As we said two months ago -
before the rest of the trade press jumped onto our backs to say
the consultation paper had not yet been completed so we must
have been wrong about the 6-month check being abolished -
Call Sign’s Danny Fresco was the person who asked Mayor
Boris Johnson to confirm what he had already told our readers in
the February 2008 issue when he said as clearly as he
could: "I will scrap the midyear inspections. They add to the
cost of the licence and are an unnecessary burden on cab
drivers." On November 4th, the PCO confirmed it following the completion of the consultation |
Goodbye 6-month checks, welcome to the £36 on-the-road check! AS WE WERE SAYING BEFORE BEING INTERRUPTED |
![]() Taxis back to one visit a year at SGS |
document for taxis and private
hire vehicles. They issued a rather snotty statement that told
us Transport for London had decided to remove the requirement
for taxis to undergo a mid-year inspection as a condition of
licensing with effect from 6 November 2008 (unless you were
scheduled for a retest) and probably replacing the inspections
with increased on-street compliance checks in line with Option 1
of the consultation document. Snotty? What other word can describe the following (ok, perhaps chutzpah) from the PCO? "Licence fees will be adjusted in due course to reflect the abolition of mid-year inspections and any potential increase in on-street compliance checks. Until then the licence feewill remain at £178 and owners will be required to pay this fee when booking a taxi licensing inspection appointment on or after 6 November 2008." They added: "Once the new licence fee has been set, refunds will be made to all taxi owners who will have paid a licence fee of £178 and whose taxis will not have been required to undergo a mid-year inspection." |
Following a TfL
Board meeting, Mayor Boris Johnson said: "During my election
campaign earlier this year, it became clear to me from
conversations with cabbies that the mid-year inspections were a
burden they could live without. And our figures clearly show the
inspections have not achieved their aims of raising standards or
improving the pass rate for annual inspections. By abolishing
the mid-year inspections, the Public Carriage Office (PCO) will
be able to reduce the licence fee, meaning taxi owners will
benefit from less administration and better value for money."
So how much are we going to be charged for sending out extra enforcement officers to have our own vehicles checked? Call Sign also believes that the proprietor’s organisation, the LMCPA led by A1 Garage boss Ivan Kovler, changed their stance from being in favour of the half-yearly check to coming out against it. Once that happened, the consultation document became a fait accompli. Private Hire Vehicles will still need two MoTs a year… |
This month’s jokes sent in by Peter
Hallett (S01) On the dole… A young man walked into the local dole office, marched straight up to the counter and said confidently: "Hi, I hate signing on, I would really rather find a job." The man behind the counter replied: "Your timing is immaculate, sir! We've just got a listing from a very wealthy man who wants a chauffeur / bodyguard for his nymphomaniac daughter. It involves driving around in a big black Mercedes with suits, shirts and ties provided. Because the job involves long hours, meals will also be provided. You will also be required to escort the young lady on her overseas holidays. The salary package is £100,000 a year." The young man said: "You're kidding me, man!" To which the guy behind the counter replied: "Well, you started it…!"
Last words… |
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