April 2012
DaC’s Director of IT on the new
terminal and card reader
What the amazing software does!
Call Sign April 2012
Page 2
From Alan Nash (A95)
Call Sign April 2012
Page 3
from the editor’s desk
survey. The survey was far more detailed and
Taxi demo for what
included such aspects as administration, but in
general the results were glowingly in favour of
DaC. Michael Dwemoh was quoted in the maga-
On 29th February, a demonstration was held in
zine as saying:
Stratford attended mainly by Suburban drivers
“The aim of the scheme is to afford people with
and organised by the RMT union. If the purpose
disabilities, greater mobility and increased inde-
of the demo was to bring East London to a stand-
pendence. One of the schemes’ objectives is to
still, then it succeeded magnificently. But the real
question is why it was held.
ensure that people have the confidence to go out,
Well, there’s the question of taxis having no
because they are guaranteed a reliable service
access to the Olympic Route Network and of
that will get them home again. This comfortable,
course drivers in that part of town will be ferrying
safe and affordable service has revolutionised the
passengers from Stratford Station to the Olympic
lives of many disabled people who previously had
stadium so the question is legitimate - even if a
to depend on the goodwill of family, friends and
demo was somewhat pointless as it is doubtful that
charities and statutory providers.”
anyone on the International Olympic Committee
Now it has gone and I will miss seeing some of
even knew there was one. And judging by what we
the TaxiCard passengers. Over the years, many of
know of the IOC, they probably couldn’t care less
them got to recognise me and cheekily asked if I
anyway so long as their 5star hotels together with
that was a bit less removerable, but the principle
had a spare Call Sign in the cab with me! I have
their unlimited and free of any charge room service
is there…
also published many letters over the years from
in Mayfair are ready.
card holders - often praising the service but occa-
The drivers were also demonstrating about the
sionally passing on a complaint. But they rarely
Westminster TaxiCard
lack of representation at Transport for London - the
moaned and often spoke as though you were a
Well, it looks as though the Westminster
so-called Taxi Engagement Policy - and the apparent
TaxiCard is moving home. I remember doing one
member of their family!
removal of taxi ranks by Newham Council. That third
of the first-ever TaxiCard trips back in the early
Yes, I know that as an account, DaC actually lost
issue is certainly worthy of a demo.
80s when it was still experimental and based at
money on it and I believe that this Society
But then we come to the fourth issue on the
Camberwell Green taxi rank and when we shared
deserves praise for never quibbling about the
Stratford driver’s agenda and the one that many
it with ComCab. The passenger paid just £1 out of
financial side, happy in the knowledge that we
suspect was the real reason for the demo - the
a £6 fare. Since then, the non-statutory scheme for
were doing something good for a group of people
issue of Identifiers being implemented.
people with disabilities that prohibit their use of
that needed that help.
Well, as Call Sign has published from Dial-a-
public transport, has grown to cover much of
Perhaps the highlight was when the DaC Board
Cab drivers many times over the years, a substan-
London with the largest borough, Westminster,
made an afternoon tea for regular TaxiCard user,
tial number of Green badge drivers are fed up
being exclusively with Dial-a-Cab. This Society
100-year old Eileen Pattison. Eileen was the
with yellow suburban drivers working in town on
spent a considerable amount of money in making
Goddaughter of Hollywood legend Fred Astaire
Friday and Saturday evenings. RMT drivers may
sure it ran as well as it possibly could and even
and had often told drivers that one of her ambi-
ask whether those “few” drivers are worth worry-
manufactured the cards in-house. But over the
tions was to visit DaC House to meet the calltaker
ing about when there is so much touting going on
years, Westminster has been cutting back on
she had spoken to so many times over the years,
by so-called legitimate PH companies flagrantly
TaxiCard as one of the prices for keeping the bor-
Irene Russ, who was in charge of day shift
breaking the rules of their satellite office licenses?
ough’s council taxi low.
Westminster trips in the Call Centre. Eileen told
The answer is yes! They may not be as important
2000, together with the account’s then-
Call Sign afterwards that this was the happiest
to catch, but if the Identifiers work then that
Transport Contracts Manager, Michael Dwemoh -
day she could remember in many years. Eileen has
becomes one less problem to worry about.
who sadly died several years back - Call Sign ran
now joined her Godfather up there somewhere in
This magazine has already been told that the
a survey of Westminster TaxiCard user’s satisfac-
dancing Heaven, while Irene retired several years
regulation will cause much suffering to some yel-
tion or otherwise with the way the account was
ago. But through it all, the account went on. But
low badges who rely on their weekend “extra”
run. Believe it or not, there were 6000 issued
money. Well we have news for them. If you do the
now it is no longer a DaC account.
Westminster TaxiCards back then and taking its
All London Knowledge, you can work in town
Although I’m sad to see the Westminster
leave from the Millennium year, the survey took in
TaxiCard depart, I am genuinely glad that it has
2000 of them. I doubt there are anywhere near
The driver who came out with the ridiculous
remained within the licensed taxi trade and hope
2000 actually out there nowadays, with the num-
notion that having to have yellow identifiers
that ComCab take care of “our” people. The num-
bers still shrinking as shown in the March Call
would upset Jewish suburban drivers and bring
bers may have shrunk considerably over the years,
Sign when Mrs H.P.Raines wrote in to say thank
back memories of the SS death camps at
the faces may have changed and yes, we may even
you to DaC drivers and staff after her card was
Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor among other
save money by not having it, but it became a part
cancelled by Westminster. Mrs Raines is 88 and
hell-holes, probably brought home the stupidity of
registered blind.
of Dial-a-Cab and it will be missed. If Westminster
the request, with responses such as DaC’s David
But back to the survey from the 2000 Call
ever change their mind, then the TaxiCard will
Kupler (Y74) who sarcastically wrote in response
Sign. Of the
2000 questioned, around
always be welcomed back…
that he didn’t want a green identifier as it would
responded. They were asked questions such as did
signify that he wanted to become green and save
they feel the TaxiCard service was the most suit-
New terminals
the world!
able form of transport for their needs and 98.5%
There is an interesting article from DaC’s IT
Suburban drivers do a good job in maintaining
answered yes. As for were the telephonists help-
Director John Bankes inside this issue. Call Sign
the notion of licensed taxis covering London, but
ful, 94% answered that they were. It wasn’t quite
still has a DVD of the Call Centre way back in
let’s not forget that for whatever reason they
such a resounding yes to whether the taxis always
November 1988 when our original MDI terminal
declined to undertake a full KoL and as a result
arrived on time, but considering the journeys
went live to make us the first radio circuit in
cannot ply for hire outside of their allocated areas.
were often going just around the corner, then 82%
Europe to leave voice dispatch. Many drivers of
And that is still the case even if it suddenly
answering yes was pretty good. Were the drivers
the time had never used a computer before and
becomes busy. They have no more right to do it
understanding of their disabilities? Well
asked how they would ever get the hang of it! So
than minicabs.
answered yes and I doubt that number ever
we wonder what those same drivers - quite a
The view of this magazine may well have been
dropped below that figure. According to 86% of
number who are still on DaC - would have
coloured over the years by DaC drivers going into
the TaxiCard users of the time, DaC drivers were
thought about getting a terminal that even tells
print and asking for Identifiers and although we
very friendly with just 1% actually claiming we
you the way to go! That’s life for you!
know that not every DaC driver believes in the
were rude. When it came to the DaC TaxiCard
Alan Fisher
policy, we are now in favour of it. That doesn’t
account manager, Carol Carpenter, she had
mean we wouldn’t have preferred an Identifier
almost 100% respect from tho-se completing the
Call Sign April 2012
Page 4
reflections of the chairman
30th March, but obviously it makes more sense
Westminster TaxiCard…
to pay for an extra day on the old system and
Many of you are aware that Westminster City
commence with the new system the following
Council has been reducing the amount spent
on their TaxiCard scheme. There have been sev-
As you can imagine, it will be a nervous peri-
eral letters to Call Sign from residents of the
od for some of us because the new system not
Borough thanking our members for the service
only pays members, but it also invoices your
they have received from them before their sub-
clients. So let’s all hope it passes without too
sidised trips were withdrawn.
many glitches!
In the past, a resident would have needed to
We have also received the first prototypes of
get a letter from their GP stating they were in
the new Driver Terminal. This is bespoke to
need of the TaxiCard scheme and the Borough
Dial-a-Cab and far exceeds anything that is out
would then allow them the subsidised travel.
there in the market place, but of course we do
That has changed and I am now led to believe
need to test it in an endeavour to eradicate as
that every resident requiring a card is means-
many bugs as possible.
tested and that the number of rides allowed to
You will also read in this issue of Call Sign
those accepted has been reduced dramatically.
that we have decided to go with Knowledge
At the scheme’s peak, we were doing in excess
Master who will supply Dial-a-Cab with their
of 500 trips a day. However, that has gradually
Cabbie’s Mate SatNav and mapping facility. This
dwindled to fewer than 100 trips a day, a great
aware of, because I know there is not an organ-
will be fully integrated in the new terminal and
pity for the residents of the Borough and for the
isation anywhere that could surpass the service
I believe members will love the new addition,
handful of Dial-a-Cab members who liked to ser-
we gave to Westminster. You can rest assured
as in my opinion it is far in advance of anything
vice the Westminster account.
that the only reason Westminster have merged
currently available.
Consequently, it came as no surprise to me
with the All London scheme is as a cost-cutting
Although the terminal will be new and have fea-
exercise and nothing more.
tures the current one does not possess, it will just
when we received a letter from Westminster
be a continuation of the current terminal that all
stating they would be joining the All London
members will be able to decipher without the
scheme as from 1st April. There was no sugges-
First of the new projects
need for extra training. So for any amongst us who
tion of the account going out to tender or com-
You will read elsewhere in the magazine that
consider themselves to perhaps be less than com-
plaint about any aspect of our service.
all the new projects are in place and will be
puter literate, there is absolutely nothing to worry
Westminster had no intention for any organisa-
installed in the coming months. It will undoubt-
about. However, if any of you do have any con-
tion to tender for their business; they just
edly be a busy and exciting time for everyone
cerns about its use, we will have two trainers on
wished to merge it in with all the other London
site who will be delighted to help.
Boroughs, which is what they did.
We will commence on 1st April with our
ComCab service the All London scheme and they
new accounting system that has been designed
Brian Rice
will now also service the Borough of Westminster in
and built totally in-house. Consequently, we will
with their scheme - but with one major exception.
be paying members up until 31st March on our
The Boroughs - including Westminster - will no
old accounting system, which means an extra
longer be paying for a run-in for the taxi in order to
day as the ‘cut off’ would normally have been
help service their residents.
This will undoubtedly lead to a deterioration
in service for the residents; I know how difficult
it was on some occasions to cover their work
and the situation will just become more difficult
in the future with no run-ins to assist drivers.
376 Strand, WC2
I know some suburban drivers rely on
TaxiCard work; I am not quite so sure that the
All London green badge driver is in the same
We Invite Dial-a-Cab drivers and their guests to our
predicament. Consequently, I’m convinced that
restaurant where you can partake of the finest food and wine
the service given by taxis to the inner London
Boroughs can only deteriorate in the future
And as a thank-you for helping our clients come
without a run-in. The new situation must beg
and go over the years, we are happy to be able to
the question as to whether there is something
offer you a genuine 25% discount on your bill
on the agenda for the future that we are not
We are certain that you will be delighted
Call Sign
April 2012
Editor: Alan Fisher
Address: 39 - 47 East Rd, London N1 6AH
Tel: 0207 251 0581 Fax: 0207 553 7293
Email: callsignmag@aol.com
Printers: Premier Print Group
25 - 31 Violet Rd, London E3
Design: Aldan Publications
Please bring along your badge or Bill as ID
Tel: 07958 300 428
Email: dfdannyfresco@gmail.com
Salieri Restaurant
Views and opinion expressed in Call Sign must
376 Strand, WC2
not be assumed to represent those of the Editor or
Board.No part of Call Sign may be reproduced
Reservations: 020 7836 1318
either manually or electronically without the express
permission of the Editor.
Call Sign April 2012
Page 5
To see or not to see, that’s…
The Yellow Box Question
I suspect more than one or two members have
information on the PCN is in the ‘How to Pay’ tear-
been invited to contribute to Westminster’s flag-
off section, which is unacceptable. The words ‘shot’
ship ‘Yellow “Money” Box’ fund at Piccadilly and
and ‘foot’ sprang to mind.
Berkeley Street. It was whilst reviewing the video
My appeal highlighted the 2007 legislation and
of the alleged offence on their website that it
the Harrow case, and I attached the “sufficient” let-
occurred to me that the information on how to
ter. Two weeks later, PATAS advised that the council
access it wasn’t displayed on the PCN, as is normal
wouldn’t contest the appeal and the PCN was
on parking PCNs. We, as veterans, know that it’s
therefore cancelled. Could it be that the council are
accessible, but naive victims may not. (Surely they
unsure of their position and weren’t prepared to
want us to look at the evidence?) So why is the
let an adjudicator loose on it? I’ll probably never
CCTV link on a parking PCN but not on a moving
know. Will they alter the format of their PCNs? I
traffic offence one?
hope not.
Hidden deep within a piece of legislation with
These PCNs are designed to contain the bare
the grand title ‘The Civil Enforcement of Parking
act, I suspect councils believe there is no direction
minimum of information (a photo that is meaning-
(England) Representations and
relating to PCNs. My view is that a PCN is a PCN,
less, and so on). It is vital to check on the video that
Appeals Regulations 2007’ (which amongst other
and as the video is clearly available, the council
the operator has picked up the vehicle before it
things directs councils to the procedures relating
should be directed to comply with the right regard-
enters the box that you’re not turning right and
to the Traffic Management Act 2004, under which
less. There could also be an argument for the
that the vehicle is stationery in the box (the opera-
parking tickets are generally issued) is a clause stat-
Freedom of Information Act to apply. The question
tor sometimes plays tricks with the zoom). Write to
ing the recipient’s right to view evidence generat-
is, is the right wrong or have they got it wrong with
the council requesting lots more information; they
ed by an approved device. However, it doesn’t state
the right?
must respond if it’s reasonable. It doesn’t constitute
the right must be made clear on a PCN. In 2008,
I asked Westminster why the link wasn’t indicat-
a challenge - that comes later. If there is more than
adjudicator Mr Edward Houghton took the view
ed on the PCN and what legislation - if any - they
one box in the street, the council should make it
that if one has that right, it must be indicated on
were applying. They replied with details of their
clear which one they refer to (another possible
the notice, and as it wasn’t on a notice issued by
website. I asked again and the same reply came
procedural error, but that’s for another day).
Harrow Council, he ordered it to be cancelled, thus
back. For the third time, “If you don’t give me the
Finally, as the one-stop shops have now closed,
setting a precedent.
information I’m requesting, I’ll assume you’re refus-
and if you don’t have access to a PC, the evidence
The 2004 act generally replaced the old 1991
ing to answer and it will be noted on a PATAS
can still be viewed at one of the council’s libraries,
Road Traffic Act. Some traffic offences - including
appeal.” The reply: “All our PCNs give details of the
where assistants must help if required.
yellow box ones - remain under this act and as the
council’s website, and we feel this is sufficient.”
2007 legislation doesn’t seem to mention the 1991
With reference to what, I wondered... The only
Philip Benjamin (K20)
CardSave: Credit Card usage on the up!
Business payments specialists CardSave has launched a Small Business Payments Inde
which includes data from 493 small, independent Taxi, PH and limousine firms. They told
Call Sign that card spending was up 12% in 2011 compared to 2010, with the average
card turnover increasing from £22,062.62 to £24,779.24. While the average amount
spent on cards in February 2012 decreased slightly from the same month last year,
CardSave believe that this is because more people are paying for even shorter journeys
with a card.
With 62% of the population carrying only £20 or less in their wallet (according to a
recent YouGov poll), most people could not pay larger sums in cash. Taxi and limousine
companies who do not accept cards are therefore likely to be missing out on high-value
The YouGov poll shows that nearly 30% of the UK public have been inconvenienced in the last year by a company not taking cards.
In fact, 16% of people have walked away from an intended purchase or ride because cards were not accepted, while 22% have been
forced to leave to seek out a cash point.
The survey suggests the days of carrying large amounts of cash are over. 62% of people carry £20 or less in cash on them on aver-
age. 48% carry £15 or less and 35% carry up to £10. Yet almost everyone (93%) carries a credit or debit card.
Clive Kahn, Chief Executive of CardSave, which enables small businesses to accept payments more easily, comments: “The days
when consumers wanted to pay by cash are over. They increasingly expect to pay by card for everything!”
Fever taxi spares at the Liver
Fever Cab Spares have been around for many years with the man behind
up with Dave Williams, whose dry cleaning and key cutting service is
it, Ilyas Karim, having been seen so often on the old Dial-a-Cab
based next to the Liverpool Street taxi rank at number 28. If you need
Finsbury Square rank in his mobile cab shop, that many must have
something fairly easy such as a bulb, badge holder, account book, new
thought he was actually a driver!
leather bag etc, then the chances are that Dave will have it at 28
But no, Ilyas is the man who has for all those years provided licensed
Liverpool Street providing it’s between 7am and 6pm on Tuesday to
taxi drivers with the spare parts that you couldn’t get anywhere else
Thursday or till 11pm on Monday and Friday.
because those establishments inconveniently closed at around 5pm. Ilyas
If the part is one that isn’t usually stocked, then just phone Ilyas on
has been seen at all times through the evening and even into the night.
07984 473 111 and he will get the part for you and it will be in Dave’s
Now he has taken his taxi spares business one step further and joined
shop by the next day. That’s what we call service…
Call Sign April 2012
Page 6
Jery’s World
Rush Hour Chaos likely for Olympics
TfL has set out its road event plans for the London 2012 Olympic Games and much
of it is set to cause rush hour chaos!
We already have the problem of traffic being excluded from the Olympic Route Network - at least at busy times - but events to be held on London’s streets
are set to add to the disruption and cause the ultimate grief to drivers on Dial-a-Cab as they attempt to cover client’s account trips.
Events such as road cycling, triathlon, marathon and race walking events will entail a huge road clos-
ing programme on seven of the sixteen days of the Games and
on one day of the Paralympic Games. Information will be sent
to residents and businesses along the affected routes about
how they can avoid the obvious problems. Call Sign was told
that praying has been ruled out as an option and that the only
way round the traffic problem will be to change the times that
the trips are usually made or just to avoid making them!
