when Mastrodouka was
crowned International Masters Champion with the judge scoring every round in her favour and score of 80-72. She is surely en route to
a world title shot with her record now at 4-0.
Rotherhithe Light-Welterweight Eren Arif put on another solid display in his second bout after a winning debut back in September. Arif was
matched against Aleksas Vaseris in a lively 4 round bout which saw both boxers having success. After a cagey first round, the second saw
Arif on the front foot, coming forward and throwing hooks to the body and head. But it was the third round where Arif showed his superior
skills with punch variation and some good combinations, even knocking Vaseris’ gumshield out! The final round produced some great action as
both boxers went toe to toe, but it was Arif who edged it in the eyes of the judge, winning by a score of 39-37 and going to 2-0.
Tommy ‘Da Gun’ Martin made a sensational debut with a 3rd round TKO win in front of his army of supporters. The 18 year-old
Lightweight from St Neots - who only recently joined Johnny Eames and Alec Wilkey at the TKO Gym - took on Lithuanian Artur Saniuk
over a scheduled 4 rounds in which he dictated the action. Martin looked to establish his jab in an even first round, but it was the second
session where he increased the tempo and forced Saniuk to take backward steps, throwing hooks to the body and head and almost stop-
ping his man. But Saniuk’s fate was sealed in the third when Martin piled on the pressure and then whipped in a left hook to the body
followed by a right hand which knocked Saniuk to the canvas. Saniuk got to his feet but referee Jeff Hinds waved the fight off, signalling
Martins first win.
David Wilkey
Call Sign Online
Call Sign December 2012
Page 23
Becoming a know-all...
Nash’s Numbers
Ask any passenger from anywhere around the
world, which group of taxi drivers know their
occupation and everything involved in it, the
best and 90% of them will give you the same
answer. The recent poll from Hotels.com gave
the same answer that it has for the past five of
its yearly surveys. London’s finest know more
about their job, where they are going and
everything about taxi driving than any other
group of drivers!
And it’s probably a safe bet to add that
drivers on Dial-a-Cab know more than
most thanks to Alan Nash (A95) and his
monthly page 2 column, Nash’s Numbers,
which has given information to our dri-
vers since 1997 on everything from train
timetables to the position of cash ATMs to
the addresses of London’s many night
spots / bars and complete ‘What’s On’
guides to entertainment facilities.
But there are also a substantial number of
know-alls on Dial-a-Cab, thanks to Alan
Nash’s My Fav website. In these days of iPads
and iPhones, you could be missing out by not
gaining access to his brilliant My Fav page.
You do, of course, need to be on the Internet,
ing of the police, there is a list of all London’s
Why Register?
but other than that, nothing can stop you
lap dancing clubs and much more… and all in
Registering is not only free but you have the
being a know all!
excellent PDF quality that you can print off if
chance of winning a £100 monthly prize.
So what’s on it? Well there is far more than
you have the facility.
That offer has been going for the last 18
we have space to tell you about, but just for
If you want to be a know all, just go to
months but as yet no one has won. It’s very
starters how about over 70 iconic links to
simple; once logged in, simply click the
useful taxi related web pages as well as hun-
Fav logo and follow the instructions. Just
‘Recommend’ button and follow the instruc-
dreds of other links to sites that you probably
bear in mind that the code to unlock taxi info
tions. The proviso is that your recommended
search for on a regular basis anyway such as
is just that - taxi!
friend, colleague or relation etc registers and
High Street stores and banks etc. Then there
There aren’t too many genuine free bar-
uses MyFav.
are links to live TV and radio sites, daily news-
gains in life where you genuinely get a lot
You can also personalise your page to
papers and Google. Of course some will say
while not required to give anything back. But
have up to 40 of your own bookmarks, up
that they can get all the sites by just search-
Alan Nash’s My Fav is certainly one. If you
to 6 gadgets, various categories including
ing, however there is nowhere else you can
also register, you will have even more access
over 550 world weather forecasts (106 UK
get them all at one place - even updates on
and become a genuine Call Sign know-all!
towns & cities) and world time zones for
every capital city in the world. And of
all NASA’s space projects
And it’s all free!
course, everything else that a know-all
Then there are updated fare tables; mileages,
requires to be, well to be a know-all! And
which flights go from where at both Heathrow
register or click on ‘locked’ and just enter the
one that costs you absolutely nothing...
and Gatwick; a complete list of London pubs,
words ‘taxi’ to unlock a grid of over 65 icons
restaurants and hotels; a list of all the police
that link you to an assortment of useful info
Michael Toomey
stations that still stay open 24 hours and speak-
and taxi related websites
Call Sign Online
PRA condemn two-tier fuel pricing
How often have Dial-a-Cab drivers going along the M4 towards Heathrow looked down at their fuel gauges
and seen their diesel looking a bit low, but refuse to use a motorway service station perceiving the high diesel
cost as being hugely unfair?
That difference in fuel costs has now been picked up by Petrol Retailers’ Association Chairman, Brian
Madderson. According to Mr Madderson, motorway service areas owned or supplied by major oil companies
are continuing to extort their customers by pricing fuel much higher than at their standard company-owned sites.
Recent data produced by Experian Catalist showed that Shell’s petrol purchased at a motorway service
area was 14p per litre more expensive than Shell brand petrol purchased at one of their standard sites, while
diesel was as much as 12p more. The gap between prices for the Esso brand fuel was very similar.
Mr Madderson told Call Sign: “Two tier pricing was just one of the many areas for concern raised by
independent fuel retailers to the Office of Fair Trading recently when they indicated that the UK fuels mar-
ket was not working properly. It is essential that the OFT respond to the many complaints by confirming that
they will undertake a new Market Study under the Enterprise Act 2002 when they present their findings in
January 2013.
“It was good to note that our independent retailers have helped to lead fuel prices down recently with sev-
eral reporting that they had dropped prices below local supermarket competition and this was confirmed by the closeness of UK
average fuel prices for independently owned sites being just 2p per litre adrift from the average of supermarkets at the beginning of that week. This
has prompted another round of price cutting by the supermarkets. However, the UK wholesale market for road fuels remains volatile, so the trend in
falling prices is not guaranteed to continue. Therefore the Government’s plans for hiking fuel duty by 3.02p per litre on 1 January 2013 with the
prospect of a further 2p on 1 April are potentially crippling to household budgets.
“With 20% VAT added, total fuel tax could rise by as much as 7p per litre in the first few months of 2013. To have any chance of re-igniting the
economy, the Chancellor must freeze duty when he presents the Autumn Statement next month.”
In the meantime, taxi drivers and many other motorists will still be avoiding motorway service station fuel stops unless there is no choice...
Call Sign December 2012
Page 24
Former fireman Richard Potter and life behind the
Well, as you flick through the last Call Sign of
Dial-a-Cab for years, he asked me if the taxi
the year, I hope you agree that 2012 wasn’t as
trade was in crisis because the powers at
bad as predicted. Yes, the year was as flat as a
Westminster were hearing alarm bells.
pancake, but I found it a little easier than in
Combined with the collapse of Manganese
previous years. Maybe I have simply got used to
Bronze and the disastrous Olympics, I think
it being slow, but we survived and the outlook
politicians are beginning to realise that we are
is showing signs of recovery, which will in turn
not the moaners that Peter Hendy says we are,
encourage confidence. When the markets run
but that we have genuine problems. One issue
on speculation, confidence is the main driver
we discussed was the perception of the trade
and perhaps if the Chancellor was to reduce
with younger people. Older people and
VAT, that would help matters. Make it a figure
tourists still hold us in high regard, but the
that is not so easy to work out, that way the
younger generation look at us as dinosaurs. I
public will have a less good idea of what they
don’t like to play the blame game, but I think
are paying! Remember, once things start pick-
we often get a negative press and rarely get
ing up, that’s one day closer to us going back
much help from TfL, who have a bias towards
into recession - so make the most of it!
