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Call Sign December 2011
As the first taxi apps makes their entrance,
DaC's Jon Robinson asks...
What `appens next!!!
ently signed up! Perhaps I'm missing
but they seem to be losing the battle to the big
something here, but all the names men-
two. One runs alongside private hire compa-
So, after much hype including articles in some
tioned seem to be good customers of the
nies that allow passengers a choice of 4 prices!
of the Sunday supplements, the app brigade
London Cab trade already! Take back from
With some of the taxi apps expecting you to
have arrived on the London Taxi scene with
private hire? Hmm...
arrive on a dead clock with a then 5-minute
HailO, backed by venture capital companies
free waiting time and with it coming up to
GetTaxi drivers pay £5 per week and 10% of
Atomico and  Wellington Partners  and
Christmas, coverage could be problematic and
any account fare or £1 for any cash ride. Not
GetTaxi, which began its life in Israel with a
actually paint the trade as being unreliable.
sure if they too start with a dead clock,
$9.5million investment. Strangely for London`s
There are also said to be fixed prices at much
because that and a 10% discount sounds like
`black' taxi trade, both new apps have yellow
reduced rates to get you home. It may sound
minicab rates. Or perhaps that's where we're
for their colour of choice!
fantastic news for those that use licensed taxis,
HailO say drivers pay "only a small com-
but it sounds like a price war to me and I real-
The GetTaxi technology is said to have cost
mission" ­ although 10% seems quite a lot to
ly don't think there is too much chance of
some $2million, but with institutional invest-
me - for each job dispatched via their system.
winning back work from the PH trade via the
ment let's hope that doesn't include a PLC with
There are no run-ins on these trips and a five
new taxi apps - after all, PH will just cut prices
shares in a large private hire company!
minute waiting period on arrival before the
even more and as we know, their drivers must
So back to HailO; the first 50,000 jobs are
meter goes on. Handy for restaurant jobs so
do what they are told.
said to be offered free to drivers, so I wonder
that the customer can settle their bill first and
So in ending, I must ask the Board at DaC
how much a job is going to cost after that?
perhaps finish their drink while the driver
whether I should worry. Can I use my smart
They claim it is another string to your bow.
waits unpaid! However, there are no subscrip-
phone to sign up to two or three of these apps
Does that mean they don't mind you being fit-
tions for the driver and no charge to any
while still at DaC? Will we - indeed can we -
ted to DaC and using their app to pick up
account clients - no doubt the driver is paying
carry on and wait for the recession to end and
ours, yours or their customers?
for that in substantially lower fares.
expect our old customers to flood back?
I know their sales teams have been into
GetTaxi say in their ads that winning cash
Perhaps we can change the way we bill our
many of our accounts. I took one of our
work back lost by the radio circuits to
customers for certain types of trip so that they
account clients to their launch event and he
Addison Lee and other PHV companies is
match the way PH do theirs showing an all-in-
told me that DaC should also offer an app
their aim, yet when I read the advertorial in
one price? With `roaders' becoming rarer and
because he had to open an account with those
some of the trade papers, it says that they
fixed prices apparently not an answer, the
`black people carriers from Camden' so that
have "arrived" and that City law firms are
question has to be whether indeed there is an
his son can get to school via the app - even
opening accounts! They even include a
though the client claims he detests that com-
German bank that is a long-standing Dial-a-
pany! I tell him I'm pretty sure DaC offer an
Cab client and say they have "signed con-
app facility. He looks amazed!
tracts" with them! However, from what I hear
Jon Robinson (E88)
There are also some others apps around,
not only is that news to the bank, but they are
also rather irritated at untrue stories circulating
about them!
You may not need us now, but cut us out for when you do!
Even the RAC Club with its well-stocked
two cab rank on its doorstep has appar-
MBH New Group
Finance Director
All types of locks, opened, repaired and replaced
10% discount on keys and locks for DaC drivers
LTI parent company Manganese Bronze
Holdings, have announced the appointment
Transponders / chipped keys
of Peter Johansen as Group Finance
On site key cutting services including taxis
Director. He joins the company from 1
Locks replaced / fitted to insurance specifications (BS3621
December having previously held that position
at Brintons Carpets Limited since 2005, playing
Burglary repairs / boarding up
an instrumental role in establishing its new fac-
Additional security / security upgrades
tory in Suzhou, China.
He has wide experience of international
Safes opened, repaired and serviced
global businesses gained while working previ-
Grilles and security gates
ously for Jotun A/S and MacDermid plc. Mr
Specialists in UPVC doors and windows / patio doors
Johansen has a BSc (Hons) degree in
International Banking and Finance and an MBA
Free estimates / no call out charge
from the London Business School. He is a
24hr service
Fellow of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales.
MBH Chairman Tim Melville-Ross said: "I
You can find us at:
am delighted that Peter Johansen is joining us
8-10 The Arcade, Farnham Road, Harold Hill
and I believe that he will make a significant
contribution to the future success of MBH."
Tel: 01708 371115
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