End of Year Audit As most of you are aware, our Financial Year concluded at the end of August. Since then we have had a team of Auditors here to verify our figures - which they have done - and as a result we are now in the process of producing our End of Year Report. You will all receive a copy of this early in the New Year, along with the remainder of your AGM papers. The previous year’s figures (ending August 2007) was a record and the best year in regards of turnover that this Society had ever experienced in fifty five years of trading. Consequently, we are comparing this year’s results against figures that were attained during that best-ever year! Nevertheless we have not done too badly with turnover down less than £500k and when that is compared to a total turnover of around £50million, then under the circumstances and the terrific downturn in the global economy, we have not fared too badly. The fall in our turnover, when expressed in percentage terms, equates to less than 1%. However, I do not expect the above trend to continue and I believe turnover will fall considerably more during the current financial year. While we have budgeted for a 20% fall in turnover, even that could be a little optimistic. I just hope that I have got it wrong because nothing would give me greater pleasure than to say I made a mistake with my forecast and we experienced nothing like that 20% drop in turnover! As a Society, we can draw comfort that we do not have any debt to service and with the current economic climate as it is, that is an enviable position to be in. In addition, the fact that we have built a ‘war chest’ over the past few years when times were better, will stand us in good stead to weather the economic storm that we are currently experiencing and will continue to experience, certainly for the short term at least. I know the above will not help you as individuals, but hopefully it will bring some comfort knowing |
![]() that your Society has beenmanaged better than some others in our industry. Yellow badges
in London? |
ranks’ where yellow badge drivers were allowed to move closer to
town in an attempt to service areas that were neglected or poorly serviced
by green badge drivers. How times change in an economic downturn where most
people are, quite rightly, only interested in their own economic survival! I will raise this issue on my next visit to the PCO and hopefully go some way to having the situation remedied, as it does not do anyone any favours by having suburban drivers working in town. Our own problems! 2008 AGM Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and as it is not going to be a prosperous New Year – a very healthy one. Brian Rice |
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