company that is eyeing up a smaller company
buses. And although LTPH gets a bad rap from
to squeeze its cashflow so it goes bust with the
us, I do believe their hands are tied from high-
sole intention of buying that same company
er up. Let’s hope that politicians finally sit up
from the administrator.
and listen to our problems and help us move
I got my first taste of driving around London as
Does that ring a bell with Geely and the
forward to secure the taxi trade for the future.
a delivery driver for a firm in New Covent
Garden market. Being just twenty and driving
London Taxi Company after it refused to
an old Bedford TK 600 without power steering
inject more money into Manganese
wasn’t easy and I had a few near misses. There
Ok, that’s it from me after nearly 7 years of writ-
were a large network of old fashioned corner
ing in Call Sign. It’s time to find something else
shops that we used to deliver to around
to do with my time and I hope another DaC
Fulham and Hammersmith, just like Open all
Have you ever wondered why people get PH
driver will contribute to the trade’s best mag by
vehicles instead of taxis? Or buy a can of
a long chalk. Many thanks to Alan Fisher for
But as time went on, many of these were
Redbull for £1.25 when you buy Tesco’s own
encouraging me to have a go and for being a
forced out of business by large supermarkets;
brand for 35p? How about Anadin instead of
great boss. He has never given me an editorial
so how funny it is to see many of those same
Asda own paracetamol? Well nothing acts faster
lean and only changed the articles to correct
supermarkets starting up their own local
than Anadin does it, so it’s worth the money?
my grammar and spelling! I have enjoyed my
shops! By using their muscle, they beat the
But in reality, all paracetamol acts at the same
time writing for Call Sign and I hope you have
competition with the long-term intention of
speed, therefore if nothing acts faster than
enjoyed reading my articles.
replacing them altogether. As traders ourselves,
Anadin, you could add that nothing acts slow-
So wherever you are in the world and with
one of the most important issues is cashflow.
er either! It’s all about perception and remem-
whomever you spend it, I hope you and your
Without it we would simply go bust, because
ber when you buy a can of Redbull, you are
families have a happy peaceful Christmas and a
we would have no money to pay our debts,
paying Sebastian Vettel’s wages!
prosperous New Year.
even though we perhaps owed money. It’s not
Having recently picked up a former Minister
unknown in the business world for a bigger
for Transport who has had an account with
Richard Potter (T51)
In the new era of MOTs for taxis, LTPH announce...
Locations for new inspection centres
London Taxi and Private Hire (LTPH) has confirmed the locations for six new vehicle inspection centres to be
managed by NSL from February 2013. NSL won the contract to provide the vehicle licensing and inspec-
tions service for London’s taxis and private hire vehicles.
Following discussions with the taxi and private hire trades and NSL, the six new vehicle inspection cen-
tres will be at the following locations:
North Site - Watermill Business Park, Enfield
South Site - Redlands Industrial Estate, Coulsdon
East Site - Acorn Industrial Park, Crayford
West Site - Air Links Industrial Estate, Hounslow
Central East - 1 North Crescent, Canning Town
Central West - Aquarius Business Park, Staples Corner
NSL will be licensing taxis under the new regime which requires taxi
vehicle owners to ensure their vehicles have passed an MOT no more than 14 days prior to inspection and
to carry out a further MOT six months from the date the licence is issued.
Helen Chapman, Deputy Director for Taxi and Private Hire, said:
“After positive discussions with members from both the taxi and private hire trades, we are
pleased to confirm the locations for the new inspection centres. We believe that drivers will find
the inspection centres are in convenient locations and will meet their expectations.”
Dale Wood, Business Processing Director for NSL, added:
“We’re excited to be working with TfL in providing taxi and private hire vehicle drivers with
greater and more state-of-the-art control and accessibility in booking their inspections, renewing
and applying for licenses, as well as offering a great choice of inspection locations.”
NSL has been awarded the contract for a period of up to 10 years for the delivery of the vehicle licensing
and inspections service, which involves undertaking an annual inspection on all taxi and private hire vehicles
Call Sign December 2012
Page 25
After the boss of Addison Lee was accused of criticising a deaf
footballer for grunting like a female tennis player, DaC driver Eddie
Lambert tells Call Sign...
notoriety for grunting during her matches.
thousands of people to read.
Griffin’s comments, together with the thuggish
Rumours are also around that some at Addy
Eddie Lambert
actions of the Gray’s supporters, drew anger
Lee are becoming fed up with John Griffin’s con-
from Action on Hearing Loss charity Head of
stant embarrassing remarks and the financial
John Griffin, the multi-millionaire Chairman of
PR, Rebecca Griffin, who said how disappointed
costs that they have incurred such as after the
private hire company Addison Lee, has hit the
she was that people showed such little respect to
Bus Lane fiasco, and would like to see him sailing
headlines several times over the years for being
a talented footballer trying to overcome commu-
off into the sunset to leave his two sons in
somewhat insensitive to others points of view -
nication barriers during matches.
charge. They could be right!
look no further than his spat with cyclists and his
In his email, Mr Griffin said that the police at
I also noticed in comments after the article
instruction to his drivers to break the law by dri-
the ground should have demanded that the pro-
appeared in the Mail Online that the paper
ving in bus and taxi lanes. But his email poking
foundly-deaf player discontinue the way he com-
was taken to task about its description of
fun at non-league Potters Bar FC deaf footballer,
municated “...as they could be misinterpreted by
Griffin as “boss of a taxi company.” I believe
Daniel Ailey, seems to have even surpassed his
members of the crowd.”
that the Hackney trade should do this every
remarks blaming cyclists for their own accidents.
Mr Griffin later issued an apology claiming that
time the media use the word ‘taxi’ when they
It was on October 23 and Daniel had been
he hadn’t meant to be insulting towards Ailey
should be using Private Hire or minicab. I
playing against Grays Athletic, whose fans began
and that he regretted any offence caused. But
recently emailed the Metro over the same
mocking him for the way he communicates with
Potters Bar manager Adam said that he was
issue in their Corrections and Omissions
his team-mates. It ended with police being called
extremely concerned by the comments made by
page over the description of Addison Lee as a
when some fans began making grunting sounds
the Addison Lee boss and considered that his
taxi company.
aimed at mocking Daniel.
many deaf or hard of hearing passengers might
It may seem a small issue to many, but I'm sure
In the meantime, John Griffin thought it amus-
think twice about who they get their cabs from
we have all seen articles headlined as taxi driver
ing to send an email to his local newspaper, The
after the outburst.
convicted of something or other, only to read fur-
Welwyn & Hatfield Times comparing the noises
Potters Bar Chairman, Peter Waller, said: “Mr
ther into the article that the person responsible
made by Daniel Ailey to those of noisy tennis
Griffin is entitled to have his say, but imagine if
was a PH driver. They even use the phase Private
stars such as Maria Sharapova, who has earned
we all laughed at disabled athletes at the
Hire Taxi! I'm sure one day the trade will say
Paralympics. It doesn’t matter what noises Daniel
enough is enough and blockade a newspaper
LTFUC Treasurer and DaC driver David
makes on the pitch, the only important thing is
office in protest at one of these erroneous
Lessman (D19) gives the LTFUC’s annual...
that he is a good footballer.”
Several years ago, my local paper
- the
Dial-a-Cab driver, Eddie Lambert
Peterborough Evening Telegraph - carried a
wrote to Call Sign about Griffin’s email and
The past twelve months have
rape story with taxi headlines when it was actual-
continued to be a difficult
brought in another problematic PH occurrence.
ly private hire. One of the local drivers, a young
time, not only for the general
He told us:
Asian man who I know (95% of Peterborough's
economy, but for the taxi
“I just hope that he is ashamed about making
taxi trade are Asian), phoned the paper and
trade in particular.
these comments. What's worse in my view is that
threatened to organise a boycott by the local
However, the London
they were not a spur of the moment comment
Asian newsagents against the Telegraph. The next
Taxidrivers’ Fund for
made without any thought. He sat down at a
issue carried an apology and when the paper cov-
Underprivileged Children, with grateful thanks
computer and composed these thoughtless and
ered similar stories in subsequent issues, they
to the generosity of its many benefactors, has
hurtful comments obviously expecting that his
been able to replenish a depleted reserve,
email was then transferred to a newspaper for
always got the description right...!”
maintain a high profile and the trustees look
forward next year to celebrating 85 years of
assisting the many disadvantaged children of
Greater London.