Unfortunately, taxi drivers do not have that luxury.
Road events will take place on routes passing through
Westminster, the City, Kensington & Chelsea, Hammersmith
& Fulham, Wandsworth and Putney in addition to much of
Surrey. Closures will include Park Lane and Hyde Park
Corner in addition to the already announced closure of The
Mall and Constitution Hill. Between them, they cut off all
• Roadside repair
routes between Strand and Kensington.
TfL told us that where possible, roads would be
• Roadside assistance
reopened and restrictions lifted by late afternoon or early
• Running repair recovery
evening. No roads would be closed overnight apart from
• Accident recovery
those needed to build the Cycle Time Trial venue at Hampton
Leon Daniels, TfL’s MD Surface Transport told Call Sign: “The world’s top athletes will be com-
• Pay as you go to membership
peting on London’s streets this summer. We need to ensure their safety, that of the spectators and
• Credit card taken at roadside
provide the best possible field of play. We’re working closely with London 2012 and boroughs to
ensure all affected residents and businesses are informed of where and when roads will be closed or
impacted on event days.”
Traffic conditions may well be horrendous, but as this magazine has pointed out before, it will
0845 094 5307
also be a once in a lifetime opportunity to sample the feel and smell of the world’s greatest sporting
occasion. Do we want to miss it just for some horrendous traffic? So long as it doesn’t get worse
We make wheels turn
than horrendous!
so you can earn.
Call Sign April 2012
Page 7
Call Sign is having trouble keeping up with
the number of PCNs for non-Dial-a-Cab
offences where the driver is responsible for
the ticket. And yes, it does appear that coun-
cils/boroughs are targeting those considered as
Following a look at supplied photos of the
an easy nick!
incident, Russell appealed by saying he hadn’t
Philip Benjamin (K20) has had several PCN
believed it to be illegal to stop on “cross hatch-
battles with the relevant authorities, but none
ing” when turning left or right out of a side
as amusing as one he had with Westminster fol-
street and onto a main road. He also said that a
lowing a parking offence in Devonshire Street
white van had been cut-up by another taxi and
had to go into the space Russell would have
He told us: “The ticket history relates to my
wait for a disabled passenger outside the
taken. He added that it had been borne out by
Devonshire Hospital and then driving off
the CCTV images.
before the warden could fix the ticket onto the
Russell continued his appeal by writing that
cab. The malfunction para refers to me asking
there should have been a junction other than
whether his camera wouldn’t function as the
had been with ‘ello ‘ello, that would not have
just Piccadilly on the PCN and that the camera
passenger, supported by crutches, boarded the
had any bearing on the PCN outcome! They
numbers were not displayed. The council again
taxi. So who says our friends at Dingwall
also claimed no camera malfunction took place
responded that numbers were available on the
(Westminster Debt Collecting Department and
and that no pick-up was observed! Perhaps the
other sections…Ed) don’t have a sense of
passenger’s crutches obscured the actual per-
However, the PCN was cancelled due to a
humour? Or do they?”
“procedural error” blaming that on an incorrect
So what was it that Philip referred to when he
time being shown. Russell believes that other
asked whether the warden had previously
Russell Bamber (N27) also doesn’t give into
DaC drivers could use his lead to challenge the
worked as a scriptwriter for ‘ello ‘ello! This was
council threats and recently secured a victory
yellow box PCNs.
the warden’s actual report on Philip’s cab…
against Westminster at the infamous Berkeley
‘Driver said he can parked anywhere he
Street/Piccadilly yellow box junction. His beef
Then there was Gerry Tobin (L32) who
want. Driver is british . a white man in his
was that on the PCN it gave the position as
popped into the opticians only to see a warden
50s. height 5.7 foot. Very insultive. Driver was
Piccadilly, whereas on the CCTV evidence -
sniffing around outside. He went out and drove
told he got pcn before he drove out. Driver was
provided only if you have internet access - it
off only to be told by letter that the parking
stoping me from photos making.’
adds the location of Berkeley Street. Russell
attendant had placed a PCN on his windscreen.
Philip’s message to Call Sign was:
told Call Sign:
Gerry got a letter written by the optician to say
“I felt deeply hurt at being accused of stop-
“Surely that should be specified on the PCN
that no PCN had been written and attached, yet
ing anybody while they were photos making. I
and not just on the CCTV footage? What about
the council didn’t accept the appeal.
find the insinuation to be quite insultive!”
those people who do not have access to a com-
“What chance do we have,” said Gerry “if they
Westminster had responded when refusing
puter - or as in my case, just cannot use one!”
don’t believe what an optician says he saw!”
to cancel the PCN by saying that if the warden
Martin Cordell & Co.
Does your accountant supply you with the following?
Over forty years of experience with the Licensed London Taxi Trade.
Processing of self-assessment returns.
Advice on trading as a Limited Company with its tax advantages and potential pitfalls.
Preparation of accounts.
Initial consultation dealing with loss of earnings claims (due to accidents on the road etc.)
Letters to banks, building societies
and other lenders.
Specialist in-house facilities to deal with Inland Revenue enquiry cases.
(This is expensive and time consuming. Ask your accountant how much he will charge should this
unpredictable event occur).
A three hundred and sixty five days a year service.
A ‘nightshift’
Offices in North and East London.
First consultation free of charge.
Martin Cordell & Co . . . Do!
All for one yearly fee
The London Taxi Trades Premier Accountants
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
020 8980 7161
(24 hour answering service for prompt service)
1-5 Alfred Street, Bow, London E3 2BE also at
Front Office, First Floor, 9 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4AS
Call Sign April 2012
Page 8
Memories of Bonnie as
Bermuda beckons
The Bermuda Department of Tourism is launch-
ship were 12 Austin A55s, each fitted with Pye
ing a twelve month multi-format outdoor adver-
Reporter radios and which were going to be
tising campaign in London with specialist
the beginnings of Bermuda Taxi Radio Cabs.
agency Out of Home International, appointed
After the successful launch of Bermuda
by their UK based consumer and trade PR
Taxis and making sure that it was on a sound
agency, Publicasity. The campaign is to promote
footing, Bonnie returned to London and
Britain’s love affair with Bermuda and encourage
ODRTS as a Board member. But his sudden
further visits to the Island.
departure to Bermuda had caused friction
That gives Call Sign the opportunity to men-
with some other Board members and it was a
tion a Bermuda taxi company to which we will
short-lived return visit to Pentonville Road.
forever be linked - whether we know it or not!
But time is a great healer and many years
It was way back in 1957, ODRTS (now DaC)
later Call Sign tracked down Bonnie and he
Founder-Chairman Bonnie Martyn had created a
became an honoured guest at many DaC func-
huge sensation at the tim
tions. His love affair with Dial-a-Cab had been
following the successful
rekindled and Chairman Brian Rice even
launch of this Society at
went to Bonnie’s home to surprise him on his
Pentonville Road severa
90th birthday. Bonnie referred to it as finally
years earlier, he was aske
coming home. He died at the age of 93 in
to go to the beautif
August 2002 - still in love with DaC.
Caribbean / Atlantic islan
But his Caribbean legacy, Bermuda Taxi
of Bermuda to set up
Radio Cabs, still operate from Trott Road in
radio-taxi organisation si
Bonnie and Brian at the Founder -
Hamilton - although we doubt they will be
lar to the one with Owner Drivers Radio Taxi
Chairman’s 90th birthday
advertising on the side of London buses!
Service he had launched in London in 1952.
Inset: Bermuda flag
Money, Bonnie was told, was no object!
Ron Yarborough
So Bonnie resigned from ODRTS, something for which many never
forgave him and on 28 December 1957 travelled to Bermuda via New
© Call Sign Magazine MMX11
York on the original Queen Mary. Sent at the same time on a freight
Condor swoops
over London
The Metropolitan Police Service Safer Transport Command, fund-
ed by TfL, made a total of 115 arrests for touting over one recent
weekend as part of Operation Condor, the largest MPS opera-
tion of the year to crack down on unlicensed activity.
In addition to minicab touting, the operation covered all
aspects of licensing irregularities including pubs and clubs, bet-
ting shops, driving licence fraud and many others.
Working with the STC Cab Enforcement Unit, all 32 borough-
based Safer Transport Teams were mobilised to tackle illegal mini-
cabs on their boroughs.
Helen Chapman, Deputy Director of London Taxi and Private
Hire, said:
“TfL is pleased to have had the opportunity to support the Met
Police as part of Operation Condor. Our compliance officers
worked in partnership with the Safer Transport teams across
London to check all aspects of taxi and private hire licensing for
the duration of the operation. We take the issue of touting
extremely seriously as it puts the travelling public at risk and
undermines the legitimate and law abiding taxi and private hire
trades. In this operation, the Safer Transport Cab Enforcement
Unit with support from the taxi and private hire compliance team
has been successful in cracking down on touting to enhance the
safety of the travelling public.”
Call Sign April 2012
Page 9
Call Sign April 2012
Page 10
DaC's Director of IT, John Bankes, writes for Call Sign to say that
there are now...
As you know, our current system runs on 12
VHF private radio channels based at 7 sites
around London. These sites provide radio cov-
erage within the M25 but not much beyond.
The new system will be based on GPRS/3G
from 02 with widespread coverage throughout
The terminals that we currently
the UK. We have been considering going this
route for some years, but only in the last few
have installed in our vehicles
years has the cost and reliability points reached
have been in service for nearly
a stage where we feel comfortable with it.
12 years, but they still stack up
I want to add a note of caution to this sec-
The new terminal/printer/card reader
tion. I have been aware that some are consider-
well against the competition
and fitted with Knowledge Master
ing the move to 3G to be the end of all signals
today. When they were first
problems. It will not be. We expect the radio
information, we shortlisted 5. One was based in
coverage and signal quality to be significantly
installed, they were state-of-the
London, one in Canada, one in California, one in
improved with 3G, however, be cautious about
art. They were the only touch-
Italy and one - Microbus - in High Wycombe.
believing signal problems will be a thing of the
screens in use in a taxi any-
After further evaluation and testing, we
past. Just as you sometimes can't get a signal on
reduced the list to just two companies, both
your 3G smart phone, there will be places
where in the world. The termi-
based in the UK. We very much liked both
where the signal is weak on your new terminal.
nals were designed and manu-
products and the people. In the end we decid-
We will try to mitigate the effect of these black
factured in High Wycombe by
ed to award business to both.
spots with our software but there is no such
The contract to design and build the termi-
thing as 100% signal coverage in any mobile
Microbus Ltd.
nal hardware was awarded to Microbus. Their
data system.
The quest-for a
price was comparable to the foreign competi-
tion and all work, including manufacturing,
Credit and charge
would take place in England. Microbus had a
I wrote the original Request for Information
great track record for quality and reliability and
(RFI) document in January 2008. Chairman
their location made it easy to have regular
The old card reader we currently have has
Brian Rice was travelling to the Taxicab,
served us well, however, in this age of credit
meetings throughout the development cycle.
Limousine and Paratransit Association (TPLA)
card fraud it is now imperative that we move to
This locality of design and build has proven
meeting in the US that month and we knew
a chip and pin solution. We have chosen Pin
invaluable during the development time. I have
that there would be many taxi system suppliers
Entry Devices (PEDs) from a company based in
been able to make regular trips to Microbus to
at this worldwide event. Our RFI was distrib-
Scotland called Ingenico. Ingenico is a leading
discuss various options and evaluate various
uted to several companies at the conference
provider of payment, transaction and business
different components.
who were interested in tendering for the
solutions with over
15 million terminals
The remaining company, Knowledge Master
replacement terminal project and Brian held a
deployed in more than 125 countries. Just look
UK, who tendered for the terminal business
number of initial meetings while he was there.
next time you pay by credit card. The PED was
also offered an excellent mapping and SatNav
In the second quarter of 2008, we began to
to be either a Verifone or an Ingenico. We had
solution, which has been specifically designed
notice our revenues deteriorating. As you all
detailed discussions with both and in the end
for London Taxi drivers. We have awarded
know, we are a very good barometer of what
decided that the commercial deal with
Knowledge Master UK the contract to provide
lies ahead for the economy in general and our
Ingenico and Barclaycard was the best for the
the CabbiesMate A-Z and SatNav solution,
barometer was reading 'Heavy Storms Ahead'!
Society. The PED will be mounted in the driver
which will run on the terminal manufactured
When Lehman Brothers collapsed in
compartment and handed through to the cus-
by Microbus. The CabbiesMate software will be
September of that year, the world economy
tomer for payment. This may involve a slight
completely integrated into our software. You
went into a nose-dive. No one knew how far
non-permanent mod to TX2s, but we will sort
can read more about it elsewhere in this issue.
down it would go and how long it would last.
that out for you.
We decided to keep our powder dry, weather
The hardware
We chose this approach rather than mount-
the storm and revive the project when the eco-
The terminal itself will run the full Windows 7
ing the PED in the passenger compartment for
nomic climate was more stable.
operating system as opposed to the cut down
security reasons. If the PED is mounted in the
A number of factors led to the project being
version of Windows CE used by our competi-
back and there is a problem during payment,
revived in 2011. Firstly, the economy had sta-
tors. The unit will again include an integrated
the driver may be lured into the back to help the
bilised somewhat. Secondly, our terminals were
printer and a touch screen. It will be slightly
passenger. We want our drivers to be able to
stay in the relative safety of their compartment
now 3 years older and we began to see an
smaller than our current unit, but will contain a
increase in the failure rate of the devices.
larger touch screen. The new touch screen will
throughout the trip. I will write a separate arti-
cle about the new credit card procedures in a
Thirdly, the explosion of mobile devices cou-
be a 10.4" TFT XGA glare diffuser. The proces-
pled with an increase in the cost of running
sor will be a 1.6Ghz with 2 Gig of Ram. It will
future edition of Call Sign.
our VHF network revealed a significant cost
contain a 32Gig Solid State Drive (SSD). The
A glaring issue
saving potential that could be realised by mov-
main failure point in our current terminal is the
Whenever I speak to drivers about their termi-
ing from Private Mobile Radio to public 3G.
mechanical disk drive. SSDs have no moving
nals, the number one comment is always about
I contacted the suppliers that had responded
parts, which makes them faster and more reli-
glare on the screen. Whenever you put a screen
to the original RFI and asked them to send
able. The unit pictured is only a prototype. The
into a vehicle, there is always going to be some
updated specifications and pricing informa-
final model may be slightly different depending
tion. From the initial 8 companies that sent
upon the results of our tests etc.
continued next page
Call Sign April 2012
Page 11
Another true story from Geoff Levene…
The nuisance known as Abbey Road?
One Saturday evening in March 1963, I sat down with my father and an
older brother to watch Brian Matthew introduce Thank Your Lucky Stars
on ITV. This was the programme in which pop stars sang (or rather
mimed) their latest recordings. There was also a slot where a strange new
breed of young people called teenagers gave their opinions on some of
these tracks and a girl from the Midlands achieved nationwide fame for
her Birmingham accent, when Janice Nichols expressed approval by
declaring: “Oi’ll give it foive!”
At some stage that evening, on came four boys who did their latest
number… and the world changed forever! “That's going to number
one," I said still singing it as I went up to bed.
The following week I bought the record during my lunch hour. But I was
wrong, Please please me by The Beatles only got to number two thanks to
Cliff Richard and Summer Holiday which jumped up from number 20 to
number 1 and delayed John, George, Paul and Ringo’s first number 1 until
May, when From me to you went straight to the top of the charts. But
from that day, nothing in music was ever going to be the same again.
I bought more singles and at the end of the year saw The Beatles
Christmas show at the Astoria in Finsbury Park. But over the years and
whilst always a fan, my tastes changed. Blues, r&b, heavy metal -
then there was Cream, Stevie Wonder, Queen and so on. Now it's
Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert etc.
But some people never seem to change. I was in HMV recently
and noticed Status Quo were due to make a personal appearance.
The fans were gathering. Fifty and sixty year olds with beards, moustaches and
beer bellies - and the men weren't much better!
So where am I going with all this? Well it's that zebra crossing in Abbey Road. I suppose there must be a time - maybe at 3am - when a
group of people aren’t walking and posing in the middle of the road or writing something pretentious on the wall of the studios!
So it was one wet and cold Sunday morning when I saw a man accompanied by his bemused young son take off his shoes and socks while
his wife took the obligatory photo to re-create Paul McCartney's crossing on the famous 1969 Abbey Road album cover. Yes, ok, but his shoes
and socks as well?
I reckon every US citizen except Charles Manson has turned up in St John's Wood at some time or other - which is tough on old Charlie
because it's thought he was influenced to carry out his nefarious deeds by a song called Helter Skelter - which comes from The White
Album… by The Beatles!
Geoff Levene (W32)
glare. However, there are a few things that can
the wiring. We will need to mount a PED hol-
The big question -
be done to improve the situation somewhat.
ster on the wall by your left shoulder. TX2s
Firstly there is the screen itself. We have cho-
will require the tray in the window to be
sen a screen that has the best anti-glare char-
replaced by a flatter unit to allow the PED to
We have just taken possession of the first pro-
acteristics that we could find. We sacrifice a
be passed through to the customer. We esti-
totype and need to do some vigorous testing
little clarity for this, but I'm sure you will all
mate that the refit will take no more than 1
with this unit before approving it. Once it is
agree that the glare issue takes precedence.
hour per cab.
approved, we are looking at a further
Secondly, we are developing a sun visor that
months before production units start flowing
will clip onto the terminal and which can be
The software
off the line. Our best estimate at the moment
used on those all too rare bright London days.
The software has been pretty much com-
is that we will begin fitting by the beginning
pletely re-written in-house by our own pro-
of July 2012.
Meter compatibility
grammers. The task to uplift the software from
When the last terminals were developed, the
VB6 on Windows 98 to the latest .Net on
Society supported pretty much every meter
Upcoming IT projects
Windows 7 has been challenging. The soft-
out there. We will not be doing that this time.
We are coming to the conclusion of another
ware is quite different under the covers, but
We will support the three most prolific
huge project, which is the complete replace-
we've made it look and feel very similar on the
meters and any other meters that conform to
ment of our billing and accounting system.
outside. The new software will be very familiar
the electronic and software protocols of the
When this goes in at the end of this month,
to you. We have basically carried on from
big three. Currently supported meters are
we will be able to provide our drivers with
where the previous release left off. We are con-
Digitax, Cygnus, Sheriff Ultima, Hale and
online confidential access to their trips and
sidering this first release of software to be a
Viking. We hope that this list will grow as
driver statements.
new starting point. The emphasis is more on
meter suppliers validate their devices with
We are also planning to release our iPhone
reliability and signal handling than flashy user
our new terminal. Please see future editions of
booking app to the general public. I will elab-
Call Sign for some excellent deals on these
orate on both these projects in a future Call
We are planning to deliver most future
supported meters.
