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Call Sign December 2011
"Yes, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard
Decisions, decisions!
place and I really don't know what to do just
yet," Ricky Murphy (C32) admitted to Call
Ricky is one of
"I've been cabbing for around 4 years, with
around 5000
two of those years on Dial-a-Cab. I work
only a few days a week, preferring to spend
between now
time with my family rather than be a slave to
and 2015
the cab. I expect the cab to work for me, not
the other way around," he said with a smile.
whose cabs
"Now I hear that my Fairway will have to
will no longer
come off the road this time next year, so I real-
be licensed
ly will have to make a decision before then as
to what to do. I bought the cab at a good price
three years ago; it has been totally reliable
during that time with only a battery, alternator
and fan belt needing to be replaced. I have it
serviced regularly and it has just passed its
overhaul at the first presentation - and, it was
the cheapest overhaul so far!"
Ricky continued: "So you can understand
my reticence at having to replace it. I do not
really want to rent a cab because that would
mean working at least another day a week,
job, "so right now I'm putting off any decision
his cabbing life is still ahead of him, but he
nor do I wish to get on the treadmill of
as to what I will replace my loyal `bus' with until
sincerely believes that there is life other than
finance, so I am going to save as much money
much closer to the day of reckoning..."
driving his cab. But Ricky is just one of the
as I can during this last year of the cabs' life
There is a special Call Sign survey of other
estimated 5000 licensed taxis that will have to
and make a final decision nearer the time
drivers in Ricky's position on page 24, where
come off the road between now and 2015.
when we have to part company." Ricky told us
they talk of a possible gas conversion.
"I know there are other drivers out there with
that he already recognised that his final deci-
a similar outlook and position to me," Ricky said
© Call Sign Magazine MMX1
sion will not be an easy one. At 32 years old,
before going back out to try and trap another
Preferential rates for
Worshipful Company of Hackney
Carriage Drivers
legal services
While helping LTFUC's underprivileged children...!
WCHCD Master
Eddie Crossley
Legal firm Davenport Lyons, who are based in
joined other
Old Burlington Street, have been in existence for
Masters of City
Livery Companies
over 75 years and are accepted as one of the
at St Paul's on
most successful firms of its kind. They are now
6th November to
offering their services to Dial-a-Cab drivers - and
attend the 90th
indeed the licensed taxi trade as a whole if they
annual Livery
happen to read Call Sign! But this is a legal ser-
vice with something of a difference. Davenport
Service. Along
Lyons provide bespoke legal solutions service
with the other
Eddie in the Garden
delivered by their market-leading lawyers who
Masters, Eddie
of Remembrance
understand the challenges that clients ­ including
laid a Cross in
the world's finest taxi driving fleet - face.
But now they have come up with an idea
The day began with breakfast in the Crypt
below St Paul's and was followed by a service
that will provide you with the best possible
in the Garden. Afterwards, the laying of
help in your time of legal assistance, while at the same time helping the
wreaths in the gardens was led by
London Taxidrivers' Fund for Underprivileged Children because every fee they
Sheriff Alderman Alan Yarrow and Sheriff
receive from a taxi driver client will see 10% donated to the LTFUC! And those
Wendy Mead. Alderman Yarrow made a
fees will be preferential rates and agreed beforehand, so there is no question
The Service was attended by the Lord Mayor,
of Davenport Lyons just adding that 10% to your cost. The 10% will come
St Paul's Clergy, VIPs and Royal British Legion
from the company's profit.
personnel. This year the Clerk to the WCHCD,
Mary Whitworth, accompanied the Master.
Among the services offered are:
The Exhortation...
They shall grow not old, as we that are
left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years
If you need any of the above, then ask for Nick Hall on 020 7468 1623. His spe-
At the going down of the sun and in the
ciality is wills, inheritance tax planning and the above, but if you are looking
for something else he'll be happy to find the right person for you
We will remember them
When you go home tell them of us and
If you have always used the same solicitors and are happy with them, that's great! But
say -
if you are looking for expert legal assistance and want to help a taxi trade charity at
For your tomorrow we gave our today
the same time, then contact Nick Hall on 020 7468 1623...
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