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
Not only was generated income considerably
more than the previous year, but total expendi-
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about
ture was reduced so the Fund remains finan-
variable bank interest rates?
cially strong. The value of grants made was
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or
minimal this year, but did include once again
Christmas vouchers for the dependants of taxi
member of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the
drivers no longer able to provide for their fami-
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union. Any member of your family residing
ly. The expenses incurred by the annual party at
at your address also qualifies for membership!
the JW Marriott Grosvenor House were greater
than the previous year, as toys for the 600 chil-
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
dren had to be purchased. Through sponsor-
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow
ship, the slightly increased cost of the outing to
up to 3 times your total savings…
Southend was covered.
Total income for the year was just under
The cost?
£45,000 and the total expenditure for the year
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.7%).
a little over £27,000, of which only £720 was
Loans can be paid back early AND there can be an annual dividend on your shares.
spent on general management and administra-
tion. Yet again the trustees have shown that a
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
charity can be run on only 1.6% of generated
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
income, with every penny of the remaining
98.4% being spent on giving hundreds of dis-
Members of the Financial Ombudsman Service
advantaged children a better quality of life.
Member’s funds protected up to limit set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
DaC Credit Union Ltd, Peterley Business Centre, 472 Hackney Rd E2 9EQ
David S. Lessman (D19)
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
LTFUC Hon. Treasurer
Registration number 213263
Call Sign December 2012
Page 26
Sometime ago I was driving in the West
Mike Son looks back at some of the taxi trips that were a bit out of
End and was hailed by a fellow who asked
the ordinary...
to be taken to the Tower Hotel in St
Katherine’s Way. Easy enough! I dropped
him at the hotel, drove through the exit
Stripped to the basics!
and turned right crossing the red bridge to
get to Thomas More Street.
evening rush hour!
As I crossed the bridge, I noticed a nice
Before I could say you’ll catch a cold,
looking young lady who was waving to
she proceeded to undo her leather rain-
me. Naturally I assumed she wanted a cab
coat and with the raincoat off her shoul-
so I stopped and asked her where she
der, stood there stark naked!
wanted to go. She said she didn’t really
After about a minute, she re-buttoned
want to go anywhere, but just wanted to
her coat and thanked me! All I could think
say hello! She also said she was very upset
of saying was “no, thank you!” Then she
because she had lost her job.
walked off with the bloke who had been
I said that I was sorry to hear it and
standing by the wall and who had obvi-
was sure she would get other employ-
ously realised what she was about to do,
ment quickly, but she began to look
hence his laughter!
even more upset when telling me that
Feeling rather shocked and not believ-
she was a stripper and had been
ing what had just happened, I drove
employed to go to a corporate compa-
around the corner and stopped the cab. As
ny nearby to “entertain the boys” for
that she didn’t want a taxi, she was just
I sat quietly in the taxi, a passenger came
an event of some kind.
feeling fed up at having wasted her time
over and asked to go to London Wall. He
She went on to add that when she
coming all the way to the City.
asked me if I was okay, as I looked a bit
arrived at the premises, the organiser told
I hadn’t noticed at first that there was
strange. When I explained what had hap-
her that due to unforeseen circumstances,
a fella leaning up against the wall a few
pened, he fell about laughing and asked if
she was no longer required. I suddenly
yards away laughing. I couldn’t quite
I would mind going back to see if the girl
began to wonder if she was a bit crazy and
work out what he was laughing at.
was still there! He was very disappointed
really wanted to drive off. But just as I was
The woman continued chatting and
when she had gone.
about to move, she put her hand on the
said that she was also very upset because
What a life we cabdrivers have to
window and asked if I’d wait just a few
she had been paid her fee in advance, but
endure. ..
more minutes. She carried on talking and
felt that she hadn’t earned it. She went
said she lived in Bromley. I thought that it
on to say that she had also now wasted
Mike Son
could be a nice job and asked where in
my time and suddenly asked if she could
Bromley she wanted to go. Her reply was
strip for me? This at around 6.30 in the
DaC Special Projects
Do you fancy
And they’re free if you are on Dial-a-Cab!
writing for
You will have seen an article on self-defence expert Ricky
Manetta (N16) in last month’s Call Sign, where he spoke o
starting a course for Dial-a-Cab drivers teaching Krav Mag
Call Sign?
the self defence system used by the Israeli special forces.
Now Dial-a-Cab has announced that it is sponsoring
Ricky’s self-defence classes for our drivers. Each course
With Richard Potter (T51) having decided
will last for 8 weeks and take up to 30 DaC drivers. It
to take a rest from writing, Call Sign has a
will cost drivers nothing, but Ricky did say that it is
vacancy for a regular columnist.
important for interested drivers to go on the complete
Whether that is a driver or their immediate
8-week course and not just pop in when they fancy.
relative is unimportant, you just need to have
The complete course will cost you nothing!
the ability of putting your thoughts into words.
If more than 30 drivers put their names down, they will
You will have the freedom to say what you
be on a first-come, first-served basis and those failing to
want within reason, but what the mag doesn’t
get on will go to the top of the list for the second course.
want is someone who uses the column in place
They will take place at the John Orwell Sports
of writing a letter.
Centre, Tench Street, Wapping each Wednesday
Your column should be about the taxi trade
from 2 - 3.30pm. Parking is available.
from your point of view and you need to be
The classes are very mixed, taking drivers in their 20s
prepared to have a variety of topics at your fin-
right into their 60s. They come tall, small, fat and thin
gertips, because writing a regular column is far
because it’s the techniques that work and not the size of
more difficult than just writing a letter. You
those performing them. Classes consist of warm-up and stretching exercises, then a
should also try to make it different from the
quick run over previous lessons. That’s followed by learning a new technique and some drills, so
usual columns seen in the trade press.
everything you learn becomes an instinct and not a thought. In a real life situation, by the time
You need to be reliable, because the Editor
you’ve had the thought, the instinct has already dealt with it.
doesn’t like chasing his columnists - believe
Two DaC drivers on a previous course told Call Sign that they really enjoyed and benefitted from
me, I know! Many have applied in the past,
them. Mickey Tarr (R02) was 6’ 2” and 16 stone, so we asked why he would need to do the classes.
but few actually follow it up.
He explained that as you get older, you are not as confident as you used to be in defending yourself and
You do not have to worry about spelling etc
that cab driving was so unpredictable. He added that Ricky was absolutely brilliant and gave him that
because that will all be corrected. So long as
confidence back by giving him the knowledge to deal with any situation, not just the physical ones.
your article makes good reading, then it will be
Steve Politz (N57) told us that the classes were brilliant. “I can’t say enough about them, I was just
published with as few errors as humanly possi-
addicted!” He added that for him the main thing was the confidence he gained through the self-defence
ble. But what you must have is the ability to
and aggression avoidance techniques. This taught him how to react in situations and not to panic.
send the article via email.
If you are interested, email Shelagh Adkins on shelagha@dialacab.co.uk or call on 0207
If interested, write to the Editor at call-
553 7200. If you want to speak to Ricky about the course, call him on 07950 267 574. He
won’t be taking the names but is happy to tell you anything you need to know about
Dennis Latchett
the Dial-a-Cab courses.
Call Sign Online
Call Sign December 2012
Page 27
With the trade in a state of uncertainty, Call Sign looks at the...
Views on life as seen through the
eyes of David Kupler (Y74) at...
Now and then...