Sign article.
updates over the air, which will reduce the
need to visit Roman Way for software updates,
John Bankes
Refitting your cab should be straightforward.
although large software updates will still
We will use the same pole as well as some of
require a Roman Way visit.
DaC Director of IT
Call Sign April 2012
Page 12
DaC’s new accounting system...
A Note to Drivers
As you may be aware, Dial-a-Cab is implement-
quickly and easier than in the past. You will also
ing a new and more sophisticated Accounting
see this number as part of the file name of your
and Driver systems on 1st April. From that date,
PDF when you receive your E-Statement.
any driver who has a new / changed badge can
For all those of you who have still not sent us your
come into Driver Services for us to update the
e-mail address for E-Statements please do so now by
system as every driver now has a unique iden-
e-mailing driverservices@ dialacab.co.uk with your
Badge and Call Sign in the subject field.
You will still be known by your Badge and
Call Sign, but this new unique number allows
Warren Smith
us to change these if necessary, much more
DaC Financial Controller
New Smarter Driving Courses Dates
More dates for the smarter driving taxi driver courses that many Dial-a-Cab drivers have now taken have been made available, so if you are interested
then book now. Completing the course could help you reduce your fuel consumption, save money and improve air quality in London.
Booking is easy and can be done via the Energy Saving Trust (EST) website by following these easy steps:
* Login using your own email address
* The password is ‘savings’
* Select the date and time that suits you
You’ll then be sent an email confirming the date, time and location of your course. When you go for your course you will need to take your DVLA
licence with you, including your photocard - if you have one - and your taxi driver’s licence.
The course is held at The London Taxi Company office in Brewery Road N7 and only takes 90 minutes to complete. The course is completed in a
licensed taxi and you do not have to pass a test or sit an exam.
The courses have proved very popular with all the DaC drivers who have already completed them and the results have been impressive with drivers
managing to reduce their fuel consumption by an average of 25%.
The courses have been arranged with the EST for taxi drivers in London and are being funded as part of the Cleaner Air for London ini-
Former fireman Richard Potter and life behind the
the severity of the chest infection placed
have reached your destination” coming from
upon me by that passenger. But is it really
her phone. Aaahhh, so she was using her
necessary for someone to go to work so
mobile as a satnav! That explained it. Not
clearly sick and why did he not have the
trusting my judgement, she used an incor-
After taking some time off sick, for the first
courtesy to open the taxi windows? Next
rect satnav. Where have you heard that
time in many moons I was looking forward
time I will politely ask…
to coming back to work! However that feel-
Secondly, over the years I’ve got used to
ing soon went and there’s nothing like taxi
the public questioning my routes etc and
The former Wandsworth
driving as a leveller. I am not a moaner and
have a number of answers up my sleeve
Parks police!
in the early days of my taxi-driving career I
such as that I am just following the signs. Or
Most of us don’t go into Battersea Park very
have often said to myself that if you don’t
if I get asked whether I can make Kings X by
often unless it’s for a break or to service one
like this job then go and find one you do
8.30 and its not looking good, I will ask the
of the events that take place there, especially
like. You usually forget the moans - but not
punter what time the following train is. But
at Christmas time. And then you may well
always. But of all the things we have to put
sometimes someone who simply hasn’t a
have bumped into one of the Wandsworth
up with, the following two would go into
clue, questions you and his or her alternative
Parks police officers at an event directing
my Room 101…
leaves you staring into the rear view mirror.
traffic or sorting out drunks. A very friendly
Firstly, feeling good and fresh I picked up
Here’s a good example…
lot they were, but as of 1st April, the whole
a fella who coughed, sneezed and wheezed
I picked up a lady in Kingsland Road who
section is being disbanded and sadly
and then coughed again all the way from
wanted to go to New Street Square. No
Wandsworth Parks police will be no more.
Wandsworth to Pall Mall. I began feeling
problem; off I went along Old Street, turn-
The axe has fallen on them as part of
sick after about 10 minutes, but I was too
ing left into Goswell Road then making a
Wandsworth Council`s cutbacks and speak-
English and polite to ask him to open his
right into Long Lane. From there it was
ing personally, I think that cutting frontline
windows. Instead I opened the front ones,
straight through West Smithfield and left
services - not to mention slaughtering the
which makes things worse as all the germs
into Farringdon Road. As we passed
come from the back to the front via yours
Stonecutter Street there was a tap on the
Westminster TaxiCard - is part of a Tory
truly’s nostrils.
window and the passenger called out to ask
agenda, even though David Cameron says
Well, what can you do? I haven’t tried
why I hadn’t turned right there?
A sad day, but well done to all the police
holding my breath for half an hour or more
Speechless, I looked around. Was she seri-
since I was a bored teenager during the
ous? It’s one way from the other way, com-
officers at Wandsworth Parks for a sterling
summer holidays with the result that for the
plete with no entry signs! So I just said
job done under difficult circumstances and
following 10 days I struggled into work,
nothing, continuing to turn right into Fleet
good luck at finding future employment…
careful not to pass on my illness even
Street and then Fetter Lane etc. As I
though I could hardly breathe because of
dropped the lady off, I heard the words “you
Richard Potter (T51)
Call Sign April 2012
Page 14
Allen Togwell’s Marketing Place
Waldorf Hilton for £12,998 that will include entry
First aid?
to four Olympic events to which Thomas Cook
Are cyclists really that dim or have they got a
say that they have been ‘inundated’ with bookings
death wish? I encountered three incidents on the
since launching the package. Proof it seems that
same morning recently, the first when I was dri-
nobody is forcing people to pay these prices.
ving through Greenwich Park; it was pitch dark
Why then I wonder are there so many in the
and raining heavily when a cyclist suddenly
cab trade against increasing taxi fares. The
appeared in front of me that I must have missed
Olympics is a once in a lifetime event and for
colliding with by inches. The idiot was dressed
many, especially the self-employed, it’s a golden
completely in black, the bike was black plus it had
opportunity to recoup some of the income lost in
no lights or reflectors. Absolutely madness and
the aftermath of the greatest recession of the last
people wonder why cyclists get injured.
75 years. As a point of interest I know of people
The second incident was in Three Colts Lane, a
who go to Newcastle each year for the Great
cyclist took the corner too sharp, toppled over
North Run and they always expect to pay consid-
and I narrowly missed running over his bike. Then
erably more for their hotel than normal and they
just 15 minutes later as I was driving up Pitfield
do so willingly. Last year I took my grandson to
Street - which is one-way except for cyclists - I
London 2012 and a
watch an Arsenal game at the Emirates. It’s a ter-
came across a female lying in the road having
fares increase?
rific stadium and the tickets cost a fortune. But as
come off her bike. Exactly how long she had been
As you receive this copy of Call Sign, it will be
it was a ‘one off’ special occasion I was happy to
lying there I don’t know, but what surprised me
less than four months to the start of the 2012
pay the price, including £7 for a Hot Dog and
was the amount of cyclists coming in the oppo-
Olympic Games on 27 July until 9 September. No
Coke. I shouldn’t think for one moment there will
site direction down the bike lane, all looking at
doubt some of you will be following the advice of
be many visitors coming to London for the 2012
the fallen woman, yet not one of these selfish
the organisers and taking a six week sabbatical at
Olympics on a low budget. To do so really would
lycra louts having the decency to stop and offer
your regular bolt hole in Miami, the Caribbean,
be naïve. I envisage many tourists on their first
assistance. This says it all about the mentality of
Seychelles, Butlins or wherever and leave the rest
visit to London are going to be looking forward to
these pedal pushers. I parked to check if she was
of your colleagues to scratch a living on streets
riding on a London bus and especially riding in a
OK, but as I was putting on my raincoat she got
heaving at the seams with traffic and tourists vis-
London taxi, whatever the cost. Many of you
back on her bike and rode away. I mention the
iting London for the Olympics.
would have seen in the press the news that DLR
above because since the advent of Boris’s Bikes
It is forecast that the 2012 London Olympics is
staff are to receive a £2500 bonus just for turning
and cycling in London being on the increase,
expected to generate £12bn in revenue for the
up to work as normal during the Olympics. In fact
there has naturally been a considerable increase
British economy, of which £2.1bn is to come from
this isn’t far different to the taxi surcharge for
in accidents involving cyclists. Many of you, I
tourists. All very nice for those who’ve got their
working Christmas and New Year, a period when
would guess, have witnessed cycling accidents
greedy sticky fingers in that £12bn pie, but not
many of you work anyway. Is that morally wrong?
and possibly in some instances been directly
much I would guess is going to those in the cab
If not, then why not a surcharge during the
involved. This being so, how many of you carry an
trade who intend working. If history is anything
Olympics, which if it did apply then those drivers
adequate first aid kit and how many of you are
to go by, then I can well envisage when it’s all
that adamantly oppose it would have the oppor-
able to administer first aid including CPR?
over and everything is back to normal, we will be
tunity to waive the surcharge if their professional
Much has been discussed recently about what
hearing countless stories of those in the service
ethics weighed too heavily on their conscience.
can be done to protect our client base as well as
industry hiking up their charges, including hotels
generating new business. At Board level, attempts
and private hire laughing all the way to the bank
Satnavs and memory loss
are being made where possible to make costs
while many in the cab trade will be moaning as
In the past I have mentioned my having used a
more competitive without affecting the quality of
usual about the income they could have generat-
dozen or so taxis off the street to the UCH and
our service. Dial-a-Cab is still technologically the
ed but didn’t because they felt it morally wrong to
ENT Hospital in Grays Inn Road and back to the
most advanced taxi circuit in Europe. Older cabs
up the price of taxi fares during the Olympics
office of which the vast majority of those taxis
will soon be officially taken out of service, and
games. Personally, I fail to understand what rele-
had satnavs on display, which gives a fair indica-
with newer vehicles replacing them, it will
vance morals have to self-employed cab drivers,
tion of how popular satnavs are amongst green
increase the quality of our fleet and your Sales
unless it applies to doing something unlawful.
badge drivers who were once proud of being the
department are as active as they can possibly be
As I write this piece, I have just read an article
most knowledgeable (geographically) cab drivers
in a very difficult market place.
in a Sunday national with a strap line saying ‘Hotel
in the world. When asked why they had a need to
As regards you the members, we rely on you to
prices soar by 300% for Games’. In the article,
use a satnav particularly for a local destination
cover as much work as possible, efficiently and
research undertaken by shadow Olympics secre-
such as East Road, the answer was: Why not? It
without delay. Poor service is the worst reason to
tary, Tessa Jowell, reveals that on average prices
makes life easy. Why stretch your brain
lose a client because once gone it’s usually gone
will rise by 315% during the Games compared
when a satnav will do it for you. Well a recent
forever. Arriving promptly in a clean cab is essen-
with now. Tessa Jowell specifically names hotels
survey has just been published that claims too
tial. Arriving promptly looking smart, courteous
whose charges in December 2011 were £124 for
much use of satnavs can result in memory loss.
and helpful leaves a lasting impression. And even
a double room, but on the night of August 3 when
This is supported by facts already established that
more so in my opinion, if for example our mem-
the games have begun will increase to £584.
people who don’t use their brain regularly, for
bers were equipped with basic first aid and resus-
Another example is a room normally
example to do crosswords, Sudoku, read or play
citation skills. Apart from raising your image, it
increasing even further to £830. Exactly why Ms
chess etc are more likely to suffer dementia than
would appeal enormously to the general public
Jowell is wasting time researching the obvious I
those that do. So my advice, for what it’s worth is
and particularly the business sector, especially in
don’t know, because as one Hotelier who admits
this: If you have a satnav, resist using it unless it’s
the UK which has one of the worst heart attack
to charging £1,100 for a room that normally goes
absolutely necessary. You did the Knowledge so
rates in the world. Our older members might
£250, said when criticised about the increase:
it’s all in your head somewhere. So force yourself
laugh, but the cab trade has changed considerably
‘Don’t be so naïve, London is being no different to
to use it or lose it, together with everything else
since the cloth cap and muffler era. Today’s cab
other Olympic cities’ And to support that view,
in your brain…
drivers are younger, conscientious and are well
Thomas Cook, a long established reputable com-
aware that skills in addition to the Knowledge are
pany, is apparently using the Olympic occasion to
Allen Togwell
desperately needed if they are to compete suc-
cessfully with PH.
offer a three night package for two people to the
DaC Marketing
Call Sign April 2012
Page 15
This issue of Call Sign contains an extremely
Welcome to Cabbies Mate - built specially for taxi drivers!
informative article from Dial-a-Cab IT Director
John Bankes about the new terminals that will
be fitted into DaC taxis within a few months.
But the article doesn’t talk too much about the
fully integrated Knowledge Master Cabbie’s
Mate system that will come with the new ter-
minal. So Call Sign asked Knowledge Master’s
Cotton line drawn
Sales and Marketing Manager Lindsay Todd for
from start point to
a rundown on what DaC drivers can expect -
in addition to a hopeful large amount of work.
Extended Greater
But what there is not, is a large TV set in the
London search data-
Lindsay told us: “Firstly, let me say that
Search on Address,
Knowledge Master UK Ltd are proud and
Post Code or Point of
delighted to have been chosen by Dial-a-Cab to
provide Cabbie’s Mate’ A-Z Maps and
Automatic route
Navigation Software for inclusion in the new
planning in
terminals soon to be fitted to your fleet.
Navigation when
destination selected
DaC drivers will benefit from the follow-
in A-Z.
ing features:-
Favourite destina-
A-Z+ Cabbie’s Mate Mapping GPS enabled,
tion storing facility.
which includes:
History of previous
Central London Super Scale Map
Greater London Map at Street Level
Named roads in
Extended Arterial Road Greater London Map
voice direction.
Great Britain Road Atlas
Database of almost
Search on Street Name, Post Code or Point
500,000 UK points of interest.
London maps contain 24,000+ specially
of Interest.
Speed and Traffic Light camera warnings.
selected points of interest.
All maps can be ‘toggled’ at press of button.
All maps can be zoomed in and out four
for full user instructions on our software. A video
Knowledge Master UK Ltd specially creat-
levels at touch of a button.
demonstration is also available there.
ed United Kingdom Navigation System
All maps can be scrolled.
The Knowledge Master UK Ltd team are confi-
which has:-
Speed and Traffic Light Camera warnings.
dent that DaC drivers will enjoy using and receive
Automatic navigation to pick-up location
‘Cotton line’ drawn between location and
a great benefit from the installation of our soft-
and destination location through DaC
selected destination.
ware in your terminals.”
despatch system.
Trace facility on route being driven.
Call Sign April 2012
Page 16
Online magazine London Loves Business
recently conducted a fascinating interview
with Addison Lee boss John Griffin.
He turns out to be anti-Olympics, explaining
AL boss slags
that he doesn’t consider the Games as a serious
business opportunity and is determined to
remain faithful to his regular customers. He
says it would be foolish to sacrifice the good-
will he has built up for over 30 years with his
customers for “two petty weeks.” Mr Griffin
off real taxis!
also said that suggestions he has a contract
allowing AL cars into the Games ORN lanes are
rubbish and that they declined an invitation to
ver Imran Raja who apparently wouldn’t even
have stopped had not his four passengers
He also confirmed a £50,000 donation to the
screamed at him that he had just run over a
Conservative party in 2009/10 but failed to
pedestrian - even though they all felt the bump
mention a £25,000 donation said to have been
as Raja drove over 58-year old homeless man,
given towards the election funds of Boris
Robin Scott - who had splashed some drink
Johnson during the last Mayoral elections. He
over the minicab before also banging on the
describes Ken Livingstone as being left of left
windscreen. Raja was then said to have
of left, calling him dangerous, too radical and
knocked Mr Scott over and driven over his
not good for London. But his love affair with
body. He told the court at the Old Bailey that he
Boris isn’t as red-hot as it was last time, with
had been unaware of hitting anyone and that
Griffin’s claim that the Mayor is quite visible by
he wouldn’t have known had his passengers
his absence around him! Perhaps he doesn’t
not screamed. Raja was found guilty of
need the money this time round, although
manslaughter and jailed for three years and
someone does as AL have just taken a £12M
nine months. The court accepted that he did
Barclays loan.
not intend to cause serious harm and perhaps
He is also against the suggestion that electric
AL would claim that the person Raja ran over
cars are the way forward, describing them to
John Griffin claims no Addison Lee dri-
didn’t count as a passenger?
London Loves Business as the biggest nonsense
ver has ever been charged with any
His driver turnover is astronomical, so it is
ever! He queried where the power was, adding
doubtful that we would ever know the truth
that the UK was buying electricity from France,
about his statement of 100% driver innocence.
had no fossil fuels and the analogy that we
according to her, he raped her in the back of
But rumours of flying pigs still abound.
could rely on windmills “was a complete farce.”
the taxi. How could he possibly have kept his
Having said all that, it’s hard not to show
But of course he couldn’t resist having a dig
foot on the brake while getting out? The driver
some admiration for a minicab driver who
at the industry he obviously admires far more
always swore that there was no rape and that it
started with just the one car in 1975 and who
than his own business - licensed taxis. His
was consensual. According to taxi editor of the
now claims to have a fleet of 4,000 who give
decision to make all his vehicles black says it
time, Al Fresco, who studied the case, the girl’s
him a 2011 turnover of aprox £200million. That
evidence just didn’t add up. However, Mr
has all come with no educational qualifications
Once again he compared his prices to those
Welton was still found guilty. When almost at
and without having taken a single exam in his
of the taxi industry and stuck to his assertion
the end of his prison sentence, Frank Welton
life. We don’t have to like him, but we cannot
that AL were 30% cheaper. He says we com-
hung himself.
deny his business acumen even if he doesn’t
plained to the Office of Fair Trading about
So yes, in 350 years we have had a handful of
seem to know what 100% actually means!
