Call Sign December 2011
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Monday 24 October was nothing
DaC driver Gary Beckett and a day to forget...
unusual. In fact, for most Dial-a-
Cab drivers working that day it
was pretty insignificant with the
first day of half term leaving its
usual mark on the trade ­ one of
boredom at the lack of people
around £30 on the clock and I should have
pulled away and wiped my mouth, but that
floating around the capital. But
moment of indecision allowed the girl to get
for one DaC driver, it was a day
back in followed quickly by him.
that would stay in his memory
I took the view of keeping quiet and lock-
ing the front doors. If I was lucky enough to
for years to come...
get paid at the end, I'd take the money
Gary Beckett (W33J) was scratching around
through the partition opening. I hadn't kept
looking for work that morning among a sea of
the doors locked earlier because I thought that
yellow `for hire' lights. It wasn't a day for get-
he might have been irritated by the action and
ting bilked ­ let alone getting turned over twice
damaged inside the cab.
in addition to witnessing a woman getting run
As we got to Vauxhall, he directed me into
over! Gary picks up the story for Call Sign...
a street off Kennington Lane. The road is 50
"It was around 10.30am. I picked up two
yards long and he says he lives in the "nice"
Arab boys aged around 18 with their shopping
flats behind Pitch Black Green.
bags and took them to Montrose Court
There was £60+ on the meter as they both
in Exhibition Road. I pulled up with £8.60 on
he wanted my badge and registration number! I
got out. Even though the front was locked,
the meter when suddenly both doors opened
doubt that he called the police because he pan-
they made no attempt to come round and he
and the pair ran off in different directions. I just
icked when I suggested it. The Polish woman
just stared at me as they both walked away
sat there getting all philosophical ­ getting this
was still standing there, people had come out
year's bilk out of the way etc. I put it down to
from me across the green. Unlike the morning
of the embassy and I certainly looked like pub-
two young boys on school holidays having
bilk, I made no attempt to run after them.
lic villain number one. I started wondering if
what they thought was a laugh - and it was only
Both the cab and I were in one piece and that
this could all go the wrong way!
£8 or so, so why worry! Let's just move on...
was worth losing £60. I won't be picking them
I calmed down and envisaged a 2-hour
So I reset the meter and drove down
up again though and because I suspect they
police session, so I had no alternative but to
Exhibition Road looking at the new road layout -
have done it before, I'm describing the pair to
give him a sneer, get back into my cab and go
and for a job! I decided to turn round and drive
Dial-a-Cab drivers just in case.
back to work. He didn't want the matter to go
back up towards Hyde Park. Driving back past
She is white and ginger-haired; he is
further for obvious reasons and as I drove off,
Montrose Court, I saw one of the two bilkers. He
either a light-skinned West Indian or pos-
he gave me a smug wave!
was looking at me, half smiling with a look on
sibly a half-caste male. They apparently
Ah well, at least that was now behind me and
his face of I did ya! I opened the cab door; he
live in flats somewhere behind Pitch Black
the day could only get better... some hopes!
tried legging it but I caught him in a doorway to
Green behind the Vauxhall Tavern pub
the Court. He was screaming that he hadn't ever
My worst day... part 2!
(under the bridge at Vauxhall).
got into the cab. I moved him out onto
It was now 7pm and the day hadn't got much
I have to wonder whether Call Sign could
Exhibition Road so that I could watch my
busier. Then a ginger-haired girl flagged me
publicise the question of asking for payment up
unlocked cab and noted a woman looking round
down outside St Georges Wharf at Vauxhall.
front, particularly as regards the legal aspect. I
it. The guy still wouldn't give me my money, so
She looked quite normal in a beige-like
had a feeling that had I asked this fella for cash
I said I'd call the police. I didn't, I just pretended
Burberry mac. At the window she pleasantly
up front, the reply would have been that it was
to. On hearing the word police, he tried to run
asked for Kilburn close to Willesden Lane and
because he was black. At that time, I had no
but I grabbed him tightly and he said he'd give
in passing added that she lived there with her
idea he was tooled up with a machete! It would
me the £8.60 ­ amazingly for someone who had
mum but was in the process of leaving NW6
be interesting to know what the position is with
never been in my cab he knew the exact amount!
and moving down to Vauxhall. She has to pick
putting up a polite notice in the cab asking for
Taking account of the time I'd been put out, I
up a few bits and pieces at a time and would
cash up front? The sign could read:
said I wanted a tenner. He refused and with that
be doing it several more times over next few
At the start of the journey, please advise the
the woman who was looking at my cab now
days and weeks. Life story over, she got in the
driver if you are paying by cash or credit card.
stood between the bilker and me.
cab but out of nowhere a man jumped in
For cash rides estimated as coming to over £15,
If anyone watches Alan Partridge, just think
behind her. He's as nice as pie at this stage to
the driver may ask for payment in advance.
me, to Miss Burberry and to whomever he was
of his polish girlfriend as this woman looks and
chatting to on the phone.
sounds just like her! She asked why I was
And finally...
At Kilburn, she goes to see "mum" while he
`harassing this young man' and I quickly said
The day was unreal and I can honestly say
stays in the cab and tells me they will have to
how he had run off without paying and that I
that I have never had day like it in 30 years.
go back to Vauxhall to get the money! He is
wanted my money. She suddenly said she was
Besides the two bilks, I witnessed a woman
again very nice and polite, but I just knew then
a lawyer and had looked into my taxi, but as
get run over right in front of me. She was
that this was another wrong `un. I would have
there was no money on the meter how could I
thrown around 6feet into the air, but amazing-
said no, but he suddenly began to sound a bit
prove he owed me anything? Suddenly seizing
ly just got up!
agitated when Miss Burberry got back in and
his chance, the bilker said he had never been in
And as a bonus to this incredible day that
spoke to him. They said we'd have to drive to
my cab and didn't understand what was going
I'm still not sure wasn't just a bad dream, a
a block of flats nearby in Kilburn, where he
on. I said he had already offered to pay me the
man jumped into the cab in the dark at traffic
got out but left his bags. He "suggested" that I
£8.60 and asked how she would like being
lights. When I looked round, he's got this mas-
didn't get out of the cab! I soon discovered
robbed on her way to work, but she wasn't hav-
sive Staff crossed with a Bullmastiff and pro-
why when I heard loud arguing and he came
ing it. She said she thought I'd stopped the cab,
ceeded to tell me how he was going to the
running out with 3 black guys armed with
came over to this guy and begun harassing him.
Park where he lets it off the lead to get other
knives chasing him. At that point, a huge row
I told her what I thought of her synopsis but she
dogs! Smiling, he added that his dog was ok
started between him and her when she got out
told the guy I was harassing him and that he
with girls but hated blokes. Another loony!
briefly and stopped him using a machete -
should call the police. She then stood aside and
Surely I'd already had my fill for one day!!!"
which he had tucked into his trouser leg! He
`bilker junior' duly obliged.
was going wild and it wouldn't have taken
With a crowd building and he playing to it,
Gary Beckett (W33J)
much to make him totally explode! There was
he smiled and in his best RADA voice declared
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