The FX3
with its
open lug-
gage com-
The ‘now’ isn’t too promising with Manganese Bronze in administration and any taxi over 15 years
being old pulled off the road in what many describe as a heartless act from TfL considering the cur-
rent circumstances. Rented cabs are few and far between with some garages even putting up prices.
The only other option at the moment is to spend £42,000 on a Mercedes Vito and do what many
of those owners do - disconnect the converted van’s 25foot turning circle, because it then becomes
easier to do a 3-point turn! Otherwise it’s wait to see who buys MB or hang on for Nissan’s NV 200.
Always on a
So what about the ‘then’ because many newspapers and radio stations are wondering how
long the ‘now’ will last before private hire eventually takes over?
It was way back in 1679 when concern for passenger safety led Charles II new British Government
to bring in the Conditions of Fitness. It was at the same time that they passed the English Habeas
Corpus Act in response to a public outcry about people being incarcerated unlawfully for long peri-
Pulled into Padders,
ods of time before trial. Some believed the taxi trade had connections with the act re incarceration
Around 100 bodies waiting,
in a vehicle!
Set down at Euston,
The first London taxi that didn’t need a horse to pull it was the 1897 Bersey - better known as the
30 people at that station...
Hummingbird due to the sound that came from it while in motion. It was electrically powered but
with a limited range, which eventually led to the introduction of petrol taxis in 1903.
Then at MacLiver,
Although manufacturers such as Renault tried to jump on the bandwagon, most London taxis have
been British-built by manufacturers including the Beardmore Mk 1 in 1919 and Mk II 5 years later.
though the rank was empty,
One year after the Nuffield Oxford in 1947, the FX3 arrived with 3 doors - the luggage compart-
tourist cases all lined up,
ment being open and any bags being held on by straps. While old fashioned compared to the TX4,
Soon there was work a-plenty...
it came equipped with a built-in hydraulic jacking system that could raise the front or rear of the taxi
for tyre changing etc. In 1954, it was powered up to a 2.2 litre petrol engine and a diesel version was
The Raft was also moving,
also added because diesel was so cheap, being half the price of petrol. During the 10 year life of the
although the Vic was slow,
FX3, over 7000 were produced.
Kings Cross had work,
The FX3 was followed by the FX4 in 1958. The design was changed and began to look like the
vehicle tourists perceive as a London Taxi. This vehicle, with its fourth door, remained as the cab to
And also the Euro!
buy and although it had the occasional modification, it stayed unchanged for decades even though
So much business,
the hydraulic jacking system was dropped. It became easily identifiable by its indicators, which
Far too much to mention,
became known as “bunny ears.”
Austin was joined by a coach building company called Carbodies of Coventry and in 1984 the
Not enough to retire,
duo became London Taxis International and it wasn’t long before the next incarnation came along
And go to draw my pension...
- this was the FX4R - the R standing for Rover. The cab was quiet and smooth and capable of reach-
ing over 80mph - so long as you weren’t going uphill because then it was the realised that it had an
But give me Sundays,
alarming lack of climbing power.
All the time,
The trade became desperate for something else as second hand values plummeted. Prayers were
You can work Mondays...
answered when the FX4 was re-hashed into The Fairway and fitted with the engine that many still
'Cos Sunday's all mine!
claim to have been the best one the trade has ever had - the Nissan.
Three years later in 1987, Birmingham bus builders Metro Cammell Weymann moved into the
Kopyrlght Kupkake 2012
taxi business as a hoped-for competitor to the Fairway. Known as the Metrocab, it featured a fiber-
glass body, large glass area, power steering, disc brakes and wheelchair access. It used the Ford
Transit van diesel engine. In 1995, a series II model came out with a series III a few years later.
However, Metrocab’s survival record was poor and the Metrocab company kept folding and then
reappearing as a new outfit. Sadly, on Friday 3 March 2006, the curtain come down finally on any
chance that the Metrocab had of returning to mainstream manufacturing when the Runcorn Bailiff
company of Crellins walked into what had been Metrocab’s premises at Darwell Park in Tamworth
• All makes and models serviced
and took back anything of value on behalf of the landlord. The last Series III TTT model was a 55
and repaired
reg and owned by a Dial-a-Cab driver.
Keith White (A16) told Call Sign at the time that he felt very disappointed to hear the news
• Mobile service - we come to you!
because in his view, the TTT was undoubtedly the best taxi ever produced for the London market.
Of course, we should never forget the 1994 Asquith, of which around eight were sold and used
mainly as wedding cars due to passengers not realising that these were real licensed taxis!
Call Mick Wheeler
Meanwhile back at LTI, 1997 saw the Fairway give way to the TX1 - the shape of which caused dri-
vers to rename it as Noddy’s car as that is what it resembled. But Big Ears seemed to like it!
on 020 8715 0079
The TXII followed in 2002, but seemed to be beset with problems until the TX4 arrived in 2007.
Until the recent steering recall, the vehicle had been popular, although in 2009 the arrival of the
Covering London and the Home Counties
Mercedes Vito made a dent in LTI’s accounts that could well have been the reason for the collapse.
Call Sign December 2012
Page 28
January 2 is approaching fast and while the
biggest problem most of us will face as the New
Divyesh ready for Kilimanjaro!
Year arrives is how to shed those extra pounds
we will put on through over-indulgence at hol-
iday time, Dial-a-Cab driver Divyesh
Ruparelia (V59) will have rather more prob-
lems to worry about.
He won’t even have time to concern himself
over whether it’s busy, quiet or indifferent out
there as he gets ready for the 8-day climb via the
Lemosho route to the top of Africa’s highest
peak, Mount Kilimanjaro. While Divyesh
admitted to Call Sign that the climb was part of
his own celebrations at reaching the age of fifty,
he is also doing it in aid of various charities,
including two in the taxi trade!
There are no expenses because Divyesh has
paid for it all, so any monies donated will go to
the charities. They are Great Ormond Street
Hospital, Help for Heroes, the WCHCD’s
Magical Taxi Tour and Dial-a-Dream - the
charity run by Tom Whitbread and Bob Heath.
Divyesh told Call Sign: “I don't have the
Divyesh was clothed as a Liveryman and is now about to climb Kilimanjaro!
choice of dividing the money amongst the char-
ities, so those donating will have to decide
afford the monthly charge they would have to
Call Sign and sending us a photo of him on the
which charity their money goes to. Number 1 is
pay to JustGiving. Anyone wishing to donate to
peak. Will he take a birthday cake with him and
GOSH, 2 is Help For Heroes and 3 is the
the other three can do so via the JustGiving
tuck in while planting a Dial-a-Cab flag there?
Magical Taxi Tour. Those wanting to donate to
website at: Justgiving.com/teams/divyesh-
Perhaps not, but what he hopefully will do is to
Dial-a-Dream should do so direct to the chari-
raise some much-needed funds for the four
ty by paying into Barclays 20-52-74 40322202.
Divyesh, who was clothed as a Liveryman in the
That is because as a small charity, they cannot
WCHCD recently, will be keeping in touch with
Good luck Divyesh...
London taxis win again!
cent. The survey also found that Australians spend the most on taxis, while
Italians were on the other end of the spectrum.
Over half or 56 per cent of those surveyed also admitted to falling asleep in a
taxi, while 19 per cent said they have touched up their hair and makeup in a
Winners for the fifth year in a row
London taxis have been voted
the world's best for the fifth
consecutive year in an annual
global taxi survey by
Treatment for pain & discomfort doesn’t have to be expensive
The survey took in 1671 people
from 28 countries and cities and con-
The Centre offers fully qualified therapists in Physiotherapy,
cluded that London’s iconic black
Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Remedial
cabs were considered the best for
Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hydrotherm, Massage Therapy,
friendliness, knowledge of the area,
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
cleanliness, safety and quality of dri-
ving. On the downside, however, our
Call us on 020 8507 8169
taxi fares were also voted the most
or mobile 07973 639 473 for an early appointment
expensive. Ironically, it came within
Email: andy@bptconline.co.uk or fax: 020 8507 9650
days of Manganese Bronze going into
Out of hours enquiries welcome
London claimed 11 per cent of the
Barking Physical Therapy Centre
votes to win first place. New York
90 Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8SF
came in second place on 6.4 per
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am till 8pm and Saturday 9am till 2pm
cent, followed by Tokyo with 5.6 per
Call Sign December 2012
Page 29
Some months ago there was a
Call Sign Survey
furore in the media about a bus
driver who refused to allow a
A lone female tells you she has no money on her but
female onto his bus because she
has money at home...
was 20p short of the full fare.