Addison Lee’s claim, but lost the case and
offences committed by taxi drivers, but to
according to him, shot ourselves in the foot. He
claim that Addison Lee drivers have never been
Alan Fisher
claims that taxi clocks “almost double as soon
found guilty of any offence with any passenger?
as you go more than six miles and they can’t
Call Sign calls that claim bunkum! We do not
match up to our impeccably dressed driver
keep records of any offences committed by
wearing a collar and tie and opening the door
their drivers because nothing they do particu-
for you.” Of course we all know - as do many
larly surprises us. With a tiny ad in a national
- that although they are obviously
newspaper we could probably find at least
cheaper on some longer trips, the reverse is the
1000 passengers who would complain that
case on shorter ones and that added together,
their AL driver got lost because he couldn’t
his 30% suggestion is obviously incorrect. And
understand English well enough. I don’t think
of course, his drivers undoubtedly dress
you’d ever find that with a licensed taxi driver.
smarter than ours… if only they knew the way
But AL could rightly claim that getting lost hard-
and all spoke English, they’d be reasonable!
ly compares with rape and they would, of
But he saves his biggest anti-taxi remark to
course, be right in that. So Call Sign went back
the end. He says: “No Addison Lee driver
to see if we could find anything that would
has been found guilty of any offence with
contradict John Griffin’s submission of his dri-
any passenger ever. Can the black taxis
ver’s 100% innocence.
declare the same?”
We could write about our February 2010
Well, we cannot deny history and the indis-
issue when one of their drivers tried to run
You are welcome to visit
putable fact that in 2009, John Warboys was
over DaC driver Marc Turner (R97) at the
our showroom at:
found guilty of assaulting 12 women, drugging
Holiday Inn Forum Hotel in South Kensington
19 and raping one during an 18-month reign of
after Marc got out of his taxi and asked the AL
Unit 8 Tripes Farm,
terror. In fact, if you went back another 20+
driver to pull off the rank. His response was to
Chelsfield Lane,
years then another licensed taxi driver, Frank
try to run Marc over.
Orpington, Kent BR6 7RS
Welton, was found guilty of raping his passen-
Could there be some form of pattern Mr
Instant Kitchen and
ger. That occasion was said to have taken place
Griffin, because we only have to go back two
Bedroom & Blinds UK
in Earls Court with a Spanish female student
months to our February 2012 issue. The head-
who claimed the driver kept his foot on the
line shouted out: Addy Lee driver guilty of
Call Ian (R50) on 01689 897111…
brake so that she couldn’t leave the cab. Yet
manslaughter followed by the story of AL dri-
Call Sign April 2012
Page 17
Up until September 2006, Call Sign had been
sponsoring the Dial-a-Cab Call Centre's blonde
Bombshell, Donna Merry and her Mirkou
MK30 shotgun as she battled into the European
and World skeet shooting championships.
When she left, we transferred our sponsorship
over to DaC driver and Wembley FC goalkeep-
er, Lee Pearce (J71). In return, Wembley became
DaC Wembley with the Society's name embla-
zoned on the team's shirts as well as being on
commitment to grassroots football, champi-
banners around the ground. Chairman Brian
oning clubs at all levels and bringing the
Rice provided the team with our fleece tops so
romance and heritage of the tournament closer
that even in training, the DaC name was on
to the fans.
Budweiser say they will be working closely
Our sponsorship paid up in trumps the fol-
with Wembley FC to bring forward infrastruc-
lowing season when DaC Wembley were
ture improvements to enhance the club and
selected by the BBC's Football Focus and
player facilities. They will include the imple-
Match of the Day to be the team they would
mentation of a new responsible drinking pro-
follow in the FA Cup of that season - the idea
gramme as well as promotion of the club in the
being that once Wembley were
wider Wembley community.
knocked out, they would cont
Jason Warner, Global VP Budweiser, told Call
ue to follow the team that be
Sign: “We believe that the best way to champi-
them until eventually the
2006: Lee holds the
on the FA Cup is to celebrate its uniqueness
reached the Final. Former Spur
FA Cup as Call Sign
from the grassroots up. Wembley FC has an
legend Garth Crooks and a BBC
ponsors Wembley.
incredible heritage and story to tell. We look
team turned up at Wembley
and Football Focus did a piece
ow it’s Budweiser
forward to helping fulfil their dreams.”
Budweiser's continued support of local
on the team, including posin
teams in the FA Cup follows on from last year's
with the cup itself. The DaC ba
success with the first-ever live streaming of a
eral appearances as they showed the team
Wembley had made some much-needed funds
sporting event on Facebook, which saw over
training. Then came the match against Thame
while DaC got tons of publicity.
30,000 people worldwide view the extra-pre-
United, who were in the league above
Call Sign still follows Lee Pearce and after
liminary round match between Wembley FC
Wembley and clear favourites to move onto the
moving around to several different clubs, the
and Ascot United.
next round. But DaC Wembley was buzzing and
goalkeeper is once again back between the
Lee Pearce added: “This news is brilliant for a
as the cameras rolled, Jumo Mitchell, Steve
sticks at Wembley.
small team like Wembley. It gives us the encour-
Augustine and Paul Shelton each scored a goal
And now a new sponsor for the team has
agement to want to succeed - and I really think
to take the team through. In the next round, the
been announced - no less than FA Cup lead
we will!”
Beeb were joined by Sky TV - again with DaC
sponsor, Budweiser. The iconic global beer
For more information on the FA Cup with
banners on show. They failed to beat Redbridge
brand will now sponsor Wembley FC. The deal
and the adventure ended, but not before
forms part of Budweiser's long-term FA Cup
Areti triumph in first pro bout!
Last month's Call Sign told of Dial-a-Cab driver Alex Wilkey (W83), who in addition to driving a taxi,
is also a licensed boxing trainer. The story wrote of Alex' latest acquisition, female boxer Areti
Mastrodouka who left her native Greece to come to London where female boxers are licensed.
Alex has now led Areti to victory in her professional debut fight against experienced opponent Kristine
Shergold at Bethnal Green's York Hall on 4 March.
The knowledgeable York Hall crowd took to their seats for the super-featherweight female match-up,
which was to be the first fight of the afternoon. Areti - who recently joined the TKO Gym in Canning
Town to team up with trainer Alex Wilkey and manager Johnny Eames looked calm and confident
before the bout and walking to the ring showed no evident signs of nerves before her first appearance
in the professional ranks. But Areti, nicknamed The Master, looked like an established pro throughout
the fight as she outscored Shergold over the scheduled 6 rounds on an afternoon featuring eight bouts.
But it was still a tough test for Mastrodouka against the 31-year-old Shergold, an oppo-
nent with 9 pro fights behind her. Residing from Exeter, Shergold came in with a 4 wins and
5 losses record to her name, having turned pro back in April 2008.
Shergold showed straightaway that she wasn't there just to make up the numbers and was not
going to give Areti an easy debut. She put immediate pressure on Areti throwing some big shots in the
first round. But once southpaw Areti settled into her rhythm, she began landing her own left hands.
The Greek contingent were making themselves heard from the upper level as Areti produced some
smart boxing in the 2nd and 3rd rounds, working off the jab and producing some eye catching com-
binations. Areti was displaying the sharper footwork of the pair and landed some good body shots in
the 4th round, yet Shergold was still a threat and had success in spells. But it was clear to see that
Areti's experience in the amateur ranks in both boxing and kickboxing was prevailing as she proved she had the capability to produce a
good performance in the professional game.
In the 5th round, The Master landed some effective straight lefts and it was becoming evident that Shergold was tiring and becoming frustrated as she tried
to hold and smother the work of her opponent. But the 6th and final round was to be the most entertaining with both fighters trading heavy blows, but with
Shergold - obviously aware she was behind on points - beginning to take risks. But Mastrodouka continued to dominate the exchanges.
It was no surprise when referee Jeff Hinds raised Areti's hand after the bout with a score of 60 - 55. Areti told Call Sign after the fight: “I'm really pleased
with the way the fight went with everything going to plan. Alex gave me good instructions and I listened to them. I fought a good fight against a good oppo-
nent. I'd also like to thank Ken at Boxfit for his great support.”
Trainer Alex Wilkey added: “I'm very happy with the way Areti boxed, she took everything on board and executed our fight plan well.”
Also winning on the bill was fellow TKO Gym fighter Eddie Corcoran, who beat experienced Duncan Cottier convincingly in a one sided bout, winning all 4
of the 3 minute rounds.
Trainer Alex Wilkey is available for private training sessions. If you are interested, you can contact him on 07944 791 360.
Call Sign April 2012
Page 18
Nash's Numbers has long been one of Call
Sign's most popular pages, but over the past
year or so our page two author Alan Nash
(A95) has been writing about the MyFav web-
Nash's Numbers and
site - one that has been actually designed by
Alan - so we asked him what it was all about.
Alan told us...
"I made a rather silly comment in 1997 when
the MyFav website
Alan Fisher took on the role of Call Sign edi-
…and how you can also win £100 each month!
"I've got a fare table; do you want to publish it?"
Not only did he say yes, but he also asked if I
could do something every month as well! Well,
165 issues later and Nash's Numbers is still going
strong and I hope that the articles have been of
some use to you. They don't cost anyone on Dial-
a-Cab a bean.
In December
2003,1 set up the Nash's
Numbers website containing all the back issues
so that you could print them off rather than tear
the magazine to bits. Many are now out of date -
after all, a 2006 fare chart is of little use in 2012!
Over the years I've come across drivers with
files of just page twos, whilst in turn I carried a
folder of useful info and bits of snippets with
me in the cab that I had picked up over a period
of time. So I thought it a good idea to put this
together with old Call Sign issues into a docu-
ment that all DaC drivers could share. It took
me ages to think up the name of the Useful
Information Document - or the UID as I call
it. I didn't really want it to be too easily available
to private hire, so to keep it at least semi-secure
from PH eyes, you needed to register to go onto
gets, search engine, retailer search
bar, clock
the mailing list.
face, set the start up your favourite icon grid- and
Necessity is the mother of invention (Plato
So what's it all about? Well, I put the UID and
this is very important - because your preferences
427 BC - 347 BC) and in an internet cafe whilst
other useful taxi related websites as icons on a
are stored online, every time you log on from
on holiday I accessed a number of different
Locked MyFav page. Again, to keep prying PH
any internet connected computer in the world,
websites and thought how useful it would be if
eyes from the UID is the reason that you need to
your personalised MyFav page will appear.
I could just call up a single site with all the sites
register and enter an unlock code. This website
A few of you have also realised that you can
I needed. Hence in
2007 I registered
has been designed to be used as a launch pad to
win a £100 monthly prize just for recommend-
the rest of the internet by everyone and not just
ing the site. This is in order to expand the num-
rest of the internet. Initially it was just for my
for the taxi trade. All new pages are launched
ber of users, but sadly no recommendees have
personal use, but hey, wouldn't it be a great
from MyFav and the MyFav page is always there
yet registered and therefore the monthly prize
launch pad for everyone, thought I? My initial
for launching a new site. Some browsers launch
has yet to be won. All you need do is just regis-
list of requirements were for a search bar, icons
new full size pages, others create new tabs. The
ter using the word taxi as the unlock code. You
of the most used general sites and files of my
basic MyFav page is useful, but to get the most
will be emailed a temporary password, log in,
personal favourites (bookmarks). MyFav was
from it you need to register. It's free, secure, your
personalise, recommend and not only will you
picked as a short name (shorter than Google,
details are not passed to any third parties and
have an extensive and powerful launch area to
Facebook and Twitter etc). Obviously it was an
you will only get an occasional email from me
quickly launch any website, but you could be
abbreviation for My Favourite bookmarks,
with information on MyFav updates. Once regis-
richer by £100 - and on a monthly basis! And
homepage, iconic most generally used sites etc.
tered, you can create your own personal
that's not too bad value for nothing!"
And now it's available with the even shorter
favourite bookmarks, create notes, set the gad-
The professional driver’s choice…
The Euro 5 version of the TX4 is now available for purchase across the UK
and testing that correct spec or ‘genuine’ branded parts have been
and The London Taxi Company is taking the opportunity to reiterate the
through. This could result in incorrect tolerances, poor fitment, cor-
importance to the taxi trade of using quality parts when it comes to main-
rosion implications and even safety concerns. Braking components
taining your vehicle and to reinforce the potential dangers of using low
are a specific example where stopping distances / collision avoid-
grade or non-specification parts.
ance could be adversely affected by the use of non-specification
The London Taxi Company supplies genuine parts for all TX models to its
parts. Use of non-compliant parts also affects warranty claims.
UK network of more than 60 Approved Service Dealers, as well as direct to
“We strongly recommend drivers ensure their chosen garage uses
the group’s six main retail outlets in London, Coventry, Manchester, Leeds,
only the correct quality of oil, parts and diagnostic equipment on
Edinburgh and Glasgow. Parts Sales & Marketing Manager, Jamie
their vehicle. It’s an investment not just in the product, but also in
MacMasters-Green, told Call Sign:
the longevity and durability of their business.”
“We’re passionate about the importance of using the right specifi-
To find your nearest London Taxi Company Approved Service Dealer and
cation parts for a reason. Lower spec parts produced by alternative
guarantee access to genuine parts, oils and lubricants, visit
suppliers are unlikely to have been through the rigorous checking
taxis.co.uk and click on the Servicing tab for more information.
Call Sign April 2012
Page 19
London Taxi and Private Hire has confirmed
that from next year a number of substantial
LTPH records computerised
improvements will be made to the licensing
process for taxi and private hire vehicles, dri-
ability and desire to provide our customers
vers and operators. All records will be com-
with the quality of service they
puterised and a simple online account system
deserve. Following a very thorough and com-
will be set up so users can keep track of their
prehensive procurement exercise, I am delight-
applications or book vehicle inspections.
ed to announce the great many improvements
A contract to run the new system has been
that will be delivered to our customers through
awarded to NSL. As well as providing the taxi
this new contract. The delivery of the end to
and private hire vehicle licensing and inspec-
end IT system through this contract will enable
tion service, NSL will also be responsible for
us to significantly improve the quality of ser-
the provision of an end to end IT system, which
vice we provide. Throughout this process, we
will be used by TfL staff for all other licensing
have actively engaged with the taxi and private
and compliance activities.
hire trades and the unions.We will continue to
Some of the improvements include the com-
engage with them, particularly with regards to
puterisation of all driver and vehicle records,
the location of new inspection centres.”
new and existing drivers and operators being
It is anticipated that the new vehicle licens-
able to apply and renew online through a sim-
ing and inspections service, as well as the new
ple and easy to use account system that will
Helen Chapman
system, will be up and running by early 2013.
also enable them to track progress of their
TfL will continue to hold decision making pow-
application at any time and a simple on-line
ers on all licensing applications as well as be
booking for vehicle inspections.
said: “We have made no secret of how the lack
the key contact for all trade engagement and
Helen Chapman, Deputy Director of LTPH
of good quality IT systems have hindered our
issue resolution.
Call Sign Comment
Are NSL safe to run LTPH IT system?
London Taxi and Private Hire have announced that a contract to run their new IT system has been awarded to NSL. This includes providing a
taxi and private hire vehicle licensing and inspection service in addition to the computerisation of all driver and vehicle records. Undoubtedly this
is something that has long needed doing and Call Sign is delighted that LTPH has finally arrived in the 21st century.
However, NSL were the company revealed in last month’s Call Sign as also running the Parking Enforcement wardens service for
Westminster Council and who recently lost in London’s High Court when Judge Burns found in favour of former Parking
Attendant Hakim Berkani. Mr Berkani claimed he was sacked from his job as a warden for not issuing at least 10 PCNs a day -
which he claimed was NSL policy.
The company denied the claim but had to pay Mr Berkani the sum of £20,000 after Judge Burns believed the former warden rather than
This case doesn’t bode well so far as trust is concerned, because any traffic enforcement organisation that is found guilty of
insisting wardens issue a minimum number of tickets regardless of whether they see any infringements or not, does not endear
itself to this magazine.
No doubt the trade will now be watching NSL very closely, because trust is something earned and NSL are starting with a minus score. If it
were up to us, NSL would not be a company we would feel happy with having access to taxi driver’s records…
Alan Fisher
Visiting Gordon Poluck...
Several drivers enquired about former Dial-a-Cab driver and Board member Gordon Poluck (ex-R 34) following mention in last month’s Call Sign.
Many also remember Gordon from having attended a social function where he was the red-jacketed Master of Ceremonies, a role for which he was
well known and respected. He also served for many years as a councillor for the borough of Croydon.
Gordon is now in a Jewish Care residential home and when we recently spoke to his wife Shirley, she told us that he would be delighted to see any of
his Dial-a-Cab friends.
Gordon is at Rubens House, 184 Ballards Lane, Finchley N3 2NB Tel: 0208 349 9879…
Call Sign April 2012
Page 20
DaC driver Mike Pollington says yellow badges aren’t the problem…
countries down to the lowest common denomi-
for it? Wake up! In recent years politicians, Lords
nator and then slowly strip away level by
of the realm, journalists and police officers have
level until a mass of struggling workers sweat for
been sent to prison and you want more legisla-
a small group of unelected elites.
tion for cab drivers.
Whenever trades and organisations are
So back to the CRB checks. It was announced
grouped under the same heading, that is always
that the organisation carrying out the CRB
the intention. Try getting anything done by
checks thought it no longer necessary to include
your MEP. I have over the emissions; he wasn’t
taxi and private hire drivers (see, they put us
interested and palmed me off. When I threat-
together again) in their checks. However, the arti-
ened a complaint, a more senior official sent
I have to disagree with Alan Nash (A95) in his
cle also stated that Boris lobbied Minister Lynne
me a letter saying how hard he had worked for
February Call Sign letter regarding the ID
Featherstone to ensure that we continued to be
me. No he hadn’t. When I emailed twice more
stickers. What’s so great about the green stick-
caught in the net. Maybe he would like to explain
he just ignored me. Think about your future and
ers we are now forced to display?
remember the old saying: “Be careful what you
why? Private hire, yes. When a person can turn
I noticed how many misguided drivers
wish for, you might just get it!” Small organisa-
up at our borders and show a piece of paper that
jumped the gun and displayed what they obvi-
tions and local councils are accountable, that’s
says I’m a good person and can drive, that does-
ously believed to be a Medal of Honour on
why everything is now big.
n’t give them the right to masquerade as a taxi
their taxis way ahead of the 1 March start date.
