At an estimated count,
some 220 people went along to Rainham
Jewish Cemetery on Sunday 29 February to
bid a final and fond farewell to
Dial-a-Cab driver, Lenny Bell (L01)
and to see the marble stone that had
been added to his grave.
On the day of his funeral in March 2005, thick cloud cover made it
look even bleaker than it already was.
But for his stonesetting - although
bitterly cold - the sun shone brightly
out of a crystal-clear blue sky.
Len, who died of cancer at the young age of 60, was very popular
and that showed by the large number of
DaC drivers present. In fact, so large
were the total numbers of friends and
family present that they only just
fitted in the hall standing up.
The Rabbi gave a brief synopsis of Len’s life and it was
undoubtedly the life of a battler. It
included being struck down by and
recovering from Polio as a young boy.
Even the cancers that killed him ran
into double figures before he finally
succumbed to them.
In June 2003, Len and Stephanie’s daughter Julia gave birth to
twins – Mathew and Georgia - and they
soon became the love of Len’s life and
as Len’s son Gavin said in a moving
speech, his dad may not have seen them
growing up, but he at least had those
months of delight at having them around.
Stephanie Bell asked Call Sign to thank all the DaC drivers who
turned up.
"Nothing can bring Len
back," she told us, "but it is a
great consolation to see so many of his
friends here to pay their respect. It
really is appreciated."
Alan Fisher
Big Al (to Len) |