She had to get off and was
raped as she walked home. So
we put this brief synopsis to
ers who do not look like they have 2p to
B o b b y
their name. Some time ago I took a lady
Dial-a-Cab drivers...
from SE1 up to NW3. We stopped at two
“Yes, I
It’s late in the evening, it’s dark
cash points along the way, unsuccessfully
would take
and suddenly you see a hand go
as it turned out, so we exchanged details
out. The respectable looking lady
sweat at all. In
at her destination and she sent me a per-
tells you her destination but
fact, I recently
sonal cheque a few days later.”
adds that she has no money in
took a lady
John Davis (V41): “Yes, I would take pas-
from Kings
her purse but has more than
Road to Archway at 03.00 in the morning.
enough at the destination to pay
their destina-
The meter read £22 but she only had £15.
the fare. You aren’t 100% certain
tion upon the
No big deal. But where I do get the hump
of that, but she is a woman on
is when people let me get them to the
something of
her own. Would you take the
other end and then say they haven’t got
value such as a
chance of not being paid or
any money, or they’ll get some money
indoors etc. I expect folk to be honest and
leave her because you are a busi-
wristwatch or
upfront with me. If they are level with me,
ness and not a charity?
the like.”
it’s a different ball game. Like many of us
Michael Wigmore (C16): “It is probably
who have children, I would like to think
John Morgan (H50): “You need to use
a bit different
that a fellow driver would act profession-
your common
working days,
ally and responsibly, bringing my children
sense and act
but generally
home safely. So I adopt a similar
would take
Jackie Kott
group stand-
(Y88): “I usu-
truth to tell I
ing around
ally work late
have done it
wearing foot-
into the night
many times
ball scarves
and generally
with no problem. Also, if the fare goes say
for example,
will take peo-
£12 for example and the passenger only
the answer is a big no, but I usually ask
ple where they
has £10, I‘ve accepted that with good
where they are going and if the area is ok
want to go, but
grace as well. And I make sure they are
and they are going to a house or specific
of course it would depend on the desti-
safely indoors before I pull away. After dri-
residence, then yes, fine. After cab driving
nation area and if the potential passenger
ving a cab for a few years, I use my sixth
for 27 years, you build up a sixth sense
was standing upright. When possible I
sense to sum people up. You help people
and go with your gut feelings. There have
usually work the radio, but if a situation
where you can and promote a profession-
been several occasions where the passen-
arose then I would make a judgement on
al image. Of course, at the end of the day
ger has had maybe £8 out of the £10 fare.
the merits of the case. Anyway, when my
we all come to work to make a living.”
I then suggest they put the odd couple of
children were younger I liked to think
Neil Baker (D55): “I judge people as they
quid balance towards a charity of their
they could get home safely in a taxi and
are and make
choice and say that I trust them to do the
then woke me up to pay the driver…”
right thing.”
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
from there.
turned over by
Now even better!
treated by oth-
Helps cut the cost of diesel - and reduce Emissions!
OnlyCabs.co.uk are pleased to supply
Dial-a-Cab drivers with the amazing Alpha Pill
Order Today to take advantage of the special price of £16.95
If you fancy yourself as a
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on the ad code
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Or telephone your order to:
haps, then take a look at the
Stephen Vale at Only Cabs 020 3239 6101
piece on page 23...
Call Sign December 2012
Page 30
In my capacity as a City of London and a City
DaC columnist, taxi driver and London Guide, Bob Woodford, on
of Westminster Guide, I occasionally get asked
how to lose money while enjoying yourself!
to cover Walks - either for the afore-men-
tioned respective Guiding Associations, or via
a private client who might contact me inde-
The (not so)
My client brief on the Walk I led on
Saturday 17th November was simple enough:
Could I provide a Guided Walk in Mayfair
using the River Tyburn as its main theme?
This, of course, would be no problem - firstly
Happy Wanderer!
on account that the Lions of Millwall were due
to play on Sunday that weekend and second-
were... all 94 of them! Not eight but ninety
ly, the history - both past and present - of the
bloody four!
ancient Tyburn was one of my chosen sub-
If you were one of the cabbies frustrated
because Brook Street was down to one lane as
The client was an E-zine called LeCool with
I tried to assemble nearly 100 members of the
an online subscription boasting 50,000 read-
public opposite the blue plaques to Handel
ers - if only I had been told that during the few
and Hendrix - or found that Charles Street
email exchanges I’d had before the target day
was temporarily closed while I was explaining
arrived. The Guide fee was to be met by the
Walk sponsor Fuji Water, who had already
to all these people the running footmen could
stumped up for the Walk leaflets that were to
only land the job if they were over 6 foot,
be placed along the route in coffee bars and
handsome and looked resplendent in white
art galleries.
shirt and stockings - then I can only apologise!
I was told there would be a budget of
At least I would not have hampered your
£100 for my 90 minute cameo and politely
progress while I had my crowd in Shepherd
asked if that would be alright. Now, bear-
Market - and they really loved the story about
ing in mind that I would normally get paid
'two grand' now being affectionately known as
£8 per punter if I was leading an
'an Archer'!
Association Walk, I asked how many pun-
I had a hoot moving 94 people around
ters would be expected - to which the
Mayfair - but as I was walking back through
reply was along the lines of that they
Bourdon Street to retrieve my cab I could not
hoped to get more than the 8 who showed
help thinking that if only I had charged my
up for the Walk they laid on in Borough
usual £8 per head, I would have trousered
Bob on a walk
Market. That’s all I needed to hear, so ok
says I - let’s do it!
Lane (and therefore along the reverse route of
Ninety four of them... that's more than they
On the morning in question, I parked my
my subterranean river), turned the corner at
get over at Leyton Orient...!
cab up on the 3-cab rank in Brook Street,
the top of Davies Street to the meeting point
sauntered up Avery Row and South Molten
outside Gray's Antiques
- and there they
Bob Woodford (Ex-P49)
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the
pages of the magazines of the time with a flashback
ries of Florrie
“I remem-
This issue harks back to the beginning
ber Flo so well,”
of ODRTS with a 2001 news item in
said Bonnie. “In those
Call Sign that our first-ever full time
very early days we all used
telephonist at Pentonville Road had
to turn our hand to anything that
passed away...
needed doing at our Pentonville
Road office and Flo would always be
From Call Sign, October 2001...
the first to volunteer for any job,
regardless of how difficult. There
was very little that Flo couldn’t turn
her hand to.”
At the same time that Call Sign was pub-
Bonnie continued: “I remember her
lishing an article by Sam Harris (D95J) on
as such a lovely, friendly lady.
his early ODRTS memories in last month’s
Florrie at Pentonville Road
Everybody liked her and I remember
issue - including an early 1955 picture of
that our early secretaries Doug
Florrie Culverwell - everyone at Dial-a-
Chairman Martin Gellman (C47J) with
Naismith and John Robinson relied
Cab was saddened to hear that Flo had
great fondness.
heavily upon her knowledge.”
passed away at the age of 80 in London’s
“In fact,” said Michael, “she often
Bonnie ended by telling us what a
St Pancras Hospital. She had been suffer-
spoke of the fact that the BBC were
wonderful servant Florrie Culverwell
ing with Motor Neurone disease for some
the first major ODRTS account and
had been to ODRTS. She continued to
that in addition to her answering the
work for the Society after the move to
Florrie’s son Michael (G82) has been on
phones, helping out with the occasion-
Shirland Road and right through the
DaC for the past 15 years and told Call
al dispatching and making the tea, it
Sign that it wasn’t that long ago that his
was my mother’s job to look after the
The name of Florrie Culverwell is
mother had been recounting the old days
enshrined within the history of
and spoken of people such as former dis-
Call Sign also spoke to ODRTS Founder-
ODRTS and Dial-a-Cab and she will
patcher Johnny Thwaites and ex-
Chairman Bonnie Martyn on his memo-
always be remembered…
Call Sign December 2012
Page 31
“Yes, it’s been a good cab to me, and
indeed my wider family too,” John
Lovegrove (F02) told
Call Sign when we met recently and
Life after London?
referring to his
‘N’ registered Fairway
Driver taxi.