Do cab drivers really believe that a few subur-
I also noticed that a website appeared
driver. We are different. We have been vetted and
whereby a member of the public could tap in
ban drivers slipping into town were the big
processed back to our birth and should be treat-
your badge number and reveal your name,
threat to this trade? I’m not suggesting that it’s
ed as such. Amongst other lobbyists to ask for our
which could then easily reveal your address via
right, but it could have been stopped by those
inclusion was the Suzy Lamplugh Trust. I under-
other means. Mayor Boris promised to close it
being caught incurring stringent penalties such
stand that, but organisations must learn to distin-
down, but for how long? Once one of these
as a long suspension of their licenses.
guish between who may be and those who
websites has been set up, they usually reappear
This ID scheme has been a Godsend to the
in a similar format. Even if it didn’t, hackers
won’t be threats, you cannot go through life
control freaks that now run our country. We
have got into the Pentagon’s website, so don’t
thinking everyone is a threat - that diminishes all
now have cctv photographing every individual
think for a second that they can’t get into TfL’s
our lives. But the surprising admission was that
that goes out to work - probably at least 300
website revealing who you are and where you
the taxi trade also lobbied for it to be kept. Who
times a day - and there is no evidence to sup-
port that more police on the beat wouldn’t do
live. Even John Mason admitted it was antiquat-
on earth could that be I wondered, so I rang the
a better job. In fact Big Brother Watch has cost-
LTDA to see if they could shed some light on it.
Have you ever had an argument with some-
ed the cctv implementation as equivalent to
Not being a member, I was reluctantly put
one you know could be trouble? Would you
having 4,000 more police officers on the beat.
through to Chairman John Thomas. I’m sure he
want them knocking on your door one day or
But that would mean more jobs and a stronger
has many friends, but his aggressive manner to
night when you’re not at home - but your wife
economy - the last thing our real masters, the
me made it clear I wasn’t one of them. I asked the
is? It could also be ideal for burglars; they can
EU, want for us.
take note of your badge number while you’re
question of which trade organisation would have
We also have the three yearly ridiculous
out working, knowing you were not at home so
wanted to keep the CRB check and the only
Criminal Records Bureau check for taxi drivers,
that they could “pop round” to see if anyone’s
words I got from him were that he didn’t have to
which should have no place in this trade. I’ll
in! They already know you aren’t! It is a dan-
speak to me and that he only had to speak to his
come to that later. But back to the stickers…
gerous violation of our lives and because of this
members. I asked again and received the same
If you want to know the real threat to this
unnecessary new legislation, TfL cannot now
trade, then it’s two-fold - private hire and TfL
reply, to which I told him I thought he had a bel-
guarantee your protection or the protection of
itself. Why do you think we have been herded
ligerent attitude. He just said he didn’t have to
your family. Boris needs to answer why such a
in with PH in a transport unit referred to as
speak to me, he represent his members. Just in
website was up and running in the first place?
London Taxi and Private Hire? We are closer
case I hadn’t understood that he didn’t want to
It also means that a programme was written to
together already and as time goes by we will be
get it up and running. Why? What happens if
speak to me, the phone was put down. I now see
lost as it moulds into one. Yes, suburban drivers
there is a leak or a loss of a file containing all our
in his latest statement that he speaks to people
have been a nuisance, but never a real threat.
names and addresses linked to the badge num-
who don’t give their name, that must be where I
I hear RMT leader Bob Crowe may be chal-
bers now staring up to seven million people in
went wrong. I gave mine!
the face. The only person allowed to see your
So what was the organisation representing you
lenging the legality of these stickers and he
badge number should be the passenger in the
and I that lobbied for the CRB check to be kept,
should be commended for that. Reading John
back of your cab.
or did Boris add it for more effect because he was
Mason’s reply to Alan Nash in Call Sign, he states:
Having done the Knowledge, what do we
given a nod and a wink from someone in the
“The stickers will assist the police and our com-
have to prove to anyone? Does the passenger
trade that it was the feeling of the drivers. Hands
pliance officers with enforcement.” I’d rather he
show you an ID card before they get in to
up please. Please don’t anyone reply that if
tackled the touts and the illegal touting by PH dri-
prove they’re ok? No, nor would you want to go
you’ve got nothing to hide then you have noth-
vers with more alacrity. He then goes on to use
down that route. Look around you; 99 percent
ing to fear. I’ll be looking for a rope and a nearby
TfL speak to defend the licence cost that used to
of people you meet are decent people, do we
tree! If those that carry out the CRB checks think
be done by the old Met police for nothing. John
need all this continual harassment and security
it unnecessary to include the taxi trade and it has
Mason, no doubt, is sincere in believing that he is
checks to prove our worthiness to be alive?
never been thought necessary before in our 400
Divide and Rule, the tried and tested formula
year history, why the hell are we and what right
doing a good job with the limited resources he
to turn people’s heads at others has a new part-
does any trade organisation have to make deci-
has, but it’s the old Russian doll scenario. As you
ner - group together those that don’t match.
sions - if one did and without consulting or
take the outside cover off, there’s another under-
Anything to make you take your eye off the ball
informing all drivers of their intentions?
neath and those on the outside are never aware of
and not see the bigger picture - which is to
I emailed Minister Lynne Featherstone to ask
what the next layer knows. As you get to the cen-
make people happy to have more legislation
which trade organisation lobbied her without
tre of the doll, I have no doubt the real power
that will slowly remove more of our civil liber-
asking the trade and as yet have received no
knows that TfL plans for this trade are to be
reply. If I get one I will let Call Sign know.
reduced to the lowest common denominator, just
So how easy has this nonsense been to impose
as the aim of the European Union is to bring all
on the trade when drivers themselves have asked
Michael Pollington (K17)
Call Sign April 2012
Page 21
One of the less tasteful aspects of the recently
My green badge identifier
introduced Green or Yellow Badge Identifiers
has been that they seem to have become a tar-
get for those folk of a somewhat less than hon-
est nature!
There have been reports both in the trade
press in addition to Dial-a-Cab fleet messages
someone suggested to Call Sign, a ‘post-it note
flashed up on terminals with increasing regu-
sticker attached to the cab dash as a reminder
larity, of ID thefts from cabs displaying Green
should jog the memory and help assure the
Badge identifiers. Strangely, no one seems to be
extended life cycle of an otherwise thin piece
going for the yellow ones!
of card! You can always encapsulate each iden-
Here in the Call Sign office, we can only
tifier in plastic for added protection from
speculate as to the reason for these thefts. After
scratches and scrapes as they are inserted or
all, they are only made from card, so it’s not like
removed from their outer sleeve on a regular
the actual cab licence plate. But one thing is for
sure; it leaves a mess of broken glass after the
That could help you as you explain to LTPH:
event, the grief of getting the front or rear
“And there it was…gone!”
windshield replaced and of course the loss of
time and money involved. That far outweighs
minutes - unless you’re in a secure area.
Dennis Latchett
the simple act of removing the IDs whenever
True, it’s easy to forget about them when
© Call Sign Online MMX11
the cab is left unattended - even for just a few
other things are on your mind, so perhaps as
Calling DaC dads with single daughters!
Once again Dial-a-Cab has been asked to help turn our drivers into TV stars - but this time their
daughters will become “stars” too!
A brand new TV show for E4 is in the early stages of casting and IWC Media are looking for fun, out-
going and interesting characters to star in it. At present they are looking for fathers with single daugh-
ters (who must be over the age of 18).
This will be a fun and exciting new dating show where Dad helps his daughter to find love. The produc-
ers are looking for a range of characters to appear on the show and after seeing Call Sign, they
believe that there must be some great DaC taxi drivers out there that would be perfect for the show!
To find out more, email to: takepart@IWCmedia.co.uk or call 020 7013 4325. Send them your
name, age, email address, contact numbers and location.
Many Dial-a-Cab drivers have been helped
by our PCN expert Barrie Segal. Although
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
he is DaC’s expert and is really employed
to assist only PCNs gained through DaC
trips, many Call Sign readers have been
helped after writing in with PCN problems
and although he can’t always be of assis-
tance, he is always happy to try to help
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
and has often given the advice that gets a
PCN cancelled. As a result, drivers often
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
ask if they can offer Barrie anything as a
Transponders / chipped keys
thank you.
On site key cutting services including taxis
The answer is always no, but if anyone
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
wants to help Barrie try to raise money for
his favourite charity, the Nightingale
Burglary repairs / boarding up
Additional security / security upgrades
gale.org.uk/support-us/donate.php. If
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
you would like to help Barrie raise funds
Grilles and security gates
for The Nightingale and decide to make a
donation - no matter how small - please
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
put the words Parking Ticket Appeal in the
Free estimates / no call out charge
message box and tick the Gift Aid
24hr service
Declaration box beneath that. This increas-
es the value of your donation as the chari-
ty can then claim a refund of tax at no
You can find us at:
cost to standard rate taxpayers.
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
On behalf of Barrie, thanks…
Tel: 01708 371115
Call Sign April 2012
Page 22
In the August 2010 issue of Call Sign, Dial-a-
Cab driver Terry Catherall (Y90) told how he
cycled to Brighton to raise money for the British
Heart Foundation. Well in his words, he is on the
'earhole' again when on 30 August he takes a
slightly longer ride - this time cycling to Paris,
while raising money for a charity that has a long
tie-up to the taxi trade
- The Royal British
Legion. After WW2, the Legion helped many of
those who had fought for their country but who
then had no jobs to return to. That help involved
financial support as well as assisting them in
going onto the Knowledge.
Terry's red and black bike
- nicknamed
Poppy - was made especially for the event by
Russell Coe of Vandome Cycles.
"It will be quite an adventure for me," Terry
told Call Sign, "and a chance to pay respect to
fallen heroes with a service of remembrance at
the Calais war memorial and another at the war
memorial in Beauvais. The ride finishes on day
four at The Arc de Triomphe with a poignant
wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier."
Terry has been in training since February in
Terry has been training for almost 4 months. Can you help him raise funds for the legion?
preparation for the event and if anyone in DaC-
land would like to help him in his fund-raising
enterprise, then even the smallest donation
quickly processed and passed onto the charity.
"I would really appreciate any support with
would help the Legion continue its good work.
Virgin Money Giving is a not-for-profit organisa-
donations," said Terry as Poppy cycled away...
Through Virgin Money Giving, you can sponsor
tion and will claim gift aid on a charity's behalf
You can donate at:
Terry and his aim to reach £1000. Donations are
where the donor is eligible for it.
Taxi drivers & Owners Legal Protection Ltd
About us…
Taxi drivers Legal Protection Ltd was formed in 2009 by former LCDC Chairman Alan Fleming and DaC driver Dave
Cohen. We now operate in London and throughout the UK.
Taxi drivers Legal Protection is not a political organisation but provides vital legal representation for members.
We offer cover for all Hackney Carriage, motoring offences and representation for revocations and suspensions
of your cab driver’s licence. They could arise from health issues, malicious, spurious or unfounded complaints.
We retain a team of Legal Appointees who specialise in motoring and Hackney Carriage law.
Subscription Rate
Our subscriptions now start at just £8 a month, which are payable by Standing Order. Alternatively, subscriptions can be
paid quarterly at £24 or a one off annual payment of £96. You can also submit one cheque for £32 and two post-dated cheques dated one
month apart for the same amounts.
Joining Taxi drivers Legal Protection Ltd could not be simpler. Complete the application form on this page and send it to; TOPS, PO Box 439,
tion form and further information regarding benefits.
If you have any questions, you can contact us via our electronic online Mailing Form, which can also be located on our website. You can also
follow us on Twitter #tdaoprotection.
Dave Cohen (E94)
Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS. The annual subscription rate is £96. You can spread your payments by
sending a currently dated cheque for £32 and two post-dated cheques dated one month apart for the same amount (£32)
Make cheques payable to: TAXI DRIVERS LEGAL PROTECTION LTD. Please return the completed form to: The Secretary,
TOPS, PO Box 439, Stanmore, HA7 9EY
First name…………….…………………………………….. Surname……………………………………………………………
Post Code………………………………………………………….
Telephone………………………………………………………. Badge No………………………………………
Signed…………………………………….………………………………………………………………. Date………………………
Call Sign April 2012
Page 23
Another batch of views from Tom that do not necessarily reflect the views of DaC…
Taxis v private hire
with substantial amounts of money, if you
become ill and are hospitalised, you could die
After all the years that Allen Togwell and I have
remonstrated with drivers over the standard of
because of lack of the correct care and attention
- which is criminal. The bureaucrats in charge of
their attire during working hours, it still seems
that it has fallen on deaf ears. Surely now our
these hospitals just have to say they are sorry and
will investigate and they never seem to face crim-
drivers will have realised the amount of work
lost to Addison Lee and other private hire com-
inal charges. These people should be charged
with corporate manslaughter, but we know that
panies who insists that their drivers present
themselves in a manner to which the client
will never happen because we also know that
governments run scared of PC correctness,
expects for the money they are paying for a
journey. I'm not saying all drivers dress in a way
health and safety regulations and any other mem-
ber of the bobble hatted, bearded, woolly socked
that you’d expect to see them whilst lounging
around the house before having a wash or
We are now told that police forces in Britain
shave. I am, of course, not including our
women drivers in that sentence!
want to hand over more work to private indus-
tries, this will once again allow for more cor-
It only takes a few minutes more to put on a
ruption as we have seen over the past years
clean shirt and trousers, as opposed to a stain
within councils and government. The people
ridden pair of track suit trousers and smelly
ones. They want others to make the effort to draw
who commit these fraudulent claims or go in
trainers. That’s not to mention T-shirts I have
in more clients, but do not realise that when the
for corruption, very rarely get taken to task as
seen with a menu of the last eating establish-
client gets in their taxi, it only increases the rea-
we have seen with people like Baroness Uddin
ment they visited down the front. Do these dri-
son they want to transfer their account to a com-
who was caught fraudulently abusing her
vers not yet realise that when a client comes out
pany that supplies a clean driver and vehicle
Parliamentary second home allowance to the
of their office and views a clean shiny vehicle
every time.
tune of £125,000, but never appeared in court.
and smart driver wearing a clean shirt and tie,
After spending over
30 years as the
If those in charge of the country are never
they will be pleased. On entering a vehicle that
Complaints / Compliance officer, I must have
made to pay for their crimes, why should nor-
has been cleaned and smells accordingly, the
heard every reason for clients to complain
mal working people bother? This is when you
first thing to go through the person's mind is
about the service we give them. If we do not
find our society falling apart with more and
that they will use that company again. They also
address this situation now and continue to
more people trying to cheat the system, ie ben-
remember that on most journeys a licensed taxi
sweep it under the carpet, in a few years you
efit fraudsters.
is more expensive due to the meter still clocking
will have allowed PH to walk all over you while
As I rapidly approach the twilight years of
up a fare whilst standing in traffic. This being the
you will be going about like chickens in the
my life, I feel sorry for my children and grand-
case, the vehicle and driver should be of a better
yard searching for scraps.
children for the country and life I am leaving
Over all of the years I have been on the DaC
them as a legacy. It seems that we do not have
What taxi drivers often say is that private
Board, I have never been one to hold back on
one politician or prospective politician who
hire drivers do not know their way about. But
my comments if I deem them justified. During
has the courage to stand up and bring in radi-
with the aid of satellite navigation and quite
this time I have been ridiculed over some of
cal changes to bring this country back to a law-
often with directions offered, it eradicates the
them, but with the passing of time I have been
abiding society.
difference between a licensed taxi driver with
proved right in making them. I hope that the
the Knowledge and the private hire driver. If
majority of intelligent drivers on the circuit can
Olympics heliport?
you have not seen private hire fleets expanding
now see exactly what I am saying and start
On yet another different subject; for the money
on the roads of London and more of our pas-
addressing the problem before it is too late.
that this country is going to lose due to the
sengers getting into them, then you really do
Olympics mainly due to road closures during the
need to go to Specsavers!
Sick in the UK?
Olympics and Paralympics, why did they not
If you fall into the category of one of the bet-
Moving to a different subject; after reading past
build a heliport in the Olympic site? Then they
ter dressed drivers on our fleet, then you should
issues of Call Sign I must congratulate the dri-
could house officials outside of London near
encourage the scruffs not to destroy your work.
vers who have pushed themselves to the limit
another heliport and fly them in every morning
I know it’s hard but you should try and find a
to raise money for the different well-deserving
and out in the evening with no congestion being
way to get these drivers to smarten themselves
charities. It is a shame that the Government
caused to Londoners going about their daily
up and then perhaps you will see a slowing
sees fit to send so much money abroad when
duties. The athletes are being housed within the
down of our disappearing passengers.
there is so much that the money could do to
Olympic site, so the only reason I can see that the
As we approach summer and warmer weath-
prolong the lives of many suffering people in
officials are being put up in the centre of London
er (we hope), it is more cooling to wear a short
the UK. I can only think that the BBC (Blair,
is so they can go on one big freebie drink-up
sleeve cotton shirt than a tight clinging T-shirt or
Brown and Cameron) are to blame for their
with their pals at our expense.
polo shirt. In many newspapers you will find
spineless way of addressing problems. They
By keeping the roads free of congestion, if
lightweight, hard wearing summer trousers
never seemed to want to upset anybody in case
God forbid a terrorist did cause a bomb explo-
advertised, which are cheaper than track suit
they don’t vote for them again. So now we give
sion, then the emergency services would be able
trousers. Wearing trainers in warm weather,
money to countries that want to fight us
to move between the site and hospitals much
which make your feet sweat, will cause you
(Argentina) and because of our lack of keeping
more easily. But then maybe I am silly just look-
more problems as time progresses.
its citizens as law-abiding people, we encour-
ing for a simple solution; also I am sure Lord
Maybe the other two radio circuits were on the
age immigrant criminals from far-flung coun-
Sebastian Coe will feel like he is royalty going
right lines when they had two tiers of taxis - ones
along empty lanes in the heavily burdened roads
that were kept in an immaculate condition and
These criminals include murderers, rapists,
of London. I wonder if he will wave like royalty
ones that only got a wash when it rained! If we
paedophiles, fraudsters, pickpockets and any
as he speeds down the lanes to his luxury free
were to start this idea, I am sure clients would
other general wasters. They come through our
seat to view the Olympics.
continually ask for the clean taxis which they
borders, which are quite often unmanned, know-
I hope that during the weeks of these
were acquiring for the same fare. We’d then get
ing full well that if they get caught committing a
Olympics you can still earn a living to support
scruffy drivers screaming that they pay the same
crime there is only a slim chance that they may
your family, without them falling into hardship.
subscriptions and are entitled to compete for all
be incarcerated. With the amount of lawlessness
of the work, even though they are the ones that
in this country now, I cannot see the reason for
Tom Whitbread
are losing you your clients - they are the greedy
any persons with savings staying in the UK. Even
DaC Board member
Call Sign April 2012
Page 24
Not a Flashback column because for whatever reason - although no
prizes for guessing - it was never published! Nevertheless, we
know our readers like the occasional smile, so we’ve dug out for
2012 readers the text and photo that those in October 1993 never
got to see! And yes, we feel certain that the offer no longer
applies and that the club is ultra-respectable now…
DaC and the strip club!
ever since the mid-1960s the club has re-
offer! Drivers taking clients to the club will be
launched in a far more respectable mode -
given a card that will be stamped each time
Five trips and you get to meet Mari
although of course the girls still end up fully
they drop someone off.
