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Call Sign December 2011
Jon and the big press up!
As former DaC driver Jeff Foster recovers from a cancer operation
"I felt I wanted to do something to help, but
didn't know quite what," Jon Trevor
where his kidney was removed, Call Sign witnesses an amazing
(W94) told Call Sign referring to his friend
and former DaC subscriber `Yorkshire' Jeff
Foster, who had been off work for an
extended period of time after having had a
kidney removed due to cancer.
"Like me, in his younger days Jeff was
very sporty," Jon continued. "He was a for-
mer Saracens rugby player and I was a
professional boxer. I mentioned the dilem-
ma to my wife Rachel and she came up with
the idea of a sport-related fund-raising effort
in honour of Jeff. So, looking back over my
boxing training diaries from 25+ years ago
when I was achieving 500 sit-ups and 500
press-ups at least four times a week, I - or
should I say Rachel - decided that such an
achievement nowadays, when I'm down to
about 100 of each 3 times a week and 25
years on, would be a suitable target to aim
for and hopefully a fund-raiser to grab peo-
ples' support, raising as much money as
possible for Jeff. So yes, I can blame her I
guess! But I've been training up a while, so
I'm determined to succeed!"
Then Jon got ready to begin what
Jon warms up for his marathon push-up effort
many considered to be almost an
would raise public awareness of the condi-
impossibility for someone who hasn't
tion he and many others were suffering and
reached such targets for so many years,
that would make the day so very worth-
even though he still competes in the
occasional triathlon!
Jon also wanted to publicly thank and
The venue for the occasion was none
express his gratitude to members of the
other than the Grosvenor Gardens taxi
London Ex-Boxers Association, his cab-
shelter, itself an integral part of Dial-a-
bing colleagues, Call Sign and the many
Cab's history as it was here in 1952 and in
other supporters - too many to name - who
the back of his cab that founder Chairman,
have donated to the cause.
Bonnie Martyn got together with four
Anyone who would like to contribute,
other drivers and spoke of forming a tele-
simply leave an envelope marked Jon
phone / radio taxi service where the public
Trevor W94 in Drivers Reception or
could phone instead of hailing a cab in the
send it to Call Sign, 39/47 East Road N1
street. From that meeting of minds and
6AH and mark the envelope Jeff Foster
vision, the Owner Drivers Radio Taxi
Service was born.
So, under the shadow of the shelter
© Call Sign Magazine MMX1
and aided by fellow DaCman Chris
Hanrahan (B47) who acted as referee
and physio, Jon began his warming-up
"Chris has offered to be my impartial
observer and official counter, because I
Call Sign's Alan Green raises Jon's hand
don't want anyone to think I have cheated,"
in victory
Jon said while still able to smile! But that
smile would soon vanish as the enormity of
looked as though he was going to fail right
his task ahead slowly dawned on him. Jon
at the last knockings, each movement caus-
went to his mark.
ing him extreme pain (see cover pic). But his
With grunts, the occasional groan and
years of triathlon meant that pain was
plenty of sweat and utter, focussed determi-
something he had learned to ignore. Three,
nation, Jon battled his way through the first
two and then just one and the 1000 exercis-
300. The next 200 were looking tougher but
es were completed, thanks to Jon's sheer
Jon ploughed through them. Then it sud-
resolute attitude to complete the task for his
denly dawned on those watching that he
friend Jeff. He collapsed onto the hard
still had another 500 to go! He was sweat-
ground as a huge cheer went up from all
ing profusely and looking tired. His rhythm
those present. He managed to get up and
was slowing. As he reached 800, he looked
held his arm aloft ­ probably painful in
as though he was in a state of hypnosis.
Then it was 900 and there was even the
Having caught his breath a little, Jon told
thought of forcibly stopping Jon completing
Call Sign how Jeff Foster had always spo-
the task because he was looking almost ill.
ken so highly of the medical team and staff
Then it was 950 and every push or sit up ­
at Guys Hospital and the care he had
he was mixing the two to avoid boredom ­
received. While being very grateful for any
became a major operation. Then there were
funds Jon had raised in sponsorship, Jeff
just 10 to go. Chris tried counting down
also hoped that Jon's amazing achievement
towards one to encourage Jon, but he
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