“I’ve had it from new, completing
around 220,000 miles to date. So apart
from the consumables like regular servic-
ing, replacement brakes and tyres, I have
not needed any major work done to it. I’ve
had a new coolant radiator and water
pump and an alternator, but that’s about
all if memory serves me right. Certainly
all the big bits - engine, gearbox and other
major components - are original!”
Then thinking about his statement,
caused by the Mayor’s Clean Air policy,
John added:
“When I said my ‘wider family’ I was
recalling the time when there were three
of us working this cab! My dad used to pot-
ter about on it at weekends, even into his
86th year; my son passed out on it and I
of course worked it when the other two
would let me!
John and the Fairway he has owned from new
“Cabbing is definitely in our family
blood. My grandfather used to drive a
ease up a bit, pursuing my hobbies of golf-
where they love anything English, espe-
Hansom cab all those years ago, so I can
ing and fishing, depending on the weath-
cially the iconic London taxi. So while its
proudly boast that four generations of the
er, which is why I’m selling this cab
work is finished here in the Capital, there
Lovegrove family have been, and continue
because I reckon it still has a good deal of
is still a life after London...!”
to be, involved in the London Hackney
life left in it yet. It can’t be London, so pos-
Alan Green
Carriage trade. So yes, this cab has served
sibly to somewhere in the provinces or
us well, but the time has come for me to
perhaps even abroad. Maybe the USA,
Call Sign Online
So who will
be the first???
Call Sign recently received a letter
from former Dial-a-Cab driver Roy the
boy Manix (ex-K98) who asked about
an Evening Standard article regarding
the minicab App, Kabbee. Roy said
376 Strand, WC2
that he hadn’t previously heard of it.
The article claimed that Kabbee had
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
raised £2million to expand its instant
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
price comparison site and minicab
booking service, that they claim links
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
fifty minicab firms to an estimated
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
150,000 customers.
Kabbee CEO, Justin Peters, said that
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
the extra funding would help achieve
their aim of reaching one million App
We are certain that you will be delighted
downloads in the next 12 months.
What Roy wouldn’t know, because
it wasn’t mentioned in the ES, was
that Kabbee also said that they are
close to adding licensed black taxis to
their system. So as the headline says:
Who will be first? After all, there do
seem to be some drivers in the trade
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
who will do anything legal to
increase their earnings. Is this one
Salieri Restaurant
step too far? Let Call Sign know...
376 Strand, WC2
Baghwat Singh
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
Call Sign Online
Call Sign December 2012
Page 32
Either write to Call Sign at
Dial-a-Cab House
or email us at
it was quite a while ago but I met some-
Built on a
one I thought I recognised when M&O
were based in Wandsworth Bridge
Dear Alan
Hi Alan
Regarding Manganese Bronze going
Re the story in the November Call Sign
I was in the waiting room waiting for
into administration, I think that was a
about me on the Knowledge with a
a bit of warranty work to be completed
very sad day. Whilst I know and appre-
member of sixties pop group, The
and began talking to another driver sit-
ciate that there are more important life
Foundations; it isn’t surprising that
ting opposite. As we were chatting, I
changing matters, for me it spelt
Ken Hardy (G36) - who was with the
began thinking I knew him from some-
group - doesn’t remember me because
where, until during the conversation
Tony Arnold (F03)
there must have been two members of
he let it slip that he used to play foot-
Very sad Tony, even more so for
The Foundations who became cab dri-
ball for Fulham. I suddenly realised
those who had to wait so long
vers! How do I know it wasn’t Ken that
that it was Fred Callaghan who used
before an answer to the steering
I did the KoL with? Because the guy I
to play for the Cottagers in the mid-six-
problem was eventually found ...Ed
was with at Cook's Garage over forty
ties. I told him with a smile that I had
years ago was black and he played the
his autograph from some years previ-
trumpet! Ken’s photo seems to show
that we weren’t the two that did our
“You can have it again if you want,”
House of Commons
KoL together!
he said bursting into smiles! What a
Hi Al
Whilst on the subject of those who
small world.
A driver told me we have the House of
had fame in another life before becom-
Keep up the good work Call Sign...
Commons back. Is that true? I usually
ing taxi drivers, am I imagining it or do
Brian Marcantonio (R73)
work the House but won’t while we're
you have a claim to fame in that you are
Thanks for that Brian. The last I
making miniscabs look good. It's bad
related to a famous shirt maker?
heard, Fred was back at Fulham and
enough sitting next to them on E14 or
Terry Farmer (ex-T55)
involved in the hospitality side of
EC5 and I have heard all the arguments
Retired member Terry Farmer wrote
match days. Anyone else got any
about helping them, but it’s not for me
in the October issue that we must
names from the past who now push
and most of the guys I know.
have on Dial-a-Cab former celebri-
cabs? ...Ed
John Addis (K97)
ties from their previous lives before
Brian Rice replies: Not sure what
going on the Knowledge and men-
you mean about making minicabs
Wrong page for
look good, John. The HoC informed
tioned being on the KoL with a for-
mer member of sixties band The
us we had lost their account to a
Foundations (Build me up butter-
minicab company, however, at the
cup, Baby now that I’ve found you
moment it appears the minicab
Thanks for the latest edition of Call
etc). Ironically perhaps, The
company cannot service the House
Sign Online magazine, again a most
to the standard they require.
Foundations were one of the first
interesting and readable issue. One
UK multiracial bands and included
Currently the House are still order-
question though; why was the article
members from Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
ing cabs directly from us due to the
about Nuala related to Page 17 when it
and the West Indies, so it looks as
bad service they receive from the
should have been, in my opinion, on
though one of those is the man
minicab company. What will hap-
Page 3? I assume you're not a shy cab-
pen in the future I don’t know, but
Terry is looking for which suggests
bie standing next to a most well-
either Pat Burke or Mike Elliott, who
making a minicab company look
endowed employee like Nuala!
both played tenor sax and trumpet.
good? I would have thought it was
It was also a nice article written by
If anyone knows either, Terry would
the reverse, as we make them look
Sandie Goodwin on the recent
like to hear from them.
bad if they can’t supply a service
WCHCD Paris Disneyland trip for dis-
and we can! It is quite demoralising
As for my “claim to fame,” sadly
abled children.
for me that is a rather tenuous link
for everyone here when members
Lloyd Powell
that applies far more to my wife
very often seem to employ a nega-
Palm Beach, Florida
Linda and definitely to my sister-in-
tive attitude towards any situation
And here’s me thinking how shy our
law Daphne, who in real life was the
before they know the facts, always
American cousins were! Ed...
looking for a ‘downside’ before they
wife of Ben Sherman! Daphne has
written a book about her life with
know what the situation consists of.
Jimmy Savile
Ben that if published, will tell a story
At the moment it is very simple. The
Dear Alan
House are not happy with the ser-
that goes far beyond the story of
Regarding your article in the November
button down shirt collars! ...Ed
vice they are receiving from the
Call Sign, which mentioned the times
minicab company, so they are still
when Jimmy Savile turned up at
ordering taxis directly from us.
Taxi driver celebs...