Call Sign has been contacted by the Sunset
naked after performing their high class
Then, when you have five stamps, you will be
Strip club at 30 Dean Street where they are
given free access to the club on any weekday
offering a special deal for Dial a Cab taxi dri-
As many of you know, the club are happy to
evening when not only will you be able to
vers. Older drivers will remember the original
reward drivers who take their passengers to
watch the entertainment, but Mari will do her
club from St Anne’s Court in the late 1950s, but
Sunset Strip, but now they have extended that
best to make you a part of it!
Former Dial-a-Cab driver, Bob Woodford, writes a regular column for Call Sign from his home in
Languedoc, France and his taxi somewhere in London…
I was wondering what to do with all the vinyl records that I found up in the attic recently, when I suddenly
received an invitation to attend a gig where former Sex Pistol John Lydon was to launch 2012’s Record
Store Day with a secret basement gig in Richmond
Independent record shops across London will be selling exclusive vinyl releases by many artists going back
over 40 years. London stores taking part include Rough Trade East in Brick Lane - a place where I saw
Wilko Johnson play a gig last summer.
The launch party saw Lydon’s Public Image Limited band play an eight-song set including This is not a
love song, Rise and the new single One drop. Despite claiming to have the flu, Lydon managed to amaze
the 250 or so gathered - including music media hacks - with his almost operatic voice.
After the set, Lydon spoke about his love of vinyl and the need to prevent internet piracy and support struggling artists through
Record Store Day.
He told Call Sign in the green room afterwards: “It was a good job many of the record labels folded, they were nothing but
corrupt and no good for up and coming bands.”
He added: “It’s a very difficult position to be in now because if you have an original idea, someone on the internet will
steal it off you in a second. Somebody has to go to the effort of putting it all together. If you want free pies from the pie
and mash shop round the corner, guess what? The standard’s gonna drop! And that’s what’s happening with music."
I've decided to keep my vinyl - for a little longer anyway!
A bientot…
Bob Woodford (Ex-P49)
Saint Genies de Fontedit, Languedoc, France
Spare DaC taxis
Drivers often ask about taxi garages where Dial-
a-Cab taxis are available for use while your cab
is off the road, so if you need a DaC-fitted termi-
nal try phoning one of the following garages for
For any non-fault accidents try either:
Chief Taxis: -------------------0800 055 6221
Cab Aid: -----------------------0800 028 3253
Overhauls or accident repairs:
Cricklewood Carriers: -----
0208 452 5461
KPM: --------------------------
0207 375 1179
Justcabs (formerly L&P):-- 0207 739 0210
Howard Kott of Justcabs is also happy to rent out a
DaC taxi if not being used as a loan cab
Call Sign April 2012
Page 25
We at Call Sign haven't quite worked out the
Diana to carry the Olympic torch and complete a 60-year old
magic bond yet, but there seems to be a connec-
amazing coincidence..
tion between centenarians and the London
Taxidrivers' Fund for Underprivileged Children.
Millie, the mother of LTFUC committee member
and DaC driver Gerry Dunn MBE (S84), recently
celebrated her 100th birthday and now we've
heard of another link.
Former LTFUC Chairman, current Treasurer and
Dial-a-Cab driver since
1995, David Lessman
(D19), told this magazine about his sister, Naomi's,
amazing mother-in-law.
Diana Gould will be 100 on May 23 and like
Millie Dunn, receive that very special birthday
card from The Queen. But before Her Maj nips out
to catch the postman, she may even spot Diana as
she heads towards the Games stadium in Stratford
- carrying the Olympic torch! Yes, Diana has been
nominated by LloydsTSB to be one of - and not
surprisingly the oldest - of 8000 Olympic Torch
Bearers on the nationwide relay of the torch
around the country as it heads south on its final
stretch towards the Olympic flame lighting cere-
mony. On July 25, somewhere between Harrow
and Haringey and for 300 meters, Diana will carry
the flame that left Beijing in 2008. It shouldn't be
too much of a problem for Diana as she takes
‘senior folk’ for keep-fit sessions! However, just to
be on the safe side, she's usi
the services of a personal
trainer to strengthen her arms
so she doesn't drop the flame
"I don't want to get a bur
mark my new track suit," th
mazing coincidence! Ted was with York Way Radiocabs in 1952 (above)
amazing Diana told us!
and 60 years later wife Diana (inset) will carry the Olympic torch!
Back to David who told C
Sign: "The whole family will
husband Edward (Ted) Gould. He had
Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee year after 60 years on
cheering Diana on. This is suc
been a licensed London taxi driver
the throne, but on that date in 1952 the-then
great honour that there is no
r and in the early 1950s was a mem-
Princess Elizabeth was at the Royal hunting lodge
we could possibly miss it!"
ber of the first real radio circuit, being Able 54
in Kenya when news came through of her father’s
David then went on to tell us about Diana's late
with York Way Radio Cabs, which was run from
death. She returned as Queen at the age of 25.
York Way by Lou Levy. Ted had been driving a pas-
The newspapers of the day were filled with sto-
senger past Buckingham Palace on 6 February
ries of the King's death, but the first report that
Black Cab
1952 and noticed that the flag atop the building
the King had died came from Ted Gould, Able 54
was flying at half-mast. He sent a radio message to
on York way Radio Cabs! And on her 60th anniver-
York Way that something must have happened at
sary, Ted’s wife is to carry the Olympic torch to a
Buck House and did they know what it was? But
ceremony where no less but The Queen will be
no one did as the news hadn't yet been released.
the guest of honour!
The Black Cab
Then within minutes, a notice went up on the
So it is only fitting that a taxi magazine - Call Sign
Collection is the
gates to say that His Majesty, King George VI, had
- and its online version should reveal to the world the
only range of pro-
died peacefully in his sleep at Sandringham House.
amazing connection between Ted and Diana Gould,
motional mer-
The world now knows that this is Queen
even though the events are 60 years apart!
chandise sold by
The London
Taxi Company
and is available
to anyone, any-
where in the
world. To see
their collection
of gifts, which
include model
taxis to keyrings, baseball caps to travel
mugs and umbrellas to various items of
• Preparation of wills and codicils
• Advice for
clothing, just go to
• Elderly Client Advisers
• Inheritance Tax/advice about trust
• Lifetime tax planning
Each item is printed or embroidered with a
• Lasting Power of Attorney
• Family & Matrimonial matters
unique Black Cab Collection logo which
• Conveyancing and all property issues
depicts the front of the iconic Black Cab, the
only London Taxi recognised globally.
We rely on you to get us from A to B so you can rely on us to
You can buy part of the Black Cab Collection
protect you with our legal expertise
for as little as £1.49 and ordering couldn’t
Contact Anna Coakes or Julian Hay on 0207 637 0661
be simpler, so check out their website today.
Or email acoakes@moonbeever.com or jhay@moonbeever.com
For Call Sign Online readers who would
To discuss Wills, Inheritance Tax planning or any of the above range of legal issues.
like to offer their customers or visitors the
Black Cab Collection range, then just contact
Moon Beever Solicitors
Maria Holmes on +44 24 7657 2246 and
24-25 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2PL
she will be happy to discuss a business
account with you.
Call Sign April 2012
Page 26
asks you to travel a certain way, please try your
are being implemented to help you, and to aid
best to follow their instructions. If you choose
coverage throughout the day. The number of
a route that may not be known to the client, it
trip rejects from a primary zone has now been
is well worth explaining why at the start of the
reduced from five (5) to three (3), which the
journey. Traffic conditions and road works are
BoM hope will speed coverage up and cut
diabolical and avoiding any type of congestion
down on the number of late arrivals and delays
will not only help to speed the journey up, but
that we are still experiencing.
can also have a positive impact on the final
We have also decided to unmask as
fare. But please make the clients aware.
many As Directed accounts as possible, so
As you know, the TfL fare chart clearly states:
you will now see the actual destinations
The driver can charge the hirer a soiling
on the trip offer - the main two account
charge of up to £40 for soiling that
addresses being London Wall and Canary
requires the taxi to be taken out of ser-
Wharf. But the onus will still be on you,
vice for cleaning. This sometimes causes an
the member, to cover all work that is gen-
issue with account clients, especially if there is
erated from these accounts. As I stated
no mention of the problem during or at the
earlier, it is imperative we maintain the
Hello ladies & gents,
end of the journey. It is very important to noti-
highest levels of service.
With competition in the market place as fierce
fy the Call Centre of these types of issues so
However all airports, locals, genuine ADs and
as at any time I can remember, it shouldn’t need
that they can make a note on the trip logger. It
wait and return trips will be offered in the nor-
me to remind you that high levels of customer
is a lot easier to deal successfully with the
mal manner just as they have been for many
care and levels of service should be second to
client or account if we have the relevant infor-
years ie As Directed.
none. Neither is there a need to tell me how
mation - taking a photo on your mobile and
The above mentioned procedure changes
tough conditions are across the board, I do
issuing a receipt makes it even easier - I am
will be closely monitored for a trial period, so
know and understand that. But as I have men-
sure you know where I am coming from.
please help us to help you.
tioned so many times previously, that’s why it is
Drive safely and be very lucky…
so important to go that extra mile when clients
are in the back of your taxi.
Procedure changes
Raising your voice to a passenger can easily
Over the past few weeks, I am sure you have
Allan Evans
be misunderstood and may come across as
seen the terminal messages from Keith Cain
rudeness or even aggressiveness. If a passenger
detailing a number of procedure changes that
DaC Compliance Officer
But who is the mysterious le Masque Bleu???
Barts Hospital and the Trauma Unit at The
L-R: Sandra Cox,
Royal London Hospital.
Clive Kilmartin, a
A very worthwhile day - although which
silly man trying
of the two charities Bob Woodford and his
to humiliate Call
blue mask represented, we will never know
Sign and Master
unless he chooses to impart the info in his
Eddie Crossley!
next column. For our part, we’ve never seen
him look so good!!!
Ok we’re joking
about the silly
On a lovely sunny day, the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers were once
again entered into the pancake race at the Guildhall. Each team consisted of a Master,
Freeman, Liveryman and a Lady from the Company. This year saw WCHCD Master Eddie
Crossley along with Liverymen Clive Kilmartin and female representative Sandra Cox make
up the race team, whilst the Freeman whose task it was to run in the novelty race was no less
than Call Sign’s homme de la France, Bob Woodford (ex-P49) - aka Le Masque Bleu!
The rules meant that a time penalty would be imposed on any team member who had not
stopped and tossed their pancakes at the given point, with a further penalty being imposed
on anyone not ending the race wearing their chef’s hat - having begun the race wearing a
Livery gown, apron, hat and gloves. And no, the WCHCD didn’t win the coveted engraved fry-
ing pan but were shown to be true tossers in the correct sense of the vernacular, helping to
raise funds for the Mayor’s chosen charity.
In the Novelty race, gowns were not worn but the novelty outfit had to be in keeping with
the Mayor’s chosen charity for the year and entrants were all judged for their costumes before
their race began.
Races began at noon with a loud bang from the Gunmakers Company, with the Clockmakers
being responsible for timing, Glovers for the white gloves, Fruiterers for providing lemons,
Cutlers for the cutlery aka plastic forks and of course the Poulters Company for the eggs.
The Cooks and Butlers Companies shared the catering for the charity, which this year was St
Call Sign April 2012
Page 27
With all the media hype over the recent iPad
Has DaC’s Jon Winterburn played one game too many? Maybe,
HD release, you may have missed the news
because this is…
about a less conspicuous but far more exciting
gadget. During the first week of March, the
Raspberry Pi foundation - a charity based in the
University of Cambridge - announced that the
Jon and some
Raspberry Pi was being manufactured and that
pre-orders were available from two UK elec-
tronics suppliers (RS Components and Farnell
If you haven't already read about the
Raspberry Pi…
Raspberry Pi, you might think I'm talking gib-
berish about a dessert! Alas, as
tasty as raspberry pie is, the
seen as wonderful devices which,
hugely popular and this is only going to
Raspberry Pi is anything but a
when they go wrong, become a
increase. Pre-orders were selling on the
dessert. The Raspberry Pi is in
mystery box which only masters
launch day at 700 units per second! There is
fact a credit card sized computer
of the dark arts can fix. This is
a massive waiting list to get one and as of
board; a fully-functional com-
simply not true! Anyone can pro-
writing this, I'm still waiting for mine. All
puter that fits in your pocket.
gram a computer, and if you give
the software for it is Linux-based which
Whilst this may not sound
it a chance, you will find that it's
means it's free. All the information you
ground-breaking (after all, any-
not as difficult as your local PC repair store
could ever need on the device and how to
one with a smartphone already has a computer
would have you believe to fix your computer
program for it is readily (and freely) avail-
in their pocket), it really is amazing, for two
and keep it in good health.
able on the Internet.
major reasons:
3. Connect it to your TV and stream HD
More information, including tech specs and
1. It will cost you about £20.
video (and just about any content) through
2. You can connect a keyboard, mouse and
your TV.
rypi.org or on Twitter at @Raspberry_Pi
monitor or TV to it and connect it to the
4. Install a Window manager (there are many
Internet via Wi-Fi or LAN and run a complete
Linux variants which do the same thing as
Jon Winterburn
operating system straight off an SD card (the
Microsoft Windows) and run applications for
same kind of card your digital camera uses for
word processing, spreadsheets and play games
DaC Network Administrator
storing photos).
- just like a regular
Now don't misunderstand me, this little gad-
5. Build robots. This
Keith Reading
get is not designed to replace your desktop/lap-
might sound far-
top/tablet computer. Nor is it designed as a
Professional Toastmaster
fetched, but it's true!
user-friendly consumer item which just works
Once you master the
Master of Ceremonies
out of the box. The Raspberry Pi has been
developed for one main reason: to encourage
guage, the Raspberry
Tele: 01279 465 938
children (and adults too, if they're interested!)
Pi can become the
Mobile: 07774 860 374
to delve into the exciting world of computer
"brain" of any robotic
Email: kgr.2@virgin.net
device you wish to
The Raspberry Pi community is huge and is
create. People in the
10% discount for DaC drivers and staff
all about helping people to learn how to go
already doing this!
Fellow of the Guild of
from being a computer user to becoming a
Professional Toastmasters
computer programmer. This is all in line with
Believe it or not,
the government's recent drive to replace ICT
the Raspberry Pi is
(teaching children how to word process) with
Computer Science (teaching children how to
design programs and understand how comput-
ers actually work rather than being totally at a
Dial-a-Cab Credit Union
loss when it "crashes").
So no, it won't run Windows. It will run
Ever needed money quickly but were anxious about variable
Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix (amongst other
bank interest rates?
similar Linux distributions), a version of the
popular Fedora Linux operating system that is
Well wonder no more! If you are a subscriber, journeyman or mem-
designed for the Raspberry Pi. There are sever-
ber of staff at Dial-a-Cab, then you qualify to join the Dial-a-Cab
al pre-configured disk images specifically
Credit Union. Any member of your family residing at your address
designed for the Raspberry Pi on their website
available for free download, including Arch
also qualifies for membership!
Linux ARM (if you want the smallest, cleanest
Then if you are over 18, have been a member of the Credit Union for
operating system).
over 3 months and have established regular savings, you can borrow up
So what can you or your children do
to 3 times your total savings…
with this thing, if you bought it? Here are
a few possibilities:
The cost?
1. Learn to program. Python is a mature pro-
Just 1% per month on the outstanding balance (or APR of 12.68%).
gramming language that is easy to learn but
Loans can be paid back early AND there is usually an annual dividend on
powerful enough to build applications to suit
hobbyists right up to enterprises, and this lan-
your savings.
guage is installed by default within Linux.
The question is: Can you afford NOT to be in it…?
2. Learn how computers actually work, what
makes them tick and what causes them to
Call us on 020 7729 8171 or 020 7749 0585
"crash". For too long, computers have been
Call Sign April 2012
Page 28
Former Dial-a-Cab driver Andy Cannell (ex-
The APPs debate…
S61) put - or should that be threw - the cat
among the pidgeons recently when writing
what he termed as an open letter to the trade
in Taxi Globe. Courtesy of Editor Sandie
Should we just
Goodwin, we reproduce it here. Andy wrote:
“Hooray at last - a system for customers to
book taxis without getting charged over the
odds. The recent mobile phone APPs that have
become minicabs?
been introduced to our trade are innovative,
refreshing and easy to use. For too many years
our leading radio circuits have been jogging
Is this the way
along servicing the big fish corporate client, as
APPs are taking
the fewer and fewer firms jump from one cir-
cuit to another depending on who will trim
their cost the most. Meanwhile the cash cus-
tomer or personal user that wants a taxi to col-
lect them from their door is consigned to the
knows, perhaps we’d
scrap heap. All the time this is going on,
have been a totally dif-
Addison Lee etc have been casting into our
ferent company had
pond and not only clearing up all the tiddlers
we gone in that direc-
but hooking some very juicy accounts, the
tion. But it’s his open
media industry for example. Their APP is slick
letter that takes Andy’s
and the marketing has been excellent (just ask
As for the radio circuits, this modem
ideas to a whole new level. He tells of no run-
some of your punters). But maybe their time is
approach has got to be embraced or it is only
ins and swallowing credit card charges and
up because I and many other cab drivers
a matter of time before your excellent sales
adds that after the Apps take over there will be
realise if we have no run-ins, slash the admin-
teams will be fishing for business only to find
fewer people waiting on the streets. In other
istration charges and absorb the credit card
everyone swimming in the other direction to
words there will be no difference between us
fee instead of asking 10-12% above the meter
find better, more attractive bait!”
and the minicab fraternity.
then the customer will come back. It's a tough
I remember Andy as a nice guy who con-
So that begs the question: Why bother doing
world out there and we can't rely on the old
tributed several interesting and always con-
the Knowledge if you are doing the same as a
saying that our product is the best - it's not
structive letters to Call Sign. He is, of course,
minicab. And that would signal the beginning
enough anymore!
free to say what he likes and Andy was never
of the end of the world famous London taxi dri-
I have made my choice of APP and am
afraid of being controversial in his ideas, but his
ver. And THAT would be nothing short of a
watching it grow by up to 30% week on week.
views in the “open letter” do concern me.
national disaster.
