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Call Sign December 2011
reflections of the chairman
moil going on in the money markets, we
will probably get more of the same - espe-
You have probably heard of GetTaxi and all
cially the way the media is making the pub-
the other numerous applications (apps) that
lic so apprehensive.
are available to taxi drivers. All of them are
Consequently, we must do everything
very keen to portray the fact that they are in
possible to secure our account base; every
the market place in order to win taxi work
account is precious and we must do every-
back from the minicab industry and obvi-
thing possible to maintain that base and
ously, that should be applauded by us all. I
yes, you will have to put yourselves out
have not commented before regarding
occasionally. You must remember it was not
these apps, as I did not wish to appear
too long ago when the public did not have
churlish and have them believe that the
too much choice, they had the big three
three radio circuits were in fear of losing
radio circuits and that was about it.
their drivers to them. However, certain
However, today there are a proliferation
statements have been made in recent times
of Private Hire companies that want your
that should be refuted by me.
account work, even more so now as you
It is obvious that Dial-a-Cab are not in a
have probably heard that Addison Lee have
position to refuse our members use of some
Hire and claimed that we had been
bought Lewis Day. That now makes them
of the apps they receive on their phone ­
instructed to acquire a Private Hire
bigger than possibly two of our radio cir-
how would we know anyway? However
Operators Licence - which was and is quite
cuits added together, they can offer a 15
GetTaxi, who actually install equipment into
ridiculous. I then entered into some very
minute ASAP service and at a cheaper price
the taxi, has openly stated that the three
amicable negotiations with LTPH and fur-
than us. So we must be vigilant and do the
radio circuits do not have any objection to
nished them with legal advice. The outcome
very, very best we can. It was not too long
them having their equipment fitted alongside
was that LTPH agreed we did not need an
ago - Christmas 2007 actually - when Dial-
ours ­ but nothing could be further from the
Operators Licence and so once again the
a-Cab paid members £521k in Christmas
truth. They are in direct competition with us
LCDC were actually shown up for what they
bonuses just to cover the account work!
and Dial-a-Cab would not agree to their
are, vindictive little people.
That seems an awfully long time ago now.
equipment being fitted alongside ours. They
I actually reproduced the letter I received
Remember, you are our Directors of first
did not even have the decency to check with
from LTPH in Call Sign just so there would
impressions and our clients will judge the
us before making their statement.
not be any doubt regarding their findings. The
DaC organisation by the standards you
In a later advertisement and although
LCDC then went into print to state they did not
maintain, please aim for the highest levels
they had previously stated they were in
at all times because as I've said so many
lie about the situation, they had simply been
existence to take work from minicabs, they
times before, our clients have a choice!
"misinformed" (is that similar to misinforma-
went on to say that they had taken 120
tion)? However, whichever way you look at it
accounts from the three radio circuits and
Finally, I would like to take this opportu-
they once again had egg on their face.
even acquired the Deutsche Bank (DB)
nity to wish all members and staff a very
As I have stated previously, it was over a
account! I have spoken to the other two cir-
happy Christmas...
year ago when that situation first materi-
cuits and to the best of their knowledge,
alised, so can you imagine my reaction
they have lost nothing to GetTaxi; the same
Brian Rice
when I received a telephone call from the
applies to us at Dial-a-Cab.
legal department of TfL regarding that inci-
Naturally I was quite concerned when
dent of 12 months back? Well, I couldn't
their ad claimed to have taken the DB
stop laughing because the Chairman and
account because I knew it was totally false,
committee of the LCDC had now applied to
consequently, I contacted DB with the
TfL under the Freedom of Information Act to
news. As you can imagine, they were not
have supplied to them the legal advice I had
too impressed and contacted GetTaxi, who
submitted to TfL! TfL refused the request, so
eventually stated that they had inadvertent-
the vindictive little people appealed against
ly put out some `misinformation'.
the decision, consequently TfL contacted me
According to them, one individual who
to see whether I objected to the LCDC see-
happened to work for DB had used them.
ing the advice I had given them?
So with their tail between their legs, they
As you can no doubt imagine, I refused
had to publish a retraction in the 15
that request - which I am sure the LCDC
November issue of Taxi (page 8) admitting
appreciated. I am still at a loss to under-
that they had actually misled people. Those
stand why and how these small minded,
were not the actual words they used, but
petty and vindictive individuals can see fit
`misinformation' and `misled' are pretty sim-
to spend time ­ not to mention their mem-
ilar. I just hope that in the future they actu-
ber's money - in an attempt to discredit me
ally print the truth and not endeavour to
and even then, just for purely personal rea-
mislead the trade and members of the pub-
sons. I know their Chairman, Mr Davis, fan-
lic with their `misinformation'.
cied himself as a boxer in the past, but
come on Grant, throw the towel in! I have
Freedom of informa-
beaten you on every occasion you have
taken me on and you may well finish up a
tion (FOI) and the
bit punch drunk. Mind you, the way you
London Cross Dressers
carry on, you probably are already!
Club (LCDC)
End of Year
You may remember just over a year ago, the
Another year has come and gone and it has
LCDC made a big issue of the fact they had
been a pretty tough one and I just hope we
reported us to London Taxi and Private
all fare better in 2012. But with all the tur-
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