Beaumont Square to assist the London
However, I have no idea how long
Dear Alan
that situation will remain
- let’s
Re the recent article in Call Sign
Underprivileged Children’s annual
hope it is for a long time. Always
regarding celebrities becoming taxi dri-
outing to Southend, I should point out
look on the bright side...
vers after their ‘fame’ years had ended,
- as you indeed inferred in the article -
Call Sign December 2012
Page 33
Continued from page 32
that our outings always have the chil-
Day in aid of the Carers Trust. If any-
The future?
dren accompanied by carers. Therefore
one wants the details that Trish is
Dear Members
there was never any possibility of Savile
sending, please email me at the
I write this letter with concern about
being alone with any of them; but what
usual address ...Ed
the future of our company, Dial-a-Cab.
a sad indictment of a man that so many
I feel that we are not at a crossroads,
once looked up to.
but have turned into a cul-de-sac and
Bill Tyzack (C06)
Strictly scruffy!
are about to hit the brick wall at the
True words, Bill. I used to occasion-
Hi Alan
end. Our membership, and therefore
ally think that the Fund’s outings
Whilst watching Strictly Come
our fleet, is shrinking fast and our
could have had more children and
Dancing every night, I noticed that not
account work even faster! I find myself
fewer carers, but now we know that
one contestant arrives by licensed taxi.
doing less and less account work. Our
the LTFUC were right to always err
It seems that the days are gone when
current Board needs shaking up with
on the side of caution ...Ed
taxis ruled the roost and we now seem
some new members and some new
to be nothing but subbing contractors
ideas. I believe that since
2008 our
to the private hire league! It’s all about
membership has shrunk by around 700
image - or perceived image -and Allen
to around 1500. With subs at £1872 a
Hi Alan
Togwell is right in that too many dri-
year and multiplied by 700, that’s a rev-
I hope you and all the lovely London
vers dress up like real scruffs. How
enue loss of around £1.3million a year!
cabbies at Dial-a-Cab are well and that
right he has always been. Surely Dial-a-
So subs will increase soon after our
business is booming.
Cab could introduce a dress code?
AGM. Will this mean more drivers leav-
Wow, I can’t thank you enough for
Although I disagreed with the dictator-
ing? I read in the October Call Sign
the two fabulous articles you have in
ial attitude regarding adverts, there
that another major account has been
the November Call Sign; to say I appre-
must be some common ground to pre-
lost to a minicab company; part of this
ciate it is a huge understatement. My
sent our trade with a viable image. This
account may return, but the question is
goodness, you really have raised aware-
could be brought up at the AGM meet-
for how long? How many account cus-
ness for carers and for that I want to
ings with drivers. I’m saying this with
tomers are using others and not us?
say the biggest thank you. Gosh, we
outside knowledge, having rescinded
Just look around next time you are
couldn’t buy publicity on this scale! I
my licence due to ill health, but surely
working and as you pass down the
do hope that if any of the drivers,
it must be worth pursuing?
road, say to yourself that we used to
office-based staff and/or their families
I try to keep up with the trends in the
pick up there! How many of you have
have caring responsibilities, then the
cab trade and I hope I’m not being too
been asked if you are on Hailo or been
articles are of some help to them. I will
controversial with this.
told by some media type that DaC are
send Call Sign details of where sup-
Roy ‘the boy’ Manix (Ex-K98)
too expensive and that it isn’t the
port, advice, information and practical
Hi Roy, nice to hear from you and I
meter but the extras added on the bill.
help is available in London should any-
hope your health is improving. As
Many would say the biggest threat to
one need the information.
for a dress code, I’m not sure how
our company comes from minicabs
I’ve read Call Sign from cover to
many letters I have published over
while others might say it’s from the
cover and I’m just gobsmacked and
the years about it, but here we are
new app companies, but I think the
inspired at the amount of support,
still as we have always been! ...Ed
biggest threat is from ourselves and
commitment and enthusiasm that you
our lack of change - not only in the way
provide to so many people and causes.
we charge for our service, but in the
I think it typifies the ethos of Dial-a-Cab
way we offer and present our service
and its big-hearted cabbies that are
Paula Mattis
and ourselves. Change is needed now.
always such a pleasure to be involved
We say farewell to a great colleague,
To carry on and wait for this recession
with. DaC have been outstanding in
Paula Mattis
(nee Charles), who
to end is not the answer because our
supporting Carers Trust and it has
recently passed away. She began work-
work will not suddenly come rushing
been an absolute joy to welcome your
ing for Dial-a-Cab as a telephonist
back. You may ask why I think we need
team to the Butlins annual golf day. No
when they were at Shirland Road, then
some change on the Board. It’s
amount of thanks can convey my
went on to become a back channel
because I think the Board are afraid of
appreciation for this support, which is
operator. I first met her at the-then
any change because they fear for their
reflected in the lives you have helped
new Brunswick House in 1985. Some
positions and jobs. This is evident
to change.
years later she left the control room
because we have two Board members
Please pass on my sincere thanks to
and took on a new role as the evening
who speak about a dress code, yet nei-
everyone at Dial-a-Cab….we all think
receptionist before retiring a few years
ther will introduce one because they
you ROCK!
later. Paula was a lovely person to work
fear it may cost them votes at the next
Brown, Carers Trust
with and she will be dearly missed by
election. Remember when the Board
Fundraising Manager
all those who knew her.
successfully got members to accept
West Regent Street, Glasgow
Curlette Villiers
postal voting and the right not to have
Thanks to Call Sign’s golf team of
DaC Senior Night Shift Controller
outdoor advertising. They also intro-
Keith Cain, Terry Felvus, Simon
Thanks Curls and you’re right, Paula
duced changes to Code 3 and how
Wallis and Ray Scott who represent-
was a lovely lady and there is a piece
many trips can be rejected. All con-
ed DaC so well at the Butlins Golf
about her inside this issue...Ed
Call Sign December 2012
Page 34
Continued from page 33
tentious issues, so why haven’t they
remember when polo shirts with
trips will also be offered from back
introduced a simple dress code? They
the DaC logo came out and were
up zones. It allows drivers to (cor-
never asked us to vote when we
available for everyone. Some wore
rectly) book into zones and STC into
changed from 12 payments a year to 26
them, some didn’t whilst some
those zones, something they cannot
payments a year for our subs.
made clear to Call Sign that they
do at the moment. They can also bid
So why do I think we need change? I
would never wear a uniform. You
for trips from secondary zones, any
think DaC is an old fashioned luxury
can’t force taxi drivers to do any-
cash trips and FP trips can be reject-
and at times expensive. Our service is
thing and perhaps had you success-
ed at no penalty.
not as good as we think. With 700
fully stood for election to the BoM,
So far the only calls I have had are
members less how can it be? When it’s
you’d have found that out for your-
positive ones, but it will be closely
busy, trips still rattle around EC2 wait-
self. In any case, it would be point-
monitored and if it doesn’t work
ing to be matched with a cab. Some
less proposing anything that was
fairly then it can soon be changed
members have suggested GPS, I have
obviously going to lose! But Jon, you
back or modified. I believe that as a
suggested in Call Sign more use of
are obviously genuinely interested
Board you have to listen to drivers
ranks in zones, trips would go straight
in DaC, so you should take up Keith
requests and in this case we all
to the nearest cab. It was dismissed.
Cain’s ongoing offer of a tour of DaC
agreed that this change was not
Mike Son wrote about fixed prices
House to see what changes have
unreasonable and if correctly moni-
some time back and how this might
been implemented over the past few
tored, was worthy of a trial period.
help drivers home. Does that mean
years ...Ed
he’s fed up going home empty? I know
Hailo, Hailo, Hailo!