I believe it will shape the future of ordering
In 2002, Andy wrote in Mailshot as part of a
As I said earlier, Andy is entitled to his view,
taxis in London. So I urge all drivers to make
much longer letter: “I believe that DaC should
all I can say is that he should think very care-
your choice and join one of the growing taxi
be operating a complete transport system to
fully what he wishes for because if it comes
APPs on the market and let's make a differ-
offer our clients: Knowledge Boys on bikes,
about, it’s drivers such as Andy who will cop
ence. When these APPs become successful, you
employed drivers in OUR vans, trucks and
will find less people standing on the street
dare I say it, Limos…!”
waiting to hail a cab.
Alan Fisher
That was a legitimate suggestion and who
NVQ for DaC drivers?
Mad Hatters
Throughout 2012, Knowledge Point School - the training arm of Taxi Trade Promotions -
party video
will be delivering courses in 'Level 2 NVQ in Road Passenger Vehicle Driving'.
The NVQ is a nationally recognised, government-funded qualification provided through the
Sunday 15 January 2012, the London
City of London, thus enabling KPS to offer the course to drivers free of charge. The NVQs are
Taxidrivers’ Fund for Underprivileged
delivered by training staff that are all vocationally competent working taxi drivers qualified to
Children held their 40th Mad Hatter’s Tea
teach in the Life-long Learning Sector (PTLLS Grade 3/4). The course requires you to attend
Party in the Great Room of the JW Marriott
Knowledge Point School and is delivered via interactive group sessions and workshops.
Hotel Grosvenor House hotel in Park Lane
You will be required to dedicate approximately 16 hours to the workshops over a period of
where the Fund were hosts to 650 special
several weeks with additional self-study to be completed in your own time.
needs and underprivileged children.
Topics covered by the NVQ Qualification include:
* Drive a taxi in a professional manner
The party was nothing less than brilliant
* Ensure health & safety of the taxi driver and passengers
with four hours of non-stop entertainment.
* Provide professional customer service in the taxi industry
The chances are that you have never seen
* Provide a safe and legal vehicle for transporting passengers
this super event, but now, thanks to a bril-
* Provide a taxi service for customers who require assistance
liant video by Maurice Gilliam, the LTFUC
* Transport children and young persons by taxi
have put a 90 minute version on their web-
* Plan routes in the taxi industry
site at www.ltfuc.org.uk.
Since they started delivering NVQ courses in 2009, KPS have had over 200 people going on
If you would like to watch a brilliant day
to achieve their Level 2 NVQ Certification. If you should be interested in taking part in these
unfold while seeing performances from
upcoming courses, email peter@taxitradepromotions.co.uk for further details.
stars such as The Cheeky Girls, Stravros
DaC's Training Manager, Daren Morley, told Call Sign;
Flatley in a sensational Blues Brothers duo
“In an ever increasingly competitive market, anything that provides us with an edge against
other taxi/private hire companies has got to be a positive way forward. As some may be
with Elvis (Schmelvis), the brilliant Diversity
aware, we established NVQs in our Contact Centre over five years ago and recently our NVQ
and much more, then on an afternoon
training schedule has spread to IT and Account Managers. NVQ's are a great way of bench-
when you’re struggling to find anything to
marking performance against the industry standards. The qualification both enables staff to
watch on TV that doesn’t involve tat in your
be assessed on their existing skills and hone those skills farther. It also provides Dial-a-Cab
attic or moving to Australia, just click on
with performance standards and a clear structure to support on-going process improvements
within the Contact Centre and the rest of the business. It would be fantastic to have a num-
the Grosvenor House tag. This is a real feel-
ber of drivers achieve the qualification.”
good 90 minutes…
Call Sign April 2012
Page 29
DaC Board member Allan Evans recently cele-
As he turns 60...
brated his 60th birthday when he and wife Gill
hosted a magnificent party for 110 friends and
relatives at the Kelvedon Suite of the
Birchwood Park Golf Centre.
This gave Allan the opportunity to cash in
the prize he won in last year's Call Sign com-
petition: Win a toastmaster for your function!
Allan with toastmas-
The toastmaster concerned was Dial-a-Cab dri-
ter Keith
ver Keith Reading (W76), whose other job
involves donning the red tunic. And of the small
having a toastmaster is a
number of entrants - after all, the prize was of
real boon when you have a
little use if you had no function planned -
sizeable bash. It turned out
Allan's name was first out the hat!
to be a great prize and
At the time of winning, Allan had said that
both Gill and I would like
although his party date and venue was set, he
to thank Keith for doing
couldn't imagine that he would need a toast-
such a good job in such a
master, after all, weren't they really just for
calm fashion. The only
show? After the party had ended, Allan had
thing he couldn't do was
changed his mind.
to make me 50 again!"
"Keith was a brilliant help doing the things
Keith Reading adver-
that Gill or I would have had to do," Allan said,
tises in every issue of
"this way we had nothing to worry about,
Call Sign and if you
knowing that everything was under control
need a toastmaster, he
from organising toasts, to getting everyone to
sound like little things, but if it means you can
is well worth a phone
sit down for dinner at the same time. They may
just concentrate on enjoying the night, then
Morris Lubricants launch first taxi-specific oil to trade
Morris Lubricants, one of the Europe’s largest privately-owned lubricants companies, has joined forces with the London Taxi Company to develop a
fully synthetic diesel oil formulated to ensure full compatibility with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs).
Commenting on the venture to Call Sign, LTC sales director Rob Laidler told us:
“The utilisation of the right oils and parts is critical to ensuring the longevity and optimum performance of our vehicles, so we were
keen to ensure we sought expert technical guidance when it came to developing our own oil. We’re pleased to be able to offer the trade a
DPF specific oil to support the TX4 (Euro 5) vehicle at a fantastic price.”
Adrian Hill, Morris Lubricants’ product and marketing manager added:
“We’re delighted to be working with the London Taxi Company on this product. Our joint expertise has allowed us to create an oil that
protects the advanced technology of the latest Euro 5 VM Motori Engine fitted in the latest TX4 model, as well as being robust enough to
support the vehicle’s gruelling duty cycle.”
The dual-branded lubricant, Ultra 10W/40, is formulated to ensure maximum DPF efficiency and life time. It is available from all London Taxi Company
retail outlets and approved service dealers at a recommended retail price of just £5.95 per litre.
Morris Lubricants is a UK family business established 143 years ago in Shrewsbury. It serves the home market as well as exporting to more than 65
countries worldwide. Today the company is run by descendants of the founder, James Kent Morris and headed up by Managing Director, Andrew
Goddard, a fifth generation family member.
Morris is a company with a sense of history and tradition, manufacturing high performance quality products, whilst at the same time providing uncom-
promising customer service. The company actively pursues technical excellence through innovation, close liaison with original equipment manufacturers
and individual customer needs.
To ensure that products are consistent in quality and performance, a state of the art laboratory forms the quality control heart of the
operation. Extensive physical and chemical testing ensures that every batch manufactured complies, without exception, with strict production tolerances
and ultimately to international specifications.
Call Sign recently met up with the Commercial Director of the OKP group,
who are instrumental in the launch of a new magazine for those on the
Knowledge. Colin Snoop was given a tour of Dial-a-Cab House by
Compliance Officer Allan Evans.
Whilst here, Colin showed both Allan and Alan Fisher copies of the new
magazine CallOver. Unlike previous attempts at magazines aimed at student
taxi drivers, this one wasn’t just a copy of the usual taxi papers but was gen-
uinely aimed at Knowledge students, giving runs and points etc plus articles
from those currently undertaking the KoL.
We asked Colin if Editor Frankie Peel or Sub Editor Kat Tucker would
mind putting DaC House onto the list of places where the monthly mag is
left. If you have a son, daughter or even a neighbour who is doing the KoL
then keep a look out for CallOver in Driver Reception and pass a copy along
to them. Believe Call Sign when we say it will be a very welcome addition to
all the stuff Knowledge students accumulate.
Baghwat Singh
Call Sign Online
Call Sign April 2012
Page 30
with Tom Quigley (Y33)
the old types of telly, so off to the dumps they
Englebert, with his massive fan club reputed
to be one of the largest in the world - has some
Can it really be a true switchover with many
impressive stats; he has sold over 130 million
cars still to receive digital audio channels or is
records, including 23 platinum and 64 gold
TV switchover…
this the beginning of the crunching of cars for
releases in addition to being a Golden Globe
So this month is the TV digital switchover. But I
another reason… and more landfill?
Entertainer of the Year.
wonder who the switchover is really aimed at
The BBC can expect bumper sales and view-
and whether it’s just a waste of money while
Englebert for Europe
ing figures during the run-up with its promo-
putting a strain on our landfill sites?
So Englebert Humperdinck is the choice for the
tional work and record releases .Englebert will
Firstly, there can’t be many households with
next raid on the prize of the Eurovision Song
also hopefully re-release his classics in modern
children under the age of 25 that do not have
digital sound and further boost his career. That
access to one of the broadband, Sky or Virgin
Well I like Englebert, though really he is a
is usually reserved for a star after their death -
cable packages; the same could be said for the
decade before my time. He is a total true-life
never mind The Last Waltz!
next generation of couples or singles who in
5star Las Vegas act, a great singer and entertain-
The competition has for many years been
their first homes will probably have total access.
er. With his worldwide fame and superstar sta-
accused of biased voting where for political
So they won’t be required to do anything.
tus he should do well and can hopefully bring
and other reasons, countries favour each other
Also there is the joint BBC and ITV Freesat
back the prize, as for too long we’ve fared
and the UK, rightly or wrongly, have felt the
project that has given many households HD
brunt of it. We have been accused of not send-
appallingly in the marks and ratings. For one
digital TV for the single price of a box and
ing our star acts or just being voted against
night each year our name has become United
direct plug-in to a satellite dish. But there is
because some just don’t like us. Whilst there
Kingdom nil point!
probably one generation that still have the old
may be truth in some of that, it seems strange
But I suspect that the real winners will be
CRT type TVs (big fat ones) and not the sleek
that we have not had a United Kingdom pre-
the BBC who will hope to go better than last
flat screen HD types - they being the over 60s.
senter on the show for many years, because
year, when the boy/men band Blue, finished
With the government once more searching
technically Sir Terry Wogan and Graham
outside the top ten but generated enough inter-
to prise money out of their disposable income,
Norton are from Ireland. But loving their
est to help the BBC record viewing figures
we know that our parents won’t want a little
humour and wit, which certainly boosts the
peaking at over 13million, the highest for over
add-on box, but a new modern telly “just like
entertainment value, surely they can’t be also
a decade. It was last matched by Scooch
Rene next door or that Auntie Sylvie’s got!” So
blamed for our results???
(remember them, last seen as a couple on
it’s lucky that the price of TVs have gone down.
Coach Trip) who in 2007 peaked at 10.9 mil-
But it does put a strain on our landfills as it’s
Tom Quigley (Y33)
lion when finishing 22nd.
been a long time since charity shops took in
My Karate Kid Champ
"Yes, I'm immensely proud," Stuart Reason (B26) told Call Sign
referring to his 13 year old son Danny's successes in the martial art
sport of Karate. "He started at around 5 years old and took to it
immediately. Since then he has been practising and achieved junior
grade Black Belt 1st Dan."
Danny recently won yet another prestigious award, the Rochford
District Council sponsored Young Sports Personality of the Year. He
was presented with a glass trophy, a large shield with his name
engraved, a framed certificate and a cheque for £100 towards his
training expenses. The presentation was made by Councillor
Simon Smith, Chairman of Rochford District Council in recogni-
Stuart on his way to Europe
tion of Danny's achievements in Karate.
and pic above with son
"I hold a Karate Black Belt grade, though obviously Adult,"
Stuart added. "I also teach and run a karate club in Dagenham -
Elite - which follows the Tangsoo do Korean discipline. I've been run-
ning it since 2003 and we've built up quite a strong membership.
Then at the end of May, I will be taking a group to Hagen near
Dortmund in Germany for the European Championships. It's a week-
end event with many European nationals taking part. I hope to
come back with at least some medals - hopefully gold - although
with 15 or 20 countries participating, the challenges will be tough!"
If any Dial-a-Cab driver out there would like more information
about the club or if they would like to offer some sponsorship for
the trip to Germany - even if it's only to cover the cost of the fuel -
Stuart would be very grateful. Just contact him at stureason@hot-
mail.co.uk. Use the same address for further info on Stuart's Elite
Karate Club.
Good luck in Germany, Stuart...
Jamie Corum
© Call Sign Online MMX11
Call Sign April 2012
Page 31
Views on life as seen through the
eyes of David Kupler (Y74) at...
100 year
young Millie
says thanks!
Rickshaw Rumpus!
Well I almost crushed a bandit
on a Rickshaw in Soho.
To be honest, I couldn't stand it,
he was peddling just so slow.
He refused to let me pass him,
there were cars parked either side.
He ignored the hooters blasting
as he continued with his ride!
His passengers were enjoying
Millie with her DaC bouquet and her Birthday card from the Queen
the frustration we endured,
and the scum they were employing
of course was not insured.
Millie Dunn is the mother of Dial-a-Cab driver
Gerry Dunn MBE (S84) and if you read the
Up Wardour Street he sauntered,
January Call Sign, you will know that she
that's when I overtook,
reached the milestone age of 100 on January 2
he pulled sharp right, I braked hard,
Millie will always be intrinsically involved
he snarled a spiteful look.
with the London taxi business, not just because
Gerry is a DaC driver and Committee member
The police, it seems, lack power
of the LTFUC, but because in 1952 her late hus
to stop this evil plague,
band Lou together with several other drivers
I'd send them to the Tower,
formed the Radio Owner Drivers Association.
if I could have my way!
This was the circuit that Bonnie Martyn joined
and left soon after in order to form the Owner
When questioned on the issue
Drivers Radio Taxi Service -later to become
We get the curt reply:
"There's nothing we cops can do
In May 2003, Lou and Millie were guests at
in fact our hands are tied..."
DaC’s fiftieth anniversary celebrations. Lou
was 93 and told Call Sign at the time that
"We have no rules or regulations
they’d had such a wonderful time. Just three weeks later, Lou
for these stage coach sons of whores,
passed away with Gerry proclaiming that there should be no mourning but a celebra-
we've asked for registration...
tion of his life. Millie was still a young 91 and those who thought she would not have
But we've yet to draught new laws!"
been able to cope were so very wrong!
We'll have tourists from all over
Now she is 100 and this circuit was in good company when it sent her a bouquet to
help Millie celebrate this special event, because she also received a birthday greeting
this year 'cos of the Games.
from Her Majesty the Queen! This has been a very special celebration for a very spe-
In town they'll soon discover
cial lady with Millie’s family coming from around the world - including Australia and
these riders without brains!
Canada - to help her celebrate.
So why the hesitation?
Gerry told Call Sign:
Why such long delay?
“On behalf of my mother, I really would like to thank DaC so much for the beautiful
bouquet of flowers that they sent to Mum on her 100th birthday. She was thrilled to
Start some legislation...
receive them and asked me to thank everyone via Call Sign. As HM probably reads it
There are more of them each day!
too, thanks for the card your majesty!”
Kopyrlght Kupkake 2012
And to Millie, we all look forward to your 101st…
Call Sign April 2012
Page 32
Bill Tyzack (C06) is the longest serving driver
Bill Tyzack says Call Sign is an excellent magazine…
on Dial-a-Cab having joined the circuit in
September 1962 - a year that also plays a signif-
icant part in this story. Bill takes up the story:
“I think this circuit is so lucky to have such
take fifty children on the outing! This was the
an excellent magazine as Call Sign delivered to
same year that UK women had their voting age
drivers free every month. Yes, it supports the
reduced from 30 to 21, Alexander Fleming dis-
circuit, but it also supports drivers and I’ve read
covered penicillin, Herbert Hoover was elect-
so many stories over the years where they get
the opportunity to explain their problems and
ed US President and the LTFUC itself was
founded at the Leicester Square taxi shelter.
should that problem involve DaC, it still seems
to go in - unlike other magazines where the
Three years later, the Fund made their first
Southend outing and 34 years on down the
host’s integrity is paramount and no one must
dare criticise it. In Call Sign, even the
line I was in the Grosvenor House Hotel’s new
Chairman will answer a driver’s letter! I have
café speaking to this guy whose next question
not seen that anywhere else. But, however
was whether there was anything the hotel
good our magazine is, it isn’t perfect and it
could do to help the charity?
made an error in the February issue!
I told him about our outings and mentioned
It was in early 1962 when I heard of a new
that we’d love to be able to throw a Christmas
upmarket café opening in Park Lane that was
party for underprivileged children. The next
offering taxi drivers free tea and cake when
thing we knew was that the hotel’s ballroom
passing, just to help spread the word. The café
Bill showing that being an Hon prez
was handed over to the Fund for a day! That
was part of the Grosvenor House Hotel - nowa-
isn’t just hard work!
became a yearly event, the only difference
days rebranded as the JW Marriot Grosvenor
being that a few years later we moved to the
House - and the place where the LTFUC hold
even back then was already over 40 years old.
hotel’s magnificent Great Room and we have
their yearly Children’s Mad Hatters party. Back
I gave him a brief résumé of our history. It was
been there every year since - courtesy of this
in 1962, I was the Secretary of the London
something I had repeated so many times to so
hotel’s wonderful gesture.
Taxidriver’s Fund for Underprivileged Children
many people over the years. I told him about
So Call Sign, as you can now see, your report
and as I was in the area, I popped along to the
taxi driver and former Norwood orphanage
in the February issue was incorrect in referring
café for my free tea.
boy Mick Cohen, who in 1928 fulfilled his
to our 2012 party as the twentieth - it was the
Whilst in there, a suited and booted gentle-
ambition of one day returning to the Norwood
fortieth! We’ll have to keep an eye on you!”
man who was obviously representing the hotel
home to take some of the children on an out-
went round and began chatting to drivers.
ing in his cab. Mick’s idea was to find 2 or 3
Bill Tyzack BEM (C06)
When he reached me, he asked the usual ques-
other cabbies to join him and take a few kids
tions such as was it busy out etc so I took the
on an outing to the zoo. He had mentioned the
LTFUC Hon President
opportunity of mentioning the Fund, which
idea to a few other drivers and 12 turned up to
Every issue of Call Sign takes a look back at ODRTS history through the pages of the magazines of
the time with a flashback
This month we go back to
dom to hear a complaints appeal. In my
rude subscriber if
opinion (and I’m not alone) the count
he required an
1977 and a report on that
was against the proposition. But again
answer to his
year’s AGM...
those in the gallery (are they afraid to
come downstairs to the main auditori-
The balance
From ODRTS News and Views,
um) began barracking and swearing so
sheet brought
December 1977
much so that eventually another vote
out just mild
was called for. This time it looked about
interest, but then again
The 1977 ODRTS
50 - 50 so yet a third vote was requested
it was a good one and even
and granted. This time the ‘yes’ voters
the barrackers couldn’t find much
to shout out about - although that didn’t
were asked to stand against one wall,
I’ll get right to the point. I thought the
with the ‘no’ voters perched against the
stop one almost paralytic driver shouting
out that the figures had been fixed. So
meeting was spoiled by those few ‘heav-
other. The count ended up as being in
upset was he that he almost spilled his
ies’ in the gallery who seemed bent on
favour of the proposition.
beer over the driver sitting next to him
destroying what should have been a
Believe me, I am not complaining
amidst much laughter! However, many
good meeting. There was so much to dis-
about the result, it was the way in which
didn’t think it was funny and suggested
cuss of real importance but which had to
it was conducted that upset me. If you
that no one be allowed to bring in alcohol
be left out because of the attitude of
believe in democracy, then be democrat-
for future meetings.
some members
- several of whom
ic. The bullies are getting away with it
The Board were returned comfortably
seemed to have come straight from the
too much. We must not let them ruin our
with Kenny Burns getting a popular 259
pub and bought their filled glasses with
votes but failing to get elected. The votes
them. One subscriber has written in to
The rest of the meeting continued with
were: J.Saunders
431, J.Taylor
say he felt ashamed to think that these
an agreement from members to imple-
M.Gellman 407, F.Gee 391, P.Messias 358
people represented ODRTS. If this type
ment a 20 pence booking fee. The sug-
and P.Emden 340.
of thing happens again, real Society men
gestion that doubled cabs should pay
will just lose interest completely.
more was rejected. Chairman Peter
Phil Emden (C84)
A vote was taken on a proposition to
Fennymore gave everyone time to speak
N&V Editor
have three subscribers called in at ran-
- in fact he even asked one extremely
Call Sign April 2012
Page 33
Either write to Call Sign at
our radio company earns its money.
Jon Robinson (E88)
Dial-a-Cab House
Jon, there is no rule forbidding an acquisi-
or email us at
tion, just as there is no rule saying you can. It
would come down to a legal challenge. The
mutual status has no bearing on the subject.
In the meantime, the next letter has a differ-
ent slant on the topic …Ed
Dear Alan
Sad day
My thanks to you and for attempting to
Hi Alan
answer my questions in the February issue of
DaC: Who is it for?
Losing the Westminster TaxiCard is a sad day
Hello Alan
Call Sign and your answer about PLC. You
for this Society - not just because it repre-
say that under our system we can’t purchase
An account customer made an interesting
sents a lost account but because it provided
comment to me recently. He said he thinks
another company; is that because of our rules
work for those drivers who did most of the
or legislation because of our mutual status?
that Dial-a-Cab is a service for the drivers and
coverage. But more relevant for the rest of us
not its customers. He felt aggrieved that dri-
My thanks also to Keith Cain for attempting
is the apparent way private hire is eating into
to answer some of my questions in the same
vers could pick and choose the jobs rather
our account (and cash) work. They obviously
than put customer’s needs first. He said he
reply. In answer to one question that drivers
don’t do it by service because we are very
won’t accept trips because they are not going
had been let down too many times.
good at what we do, they achieve it by under-
With this in mind, is there no other way to go
very far, so do you know why drivers won’t
cutting us. I am unashamedly a long-standing
accept these trips? You will probably say they
than all trips A/D (asap account work only)?
admirer of everything Dial-a-Cab, but situa-
We need to make service a priority or else
perceive no profit in these trips or perhaps
tions change and I sincerely believe that it’s
the writing will be on the wall. Cost is not
time we considered changing the way we
they are greedy? Soon to clear (STC) in EC2
always the primary issue if a cab is outside
mid-morning or afternoon gets you a QP of
operate. Some of those ways would include
the customer’s premises within minutes and
lower run-ins, no gratuities unless the passen-
around 40, clear the trip at around QP 30, sit
the driver is trained to get the passenger to
around or rank up for around 25 / 35 minutes,
ger offers it and cutting our administration
their destination in the best way possible
charges. How many out there agree with me?
get offer of a credit ride going local in 10 / 12
(without the use of a satnav). Let's play to our
minutes, clear trip for £8 and wait around
Antony Hizer (E63)
strengths and come out of our comfort zone
According to Brian Rice’s article, the
again for another 30 minutes.
or we will regret it.
Keith says about admin charges not being
Westminster TaxiCard account will no longer
James Whiting (E83)
have any run-in when it transfers to the All
added to longer journeys may increase work,
Any comments on James letter? Also see
but will also lead to an increase in subs. Well
London scheme with ComCab, so it will be
Allan Evans’ article in this issue on the sub-
interesting to see what the coverage is like
subs will increase anyway with longer jour-
ject of As Directed …Ed
neys decreasing after being lost to the PH
trade and our fleet getting smaller. And with
inflation, subs increase. So why a monthly
Westminster account
Covering work in EC2
increase? Why not surcharge each long trip to
Hi Al
Dear Alan
the driver, maybe £1 per trip if accepted? No
If it is true that we have lost the Westminster
Can you explain why I sometimes see mes-
work done, no surcharge. With the PH trade
account, then it is a shame. I didn't do mas-
sages to cover a trip in EC2 when there is no
offering a service at around our metered fare
sive amounts, but there had been some good
job for that zone in the bids? Just yesterday a
on some of our typical journeys without the
work in the account. I think it lost its appeal
message went for someone to please cover
DaC add-ons, why would you use DaC? Keith
to many drivers when Westminster changed
an EC2 trip with a premium added, yet when
dismissed my suggestion of a Cash Club.
the card payment ceiling to £8.30 from £9.30
I went to the bids, there was no sign of it.
When I was a journeyman on DataCab they
as each ride then became less significant to
Can you also do something about the no
had a cash club with a yearly admin fee and a
driver’s weekly account totals.
right turns all the way from Old Street round-
booking fee that got their customers nothing
Eddie Lambert (V37)
about to Gresham Street when travelling
extra in return. Drivers got a small scrub and
I think that one letter in last month’s mag
southbound along Moorgate. I have faith in
the trips got covered. Keith, you say I may like
said it all, Eddie. It came from Mrs
your ability to get things done!
to survey passengers about my ideas, but in
H.P.Raines who lives in the SW1 area. She
I also have another two points to make.
25 years of driving a taxi - 18 of them with
wrote in to tell Call Sign that: “Due to their
Firstly, why do European tourists insist on
DaC - I have spoken to a lot of punters but
financial cutbacks, Westminster’s
telling you where they are going only after
stopped short of giving them a questionnaire
Transport Department will not be
they get in? Often you can’t understand their
and prepaid envelope! It’s just like our own
renewing my TaxiCard despite my being
accent from the back and once in, even if
Natalie Ezekiel says - service and cost. So if
88 years old and completely blind. So I
they didn’t need a cab it becomes a hassle for
you can get that service at around the cost of
am writing to thank Dial-a-Cab for all
them to get out. An example happened to me
our metered fare, why would you use DaC?
the wonderful service I have had from
at Paddington Station recently on a particu-
Maybe there is a market for some of my
you over the years. My regular weekly
larly quiet afternoon. It had taken around 25
return journey from Waitrose in Kings
minutes to reach the point and obviously you
Keith could always polish up his badge and
Road to my flat in the Westminster Alms
hope to get a reasonable job - but even if it
hire a DaC cab for a few weeks just to remind
houses has been full of interesting con-
isn’t, I will still always be as pleasant as it is
himself what it’s like to have overheads of
versation with your drivers and I shall
possible for an irritated Israeli to be!
several hundred pounds a week, spend hours
miss them very much. Please convey my
My passenger jumped in and said where she
hanging around waiting for trips that clear
gratitude and best wishes to your staff
was going but I couldn’t understand, so she
for the minimum fare, and after a long day
and all your taxi drivers.”
looked for a piece of screwed up paper appar-
drive home from the other side of town after
Although the account has moved to a com-
ently buried deep within her handbag only to
accepting an ‘as directed’ trip. I’m sure Easter
petitor, at least it is a taxi competitor - how-
find that it said Sheldon Square - around 100
time would give you plenty of time to survey
ever, its value is obviously dropping signifi-
metres away! Had she said where she was
our members on very long taxi ranks. With
cantly. Sadly, nothing lasts forever. There is a
going through the luggage door as everyone
private hire, other radio taxi companies and
more detailed explanation in Brian Rice’s
else does, I would have given her the option of
now the app brigade after our customers, I
Chairman’s Report on page 4 of this issue
saving money - her ‘legal’ showed that she had
think we may have to think again about how
no intention of giving it away.
Call Sign April 2012
Page 34
Continued from page 33
charge, just send us as much info as possible
on the person you would like Hans to visit on
your behalf …Ed
Secondly, last year I asked Allan Evans if he
please set out your reasons in writing and
could get permission from the Carriage
send to:
My EGR was blocked!
Office to allow us to put a notice on the par-
Customer Relations, PO Box
Hi Al
tition that reads: If you would like to go a
Warrington, WA55 1EL. Phone 0207 641
I read the interesting article All Blocked Up in
particular way, please inform the driver at
1743 or Fax 0207 641 1744.
the March Call Sign regarding EGR valves
the beginning of the trip. Any news on that?
Email: parkingservices@westminster.gov.uk.
getting blocked up. It certainly sounded like
And by the way, I loved the March cover
my cab! However, I went to my local car
photo of the AGM in the snow…
accessories shop and bought a fluid manu-
And speaking of
Sid Nathan (K88)
factured by Wynns that is said to specifically
So far as the EC2 job is concerned, dispatch-
clean injectors and EGR valves. I had never
ers are asking drivers to accept trips in the
used it before but thought I’d try it. So far it
Hi Alan
system as they make their way through the
has been like an ‘effing miracle! All traces of
I read with interest page 7 of the March Call
zones before reaching the bids if possible.
black smoke have gone, been deceased, are
Sign, re NSL (Wardens operate PCN quota
I spoke to John Mason at LTPH about your
no more! Yep, an ‘effing miracle!
system). In Sept 2011 I received a parking
sign and while there is no such official sign
Mickey Lappin (E46)
ticket from NSL/Royal Parks for returning 5
available, they have no objection to you
Are you trying to say something Mick!!! ...Ed
minutes late to my cab at the Inner Circle,
putting one up
- preferably in English
Regents Park. I wrote a letter to NSL to appeal
though! Hopefully you will now be in posses-
Buses caught in yel-
without success and duly paid £40. One rea-
sion of a sign I made earlier! As for
son I gave for appealing was that the web
Moorgate, I’ll say a prayer. Let me know if
low boxes?
address quoted on my Excess Charge Notice
that works! …Ed
for checking parking terms and conditions
Having just read Stephen Hassan’s (P95) let-
on the Royal Parks website was wrong. I left
Thanks to a fellow
ter in the March Call Sign regarding
the matter a while before deciding last
PCNs and yellow box junction fines, he asks
month to write a FOI request to the Royal
how many buses receive PCNs for stopping
Parks, asking how many ECNs have been
Hi Alan
in box junctions? Well I can answer this for
issued with the incorrect web address?
I would like to thank Tony Fairey (C44) for
him because after receiving a box junction
Thinking it might be a handful, I was sur-
his assistance recently to change the rear
PCN where my rear tyres were in the last two
prised this morning when I received a reply
wheel on my cab which had suffered a punc-
feet of a box for five seconds and then seem-
stating that over the last 3 years aprox 18,500
ture that left me immobile - even though I
ing to have every junction blocked by a bus
ECNs have been issued with the incorrect
was stopped in DaC’s car park! His timely
for the next few days, I decided to ask
intervention was most appreciated and
Westminster Council how many buses had
No wonder they also add that it isn’t a statu-
helped stop a weak back from giving me fur-
received a PCN for box junction offences in
tory obligation to publish the web address on
ther grief as he nimbly swapped over the duff
the last year? This was done under a Freedom
the ECN...
tyre for the spare wheel, saving me the task of
of Information request. I attach their
Steve Thomas (N10)
struggling alone. Who said DaC camaraderie
response, which shows just one PCN in the
Read Philip Benjamin’s article on the subject
was extinct? Don’t believe a word of it. It’s
previous year was issued to a bus company!
of PCNs and websites inside this issue…Ed
alive and well! Again, many thanks…
So the next time that you are sitting at a junc-
Alan Green (E52)
tion and find your path blocked by that
I’m surprised you didn’t take a photo of him
inconsiderate bus driver, just remember that
Identifiers and the
sweating whilst you finished your coffee!
it’s one rule for them and another for us!
Dean Mussett (M40)
This is the answer Dean received. We have to
Hi Alan
say he was extremely fortunate because many
It was surprising to find on 1 March when ID
And thanks for Call
drivers over the years have attempted to get
stickers became compulsory, just how many
Sign to the LVTA!
this information with the standard response
taxis risked a hefty fine by not having them
Hello Hans
being that councils do not keep records about
on display. Even today (14 March) there are
Thank you for sending the latest edition of
individual types of vehicle. Apparently they
still a sprinkling of taxis without them. What
Call Sign Online my way. Amongst others,
were lying, so very well done Dean …Ed
these IDs show is the startling difference
the article on page
16 about our
between us being identified and minicabs.
Dear Mr Mussett,
Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, was well
The ID numbers on taxis are clearly dis-
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000:
written by Josie Allison and well received by
played in large figures on both front and rear
Request for information:
this writer. Only time will tell if he goes from
of the taxi behind clear glass on a green or
Thank you for your request for informa-
hopeful to winner.
yellow background for all and sundry to see -
tion. You have requested the following infor-
Lloyd Powell
which brings me to the IDs displayed on
Palm Beach, Florida
minicabs. Minicab ID or licence stickers are
How many CCTV PCNs have been issued
Based in Holland, Hans Dooren is the PR
displayed on the front and rear of their vehi-
to buses for yellow box junction offences
man of the London Vintage Taxi Association
cles with absolutely no chance of reading the
from 2 December 2010 until 2 December
and forwards a copy of Call Sign Online to all
2011? In response to your request I can
details unless you are within six inches from
LVTA members. Hans has an ongoing offer
advise you of the following: One vehicle has
where the sticker is displayed. In addition,
to all Dial-a-Cab drivers to visit the war grave
been issued with a PCN under the above cri-
the rear windows on many of these vehicles
of any driver’s relative who is buried at any of
are at such an angle that a low flying aircraft
the Netherlands war grave sites. There is no
If you are not satisfied with this response,
has more chance of reading the licence stick-
Call Sign April 2012
Page 35
Continued from page 34
plaining about drivers still not displaying ID
stickers. I don’t think they are too concerned
er than a pedestrian. And if it is behind tinted
if it’s just a case of forgetting to display them
glass, then there is no chance.
man was described as a cab driver. Surely
when they come out, but there is some con-
The 'pre-booked only private hire' sign
this newspaper should know that the
cern that these may be yellow badge drivers
seems to be displayed only on a very arbitory
expression ‘cab driver’ doesn’t apply to peo-
and anyone who says that we’re all taxi drivers
basis, so I shall be writing to TfL asking for
ple such as Bhatti. Even AL would be totally
so why worry, is in a tiny minority.
the following changes to minicabs:-
ashamed of that man and would not want to
Anyway Mike, let Call Sign know if you
be described in the same category as him.
1. Tinted glass should be banned on mini-
get a response from TfL re the stickers, but if
John Dixon (B67)
that response says they will change the little
I understand what you are saying John, but
2. Size of identity to be the same as
people’s identifiers, then there won’t be a
the TAXI article was a police press release -
licensed taxis.
May issue of Call Sign because I’ll eat it - as
although one that Call Sign declined to pub-
3. When the rear glass is severely angled to
I don’t own a hat! …Ed
lish as it had already appeared in several taxi
the sky, further licence stickers to be dis-
magazines with the same wording. So it was-
played on side window.
Cabs or cabs?
n’t just TAXI that suddenly decided to
4. Green background/surround, which is
Hi Alan
describe this person as a cabby …Ed
a remarkably similar shade of green to taxi
On page 8 of TAXI Newspaper dated 6
IDs, to be changed to another coloured back-
March, there was an article headlined as
ground other than yellow.
Tout jailed for sexual assaults. Several times
118 118 not for me
Changing tack, can I also say well done to
in the article it describes the perpetrator,
Stephen Hassan (P95) for getting Westminster
Amir Bhatti, as being a cab driver although it
Council to withdraw their PCN against him for
Hello Alan
begins by describing him as unlicensed. It
parking on the yellow lines by the RAF church.
I recently used directory service 118 118 to get
also says that just a few days before the
Unfortunately, the smart car that caught me
the number of LTPH. After they give it to you,
offence of sexually assaulting his female pas-
was parked on a yellow line, which they are
they also send a text with the number on - except
senger, he had groped another female pas-
allowed to do, and not behind road work barri-
that it also came with an ad for “taxi company”
senger. Both women also had money taken
ers. My thanks for his offer of help anyway. I
Addison Lee! There are many of these directory
via their cash cards on the same night they
also admitted stopping to use the loo and I
services and in future I shall be using one of the
were assaulted. A detective was quoted as
don't think going for a pee is classed as a com-
saying that the case should serve as a
others who know the difference between Taxis
mercial delivery - although some smart lawyer
reminder to women to take sensible precau-
and PH…
may argue the case.
tions when planning
a night out and to
Russell Walsh (P06)
Michael Lyons (Y52)
ensure they had a safe
way of getting home.
Perhaps the moustaches are getting in their
We have had quite a number of emails com-
And yet throughout the TAXI article, this
eyes! …Ed
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