I am. I suggested trips to outer London
post codes ie E50S be offered without
EC5 changes
Hi Alan
run ins, gratuities, booking fees and
With regard to the changes proposed
For those who think we ex-pats should
handling fees
(thus saving VAT).
on EC5 to split it up into the individual
not receive the Winter Fuel Allowance I
Dismissed! DaC needs money from the
zones, perhaps it’s me but I can’t see
can assure them that it does get cold
booking fees, so the driver could pay
what advantage this will give. Perhaps
here at night in Spain. I am not sitting in
an extra £1 or £2 taken from the meter
someone can explain please? As a regu-
the sun drinking wine and reading
fare at the end of the journey and that
lar user of EC5, the inherent principle
British newspapers but catching up on
meant you got paid the metered fare.
as I have always understood it was that
Call Sign online by my log fire. I’ve
Dismissed! I’m not saying we should
first job goes to the first cab. Now we
caught up on the back issues of the mag-
have a fire sale, just some small
have a possible scenario where a cab
azine and am extremely pleased to know
changes. I don’t want a wholesale
may book into say EC1 at 2130 and
that DaC is about to launch its own
change of our Board, just someone
wait for 15 minutes for a job, while
iPhone and Android App and sincerely
who can bring fresh ideas and some
another cab can book into say EC2 at
wish it every success. There was a time
more work for the metered fare would
2130 and get off straightaway. This also
that we were able to boast that we were
be nice. Otherwise, how are we ever
could mean that if jobs are not covered
the market leaders in technology, being
going to attract new members?
in a particular zone, the client may wait
the first circuit to introduce a full data
Another idea; how about when you
longer than necessary because we
despatch system into London. It appears
set Code 3 on your terminal; if there is
don't have a first come-first served sys-
to me that we are now playing catch up
a job in the zone you’re in going to
- not only with taxi Apps, but also with
your home zone booked within the
EC5 has been tinkered with over the
PH Apps. These Apps are obviously suc-
next 45minutes, that you are offered
years a number of times, but has always
cessful, otherwise we wouldn’t be fol-
the trip? I think it might be better than
reverted to what we have now, with any
lowing suit and being forced to com-
sitting around waiting until you get
overload then being diverted into sep-
booked off! With the lack of work this
arate zones (not likely these days how-
I have read a few of your articles
probably won’t work, but with account
ever). Also, I’m not sure it’s a good
where you are particularly critical of the
holders paying just the metered fare,
idea to tinker with it as we approach
way Hailo operates - you feel it is not
who knows.
what should be our busiest period.
good value for the driver. You consider
Reading an issue of Call Sign, I see
Alan Sullivan (F20)
that the 10% per job charge is too high
we are about to launch a credit card
Allan Evans responds: Hi Alan, apart
and that drivers would not be prepared
app, some change at last but more is
from explaining the procedures
to run to a pick up point and wait 5 min-
needed. In the meantime, I hope we
again, I am not sure what else to say.
utes before engaging the meter. I do not
get some new candidates standing for
It was changed after quite a number
wish to use Call Sign to advocate that
of drivers requested that the BoM
drivers use or try the App, but I believe
Jon Robinson (E88)
consider splitting the City zones at
Hailo has attracted many drivers and its
You are entitled to your view Jon,
night. It is for a trial period in the
ranks are swelling on a daily basis.
but suggesting metered fares with
hope that drivers will not have to
Consider these incentives: It costs noth-
nothing going to DaC sounds like a
run from one side of the City to the
ing to join; no equipment to buy; you
sure way to kill this Society! And
other as they do at the moment
can trial the system and if you are not
let’s face it, the only reason apps are
(roadwork’s and traffic diversions
happy you can uninstall the App at any
getting work is because some dri-
etc), which should speed up arrival
time without cost; no money retained
vers are working cheaply. Because
times. All trips in the primary zones
for a roller bond.
of the election, I haven’t asked for a
will be offered NREJ As Directed in
Yes, 10% per job is charged but - this
response from the BoM, but I
the normal way and unmatched
charge applies only when the driver
Call Sign December 2012
Page 35
Continued from page 34
accepts a job. If the driver decides not to use the system - then
every ride that is dispatched on DaC has a maximum
there is no charge. If the driver is sick, in overhaul, off the road
£4.20 run-in. Of course that isn’t compulsory, so let’s call
following an accident, on holiday or has a weekend off - he
it an average of £3.60 when the driver arrives. You wait
pays absolutely nothing. He pays as he goes, on a job to job
five minutes and the DaC driver has £6 on the meter
basis. The driver does not pay a monthly subscription. On any
whereas the Hailo driver has £2.40. So in my book, that
radio circuit a member pays for the equipment irrespective of
makes 10% less of the fare on top of a discount of £3.60
on most of the trips you take from the App - and let’s not
Having spent many years in the City doing virtually nothing
forget that most trips are run-of-the-mill and you would
but account work I (and many like myself) am quite accus-
have a job getting a tenner out of it. If you work on the
tomed to waiting long periods for a job offer with the meter off.
assumption that it’s better than nothing, then that’s fine,
We are also accustomed to arriving outside an account cus-
but I refuse to work that cheaply. Perhaps if I was as
tomer’s address and due to the circuit’s “lead time” on the job,
young as you Steve and we needed money to pay for the
unable to start the meter because it is not booked for another
cab HP and mortgage etc, then yes, perhaps it would be
10 minutes. In fact, over the years the amount of time that I
different. But the only people laughing are the three
have spent waiting for a job offer must equate into many days.
Americans behind it because they have got taxi drivers
This was my choice. Is it possible that DaC are charging more
working at discount rates while they will shortly make a
than 10% for work if not a similar figure?
Subscriptions are now £144 per month. If a driver did in
As I said on page 3 of this issue, Hailo have now opened
excess of £1440 per month of cash and account work then and
in Chicago, but the passengers over there pay a premium
only then would they offset a 10% charge. How many drivers
for the service. Over here, the driver is paying the pas-
achieve these sorts of figures? I am not saying this target cannot
senger to use his or her cab! But as you correctly say, it
be achieved by leather arses, but what would you say DaC
costs nothing to join so it could be useful when quiet. But
charges in percentage terms, on a subscription x monies taken
can you wonder why their coverage is poor during busy
times - especially at weekends. And just for the record, I
Finally, why would the public want to use an App that charges
love the roller bond because the majority of it comes from
10% extra on a credit card ride over an App that charges no
gratuities, so you don’t really miss it and then you sud-
extra and is subsidised by the driver who often gets a tip to off-
denly find you have £1000. Always nice to hear from you
set this subsidy?
Steve and your dulcet tones are missed at AGMs ...Ed
Personally, I am delighted that this technology is putting
money into taxi drivers’ pockets and hopefully, will not be too
detrimental to our Society. We must accept change. As technol-
ogy advances, our potential to increase our service to the pub-
lic goes with it and we have to keep pace and compete with
those who seek to get a share of the market. We should not let
the technology overtake us but use it to our own advantage and
be market leaders again. It is better that any additional work the
Apps generate goes into a licensed taxi rather than into a LPH
vehicle. An App can be part of an exciting future for DaC and its
drivers in an ever-changing world. If drivers do not like the
Hailo system for being less lucrative, they will not stay with it
for too long if the circumstances you describe are a disincentive
to join it.
Steve Shaller (F34J)
Thanks for your always interesting input Steve. And read-
ing Call Sign instead of sitting by your Spanish pool drink-
ing Cuba Libre - I feel flattered! However, I have to say
that I’ve heard it all before - that’s about Hailo and not the
drink! There are quite a number of DaC drivers on Hailo
and I have never criticised anyone who feels they need to
be earning more in these tough economic times - it’s
probably even worse in Spain. But your comparisons
don’t work in the same way as mine. You do what many
do and assume that all DaC jobs are pre-booked and that
the driver is 50metres away at the time. But you know as
well as I that isn’t the case and that most jobs aren’t pre-
booked anyway. But forget that Steve; your case seems to
be that it’s the 10% charge against DaC’s subscription and
that the two are comparable. Or that because the Hailo
driver pays the credit card charges, then that shows up
the fact that on DaC the customer will pay - something I
have no doubt they will be happy to do if they believe the
service is reliable. That part is out of my hands, but the
abolition of the £2 booking fee will undoubtedly help.
So why do I think your figures are misleading? Well
Call Sign December 2012
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